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The Endless Reconstruction and Modern Disasters: The Management of Urban Space Through an Earthquake – Messina, 1908–2018 (Disaster Studies)

by Domenica Farinella Pietro Saitta

This is a study on the long-lasting consequences of a disastrous earthquake that hit the city of Messina, Sicily, in 1908. The quake killed about 86,000 people, and destroyed one of the most important portal cities of the Mediterranean. The book investigates both the forces that shaped that event and made it possible – firstly, urban speculation processes at the end of the nineteenth century – and the role of that occurrence in creating a complex event that, on the one hand, accelerated trends and tendencies that were already in motion; and, on the other, produced an entirely new social space based on social separation and the raise of a widespread marginal class. Such a class developed within urban borders and spaces that, over the decades, grew according to the same logic and directions that followed the reconstruction. Especially the shacks, still a visible presence in the city, represent the lieu of reproduction both of a class and the whole of the social relations stemming from the disaster.It shows how key-concepts in contemporary scientific analysis, such as “shock economy” and “economy of disaster,” can be aptly backdated. Above all, this study broadens the normal analyses of disasters by showing the stratification of institutional techniques and economic forces that, over the decades, intervened and (re-)shaped the site of a disaster and its social structure.

Endlessly Green

by Savita Hiremath

Endlessly Green looks at the history, the science and the art of composting and sustainable waste management through a kaleidoscope of philosophical, moral and ethical intricacies. The author digs into her rich pool of experiential learnings and raw inputs gathered through a decade of research, legwork and fearless execution. This engaging field guide equips community volunteers, activists, students, SWM practitioners and professionals with practical inputs on segregation, composting and organic gardening/farming, making sustainability imaginable in a concrete jungle. In doing so, it helps individuals discover the possibilities of bringing about a change in their environment by engaging their own environmental sensibilities. Endlessly Green is an extraordinary celebration of things small and significant and the fight against waste, culminating in a replicable and scalable end-to-end solution.

Endogenous Development: Naïve Romanticism or Practical Route to Sustainable African Development (Development in Practice Books)

by Chiku Malunga and Susan H. Holcombe

Western ideas, worldviews, actors, tools, models, and frameworks have long dominated development theory and practice in Africa. The resulting development interventions are too rarely locally rooted, locally driven, or resonant with local context. At the same time, theories and practices from developing countries rarely travel to the Western agencies dominating development, undermining the possibility of a beneficial synergy that could be obtained from the best of both worlds. There are many reasons why the experiences of locally driven development are not communicated back to global development actors, including, but not limited to, the marginal role of Southern voices in global forums. This volume gives a platform to authentic African voices and non-African collaborators, to explore what endogenous development means, how it can be implemented, and how an endogenous development approach can shape local, national and global policies. This book was originally published as a special issue of Development in Practice.

Endospore-forming Soil Bacteria

by Paul De Vos Niall A. Logan

Aerobic endospore-forming bacteria are found in soils of all kinds, ranging from acid to alkaline, hot to cold, and fertile to desert. It is well known that endospores confer special properties upon their owners and play dominant parts in their life cycles and dispersal, and much has been written about the spores, genetics, and economic importance of these organisms. Much has also been written about soil ecology, but there is a relative dearth of literature that brings together different aspects of the behaviour and characters of endospore-formers with their contributions to soil ecosystems. This Soil Biology volume fills that gap. Following chapters that describe the current classification of these organisms, that review methods for their detection and for studying their life cycles in soils, and that examine their dispersal, other chapters show that they are active and dynamic members of soil floras that interact widely with other soil inhabitants, with roles in nitrogen fixation, denitrification, and soil remediation.

The Ends of the World: Volcanic Apocalypses, Lethal Oceans, and Our Quest to Understand Earth's Past Mass Extinctions

by Peter Brannen

As new groundbreaking research suggests that climate change played a major role in the most extreme catastrophes in the planet's history, award-winning science journalist Peter Brannen takes us on a wild ride through the planet's five mass extinctions and, in the process, offers us a glimpse of our increasingly dangerous future Our world has ended five times: it has been broiled, frozen, poison-gassed, smothered, and pelted by asteroids. In The Ends of the World, Peter Brannen dives into deep time, exploring Earth’s past dead ends, and in the process, offers us a glimpse of our possible future.Many scientists now believe that the climate shifts of the twenty-first century have analogs in these five extinctions. Using the visible clues these devastations have left behind in the fossil record, The Ends of the World takes us inside “scenes of the crime,” from South Africa to the New York Palisades, to tell the story of each extinction. Brannen examines the fossil record—which is rife with creatures like dragonflies the size of sea gulls and guillotine-mouthed fish—and introduces us to the researchers on the front lines who, using the forensic tools of modern science, are piecing together what really happened at the crime scenes of the Earth’s biggest whodunits.Part road trip, part history, and part cautionary tale, The Ends of the World takes us on a tour of the ways that our planet has clawed itself back from the grave, and casts our future in a completely new light.

The Ends of the World: Volcanic Apocalypses, Lethal Oceans and Our Quest to Understand Earth’s Past Mass Extinctions

by Peter Brannen

Apocalypse, now? Death by fire, ice, poison gas, suffocation, asteroid. At five moments through history life on Earth was dragged to the very edge of extinction. Now, armed with revolutionary technology, scientists are uncovering clues about what caused these catastrophes. Deep-diving into past worlds of dragonflies the size of seagulls and fishes with guillotines for mouths, they explore how – against all the odds – life survived and what these ominous chapters can tell us about our future.

The Enemy Of Nature: The End Of Capitalism Or The End Of The World?

by Joel Kovel

We live in and from nature, but the way we have evolved of doing this is about to destroy us. Capitalism and its by-products - imperialism, war, neoliberal globalization, racism, poverty and the destruction of community - are all playing a part in the destruction of our ecosystem. <p><p> Only now are we beginning to realise the depth of the crisis and the kind of transformation which will have to occur to ensure our survival. This second, thoroughly updated, edition of The Enemy of Nature speaks to this new environmental awareness. Joel Kovel argues against claims that we can achieve a better environment through the current Western 'way of being'. By suggesting a radical new way forward, a new kind of 'ecosocialism', Joel Kovel offers real hope and vision for a more sustainable future.

Energetic Materials: Advanced Processing Technologies for Next-Generation Materials

by Mark J. Mezger Kay J. Tindle Michelle Pantoya Lori J. Groven Dilhan Kalyon

This book will take an in-depth look at the technologies, processes, and capabilities to develop and produce "next generation" energetic materials for both commercial and defense applications, including military, mining operations, oil production and well perforation, and construction demolition. It will serve to highlight the critical technologies, latest developments, and the current capability gaps that serve as barriers to military fielding or transition to the commercial marketplace. It will also explain how the processing technologies can be spun out for use in other non-energetics related industries.

Energie aus Biomasse - ein ethisches Diskussionsmodell

by Michael Zichy Christian Dürnberger Beate Formowitz Anne Uhl

Energie aus Biomasse wird auf politischer, wissenschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Ebene höchst kontrovers diskutiert. – Dieses Buch liefert eine fundierte, klare und gut verständliche Analyse und Diskussion der ethischen und kulturell-emotionalen Aspekte von Energie aus Biomasse. Es diskutiert die Frage der Verantwortung und bringt naturwissenschaftliche und ethische Expertise in einen fruchtbaren Dialog. Vergleichende Fallstudien und Szenarien sorgen für die praktische Anbindung an die derzeitige landwirtschaftliche Praxis. Die zweite, überarbeitete Auflage bezieht sich auf die aktuellen gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen und berücksichtig die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Beiträge zum Diskurs, wie zum Beispiel zu indirekten Landnutzungsänderungen.

Energieeffizientes Bauen: Grundlagen (erfolgreich studieren)

by Franz-Josef G. Bürger

Der Arbeitsbereich des „Energieeffizienten Bauens“ bietet eine gute Zukunftsperspektive. Die fachliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema „Energieeffizientes Bauen“ erfordert interdisziplinäres Arbeiten. Architekten und Bauingenieure werden bei der Planung und Ausführung der gebäudetechnischen Einrichtungen zunehmend mit den Aufgabenstellungen des Maschinenbaus und der Elektrotechnik konfrontiert. Die Buchinhalte beschreiben die naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen für die richtige Wahl der Baumaterialien und Baukonstruktionen im Hinblick auf Energieeffizienz, Nachhaltigkeit und Methoden zur Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung. Aufgaben am Ende der Kapitel ermöglichen die Selbstkontrolle und Festigung des angeeigneten Wissens.


by Dagmar Everding Dieter D. Genske Ariane Ruff

Mit der Loslösung der Städte und Regionen von fossil-nuklearen Energiequellen gewinnt der energetisch-ökologische Stadtumbau zunehmend an Bedeutung. Eine wachsende Zahl von Akteuren engagiert sich für die Umstellung der Energieversorgung auf erneuerbare Energien sowie für ressourcenschonende ökologische Kreisläufe in ihrem Lebensumfeld. Der energetisch-ökologische Stadtumbau verbessert die Lebens- und Umweltverhältnisse in den Stadtteilen unmittelbar, eröffnet neue Chancen der Wertschöpfung und schafft Arbeitsplätze. Städte werden zu Energiestädten umgebaut, die den Leitmotiven der Nachhaltigkeit, der Minimierung energetisch-ökologischer Fußabdrücke und der Reduzierung des Flächenverbrauchs folgen.Das Buch entwirft Zukunftsbilder des Stadtumbaus für den Diskurs der Akteure. Es werden stadtplanerische, ingenieurtechnische und ökonomische Handlungsfelder des energetisch-ökologischen Stadtumbaus einschließlich ihrer methodischen Lösungswege disziplin-übergreifend beschrieben. Zu dieser Darstellung gehört auch die Verdeutlichung anhand einer Vielzahl interessanter Projektbeispiele.Zielgruppe dieses Buches sind insbesondere Kommunalverwaltungen und Klimaschutzmanager, Planungs- und Ingenieurbüros, Umweltorganisationen sowie Studierende und Lehrende.

Energiewirtschaft 2014: Fakten und Chancen der Tiefen Geothermie (essentials)

by Willi Freeden Mathias Bauer Hans Jacobi Thomas Neu

Die durch das Reaktorunglück in Fukushima forcierte Energiewende hin zu einer Stromversorgung mit primär erneuerbaren Energien konzentriert sich in der aktuellen Wahrnehmung nur auf den Ausbau von Solar und Windkraftenergie. Dabei wird vergessen, dass aufgrund fehlender Stromspeichertechnologien und Überlandstromtrassen eine erneuerbare Energie benötigt wird, die konstant Strom liefern und so Erzeugungsschwankungen bei Solar- und Windkraftenergie ausgleichen kann. Tiefe Geothermie, also Energie, die aus der Erde kommt, kann diese Aufgabe leisten, da sie die einzige erneuerbare Energie ist, die nicht klimatischen oder wetterbedingten Schwankungen unterliegt. Mit einem durch Wissenschaftlern und Praktikern erstellten Normenkatalog für tiefengeothermische Bohrungen, würde hier ein höchstmöglichen Sicherheitsstandard erreicht, und die wirtschaftlichen wie geologischen Risiken jedes Projektes minimiert werden.

Energy (Let's Explore Science)

by Tim Clifford

Explores energy, how we use it, different yypes and forms, conservation and transformation of energy, renewable vs. non-renewable, and energy conservation.

Energy Accounts: Architectural Representations of Energy, Climate, and the Future

by Michael Mann

How does one tell the story of energy production, use, or conservation in a manner sufficiently convincing to influence policy, behavior, and design? Energy Accounts explores potential answers to this question through compelling images, data visualizations, narratives, and other examples of accounting for energy. Organized into a collection containing both examples of best practices and critiques, this impressive array of projects and contributors combines text and graphic material to explore different representations of energy data. Including work from Kieran Timberlake, SHoP, AMO, Lateral Office, WOHA, and many more, the book boasts a unique graphic design which supports and enhances its role as a valuable resource for professionals and students in architecture, engineering, and urban design.

Energy Analysis for a Sustainable Future: Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism

by Mario Giampietro Kozo Mayumi Alevgül H. Şorman

The vast majority of the countries of the world are now facing an imminent energy crisis, particularly the USA, China, India, Japan and EU countries, but also developing countries having to boost their economic growth precisely when more powerful economies will prevent them from using the limited supply of fossil energy. Despite this crisis, current protocols of energy accounting have been developed for dealing with fossil energy exclusively and are therefore not useful for the analysis of alternative energy sources. The first part of the book illustrates the weakness of existing analyses of energy problems: the science of energy was born and developed neglecting the issue of scale. The authors argue that it is necessary to adopt more complex protocols of accounting and analysis in order to generate robust energy scenarios and effective assessments of the quality of alternative energy sources. The second part of the book introduces the concept of energetic metabolism of modern societies and uses empirical results. The authors present an innovative approach – Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) – capable of characterizing the quality of alternative energy sources in relation to both environmental constraints and socio-economic requirements. This method allows the metabolic pattern of a society to be described in relation to its feasibility, when looking at biophysical factors, and desirability, when looking at socio-economic factors.Addressing the issue of scale in energy analysis by cutting through the confusion found in current applications of energy analysis, this book should be of interest to researchers, students and policy makers in energy within a variety of disciplines.

Energy and Climate Change

by David Coley

For more information on this title, including student exercises, please visit , and Climate Change: Creating a Sustainable Future provides an up-to-date introduction to the subject examining the relationship between energy and our global environment. The book covers the fundamentals of the subject, discussing what energy is, why it is important, as well as the detrimental effect on the environment following our use of energy. Energy is placed at the front of a discussion of geo-systems, living systems, technological development and the global environment, enabling the reader to develop a deeper understanding of magnitudes.Learning is re-enforced, and the relevance of the topic broadened, through the use of several conceptual veins running through the book. One of these is an attempt to demonstrate how systems are related to each other through energy and energy flows. Examples being wind-power, and bio-mass which are really solar power via another route; how the energy used to evaporate sea water must be related to the potential for hydropower; and where a volcano's energy really comes from.With fermi-like problems and student exercises incorporated throughout every chapter, this text provides the perfect companion to the growing number of students taking an interest in the subject.

Energy and Economic Growth: Why we need a new pathway to prosperity (Routledge Studies in Energy Transitions)

by Timothy J. Foxon

Access to new sources of energy and their efficient conversion to provide useful work have been key drivers of economic growth since the industrial revolution. Western countries now need to transform their energy systems and move away from the single-minded pursuit of economic growth in order to reduce our carbon emissions, and to allow the environmental space for other countries to develop in a more sustainable way. Achieving this requires understanding of the dynamics of economic and industrial change with appreciation of the dependence of economies on ecological systems. Energy and Economic Growth thus examines the links between three issues: history of energy sources, technologies and uses; ecological challenges associated with the current dominant economic growth paradigm; and the future low carbon energy transition to mitigate human-induced climate change. Providing a historical understanding of the relevant connections between physical, social and economic changes, the book enables the reader to better understand the connection between their own energy use and global economic and environmental systems, and to be able to ask the right questions of our political and business leaders. This is a valuable resource for students, scholars and policy makers with an interest in energy, climate change and economic thinking.

Energy and Electricity in Industrial Nations: The Sociology and Technology of Energy

by Allan Mazur

Energy is at the top of the list of environmental problems facing industrial society, and is arguably the one that has been handled least successfully, in part because politicians and the public do not understand the physical technologies, while the engineers and industrialists do not understand the societal forces in which they operate. In this book, Allan Mazur, an engineer and a sociologist, explains energy technologies for nontechnical readers and analyses the sociology of energy. The book gives an overview of energy policy in industrialised countries including analysis of climate change, the development of electricity, forms of renewable energy and public perception of the issues. Energy is a key component to environment policy and to the workings of industrial society. This novel approach to energy technology and policy makes the book an invaluable inter-disciplinary resource for students across a range of subjects, from environmental and engineering policy, to energy technology, public administration, and environmental sociology and economics.

Energy and Entropy: A Dynamic Duo

by Harvey S. Leff

Energy is typically regarded as understandable, despite its multiple forms of storage and transfer. Entropy, however, is an enigma, in part because of the common view that it represents disorder. That view is flawed and hides entropy’s connection with energy. In fact, macroscopic matter stores internal energy, and that matter’s entropy is determined by how the energy is stored. Energy and entropy are intimately linked. Energy and Entropy: A Dynamic Duo illuminates connections between energy and entropy for students, teachers, and researchers. Conceptual understanding is emphasised where possible through examples, analogies, figures, and key points. Features: Qualitative demonstration that entropy is linked to spatial and temporal energy spreading, with equilibrium corresponding to the most equitable distribution of energy, which corresponds to maximum entropy Analysis of energy and entropy of matter and photons, with examples ranging from rubber bands, cryogenic cooling, and incandescent lamps to Hawking radiation of black holes Unique coverage of numerical entropy, the 3rd law of thermodynamics, entropic force, dimensionless entropy, free energy, and fluctuations, from Maxwell's demon to Brownian ratchets, plus attempts to violate the second law of thermodynamics

Energy and Environment

by Vijay P Singh Shalini Yadav Ram Narayan Yadava

This book comprising seven parts is organized under two sections. The first section deals with environment containing four parts, whereas the second section, containing three parts, is on energy. The first part deals with some aspects of hydrologic impacts of global warming and anthropogenic changes. Part II is on bio-environment and discusses plants, biomass, and bacterial species. Part III focuses on chemical environment. Section one is concluded with Part IV on social environment. Section two starts out with Part V on solar energy. Hydropower is discussed in Part VI. The concluding Part VII deals with biogas. The book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of water resources, hydrology, environmental resources, agricultural engineering, watershed management, earth sciences, as well as those engaged in natural resources planning and management. Graduate students and those wishing to conduct further research in water and environment and their development and management may find the book to be of value.

Energy and Environmental Justice: Movements, Solidarities, and Critical Connections

by Tristan Partridge

This book reconnects energy research with the radical, reflexive, and transformative approaches of Environmental Justice. Global patterns of energy production and use are disrupting the ecosystems that sustain all life, disproportionately affecting marginalized groups. Addressing such injustices, this book examines how energy relates to structural issues of exploitation, racism, colonialism, extractivism, the commodification of work, and the systemic devaluing of diverse ‘others.’ The result is a new agenda for critical energy research that builds on a growing global movement of environmental justice activism and scholarship. Throughout the book the author reframes ‘transitions’ as collaborative projects of justice that demand structural change and societal shifts to more equitable and reciprocal ways of living. This book will be an invaluable resource for students, scholars, and practitioners interested in transforming energy systems and working collectively to build just planetary futures.

Energy and Environmental Strategies in the Era of Globalization (Green Energy and Technology)

by Muhammad Shahbaz Daniel Balsalobre

This book provides readers with cutting-edge techniques that can be applied to energy and environmental economics. Further, it highlights the effects that both globalization and economic growth have on the environment. In addition to offering a broader perspective on the relationship between environmental pollution, energy consumption and economic growth, the book studies the relationship between economic growth and environmental damage by drawing on the theoretical hypothesis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. The book presents new econometric techniques and innovative approaches to the study of the energy economy. Accordingly, it can be used to help analyse the current state of the energy economy, the environment and globalization, and can serve as a theoretical reference manual for doctoral students and academics seeking new analytical techniques.

Energy and Geopolitics

by Per Högselius

The idea that energy shapes and is shaped by geopolitics is firmly rooted in the popular imagination – and not without reason. Very few countries have the means to secure their energy needs through locally available supplies; instead, enduring dependencies upon other countries have developed. Given energy’s strategic significance, supply systems for fuels and electricity are now seamlessly interwoven with foreign policy and global politics. Energy and Geopolitics enables students to enhance their understanding and sharpen their analytical skills with respect to the complex relations between energy supply, energy markets and international politics. Per Högselius guides us through the complexities of world energy and international energy relations, examining a wide spectrum of fossil fuels, alongside nuclear and renewable energies. Uniquely, the book also shows how the geopolitics of energy is not merely a matter for the great powers and reveals how actors in the world’s smaller nations are as active in their quest for power and control. Encouraging students to apply a number of central concepts and theoretical ideas to different energy sources within a multitude of geographical, political and historical contexts, this book will be a vital resource to students and scholars of geopolitics, energy security and international environmental policy and politics.

Energy and Global Climate Change: Bridging the Sustainable Development Divide

by Anilla Cherian

Energy and Global Climate Change: Bridging the Sustainable Development Divide focuses attention on two urgent global development challenges faced by the UN and its member states: access to sustainable energy for all, and global climate change. This book presents compelling evidence about an often neglected aspect of the energy-climate change-development nexus faced by millions of poor: problems caused by the use of inefficient and polluting energy sources, and the lack of access to sustainable energy services. Based on a detailed examination of major UN global climate change and sustainable development negotiated outcomes over the course of several decades, this book argues in a powerful and insightful manner that intergovernmental negotiated outcomes aimed at solving the climate change and energy access challenges have been restricted by being placed in different negotiating silos. This “siloization” or compartmentalization has resulted in separate tracks of negotiated outcomes on two inextricably linked global development challenges; and, has thereby hindered prospects for integrated action. This book points out that the existence of these two silos is especially hard to ignore in light of the urgent UN-led quest for an integrated and universal post-2015 development agenda anticipated to be anchored by new sustainable development goals on energy access and climate change. By addressing the heavy reliance on inefficient and polluting energy services which result in indoor air pollution and short lived climate pollutants that tragically impact millions of poor people, this book highlights the unique importance of integrated action on the energy-poverty-climate change nexus in the UN’s post-2015 development era.

Energy and Household Expenditure Patterns (Routledge Revivals)

by Joel Darmstadter Thomas J. Lareau

Originally published in 1983, Energy and Household Expenditure Patterns claimed that two-thirds of energy consumption in the United States came from households. This study aimed to estimate the expected changes in household activities and how this would affect energy consumption in the country as a whole. Also discussed are implications of direct energy purchases and spending on energy goods in households as well as predicting the growth in energy consumption leading up to the year 2000. This title will be of interest to students of Environmental Studies and Economics.

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