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Essential SQA Exam Practice: From the publisher of How to Pass

by Sheena Williamson

Exam board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: GeographyFirst teaching: September 2018First exam: Summer 2019Practice makes permanent. Feel confident and prepared for the SQA Higher Geography exam with this two-in-one book, containing practice questions for every question type and the most popular topics, plus two practice papers.- Choose to revise by question type or topic: A simple grid enables you to pick particular question styles or course areas that you want to focus on, with answers provided at the back of the book- Understand what the examiner is looking for: Clear guidance on how to answer each question type is followed by plenty of questions so you can put the advice into practice, building essential exam skills- Remember more in your exam: Repeated and extended practice will give you a secure knowledge of the key areas of the course (physical environments; human environments; global issues)- Familiarise yourself with the exam papers: Both practice papers mirror the language and layout of the real SQA papers; complete them in timed, exam-style conditions to increase your confidence before the exams- Find out how to achieve a better grade: Answers to the practice papers have commentaries for each question, with tips on writing successful answers and avoiding common mistakesFully up to date with SQA's requirementsThe questions, mark schemes and guidance in this practice book match the requirements of the revised SQA Higher Geography specification for examination from 2019 onwards.This book covers the following topics:Physical environments:- Atmosphere- Hydrosphere- Lithosphere- BiosphereHuman environments:- Population- Urban- RuralGlobal issues:- River basin management- Development and health- Climate change- Energy

Essential SQA Exam Practice: National 5 Geography Questions and Papers

by Sheena Williamson

Exam board: SQALevel: National 5Subject: GeographyFirst teaching: September 2017First exam: Summer 2018Practice makes permanent. Feel confident and prepared for the SQA National 5 Geography exam with this two-in-one book, containing practice questions for every question type and the most popular topics, plus two full practice papers.- Choose to revise by question type or topic: A simple grid enables you to pick particular question styles or course areas that you want to focus on, with answers provided at the back of the book- Understand what the examiner is looking for: Clear guidance on how to answer each question type is followed by plenty of questions so you can put the advice into practice, building essential exam skills- Remember more in your exam: Repeated and extended practice will give you a secure knowledge of the key areas of the course (physical environments; human environments; global issues)- Familiarise yourself with the exam paper: Both practice papers mirror the language and layout of the real SQA papers; complete them in timed, exam-style conditions to increase your confidence before the exams- Find out how to achieve a better grade: Answers to the practice papers have commentaries for each question, with tips on writing successful answers and avoiding common mistakesFully up to date with SQA's requirementsThe questions, mark schemes and guidance in this practice book match the requirements of the revised SQA National 5 Geography specification for examination from 2018 onwards.This book covers the following topics:Section 1: Physical Environments:- Landscape Types- WeatherSection 2: Human Environments:- World Population Distribution and Change- Issues in Changing Urban and Rural LandscapesSection 3: Global Issues:- Climate Change- Natural Regions- Environmental Hazards- Trade and Globalisation- Tourism- Health

Essential SQA Exam Practice: From the publisher of How to Pass

by Sheena Williamson

Exam board: SQALevel: National 5Subject: GeographyFirst teaching: September 2017First exam: Summer 2018Practice makes permanent. Feel confident and prepared for the SQA National 5 Geography exam with this two-in-one book, containing practice questions for every question type and the most popular topics, plus two full practice papers.- Choose to revise by question type or topic: A simple grid enables you to pick particular question styles or course areas that you want to focus on, with answers provided at the back of the book- Understand what the examiner is looking for: Clear guidance on how to answer each question type is followed by plenty of questions so you can put the advice into practice, building essential exam skills- Remember more in your exam: Repeated and extended practice will give you a secure knowledge of the key areas of the course (physical environments; human environments; global issues)- Familiarise yourself with the exam paper: Both practice papers mirror the language and layout of the real SQA papers; complete them in timed, exam-style conditions to increase your confidence before the exams- Find out how to achieve a better grade: Answers to the practice papers have commentaries for each question, with tips on writing successful answers and avoiding common mistakesFully up to date with SQA's requirementsThe questions, mark schemes and guidance in this practice book match the requirements of the revised SQA National 5 Geography specification for examination from 2018 onwards.This book covers the following topics:Section 1: Physical Environments:- Landscape Types- WeatherSection 2: Human Environments:- World Population Distribution and Change- Issues in Changing Urban and Rural LandscapesSection 3: Global Issues:- Climate Change- Natural Regions- Environmental Hazards- Trade and Globalisation- Tourism- Health

Essential Statistical Physics

by Malcolm P. Kennett

This clear and pedagogical text delivers a concise overview of classical and quantum statistical physics. Essential Statistical Physics shows students how to relate the macroscopic properties of physical systems to their microscopic degrees of freedom, preparing them for graduate courses in areas such as biophysics, condensed matter physics, atomic physics and statistical mechanics. Topics covered include the microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical ensembles, Liouville's Theorem, Kinetic Theory, non-interacting Fermi and Bose systems and phase transitions, and the Ising model. Detailed steps are given in mathematical derivations, allowing students to quickly develop a deep understanding of statistical techniques. End-of-chapter problems reinforce key concepts and introduce more advanced applications, and appendices provide a detailed review of thermodynamics and related mathematical results. This succinct book offers a fresh and intuitive approach to one of the most challenging topics in the core physics curriculum and provides students with a solid foundation for tackling advanced topics in statistical mechanics.

Essential Sustainable Home Design: A Complete Guide to Goals, Options, and the Planning Process (Sustainable Building Essentials)

by Chris Magwood

Design your own sustainable home Many people dream of building a beautiful, environmentally friendly home. But until now there has been no systematic guide to help potential builders work through the complete process of imagining, planning, designing, and building their ideal, sustainable home. Essential Sustainable Home Design walks potential homebuilders through the process starting with key concepts, principles, and a project vision that will guide the house to completion.Coverage includes:How to clarify your ideas and create a practical pathway to achieving your dreamA criteria matrix to guide design, material, and systems decisionsCreating a strong, integrated design team and working with professionals and code officials to keep the project on track from start to finish.Key building science concepts that make for a high-performance, durable buildingPrimer on building logistics, material sourcing, and protocols to ensure that the initial vision for the project comes to fruition.One-page summaries and ratings of popular sustainable building materials and system options.Ideal for owner-builders and sustainable building contractors working with clients aiming to design and build a sustainable home. Chris Magwood has designed and built some of the most innovative, sustainable buildings in North America, including the first off-grid, straw bale home in Ontario. He is co-founder and director the Endeavour Centre for Innovative Building and Living and co-editor of the Sustainable Building Essentials series. Chris is the author of Essential Prefab Straw Bale Construction, Essential Hempcrete Construction, Straw Bale Details, More Straw Bale Building , and Making Better Buildings .

Essential Tools for Water Resources Analysis, Planning, and Management (Springer Water)

by Omid Bozorg-Haddad

This book describes concepts and tools needed for water resources management, including methods for modeling, simulation, optimization, big data analysis, data mining, remote sensing, geographical information system, game theory, conflict resolution, System dynamics, agent-based models, multiobjective, multicriteria, and multiattribute decision making and risk and uncertainty analysis, for better and sustainable management of water resources and consumption, thus mitigating the present and future global water shortage crisis. It presents the applications of these tools through case studies which demonstrate its benefits of proper management of water resources systems. This book acts as a reference for students, professors, industrial practitioners, and stakeholders in the field of water resources and hydrology.

Essentials Of Geology

by Stephen Marshak

In this introductory textbook, Marshak (University of Illinois) incorporates the theory of plate tectonics and the concept of Earth science systems into discussions of rock types, volcanoes and earthquakes, crustal deformation and mountains, energy and mineral resources, water, ice, global change and other standard topics. Color photographs and diagrams illustrate the major ideas of the book, and a companion CD-ROM contains animated clips representing the processes described in the text.

Essentials of Geology

by Stephen Marshak

Superior visuals and up-to-date research help students see the world like a geologist. The Fourth Edition offers a streamlined, engaging approach to geologic processes, presented through visuals, photographs, and text, as well as discussions of modern science phenomena.

Essentials of Geology (12th Edition)

by Frederick K. Lutgens Edward J. Tarbuck Dennis G. Tasa

From the renowned Lutgens/Tarbuck/Tasa team, the Twelfth Edition of Essentials of Geology continues to elevate its readability, art program, focus on basic principles and instructor flexibility. This revision incorporates what has historically made the text a best seller with a new active learning approach throughout each chapter, which offers students a structured learning path and provides a reliable, consistent framework for mastering the chapter concepts. It also includes new additions to its learning path, mobile field trips, and visual program. This edition is supported by MasteringGeology(tm)-used by over 1. 5 million science students, the Mastering platform is the most effective and widely used online tutorial, homework, and assessment system for the sciences. This program will provide an interactive and engaging learning experience for your students. Here's how: Personalize learning with MasteringGeology: MasteringGeology provides students with engaging and interactive experiences that coach them through introductory physical geography with specific wrong-answer feedback, hints, and a wide variety of educationally effective content. Teach with an active learning path that emphasizes learning objectives, tie questions back to objectives, ask students to analyze, synthesize, and critically think about core concepts, and break down chapter content. Engage students with an art program that supports a structured learning path with its bold-magazine like design Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; My_Lab/Mastering does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and My_Lab/Mastering search for ISBN-10: 0321949803/ISBN-13: 9780321949806. That package includes ISBN-10: 0321947738/ISBN-13: 9780321947734 and ISBN-10: 0321966864/ISBN-13: 9780321966865. My_Lab/Mastering is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor.

Essentials Of Geology (Fifth Edition)

by Stephen Marshak

Why do earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and landslides happen? What causes mountains to rise? How do beautiful landscapes develop? Do climate and life change through time? When did the Earth form, and by what process? Where do we dig to find valuable metals, and where do we drill to find oil? Does sea level change? Can continents move? <P><P>The study of geology addresses these important questions and many more. But from the birth of the discipline in the late-18th century until the mid-20th century, geologists considered each question largely in isolation, without pondering its relation to the others. <P><P>This approach changed, beginning in the 1960s, in response to the formulation of two "paradigm-shifting" ideas that have unified thinking about the Earth and its features. The first idea, called the theory of plate tectonics, states that the Earth's outer shell consists of discrete plates that slowly move relative to each other so that the map of our planet continuously changes. <P><P>Plate interactions cause earthquakes and volcanoes, build mountains, provide gases that make up the atmosphere, and affect the distribution of life on Earth. The second idea, called the Earth System concept, emphasizes that our planet's water, land, atmosphere, and living inhabitants are dynamically interconnected. In the Earth System, materials constantly cycle among various living and nonliving reservoirs on, above, and within the planet. We have come to realize that the history of life is intimately linked to the history of the physical Earth.

Essentials of Geology (Seventh Edition)

by Stephen Marshak

Marshak geology meets active, virtual learning. The gold standard text for helping students visualize and understand geologic processes makes hands-on and real-world exploration easier and more impactful than ever, in any course setting. New 3D specimen and digital elevation models, with corresponding Smartwork exercises, allow students to examine specimens and sites as if they were in the field or lab. And new highly visual “Practice What You Know” and “What Can You See?” activities at the end of each chapter and in Smartwork help students synthesize and apply important concepts like a geologist. Thoroughly updated with current events and essential data, the Seventh Edition also reveals the dynamism of geology and how it impacts our lives This purchase offers access to the digital ebook only.

Essentials of Geology (Sixth Edition)

by Stephen Marshak

A hands-on, visual learning experience for physical geology This purchase offers access to the digital ebook only.

Essentials of Geology (Thirteenth Edition)

by Frederick K. Lutgens Edward Tarbuck Dennis Tasa

Using dynamic media to bring geology to life From the renowned Lutgens/Tarbuck/Tasa team, the 13th Edition of Essentials of Geology continues to elevate the text's readability, illustrations, and focus on basic principles. This revision incorporates a structured learning path and reliable, consistent framework for mastering the chapter concepts. With a fully integrated mobile media program that includes new Mobile Field Trip and Project Condor quadcopter videos as well as new animations and videos, this edition provides a unique, interactive, and engaging learning experience for readers.

Essentials of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

by B. Ronald Frost Carol D. Frost

All Earth Science students need to understand the origins, environments, and basic processes that produce igneous and metamorphic rocks. This concise introductory textbook provides students with the essential knowledge needed to understand how petrology relates to other topics in the geologic sciences, and has been written specifically for one-semester courses. Throughout, the emphasis is on interpreting the mineralogy and petrology of rock suites in terms of origin and environment, with the first half of the book concentrating on igneous rocks, and the second half on metamorphic rocks. This Second Edition has been thoroughly revised and brought completely up-to-date. It now includes a new chapter on the application of stable and radiogenic isotopes in petrology, introducing students to the concept of isotopic fractionation and describing the process of radioactive decay. The discussions of phase diagrams, connections between igneous and metamorphic rock suites, and convergent margin magmatism have also been expanded. There is a new glossary of terms, updated end-of-chapter exercises, and updated further readings.

Essentials of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

by B. Ronald Frost Carol D. Frost

All geoscience students need to understand the origins, environments and basic processes that produce igneous and metamorphic rocks. This concise textbook, written specifically for one-semester undergraduate courses, provides students with the key information they need to understand these processes. Topics are organized around the types of rocks to expect in a given tectonic environment, rather than around rock classifications: this is much more interesting and engaging for students, as it applies petrology to real geologic environments. This textbook includes over 250 illustrations and photos, and is supplemented by additional color photomicrographs made freely available online. Application boxes throughout the text encourage students to consider how petrology connects to wider aspects of geology, including economic geology, geologic hazards and geophysics. End-of-chapter exercises allow students to apply the concepts they have learnt and practice interpreting petrologic data.

Essentials of Medical Geology

by Brian Alloway Jose Centeno Olle Selinus Pauline Smedley Robert Finkelman Ron Fuge Ulf Lindh

Essentials of Medical Geology reviews the essential concepts and practical tools required to tackle environmental and public health problems. It is organized into four main sections. The first section deals with the fundamentals of environmental biology, the natural and anthropogenic sources of health elements that impact health and illustrate key biogeochemical transformations. The second section looks at the geological processes influencing human exposure to specific elements, such as radon, arsenic, fluorine, selenium and iodine. The third section presents the concepts and techniques of pathology, toxicology and epidemiology that underpin investigations into the human health effects of exposure to naturally occurring elements. The last section provides a toolbox of analytical approaches to environmental research and medical geology investigations. Essentials of Medical Geology was first published in 2005 and has since won three prestigious rewards. The book has been recognized as a key book in both medical and geology fields and is widely used as textbook and reference book in these fields. For this revised edition, editors and authors have updated the content that evolved a lot during 2005 and added two new chapters, on public health, and agriculture and health. This updated volume can now continue to be used as a textbook and reference book for all who are interested in this important topic and its impacts the health and wellbeing of many millions of people all over the world. · Addresses key topics at the intersection of environmental science and human health · Developed by 60 international experts from 20 countries and edited by professionals from the International Medical Geology Association (IMGA) · Written in non-technical language for a broad spectrum of readers, ranging from students and professional researchers to policymakers and the general public · Includes color illustrations throughout, references for further investigation and other aids to the reader

Essentials of Medical Meteorology

by Vlado Spiridonov Mladjen Ćurić Oliver Zafirovski

This book discusses the impacts that weather and climate have on human physical health, longevity, and mental wellness, and acts as a guide to the application of meteorological science in health care. It provides a background on biometeorology by covering basic concepts of human anatomy and meteorology, and how modern biometeorological science can be incorporated into medical practice through diagnosis, prevention and treatment of physical and mental diseases. The recommendations, advice and preventive measures addressed in this book aim to help people adapt to different weather phenomena and changes to minimize negative health consequences, which is increasingly relevant as climate change and its effects on human health become more pronounced and studied. The book is intended for environmental epidemiologists, medical students, physicians, health care providers, climate scientists, insurance industries and policy makers, but will also appeal to general enthusiasts of atmospheric, climate and medical sciences.

Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere

by C. Donald Ahrens

This updated and enhanced seventh edition of ESSENTIALS OF METEOROLOGY is written by the most widely read and authoritative author in introductory meteorology-Donald Ahrens. Ahrens's ability to explain relatively complicated ideas in a student-friendly, manageable fashion allows even non-science students to visualize the principles of meteorology. The text's clear and inviting narrative is supplemented by numerous pedagogical features that encourage observing, calculating, and synthesizing information. New critical thinking questions linked to key figures and concept animation boxes point to online animations and appendices allowing students to immediately apply the text material to the world around them--and understand the underlying meteorological principles.

Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere (Mindtap Course List Series)

by C. Donald Ahrens Robert Henson

ESSENTIALS OF METEOROLOGY, 8th Edition, is written for students interested in gaining insights into the dynamic workings of the atmosphere. The authors' ability to explain relatively complicated ideas in an easy-to-understand way lets both science and nonscience majors visualize the principles of meteorology.

Essentials of Navigation: A Guide for Marine Navigation

by An Li Hongwei Bian Heng Ma Rongying Wang

This book gives a basic introduction to navigation, from key concepts, basic principles, main technologies, equipment systems to the knowledge frame of navigation. The ten chapters fall into three parts: Chapters I~III introduce the elementary knowledge of navigation; Chapters IV~IX are devoted to the basic principles, and the optimization principle of integrated navigation as well; and Chapter X discusses the application of marine navigation, indicating the basic outline of the marine navigation system. The book clearly reflects the systematic idea of navigation knowledge from multiple perspectives, which is helpful for readers to build a holistic understanding of navigation from the concept, principle, characteristics, technology to the equipment system. At the end of each chapter, reflections beyond the fundamental knowledge of navigation are included to help readers further develop their scientific thinking and general literacy. This book is written primarily for students majoring in navigation, and it may also be of interest to researchers and practitioners engaged in navigation.

Essentials Of Oceanography

by Alan P. Trujillo Harold V. Thurman

Essentials of Oceanography guides readers through the complexities of what lies beneath the ocean. With an interdisciplinary approach and accessible writing style, the text is engaging for all readers. The 12th Edition discusses the ocean’s biological, chemical, geological, and physical components for an in-depth understanding of this vast and elaborate topic. Complex concepts are made engaging with extensively revised art and interactive study aids that keep readers interested and excited about the material.

Essentials of Oceanography

by Alan P. Trujillo Harold V. Thurman

As the bestselling brief book in the oceanography market, Essentials of Oceanography combines dynamic visuals and a student-friendly narrative to bring oceanography to life. The text’s engaging features and the extensive suite of animations and videos keep students interested and excited about the material. <p><p> The 13th Edition creates an interactive learning experience that provides tightly integrated text and digital offerings to make oceanography approachable and digestible for students. An emphasis on the process of science throughout the text provides students with an understanding of how scientists think and work. The new edition also helps students develop the scientific skill of practicing and interpreting data with new Exploring Data features supported by Mastering Oceanography coaching activities. A new Creature Feature provides fun facts about marine animals to engage students.

Essentials of Oceanography (10th edition)

by Alan P. Trujillo Harold V. Thurman

Trujillo and Thurman present in-depth discussions of oceanographic concepts and demystify the science even for non-science students. Their systems approach highlights the relationship between oceanographic phenomena and how those phenomena affect other Earth systems. Scientific information from geology, chemistry, physics, and biology combine to illustrate how each of these disciplines relates to the ocean.

Essentials Of Oceanography (Eighth Edition)

by Tom Garrison Robert Ellis

ESSENTIALS OF OCEANOGRAPHY provides a basic understanding of the complexities and uncertainties involved in ocean use and the importance of oceans in nurturing and sustaining life. Streamlined to remove nonessential technical details so students can focus on the content without interruptions to the narrative, the 8th Edition's slimmer table of contents allows instructors to cover one chapter a week -- while leaving some extra time in the semester. Using exclusive content from the National Geographic Society, ESSENTIALS OF OCEANOGRAPHY, 8th Edition, illustrates the complexity and beauty of the ocean while making it more accessible to a wider range of students. With this book, bestselling authors Tom Garrison and Robert Ellis illustrate the interdisciplinary nature of marine science and give students the most dynamic and current introduction to oceanography available today.

Essentials of Petroleum

by Paul H. Frankel

Published in the year 1969, Essentials of Petroleum is a valuable contribution to the field of Geography.

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