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Environmental Management in a Low Carbon Economy

by Stephen Tinsley

Each government recognises that there is a potential loss of competitive advantage of its business sector if future economic growth strategies are not aligned with a low carbon future. Some multinational organizations recognise this imperative and the importance of aligning business activities to a more sophisticated and flexible environmental management system that also incorporates quality, safety, occupational health and corporate ethics. An organisation’s Environmental Management System (EMS) has, traditionally, been designed to address legislative and regulatory requirements. It has now become a measure of an organisations attitude to balancing environmental, economic, cultural and social needs of its trading communities. By using real world case studies this text positions EMS as a core and critical management tool and a key requirement for businesses long term survival. It provides fundamental building blocks to implement an environmental management system and clearly illustrates how it can be positioned within an organization to deliver innovative products and services to compete in a low carbon economy. Environmental Management in a Low Carbon Economy will prepare students and professionals alike with the ability and understanding to implement an environmental management system which in turn will aid organizations in facilitating their transition to operate in a low carbon economy.

Environmental Management in Practice: Compartments, Stressors and Sectors

by B. Nath L. Hens P. Compton D. Devuyst

Volume 2: Compartments, Stressors and Sectors, deals with the problems that occur in the three 'compartments' of the environment, namely air, water and soil. The contributors also address the socio-economic sectors of industry, traffic, energy, agriculture and tourism.

Environmental Management in Practice: Instruments for Environmental Management

by B. Nath L. Hens P. Compton D. Devuyst

Focuses on the instruments and tools currently available to the environmental manager. A theoretical background to the instruments is given together with an overview of those instruments that are in common use today, with particular attention to the physical, economic, legislative and communication instruments.

Environmental Management in Practice: Managing the Ecosystem

by B. Nath L. Hens P. Compton D. Devuyst

Volume 3: Managing the Ecosystem focuses on those ecosystems in which human intervention has been or continues to be predominant, specifically within cities and rural areas.

Environmental Management in Ski Areas: Procedure - Requirements - Exemplary Solutions (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)

by Alexandra Jiricka-Pürrer Claudia Dorsch Monika Brom Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider

This book raises awareness of environmentally friendly and resource-sparing management of winter sports areas, in order to increase the number of certified ski areas. Many ski areas today are advertised with seals of approval, titles and awards. Often, however, it is unclear which institutions and criteria are behind these appraisals. This practice is widely criticized as “green-washing”, since a cautious use of ecologically and scenically sensitive mountain areas is more important now than ever. An environmental management system based on international or European standards ensures “real” improvements and external evaluation, but relies on the personal responsibility of the providers rather than on regulations imposed by authorities. This book contributes to developing a trustworthy and unified system for such evaluation, and one that can be applied internationally.

Environmental Management: Issues and Concerns in Developing Countries

by Pradip K. Sikdar

This book deals with issues and concerns for the human environment in the developing countries incorporating natural processes and systems, pollution removal technology, energy conservation, environmental impact assessment process, economics, culture, political structure and societal equity from a management point of view. Solutions to the emerging problems of the environment need a paradigmatic shift in approach from a process based model to a socio-political-economic model. Hence environmental management should involve equality and control over use of the finite natural resources and the balance between Earth’s biocapacity and humanity’s ecological footprint. Changes such as green technologies, human population stabilization and adoption of ecologically harmonious lifestyles are absolutely essential and will require redesigning of political institutions, policies and revisiting forgotten skills of sustainable practices of environmental management. These challenges should centre on environment governance using the concepts of common property, equity and security.This book is relevant for academics, professionals, administrators and policy makers who are concerned with various aspects of environment management and governance.

Environmental Management of Air, Water, Agriculture, and Energy

by Ahmad Vasel-Be-Hagh David S.K. Ting

Environmental Management of Air, Water, Agriculture, and Energy brings together the most current state of knowledge on four major elements for sustaining life on planet Earth: air, water, food, and energy. It examines how green technology aids in mitigating the global water, energy, and climate change crises, including the use of electrostatic force and green infrastructure. The concepts of underwater vegetation and aquatic cultivation, as well as vertical farms, are presented to spark discussion on emerging water-energy-food nexus lessons, experiences, and opportunities. This book takes a comprehensive global-scale approach to examining potential future environmental scenarios and outcomes. Features: Analyzes the most recent research findings in each of the areas covered Synthesizes the state-of-the-art understanding Recommends ways to strive forward and to shape future research Serves as an educational tool for educators and students Supported by detailed examples and case studies, this book serves not only as an up-to-date source of information for environmental experts and researchers in the field, but also as an educational tool for relevant undergraduate and graduate courses. It is also suitable for industry professionals concerned with preserving planet Earth for generations to come.

Environmental Management of Marine Ecosystems (Applied Ecology and Environmental Management)

by Md. Nazrul Islam and Sven Erik Jørgensen

Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) is one of the most holistic approaches to protecting marine and coastal ecosystems as it recognizes the need to protect entire marine ecosystems instead of individual species. After decades of pollution, habitat degradation and overfishing, now climate change and ocean acidification threaten the health of the ocean in unprecedented way. Environmental Management of Marine Ecosystems illustrates the current status, trends, and effects of climate, natural disturbances and anthropogenic impacts on marine ecosystems. It demonstrates how to integrate different management tools and models in an up-to-date, multidisciplinary approach to environmental management. This indispensable guide provides several case studies from around the world and creates a framework for identifying management tools and their applications in coral reefs, fisheries, migratory species, marine islands and associated ecosystems such as mangroves and sea grass beds. It discusses the physical and chemical compositions of marine ecosystems along with the threats and actions needed to protect them. The application of model framework to several contemporary management issues include the modelling of harmful algal bloom dynamics, understanding the dispersal of sea lice, and the possible impacts on intertidal communities of the provision of novel offshore habitat. The results of extensive research by an international team of contributors, the Environmental Management of Marine Ecosystems is designed to inform scientists, practitioners, academics, government and non-government policymakers on the particularities of marine ecosystems and assist them in understanding the EBM approaches in means of mitigation and adaptation of human activities that result in sustainability. These practices will help change the current methodologies used for resource assessment and the future regulations of marine resources.

Environmental Management of the Media: Policy, Industry, Practice (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media)

by Pietari Kääpä

In recent years the widely held misconception of the media as an ‘ephemeral’ industry has been challenged by research on the industry’s significant material footprint. Despite this material turn, no systematic study of this sector has been conducted in ways that considers the role of the media industries as consumers and users of a range of natural resources. Filling this gap, Environmental Management of the Media discusses the environmental management of the media industries in the UK and the Nordic countries. These Nordic countries, both as a set of small nations and as a regional constellation, are frequently perceived as some of the ‘greenest’ in the world, yet, not only is the footprint of the media industries practically ignored in academic research, but the very real stakes of the industries’ global impact are not comprehensively understood. Here, the author focuses on four key areas for investigating the material impact of Nordic media: (1) resources used for production and dissemination; (2) regulation of the media; (3) organizational management; and (4) labour practices. By adopting an interdisciplinary perspective that combines ecocritical analysis with interrogation of the political economy of the creative industries, Kääpä argues that taking the industries to task on their environmental footprint is a multilevel resource and organizational management issue that must be addressed more effectively in contemporary media studies. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of media, communication and environmental studies.

Environmental Management Revision Guide: For the NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management

by Jonathan Backhouse

The Environmental Management Revision Guide: For the NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management is the perfect revision aid for students preparing to take their NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management. As well as being a handy companion volume to Brian Waters’ NEBOSH-endorsed textbook Introduction to Environmental Management, it will also serve as a useful aide-memoire for those in environmental management roles. The book aims to: Provide practical revision guidance and strategies for students Highlight the key information for each learning outcome of the current NEBOSH syllabus Give students opportunities to test their knowledge based on NEBOSH style questions and additional exercises Provide details of guidance documents publically available that students will be able to refer to. The revision guide is fully aligned to the current NEBOSH syllabus, providing complete coverage in bite-sized chunks, helping students to learn and memorise the most important topics. Throughout the book, the guide refers back to the Introduction to Environmental Management, helping students to consolidate their learning.

Environmental Management Systems

by B. Marguglio

This book discusses the features of the environmental policies and procedures that should exist at the plant level and thus helps utility, petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, and other manufacturing industries benefit technically and economically by implementing these feature.

Environmental Management towards Sustainability

by Prasad Modak

This book is about understanding challenges in managing our environment and ensuring sustainability of this planet. It presents the critical state of our resources and threats to resource security due to overconsumption, pollution and poor and uneven governance. Role of key stakeholders such as the Government, Financing Institutions, Business and Communities is important. These stakeholders need to collaborate at multiple levels – viz. Local, Regional, National and Global. Chapters are devoted to describing the role of the above stakeholders with numerous case studies. The book can serve as a textbook to academia, a reference for policy makers and planners and a resource for conducting continuing education programs for the professionals to introduce both the concepts and practice experience on sustainability.

Environmental Markets

by Terry L. Anderson Gary D. Libecap

Environmental Markets explains the prospects of using markets to improve environmental quality and resource conservation. No other book focuses on a property rights approach using environmental markets to solve environmental problems. This book compares standard approaches to these problems using governmental management, regulation, taxation, and subsidization with a market-based property rights approach. This approach is applied to land, water, wildlife, fisheries, and air and is compared to governmental solutions. The book concludes by discussing tougher environmental problems such as ocean fisheries and the global atmosphere, emphasizing that neither governmental nor market solutions are a panacea.

Environmental Monitoring

by G. Bruce Wiersma

The current rate and scale of environmental change around the world makes the detection and understanding of these changes increasingly urgent. Subsequently, government legislation is focusing on measurable results of environmental programs, requiring researchers to employ effective and efficient methods for acquiring high-quality data. Focusing on pollution issues and impacts resulting from human activities, Environmental Monitoring is the first to bring together the conceptual basis behind the complex and specific approaches to the monitoring of air, water, and land. Coverage includes integrated monitoring at the landscape level, as well as case studies of existing monitoring programs such as the Chesapeake Bay Program. The book also addresses the recent legislative focus on high-quality data results and conducting monitoring programs in different ecosystems and environmental media.

Environmental Monitoring using GNSS

by Joseph L. Awange

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are revolutionizing the world in a way their original developers never envisaged. From being military "war" tools, GNSS satellites are rapidly becoming "peace" tools that play a potentially critical role in enabling changing environmental phenomenon that do not permit direct measurements to be remotely observed via their all-weather, highly accurate and continuously updatable positional time series. This is evident, for example, in their use in emerging environmental monitoring methods that are considered in this book. These include: GPS-based radio telemetry, which is enhancing ecological and conservation monitoring by more accurately mapping animal movements, their behaviours, and their impact on the environment; GNSS-meteorology, which is contributing to weather and climate change studies; GNSS-remote sensing, which, for example, allows the rapid monitoring of changes in fresh water resources and cryosphere; Geosensor network techniques, which are earning a crucial role in disaster response management; Epidemiology, for improved efficiency in tracking and studying the spread of infectious diseases and climate change effects on vector-borne diseases; and Economics, to provide data for the econometric modelling of casual impact of policies. In Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA), and Sustainability Assessments (SA), GNSS, together with other spaced-based remote sensing techniques, are emerging, not only as modern tools that connect the developers to the community, but also provide information that support Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) methods, which inform decision making and policy formulations. By bringing the two fields of geodesy (the parent of GNSS technology) and environmental studies (potential users of this technology), this book presents the concepts of GNSS in a simplified way that can, on the one hand, be understood and utilised by environmentalists, while on the other, outlines its potential applications to environmental monitoring and management for those engaged more with its technology, which hopefully will further energise the already innovative research that is being carried out. Lastly, this book is most relevant to all the professionals whose work is related to the environment such as hydrologists, meteorologists, epidemiologists, economist, and engineers, to name just a few.A comprehensive yet candid and compelling presentation of Global Navigation Satellite Systems and its application to environmental monitoring and a host of other socio-economic activities. This is an essential and new ground breaking reading for all professional practitioners and even academics seeking to study and become involved in using Global Navigation Satellite Systems in diverse fields ranging from environmental monitoring to economic activities such as monitoring weather and climate in order to design crop failure insurance. Nathaniel O. Agola, Professor of Business and Financial Economics, Ritsumeikan University, Japan

Environmental Monitoring with Arduino: Building Simple Devices to Collect Data About the World Around Us

by Emily Gertz Patrick Di Justo

After the devastating tsunami in 2011, DYIers in Japan built their own devices to detect radiation levels, then posted their finding on the Internet. Right now, thousands of people worldwide are tracking environmental conditions with monitoring devices they’ve built themselves. You can do it too!This inspiring guide shows you how to use Arduino to create gadgets for measuring noise, weather, electromagnetic interference (EMI), water purity, and more. You’ll also learn how to collect and share your own data, and you can experiment by creating your own variations of the gadgets covered in the book. If you’re new to DIY electronics, the first chapter offers a primer on electronic circuits and Arduino programming.Use a special microphone and amplifier to build a reliable noise monitorCreate a gadget to detect energy vampires: devices that use electricity when they’re “off”Examine water purity with a water conductivity deviceMeasure weather basics such as temperature, humidity, and dew pointBuild your own Geiger counter to gauge background radiationExtend Arduino with an Ethernet shield—and put your data on the InternetShare your weather and radiation data online through Pachube

The Environmental Movement: Then and Now (America: 50 Years of Change)

by Rebecca Stefoff

Discusses the main concerns of the environmental movement in the 1960s, and how those have evolved since; what's changed for the better, what might be worse, and where do we go from here.

Environmental Neuroscience

by Simone Kühn

This important new book presents an introduction to Environmental Neuroscience, an emerging field devoted to the study of brain-mediated bidirectional relationships between organisms and their physical environments. Environmental Neuroscience offers a novel perspective in the human neurosciences, which have typically focused on the individual isolated from its natural habitat. The book presents the theoretical background of the field, discusses how the environment impacts humans and how humans impact the environment, explores the neuroscience of the built environment, and addresses special populations and presents different methodological approaches. Environmental Neuroscience bringing together the top authorities in the field, will appeal to neuroscientists and to a range of scholars from public health, urban studies, human geography, and architecture who are searching for guidance on what characterizes a health-promoting environment.

Environmental Oceanography: An Introduction To The Behaviour Of Coastal Waters (CRC Marine Science #11)

by Tom Beer

The second edition of Environmental Oceanography is the first textbook to link the needs of the coastal oceanographer and the environmental practitioner. The ever-increasing human impact on the environment, and particularly on the coastal zone, has led governments to carefully examine the environmental implications of development proposals. This book provides the background needed to undertake coastal oceanographic investigations and sets them in context by incorporating case studies and sample problems based on the author's experience as an environmental consultant.

Environmental Oceanography and Coastal Dynamics: Current Scenario and Future Trends

by Swapna Mukherjee Kaushik Kiran Ghosh Abhra Chanda

This book deals with every aspect of oceanography in detail including various aspects of physical, chemical, geological, and biological discourse. ‘Earth and Planetary Science’ is perhaps the oldest, dynamic, and ever-evolving subject. Oceanography is one of its domains, which has become important in the present date, given the ubiquitous and undeniable climate change that we are experiencing. The subject domain of oceanography encompasses several environmental issues, which need serious attention from the present scientific community. Despite the ocean’s significant role in the collective well-being of the human race, a multitude of anthropogenic activities has drastically polluted and degraded several crucial oceanic ecosystems within a short span. This book aims to present a concise yet succinct introduction to Oceanography as a subject and at the same time highlight the cutting-edge topics of research encompassing marine pollution, coastal processes, and many other associated phenomena. Oceanography is an interdisciplinary emerging subject and students all over the world who come from varied disciplines are pursuing it as higher studies. Long sections are devoted to ocean–atmosphere interaction, tides, waves, and related coastal processes. The book represents a comprehensive idea of human activities bestowing the ocean with particular reference to Indian examples. This book helps to understand marine pollution and the behavior of oil, plastic, and other agents in the light of real-world examples and empirical models. Harnessing electricity from waves and tides is a technological advancement in the field of unconventional energy. The vast resources of the ocean like oil, mineral, methane hydrate, and their proper estimation and exploitation is the topic of discussion in the third part of the book. This book is designated to meet the essential needs of the students studying oceanography and marine science. It may be helpful to professional oceanographers also.

Environmental Organizations In Modern Germany: Hardy Survivors in the Twentieth Century and Beyond (Monographs in German History #21)

by William T. Markham

German environmental organizations have doggedly pursued environmental protection through difficult times: hyperinflation and war, National Socialist rule, postwar devastation, state socialism in the GDR, and confrontation with the authorities during the 1970s and 1980s. The author recounts the fascinating and sometimes dramatic story of these organizations from their origins at the end of the nineteenth century to the present, not only describing how they reacted to powerful social movements, including the homeland protection and socialist movements in the early years of the twentieth century, the Nazi movement, and the anti-nuclear and new social movements of the 1970s and 1980s, but also examining strategies for survival in periods like the current one, when environmental concerns are not at the top of the national agenda. Previous analyses of environmental organizations have almost invariably viewed them as parts of larger social structures, that is, as components of social movements, as interest groups within a political system, or as contributors to civil society. This book, by contrast, starts from the premise that through the use of theories developed specifically to analyze the behavior of organizations and NGOs we can gain additional insight into why environmental organizations behave as they do.

Environmental Participation: Practices engaging the public with science and governance

by Catharina Landström

This book introduces environmental participation as a distinct field comprising diverse practices. It presents examples of public participation specifically in environmental science, decision making and expertise. The first chapter introduces the science studies perspective and the key concepts that underpin the argument for approaching such a range of practices as a coherent field. The following three chapters explore a wide range of practical examples of how the public can participate in all three domains. Drawing on her experience with a variety of transdisciplinary projects Landström discusses topics including the coproduction of knowledge about flooding, community involvement with radioactive waste disposal and collaborative water quality modelling. She then goes on to cover citizen science and social movement expertise as environmental participation practices. The concluding chapter reflects on the challenges as well as future opportunities of environmental participation. This book is aimed at readers from a variety of academic and non-academic backgrounds and will be a great interest to social and natural scientists, students and practitioners.

The Environmental Pendulum: A Quest for the Truth about Toxic Chemicals, Human Health, and Environmental Protection

by R. Allan Freeze

The pendulum of environmental policy swings from one extreme to the other, depending on which camp is in power and who has the ear of the media. Underkill is followed by overkill. Concern breeds action; disillusion breeds reaction. The Environmental Pendulum provides a thoughtful and evenhanded assessment of this conflict. Tens of thousands of sites across the country are contaminated with toxic chemicals. Environmentalists warn us that this legacy of carelessness is seriously affecting both human health and the ecological balance of nature. They point out that even improved industrial practices will not eliminate future chemical releases to the environment. Their demand for regulatory control has received wide public support and led to the passage of the Superfund legislation in 1980. Now, after twenty years, the value of the Superfund program is being challenged by corporate America, which argues that excessive cleanup costs have the potential to bankrupt the nation. R. Allan Freeze outlines the difficulties associated with the management of hazardous waste and offers a balanced account of the controversy over the role of environmental contamination in human health. Freeze clarifies what matters and what doesn't with respect to chemical contaminants in the environment, arguing that environmental policies should be based on an accurate appraisal of the risks associated with these toxins. He concludes the book with a brilliant summation of the good news and the bad news of environmental pollution, describing what can and can't be done to bring the situation under control.

Environmental Performance and Social Inclusion in Informal Settlements: A Favela Project Based on the IMM Integrated Modification Methodology (Research for Development)

by Gabriele Masera Massimo Tadi

This book discusses the potential of a systemic and multidisciplinary design approach to improve urban quality, health, livability, and inclusiveness for people living in informal settlements. In most instances, attempts to address informal settlements lack an adequate assessment of their impact on the wider built environment and implementation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The Integrated Modification Methodology (IMM), introduced here, offers a systematic, multidisciplinary design tool encompassing several of the aspects that define the environmental performance of urban systems. The book also demonstrates the application of the methodology to an informal settlement, proving its potential to guide systemicurban transformations, also in urban areas lacking formal planning. The case study investigated is in the Rocinha favela in Rio de Janeiro, which ischaracterized by poor water quality, lack of drainage and sanitation systems, and very few green spaces. Based on a rigorous methodology, the process described here can also be applied in similar contexts around the world.

Environmental Performance Auditing in the Public Sector: Enabling Sustainable Development (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies)

by Awadhesh Prasad

Environment and sustainable development challenges are a matter of global concern. Trillions of dollars of mostly public money are invested every year in domestic and international policies and programs to address these challenges. The effectiveness of these policies and programs is critical to environmental sustainability. Performance audits that examine the effectiveness of governmental policies and programs heavily influence their implementation. Despite this, performance auditing in the environment field has received very little academic attention. This book takes a closer look at performance auditing of public sector environmental policies and programs. It examines trends in global environmental performance auditing; and how it is currently practiced drawing on a global survey and case studies from Canada, India and Australia. In doing so, it identifies issues and challenges faced by Supreme Audit Institutions in undertaking these performance audits. This book will be of interest to students, scholars and practitioners of sustainable development, environmental auditing and public sector auditing as well as to donor organisations engaged in these areas.

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