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Essentials of Rock Mechanics

by Hassan A. Elsageer Stephen D. Butt Abdullah Omar Mohammad Bamousa Wael Rashad Abdellah Mahrous Ali Ali

This book extensively covers rock mechanics and engineering, playing a vital role in mining, geological, and civil applications. It explores the stability, failure, and behavior of rock masses, offering control and prediction methods. Fundamental concepts, stress and strain analyses, failure theories, and rock characteristics are addressed, essential for safety in mining and construction. Applications like geological hazard assessment, slope stability, and foundation design demonstrate its significance in civil and geological engineering. The book's structured approach includes an overview in Chapter 1, stress analyses in Chapter 2, and plane strain analyses in Chapter 3. Subsequent chapters delve into rock behavior, failure theories, and specific properties. Practical aspects, such as designing underground openings, are covered in later chapters. The incorporation of numerous solved tutorials enhances its value for students and educators seeking a comprehensive understanding of these pivotal topics.

Essentials of the Earth's Climate System

by Roger G. Barry Eileen A. Hall-McKim

This concise introduction to modern climatology covers the key topics for intermediate undergraduate students on one-semester courses. The treatment of topics is non-mathematical wherever possible, instead focusing on physical processes to allow students to grasp concepts more easily. Full-color illustrations support the text and supplementary topics are covered in boxes, enabling students to further increase their knowledge and awareness. A historical perspective of climatology is woven throughout, providing students with an insight into key scientists and technological developments. Each chapter concludes with a summary of the main points and a mixture of review and discussion questions, encouraging students to check their understanding and think critically. A list of key web links to data and other resources, and solutions and hints to answers to the student questions (password-protected for instructors) are provided online to complete the teaching package.

Essentials of Topology with Applications (Textbooks in Mathematics)

by Steven G. Krantz

Brings Readers Up to Speed in This Important and Rapidly Growing AreaSupported by many examples in mathematics, physics, economics, engineering, and other disciplines, Essentials of Topology with Applications provides a clear, insightful, and thorough introduction to the basics of modern topology. It presents the traditional concepts of topological

Essentials of World Regional Geography (4th edition)

by Christopher L. Salter Joseph J. Hobbs

Kit Salter and Joe Hobbs build the story of each region using contemporary concerns, global issues, and historical themes to create a complete picture of our ever-changing planet and its people.

Established and Emerging Practices for Soil and Crop Productivity

by Avtar Singh Bimbraw

The book explains the various existing, emerging and environmentally viable technologies for the sustainable and profitable crop productivity. The book also focusses on climate change, hurricanes and tropical storms, natural resources management, crop diversification, crop resource management, cropping systems, farming system, management of land use resources, conservation agriculture, crop residue management, renewable energy, precision agriculture, integrated nutrient management, integrated pest management.Note: T&F does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Establishing Plus-Minus-Energy-Regions: The Maluku Archipelago in Indonesia

by Dieter D. Genske Giovanni Maurice Pradipta

This book explains and illustrates how Indonesia as the largest and most populous country in Southeast Asia can become independent of fossil fuels by both reducing its energy needs and using renewable resources. A study presented in this work focuses on the Maluku Archipelago in eastern Indonesia with Ambon as its capital. Conventional energy is brought to the islands over long distances by partly simple means as boats, ships and aircrafts. This unsustainable situation calls for a decentralized renewable energy supply strategy. Based on the research presented in this book, it is clear that the archipelago has the potential to become a so-called plus-minus region. Plus-minus regions are regions that produce more renewable energy than they need and capture more CO2 than they emit. The authors are convinced that the presented strategy illustrated on the Maluku Archipelago can be transferred to other regions of the world and that only by developing plus-minus regions the international 2°C climate goal can be achieved. The model region thus serves as proof that the plus-minus target can also be achieved in emerging countries with limited financial resources.

The Estate House Re-designed

by Anthony Sully

The book demonstrates how new houses can be designed to be more sustainable and ergonomic. Specifically, it describes a prototype building that could be constructed in the near future. Responding to some of the poor standards of mass estate housing in the UK and its out-of-date space standards, it contributes towards improving the current status quo by describing a house design, including drawings, that can compete with today’s mass housing. The author examines the traditional geometrical reliance on the square in the design of houses and the planning of housing estates and promotes instead the adoption of polygonal forms. This is explained using geometric analysis, diagrams and references to existing housing. These concepts have been developed with reference to technical literature from various companies with one company interested in taking it further. Providing a novel and up-to-date design concept, this book is of value to practitioners and researchers looking to improve the standard of mass housing in the UK. It is also of interest to anyone wishing to build their own house and to manufacturers wanting to move into modern housing technology.

Ester Boserup's Legacy on Sustainability

by Marina Fischer-Kowalski Anette Reenberg Anke Schaffartzik Andreas Mayer

Arising from a scientific conference marking the 100th anniversary of her birth, this book honors the life and work of the social scientist and diplomat Ester Boserup, who blazed new trails in her interdisciplinary approach to development and sustainability.

Estimating Climate Sensitivity: Report Of A Workshop

by Board on Atmospheric Sciences Climate

“Climate sensitivity” is a term used to characterize the response of the climate system to an imposed forcing, and is most commonly used to mean the equilibrium global mean surface temperature change that occurs in response to a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. The purpose of this workshop was to explore current capabilities and limitations in quantifying climate sensitivity and consider whether there are alternative approaches for characterizing climate response that might better suit the information needs of policy makers.

Estimating Costs of Air Pollution Control

by William M. Vatavuk

In these pages is all the information that you-manager, engineer, or other technical professional-would need to select, size, and estimate "budget/study" level capital and annual costs for a variety of air pollution control equipment. This equipment includes wet scrubbers, carbon adsorbers, and other "add-on" devices. This book also deals with such nonstack controls as wet dust suppression systems and flue gas desulfurization systems. The costs are current (1988 or 1989 dollars) and are mainly presented in equational form for ease of computerization and updating. Clear, comprehensive equipment sizing procedures are also detailed. Finally, several detailed example problems are included to illustrate the sizing and costing procedures. This book is not just for technical personnel, however. The material is easy to grasp and use. Anyone with an air pollution control background can follow and apply the procedures and data herein. Using this book, air pollution control professionals can now develop sound, defensible (within ±30%) cost estimates with a minimum of time and effort.

Estimating Fatality Rates for Earthquake Loss Models

by Emily So

This manuscript sets out a process for estimating fatalities in collapsed buildings due to ground shaking in an earthquake. The aim of this research is to supplement current earthquake loss estimation with fatality rates (percentage of occupants killed) for use in models which are based on recent empirical information on deaths from earthquakes. This document specifically explores the lethality potential to occupants of collapsed structures. Whilst earthquake casualty modeling has admittedly suffered from a lack of post-earthquake collection of data and rigour in assessing these data, recent earthquakes such as 2008 Wenchuan (China) and 2011 Christchurch (New Zealand) have brought to light some important findings. Under the auspices of US Geological Survey's PAGER, empirical fatality data related to collapses of buildings from significant earthquakes in the past 40 years have been thoroughly examined. Through detailed investigations of fatal building collapses and the volume reductions within these buildings, important clues related to the lethality potential of different failure mechanisms of global modern and older construction types were found. The gathered evidence forms the basis of the derivation of a set of fatality rates for use in loss models. The set of judgment-based rates are for 31 global building types. This significant advancement in casualty modeling, the resolutions and quality of available data, the important assumptions made, and the final derivation of fatality rates are discussed here. This document contributes to global efforts to develop a way of estimating probable earthquake fatalities very rapidly after an earthquake has taken place. The fatality rates proposed here can be incorporated directly into earthquake loss estimation models where fatalities are derived from collapses of different types of buildings.

Estimating Groundwater Recharge

by Richard W. Healy Bridget R. Scanlon

Understanding groundwater recharge is essential for successful management of water resources and modeling fluid and contaminant transport within the subsurface. This book provides a critical evaluation of the theory and assumptions that underlie methods for estimating rates of groundwater recharge. Detailed explanations of the methods are provided - allowing readers to apply many of the techniques themselves without needing to consult additional references. Numerous practical examples highlight benefits and limitations of each method. Approximately 900 references allow advanced practitioners to pursue additional information on any method. For the first time, theoretical and practical considerations for selecting and applying methods for estimating groundwater recharge are covered in a single volume with uniform presentation. Hydrogeologists, water-resource specialists, civil and agricultural engineers, earth and environmental scientists and agronomists will benefit from this informative and practical book, which is also a useful adjunct text for advanced courses in groundwater or hydrogeology.

Estimating Ore Grade Using Evolutionary Machine Learning Models

by Mohammad Ehteram Zohreh Sheikh Khozani Saeed Soltani-Mohammadi Maliheh Abbaszadeh

This book examines the abilities of new machine learning models for predicting ore grade in mining engineering. A variety of case studies are examined in this book. A motivation for preparing this book was the absence of robust models for estimating ore grade. Models of current books can also be used for the different sciences because they have high capabilities for estimating different variables. Mining engineers can use the book to determine the ore grade accurately. This book helps identify mineral-rich regions for exploration and exploitation. Exploration costs can be decreased by using the models in the current book. In this book, the author discusses the new concepts in mining engineering, such as uncertainty in ore grade modeling. Ensemble models are presented in this book to estimate ore grade. In the book, readers learn how to construct advanced machine learning models for estimating ore grade. The authors of this book present advanced and hybrid models used to estimate ore grade instead of the classic methods such as kriging. The current book can be used as a comprehensive handbook for estimating ore grades. Industrial managers and modelers can use the models of the current books. Each level of ore grade modeling is explained in the book. In this book, advanced optimizers are presented to train machine learning models. Therefore, the book can also be used by modelers in other fields. The main motivation of this book is to address previous shortcomings in the modeling process of ore grades. The scope of this book includes mining engineering, soft computing models, and artificial intelligence.

ESTIMATING WATER USE IN THE UNITED STATES: A New Paradigm for the National Water-Use Information Program

by Committee On Usgs Water Resources Research

The U. S. Geological Survey's National Water-Use Information Program is principally concerned with quantifying the country's use of water through the synthesis of county-level data for five-year periods. This National Research Council report, produced at the request of the Geological Survey, offers consensus recommendations on how to improve the currently varied quality of data collection across the states. Among the recommendations of the report are suggestions that the Program should be elevated to a water use science program with dedicated funding from Congress; for the systematic integration of datasets; and for the integration of water use, water flow, and water quality information. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Estuaries and Coastal Zones in Times of Global Change: Proceedings of ICEC-2018 (Springer Water)

by Philippe Gourbesville Kim Dan Nguyen Sylvain Guillou Jérôme Thiébot

This book is a collection of extended papers based on presentations given during the ICEC 2018 conference, held in Caen, France, in August 2018. It explores both the limitations and advantages of current models, and highlights the latest developments concerning new numerical schemes, high-performance computing, multi-physics and multi-scale methods, and better interaction with field or scale model data. Accordingly, it addresses the interests of practitioners, stakeholders, researchers, and engineers active in this field.

Estuaries of Australia in 2050 and beyond

by Eric Wolanski

The book addresses the questions: Is Australia's rapidly growing human population and economy environmentally sustainable for its estuaries and coasts? What is needed to enable sustainable development? To answer these questions, this book reports detailed studies of 20 iconic Australian estuaries and bays by leading Australian estuarine scientists. That knowledge is synthesised in time and space across Australia to suggest what Australian estuaries will look like in 2050 and beyond based on socio-economic decisions that are made now, and changes that are needed to ensure sustainability. The book also has a Prologue by Mr Malcolm Fraser, former Prime Minister of Australia, which bridges environmental science, population policy and sustainability.

Estuarine Acidification: Exploring the Situation of Mangrove Dominated Indian Sundarban Estuaries

by Abhijit Mitra Sufia Zaman

This book provides a cross-sectoral, multi-disciplinary assessment of different problems associated with estuarine acidification with special thrust on mangrove dominated Indian Sundarban estuaries. The arms of ocean acidification have extended to coastal and estuarine waters, where a wide spectrum of biodiversity thrives with unique adaptation extending several ecosystem services. Impact of acidification in these areas is a matter of concern as acidification potentially has more immediate effects on the health of estuaries and inshore regions as well as regional economies. Ground zero data collected for more than three decades have made the book stand on a strong base.

Estuarine Biogeochemical Dynamics of the East Coast of India

by Sourav Das Tuhin Ghosh

This book provides a comprehensive overview of recent research on estuaries of the east coast of India, and how changing biogeochemical dynamics as a result of climate change and human activity have impacted estuaries and other open water ecosystems. Though estuaries only cover a very small portion of the earth’s hydrosphere, they are some of the most biogeochemically active regions among the global water bodies. As such, this book focuses on estuaries of the east coast of India going all the way to the Bay of Bengal, which is the world's largest freshwater input from perennial rivers and rain-fed estuaries, and is therefore a unique area of study. Through its unique coverage of the Bay of Bengal in particular, the book presents a new perspective not present in the literature on estuary biogeochemistry and ecosystem dynamics. Moreover, the book addresses SDG 13 (Climate Action) and 14 (Life below Water), with a focus on ecosystem services of the natural aquatic system.The book will be useful to researchers, policy makers, coastal managers and marine sustainability scientists and organizations.

Estuarine Cities Facing Global Change: Towards Anticipatory Governance

by Denis Salles Glenn Mainguy Charles de Godoy Leski

At the heart of the globalization of trade and of economies, estuarine cities are at the forefront of accelerating global change. They must confront the tensions generated by their demographic and socio-economic attractions and their ecological vulnerability linked to their location in trade flows, downstream of rivers and at the interface between land and sea. Using the examples of the estuarine cities of the Gironde, the Loire and the Seine and their specific challenges, such as climate change, flood risk, biodiversity, port flows and urban planning, this book analyzes their emerging trajectories guided by proactive governance of global change.

Estuarine Indicators

by Stephen A. Bortone

Acknowledging the present inability to determine objectively the status and trends among estuarine ecosystems, the environmental research community has recently stepped up efforts to develop and evaluate meaningful estuarine indicators. This goal requires the effort of researchers from a broad spectrum of disciplines. In order to expedite this init

Estuarine Morphodynamics of the Sunderbans

by Gautam Kumar Das

This book is the outcome of rigorous and continuous research work done by the author over about three decades on the open ecosystem and dynamic environment of the estuarine Sunderbans. The objective of this work is to identify the field and factors changing gradually upon this active delta over the years, decades and centuries. The deltaic Sunderbans yet not mature enough, has been changing in its natural course with time. Further, anthropogenic interferences disturb the environments and accelerate degradation of nature of this fragile ecosystem simultaneously. Roles played by almost all the agents including man and environment and their involvement are identified for the changing environmental scenario of the Sunderbans. The book is befitted for the researchers and students for the post graduate levels. The Sunderbans, a UNESCO World Heritage Site covering parts of Bangladesh and the southern tip of Indian state of West Bengal, is a part of world's largest deltaic plain of fluvio-marine deposit formed by the Ganges and Brahmaputra at the confluence of the Bay of Bengal. It is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world, conspicuous for its great size and biodiversity. With an enormous network of channels and creeks, tidal inundation twice daily, Sunderbans mangroves wetland is a dynamic and complex ecosystem, which undergoes continuous processes of erosion and accretion. Natural processes like changes in local hydrology, sediment motion under wind, wave and tidal action, beach dynamics, regional and global processes like sea level rise as well as the impact of human interference in the form of reclamation of forest land, changes in land use patterns, coastal urbanizations etc are the lead factors for the changes in the environmental scenario of Sunderbans.

The Eternal Frontier: An Ecological History of North America and Its Peoples

by Tim Flannery

In "The Eternal Frontier," scientist and historian Flannery tells the story of the geological and biological evolution of the North American continent, from the time of the asteroid strike that ended the age of dinosaurs 65 million years ago, to the present day.

The Eternal Frontier: An Ecological History of North America and Its Peoples

by Tim Flannery

Sixty-five million years ago, a meteor six miles wide smashed into the Gulf of Mexico, ending the age of dinosaurs and devastating the North American continent. Starting with this catastrophic event, The Eternal Frontier recounts the extraordinary ecological history of North America, showing how the continent originally came into being and eventually transformed into the landscape we know today. This sweeping, multidisciplinary book is history on an epic scale. Tim Flannery, a world-renowned paleontologist, traces the postmeteor rebirth of plants, animals, climate, and landforms. He describes a time when rain forests flourished in Greenland and when giant long-necked camels and fat aquatic rhinos thrived in North America’s golden age. He explores the massive changes wrought by the ice ages and shows how geological and climatic forces shaped both the autumn foliage in New England and the cacti in the Sonoran Desert. As the story moves across vast distances of time and geography, we eventually witness the impact of the human race. Flannery imagines the first humans to have immigrated 14,000 years ago, after the recession of the last ice age, and he explains how the pioneering Clovis hunters exterminated an ice-age fauna, including enormous mammoths and mastodons and half-ton lions. The story continues right up to the present, covering the deforestation of the Northeast, the decimation of the buffalo, and other facets of the impact of frontier settlement and the development of modern industry and commerce. The Eternal Frontier is science writing at its best, combining an enormous wealth of fascinating information with engaging prose that will be accessible to readers of any background.

eThekwini’s Green and Ecological Infrastructure Policy Landscape: Towards a Deeper Understanding

by Richard Meissner

This book offers the reader a deeper understanding of the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality’s green and ecological infrastructure policy landscape. The author utilises the PULSE3 analytical framework to conduct an in-depth examination and to show how experts frame and implement the municipality’s green and ecological infrastructure strategies and projects. Although the initial purpose of this book was to investigate the role of green and ecological infrastructures in eThekwini’s water security aspirations, the author realised that climate change adaptation and mitigation play a more central role in motivating the municipality to develop and implement such science-driven projects. To be sure, science that is informed by a positivist paradigm, guides how, where and when the municipality should develop green and ecological infrastructures. Furthermore, a positivistic stance is generated in this policy landscape, where science and politics meet at a local government level, and the book offers an insight into the science–policy interface, as well as the normative and value orientations that positivism often ignores. The book also shows the usefulness of the PULSE3 framework and how it can assist scientists in all fields to gain a deeper understanding of the complications that are faced by humankind. This book fills a market gap by providing a view of how scientists think about problems and how to solve them by using established paradigms and theories.

Ethical Adaptation to Climate Change

by Allen Thompson Jeremy Bendik-Keymer

Predictions about global climate change have produced both stark scenarios of environmental catastrophe and purportedly pragmatic ideas about adaptation. This book takes a different perspective, exploring the idea that the challenge of adapting to global climate change is fundamentally an ethical one, that it is not simply a matter of adapting our infrastructures and economies to mitigate damage but rather of adapting ourselves to realities of a new global climate. The challenge is to restore our conception of humanity--to understand human flourishing in new ways--in an age in which humanity shapes the basic conditions of the global environment. In the face of what we have unintentionally done to Earth's ecology, who shall we become? The contributors examine ways that new realities will require us to revisit and adjust the practice of ecological restoration; the place of ecology in our conception of justice; the form and substance of traditional virtues and vices; and the organizations, scale, and underlying metaphors of important institutions. Topics discussed include historical fidelity in ecological restoration; the application of capability theory to ecology; the questionable ethics of geoengineering; and the cognitive transformation required if we are to "think like a planet. "

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