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Daily Bible Study Summer 2021

by Taylor W. Mills

This ongoing day-by-day Bible study series is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based, Christ-focused, and United Methodist-approved, this resource helps individuals develop the discipline of studying the Bible every day. It coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies listed on the facing page. Each lesson includes: a one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter, along with introductory reflection questions and Commentary on the daily Scripture passage, Life Application, and a concluding prayer group study. Summer theme: RESPONDThe three units of Bible lessons in this quarter unify around the theme, Respond. The lessons move through various responses people of faith are called to make as they live out their faith in both good times and difficult ones. Unit 1: Intended for Good The Genesis story of Joseph and his brothers is one of the great stories from the Bible, with forgiveness and grace among its underlying themes. As the story stretches over several chapters of Genesis, the four weeks of this unit give us ample time to explore it and see how the meaning of its events changed as Joseph recognized God at work behind the scenes. Scriptures: Genesis 37:5-28; Genesis 39:1-21; Genesis 41:1-16, 25-32; Genesis 45:1-15 Spiritual Practice: Forgiveness Unit 2: The People Next Door “Neighbor” is an important theme in both the Old and New Testaments, and so this four-lesson unit delves into it from several perspectives. The first lesson (Lesson 5 in this quarter) gathers various verses from Proverbs on that topic. The second lesson, using a passage from the book of Ruth, invites us to think about what it means to be a neighbor to immigrants. The third lesson looks in the book of Acts for how the early church leaders incorporated neighborliness into the church’s structure. And the fourth lesson takes us to Mark’s Gospel for an example of four individuals who were true neighbors to a man in need. Scriptures: Proverbs 3:27-30; 6:1-5; 25:20-23; Ruth 2:4-16; Acts 6:1-7; Mark 2:1-12 Spiritual Practice: Scripture Unit 3: The Five Stages of Job As suffering in some form comes to most of us at some point (or points) in life, it is useful to consider how Job, who suffered greatly, responded to it, and to learn from his experience. The five lessons of this unit show us five diverse ways Job responded to his calamities: worship, resignation, protest, angry despair, and acceptance. While not suggesting that all of these are useful in every case, the lessons help us recognize what may be going on in our spirits when suffering overtakes us. Scriptures: Job 1:8-20; Job 1:21-22, 2:7-10; Job 19:1-6, 13-19; Job 30:16-23; Job 40:1-5; 41:1-10; 42:1-6 Spiritual Practice: Lament

Daily Bible Study Summer 2022

by Michelle J. Morris Sue Mink Stan Purdum

Daily Bible Study is a great companion to the quarterly Adult Bible Studies or as a stand-alone study. It is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based, and Christ-focused, it coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies. Each daily reading includes a one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter, along with introductory reflection questions and commentary on the daily Scripture passage, life application, and a concluding prayer.Daily Bible Study Summer 2022Theme: TransformThe lessons this quarter begin with a look at the ministry of the Holy Spirit that brings new life to us as members of the body of Christ. Jesus tells the disciples in John’s Gospel that he must leave so that the Comforter or Holy Spirit could come. The Spirit will lead and guide us into all truth and bring gifts and graces to all who will receive them. This transforming power prepares us for ministry in the world.The Holy Spirit’s work in empowering us to be the church and carry out its mission is not limited to time and space. The lessons in Unit 2 take us through a series of events in the context of Jewish and Gentile hostility in which we see how the Holy Spirit moved the church forward to serve others.The final four lessons in this quarter explore a problem that has plagued humankind throughout the ages—violence! How do we as the people of God confront and overcome this menace to the faith?Unit 1: The Fruit of the SpiritPaul used the metaphor of fruit to help us understand that our lives are like the firstfruits of offering. Through participation in Christ’s crucifixion through baptism, we have offered our lives to God’s service. The Holy Spirit then gives us gifts to display.Scriptures: Acts 2:1-4, 17-21, 33, 38-39; 1 Corinthians 2:10-16; Galatians 5:13-21; Galatians 5:22-26Spiritual Practice: SilenceUnit 2: The Work of the ChurchThese lessons take us through a series of events in the Book of Acts in which the activity of the Holy Spirit drives the action forward. The lessons in Unit 1 identify the gifts granted to us by the Spirit; these lessons look at the path on which the Spirit directs our lives and how the Spirit is already active before we arrive at our destination.Scriptures: Acts 4:23-31; Acts 8:26-39; Acts 11:1-18; Acts 15:1-21; Acts 16:25-34Spiritual Practice: ServiceUnit 3: The Pursuit of the PeopleGod’s word established a created order that depends on fruitfulness and cultivation rather than violence to maintain it, but humanity through its rivalries brings violence into God’s created order. It is clear from Scripture that God’s intent is to reestablish shalom, the Hebrew word that means “a shared well-being and abundance.” While violence remains a part of the created order, God does not quietly sanction the human use of violence and calls us to imitate God’s love and work toward shalom.Scriptures: 1 Chronicles 22:6-10, 17-19; Matthew 5:9, 38-48; Ephesians 2:11-22; Matthew 26:47-56Spiritual Practice: Remembering

Daily Bible Study Summer 2023

by Dan R. Dick Henry G. Brinton Amy Lynn Sigmon

Study the Bible daily for a closer relationship with God.Daily Bible Study is a great companion to the quarterly Adult Bible Studies or as a stand-alone study for those wanting to study the Bible daily. It is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based and Christ-focused, it coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies. Each daily reading includes a one-page Bible study for each of the quarters along with introductory reflection questions and commentary on the daily Scripture passage, life application and a concluding prayer.Additional information about Adult Bible Studies, Summer 2023Theme: TransformationThis Summer, Daily Bible Study presents a series of readings supporting the theme “The Life of Faith.” These readings enable us to walk alongside Jesus and his disciples on Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem. They challenge us to explore the nature of faith that calls us to follow Jesus despite our uncertainty and doubts. They also help us unpack the concept of “sabbath,” the foreshadowing of the rest that God promises at the end of our journey. Readings come from Old and New Testament texts. These daily readings, which prepare us for the lessons in Adult Bible Studies, are written by Susan Groseclose, Taylor Mills, and Greg Weeks.Unit 1The Fruit of the SpiritScriptures: Coming Soon Spiritual Practice: StudyUnit 2The Work of the ChurchScriptures: Coming SoonSpiritual Practice: Guidance | Spiritual DirectionUnit 3The Pursuit of the PeopleScriptures: Coming SoonSpiritual Practice: Forgiveness

Daily Bible Study Summer 2024

by Clara K. Welch Gregory M. Weeks Traci D. Rhoades

Grow your faith daily. Transform your life.Experience God in deeper ways by spending time in God’s Word. Daily Bible Study is the perfect resource for individuals who want to grow in their relationship with God and enhance their engagement with lessons in Adult Bible Studies. Designed to meet the needs of busy people, each daily reading includes a Scripture reference, a personal faith-related question, an explanation and application of the biblical text, and a prayer, all on one page. Available in print and eBook and as an app.Summer 2024 Theme: Finding BalanceThis summer, Daily Bible Study presents a series of readings supporting the theme “Finding Balance.” These readings help us unpack the concepts of work, rest, and celebration from a biblical perspective and how we can achieve balance in our lives as we incorporate each of these components. The daily readings come from Old and New Testament texts, prepare us for the lessons in Adult Bible Studies, and are written by Traci Rhoades, Greg Weeks, and Clara Welch.

Daily Bible Study Winter 2013-2014

by Gary Thompson Sue Mink Kathryn A Shockley

A resource based on the Uniform Series that complements study of the Adult Bible Studies by following the daily Bible readings. It gives structure to daily devotional time. Turn your Sunday school preparation into a daily discipline.Winter themes: Justice - Jesus and the Just Reign of God (Luke, James)

Daily Bible Study Winter 2015-2016

by Robert V. Dodd Kathryn A Shockley Carol J. Miller

Sacred Gifts and Holy Gatherings This winter, Daily Bible Study follows the theme "Sacred Gifts and Holy Gatherings." These daily readings, which prepare us for the 13 lessons in Adult Bible Studies, are written by Sue Mink, Randy Cross, and Gary Thompson. Unit 1 What We Bring to God The quarter's first four lessons explore the concepts of sabbath, giving offerings, celebrations, and giving from the heart by examining biblical texts from Exodus, Leviticus, Luke, Matthew, and Mark. Unit 2 Four Weddings and a Funeral The first lesson in this unit reviews the relationship between Jacob and Rachel from the Book of Genesis, followed by a lesson from the Song of Solomon. The third lesson examines the relationship between Hosea and Gomer and deals with broken relationships, while the fourth lesson takes us to the Gospel of John and Jesus' miracle at the wedding in Cana. The final lesson in this unit, also from John's Gospel, deals with the death of Jesus' dear friend Lazarus. Unit 3 Holy Days The four lessons that conclude this quarter's study examine the holy days of Passover, celebrating God's deliverance of the people as recorded in Exodus; the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost; the Day of Atonement; and the Festival of Booths, described in Leviticus. This ongoing day-by-day Bible study series is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based, Christ-focused, and United Methodist-approved, this resource helps individuals develop the discipline of studying the Bible every day. It coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies. Each lesson includes: a one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter, along with introductory reflection questions and Commentary on the daily Scripture passage, Life Application, and a concluding studies. Available in regular and large print or as an eBook.

Daily Bible Study Winter 2016-2017: A Divine Cycle

by Taylor Mills Nan Duerling Sue Mink

Winter theme: Creation: A Divine Cycle Luke | Psalms | Galatians This Winter,Daily Bible Study presents a series of readings following the theme "Creation: A Divine Cycle." Readings come from Old and New Testament texts. These daily readings, which prepare us for the 13 lessons in Adult Bible Studies, are written by Taylor Mills, Nan Duerling, and Sue Mink. Praise From and for God's Creation Daily readings in this four-week unit examine God's promise of a Savior, the affirmation of God's promise, the forerunner of the promise, and the Savior's birth. A World Gone Wrong This five-week unit features readings that praise God as Creator and Provider and demonstrate creation's praise of God. Many joyful readings in this unit come from the Psalms. The Birthing of a New Community The daily readings in this four-week unit explore how we are re-created to live in harmony, how new birth brings freedom, how we have freedom in Christ, and how Christ creates holy living. This ongoing day-by-day Bible study series is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based, Christ-focused, and United Methodist-approved, this resource helps individuals develop the discipline of studying the Bible every day. It coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies. Each lesson includes: a one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter, along with introductory reflection questions and Commentary on the daily Scripture passage, Life Application, and a concluding prayer. Available in print and eBook format.

Daily Bible Study Winter 2017-2018

by Nan Duerling Gary Thompson Stan Purdum

Winter theme: Faith in Action Daniel | Matthew | Acts | Ephesians | Colossians | 1 Timothy | James This winter, Daily Bible Study presents a series of readings following the theme “Faith in Action.” Readings come from Old and New Testament texts. These daily readings, which prepare us for the 13 lessons in Adult Bible Studies, are written by Nan Duerling, Gary Thompson, and Stan Purdum. The Early Church Proclaims Faith in Christ Daily readings in this five-week unit focus on what it means to have faith in Jesus, faith to discern, faith to persevere, and faith to unite and be faithful seekers of the King. A Living Faith in God This four-week unit features readings related to having a sincere faith, a bold faith, and a strong faith, and offers thoughts on prayer for an obedient faith. Self-Controlled, Upright, and Godly Faith The daily readings in this four-week unit unpack what it means when we say that faith without works is dead and how we can live as faithful disciples and fight the good fight of faith with discipline and intention. This ongoing day-by-day Bible study series is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based, Christ-focused, and United Methodist-approved, this resource helps individuals develop the discipline of studying the Bible every day. It coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies. Each lesson includes: a one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter, along with introductory reflection questions and Commentary on the daily Scripture passage, Life Application, and a concluding prayer. Available in print and eBook format.

Daily Bible Study Winter 2018-2019: Our Love of God

by Randy Cross Clara K. Welch Martha Myre

Winter Theme: Our Love for God Deuteronomy | Joshua | Psalms | Matthew | Philippians | James This winter, Daily Bible Study presents a series of readings following the theme "Our Love for God." Readings come from Old and New Testament texts. These daily readings, which prepare us for the 13 lessons in Adult Bible Studies, are written by Clara Welch, Randy Cross, and Martha Myre God Commands Our Love, Respect, and Obedience Daily readings in this five-week unit focus on love and devotion, choosing to love and serve God, what it means to love and worship God, Jesus as God's loving promise, and how we can model God's love. Loving God by Trusting Christ This five-week unit features readings that encourage holding fast to God's love, submitting to God in love, submitting to God in Christ, devoting all to Christ, and renouncing everything for Christ. Love Songs That Glorify God The daily readings in this three-week unit lead us to ponder God's steadfast love, praise God's mighty works, and live with God's loving assurance. This ongoing day-by-day Bible study series is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based, Christ-focused, and United Methodist-approved, this resource helps individuals develop the discipline of studying the Bible every day. It coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies. Each lesson includes: a one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter, along with introductory reflection questions and Commentary on the daily Scripture passage, Life Application, and a concluding prayer. Available in print and eBook format.

Daily Bible Study Winter 2019-2020

by Stan Purdum

Winter Theme: Promise Genesis | Hebrews | Isaiah|Matthew | Acts | Ruth | 2 Samuel | Jeremiah | Exodus This winter, Daily Bible Study presents a series of readings supporting the theme "Promise." Readings come from Old and New Testament texts. These daily readings, which prepare us for the 13 lessons in Adult Bible Studies, are written by Stan Purdum, Michelle J. Morris, and Susan Groseclose. Hope Daily readings in this unit center on one of the things "promise" gives us: hope. Underlying and uniting these readings is the expectation that, regardless of what is happening in the present, God has a good future for us. We see how Abraham left his homeland and moved to Canaan, impelled by God's direction and trust that God had something good for him. We recall the hope the servant Isaiah spoke of, one who "will bring justice to the nations" (Isaiah 42:1). The angel's announcement to Joseph that Mary would bear God's Son reminds us that Jesus is the fulfillment of "God with us," clearly an expression of hope. And Jesus' last words to his disciples before ascending into heaven planted in them the hope of the Holy Spirit's coming and the reality of Spirit-filled living. Covenants: The Basis for Committed Relationships Readings in this unit focus on covenants and the promises they include. From God's covenant with Abram to Ruth's covenant with Naomi, God's covenant with David to God's new covenant announced through Jeremiah and extended to us, we are challenged to examine the covenants we make with others and celebrate the covenant God has made with us. Holiness Expressed Readings in this unit call us to live into the promise God gives us to be holy people. Holiness, a primary attribute of God, is also present in the world God has created; these readings invite us to look at holiness in four of the ways in which it is expressed: holy place, holy presence, holy people, and holy purpose. This ongoing day-by-day Bible study series is a great companion to Adult Bible Studies but can also be used as a standalone study for anyone wanting daily time with God. It is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based, Christ-focused, and United Methodist-approved, this resource helps individuals develop the discipline of studying the Bible every day and coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies. Each lesson includes a one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter, along with introductory reflection questions and commentary on the daily Scripture passage, life application, and a concluding prayer. Now, in response to feedback, we are introducing new features and benefits to the resources including: A comprehensive Bible study plan with more flexibility in terms of Scripture selection and topics. Observation of the church seasons, including Advent and Lent. Visit and sign up for the FREE weekly newsletter to automatically receive the FREE Current Events Supplement and other information about these resources and more!

Daily Bible Study Winter 2020-2021

by Michael Whitcomb-Tavey

This ongoing day-by-day Bible study series is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based, Christ-focused, and United Methodist-approved, this resource helps individuals develop the discipline of studying the Bible every day. It coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies listed on the facing page. Each lesson includes: a one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter, along with introductory reflection questions and Commentary on the daily Scripture passage, Life Application, and a concluding studies. Available in regular and large print or as an eBook. Winter theme: TRADITION Sacred Gifts and Holy Gatherings Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Song of Solomon Isaiah Hosea Micah Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1 Corinthians Revelation

Daily Bible Study Winter 2021-2022

by Henry G. Brinton Timothy Merrill Barbara Dick

Daily Bible Study is a great companion to the quarterly Adult Bible Studies or as a stand-alone study. It is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based, and Christ-focused, it coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies. Each daily reading includes a one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter, along with introductory reflection questions and commentary on the daily Scripture passage, life application, and a concluding prayer. Daily Bible Study Winter 2021-2022 Theme: EngagePerhaps at no other time during the year is the call of our faith more at odds with culture than during Advent. The Christian season that calls us to wait is met with a culture that encourages us to decorate, entertain, buy, spend, and entertain, with calendars booked from season’s beginning to its end. Such ceaseless activity can blind us to the awe and wonder of God’s presence all around us, leaving us spiritually parched, empty, and unable to join in the life and work to which God calls us. These Bible lessons call us to wait and to respond with wonder to the God who came to us in Jesus Christ, thus equipping ourselves to bear witness to our faith. Unit 1: Wait for ItAdvent is a time of anticipation and waiting. This unit invites us to explore waiting as an important element in three episodes in Luke’s telling of the Christmas story. It ends with a reminder that as much as we are called to wait for the Lord, Jesus Christ waits patiently for us.Scriptures: Luke 1:5-25, 57-58; Luke 1:26-38, 57-58; Luke 2:25-38; Revelation 3:20-4:11 Spiritual Practice: Praying without ceasing Unit 2: WonderWe are a busy people rushing from place to place and task to task as the hands of the clock chase each other around the dial. We get caught up in the mundane reality of ordinary life and if we do not stop, we can so easily miss the extraordinary and sublime experience of entering into God’s presence. The lessons in this unit explore various ways human beings have experienced God’s glory. Scriptures: Psalm 19; Isaiah 6:1-13; Mark 9:2-8; Exodus 34:29-35; Revelation 19:1-10 Spiritual Practice: Singing/meditating on hymns of praise Unit 3: Show and TellThe lessons in this unit explore the various ways we can participate with God through our actions. When we read through both the Old and the New Testaments, we see that by engaging in life-giving activities, we join in the work to which God set our hands in the Garden of Eden. God calls us both to show and to tell others of our faith. Scriptures: Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Matthew 22:34-40; Matthew 5:14-16; James 1:19-27; Matthew 28:16-20 Spiritual Practice: Testimony in word and deed Visit and sign up for the weekly newsletter to automatically receive the FREE Current Events Supplement and other information about these resources and more!

Daily Bible Study Winter 2022-2023

by Michelle J. Morris Timothy Merrill Clara K. Welch

Study the Bible daily for a closer relationship with God.Daily Bible Study is a great companion to the quarterly Adult Bible Studies or as a stand-alone study for those wanting to study the bible daily. It is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based and Christ-focused, it coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies. Each daily reading includes a one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter, along with introductory reflection questions and commentary on the daily Scripture passage, life application, and a concluding prayer.Additional information about Daily Bible Study, Winter 2022-2023 Theme: Power and LoveThis winter, Daily Bible Study presents a series of readings supporting the theme “Power and Love.” Readings come from the Old and New Testament texts. These daily readings, which prepare us for the 13 lessons in Adult Bible Studies, are written by Michelle Morris, Tim Merrill, and Clara Welch.Unit 1Power and VulnerabilityGod’s incarnation was into a poor family, from a village of no consequence, vulnerable to the whims and machinations of the mighty Roman Empire. While some readers can relate to this poverty and obscurity, most are citizens of a great world power. Some people know from experience that power can be abused, even against a government’s own citizens, but others have known only the protection and benefits of that power. These readings invite us to hear the Nativity accounts from the vantage point of the victims of empire.Scriptures: Judges 9:1-15; Matthew 1:1-25; Matthew 2:1-12; Matthew 2:13-15Spiritual Practice: Acts of MercyUnit 2Power and BelongingThe readings in this unit follow the trajectory of biblical imagery for faith development from adoption through baptism and infancy in faith, into youthful excitement and exuberance, and then to a mature faith that struggles, challenges, and questions. They move us to examine our faith and encourage us to plant ourselves firmly on the path toward maturity.Scriptures: Galatians 3:23—4:7; Luke 15:11-32; John 17:1-24 and Ephesians 4:14; Colossians 3:12-17; Matthew 22:1-14Spiritual Practice: Rule of LifeUnit 3The Power of LoveOne of the distinct traits of biblical theology is the emphasis on God’s hesed (lovingkindness) and Jesus’ selfless love. While the Bible uses different words for different kinds of love—agápe, philía, and éros—the lines are actually blurred between agápe and philia. The greater emphasis is on relationships. While we should enact our love without thoughts of personal gain, the ultimategoal of loving our enemies is becoming their friend. These readings encourage us toward that end.Scriptures: 1 John 4:7-21 and Ruth 4; 1 Kings 3:16-28; 1 Samuel 18:1-4, 19:1-7, 20; Matthew 16:21-28Spiritual Practice: Spiritual Friendship

Daily Bible Study Winter 2023-2024

by Amy Lynn Sigmon Betsy Haas Matthew Ray Hambrick

Grow your faith daily. Transform your life.Experience God in deeper ways by spending time in God’s Word. Daily Bible Study is the perfect resource for individuals who want to grow in their relationship with God and enhance their engagement with lessons in Adult Bible Studies. Designed to meet the needs of busy people, each daily reading includes a Scripture reference, a personal faith-related question, an explanation and application of the biblical text, and a prayer, all on one page. Available in print and eBook and as an app.Theme: God AbidesThe writers are Elizabeth Park Haas, Matthew Ray Hambrick, Amy SigmonUnit 1Transforming SpiritBible lessons in this unit are based on Exodus 16, 1 Kings 19, Mark 6, and Luke 14.Spiritual Practice: Attentive Listening Unit 2Empowering | DiscernmentBible lessons in this unit are based on Luke 1, Mathew 2, 1 Kings 3, and Daniel 2, 1 Thessalonians 5, Mathew 6, and John 12.Spiritual Practice: DiscernmentUnit 3Faithful PrayerBible lessons in this unit are based on 1 Thessalonians 5, Matthew 6, and John 12.Spiritual Practice: Confession

A Daily Creativity Journal

by Noah Scalin

This inspiring journal featuring hundreds of project prompts will help you unlock your creativity with a year of daily artmaking!The concept of Noah Scalin’s “365 method” is simple but inspired: Choose a theme or medium, then make something with it every day for a year. Noah made 365 skull-themed projects . . . now he invites you to choose your obsession and get creative!A Daily Creative Journal offers 365 project prompts to kick start your creativity. It offers tips on how to choose your subject and document your work, plus examples from other artists and crafters who took the 365 challenge. It also introduces new techniques to incorporate into your projects, including quilling, clay-making, paper pop-up engineering, and more. With 365: A Daily Creativity Journal you’ll see how making something every day can change your creative process—and your life—forever!

Daily Devotions from Psalms: 365 Daily Inspirations

by Joyce Meyer

Discover a powerful and positive mindset each day of the year with uplifting insights and motivational Bible verses provided by #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer.The Book of Psalms offers readers ways to rejoice in prayer, to bow in worship, and to exalt God for all he does and for all his blessings to us, and at the heart of Psalms, there is a deep trust in God. When you spend time with God—reading His Word, listening, and praying for His direction—God will strengthen and enable you to handle life peacefully and wisely instead of merely trying to get through the day.With the constant demands and pressures of daily life, it can be hard to regularly pause to be with and listen to God's voice. Joyce's practical teaching format in this 365-day devotional will encourage you to take the time for yourself so that you can fully receive the wisdom found in Psalms.

The Daily Edge: Simple Strategies to Increase Efficiency and Make an Impact Every Day

by David Horsager

Wall Street Journal bestselling author David Horsager frequently hears executives lament that their hands are more than full trying to balance the barrage of tasks they face on a daily basis. <P><P>While he never set out to be a productivity expert, Horsager realized that over the years he has developed and adopted dozens of extraordinarily practical time- and energy-saving techniques that could help today's leader. The key objective is to become so effective in the little things that you have enough time for more meaningful interactions. In The Daily Edge, you'll learn strategies such as identifying the key Difference-Making Actions on which to focus your efforts. Perhaps it is time to set a personal or even company-wide "power hour," during which you do not attend meetings, answer the phone, or reply to emails, creating the time and space to really focus and get things done. The thirty-five high-impact ideas Horsager introduces in succinct, quick-read chapters are easily implemented and powerful on their own. Taken together, they form a solid wave of efficacy that enables you to get more done, keep your energy up, and make sure that you're able to honor all your relationships, both personal and professional.

The Daily Five: Fostering Literacy Independence in the Elementary Grades

by Gail Boushey Joan Moser

Do you love teaching but feel exhausted from the energy you expend cajoling, disciplining and directing students on a daily basis? Are you questioning the value of busy work but afraid that ceasing from such activities will lead to chaos in the classroom? Have you heard the phrase, "work smarter, not harder" but don't have a clue how to start? If so, you'll want to meet "The Sisters", Gail Boushey and Joan Moser. They set about designing a structure that would ensure all children were working at their level of challenge while taking responsibility for their learning and behavior, and that would provide meaningful instruction blocks without extensive preparation time for teachers. Thus, the Daily Five was born. Based on literacy learning and motivation research, the Daily Five has been practiced and refined in their own classrooms for 10 years, and shared with thousands of teachers throughout the United States. The Daily Five is a series of literacy tasks (reading to self, reading with someone, writing, word work, and listening to reading) which students complete daily while the teacher meets with small groups or confers with individuals. This book not only explains the philosophy behind the structure, but shows you how to carefully and systematically train your students to participate in each of the five components. Explicit modeling, practice, reflecting and refining take place during the launching phase, preparing the foundation for a year of meaningful content instruction tailored to meet the unique needs of each child. The Daily Five is more than a management system or a curriculum framework-it is a structure that will help students develop the daily habits of reading, writing, and working with peers that will lead to a lifetime of independent literacy. Book jacket.

Daily Geography Practice Grade 3 (Daily Geography Practice Ser.)

by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers

" In Daily Geography Practice, Grade 3, 36 map lessons introduce basic geography skills and over 100 geography terms. What a perfect hands-on approach to geography instruction!The geography skills presented at Grade 3 include: • globes • compass roses • map keys • map grids and indexes • map scales • physical state maps • road maps • historical and cultural landmark maps • population and product maps • tourist and weather maps • regions of the United States • political maps of the United States, North America, and the world"

Daily Grace for Teens

by David C Cook

Daily Grace for Teens offers inspiration and encouragement using vivid illustrations of just how God's provisions and blessings provide for the needs of a teen's highly-charged life. Even more they show how God Himself is the greatest grace provision a young person can have: His mercy, His love, His holiness and more.

Daily Grams™ Student Workbook Grade 4: Guided Review Aiding Mastery Skills

by Wanda C. Phillips

This book follows the same format as the accompanying Daily Grams Grade 4 Student Text. The first question is capitalization, the second punctuation, the third and fourth general concepts, the fifth question is related to spelling and question six is always sentence combining. Students will receive additional reinforcement, as well as the chance to actually work on review problems to ensure mastery learning. Pages are numbered by day, with one page per day.

Daily Groove: a big, fat, scary devotional

by Scott Mauck

This cool book has a bunch of short blurbs for you to read any time you want. It doesn't have any days listed on the pages-so you don't have to read it in order, and you don't have to be reminded how far off schedule you've gotten. It's got spirit-revving shorts in it, great ideas of things to do to challenge your faith, encouraging thoughts, and wild Bible verses. It's the devotional your mom would never understand.

Daily Knowledge Valuation in Organizations: Traceability and Capitalization

by Hassan Atifi Guillaume Ducellier Nada Matta

One of the major challenges for modern organizations is the management of individual and collective knowledge, which is at the root of specific practices designed to optimize knowledge acquisition, maintenance and application. There are, however, still a disproportionately low number of studies focused on the structure and nature of knowledge. This book tackles the subject of daily knowledge: the knowledge related to everyday tasks. How does this knowledge present itself in the mind? How do we acquire and preserve it? To answer these questions, the authors explore a number of techniques which help to keep track of information produced in collaborative activity and extract knowledge by aggregating these traces.

Daily Language Review (Grade #4)

by Evan-Moor

The book provides five items for every day of a 36-week school year, presented in a standardized-testing format.

Daily Language Review (Grade #5)

by Evan-Moor

This book is divided into 36 weekly sections. Each weekly unit provides daily assessment activities.

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