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The Environmental Performance of Tall Buildings

by Joana Carla Goncalves

Tall buildings represent one of the most energy-intensive architectural typologies, while at the same time offering the high density work and living conditions that many believe will an important constituent of future sustainable communities. How, then, can their environmental impact be lessened? This insightful book takes in: an overview of the tall building and its impacts (looking at cityscape, place, mobility, microclimate, energy and economics) design principles and the development of the sustainable tall building global perspectives (covering North and South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia) detailed, qualitative case studies of buildings in design and operation the future for sustainable tall buildings. Not simply another showcase for future utopian designs and ideals, the information presented here is based on hard research from operating buildings. Highly illustrated and combining analysis with solid detail for practice, this is essential reading for architects, building engineers, design consultants, retrofitters and urban planners interested in or working with tall buildings, and researchers/students in these disciplines.

Environmental Personhood: New Trajectories in Law (New Trajectories in Law)

by Francine Rochford

This book examines the increasingly widespread movement to recognise the environment as a legal person. Several countries have now recognized that nature, or parts of nature, have juristic personhood. In this book, the concept of legal personhood and its incidents are interrogated with a view to determining whether this is, or could be, a positive contribution to modern environmental problems. Surveying historical and current positions on the juristic concept of legal personhood, the book engages recent legislation and case law, in order to consider the attempt in several countries to vest personhood in rivers, river basins and ecosystems. Comparing approaches in a range of countries – including New Zealand, India, Ecuador, the United States and Australia, it addresses the methods employed, the purported aims, the mechanisms for enforcement, and the entrenchment of legal protections. Throughout, the book elicits the difficult relationship between an historically anthropocentric idea of personhood and its extension beyond the human; concluding that the attribution of personhood to the environment is an important, but limited, contribution to environmental sustainability. Accessibly written, this book will appeal to scholars, students and others with interests in environmental law, environmental science and public policy, and ecology more generally.

Environmental Philosophy: From Animal Rights to Radical Ecology

by Michael E. Zimmerman J. Baird Callicott John Clark Irene J. Klaver Karen J. Warren

Edited by leading experts in contemporary environmental philosophy, this anthology features the best available selections that cover the full range of positions within this rapidly developing field. Divided into four sections that delve into the vast issues of contemporary Eco-philosophy, the Fourth Edition now includes a section on Continental Environmental Philosophy that explores current topics such as the social construction of nature, and eco-phenomenology. Each section is introduced and edited by a leading philosopher in the field. For professionals with a career within the environmental field including law, politics, conservation, geography, and biology.

Environmental Physics (Routledge Introductions to Environment: Environmental Science)

by Clare Smith

Environmental Physics is a comprehensive introduction to the physical concepts underlying environmental science. The importance and relevance of physics is emphasised by its application to real environmental problems with a wide range of case studies. Applications included cover energy use and production, global climate, the physics of living things, radioactivity, environmental remote sensing, noise pollution and the physics of the Earth. The book makes the subject accessible to those with little physics background, keeping mathematical treatment straightforward. The text is lively and informative, and is supplemented by numerous illustrations, photos, tables of useful data, and a glossary of key terms.

Environmental Physics (Routledge Introductions To Environment: Environmental Science Ser.)

by Clare Smith

First Published in 2002. Environmental Physics is a comprehensive introduction to the physical concepts underlying environmental science. The importance and relevance of physics is emphasised by its application to real environmental problems with a wide range of case studies. Applications included cover energy use and production, global climate, the physics of living things, radioactivity, environmental remote sensing, noise pollution and the physics of the Earth. The book makes the subject accessible to those with little physics background, keeping mathematical treatment straightforward. The text is lively and informative, and is supplemented by numerous illustrations, photos, tables of useful data, and a glossary of key terms.

Environmental Planning for Oceans and Coasts

by Michelle Eva Portman

This book informsenvironmental planning professionals, students and those interested in oceansand coasts from an environmental perspective about what is needed for planningand management of these unique environments. It is comprised of twelve chaptersorganized in three parts. Part I highlights the basics tenets of environmentalplanning for oceans and coasts including important concepts from the generalfield of planning and coastal and ocean management (e. g. , hydrography, oceanspolicy and law, geomorphology). Environmental problems inherent within oceansand coasts (such as sea level rise, marine pollution, overdevelopment, etc. )are also addressed, especially those at the land-sea interface. Part II coversthose methodological approaches regularly used by planners working to improveenvironmental quality and conditions of oceans and coasts among them: integrated planning andmanagement, ecosystem services, pollution prevention, and marine spatialplanning. Part III focuses specifically on state-of-the-art tools andtechnologies employed by planners for marine and coastal protection. Theseinclude systematic conservation planning for protected areas, decision supporttools, coastal adaptation techniques and various types of communication, includingvisualization, narration and tools for stakeholder participation. The finalchapter in the book reviews the most important concepts covered throughout bookand emphasizes the important role that environmental planners have to play inthe protection and well-being of oceans and coasts. Michael K. Orbach, of the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University, pennedthe book's foreword.

Environmental Planning Handbook

by Tom Daniels

Environmental protection is a global issue. But most of the action is happening at the local level. How can communities keep their air clean, their water pure, and their people and property safe from climate and environmental hazards? Newly updated, The Environmental Planning Handbook gives local governments, nonprofits, and citizens the guidance they need to create an action plan they can implement now. It’s essential reading for a post-Katrina, post-Sandy world.

Environmental Policies and NGO Influence: Land Degradation and Sustainable Resource Management in Sub-Saharan Africa (Routledge Research In Global Environmental Change Ser. #No.4)

by Alan Thomas, Susan Carr and David Humphreys

This book examines the conditions under which non-governmental organisations (NGOs) may exert influence on policies to conserve and sustainably use natural resources in sub-Saharan Africa. The book is unique in bringing together NGO campaigners in three African countries with academics specialising in development studies, systems and environmental policy.

Environmental Policies for Air Pollution and Climate Change in the New Europe (Routledge Explorations In Environmental Economics Ser. #28)

by Caterina De Lucia

The interlinked issues of air pollution and energy policies in an enlarged Europe are currently subjects of major interest in economic, environmental, geography and regional sciences. This interest is understandable given the considerable consequences on human health and on climate change issues at not only a European, but a global level. In addition, the recent effects of economic fluctuation and oil prices as well as the actual restructuring of the European energy supply and security market raise a great deal of policy challenges. These issues have become an increasingly relevant concern, as the optimal design of policy by centralised European institutions has come under greater scrutiny. This book presents an integrated approach to recent regulations on air pollution with particular emphasis on transborder air pollution, climate change and energy policies in the new Europe. This integrated vision embraces the extent to which global pollution influences policy decisions at different institutional levels; the magnitude, by virtue of policy simulation analysis, of environmental policy tools (i.e. environmental taxes) on aggregate welfare and transboundary air emissions fluxes in light of the recent enlargement process; the European Trading System and its flexible mechanisms to curb carbon emissions and fulfil the European Union Kyoto Protocol’s commitments; and the developments of the new European energy strategy and its interdependencies across energy requirements, innovation, competitiveness and climate change. The book is primarily aimed at Postgraduates and Postdoctoral research students in economics, environmental economics, environmental sciences, or environmental policy disciplines. However, it should also be of interest to environmental economists, energy policy analysts, members of governmental and non-governmental agencies dealing with environmental policy, climate change or air pollution.

Environmental Policy

by Jane Roberts

Evidence of climate change, resource shortages and biodiversity loss is growing in significance year by year. This second edition of Environmental Policy explains how policy can respond and bring about greater sustainability in individual lifestyles, corporate strategies, national policies and international relations. The book discusses the interaction between environmental and human systems, proposing environmental policy as a way to steer human systems to function within environmental constraints. The second edition has been completely updated to reflect advances in scholarship (for example developments in governance theory) and the increasing primacy of climate policy within environmental policy as a whole. Key political, social and economic concepts are used to explain how effective environmental policies can be designed, implemented and evaluated. Environmental problems, the role of human beings in creating them and sustainable development are all introduced. Environmental policy formulation, implementation and evaluation are discussed within three specific contexts: the firm, the nation state and at an international level. The book reviews the relationship of economics, science and technology to environmental policy. It ends by reflecting upon the predicament of humankind in the twenty-first century and the potential of achieve sustainability through the use of the environmental policy ‘toolbox’. Environmental Policy is an accessible text with a multi-disciplinary perspective. Lively case studies drawn from a range of international examples – and completely updated for this second edition – illustrate issues such as climate change, international trade, tourism and human rights. It includes chapter summaries, suggestions for further reading and links to relevant web resources.

Environmental Policy (Routledge Introductions to Environment: Environment and Society Texts)

by Jane Roberts

Within the overall context of sustainable development Environmental Policy discusses the opportunities and constraints that environmental systems place upon the operation of human systems. It suggests environmental policy is a potential way to modify the operation of human systems so that they function within environmental constraints. Key social scientific concepts (political, social and economic) are used to explain the background for the formulation and implementation of environmental policy.Environmental problems, the role of humans in creating them, sustainable development and how this concept relates to environmental policy are all introduced. The book then considers environmental policy formulation, implementation and evaluation, within three specific contexts: the firm, the nation state and at the international level. It also reviews the place of economics, science and technology in environmental policy.Detailed case-studies, drawn from a range of international examples, are used throughout to illustrate issues such as global warming, international trade, tourism and the human rights of indigenous peoples. It is well illustrated and includes end of chapter summaries and further reading.

Environmental Policy and Air Pollution in China: Governance and Strategy (Routledge Studies in Environmental Policy)

by Yuan Xu

This book systematically analyzes how and why China has expectedly lost and then surprisingly gained ground in the quest to solve the complicated environmental problem of air pollution over the past two decades. Yuan Xu shines a light on how China’s sulfur dioxide emissions rose quickly in tandem with rapid economic growth but then dropped to a level not seen for at least four decades. Despite this favorable mitigation outcome, Xu details how this stemmed from a litany of policy stumbles within the Chinese context of no democracy and a lack of sound rule of law. Throughout this book, the author examines China’s environmental governance and strategy and how they shape environmental policy. The chapters weave together a goal-centered governance model that China has adopted of centralized goal setting, decentralized goal attainment, decentralized policy making and implementation. Xu concludes that this model provides compelling evidence that China’s worst environmental years reside in the past. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of Chinese environmental policy and governance, air pollution, climate change and sustainable development, as well as practitioners and policy makers working in these fields.

Environmental Policy and Biodiversity

by R. Edward Grumbine

Scientists and policymakers must work together if solutions to the biodiversity crisis are to be found. Yet all too often, scientific data are unknown or incomprehensible to policymakers, and political realities are not fully appreciated by scientists.Environmental Policy and Biodiversity addresses that problem by presenting both an overview of important concepts in the field of conservation biology and an examination of the strengths and limitations of the policymaking process. Topics covered include: the ethical and scientific bases of conservation biology the effectiveness of existing environmental policy in protecting biodiversity case studies from California, the Great Lakes region, southern Appalachia, and the Florida panhandle an examination of overall environmental policy goals and processes Featuring provocative and clearly argued essays from a range of disciplines, Environmental Policy and Biodiversity provides resource professionals with valuable insight into conservation issues, and can serve as a useful tool in both graduate and undergraduate courses in conservation biology and environmental policy.

Environmental Policy and Industrial Innovation: Strategies in Europe, the USA and Japan (Routledge Library Editions: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics)

by David Wallace

This book, originally published in 1995, examines the evolution of environmental policy in 6 OECD countries. Through numerous examples, it contrasts the widely-varying political and regulatory styles and their consequences for innovation. Two industry-specific case studies provide a transnational perspective on the co-evolution of technology and environmental policy. The book concludes that innovation can be successfully harnessed by setting credible, long-term environmental goals and ensuring that regulatory instruments are grounded in flexibility, dialogue and trust.

Environmental Policy, Governance and Politics: A South Asian Perspective

by Prakash Chand Kandpal

This book traces the development-environment discourse in India and examines the multi-layered interaction between society and nature in the light of the role of the state, judiciary and the civil society. Through an array of perspectives, the volume challenges the conventional approach to understanding the environmental politics in South Asia without considering the role of the civil society and other informal actors, which has radically altered the conventional articulation of the phenomenon.The volume underlines distinct structural characteristics of developmental politics in India and the social concerns and challenges which come in the way of environmental policy and governance in India. It is a meaningful intervention in unearthing significant socio-political and economic processes which are critical to the environmental governance in India. The book will not only be helpful in studying the state of policy, administration and politics of environmental discourse in India, but also guide the policymakers to explore the sustainable ways of environmental governance in South Asia.Insightful and lucid, this book will be useful to the students, researchers and faculty working in the field of political science, public administration, public policy, political sociology, political economy and governance studies. It will also be an invaluable and interesting reading for those interested in South Asian studies.

Environmental Policy in North America: Approaches, Capacity, And The Management Of Transboundary Issues

by Robert G. Healy Debora L. VanNijnatten Marcela López-Vallejo

This comprehensive analysis of key issues in North American environmental policy provides an overview of how the US, Mexico, and Canada differ in their environmental management approaches and capacity levels, and how these differences play into cross-border cooperation on environmental problems. The book offers insights into transboundary cooperation both before and after NAFTA, and presents a framework for making environmental interaction more effective in the future. The book is organized into two parts. The first, more general, section compares the national contexts for environmental management in each country—including economic conditions, sociocultural dynamics, and political decision-making frameworks— and shows how these have led to variations in policy approaches and levels of capacity. The authors argue that effective environmental governance in North America depends on the ability of transboundary institutions to address and mediate these differences. The book's second section illustrates this argument, using four case studies of environmental management in North America: biodiversity and protected areas, air pollution (smog); greenhouse gas reduction, and genetically modified crops.

Environmental Policy in the EU: Actors, Institutions and Processes

by Andrew Jordan Viviane Gravey

The European Union (EU) has a hugely important effect on the way in which environmental policies are framed, designed and implemented in many parts of the world, but especially Europe. The new edition of this leading textbook provides a state-of-the-art analysis of the EU’s environmental policies. Comprising five parts, Environmental Policy in the EU covers the rapidly changing context in which EU environmental policies are made, the key actors who interact to co-produce them and the most salient dynamics of policy making, ranging from agenda setting and decision making, through to implementation and evaluation. Written by leading international experts, individual chapters examine how the EU is responding to a multitude of different challenges, including biodiversity loss, climate change, energy insecurity, and water and air pollution. They tease out the different ways in which the EU’s policies on these topics co-evolve with national and international environmental policies. In this systematically updated fourth edition, a wider array of learning features are employed to ensure that readers fully understand how EU environmental policies have developed over the last 50 years and how they are currently adapting to the rapidly evolving challenges of the twenty-first century, including the COVID-19 pandemic. It is an essential resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying environmental policy and politics, climate change, environmental law and EU politics more broadly.

Environmental Politics: Interest Groups, the Media, and the Making of Policy

by Norman Miller

At every stage, environmental policy is the result of the combat of stakeholders interested in, and affected by, the problem being addressed and the range of possible solutions. The combatants include any or all of the following: the federal government, environmental advocacy groups, and business, the media, the scientific community, think tanks, NGOs of every stripe, trade associations and professional organizations, and even state and local governments, each of whom have their own interests in the resulting policy. Environmental Politics: Interest Groups, the Media, and the Making of Policy discusses political battles over the environment from ground level - as they are fought in legislative chambers, the daily newspaper, on television, and, increasingly, on the Internet. The text explores environmental politics as a clash of interests, not ideologies, and environmental policy as a result of the reconciliation of those interests.

Environmental Politics: Scale and Power

by Shannon O'Lear

Shannon O'Lear brings a geographer's perspective to environmental politics. The book considers issues of climate change, energy, food security, toxins, waste, and resource conflict to explore how political, economic, ideological and military power have contributed to the generation of environmental issues and the formation of dominant narratives about them. The book encourages the reader to think critically about the power dynamics that shape (and limit) how we think about environmental issues and to expand the reader's understanding of why it matters that these issues are discussed at particular spatial scales. Applying a geographer's sense of scale and power leads to a better understanding of the complexity of environmental issues and will help formulate mitigation and adaptation strategies. The book will appeal mainly to advanced students and researchers from a geography background, but also to social and political scientists who wish to look at the topic from this different perspective.

Environmental Politics

by Corrado Poli

A change in the way humans relate to nature could be the starting point for a new politics, which will also affect relations among humans. A new approach would help to radically transform the production system, not because it is unjust in the usually considered social terms, but because it endangers nature and humanity. So far, the citizens' grassroots organizations have failed to win broad consensus and political power in the representative institutions. When the time comes to transform the single environmental issue into an electoral platform, environmentalists lose unity and effectiveness since they lack a common political vision and an ensuing strategy. On the other hand European politics is rapidly transforming because the challenge brought by so-called populist movements. We need to transform activists' shared emotions and attitudes into political ideologies and platforms. Moreover, a new educational process and a new science politics are necessary to reform environmental policy.

Environmental Politics and Governance in the Anthropocene: Institutions and legitimacy in a complex world (Routledge Research in Global Environmental Governance)

by Fariborz Zelli Philipp Pattberg

The term Anthropocene denotes a new geological epoch characterized by the unprecedented impact of human activities on the Earth’s ecosystems. While the natural sciences have advanced their understanding of the drivers and processes of global change considerably over the last two decades, the social sciences lag behind in addressing the fundamental challenge of governance and politics in the Anthropocene. This book attempts to close this crucial research gap, in particular with regards to the following three overarching research themes: (i) the meaning, sense-making and contestations emerging around the concept of the Anthropocene related to the social sciences; (ii) the role and relevance of institutions, both formal and informal as well as international and transnational, for governing in the Anthropocene; and (iii) the role and relevance of accountability and other democratic principles for governing in the Anthropocene. Drawing together a range of key thinkers in the field, this volume provides one of the first authoritative assessments of global environmental politics and governance in the Anthropocene, reflecting on how the planetary scale crisis changes the ways in which humans respond to the challenge. This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of global environmental politics and governance, and sustainable development.

Environmental Politics in Latin America: Elite dynamics, the left tide and sustainable development (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development)

by Benedicte Bull Mariel Cristina Aguilar-Stoen

Since colonial times the position of the social, political and economic elites in Latin America has been intimately connected to their control over natural resources. Consequently, struggles to protect the environment from over-exploitation and contamination have been related to marginalized groups’ struggles against local, national and transnational elites. The recent rise of progressive, left-leaning governments – often supported by groups struggling for environmental justice – has challenged the established elites and raised expectations about new regimes for natural resource management. Based on case-studies in eight Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, El Salvador and Guatemala), this book investigates the extent to which there have been elite shifts, how new governments have related to old elites, and how that has impacted on environmental governance and the management of natural resources. It examines the rise of new cadres of technocrats and the old economic and political elites’ struggle to remain influential. The book also discusses the challenges faced in trying to overcome structural inequalities to ensure a more sustainable and equitable governance of natural resources. This timely book will be of great interest to researchers and masters students in development studies, environmental management and governance, geography, political science and Latin American area studies.

Environmental Pollutants and their Bioremediation Approaches

by Ram Naresh Bharagava

This book is a compilation of detailed and latest knowledge on the various types of environmental pollutants released from various natural as well as anthropogenic sources, their toxicological effects in environments, humans, animals and plants as well as various bioremediation approaches for their safe disposal into the environments. In this book, an extensive focus has been made on the various types of environmental pollutants discharged from various sources, their toxicological effects in environments, humans, animals and plants as well as their biodegradation and bioremediation approaches for environmental cleanup.

Environmental Pollution and Plant Responses

by Shashi Bhushan Agrawal Madhoolika Agrawal

Comprehensive and global in scope, Environmental Pollution and Plant Responses provides an analysis of the research on the factors contributing to the deteriorating environmental quality and its effect on plant performance. The issues include: environmental pollution and global climate change, response patterns of plants at different levels, mechanisms of interaction, tolerance strategies and future research prospects. The author evaluates trends and gives management strategies for abating the problem. This volume highlights the complexities of environmental problems and the affect of pollution on every level of the ecosystem.

Environmental Pollution Control: Technical, Economic and Legal Aspects

by Allan D. McKnight Pauline K. Marstrand T. Craig Sinclair

Originally published in 1974 this volume brings together contributions from lawyers, a nuclear physicist, a landscape architect, biologist, engineers and a former Inspector of the International Atomic Energy Agency. It covers technical and legal information on air, water, sea, land and noise pollution and provides a comprehensive guide, summary and introduction to the journal literature in separate but relevant disciplines. All of the contributors have specialised in studies in pollution control and contributed to the debate on use and management of the environment.

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