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Showing 7,651 through 7,675 of 28,533 results

Electronic Phase Separation in Magnetic and Superconducting Materials: Recent Advances (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences #201)

by Maxim Yu. Kagan Kliment I. Kugel Alexander L. Rakhmanov Artem O. Sboychakov

This book focuses on nanoscale electronic phase separation in a wide class of different materials, especially in strongly correlated electron systems. It features an extensive review of the field of inhomogeneous spin and charge states in condensed matter physics while delivering a topical and timely discussion of a wide range of recent advances in electronic phase separation. It describes the formation of different types of nanoscale ferromagnetic metallic droplets in antiferromagnetically ordered, charge-ordered, or orbitally-ordered insulating matrices, as well as the colossal magnetoresistance effect and tunneling electron transport in the nonmetallic phase-separated state of complex magnetic oxides. It also discusses compounds with spin-state transitions, inhomogeneously phase-separated states in strongly correlated multiband systems, and the electron polaron effect, paying special attention to systems with imperfect Fermi surface-nesting such as chromium alloys, iron-based pnictides, and AA-stacked graphene bilayers. The authors investigate also the formation of order parameter clusters and insulator-superconductor transition in different superconducting systems including bismuth oxides, two-dimensional films in the presence of strong disorder, as well as inhomogeneous Fermi-Bose mixtures in Aharonov-Bohm rings with a superconducting bridge in a topologically nontrivial state. This book is a valuable resource for researchers involved in theoretical and experimental studies of strongly correlated materials, such as magnetic semiconductors, Fermi-Bose mixtures, and twisted bilayer graphene.

Electronic Properties of Materials: An Introduction Engineers

by Rolf E. Hummel

This text on the electrical, optical, magnetic, and thermal properties of materials stresses concepts rather than mathematical formalism. Suitable for advanced undergraduates, it is intended for materials and electrical engineers who want to gain a fundamental understanding of alloys, semiconductor devices, lasers, magnetic materials, and so forth. The book is organized to be used in a one-semester course; to that end each section of applications, after the introduction to the fundamentals of electron theory, can be read independently of the others. Many examples from engineering practice serve to provide an understanding of common devices and methods. Among the modern applications covered are: high-temperature superconductors, optoelectronic materials, semiconductor device fabrication, xerography, magneto-optic memories, and amorphous ferromagnetics. The fourth edition has been revised and updated with an emphasis on the applications sections, which now cover devices of the next generation of electronics.

Electronic Waste

by Hugo Marcelo Veit Andréa Moura Bernardes

This book presents an overview of the characterization of electronic waste. In addition, processing techniques for the recovery of metals, polymers and ceramics are described. This book serves as a source of information and as an educational technical reference for practicing scientists and engineers, as well as for students.

Electronic Waste and Printed Circuit Board Recycling Technologies (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series)

by Muammer Kaya

This book covers state-of-the-art technologies, principles, methods and industrial applications of electronic waste (e-waste) and waste PCB (WPCB) recycling. It focuses on cutting-edge mechanical separation processes and pyro- and hydro-metallurgical treatment methods. De-soldering, selective dismantling, and dry separation methods (including the use of gravity, magnetic and electrostatic techniques) are discussed in detail, noting the patents related to each. The volume discusses the available industrial equipment and plant flowsheets used for WPCB recycling in detail, while addressing potential future directions of the field. This practical, comprehensive, and multidisciplinary reference will appeal to professionals throughout global industrial, academic and government institutions interested in addressing the growing problem of e-waste. Covers principles, methods and industrial applications of e-waste and PCB recycling;Details state-of-the-art mechanical separation processes and pyro- and hydro-metallurgical treatment methods; Describes the available industrial equipment used and plant flowsheets for PCB recycling and addresses potential future developments of this important field.

Electronics for Physicists: An Introduction (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)

by Bryan H. Suits

This book provides undergraduate physics majors and students of related sciences with a sound basic understanding of electronics and how it is used, principally in the physical sciences. While today few science students go on to careers that demand an ability to design and build electronic circuits, many will use and rely on electronics. As scientists, they will require an appropriate level of fundamental knowledge that enables them, for example, to understand what electronic equipment is doing, to correctly interpret the measurements obtained, and to appreciate the numerous links between electronics and how it is practiced, and other areas of science. Discussing electronics in the broader context and from the point of view of the scientist, this book is intended for students who are not planning to become electronics specialists. It has been written in a relatively informal, personal style and includes detailed examples, as well as some “outside the box” material to inspire thought and creativity. A selection of relevant exercises is included at the end of each chapter.

Electrospun Nanofibrous Technology for Clean Water Production (Nanostructure Science and Technology)

by Rasel Das

This book covers the remarkable progress in the field of electrospun nanofibrous materials synthesis that has been made in recent years for clean water production. The goal is to offer comprehensive and substantial contents in each chapter, entailing the electrospinning principle, novel materials and methods, properties, characterization, and applications, such as adsorption, catalysis, and membranes. The book is instrumental in terms of showing the scale-up production of desired fibers that ensure the control of the structure–properties relationship for developing effective water treatment technologies. Every chapter ends with a special section for highlighting research challenges and breakthroughs, so that scientists can explore these opportunities and discover new directions for future developments. Material scientists, nanotechnologists, chemists, engineers, water specialists, and environmentalists will be inspired by the information on electrospun nanofibrous materials to be found in the book. The wide variety of new ideas and recommended future reading will encourage early-career scientists working in this field to design new experiments and practices. The book is useful for college and university-level students enrolled in project courses in materials science and related fields.

Elektrodynamik: Von den Maxwell-Gleichungen über die Elektro- und Magnetostatik zur elektromagnetischen Induktion (essentials)

by Hans Dieter Dahmen Siegmund Brandt Claus Grupen Tilo Stroh

Dieses essential konzentriert sich auf die Vermittlung der wichtigsten Grundbegriffe, von der Elektrostatik, den Phänomenen des elektrischen Stromes bis hin zu den Maxwell-Gleichungen und aus ihnen abgeleiteten Erkenntnissen. Begriffe wie Ladung, Coulomb-Kraft, Dipol, elektrisches Feld und Potential, magnetisches Feld, Lorentz-Kraft und die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern wie die Induktion werden dargestellt. Auf die vielen Anwendungen der Elektrodynamik wird hingewiesen.


by Georg Wolschin

Dieses Buch umfasst ausgewählten Vorlesungsstoff der Theoretischen Physik: Elektrodynamik für Studierende im Grundstudium. Nach einer Einführung in die Grundbegriffe und die Maxwell’schen Gleichungen folgen Kapitel über Elektrostatik und Magnetostatik. Anschließend wird die spezielle Relativitätstheorie als Konsequenz der Lorentz-invarianten Maxwell-Theorie vorgestellt, so dass im folgenden Kapitel die vierdimensionale Formulierung der Elektrodynamik mit Feldstärketensor, Energie-Impuls-Tensor sowie die Lagrange-Formulierung eingeführt werden kann. Elektromagnetische Wellen werden im Vakuum und in Materie untersucht, sowie Wellenpakete und die Reflexion und Brechung an Grenzflächen studiert. Die Felder bewegter Ladungen, die zugehörigen Liénard-Wiechert Potenziale für bewegte Punktladungen und die Larmor-Formel leiten über zum Hertz’schen Dipol. Die durch den schwingenden Dipol erzeugten Felder folgen hier aus den zeitabhängigen Potenzialen.Anhand von insgesamt über 40 Testaufgaben mit Lösungen am Ende der Kapitel wird der Leser dazu motiviert, den Stoff selbst beispielhaft nachzurechnen und das Gelernte zu festigen.

Elektromagnetische Feldtheorie für Fortgeschrittene: Tensoranalysis, spezielle Relativitätstheorie und kovariante Formulierung der Maxwellgleichungen

by Harald Klingbeil

Dieses Buch bietet einen behutsamen Einstieg in die Tensoranalysis, in die Grundlagen der speziellen Relativitätstheorie und in die relativistische Formulierung der Elektrodynamik. Die Maxwell’schen Gleichungen im Vakuum und die kovariante Form der Maxwellgleichungen werden intensiv behandelt. Auch Dipole und die Abstrahlung elektromagnetischer Wellen bilden inhaltliche Schwerpunkte.Mathematisch präzise und durch ausführliche Rechnungen leicht verständlich, stellt das Buch eine Verbindung zwischen Elektrotechnik, Mathematik und Physik her. Für diesen Vertiefungsband ist ein Grundwissen der Elektrodynamik hilfreich, wie es im Band „Grundlagen der elektromagnetischen Feldtheorie — Maxwellgleichungen, Lösungsmethoden und Anwendungen“ des Autors oder vergleichbaren Lehrbüchern vermittelt wird.Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Musterlösungen vertiefen den Stoff und helfen bei der Kontrolle des Lernerfolgs. Ein umfangreicher Tabellenteil am Ende des Buchs erlaubt die Nutzung als Nachschlagewerk.

Elektromagnetische Feldtheorie für Fortgeschrittene: Tensoranalysis, spezielle Relativitätstheorie und kovariante Formulierung der Maxwellgleichungen

by Harald Klingbeil

Dieses Buch bietet einen behutsamen Einstieg in die Tensoranalysis, in die Grundlagen der speziellen Relativitätstheorie und in die relativistische Formulierung der Elektrodynamik. Die Maxwell’schen Gleichungen im Vakuum und die kovariante Form der Maxwellgleichungen werden intensiv behandelt. Auch Dipole und die Abstrahlung elektromagnetischer Wellen bilden inhaltliche Schwerpunkte.Mathematisch präzise und durch ausführliche Rechnungen leicht verständlich, stellt das Buch eine Verbindung zwischen Elektrotechnik, Mathematik und Physik her. Für diesen Vertiefungsband ist ein Grundwissen der Elektrodynamik hilfreich, wie es im Band „Grundlagen der elektromagnetischen Feldtheorie — Maxwellgleichungen, Lösungsmethoden und Anwendungen“ des Autors oder vergleichbaren Lehrbüchern vermittelt wird.Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Musterlösungen vertiefen den Stoff und helfen bei der Kontrolle des Lernerfolgs. Ein umfangreicher Tabellenteil am Ende des Buchs erlaubt die Nutzung alsNachschlagewerk.In der vorliegenden vierten Auflage wurden zahlreiche Themen überarbeitet, neue hinzugefügt sowie an vielen Stellen kleinere Ergänzungen des Textes vorgenommen, um die Verständlichkeit weiter zu erhöhen und die Darstellung zu vervollständigen.

Elektropneumatische und elektrohydraulische Bauelemente in der Mechatronik: Konstruktion von sicherheitsgerichteten Steuerungen für Industrie 4.0

by Herbert Bernstein

Mit der Entwicklung technischer Produkte sind die Anforderungen an die Industrie 4.0 besonders hoch. Dieses Lehrbuch liefert einen Überblick über die mechanischen und elektrischen Bauelemente, die in elektrohydraulischen und -pneumatischen Maschinen und Anlagen zum Einsatz kommen. Zudem wird auf die elektrische Sicherheitstechnik eingegangen. Ein Einstieg in speicherprogrammierbare Steuerungen und in die dahinterstehende Logik runden das Buch ab. Der elektronische, informationstechnische, mechanische, pneumatische und hydraulische Entwickler erhält somit eine Übersicht für sein praktisches Arbeiten.Die Zielgruppen:Ingenieure, Techniker, Meister und alle, die sich in die Mechatronik einarbeiten müssen Studierende technischer Fachrichtungen.

Elemental: How Five Elements Changed Earth’s Past and Will Shape Our Future

by Stephen Porder

An ecologist explores how life itself shapes Earth using the elemental constituents we all shareIt is rare for life to change Earth, yet three organisms have profoundly transformed our planet over the long course of its history. Elemental reveals how microbes, plants, and people used the fundamental building blocks of life to alter the climate, and with it, the trajectory of life on Earth in the past, present, and future.Taking readers from the deep geologic past to our current era of human dominance, Stephen Porder focuses on five of life’s essential elements—hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. He describes how single-celled cyanobacteria and plants harnessed them to wildly proliferate across the oceans and the land, only to eventually precipitate environmental catastrophes. He then brings us to the present, and shows how these elements underpin the success of human civilization, and how their mismanagement threatens similarly catastrophic unintended consequences. But, Porder argues, if we can learn from our world-changing predecessors, we can construct a more sustainable future.Blending conversational storytelling with the latest science, Porder takes us deep into the Amazon, across fresh lava flows in Hawaii, and to the cornfields of the American Midwest to illuminate a potential path to sustainability, informed by the constraints imposed by life’s essential elements and the four-billion-year history of life on Earth.

Elemental Architecture: Temperaments of Sustainability

by Phillip James Tabb

Elemental Architecture presents a new and refreshing approach to sustainable architectural practice. Going beyond the standard performance-based and quantitative sustainable measures, it incorporates a broader framework of considerations, including the more poetic and noetic possibilities of environmental design. The book is structured around the ancient Greek and medieval alchemists’ system of the Five Temperaments: fire, earth, air, water, and ether. Phillip James Tabb examines how these elements produce both positive and negative environmental forces which have an impact on architectural design – from drinking water and fresh air to torrential floods and tornados. He shows how responding to or enhancing these forces can help us to create a more sustainable, healthy, and purposeful architecture. To illustrate this, each chapter draws on seminal contemporary works of architecture, from Peter Zumthor’s Bruder-Klaus Field Chapel to Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterpiece at Fallingwater. These examples are accompanied by over a hundred high-quality illustrations. Expanding the discussion of sustainability to include phenomenological as well as qualitative considerations, Elemental Architecture is ideal for students and researchers with an interest in sustainable architecture and architectural theory.

Elemental Ecocriticism: Thinking with Earth, Air, Water, and Fire

by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen Lowell Duckert

For centuries it was believed that all matter was composed of four elements: earth, air, water, and fire in promiscuous combination, bound by love and pulled apart by strife. Elemental theory offered a mode of understanding materiality that did not center the cosmos around the human. Outgrown as a science, the elements are now what we build our houses against. Their renunciation has fostered only estrangement from the material world. The essays collected in Elemental Ecocriticism show how elemental materiality precipitates new engagements with the ecological. Here the classical elements reveal the vitality of supposedly inert substances (mud, water, earth, air), chemical processes (fire), and natural phenomena, as well as the promise in the abandoned and the unreal (ether, phlogiston, spontaneous generation). Decentering the human, this volume provides important correctives to the idea of the material world as mere resource. Three response essays meditate on the connections of this collaborative project to the framing of modern-day ecological concerns. A renewed intimacy with the elemental holds the potential of a more dynamic environmental ethics and the possibility of a reinvigorated materialism.

Elemental Geosystems

by Robert Christopherson Stephen Cunha Charles Thomsen Ginger Birkeland

For introductory physical geography courses. <p><p>Explore Earth’s dynamic, changing systems <p><p>Among the most highly regarded textbooks in physical geography, Robert Christopherson’s best-selling Elemental Geosystems retains its unparalleled currency, accuracy, rich integration of climate change science, and dynamic multimedia program. <p><p>Organized around the natural flow of energy, materials, and information, subjects are presented in the same sequence in which they occur in nature―an organic, holistic approach that is unique in this discipline. The 9th Edition features updated content and new Mastering Geography activities, while also incorporating new visual media, active learning activities, and visual tools to help student engagement and mastery.

Elementary Approach to Special Relativity

by Helmut Günther

This book presents an alternative representation of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, which makes Special Relativity much more comprehensible. Moreover, one will come across a fundamental relationship between the Special Theory of Relativity and the mechanics of space lattice. In all previous formulations, the Einsteinian special principle of relativity, in one or the other form is used as the starting point for Special Relativity. In correspondence to this principle, one takes it as granted apriori, that all observers independent of their uniform motion to each other measure one and the same propagation velocity of a light signal. This book is thought of as a lecture for physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists and concentrates on the students of these fields. The book should reach a broad circle of interested readers from the fields of natural sciences and philosophy and provide and invigorating experience for engineers.

Elementary Introduction to Quantum Geometry

by Jan Ambjorn

This graduate textbook provides an introduction to quantum gravity, when spacetime is two-dimensional. The quantization of gravity is the main missing piece of theoretical physics, but in two dimensions it can be done explicitly with elementary mathematical tools, but it still has most of the conceptional riddles present in higher dimensional (not yet known) quantum gravity. It provides an introduction to a very interdisciplinary field, uniting physics (quantum geometry) and mathematics (combinatorics) in a non-technical way, requiring no prior knowledge of quantum field theory or general relativity. Using the path integral, the chapters provide self-contained descriptions of random walks, random trees and random surfaces as statistical systems where the free relativistic particle, the relativistic bosonic string and two-dimensional quantum gravity are obtained as scaling limits at phase transition points of these statistical systems. The geometric nature of the theories allows one to perform the path integral by counting geometries. In this way the quantization of geometry becomes closely linked to the mathematical fields of combinatorics and probability theory. By counting the geometries, it is shown that the two-dimensional quantum world is fractal at all scales unless one imposes restrictions on the geometries. It is also discussed in simple terms how quantum geometry and quantum matter can interact strongly and change the properties both of the geometries and of the matter systems. It requires only basic undergraduate knowledge of classical mechanics, statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics, as well as some basic knowledge of mathematics at undergraduate level. It will be an ideal textbook for graduate students in theoretical and statistical physics and mathematics studying quantum gravity and quantum geometry. Key features: Presents the first elementary introduction to quantum geometry Explores how to understand quantum geometry without prior knowledge beyond bachelor level physics and mathematics. Contains exercises, problems and solutions to supplement and enhance learning

Elementary Mechanics Using Matlab

by Anders Malthe-Sørenssen

This book - specifically developed as a novel textbook on elementary classical mechanics - shows how analytical and numerical methods can be seamlessly integrated to solve physics problems. This approach allows students to solve more advanced and applied problems at an earlier stage and equips them to deal with real-world examples well beyond the typical special cases treated in standard textbooks. Another advantage of this approach is that students are brought closer to the way physics is actually discovered and applied, as they are introduced right from the start to a more exploratory way of understanding phenomena and of developing their physical concepts. While not a requirement, it is advantageous for the reader to have some prior knowledge of scientific programming with a scripting-type language. This edition of the book uses Matlab, and a chapter devoted to the basics of scientific programming with Matlab is included. A parallel edition using Python instead of Matlab is also available. Last but not least, each chapter is accompanied by an extensive set of course-tested exercises and solutions.

Elements and Mineral Resources (Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment)

by Joaquim Sanz Oriol Tomasa Abigail Jimenez-Franco Nor Sidki-Rius

This textbook is the first to offer essential information on the ores and basic properties of the majority of chemical elements, together with the most important industrial minerals, their latest applications and recycling options, illustrated with a wealth of photos. This book represents the culmination of a comprehensive project jointly pursued by the Valentí Masachs Geology Museum and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) (Polytechnic University of Catalonia) over the past several years. Published in response to multiple requests from university professors and other educators, it will promote a new society in which human beings use the Earth’s natural resources responsibly and with respect for the environment. Keep in mind that we aren’t the only inhabitants of the Earth, a wonderful but depletable planet!

The Elements Book: A Visual Encyclopedia of the Periodic Table (DK Our World in Pictures)

by DK

Packed with more than 1,000 incredible images and full of fascinating facts, this children&’s book takes you on a visual and vibrant journey of all the chemical elements that make up our world. This eye-catching encyclopedia for kids is the perfect guide to the 118 chemical elements of the periodic table, for budding young scientists to explore. It explores the naturally occurring elements, as well as the man-made ones, and explains their properties and uses. This engaging encyclopedia for children aged 9-12, shows the many natural forms of each element, as well as a wide range of both everyday and unexpected objects in which it is found, making each element relevant to the child&’s world!Celebrate your child's curiosity as they explore:- Striking and detailed diagrams, drawings and illustrations on every page- A highly visual approach to learning - Ideal combination of colorful diagrams with infographic text boxes- Showcases chemical elements in their pure and raw forms- In association with The Smithsonian InstitutionThis captivating kids encyclopedia takes a look at all 118 elements on the periodic table, from Hydrogen to Helium, Potassium to Polonium, calcium to carbon and so much more! The striking illustrations, photographs and diagrams featured throughout provide an optimum visual learning experience for both children and adults alike, accompanied by an array of fun facts all about your favorite elements, and lesser-known ones like Terbium, Thallium and Boron - with easy-to-read accessible text for readers aged 9-12, yet can be enjoyed by the entire family, making this enthralling children&’s encyclopedia a beautiful and educational gift that can be passed down generations.Learn all about the world one picture at a time!If you like The Elements Book then why not complete the collection? Part of the highly visual Our World In Pictures series, avid readers can dive into the world of dinosaurs with The Dinosaur Book, become a vehicle virtuoso with Cars, Trains, Ships and Planes and venture on a journey across the globe with Countries, Cultures, People & Places.

Elements of a Science Plan for the North Pacific Research Board

by Committee on a Science Plan for the North Pacific Research Board

The North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) was established in 1997 as custodian to a pool of funds intended for the study of the North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, and Arctic Ocean. The success of the NRPB is the development of a high quality, long-range science plan that provides a better understanding of ecosystems and their fisheries in the region. This report provides a framework to help the NPRB identify appropriate science themes and mechanisms for administering and distributing the funds. It contains extensive input from residents of Alaskan communities, to help scientists understand and address issues of importance to the local communities. The book makes specific recommendations on long-term research priorities, the NPRB management structure and the development of future programs.

The Elements of Architecture: Principles of Environmental Performance in Buildings

by Scott Drake

The Elements of Architecture is a clear and well structured introduction to sustainable architecture, which concentrates on general principles to make an accessible and comprehensive primer for undergraduate students. The author takes a fresh and logical approach, focusing on the way aspects of the built environment are experienced by the occupants and how that experience is interpreted in architectural design. He works through basic elements and senses (sun; heat; light; sound; air; water and fire) to explain and frame effective environmental architectural design - not only arguing that the buildings we inhabit should be viewed as extensions of our bodies that interact with and protect us from these elements, but also using this analogy to explain complex ideas in an accessible manner.

Elements of Basic World Geography

by Nancy Nichols

Elements of Basic World Geography by Nancy Nichols

Elements Of Cartography

by Arthur H. Robinson Joel L. Morrison Phillip C. Muehrcke A Jon. Kimerling Stephen C. Guptill A. Jon Kimerling

Elements of Cartography, 6e continues its reputation as the market leader by integrating the latest in modern technology with traditional cartographic principles.

Elements of Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems (UNITEXT for Physics)

by Gleb Arutyunov

Integrable models have a fascinating history with many important discoveries that dates back to the famous Kepler problem of planetary motion. Nowadays it is well recognised that integrable systems play a ubiquitous role in many research areas ranging from quantum field theory, string theory, solvable models of statistical mechanics, black hole physics, quantum chaos and the AdS/CFT correspondence, to pure mathematics, such as representation theory, harmonic analysis, random matrix theory and complex geometry. Starting with the Liouville theorem and finite-dimensional integrable models, this book covers the basic concepts of integrability including elements of the modern geometric approach based on Poisson reduction, classical and quantum factorised scattering and various incarnations of the Bethe Ansatz. Applications of integrability methods are illustrated in vast detail on the concrete examples of the Calogero-Moser-Sutherland and Ruijsenaars-Schneider models, the Heisenberg spin chain and the one-dimensional Bose gas interacting via a delta-function potential. This book has intermediate and advanced topics with details to make them clearly comprehensible.

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