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Erosion: How Land Forms, How It Changes (Exploring Science: Earth Science Ser.)

by Darlene R. Stille

Erosion: How Land Forms, How It Changes

by Darlene R. Stille

Erosion is constantly changing, creating, and erasing features on Earth's surface. The issue of erosion is complex. By learning more about it, we understand when and how to prevent erosion and when to let this powerful force of nature do its work alone.

Erosion and Sedimentation

by Pierre Y. Julien

The second edition of this acclaimed, accessible textbook brings the subject of sedimentation and erosion completely up-to-date, providing an excellent primer on both fundamental concepts of sediment-transport theory and methods for practical applications. The structure of the first edition is essentially unchanged, but all the chapters have been updated, with several chapters reworked and expanded significantly. Examples of the new additions include the concept of added mass, the Modified Einstein Procedure, sediment transport by size fractions, sediment transport of sediment mixtures, and new solutions to the Einstein Integrals. Many new examples and exercises have been added. Erosion and Sedimentation is an essential textbook on the topic for students in civil and environmental engineering and the geosciences, and also as a handbook for researchers and professionals in engineering, the geosciences and the water sciences.

Erosion in Geomechanics Applied to Dams and Levees

by Stéphane Bonelli

Erosion is the most common cause of failures at earth-dams, dikes and levees, whether through overtopping and overflowing, or internal erosion and piping. This book is dedicated to the phenomenon of internal erosion and piping. It is not intended to be exhaustive on the subject, but brings together some of the latest international research and advances. Emphasis is placed on physical processes, how they can be studied in the laboratory, and how test results can be applied to levees and dams. The results from several research projects in Australia, France, the Netherlands and the United States are covered by the authors. Our aim has been to share our most recent findings with students, researchers and practitioners. Understanding the failure of an earth-dam or a levee by erosion in a unified framework, whether internal erosion or surface erosion, requires continuous research in this field. We hope that the reader will gain knowledge from this book that leads to further progress in the challenging field of the safety of levees and dams. Contents 1. State of The Art on the Likelihood of Internal Erosion of Dams and Levees by Means of Testing, Robin Fell and Jean-Jacques Fry. 2. Contact Erosion, Pierre Philippe, Rémi Beguin and Yves-Henri Faure. 3. Backward Erosion Piping, Vera Van Beek, Adam Bezuijen and Hans Sellmeijer. 4. Concentrated Leak Erosion, Stéphane Bonelli, Robin Fell and Nadia Benahmed. 5. Relationship between the Erosion Properties of Soils and Other Parameters, Robin Fell, Gregory Hanson, Gontran Herrier, Didier Marot and Tony Wahl. About the Authors Stéphane Bonelli is a Research Professor at Irstea (French Environmental Sciences and Technologies Research Institute) in Aix-en-Provence, France. He has over 20 years of teaching and research experience, and has been a member of the ICOLD (International Commission on Large Dams) European Working Group on Internal Erosion since 2005. He has participated in 19 large dam reviews in France (visual inspection, monitoring data analysis and numerical modeling). His current activities include research, teaching and consultancy, focusing on soil erosion and the processes of levee breach.

Erste Schritte in die Theoretische Physik: Verständlich erklärt vom Abiturniveau aus

by Jürgen Wagner

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen einfachen Zugang zur Theoretischen Physik und realisiert einen durchgängigen Anschluss an die in der Schule erworbenen physikalisch-mathematischen Vorkenntnisse. Aus seiner Erfahrung als Diplomlehrer für Physik und Mathematik heraus ebnet der Autor den Weg in die Theoretische Physik. Er stützt sich dabei auf die folgenden Prinzipien: Viele Abbildungen und detailliert vorgerechnete Beispiele tragen wesentlich zum Verständnis der Darstellungen bei. Verwendete „Rechentricks“ werden angegeben und erläutert.Die erforderliche Mathematik wird schrittweise und ausführlich erarbeitet.Die Struktur des Lehrbuchs orientiert sich an folgenden zentralen Phänomenen und Grundbegriffen: Bewegung, Elektrizität und Magnetismus, Relativität sowie Quanten. In diesem Rahmen werden die üblichen Inhalte der Module Theoretische Mechanik, Elektrodynamik, Relativitätstheorie und Quantenmechanik verortet.Die experimentelle Basis für theoretische Ansätze wird explizit benannt, um die Besonderheiten der naturwissenschaftlichen Methode zu betonen, die sich von Autoritätsgläubigkeit sowie Spekulation deutlich abgrenzt.Auf bestehende Interpretationsprobleme der Quantenmechanik wird ausdrücklich hingewiesen. Begriffe wie „Welle-Teilchen-Dualismus“ oder „Kollaps der Wellenfunktion“ werden vermieden, da sie Missverständnisse provozieren können.Dieses Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie des Lehramts, zu deren Studieninhalten mindestens ein Modul Theoretische Physik gehört. Es wendet sich auch an alle, die sich für Fragestellungen der Naturwissenschaften oder Naturphilosophie interessieren und über eine positive Einstellung zur Mathematik verfügen.

Erste Schritte in die Theoretische Physik: Verständlich erklärt vom Abiturniveau aus

by Jürgen Wagner

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen einfachen Zugang zur Theoretischen Physik und realisiert einen durchgängigen Anschluss an die in der Schule erworbenen physikalisch-mathematischen Vorkenntnisse. Aus seiner Erfahrung als Diplomlehrer für Physik und Mathematik heraus ebnet der Autor den Weg in die Theoretische Physik. Er stützt sich dabei auf die folgenden Prinzipien: Viele Abbildungen und detailliert vorgerechnete Beispiele tragen wesentlich zum Verständnis der Darstellungen bei. Verwendete „Rechentricks“ werden angegeben und erläutert.Die erforderliche Mathematik wird schrittweise und ausführlich erarbeitet.Die Struktur des Lehrbuchs orientiert sich an folgenden zentralen Phänomenen und Grundbegriffen: Bewegung, Elektrizität und Magnetismus, Relativität sowie Quanten. In diesem Rahmen werden die üblichen Inhalte der Module Theoretische Mechanik, Elektrodynamik, Relativitätstheorie und Quantenmechanik verortet.Die experimentelle Basis für theoretische Ansätze wird explizit benannt, um die Besonderheiten der naturwissenschaftlichen Methode zu betonen, die sich von Autoritätsgläubigkeit sowie Spekulation deutlich abgrenzt.Auf bestehende Interpretationsprobleme der Quantenmechanik wird ausdrücklich hingewiesen. Begriffe wie „Welle-Teilchen-Dualismus“ oder „Kollaps der Wellenfunktion“ werden vermieden, da sie Missverständnisse provozieren können.Dieses Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie des Lehramts, zu deren Studieninhalten mindestens ein Modul Theoretische Physik gehört. Es wendet sich auch an alle, die sich für Fragestellungen der Naturwissenschaften oder Naturphilosophie interessieren und über eine positive Einstellung zur Mathematik verfügen.Die vorliegende zweite Auflage wurde um ein Kapitel zum Phänomen Wärme mit Inhalten aus der klassischen und statistischen Thermodynamik erweitert sowie an zahlreichen Stellen ergänzt und verbessert.

Eruption: The Untold Story of Mount St. Helens

by Steve Olson

Survival narrative meets scientific, natural, and social history in the riveting story of a volcanic disaster. For months in early 1980, scientists, journalists, sightseers, and nearby residents listened anxiously to rumblings in Mount St. Helens, part of the chain of western volcanoes fueled by the 700-mile-long Cascadia fault. Still, no one was prepared when an immense eruption took the top off of the mountain and laid waste to hundreds of square miles of verdant forests in southwestern Washington State. The eruption was one of the largest in human history, deposited ash in eleven U.S. states and five Canadian provinces, and caused more than one billion dollars in damage. It killed fifty-seven people, some as far as thirteen miles away from the volcano’s summit. Shedding new light on the cataclysm, author Steve Olson interweaves the history and science behind this event with page-turning accounts of what happened to those who lived and those who died. Powerful economic and historical forces influenced the fates of those around the volcano that sunny Sunday morning, including the construction of the nation’s railroads, the harvest of a continent’s vast forests, and the protection of America’s treasured public lands. The eruption of Mount St. Helens revealed how the past is constantly present in the lives of us all. At the same time, it transformed volcanic science, the study of environmental resilience, and, ultimately, our perceptions of what it will take to survive on an increasingly dangerous planet. Rich with vivid personal stories of lumber tycoons, loggers, volcanologists, and conservationists, Eruption delivers a spellbinding narrative built from the testimonies of those closest to the disaster, and an epic tale of our fraught relationship with the natural world.

Eruption!: Volcanoes And The Science Of Saving Lives (Scientists in the Field)

by Elizabeth Rusch Tom Uhlman

“At 11:35 p.m., as Radio Armero played cheerful music, a towering wave of mud and rocks bulldozed through the village, roaring like a squadron of fighter jets.” Twenty-three thousand people died in the 1985 eruption of Colombia’s Nevado del Ruiz. Today, more than one billion people worldwide live in volcanic danger zones. In this riveting nonfiction book—filled with spectacular photographs and sidebars—Rusch reveals the perilous, adrenaline-fueled, life-saving work of an international volcano crisis team (VDAP) and the sleeping giants they study, from Colombia to the Philippines, from Chile to Indonesia.

Eruptions that Shook the World

by Clive Oppenheimer

What does it take for a volcanic eruption to really shake the world? Did volcanic eruptions extinguish the dinosaurs, or help humans to evolve, only to decimate their populations with a super-eruption 73,000 years ago? Did they contribute to the ebb and flow of ancient empires, the French Revolution and the rise of fascism in Europe in the 19th century? These are some of the claims made for volcanic cataclysm. Volcanologist Clive Oppenheimer explores rich geological, historical, archaeological and palaeoenvironmental records (such as ice cores and tree rings) to tell the stories behind some of the greatest volcanic events of the past quarter of a billion years. He shows how a forensic approach to volcanology reveals the richness and complexity behind cause and effect, and argues that important lessons for future catastrophe risk management can be drawn from understanding events that took place even at the dawn of human origins.

Escaping Nature: How to Survive Global Climate Change

by Orrin H. Pilkey Charles O. Pilkey Linda P. Pilkey-Jarvis Norma J. Longo Keith C. Pilkey Fred B. Dodson Hannah L. Hayes

Industrial and agricultural greenhouse gas emissions are rapidly warming Earth’s climate, unleashing rising seas, ocean acidification, melting permafrost, powerful storms, wildfires, floods, deadly heat waves, droughts, tsunamis, food shortages, and armed conflict over shrinking water supplies while reducing nutritional levels in crops. Billions of people will become climate refugees. Hotter temperatures will allow tropical diseases to spread into temperate regions. Higher levels of CO2, allergens, dust, and other particulate matter will impair our physical and mental health and even reduce our cognitive abilities. Climate change disproportionately affects the world’s poor. It also harms Nature, and could ultimately trigger a sixth mass extinction. In Escaping Nature, Orrin H. Pilkey and his coauthors offer concrete suggestions for how to respond to the threats posed by global climate change. They argue that while we wait for the world’s governments to get serious about mitigating climate change we can adapt to a hotter world through technological innovations, behavioral changes, nature-based solutions, political changes, and education.

Escaping the Dark, Gray City: Fear and Hope in Progressive-Era Conservation

by Benjamin Heber Johnson

A compelling and long-overdue exploration of the Progressive-era conservation movement, and its lasting effects on American culture, politics, and contemporary environmentalism The turn of the twentieth century caught America at a crossroads, shaking the dust from a bygone era and hurtling toward the promises of modernity. Factories, railroads, banks, and oil fields—all reshaped the American landscape and people. In the gulf between growing wealth and the ills of an urbanizing nation, the spirit of Progressivism emerged. Promising a return to democracy and a check on concentrated wealth, Progressives confronted this changing relationship to the environment—not only in the countryside but also in dense industrial cities and leafy suburbs. Drawing on extensive work in urban history and Progressive politics, Benjamin Heber Johnson weaves together environmental history, material culture, and politics to reveal the successes and failures of the conservation movement and its lasting legacy. By following the efforts of a broad range of people and groups—women’s clubs, labor advocates, architects, and politicians—Johnson shows how conservation embodied the ideals of Progressivism, ultimately becoming one of its most important legacies.

Escaping the Resource Curse (Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia: Challenges in Development and Globalization)

by Humphreys Macartan Jeffrey D. Sachs Joseph E. Stiglitz Eds.

The wealth derived from natural resources can have a tremendous impact on the economics and politics of producing countries. In the last quarter century, we have seen the surprising and sobering consequences of this wealth, producing what is now known as the "resource curse." Countries with large endowments of natural resources, such as oil and gas, often do worse than their poorer neighbors. Their resource wealth frequently leads to lower growth rates, greater volatility, more corruption, and, in extreme cases, devastating civil wars. In this volume, leading economists, lawyers, and political scientists address the fundamental channels generated by this wealth and examine the major decisions a country must make when faced with an abundance of a natural resource. They identify such problems as asymmetric bargaining power, limited access to information, the failure to engage in long-term planning, weak institutional structures, and missing mechanisms of accountability. They also provide a series of solutions, including recommendations for contracting with oil companies and allocating revenue; guidelines for negotiators; models for optimal auctions; and strategies to strengthen state-society linkages and public accountability. The contributors show that solutions to the resource curse do exist; yet, institutional innovations are necessary to align the incentives of key domestic and international actors, and this requires fundamental political changes and much greater levels of transparency than currently exist. It is becoming increasingly clear that past policies have not provided the benefits they promised. Escaping the Resource Curse lays out a path for radically improving the management of the world's natural resources.


by Yi-Fu Tuan

Acclaimed cultural geographer Yi-Fu Tuan considers humanity's enduring desire to escape reality— and embrace alternatives such as love, culture, and DisneyworldIn prehistoric times, our ancestors began building shelters and planting crops in order to escape from nature's harsh realities. Today, we flee urban dangers for the safer, reconfigured world of suburban lawns and parks. According to geographer Yi-Fu Tuan, people have always sought to escape in one way or another, sometimes foolishly, often creatively and ingeniously. Glass-tower cities, suburbs, shopping malls, Disneyland—all are among the most recent monuments in our efforts to escape the constraints and uncertainties of life—ultimately, those imposed by nature. "What cultural product," Tuan asks, "is not escape?" In his new book, the capstone of a celebrated career, Tuan shows that escapism is an inescapable component of human thought and culture.

The ESG and Sustainability Deskbook for Business: A Guide to Policy, Regulation, and Practice

by Kristyn Noeth

The interest in sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) from stakeholders across all sectors is growing and will continue to do so as we are in the most pivotal decade for meeting the global goals on climate change and sustainable development. This book is a compendium of the international agreements, regulatory advancements, and current practicum to inform a 360-degree viewpoint of the organizations, frameworks, and stakeholders that shape the evolving landscape.Written in a straightforward and conversational tone, you’ll embark on a knowledge journey on the progression of ESG and sustainability and how it directly shapes and informs current practice. It provides insights, discussion, and topical briefings as a side-by-side reader to accompany the rise of ESG and sustainability in business and the markets. The flow of information and reader education begins with the origins of sustainability in international treaties and policy. It then moves on to theadvent and differentiation of ESG, sustainability, and social responsibility; provides substantive issue briefings on the key “E,” “S,” and “G” factors. You’ll continue by walking through the global regulatory and standards paradigms; delve into ESG ratings and indices; and examine in-depth analysis of the respective roles of the corporation, the financial and investment sector, the international bodies, the business interest groups, the NGOs and third-party organizations, and the philanthropic community. You’ll also see that corporations and investors are advancing ESG and sustainability strategies and programs at a record pace. What were once regarded as “nice-to-have” initiatives with voluntary reporting have moved into the regulated sphere with mandatory public disclosures and reporting requirements on greenhouse gas emissions, climate risk and transition planning, biodiversity and nature-related impacts, supply chain transparency, anti-bribery and corruption, humanrights, human capital, and board diversity. The ESG and Sustainability Deskbook for Business threads the needle with best practices, case studies, and takeaways to illustrate the applications and to enhance understanding.What You Will LearnStudy the progression of ESG and sustainability and how related considerations increasingly drive business, policy, and economic decisionsReview Takeaways and best practices to provide insights and discussion pointsUnderstand the critical differences between ESG, social responsibility, and sustainabilityWho This Book is ForESG and Sustainability Practitioners (across all sectors), Corporate leadership, Tech sector (a key growth area for compliance, reporting, and GHG accounting), Investors, Compliance, risk, legal, and corporate governance professionals, Management and board consultants

ESG Investing For Dummies

by Brendan Bradley

Your guide to investing for a more sustainable world Investing in one’s own future has always been a good financial move. But what if you want to ensure that the companies you have a financial interest in are also helping to improve the present and future of all of us—and of the planet? More than ever before, sustainable investors want to be confident that a company’s Environmental (net zero emissions target), Social (response to the Covid-19 pandemic), and Governance (no repeats of Enron and WorldCom) policies and actions are positively impacting the global outlook—and to identify ways that their dollar can incentivize business leaders to do even better. The worldwide rise of an Environmental, Socially Responsible, and Governance (ESG) approach to investing shows you’re not alone, and the $30+ trillion—and growing—committed in this way says it’s already become a transformative global movement. ESG provides a framework for evaluating companies that, unlike unrelated investment strategies, informs and guides sustainable investment. Even if you’re a novice investor, ESG For Dummies will allow you to hit this new investing landscape running, providing you with measurable ways to factor ESG into company performance, see how these are reflected in your investment return, and show how you can monitor companies to ensure your money is being put to ethical use. You’ll also become familiar with the big names to follow in the ESG world, how they’re already effecting positive change, and how you can help. Identify the drivers for each category of ESG Define and measure material ESG factors for investing success Understand principles for building a diversified sustainable portfolio Recognize material ESG factors effect on company performance ESG investing introduces powerful tools to do real and lasting good: this book shows you how to use them to help make everyone’s future, including your own, much more secure.

ESG Management of the Development of the Green Economy in Central Asia (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)

by Elena G. Popkova Bruno S. Sergi

This book proposes digitalization as a promising direction for green growth and sustainable development of the economy of Central Asia. It reveals the advanced and unique hands-on and case-based experience of Central Asia in ESG management with the involvement of digital technologies and provides practical recommendations on the extension of the use of digital technologies in ESG management of the development of the green economy in Central Asia.

ESG Mindset: Business Resilience and Sustainable Growth

by Matthew Sekol

Businesses who take environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) seriously can transform their companies, industries and economies worldwide. Learn how to think critically about ESG to ensure your company remains resilient with sustainable growth in the long term. ESG goes beyond decarbonization commitments, corporate goals and industry awards to core business issues, stakeholders and the balance sheet. Managing these risks and opportunities requires courage, imagination and careful analysis to improve and innovate around what is and isn't working at a company. It requires mainstreaming a consistent definition of ESG so key decision-makers are empowered to act across the business and their value chains, including in daily business practices, communication with stakeholders, financial considerations, and the integration of new technologies and products.ESG Mindset guides business leaders, ESG specialists and CSR strategists through the nuanced and most thoughtful ways to focus on these core business issues. Equipping readers with an enhanced way to think through complex business decisions and interconnected crises, the book provides accessible perspectives and real-world examples from companies around the world that have implemented a meaningful approach to ESG and learned lessons along the way. Readers will learn how to think about pressing ESG challenges from a new perspective and build defensibility in their efforts to future-proof a business and potentially save the world as only they can.

ESG: Nachhaltigkeit als strategischer Erfolgsfaktor (SDG - Forschung, Konzepte, Lösungsansätze zur Nachhaltigkeit)

by Klaus Rainer Kirchhoff Sönke Niefünd Julian A. von Pressentin

Immer mehr Investoren haben ESG-Kriterien in ihre Investitionskriterien integriert und immer mehr Banken ergänzen ihre Vergaberichtlinien für Kredite um ESG-Aspekte. Mit einer gelebten ESG-Strategie und ESG-Kommunikation werden Unternehmen für Investoren und Banken folgerichtig attraktiver.Dieses Buch soll Unternehmern und Managern zeigen, wie sie zu einer überzeugenden ESG-Strategie kommen und wie sie diese professionell kommunizieren.

ESG: Sustainability as a Strategic Success Factor

by Klaus Rainer Kirchhoff Sönke Niefünd Julian von Pressentin

More and more investors have integrated ESG criteria into their investment criteria, and an increasing number of banks are supplementing their lending guidelines with ESG aspects. With a lived ESG strategy and ESG communication, companies consequently become more attractive to investors and banks. This book aims to show entrepreneurs and managers how to develop a convincing ESG strategy and how to communicate it professionally.

Essays in Economics: Theories, Theorizing, Facts And Policies

by Wassily W. Leontief

First Published in 2015. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an Informa company.

Essays on Sustainability and Management

by Runa Sarkar Annapurna Shaw

This book offers a comprehensive overview of sustainability and management in India and through its insightful essays highlights the complex and multifaceted nature of sustainability as a concept. It also demonstrates the debates surrounding the concept of sustainability and its ramifications for ground-level practice in managing organisations and for public policy. The contributions from sustainability enthusiasts, practitioners from disparate fields and academics working at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, have been divided into five themes: (1) sustainability as a normative concept; (2) sustainability concept at the global level, (3) sustainability practices in Indian organisations and consumer behaviour; (4) sustainability, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility and (5) sustainability: a critique of organisational practice and government regulation. The themes reflect both new and continuing issues confronting management in the country today. Examples and in-depth studies make it relevant to the grounded reality in India. The expertise and experience of the contributors ensure that readers are left with a grasp of our current understanding of how sustainability is related to society and business, the direction this understanding will take in the future.

The Essence of Turbulence as a Physical Phenomenon: With Emphasis on Issues of Paradigmatic Nature

by Arkady Tsinober

This book critically reexamines what turbulence really is, from a fundamental point of view and based on observations from nature, laboratories, and direct numerical simulations. It includes critical assessments and a comparative analysis of the key developments, their evolution and failures, along with key misconceptions and outdated paradigms. The main emphasis is on conceptual and problematic aspects, physical phenomena, observations, misconceptions and unresolved issues rather than on conventional formalistic aspects, models, etc. Apart from the obvious fundamental importance of turbulent flows, this emphasis stems from the basic premise that without corresponding progress in fundamental aspects there is little chance for progress in applications such as drag reduction, mixing, control and modeling of turbulence. More generally, there is also a desperate need to grasp the physical fundamentals of the technological processes in which turbulence plays a central role.

The Essence of Turbulence as a Physical Phenomenon: With Emphasis On Issues Of Paradigmatic Nature

by Arkady Tsinober

Now in its second edition, this book clearly, concisely and comprehensively outlines the essence of turbulence. In view of the absence of a theory based on first principles and adequate tools to handle the problem, the “essence” of turbulence, i.e. what turbulence really is from a fundamental point of view, is understood empirically through observations from nature, laboratories and direct numerical simulations rather than explained by means of conventional formalistic aspects, models, etc., resulting in pertinent issues being described at a highly theoretical level in spite of the mentioned lack of theory.As such, the book highlights and critically reexamines fundamental issues, especially those of paradigmatic nature, related to conceptual and problematic aspects, key misconceptions and unresolved matters, and discusses why the problem is so difficult. As in the previous edition, the focus on fundamental issues is also a consequence of the view that without corresponding advances in fundamental aspects there is little chance of progress in any applications. More generally there is a desperate need for physical fundamentals of a great variety of processes in nature and technology in which turbulence plays a central role. Turbulence is omnipresent throughout the natural sciences and technology, but despite the vast sea of information available the book retains its brevity without oversimplifications, making it of interest to a broad audience.

The Essential Agrarian Reader: The Future of Culture, Community, and the Land

by Barbara Kingsolver Norman Wirzba

Agrarian philosophy, a compelling worldview with advocates around the globe, encourages us to develop practices and policies that promote the sustainable health of the land, community, and culture. <P><P>In this remarkable anthology are fifteen essays from Wendell Berry, Vandana Shiva, Wes Jackson, Gene Logsdon, Brian Donahue, Eric Freyfogle, David Orr, and others. The Essential Agrarian Reader calls us to celebrate the gifts of the earth, through honest work and respect for the land.

The Essential Agrarian Reader: The Future of Culture, Community, and the Land

by Norman Wirzba

“Eminently quotable and passionately argued essays” on living in harmony with the earth and each other, by Wes Jackson, Wendell Berry, and more (Library Journal, starred review).Includes a Foreword by Barbara KingsolverA compelling worldview with advocates from around the globe, agrarianism challenges the shortcomings of our industrial and technological economy. Not simply focused on farming, the agrarian outlook encourages us to develop practices and policies that promote the health of land, community, and culture. Agrarianism reminds us that no matter how urban we become, our survival will always be inextricably linked to the precious resources of soil, water, and air.Combining fresh insights from the disciplines of education, law, history, urban and regional planning, economics, philosophy, religion, ecology, politics, and agriculture, these original essays develop a sophisticated critique of our culture’s current relationship to the land, while offering practical alternatives. Leading agrarians, including Wendell Berry, Vandana Shiva, Wes Jackson, Gene Logsdon, Brian Donahue, Eric Freyfogle, and David Orr, explain how our goals should be redirected toward genuinely sustainable communities. These writers call us to an honest accounting and correction of our often-destructive ways. They suggest how our society can take practical steps toward integrating soils, watersheds, forests, wildlife, urban areas, and human populations into one great system—a responsible flourishing of our world and culture.

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