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A World on the Wing: The Global Odyssey Of Migratory Birds
by Scott WeidensaulNew York Times Bestseller Finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize A Library Journal Best Science and Technology Book of the Year An exhilarating exploration of the science and wonder of global bird migration. In the past two decades, our understanding of the navigational and physiological feats that enable birds to cross immense oceans, fly above the highest mountains, or remain in unbroken flight for months at a stretch has exploded. What we’ve learned of these key migrations—how billions of birds circumnavigate the globe, flying tens of thousands of miles between hemispheres on an annual basis—is nothing short of extraordinary. Bird migration entails almost unfathomable endurance, like a sparrow-sized sandpiper that will fly nonstop from Canada to Venezuela—the equivalent of running 126 consecutive marathons without food, water, or rest—avoiding dehydration by "drinking" moisture from its own muscles and organs, while orienting itself using the earth’s magnetic field through a form of quantum entanglement that made Einstein queasy. Crossing the Pacific Ocean in nine days of nonstop flight, as some birds do, leaves little time for sleep, but migrants can put half their brains to sleep for a few seconds at a time, alternating sides—and their reaction time actually improves. These and other revelations convey both the wonder of bird migration and its global sweep, from the mudflats of the Yellow Sea in China to the remote mountains of northeastern India to the dusty hills of southern Cyprus. This breathtaking work of nature writing from Pulitzer Prize finalist Scott Weidensaul also introduces readers to those scientists, researchers, and bird lovers trying to preserve global migratory patterns in the face of climate change and other environmental challenges. Drawing on his own extensive fieldwork, in A World on the Wing Weidensaul unveils with dazzling prose the miracle of nature taking place over our heads.
World Regional Geography: A Development Approach (8th edition)
by David L. Clawson Merrill L. JohnsonThis book is organized around the central theme of human development. Each author employs the human development theme to create a substantive volume on world regional geography that presents a vital, issues-oriented overview of the topic.
World Regional Geography: Global Patterns, Local Lives (Without Subregions) (Sixth Edition)
by Lydia Mihelic Pulsipher Alex A. Pulsipher Conrad Mac" GoodwinThe main goal of this book is to make global patterns of trade and consumption meaningful for students by showing how these patterns affect not only world regions but also ordinary people at the local level.
World Regional Geography: A Short Introduction
by John Rennie ShortWorld Regional Geography: A Short Introduction is a compact, focused, and affordable book that provides foundational materials with an emphasis on contemporary issues. The crisp text introduces students to the character of world regional geography--the distinctiveness of different parts of the world--but also the linkages and connections. Part One sets the scene: one introductory chapter discusses the opportunities and dangers in using maps, data, and different scales of analysis, while another surveys broad global trends. The second part of the book explores these trends in sharper focus in a concise geography of the major regions of the world: Central America and the Caribbean, South America, Europe, Russia and its neighbors, East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia, Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Australia and Oceania, and North America. Each chapter examines a region's environmental context, historical geography, economic transformation, urban and rural trends, social geography and geopolitics. Three features distinguish each regional chapter: · Focus spotlights a unique area within each region · Connections highlights a regional attribute that connects it to other regions · Subregions illustrates the diversity within each region This full-color text--featuring meticulously-crafted original maps--is ideal for instructors who prefer the versatility of a concise book with the advantage of a compelling text.
World Regional Geography Concepts
by Lydia Mihelic Pulsipher Alex A. PulsipherThe authors of World Regional Geography have answered the need for an exceptionally brief textbook for the evolving world regional course. In World Regional Geography Concepts, eight major thematic concepts frame the coverage and give students a way of approach the wealth of information in the text. Like the Pulsiphers' longer text, World Regional Geography Concepts emphasizes global trends and the interregional linkages that are changing lives throughout the world, humanizes geographical issues by representing the lives of women, men, and children in various regions of the globe.
World Regional Geography, Seventh Edition
by Lydia Mihelič Pulsipher Alex Pulsipher Ola JohanssonPulsipher's World Regional Geography, Seventh Edition, without Subregions shows the rich diversity of human life and demystifies global issues by representing the daily lives of men, women, and children in the various regions of our globe. The seventh edition uses a new thematic framework to organize information and help students think critically about the local and global impacts of environment; gender and population; urbanization; globalization and development; and power and politics. This edition is also available in a version that includes coverage of subregions (978-1-319-04804-4).
World Regional Geography (Without Subregions), Seventh Edition
by Lydia Mihelič Pulsipher Alex Pulsipher Ola JohanssonPulsipher's World Regional Geography, Seventh Edition, without Subregions shows the rich diversity of human life and demystifies global issues by representing the daily lives of men, women, and children in the various regions of our globe. The seventh edition uses a new thematic framework to organize information and help students think critically about the local and global impacts of environment; gender and population; urbanization; globalization and development; and power and politics. This edition is also available in a version that includes coverage of subregions (978-1-319-04804-4).
World Regions in Global Context: Peoples, Places, and Environments (5th Edition)
by Sallie A. Marston Paul L. Knox Diana M. Liverman Vincent J. Del Casino Paul F. RobbinsThe author provides a framework for understanding the global connections that affect the dynamic and complex relationships between people and the worlds they inhabit.
World Review: Environmental and Sustainability Education in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals
by Marco Rieckmann Rosalba Thomas MuñozThe global landscape of education has been reshaped by the COVID-19 pandemic, revealing the various challenges faced by countries worldwide. This book provides a comprehensive exploration of Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) across different countries, offering unique insights into their histories, challenges, achievements, and future ESE needs. From Africa to Oceania, the book delves into the vital role of ESE in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It highlights the diverse national discourses and the flexibility required to deliver effective global education programs. ESE practitioners, researchers, and policymakers worldwide will find inspiration and invaluable perspectives in this book.
World Savannas: Ecology and Human Use
by Jayalaxshm Mistry Andrea BeradiAn interdisciplinary text on the world's savannas, covering the geography, ecology, economics and politics of savanna regions. Savannas are a distinct vegetation type, covering a third of the world's land surface area and supporting a fifth of the world's population. There has been a wide range of literature on the subject, but the majority of work has focused on the ecology or development of savanna areas, ignoring the wider interdisciplinary issues affecting contemporary savannas. World Savannas aims to buck this trend, providing students with an up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to the global importance of savannas.
World Sea Fisheries (Routledge Revivals)
by Robert MorganFirst published in 1956, World Sea Fisheries gives a general survey of the sea fisheries of the world. It assesses their relative importance at a time when the growing world population placed an increasing strain on food supplies. It examines the forces which mould the character of sea fisheries in any region. As the book attempts to explain the basic reasons for their varying characters, its regional section is preceded by sections dealing with the physical factors affecting fisheries, and with fishing techniques and craft. The author gives chief attention to certain essential features of an area by giving the reader a more accessible source of important figures and isolating most significant features and trends from the mass of detailed and complex statistics provided by many countries. The volume also contains several maps. It will be a fascinating read for students and researchers of economic geography and general readers interested in the topic as it gives a rare glimpse into the fishing industry that existed almost seventy years ago.
World Soil Resources and Food Security (Advances in Soil Science)
by Rattan Lal B. A. StewartSoil-The Basis of All Terrestrial LifeAncient civilizations and cultures-Mayan, Aztec, Mesopotamian, Indus, and Yangtze-were built on good soils, surviving only as long as soils had the capacity to support them. In the twenty-first century, productive soil is still the engine of economic development and essential to human well-being. The quality of
World Soybean Research Conference Ii, Abstracts
by Frederick T CorbinThe result of strong international interest in the soybean, the World Soybean Research Conference II was held March 26-29, 1979, at North Carolina State University. This volume contains summaries of the more than two hundred papers presented at that meeting. The authors, international authorities in their fields, represent sixteen areas of professi
World Sustainable Development Outlook 2007: Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century (World Sustainable Development Outlook Ser.)
by Allam AhmedThe World Sustainable Development Outlook series has been developed to provide an overview of sustainable development, to discuss why it is important and to provoke forward thinking on the development of a more coherent approach to solving global problems related to sustainability through science and technology. In doing so, a holistic approach is used to critically examine the interrelationship between the natural, governmental, economic and social dimensions of our world and how science and technology can contribute to solutions. This is a truly global source book, which is reflected in the varied national and cultural origins of the contributors, as well as the topics and case studies covered. Each year a different theme will be covered. The theme of World Sustainable Development Outlook 2007 is the different dimensions of knowledge and technology management in the new era of information revolution and how they relate to sustainable development. Rapid innovation in information and communication technologies (ICTs) is clearly reshaping the world we live in. Countries are increasingly judged by whether they are information-rich or information-poor. It is estimated that 30–40% of the world's economic growth and 40–50% of all new jobs will be IT-driven. Education and knowledge are the chief currencies of the modern age, and can also be a strategic resource and a lifeline for sustainable development. Yet, in Africa, millions of people have never made a telephone call. The technological gulf between developed and developing countries (DCs) is likely to widen further with the rapid expansion of the internet and the speedy transition to digitalisation in the West. The impacts on DCs may include an increase in the so-called brain drain and growing dependence on foreign aid of a different kind – knowledge aid. There are fears that knowledge imperialism is already with us. What is clear is that most of the technological innovations in ICTs are Western-designed and fail to address the needs of the most disadvantaged. The interest of industrialised countries in the use of ICTs in DCs has largely been more concerned with the profitability of their own business enterprises than with any broader goals concerning the development of the host countries. DCs face the challenge of either becoming an integral part of the knowledge-based global economy or the very real danger of finding themselves on the wrong side of the digital divide. Successful management in the new millennium requires developing new methods and approaches to meet the challenges and opportunities of this information revolution while at the same time fostering sustainable development. Adopting a holistic approach, this book aims to critically examine the interrelationship between these different issues in order to reach solutions and a consensus for a better future, taking into account a variety of international, institutional and intellectual perspectives. It uses case and country studies in technological innovation and experience so that lessons in effective management of ICTs can be learned from successful initiatives, ideas and innovations.
A World to Live In
by George M. WoodwellA century of industrial development is the briefest of moments in the half billion years of the earth's evolution. And yet our current era has brought greater changes to the earth than any period in human history. The biosphere, the globe's life-giving envelope of air and climate, has been changed irreparably. In A World to Live In, the distinguished ecologist George Woodwell shows that the biosphere is now a global human protectorate and that its integrity of structure and function are tied closely to the human future. The earth is a living system, Woodwell explains, and its stability is threatened by human disruption. Industry dumps its waste globally and makes a profit from it, invading the global commons; corporate interests overpower weak or nonexistent governmental protection to plunder the planet. The fossil fuels industry offers the most dramatic example of environmental destruction, disseminating the heat-trapping gases that are now warming the earth and changing the climate forever. The assumption that we can continue to use fossil fuels and "adapt" to climate disruption, Woodwell argues, is a ticket to catastrophe.But Woodwell points the way toward a solution. We must respect the full range of life on earth -- not species alone, but their natural communities of plant and animal life that have built, and still maintain, the biosphere. We must recognize that the earth's living systems are our heritage and that the preservation of the integrity of a finite biosphere is a necessity and an inviolable human right.
A World to Live In: An Ecologist's Vision for a Plundered Planet
by George M. WoodwellA scientist makes a powerful case that preservation of the integrity of the biosphere is a necessity and an inviolable human right.A century of industrial development is the briefest of moments in the half billion years of the earth's evolution. And yet our current era has brought greater changes to the earth than any period in human history. The biosphere, the globe's life-giving envelope of air and climate, has been changed irreparably. In A World to Live In, the distinguished ecologist George Woodwell shows that the biosphere is now a global human protectorate and that its integrity of structure and function are tied closely to the human future. The earth is a living system, Woodwell explains, and its stability is threatened by human disruption. Industry dumps its waste globally and makes a profit from it, invading the global commons; corporate interests overpower weak or nonexistent governmental protection to plunder the planet. The fossil fuels industry offers the most dramatic example of environmental destruction, disseminating the heat-trapping gases that are now warming the earth and changing the climate forever. The assumption that we can continue to use fossil fuels and “adapt” to climate disruption, Woodwell argues, is a ticket to catastrophe.But Woodwell points the way toward a solution. We must respect the full range of life on earth—not species alone, but their natural communities of plant and animal life that have built, and still maintain, the biosphere. We must recognize that the earth's living systems are our heritage and that the preservation of the integrity of a finite biosphere is a necessity and an inviolable human right.
The World Today: Concepts And Regions In Geography
by Peter O. Muller Jan Nijman Harm J. de BlijThe World Today, Binder Ready Version, 7th Edition is the number one bestselling brief World Regional Geography textbook. The seventh edition continues to bring readers geographic perspectives on a fast-changing world through the regional view. Restructured chapters provide a macro review of important physical, cultural, and political characteristics, drawing upon up-to-date significant world events and crises. The cartographically superior maps have been updated for the seventh edition to offer an accurate and vast picture of the world--multi-layer, interactive, GIA maps have been added to WileyPLUS Learning Space. To complement the extensive map program, the majority of the photos have been taken by our authors during their field research, allowing the student to experience an authentic geographical viewpoint of our world.
The World Today: Concepts and Regions in Geography
by Peter O. Muller Eugene Joseph Palka H. J. de BlijTextbook on the geography of the world toward the close of the first decade of the twenty-first century as well as a guide to geographic ideas and perspectives, past and present.
The World Today: Concepts and Regions in Geography
by Jan Nijman Peter O. Muller Michael ShinIn the 8th edition of this market-leading title, The World Today continues to break new ground in the interpretation and teaching of world regional geography. The text explains the contemporary world’s geographic realms in terms of their natural environments and human dimensions in a clear and concise fashion. The authors look at the ways people have organized their living space, adapted to changing social as well as environmental circumstances, and continue to confront forces largely beyond their control ranging from globalization to climate change. <p> This book offers an approach to Geography that meshes theoretical concepts with regional realities. The evolving regional content of the chapters in the 8th edition of The World Today reflects the dynamic nature of the world’s geography; the changing and growing number of concepts mirror the progress of the discipline; and the ongoing introduction of new digital features reflects the instructional possibilities of new technologies.
World Tourism Cities: Developing Tourism Off the Beaten Track (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility)
by Peter Newman Robert MaitlandThis book presents new research on the capacity of big cities to generate new tourism areas as visitors discover and help create new urban experiences off the beaten track. It examines similarities and differences in these processes in a group of established world cities located in the global circuits of tourism. The cities featured are Berlin, New York, London, Paris, and Sydney. In these cities experienced city visitors are contributing to the ‘discovery’ of new places to visit. Many neighbourhoods close to the historic centre and to traditional attractions offer the mix of cultural difference and consumption opportunities that can create new experiences for distinctive groups of city users. Each of the cities included in the book offers rich experiences of the re-imagining and re-branding of neighbourhoods off the beaten track, and informative stories of the complex relationships between visitors, residents and others and of the ambitions of public policy to reproduce these new tourism experiences in other parts of the city. World Tourism Cities brings together current research in each of the cities and relates the often separate field of tourism research to some of the mainstream themes of debate in urban studies addressing topics such as consumption, markets and spaces. Drawing on original research in this important group of cities this book has significant messages for public policy. In addition the book engages directly with a range of important current academic debates – about world cities, about cities as sites of consumption and about the smaller scales at which urban neighbourhoods are being transformed. The range of cities and the messages about the making of attractive places provides a timely resource for those focused in this area and the book will also have an appeal among those experienced and sophisticated city users that it focuses on.
A World Trimmed with Fur: Wild Things, Pristine Places, and the Natural Fringes of Qing Rule
by Jonathan SchlesingerIn the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, booming demand for natural resources transformed China and its frontiers. Historians of China have described this process in stark terms: pristine borderlands became breadbaskets. Yet Manchu and Mongolian archives reveal a different story. Well before homesteaders arrived, wild objects from the far north became part of elite fashion, and unprecedented consumption had exhausted the region's most precious resources. In A World Trimmed with Fur, Jonathan Schlesinger uses these diverse archives to reveal how Qing rule witnessed not the destruction of unspoiled environments, but their invention. Qing frontiers were never pristine in the nineteenth century—pearlers had stripped riverbeds of mussels, mushroom pickers had uprooted the steppe, and fur-bearing animals had disappeared from the forest. In response, the court turned to "purification;" it registered and arrested poachers, reformed territorial rule, and redefined the boundary between the pristine and the corrupted. Schlesinger's resulting analysis provides a framework for rethinking the global invention of nature.
The World Until 1400 According to Ibn Khaldun: A Global History of Humanity
by Abdesselam CheddadiThis book explores the significance of Ibn Khaldun’s magnum opus, the Book of Examples, to our understanding of human history and the disciplines of anthropology, history, and sociology.Operating outside of the confines of the Western intellectual tradition, Ibn Khaldun’s the Book of Examples is perhaps the first attempt to propose a global history of humanity. In doing so, Ibn Khaldun pioneered approaches from what we today term sociology, anthropology, ecology, economics, geography, and urban studies. Drawing upon the Muqaddima and the other volumes of the Kitab al-Ibar, Cheddadi proposes novel ways of viewing human history and classifying societies. While Ibn Khaldun’s attempts to develop a true global history were ultimately flawed, Cheddadi argues that they nevertheless offer pertinent lessons for our attempts to write a global history and to understand the world today.This stimulating and original work on a seminal figure in Islamic sociology and historiography will be of interest to students and researchers across the humanities and social sciences.
World War II Map by Map (DK History Map by Map)
by DKExplore World War II in unprecedented detail with this compelling geographical guide. If you're interested in finding out more about one of the deadliest wars in history, then this war book is perfect for you. World War II Map by Map is an intricately detailed history book, that will encourage you to get a sense of the magnitude, mobility and speed at which the colossal armies swept through these vast landscapes during a war that claimed millions of lives and spanned through many areas globally. Follow the key developments of World War II in unprecedented visual detail, with more than 100 specially created historical maps covering all major theatres of war. Discover how the conflict raged around the globe on land, air, and sea, while timelines provide an in-depth chronology of events. Beautiful archival photographs, contemporary artefacts, and profiles of famous leaders reveal the full story of the war that shaped the modern world. So what are you waiting for? Journey back in time and uncover: - 9 main contemporary maps, including battle maps from both Allies and Axis countries, explain key events. - Easy-to-read text panels to accompany the maps for a deeper understanding of each topic. - Set out into 5 Chapters with 11 narrative overviews- 30 photo feature spreads exploring topics beyond the War- Produced in association with the Smithsonian Institution. Bursting with striking illustrations and full of fascinating detail, this world war 2 book is the ultimate gift for history students, general readers, and military history enthusiasts. Whether you enjoy watching military documents, or you&’re looking for the perfect gift for the history lover in your life, World War II Map by Map can be enjoyed by adults and children aged 12+ alike. Written by a team of historians headed by Richard Overy as a consultant, this history book for adults examines in detail how the most destructive conflict in history changed the face of our world. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery.So why stop there? The Map by Map series includes other titles such as History of the World Map by Map and Battles Map by Map, each detailing historical events and placing them in the context of geography. DK's luxurious Map by Map books are fantastic history gifts, packed with fascinating facts, high-quality photography, and detailed profiles and descriptions of people and events.
World Water Actions: Making Water Flow for All
by Francois GuerquinThis text is divided into three parts. Part I focuses on the need for management to assess the challenges of water scarcity and plan changes based on proper valuation and financial instruments, international co-operation and efficient use. Part II analyses the problems of water scarcity and the available solutions in each main sector: water supply and sanitation, energy, health, agriculture, ecosystems and biodiversity. Part III assesses the state of the debate following the third World Water Forum and sets out the priorities for action, including increased investment, institutional reform and capacity building in the water sector. Downloadable resources with extensive case studies and statistical data accompanies this text.