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Showing 6,926 through 6,950 of 28,420 results

Earthquake Geology and Tectonophysics around Eastern Tibet and Taiwan (Atmosphere, Earth, Ocean & Space)

by Ching-Hua Lo Xiwei Xu Wen-Yen Chang Masataka Ando

This book collects a series of review articles summarizing the outcomes of collaborative research projects on the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake and the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, two of the largest and most disastrous earthquakes in Asia in the last two decades. The articles cover a broad range of aspects,including these earthquakes’ fundamental mechanisms, kinematics, and the geological and geophysical background of their fracture faults. Presenting comprehensive coverage, the book offers a valuable reference guide to these two devastating earthquakes.

Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Design

by Michele Maugeri Claudio Soccodato

Pseudo-static analysis is still the most-used method to assess the stability of geotechnical systems that are exposed to earthquake forces. However, this method does not provide any information about the deformations and permanent displacements induced by seismic activity. Moreover, it is questionable to use this approach when geotechnical systems are affected by frequent and rare seismic events. Incidentally, the peak ground acceleration has increased from 0. 2-0. 3 g in the seventies to the current value of 0. 6-0. 8 g. Therefore, a shift from the pseudo-static approach to performance-based analysis is needed. Over the past five years considerable progress has been made in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Design (EGED). The most recent advances are presented in this book in 6 parts. The evaluation of the site amplification is covered in Part I of the book. In Part II the evaluation of the soil foundation stability against natural slope failure and liquefaction is treated. In the following 3 Parts of the book the EGED for different geotechnical systems is presented as follows: the design of levees and dams including natural slopes in Part III; the design of foundations and soil structure interaction analysis in Part IV; underground structures in Part V. Finally in Part VI, new topics like the design of reinforced earth retaining walls and landfills are covered.

Earthquake Geotechnics: Select Proceedings of 7th ICRAGEE 2021 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #187)

by T. G. Sitharam Sreevalsa Kolathayar Ravi Jakka

This volume presents select papers presented at the 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics. The papers discuss advances in the fields of soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake engineering. Some of the themes include ground response analysis & local site effect, seismic slope stability & landslides, application of AI in geotechnical earthquake engineering, etc. A strong emphasis is placed on connecting academic research and field practice, with many examples, case studies, best practices, and discussions on performance based design. This volume will be of interest to researchers and practicing engineers alike.

Earthquake Hazard Assessment: India and Adjacent Regions

by T.G. Sitharam Sreevalsa Kolathayar

This book represents a significant contribution to the area of earthquake data processing and to the development of region-specific magnitude correlations to create an up-to-date homogeneous earthquake catalogue that is uniform in magnitude scale. The book discusses seismicity analysis and estimation of seismicity parameters of a region at both finer and broader levels using different methodologies. The delineation and characterization of regional seismic source zones which requires reasonable observation and engineering judgement is another subject covered. Considering the complex seismotectonic composition of a region, use of numerous methodologies (DSHA and PSHA) in analyzing the seismic hazard using appropriate instruments such as the logic tree will be elaborated to explicitly account for epistemic uncertainties considering alternative models (for Source model, Mmax estimation and Ground motion prediction equations) to estimate the PGA value at bedrock level. Further, VS30 characterization based on the topographic gradient, to facilitate the development of surface level PGA maps using appropriate amplification factors, is discussed. Evaluation of probabilistic liquefaction potential is also explained in the book. Necessary backgrounds and contexts of the aforementioned topics are elaborated through a case study specific to India which features spatiotemporally varied and complex tectonics. The methodology and outcomes presented in this book will be beneficial to practising engineers and researchers working in the fields of seismology and geotechnical engineering in particular and to society in general.

Earthquake Hazard Impact and Urban Planning

by Maria Bostenaru Dan Iuliana Armas Agostino Goretti

​The classical field dealing with earthquakes is called "earthquake engineering" and considered to be a branch of structural engineering. In projects dealing with strategies for earthquake risk mitigation, urban planning approaches are often neglected. Today interventions are needed on a city, rather than a building, scale. This work deals with the impact of earthquakes, including also a broader view on multihazards in urban areas. Uniquely among other works in the field, particular importance is given to urban planning issues, in conservation of heritage and emergency management. Multicriteria decision making and broad participation of those affected by disasters are included.

Earthquake-Induced Landslides

by Akihiko Wakai Hiroshi Yagi Keizo Ugai

Seismicity is a major trigger for landslides with often devastating effects. The Japan Landslide Society (JLS) therefore organized a meeting fully dedicated to the research area of earthquake induced landslides. The symposium covers all aspects of earthquake-induced landslides including the phenomena occurred in manmade embankments as well as in natural slopes in mountainous areas. In this comprehensive volume on landslide science the JLS presents the Proceedings of this First International Symposium on Earthquake-Induced Landslides, held in November 2012 in Kiryu, Japan.

Earthquake-Induced Structural Pounding

by Robert Jankowski Sayed Mahmoud

This books analyzes different approaches to modeling earthquake-induced structural pounding and shows the results of the studies on collisions between buildings and between bridge segments during ground motions. Aspects related to the mitigation of pounding effects as well as the design of structures prone to pounding are also discussed. Earthquake-induced structural pounding between insufficiently separated buildings, and between bridge segments, has been repeatedly observed during ground motions. The reports after earthquakes indicate that it may result in limited local damage in the case of moderate seismic events, or in considerable destruction or even the collapse of colliding structures during severe ground motions. Pounding in buildings is usually caused by the differences in dynamic properties between structures, which make them vibrate out-of-phase under seismic excitation. In contrast, in the case of longer bridge structures, it is more often the seismic wave propagation effect that induces collisions between superstructure segments during earthquakes.

Earthquake Nation: The Cultural Politics of Japanese Seismicity, 1868-1930

by Gregory K. Clancey

A cultural history of Japanese earthquakes at the turn of the 20th century and a look at their relationship to matters of modernization. The book synthesizes Japanese architecture, science, technology, labor, and art, while making theoretical contributions to the field of science studies.

The Earthquake Observers: Disaster Science from Lisbon to Richter

by Deborah R. Coen

Earthquakes have taught us much about our planet's hidden structure and the forces that have shaped it. This knowledge rests not only on the recordings of seismographs but also on the observations of eyewitnesses to destruction. During the nineteenth century, a scientific description of an earthquake was built of stories--stories from as many people in as many situations as possible. Sometimes their stories told of fear and devastation, sometimes of wonder and excitement. In The Earthquake Observers, Deborah R. Coen acquaints readers not only with the century's most eloquent seismic commentators, including Alexander von Humboldt, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, Karl Kraus, Ernst Mach, John Muir, and William James, but also with countless other citizen-observers, many of whom were women. Coen explains how observing networks transformed an instant of panic and confusion into a field for scientific research, turning earthquakes into natural experiments at the nexus of the physical and human sciences. Seismology abandoned this project of citizen science with the introduction of the Richter Scale in the 1930s, only to revive it in the twenty-first century in the face of new hazards and uncertainties. The Earthquake Observers tells the history of this interrupted dialogue between scientists and citizens about living with environmental risk.

Earthquake Phenomenology from the Field

by Zhongliang Wu Changsheng Jiang Xiaojun Li Guangjun Li Zhifeng Ding

Based on the field investigation and the summary of the published research results of the April 20, 2013, Lushan, Sichuan, China, MS7. 0 earthquake, having occurred along the same fault zone which accommodated the May 12, 2008, Wenchuan MS8. 0 earthquake, this Brief tries to describe and discuss the special earthquake phenomenology associated with both the local geology and the changing society. Since the occurrence of this earthquake, there have been the scientific debates on (1) the seismo-tectonics of this earthquake which has no primary seismic fault discovered on the surface of the ground; (2) the relation between this earthquake and the Wenchuan earthquake (i. e. , whether it can be considered as one of the aftershocks); and (3) how well have been accomplished in the reduction of earthquake disasters, 5 years after the Wenchuan earthquake. This Brief also tries to introduce the studies and practice of Chinese seismological agencies for the reduction of earthquake disasters. Due to language and cultural barriers, such an introduction makes sense not only for English readers but also for Chinese readers. For example, people (abroad) are always asking why there are so many Chinese seismologists working on earthquake prediction. In fact the Chinese wording 'earthquake prediction' has a much wider coverage than that in English. And actually the Chinese approach to (time-dependent) seismic hazard has no systematic difference from outside world in its methodology.

Earthquake Precursors in the Atmosphere and Ionosphere: New Concepts

by Sergey Pulinets Dimitar Ouzounov Alexander Karelin Kyrill Boyarchuk

This book discusses how the increased emanation of radon and other gases from the Earth’s crust in the vicinity of active tectonic faults triggers a chain of physical processes and chemical reactions in the atmospheric boundary layer and the Earth’s ionosphere over an earthquake area several days/hours before strong seismic shocks occur. It presents the two main concepts involved in this mechanism: atmosphere ionization and the global electric circuit. The Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) concept is strongly supported by experimental data showing the atmospheric and ionospheric precursors for major recent earthquakes including 2004 Sumatra; 2008 Sichuan, China; 2011 Tohoku, Japan; and 2015 Nepal. The book not only addresses the theoretical considerations but also includes information on experimental techniques used for precursor observations based on the space-borne systems. Providing practical methods of precursor identification and interpretation, it is an excellent textbook for graduate courses in geophysics, earthquake science, atmospheric physics and remote sensing. Moreover, it offers a wealth of information for scientists and experts from governmental and international agencies working in the fields of natural-disaster mitigation, response and recovery.

Earthquake Prediction

by Saumitra Mukherjee

This publication on earthquake prediction provides the fascinating research findings of earthquake prediction by studying space weather environment of the earth. The influence of changes in Sun is shown on the thermosphere, ionosphere, atmosphere and on lithosphere before the earthquakes.

Earthquake Prediction: Dawn of the New Seismology

by David Nabhan

Each year the world faces thousands of earthquakes of magnitude 5.0 or greater, resulting in devastating property destruction and tragic loss of life. To help avert these catastrophes, scientists have long searched for ways to predict when and where earthquakes will happen. The earth science establishment in the US says that earthquake prediction still lies outside the realm of possibility. But recent scientific developments across the globe suggest that seismic forecasting is on the horizon.Earthquake Prediction: Dawn of the New Seismology examines the latest scientific clues in hopes of discovering seismic precursors which may shed light on real earthquake prediction in the future. It is destined to be nothing less than an epoch-changing work, addressing this ancient enigma by joining the parts of a scientific detective story that ranges from the steppes of Russia to the coast of Chile, bringing to light astounding breakthroughs by researchers in Italy, India and elsewhere. Governments in countries such as China and Japan provide support for seismic forecasting, and it is time for our country to do the same. Earthquake Prediction makes the case, with an important message for the tens of millions of Americans on the US West Coast, the Mississippi River Valley, and other seismically active zones.

Earthquake Resistant Buildings

by M.Y.H. Bangash

This concise work provides a general introduction to the design of buildings which must be resistant to the effect of earthquakes. A major part of this design involves the building structure which has a primary role in preventing serious damage or structural collapse. Much of the material presented in this book examines building structures. Due to the recent discovery of vertical components, it examines not only the resistance to lateral forces but also analyses the disastrous influence of vertical components. The work is written for Practicing Civil, Structural, and Mechanical Engineers, Seismologists and Geoscientists. It serves as a knowledge source for graduate students and their instructors.

Earthquake Resistant Design, Protection, and Performance Assessment in Earthquake Engineering (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering #54)

by Tribikram Kundu Halûk Sucuoğlu Mustafa Erdik Azer Kasimzade Paolo Clemente

This book covers the latest advances in the popular research areas in Earthquake Engineering: Seismic Protection, Non-Destructive Testing and Structural Health Monitoring, as well as Seismic Performance Assessment. Part I includes seven chapters on seismic protection systems, a new passive isolation system for tower structures, frictional base isolation systems, period changeable isolation systems and presented applications, and recent developments in Italy, Japan and Macedonia. Also, particularities of design basis ground motion for long period structures are explained. Soil-Structure interaction models on the relevant subject are presented by classifying them. Part II presents three chapters on the new developments on Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) for Performance Assessment of Structures. Applications and recent developments in USA, Canada, and Turkey are presented. Part III includes eight chapters on Seismic Performance Assessment. The subject of this part is presented on its following important components, and results are discussed: New criterion on performance based seismic design with application to a high-rise building; seismic design and performance assessment of a super tall concrete core wall building; seismic design and evaluation of high-performance modular tall timber building; challenges to detailed finite element analysis of entire building structures; seismic performance evaluation of traditional Japanese wooden houses with outer-frame reinforcement; dynamic response of pipeline, subjected to subsurface and surface blast explosion; bond behavior of sand-coated CFRP rebar embedded in concrete are given; seismic resistant large-span shell structures are presented. The book presents a concise summary of latest research findings, and will be of interest to a wide range of professionals in earthquake engineering, including graduate students, instructors, designers, and researches.

Earthquake Science and Engineering

by Ömer Aydan

Earthquakes form one of the categories of natural disasters that sometimes result in huge loss of human life as well as destruction of (infra)structures, as experienced during recent great earthquakes. This book addresses scientific and engineering aspects of earthquakes, which are generally taught and published separately. This book intends to fill the gap between these two fields associated with earthquakes and help seismologists and earthquake engineers better communicate with and understand each other. This will foster the development of new techniques for dealing with various aspects of earthquakes and earthquake-associated issues, to safeguard the security and welfare of societies worldwide. Because this work covers both scientific and engineering aspects in a unified way, it offers a complete overview of earthquakes, their mechanics, their effects on (infra)structures and secondary associated events. As such, this book is aimed at engineering professionals with an earth sciences background (geology, seismology, geophysics) or those with an engineering background (civil, architecture, mining, geological engineering) or with both, and it can also serve as a reference work for academics and (under)graduate students.

Earthquake Storms: An Unauthorized Biography of the San Andreas Fault

by John Dvorak

It is a prominent geological feature that is almost impossible to see unless you know where to look. Hundreds of thousands of people drive across it every day. The San Andreas Fault is everywhere, and primed for a colossal quake. For decades, scientists have warned that such a sudden shifting of the Earth's crust is inevitable. In fact, it is a geologic necessity.The San Andreas Fault runs almost the entire length of California, from the redwood forest to the east edge of the Salton Sea. Along the way, it passes through two of the largest urban areas of the country--San Francisco and Los Angeles. Dozens of major highways and interstates cross it. Scores of housing developments have been planted over it. The words "San Andreas" are so familiar today that they have become synonymous with earthquake.Yet, few people understand the San Andreas or the network of subsidiary faults it has spawned. Some run through Hollywood, others through Beverly Hills and Santa Monica. The Hayward fault slices the football stadium at the University of California in half. Even among scientists, few appreciate that the San Andreas Fault is a transient, evolving system that, as seen today, is younger than the Grand Canyon and key to our understanding of earthquakes worldwide.

Earthquake Storms

by John Dvorak

&“Dvorak has done earthquake science sterling service by writing what is unarguably the best, the most comprehensive and compellingly readable book about the great fault, America's 800 mile long seismic danger zone, that will one day affect all of our lives.&”—Simon Winchester, New York Times Bestselling author of The Crack at the Edge of the World and KrakatoaIt is a prominent geological feature that is almost impossible to see unless you know where to look. Hundreds of thousands of people drive across it every day. The San Andreas Fault is everywhere, and primed for a colossal quake. For decades, scientists have warned that such a sudden shifting of the Earth's crust is inevitable. In fact, it is a geologic necessity.The San Andreas fault runs almost the entire length of California, from the redwood forest to the east edge of the Salton Sea. Along the way, it passes through two of the largest urban areas of the country - San Francisco and Los Angeles. Dozens of major highways and interstates cross it. Scores of housing developments have been planted over it. The words "San Andreas" are so familiar today that they have become synonymous with earthquake.Yet, few people understand the San Andreas or the network of subsidiary faults it has spawned. Some run through Hollywood, others through Beverly Hills and Santa Monica. The Hayward fault slices the football stadium at the University of California in half. Even among scientists, few appreciate that the San Andreas fault is a transient, evolving system that, as seen today, is younger than the Grand Canyon and key to our understanding of earthquakes worldwide.

Earthquake Time Bombs

by Robert Yeats

In a media interview in January 2010, scientist Robert Yeats sounded the alarm on Port-au-Prince, Haiti, as an 'earthquake time bomb', a region at critical risk of major seismic activity. One week later, a catastrophic earthquake struck the city, leaving over 100,000 dead and triggering a humanitarian crisis. In this timely study, Yeats sheds new light on other earthquake hotspots around the world and the communities at risk. He examines these seismic threats in the context of recent cultural history, including economic development, national politics and international conflicts. Descriptions of emerging seismic resilience plans from some cities provide a more hopeful picture. Essential reading for policy-makers, infrastructure and emergency planners, scientists, students and anyone living in the shadow of an earthquake, this book raises the alarm so that we can protect our vulnerable cities before it's too late.

Earthquakes (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1)

by Dr. Franklyn M. Branley

Read and find out about one of nature’s most mysterious forces—the earthquake—in this colorfully illustrated nonfiction picture book.Some earthquakes are so small that you don’t even feel them, while others can make even big buildings shake. Learn why earthquakes happen, where they are most likely to occur, and what to do if one happens near you. Now with updated text and art, this classic picture book describes the causes and effects of earthquakes (including a tsunami). This book features rich vocabulary and fascinating cross-sections of mountains, volcanoes, and faults in the earth’s moving crust.This is a clear and appealing science book for early elementary age kids, both at home and in the classroom. The text and art were vetted by Dr. Roland Burgmann, Professor of the Department of Earth and Planetary Science at the University of California, Berkeley.This is a Level 2 Let's-Read-and-Find-Out, which means the book explores more challenging concepts for children in the primary grades. The 100+ titles in this leading nonfiction series are:hands-on and visualacclaimed and trustedgreat for classroomsTop 10 reasons to love LRFOs:Entertain and educate at the same timeHave appealing, child-centered topicsDevelopmentally appropriate for emerging readersFocused; answering questions instead of using survey approachEmploy engaging picture book quality illustrationsUse simple charts and graphics to improve visual literacy skillsFeature hands-on activities to engage young scientistsMeet national science education standardsWritten/illustrated by award-winning authors/illustrators & vetted by an expert in the fieldOver 130 titles in print, meeting a wide range of kids' scientific interestsBooks in this series support the Common Core Learning Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) standards. Let's-Read-and-Find-Out is the winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Subaru Science Books & Films Prize for Outstanding Science Series.


by Franklyn M. Branley

Read and find out about one of nature's most mysterious forces--the earthquake. Some earthquakes are so small that you don't even feel them, while others can make even big buildings shake! Learn why earthquakes happen, where they are most likely to occur, and what to do if one happens near you.


by Helen Dwyer

Provides information about earthquakes through eyewitness accounts from survivors and rescue workers

Earthquakes: Witness to Disaster

by Judy Fradin Dennis Fradin

It's another normal day in Alaska, where the beauty of the rugged landscape makes the hardships of winter worth enduring. This Northern life is good, you think, when suddenly-without warning-your world is ROCKED! The ground sways beneath your feet with sickening force. You've just been caught in the second strongest earthquake in history! Witness to Disaster: Earthquakes uses eyewitness accounts and pulse-racing narrative to bring readers into the terrifying heart of an earthquake. The first chapter documents the 1964 Alaskan quake that shook Prince William Sound with a 9. 2 magnitude force, and set off a tsunami that ultimately caused most of the deaths attributed to this frightening act of nature. The following chapters explore the deadly history of earthquakes and the seismic and geological science of this phenomenon. Readers learn how and why earthquakes occur, and what scientists can do to prevent casualties. The expansive back matter includes a list of sources to discover more about these fearsome catastrophes.

Earthquakes (Wild Earth Science)

by Golriz Golkar

The ground shakes. A road splits apart. Buildings collapse. It’s an earthquake! Discover how movement deep below Earth’s surface can cause such damage. Learn about earthquakes, what causes them, and how to stay safe if one happens.


by Yan Y. Kagan

This book is the first comprehensive and methodologically rigorous analysis of earthquake occurrence. Models based on the theory of the stochastic multidimensional point processes are employed to approximate the earthquake occurrence pattern and evaluate its parameters. The Author shows that most of these parameters have universal values. These results help explain the classical earthquake distributions: Omori's law and the Gutenberg-Richter relation.The Author derives a new negative-binomial distribution for earthquake numbers, instead of the Poisson distribution, and then determines a fractal correlation dimension for spatial distributions of earthquake hypocenters. The book also investigates the disorientation of earthquake focal mechanisms and shows that it follows the rotational Cauchy distribution. These statistical and mathematical advances make it possible to produce quantitative forecasts of earthquake occurrence. In these forecasts earthquake rate in time, space, and focal mechanism orientation is evaluated.

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