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Zooplankton Ecology

by M. Alexandra Teodósio and Ana B. Barbosa

This book aims at providing students and researchers an advanced integrative overview on zooplankton ecology, covering marine and freshwater organisms, from microscopic phagotrophic protists, to macro-jellyfishes and active fish larvae. The first book section addresses zooplanktonic organisms and processes, the second section is devoted to zooplankton spatial and temporal distribution patterns and trophic dynamics, and the final section is dedicated to emergent methodological approaches (e.g., omics). Book chapters include comprehensive synthesis, observational and manipulative studies, and sediment-based analysis, a vibrant imprint of benthic-pelagic coupling and ecosystem connectivity. Most chapters also address the impacts of anticipated environmental changes (e.g., warming, acidification).


by James Zumberge Robert H. Rutford James L. Carter

Laboratory Manual for Physical Geology, 14e is written for the freshman-level laboratory course in physical geology. In this lab, students study Earth materials, geologic interpretation of topographic maps, aerial photographs and Earth satellite imagery, structural geology and plate tectonics and related phenomena. With over 30 exercises, professors have great flexibility when developing the syllabus for their physical geology lab course.

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