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Environmental and Human Security in the Arctic

by Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv Dawn R. Bazely Marina Goloviznina Andrew J. Tanentzap

This is the first comprehensive exploration of why human security is relevant to the Arctic and what achieving it can mean, covering the areas of health of the environment, identity of peoples, supply of traditional foods, community health, economic opportunities, and political stability. The traditional definition of security has already been actively employed in the Arctic region for decades, particularly in relation to natural resource sovereignty issues, but how and why should the human aspect be introduced? What can this region teach us about human security in the wider world? The book reviews the potential threats to security, putting them in an analytical framework and indicating a clear path for solutions.Contributions come from natural, social and humanities scientists, hailing from Canada, Russia, Finland and Norway. Environmental Change and Human Security in the Arctic is an essential resource for policy-makers, community groups, researchers and students working in the field of human security, particularly for those in the Arctic regions.

Environmental and Low-Temperature Geochemistry

by Peter Ryan

Environmental and Low-Temperature Geochemistry presents conceptual and quantitative principles of geochemistry in order to foster understanding of natural processes at and near the earth’s surface, as well as anthropogenic impacts and remediation strategies. It provides the reader with principles that allow prediction of concentration, speciation, mobility and reactivity of elements and compounds in soils, waters, sediments and air, drawing attention to both thermodynamic and kinetic controls. The scope includes atmosphere, terrestrial waters, marine waters, soils, sediments and rocks in the shallow crust; the temporal scale is present to Precambrian, and the spatial scale is nanometers to local, regional and global. This second edition of Environmental and Low-Temperature Geochemistry provides the most up-to-date status of the carbon cycle and global warming, including carbon sources, sinks, fluxes and consequences, as well as emerging evidence for (and effects of) ocean acidification. Understanding environmental problems like this requires knowledge based in fundamental principles of equilibrium, kinetics, basic laws of chemistry and physics, empirical evidence, examples from the geological record, and identification of system fluxes and reservoirs that allow us to conceptualize and understand. This edition aims to do that with clear explanations of fundamental principles of geochemistry as well as information and approaches that provide the student or researcher with knowledge to address pressing questions in environmental and geological sciences. New content in this edition includes: Focus Boxes – one every two or three pages – providing case study examples (e.g. methyl isocyanate in Bhopal, origins and health effects of asbestiform minerals), concise explanations of fundamental concepts (e.g. balancing chemical equations, isotopic fractionation, using the Keq to predict reactivity), and useful information (e.g. units of concentration, titrating to determine alkalinity, measuring redox potential of natural waters); Sections on emerging contaminants for which knowledge is rapidly increasing (e.g. perfluorinated compounds, pharmaceuticals and other domestic and industrial chemicals); Greater attention to interrelationships of inorganic, organic and biotic phases and processes; Descriptions, theoretical frameworks and examples of emerging methodologies in geochemistry research, e.g. clumped C-O isotopes to assess seawater temperature over geological time, metal stable isotopes to assess source and transport processes, X-ray absorption spectroscopy to study oxidation state and valence configuration of atoms and molecules; Additional end-of-chapter problems, including more quantitatively based questions. Two detailed case studies that examine fate and transport of organic contaminants (VOCs, PFCs), with data and interpretations presented separately. These examples consider the chemical and mineralogical composition of rocks, soils and waters in the affected system; microbial influence on the decomposition of organic compounds; the effect of reduction-oxidation on transport of Fe, As and Mn; stable isotopes and synthetic compounds as tracers of flow; geological factors that influence flow; and implications for remediation. The interdisciplinary approach and range of topics – including environmental contamination of air, water and soil as well as the processes that affect both natural and anthropogenic systems – make it well-suited for environmental geochemistry courses at universities as well as liberal arts colleges.

Environmental and Low Temperature Geochemistry

by Peter Ryan

Environmental and Low-Temperature Geochemistry presents conceptual and quantitative principles of geochemistry in order to foster understanding of natural processes at and near the earth’s surface, as well as anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment. It provides the reader with the essentials of concentration, speciation and reactivity of elements in soils, waters, sediments and air, drawing attention to both thermodynamic and kinetic controls. Specific features include: • An introductory chapter that reviews basic chemical principles applied to environmental and low-temperature geochemistry • Explanation and analysis of the importance of minerals in the environment • Principles of aqueous geochemistry • Organic compounds in the environment • The role of microbes in processes such as biomineralization, elemental speciation and reduction-oxidation reactions • Thorough coverage of the fundamentals of important geochemical cycles (C, N, P, S) • Atmospheric chemistry • Soil geochemistry • The roles of stable isotopes in environmental analysis • Radioactive and radiogenic isotopes as environmental tracers and environmental contaminants • Principles and examples of instrumental analysis in environmental geochemistry The text concludes with a case study of surface water and groundwater contamination that includes interactions and reactions of naturally-derived inorganic substances and introduced organic compounds (fuels and solvents), and illustrates the importance of interdisciplinary analysis in environmental geochemistry. Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying environmental/low T geochemistry as part of an earth science, environmental science or related program. Additional resources for this book can be found at:

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: A Contemporary Approach

by Jonathan M. Harris Brian Roach

Environmental issues are of fundamental importance, and a broad approach to understanding the relationship between the human economy and the natural world is essential. In a rapidly changing policy and scientific context, this new edition of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics reflects an updated perspective on modern environmental topics. Now in its fifth edition, this textbook includes enhanced and updated material on energy, climate change, greening the economy, population, agriculture, forests and water—reflecting the greater urgency required to solve the big environmental problems in these areas. It introduces students to both standard environmental economics and the broader perspective of ecological economics, balancing analytical techniques of environmental economics topics with a global perspective on current ecological issues such as population growth, global climate change and "green" national income accounting. Harris and Roach’s premise is that a pluralistic approach is essential to understand the complex nexus between the economy and the environment. This perspective, combined with its emphasis on real-world policies, is particularly appealing to both instructors and students. This is the ideal text for undergraduate classes on environmental, natural resource and ecological economics, and postgraduate courses on environmental and economic policy. The companion website features PowerPoint materials and extended, chapter-specific discussion points.

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: A Contemporary Approach

by null Jonathan M. Harris null Brian Roach

Environmental issues are of fundamental importance, and a broad approach to understanding the relationship between the human economy and the natural world is essential. In a rapidly changing policy and scientific context, this new edition of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics reflects an updated perspective on modern environmental topics.Now in its fifth edition, this textbook includes enhanced and updated material on energy, climate change, greening the economy, population, agriculture, forests and water—reflecting the greater urgency required to solve the big environmental problems in these areas. It introduces students to both standard environmental economics and the broader perspective of ecological economics, balancing analytical techniques of environmental economics topics with a global perspective on current ecological issues such as population growth, global climate change and "green" national income accounting.Harris and Roach’s premise is that a pluralistic approach is essential to understand the complex nexus between the economy and the environment. This perspective, combined with its emphasis on real-world policies, is particularly appealing to both instructors and students. This is the ideal text for undergraduate classes on environmental, natural resource and ecological economics, and postgraduate courses on environmental and economic policy.To access Student and Instructor resources, please visit:

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

by Lynne Lewis Thomas H. Tietenberg

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics is the best-selling text for natural resource economics and environmental economics courses, offering a policy-oriented approach and introducing economic theory and empirical work from the field. Students will leave the course with a global perspective of both environmental and natural resource economics and how they interact. Complemented by a number of case studies showing how underlying economic principles provided the foundation for specific environmental and resource policies, this key text highlights what can be learned from the actual experience. This new, 11th edition includes updated data, a number of new studies and brings a more international focus to the subject. Key features include: Extensive coverage of the major issues including climate change, air and water pollution, sustainable development, and environmental justice. Dedicated chapters on a full range of resources including water, land, forests, fisheries, and recyclables. Introductions to the theory and method of environmental economics including externalities, benefit-cost analysis, valuation methods, and ecosystem goods and services. Boxed ‘Examples’ and ‘Debates’ throughout the text which highlight global examples and major talking points. The text is fully supported with end-of-chapter summaries, discussion questions, and self-test exercises in the book and multiple-choice questions, simulations, references, slides, and an instructor’s manual on the Companion Website.

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: A Contemporary Approach

by Brian Roach Jonathan M. Harris

Harris and Roach present a compact and accessible presentation of the core environmental and resource topics and more, with analytical rigor as well as engaging examples and policy discussions. They take a broad approach to theoretical analysis, using both standard economic and ecological analyses, and developing these both from theoretical and practical points of view. It assumes a background in basic economics, but offers brief review sections on important micro and macroeconomic concepts, as well as appendices with more advanced and technical material. Extensive instructor and student support materials, including PowerPoint slides, data updates, and student exercises are provided.

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: A Contemporary Approach

by Brian Roach Jonathan M. Harris

Environmental issues are of fundamental importance, and a broad approach to understanding the relationship of the human economy and the natural world is essential. In a rapidly changing policy and scientific context, this new edition of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics reflects an updated perspective on modern environmental topics. Now in its fourth edition, this book includes new material on climate change, the cost-competitiveness of renewable energy, global environmental trends, and sustainable economies. The text provides a balanced treatment of both standard environmental economics and ecological economics, based on the belief that these two approaches are complementary. Several chapters focus on the core concepts of environmental economics, including the theory of externalities, the management of public goods, the allocation of resources across time, environmental valuation, and cost-benefit analysis. Material on ecological economics includes such topics as macroeconomic scale, entropy, and "green" national accounting. Topical chapters focus on: energy; climate change; water resources; international trade; forests; fisheries; and agriculture, with an emphasis on designing effective policies to promote sustainability and a "green" economy. Harris and Roach’s premise is that a pluralistic approach is essential to understand the complex nexus between the economy and the environment. This perspective, combined with its emphasis on real-world policies, is particularly appealing to both instructors and students. This is the ideal text for classes on environmental, natural resource, and ecological economics.

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

by Tom Tietenberg Lynne Lewis

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics is one of the most widely used textbooks for environmental economics and natural resource economics courses, offering a policy-oriented approach and introducing economic theory and empirical work from the field. Students will develop a global perspective of both environmental and natural resource economics and how they interact. This 12th edition provides updated data, new studies, and more international examples. There is a considerable amount of new material, with a deeper focus on climate change and coverage of COVID-19, social justice, and the circular economy. Key features include: Extensive coverage of major contemporary issues including climate change, water and air pollution, resource allocation, biodiversity protection, sustainable development, and environmental justice. Four chapters specifically devoted to climate economics, including chapters on energy, climate mitigation, carbon pricing, and adaptation to climate change. Introductions to the theory and method of environmental economics, including externalities, benefit-cost analysis, valuation methods, and ecosystem goods and services and updates to the social cost of carbon. New examples and debates throughout the text, highlighting global cases and major talking points. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics supports students with end-of-chapter summaries, discussion questions, exercises, and further reading in the book, and the companion website offers additional learning and teaching resources.

Environmental and Natural Resources Economics

by Xiangzheng Deng Malin Song Zhihui Li Fan Zhang Yuexian Liu

This book aims to integrate multiple disciplinary such as management, economics, and geography from the perspective of resource science and also to strengthen research on resource management to promote sustainability in natural resources. It established clear definition of natural resources and in-depth exploration of main fields such as water resources, land resources, and agricultural resources. Classic methods of economics are applied to solve the problems of resource consumption, environmental pollution, and climate change in modern society. On the basis of classical economics, the disciplinary system of environmental and natural resources is further developed. It is a helpful reference for readers to further study natural resources and environmental economics.

Environmental and Natural Resources Economics: Theory, Policy, and the Sustainable Society

by Steven C. Hackett

Extensively revised and updated, this popular text presents an accessible yet rigorous treatment of environmental and natural resources economics, including climate change and the economics of sustainability. Completely revised and updated, the fourth edition now includes new figures and tables, definitions to assist the reader, and updated policy information. New advances in the science, economics and policy approaches to climate change have been integrated into essentially all-new chapters on incentive regulation and global climate change. This innovative textbook integrates economics with science and public policy in a balanced and accessible way that will be appreciated by students from disciplines ranging from economics and natural resources management to environmental studies and energy policy.

Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education: Canadian Perspectives (International Explorations in Outdoor and Environmental Education)

by Douglas D. Karrow Maurice DiGiuseppe

This book was inspired by the inaugural National Roundtable on Environmental and Sustainability Education in Canadian Faculties of Education (Roundtable 2016), which took place June 14-16, 2016, at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario. Roundtable 2016 brought together over seventy participants from across Canada, including educators, researchers, policy-makers, consultants, and community organizations. Over the course of three days, participants took part in keynote addresses, research colloquia, networking socials, and collaborative inquiry activities focused on Environmental Sustainability Education in Teacher Education (ESE-TE). Roundtable 2016 resulted in the publication of a National Action Plan containing action-oriented recommendations for enhancing ESE-TE, and a position statement titled “The Otonabee Declaration,” where delegates articulated their views regarding environmental degradation, the critical need for enhancing ESE-TE, and, the role educators, children, youth, educational institutions, policy makers, and Indigenous communities play in enhancing ESE-TE in Canada. This volume concludes with a discussion placing current Canadian ESE-TE theory and practice within an international context.

Environmental Anthropology Engaging Ecotopia

by Joshua Lockyer James R. Veteto

In order to move global society towards a sustainable "ecotopia," solutions must be engaged in specific places and communities, and the authors here argue for re-orienting environmental anthropology from a problem-oriented towards a solutions-focused endeavor. Using case studies from around the world, the contributors-scholar-activists and activist-practitioners- examine the interrelationships between three prominent environmental social movements: bioregionalism, a worldview and political ecology that grounds environmental action and experience; permaculture, a design science for putting the bioregional vision into action; and ecovillages, the ever-dynamic settings for creating sustainable local cultures.

The Environmental Apocalypse: Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Climate Crisis (Routledge Environmental Humanities)

by Jakub Kowalewski

This volume brings together scholars working in diverse traditions of the humanities in order to offer a comprehensive analysis of the environmental catastrophe as the modern-day apocalypse. Drawing on philosophy, theology, history, literature, art history, psychoanalysis, as well as queer and decolonial theories, the authors included in this book expound the meaning of the climate apocalypse, reveal its presence in our everyday experiences, and examine its impact on our intellectual, imaginative, and moral practices. Importantly, the chapters show that eco-apocalypticism can inform progressively transformative discourses about climate change. In so doing, they demonstrate the fruitfulness of understanding the environmental catastrophe from within an apocalyptic framework, carving a much-needed path between two unsatisfactory approaches to the climate disaster: first, the conservative impulse to preserve the status quo responsible for today’s crisis, and second, the reckless acceptance of the destructive effects of climate change. This book will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars interested in the contributions of both apocalypticism and the humanities to contemporary ecological debates.

Environmental Applications of Digital Terrain Modeling (Analytical Methods in Earth and Environmental Science)

by John P. Wilson

A digital elevation model (DEM) is a digital representation of ground surface topography or terrain. It is also widely known as a digital terrain model (DTM). A DEM can be represented as a raster (a grid of squares) or as a vector based triangular irregular network (TIN). DEMs are commonly built using remote sensing techniques, but they may also be built from land surveying. DEMs are used often in geographic information systems, and are the most common basis for digitally-produced relief maps. The terrain surface can be described as compromising of two different elements; random and systematic. The random (stochastic) elements are the continuous surfaces with continuously varying relief. It would take an endless number of points to describe exactly the random terrain shapes, but these can be described in practice with a network of point. It is usual to use a network that creates sloping triangles or regular quadrants. This book examines how the methods and data sources used to generate DEMs and calculate land surface parameters have changed over the past 25 years. The primary goal is to describe the state-of-the-art for a typical digital terrain modeling workflow that starts with data capture, continues with data preprocessing and DEM generation, and concludes with the calculation of one or more primary and secondary land surface parameters. Taken as a whole, this book covers the basic theory behind the methods, the instrumentation, analysis and interpretation that are embedded in the modern digital terrain modeling workflow, the strengths and weaknesses of the various methods that the terrain analyst must choose among, typical applications of the results emanating from these terrain modeling workflows, and future directions. This book is intended for researchers and practitioners who wish to use DEMs, land surface parameters, land surface objects and landforms in environmental projects. The book will also be valuable as a reference text for environmental scientists who are specialists in related fields and wish to integrate these kinds of digital terrain workflows and outputs into their own specialized work environments.

Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Libya

by Hamdi A. Zurqani

This book addresses the environmental challenges that Libya and similar countries in the regions are currently facing. Each chapter of this book provides a methodology using remote sensing (RS) and geographical information systems (GIS) dealing with one of these environmental challenges such as monitoring and mapping soil salinity and prediction of soil properties, monitoring and mapping of land degradation, spatiotemporal land use/cover, agricultural drought monitoring, hydrological applications such as spatial rainfall distribution, surface runoff, geo-morphometric analysis, flood hazard assessment and mapping, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, pollution hazard assessment, and climate-related geophysical processes. This book also assesses the impacts of climate change on natural resources using both RS and GIS, as well as other applications, covering different parts of Libya. This book is beneficial for graduate students, researchers, policy planners, and stakeholders in Libya as well as other countries that share similar environmental issues. Also, the methodologies followed in the book's chapters can be applied to any other regions around the world with similar landscapes and climatic conditions.

Environmental Archaeology: Theoretical and Practical Approaches (Key Issues in Environmental Change)

by Peter Clark Chris Turney Matthew Canti Nick Branch

Environmental Archaeology: Theoretical and Practical Approaches outlines and assesses the various methods used to reconstruct and explain the past interaction between people and their environment. Emphasising the importance of a highly scientific approach to the subject, the book combines geoarchaeological, bioarchaeological (archaeobotany and zooarchaeology) and geochronological information and examines how these various aspects of archaeology may be used to enhance our knowledge and understanding of past human environments. Drawing from both the practical experiences of the authors and cutting-edge research, Environmental Archaeology: Theoretical and Practical Approaches is a valuable contribution to the subject. It will be essential reading for students and professionals in archaeology, geography and anthropology.

Environmental Assessment in Practice (Routledge Environmental Management)

by Owen Harrop Ashley Nixon

This text explains what constitutes good practice in applying environmental assessment as an environmental management tool. A wide range of case studies and other student text features are employed to demonstrate how the different methods, techniques and disciplines of environmental assessment can be used. The authors address the key concepts for environmental assessment procedures: methods for using E.A.; techniques for impact prediction and evaluation; environmental risk assessment; EA consultation and participation; project management; environmental statement review and post-project analysis; and strategic environmental assessment.Worldwide case studies include: gas pipelines, hydroelectric power plants, gold mining, river crossings, waste-to-energy plants and gravel extraction in England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, the USA, Venezuela, the Netherlands, Iceland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Ghana.

Environmental Assessment of Patagonia's Water Resources (Environmental Earth Sciences)

by Américo Iadran Torres Verena Agustina Campodonico

This book presents contributions devoted to the hydrogeochemical characterization of aquatic environments of Patagonia, including those of Ushuaia city, known as "The southernmost city in the world". Patagonia (between 39° and 55° S) is located in southern South America. Eight main river systems pour their waters into the SW Atlantic Ocean. Rivers, with their headwaters mainly located in the Andes, supply dissolved and particulate matter to the coastal zone, as well as nutrients, which benefit biological communities. Besides, freshwater in this region with little anthropogenic impact supports human life and a high wildlife biodiversity. Unfortunately, the recent increase in human activities, such as the use of fertilizers, wastewater discharges, extensive deforestation and dam construction, is affecting the quality and quantity of water resources. The book is of interest for researchers, professors and government agencies that decide on water resources management policies.

Environmental Attitudes Through Time

by R. J. Berry

Our attitudes to our environment are widely and often acrimoniously discussed, commonly misunderstood, and will shape our future. We cannot assume that we behave as newly minted beings in a pristine garden nor as pre-programmed automata incapable of rational responsibility. <P><P>Professor Berry has studied nature-nurture interactions for many years, and also been involved with many national and international decision making bodies which have influenced our environmental attitudes. He is therefore well-placed to describe what has moulded our present attitudes towards the environment. <P>This book presents data and concepts from a range of disciplines - genetic, anthropological, social, historical and theological - to help us understand how we have responded in the past and how this influences our future. Beginning with a historical review and moving forwards to current conditions, readers will reach the end of this volume more capable and better prepared to make decisions which affect our communities and posterity.<P> Accessibly written, requiring no specific background knowledge of the reader.<P> Suggests actions the reader can take at both an individual and societal level.<P> Provides the historical context necessary to rise above the propaganda and vested interests which dominate current environmental debate.

Environmental Awareness in Preschool Children’s Drawings: A Global Perspective (International Explorations in Outdoor and Environmental Education #14)

by Mohamed Mliless Mohammed Larouz Diego Luis Forte Huda Fadhil Halawachy Handoko Handoko Clara D. S. Vande-Guma

This edited volume investigates multiple perspectives of environmental meaning-making among children by evaluating preschool children’s drawings on the environment. It critically traces the formation of early attitudes towards the environment before children’s exposure to formal environmental education. Similarities and differences are explored among preschool children's drawings across diverse cultural and geographic backgrounds. Over five sections covering Morocco, Indonesia, Nigeria, Iraq, and Argentina, each one examines the factors affecting children's environmental drawings, such as age, gender, and geography. Using different theoretical frameworks, the chapters are written by researchers of environmental discourse and ecolinguistics with a background knowledge in environmental studies from a social science perspective. This book is of interest to researchers interested in ecolinguistics and socio-semiotics fields of study. This seminal book also paves the way for further research on preschool environmental education.

Environmental Biotechnology and Cleaner Bioprocesses

by Eugenia J. Olguín, Gloria Sánchez, Elizabeth Hernández

As we enter a new millennium, the environmental issues faced by both developing and industrialised nations are as pressing as ever. Environmental biotechnologies are increasingly being viewed as a major weapon against environmental damage. Cleaner production is part of this strategy and yet there is still widespread ignorance about this emerging technology. Environmental Biotechnology and Cleaner Bioprocesses provides this information at various levels, from introductory to advanced. The first section covers the development of cleaner bioprocesses within the framework of sustainable development. Aspects of environmental policy for small and medium businesses are then discussed using case studies to illustrate principles. The second section covers the recycling and treatment of organic waste, including the use of aquatic plants and microalgae for wastewater treatment and recovery of nutrients. Section three covers bioremediation technologies and finally, section four is dedicated to emerging cleaner bioprocesses and environmentally sound products. All chapters have been written and edited by leading authorities in the field. Students and professionals interested in environmental biotechnology and cleaner production will find the background information and detail they require in this one convenient source.

Environmental Certification for Organisations and Products: Management approaches and operational tools (Routledge Research in Sustainability and Business)

by Francesco Testa Tiberio Daddi Fabio Iraldo

Environmental certification is an effective tool for managing the environmental impact of companies, leveraging their competitive capabilities and ensuring their compliance with environmental principles. A growing number of countries across the world are adopting this practice and the growth of new environmental standards – with different scopes, aims and roles – calls for a clear and updated systematization of the issue. This book provides a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the different environmental certification tools. As well as examining practical methods of implementing the standards for each type of certification, the book discusses their added value from a corporate management perspective. In identifying the most important requirements and standards for the issuing of environmental certification of both products and processes, the book demonstrates how companies can use operational methods to develop an environmental management system or a product certification in practice. Balancing a complete theoretical presentation of the issue with an operational perspective, the book supports the adoption and implementation of environmental certification tools. It will be a valuable resource for professionals as well as students and scholars of environmental management, sustainable business and corporate social responsibility.

Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering II (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #322)

by Zbigniew Zembaty Zbigniew Perkowski Damian Beben Maria Rossella Massimino Oren Lavan

This book gathers a selection of papers presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference “Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering”, ECCE 2022, held on September 26-28, 2022, in Opole, Poland. Written by an international group of experts, it reports on findings concerning structural material behavior, and new methods and technologies in constructions. A special emphasis is given to sustainable constructions practices, including material recycling and reuse, renovation and restoration of historical building and to those fostering sustainable development of cities and rural areas, and a better integration of buildings with the environment. Offering a good balance of theory and practice, and covering both technical and organizational aspects in civil engineering and architectural projects, this book offers extensive information on solutions and current challenges in construction projects and structural interventions in the context of environmental protection and earthquake prevention.

Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering III (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #615)

by Zbigniew Perkowski Damian Beben Zbigniew Zembaty Maria Rossella Massimino Miguel José Oliveira

This book gathers a selection of papers presented at the 6th International Scientific Conference “Environmental Challenges in Civil Engineering”, ECCE 2024, held on April 22–24, 2024, in Opole, Poland. Written by an international group of experts, it reports on findings concerning structural material behavior, and new methods and technologies in constructions. A special emphasis is given to sustainable constructions practices, including material recycling and reuse, renovation and restoration of historical building and to those fostering sustainable development of cities and rural areas, and a better integration of buildings with the environment. Offering a good balance of theory and practice, and covering both technical and organizational aspects in civil engineering and architectural projects, this book offers extensive information on solutions and current challenges in construction projects and structural interventions in the context of environmental protection, earthquake prevention and sustainable urban planning.

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