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Energy Modeling: Art Science Practice (Routledge Revivals)
by Milton F. SearlIn 1973, a seminar was held by Resources for the Future to bring together the new and growing community of scholars researching into the general field of energy modelling. Originally published in the same year, this report gathers together all of the papers presented at that seminar in order to further spread the results of these studies with those who were unable to attend. The papers cover a full range of techniques used for energy modelling whilst commenting on current government and industry models. This title will be of interest to students of Environmental Studies.
Energy Modeling in Architectural Design
by Timothy L. Hemsath Kaveh Alagheh BandhosseiniEnergy Modeling in Architectural Design demonstrates how design elements can lead to energy savings, to help you reduce the energy footprint of your buildings. In addition to identifying climate opportunities, you#65533;ll also learn fundamental passive design elements for software-agnostic energy modeling of your projects from conception. Using parametric models and testing each element during design will lead you to create beautiful and high-performance buildings. Illustrated with more than 100 color images, this book also includes a pattern guide for high-performance buildings, discusses energy and daylighting optimization, and has a glossary for easy reference.
Energy Modelling in Architecture: A practice guide
by Sonja Oliviera Bill Gething Elena MarcoThis book offers a practical guide to embedding energy modelling in architectural practice. With expert contributions from leading architects and practices, this book illustrates architects’ approaches to learning, sharing and integrating energy modelling across a range of design projects, in both small and large firms in the UK and internationally. Discussing the practical and business implications of embedding energy modelling in practice, this is an essential manual for the energy-literate architect.
The Energy of Life (The Ringing Cedars Series #7)
by Vladimir Megré John Woodsworth Leonid SharashkinMan's life! On what or on whom does it depend? Why do some become emperors or regimental commanders, while others are obliged to fend for scraps at garbage dumps? One opinion holds that each person's fate is pre-determined from birth. That would make Man nothing more than an insignificant cog in some mechanised system, and not the highly organised creation of God.
The Energy of Slaves: Oil and the New Servitude
by Andrew Nikiforuk&“A robustly researched and smoothly written overview of the many challenges confronting our devotion to fossil fuels&” from the author of Tar Sands (Quill & Quire). Ancient civilizations relied on shackled human muscle. It took the energy of slaves to plant crops, clothe emperors, and build cities. Nineteenth-century slaveholders viewed critics as hostilely as oil companies and governments now regard environmentalists. Yet the abolition movement had an invisible ally: coal and oil. As the world&’s most versatile workers, fossil fuels replenished slavery&’s ranks with combustion engines and other labor-saving tools. Since then, cheap oil has transformed politics, economics, science, agriculture, and even our concept of happiness. Many North Americans today live as extravagantly as Caribbean plantation owners. We feel entitled to surplus energy and rationalize inequality, even barbarity, to get it. But endless growth is an illusion. In this provocative book, Andrew Nikiforuk, winner of the Rachel Carson Environment Book Award, argues that what we need is a radical emancipation movement that ends our master-and-slave approach to energy. We must learn to use energy on a moral, just, and truly human scale. Published in Partnership with the David Suzuki Institute &“In his cautionary tale about the evils of oil . . . Nikiforuk makes his case for impending doom if we don&’t mend our energy-spending ways.&” —The Star &“In this cogently argued book, Andrew Nikiforuk deploys a powerful metaphor. Oil dependency, he writes, is a modern form of slavery—and it&’s time for a global abolition movement.&” —Taras Grescoe, author of Shanghai Grand &“A startling critique that should rouse us from our pipe dream of endless plenty.&” —Ronald Wright, author of On Fiji Islands
Energy Optimization and Prediction in Office Buildings: A Case Study Of Office Building Design In Chile (SpringerBriefs in Energy)
by Carlos Rubio-Bellido Alexis Pérez-Fargallo Jesús Pulido-ArcasThis book explains how energy demand and energy consumption in new buildings can be predicted and how these aspects and the resulting CO2 emissions can be reduced. It is based upon the authors’ extensive research into the design and energy optimization of office buildings in Chile. The authors first introduce a calculation procedure that can be used for the optimization of energy parameters in office buildings, and to predict how a changing climate may affect energy demand. The prediction of energy demand, consumption and CO2 emissions is demonstrated by solving simple equations using the example of Chilean buildings, and the findings are subsequently applied to buildings around the globe.An optimization process based on Artificial Neural Networks is discussed in detail, which predicts heating and cooling energy demands, energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Taken together, these processes will show readers how to reduce energy demand, consumption and CO2 emissions associated with office buildings in the future. Readers will gain an advanced understanding of energy use in buildings and how it can be reduced.
Energy or Extinction?: The Case for Nuclear Energy (Routledge Revivals)
by Fred HoyleOriginally published in 1977 and as second edition in 1979, this book argues that without energy sources on a vast scale our present society cannot survive. According to the author, Fred Hoyle, the technology to tap solar, wind or wave power on a large enough scale just does not exist. He considers nuclear fission to be the only source currently capable of supplying our needs. The author fills in the scientific background necessary to appreciate his arguments in his lucid, direct style, so that the book can act as an ideal introduction for those unfamiliar with the energy debate. This short book is unashamedly provocative and many of the central tenets of it remain as relevant today as when it was first published.
Energy, People, Buildings: Making sustainable architecture work
by Judit Kimpian Sofie Pelsmakers Hattie HartmanEnergy performance feedback is an essential tool in addressing the current climate crisis. However, this is not simply another theoretical text about energy performance in buildings. This book is for anyone who wants to better understand how energy is used in buildings, and how to drive down operational energy use – whether you’re an architect, student, client, building services engineer, contractor, building operator or other stakeholder. Focusing on evidence from feedback on buildings in use, it explains what it takes to get them to perform as expected, as well as the reasons why they often fail. Energy, People, Buildings draws extensively on the findings of studies, UK government-funded building performance evaluations and on original research into seven case studies from across the UK and abroad that have achieved exemplary energy use through building performance feedback. Providing a clear roadmap to understanding aspects that impact building users’ comfort and satisfaction, it also outlines the factors behind energy use and how to track it across the life of a project to ensure that your building performs as intended. Case studies include: the Everyman Theatre, Liverpool; Rocky Mountain Institute Innovation Center, Colorado; and Carrowbreck Meadow, Norwich. Featured architects: AHMM, AHR, Architype, Hamson Barron Smith, Haworth Tompkins, Henning Larsen Architects and ZGF Architects.
Energy Performance in the Australian Built Environment (Green Energy and Technology)
by Priyadarsini Rajagopalan Mary Myla Andamon Trivess MooreThis book examines energy efficiency in the Australian built environment and presents current developments with a particular focus on the temperate setting of Victoria state. It is divided into four main parts discussing policies, climate, and carbon footprint and presenting case studies on the energy performance and indoor environmental quality of various building types. The book is intended for readers wanting to understand the various policies related to different buildings types and their energy performance.
Energy Policies and Climate Change in China: Actors, Implementation, and Future Prospects (Routledge Studies in Energy Policy)
by Han LinIn the face of growing environmental challenges, including climate change and energy security, countries across the globe are developing new policies and programs to address these challenges, and China is no exception. This book analyses China’s two most significant climate-related energy policies, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM; including the later Chinese Certified Emission Reduciton – CCER) and the Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Scheme (ECERS). This work specifically examines the strengths and weaknesses of these policies to highlight the deficiencies and advise how they can be optimised, so China can better achieve its emission reduction goals. It analyses the roles and relationships between relevant actors and identifies how successful their cooperation has been, and what factors have affected it. Importantly, the work draws on a wide range of sources from central ministries to civil society, including interviews with Chinese officials, scholars, energy company managers, environment non-govermental organisation (ENGO) personnel, media reports, and online forum discussions. In doing so, the book not only analyses the thoughts of policymakers, as many works do, but also those implementing the policies and those impacted by the policies. The book concludes by offering detailed and practical solutions to address each specific deficiency in the CDM and ECERS policies, with the aim of providing innovations and alternative approaches to improve current and future policies in China. This book will be of great interest to students, scholars, and policymakers interested in climate change, energy, and Chinese environmental policy and politics.
Energy Policy in China (Routledge Studies in Energy Policy)
by Chi-Jen YangEnergy policy has always been an important part of China’s national policy agenda. Although the overall Chinese economy has become largely market-driven, its energy sectors are still subject to varying degrees of government control. Authoritarian governance allows China to move very quickly in some areas, such as hydropower, nuclear power, wind power, and solar energy. However, conflicting interests have also led to infighting and impasses. With a specific focus on energy supply, Energy Policy in China provides a succinct account of China’s energy policy over the last sixty years. Using separate chapters dedicated to each energy sub-sector, Chi-Jen Yang introduces and discusses both the achievements and failures of the Chinese energy systems, as well as the strengths and insufficiencies of energy governance in China. This book is an interdisciplinary study written for a broad audience, including those researching and working in the fields of energy policy, business strategy, and government administration, as well as Chinese and Asian Studies more broadly.
Energy Portfolios
by U. Aswathanarayana Rao S. DiviThis book provides an overview of the globally ongoing research and development efforts to reduce carbon emissions and costs, and to improve the efficiency of emerging energy technologies. It covers current and future research and development of Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear Power, and Renewable Energy Resources. The author provides optimal size,
Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts
by Carlos Rubio-Bellido Jaime Solis-GuzmanThis book presents research on energy poverty alleviation, approaching the complex phenomenon topic holistically and with heterogeneity. It includes contributions from research teams studying the topic at a national, regional and local levels worldwide. The book is divided in two main blocks. The first part, New Approaches, involves novel assessments and concepts from a global and multidisciplinary point of view. The second part, Contexts, offers new theoretical diagnoses focused on case studies of different scales from around the world, and concepts for future trends. Energy Poverty Alleviation will be of interest to policy makers, stakeholders, academics and researchers with knowledge in the energy poverty field.
Energy Poverty and Access Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of regionalism (Energy, Climate and the Environment)
by Victoria R. NaluleAccess to modern energy is central in addressing the major global challenges of the 21st century, including poverty, climate change and famine. However large parts of the world, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have poor or no access to modern energy. Victoria Nalule argues that SSA countries have many common energy challenges which could be tackled with collective efforts through regional cooperation. By means of a legal and comparative analysis and a seven-step framework, the book explores the current regional mechanisms employed in Africa to address the challenge of energy poverty and access and whether they are effective in tackling the challenge of energy access, including regional energy infrastructure and regional energy regulations.Chapters discuss the evolution of regionalism in SSA and the role of regional cooperation in the development of renewable energy as a means of confronting both energy access and climate change. Specifically the nexus between energy access, renewable energy and climate change is covered as well as the potential of fossil fuels in addressing energy poverty. The establishment and development of regional energy infrastructure as one of the mechanisms of addressing energy access challenges in SSA and regional efforts to harmonise energy regulation are explored. Finally a concluding chapter provides recommendations for policy makers and other relevant stakeholders on how best to implement some of the suggestions made in previous chapters. International organisations, regional organisations, government officials, scholars and students with interest in the energy sector will highly benefit from this book.
Energy Poverty and Vulnerability: A Global Perspective (Routledge Explorations in Energy Studies)
by Stefan Bouzarovski Neil Simcock Harriet Thomson Saska PetrovaHuman health and well being are closely intertwined with the ability to access affordable and modern domestic energy services, including heating, cooling, lighting, cooking, and information technology. Energy poverty is said to occur when such amenities cannot be secured up to a socially- and physically- necessitated level. Millions of people across the world suffer from energy poverty due to a combination of financial, social and technical circumstances. Energy Poverty and Vulnerability provides novel and critical perspectives on the drivers and consequences of energy-related injustices in the home. Drawing together original research conducted by leading experts, the book offers fresh and innovative insights into the ways in which hitherto unexplored factors such as cultural norms, environmental conditions and household needs combine to shape vulnerability to energy poverty. Case studies from a wide range of countries are presented, thus providing the first globally-integrated account of a policy and research domain that has previously been divided between the Global South and North. An examination of the diverse manifestations of energy poverty is supplemented by an identification of this condition’s shared and context-specific causes. Conveying policy-relevant insights that can inform decision-making, this book can be of great interest to students and scholars of energy demand, social justice, and sustainability transitions, as well as decision-makers and practitioners who wish to find out more about this complex issue.
Energy Poverty, Practice, and Policy (Progressive Energy Policy)
by Catherine ButlerThis Open Access book examines the implications of welfare policy for energy poverty and engages with key conceptual debates at the forefront of energy demand research. Academic work on energy poverty has rarely been brought into conversation with practice-theory-based approaches to energy use and sustainability. This book reveals how novel insights can be made visible through combining these different ways of thinking about energy demand issues. It presents a distinctive approach to energy poverty that places inequalities at the heart of debates about the advancing energy intensity of contemporary societies.
Energy Price Shocks and Macroeconomic Performance (Routledge Revivals)
by Douglas R. BohiThe oil price shocks of the 1970’s led to severe recessions in the 1980’s in the United States. Originally published in 1989 in the aftermath, Bohi attempts to show both how energy prices can cause a decline in output and employment and to explore important other factors which led to the recessions using the US, United Kingdom, Japan and Germany as examples. The findings in Energy Price Shocks and Macroeconomic Performance have major implications for energy policy and questions government plans which focus solely on preventing another oil supply disruption. This title will be of interest to students of environmental studies and economics as well as professionals.
Energy Recovery Technology for Building Applications: Green Innovation towards a Sustainable Future
by Mardiana Idayu Ahmad Saffa RiffatThis book discusses energy recovery technology, a green innovation that can be used in buildings. This technology reduces energy consumption in buildings and provides energy savings to conventional mechanical ventilation systems. Divided into eight chapters, the book provides in-depth technical information, state-of-the-art research, and latest developments in the energy recovery technology field. Case-studies describe worldwide applications of energy recovery technology and its integrated system for building services. This book will be used as a general and technical reference book for students, engineers, professionals, practitioners, scientists, and researchers seeking to reduce energy consumption of buildings in various climatic conditions.Presents an overview of energy consumption scenarios in buildings and the needs for energy-efficient technologies at regional and global levels;Explains models and methods of energy recovery technology performance evaluation;Inspires further research into energy recovery technology for building applications.
Energy, Resource Extraction and Society: Impacts and Contested Futures (Routledge Studies of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development)
by Anna SzoluchaEnergy is central to the fabric of society. This book revisits the classic notions of energy impacts by examining the social effects of resource extraction and energy projects which are often overlooked. Energy impacts are often reduced to the narrow configurations of greenhouse gas emissions, chemical spills or land use changes. However, this neglects the fact that the way we produce, distribute and consume energy shapes society, political institutions and culture. The authors trace the impacts of contemporary energy and resource extraction developments and explain their significance for the shaping of powerful social imaginaries and a reconfiguration of political and democratic systems. They analyse not only the complex histories and landscapes of industrial mining and energy development, including oil, coal, wind power, gas (fracking) and electrification, but also their significance for contested energy and social futures. Based on ethnographic and interdisciplinary research from around the world, including case studies from Australia, Germany, Kenya, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Poland, Turkey, UK and USA, they document the effects on local communities and how these are often transformed into citizen engagement, protest and resistance. This sheds new light on the relationship between energy and power, reflecting a wide array of pertinent impacts beyond the usual considerations of economic efficiency and energy security. The volume is aimed at advanced students and researchers in anthropology, sociology, human geography, science and technology studies, environmental studies and sustainable development as well as professionals working in the field of impact assessments.
Energy Revolution: Policies for a Sustainable Future
by Howard GellerThe transformation from a carbon-based world economy to one based on high efficiency and renewables is a necessary step if human society is to achieve sustainability. But while scientists and researchers have made significant advances in energy efficiency and renewable technologies in recent years, consumers have yet to see dramatic changes in the marketplace--due in large part to government policies and programs that favor the use of fossil fuels.Energy Revolution examines the policy options for mitigating or removing the entrenched advantages held by fossil fuels and speeding the transition to a more sustainable energy future, one based on improved efficiency and a shift to renewable sources such as solar, wind, and bioenergy. The book:examines today's energy patterns and trends and their consequencesdescribes the barriers to a more sustainable energy future and how those barriers can be overcomeprovides ten case studies of integrated strategies that have been effective in different parts of the worldexamines international policies and institutions and recommends ways they could be improvedreviews global trends that suggest that the transition to renewables and increased efficiency is underway and is achievableEnergy policy represents a linchpin for achieving a broader transition to a more sustainable economy. Energy Revolution offers a unique focus on policies and programs, and on the lessons provided by recent experience. It represents a key statement of the available options for reforming energy policy that have proven to be successful, and is an essential work for policymakers, researchers, and anyone concerned with energy and sustainability issues.
Energy Risk Assessment
by Herbert InhaberFirst Published in 1982. Comprehensive and controversial, this book presents an overview of the energy options available and their attendant risks. The entire energy cycle- from raw material to final energy production- is examined in depth so that accurate and detailed assessments can be made of the risks of energy options.
Energy Savings Calculations for Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Upgrades
by Anthony J. BuonicoreCode-compliant building materials and equipment will typically have a lower initial cost; however, the lifetime energy savings of the high efficiency equipment will often justify the upfront cost premium and result in a more cost-effective solution. Energy Savings Calculations for Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Upgrades assists energy professionals, contractors, building owners, and managers in developing energy savings estimates that can facilitate a quick assessment of the potential energy savings that might be realized when replacing existing building components with the highest efficiency equipment. It also provides algorithms to estimate greenhouse gas emission reductions that may be achieved by building energy efficiency upgrades and the impact these upgrades can have on building electrification-decarbonization projects. This book: Focuses on the development of energy savings estimates based upon a whole building’s energy consumption and the energy consumption associated with building end-uses such as space heating, space cooling, ventilation, lighting, and so forth. Includes over 70 illustrative examples using algorithms to demonstrate how energy savings and greenhouse gas emission reductions may be estimated utilizing different strategies and equipment.
Energy Science and Applied Technology: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Energy Science and Applied Technology (ESAT 2015)
by Zhigang FangEnergy Science and Applied Technology includes contributions on a wide range of topics:- Technologies in geology, mining, oil and gas exploration and exploitation of deposits- Energy transfer and conversion, materials and chemical technologies- Environmental engineering and sustainable development- Electrical and electronic technology, power system
Energy Security and Cooperation in Eurasia: Power, profits and politics (Routledge Studies in Energy Policy)
by Ekaterina SvyatetsWhy are bilateral relations, especially in the area of energy security, so different in the cases of U.S.-Russia, U.S.-Azerbaijan, and Russia-Germany energy deals? Why do some states find common ground despite differences, while others, with all the seemingly favourable conditions, are sinking into animosity? Energy Security and Cooperation in Eurasia explores varying outcomes of energy cooperation, defined as diplomatic relations, bilateral trade, and investment in oil and natural gas. The book looks at economic potential, geopolitical rivalry, and domestic interest groups in the cases of U.S.-Russia, U.S.-Azerbaijan, and Russia-Germany energy ties. It looks at major projects in each case (Sakhalin and Arctic oil and gas production, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Nord Stream pipelines) and activities of international oil companies. The book also provides a detailed analysis of the situation in Ukraine since 2014 and Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and their effect on European energy security. This book utilizes an innovative approach of exploring the dyads of states (bilateral relations) along the economic, geopolitical, and domestic lobbying dimensions. This book is a valuable resource for graduate and undergraduate students, academics and researchers in the areas of Security, Political Economy, Comparative Politics, post-Soviet studies, as well as for general public.
Energy Security and Natural Gas Markets in Europe: Lessons from the EU and the United States (Routledge Studies in Energy Policy)
by Tim BoersmaMoving beyond most conventional thinking about energy security in Europe which revolves around stability of supplies and the reliability of suppliers, this book presents the history of European policy-making regarding energy resources, including recent controversies about shale gas and fracking. Using the United States as a benchmark, the author tests the hypothesis that EU energy security is at risk primarily because of a lack of market integration and cooperation between member states. This lack of integration still prohibits natural gas to flow freely throughout the continent, which makes parts of Europe vulnerable in case of supply disruptions. The book demonstrates that the EU gas market has been developing at different speeds, leaving the Northwest of the continent reasonably well integrated, with sufficient trade and liquidity and different supplies, whereas other parts are less developed. In these parts of Europe there is a structural lack of investments in infrastructure, interconnectors, reverse flow options and storage facilities. Thus, even though substantial progress has been made in parts of the EU, single source dependency often prevails, leaving the relevant member states vulnerable to market power abuse. Detailed comparisons are made of the situations in the Netherlands and Poland, and of energy policy in the USA. The book dismantles some of the existing assumptions about the concept of energy security, and touches upon the level of rhetoric that features in most energy security and policy debates in Europe.