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Demokratie im Stresstest: Reaktionen von Politikdidaktik und politischer Bildung (Politische Bildung)

by Carl Deichmann Marc Partetzke

Das Ziel des Sammelbandes besteht erstens darin, die Herausforderungen für die demokratisch-politische Ordnung durch die Corona-Krise sowie die damit verbundenen Einschränkungen der demokratischen Grundrechte der Bürger*innen unter politikdidaktischen Gesichtspunkten zu analysieren. Zweitens geht es darum, Forschungsansätze, -projekte und -ergebnisse sowie Methoden der Lehr-Lernforschung vorzustellen, die sich auf die veränderten Bedingungen in der (außer-)schulischen Politischen Bildung sowie auf mögliche Unterrichtsprojekte beziehen.

Demokratiebildung und Rituale in Kindertageseinrichtungen: Die Vollversammlung im Spannungsfeld von demokratischer Partizipation und pädagogischer Ordnung

by Teresa Lehmann

Diese ethnografische Arbeit liefert empirische Erkenntnisse, wie in Kindertageseinrichtungen demokratische Partizipation von Kindern nach dem Konzept „Die Kinderstube der Demokratie“ umgesetzt wird. Mit einem Fokus auf Rituale arbeitet sie das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen der Ritualisierung und der Demokratisierung der pädagogischen Ordnung in Kitas heraus. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zeigen das Potential von Morgenkreis/Vollversammlung für die Förderung demokratischer Partizipation von Kindern, machen aber auch deutlich, an welchen Punkten ihre Ritualisierung demokratische Prozesse verhindert.

Demokratieerziehung und die Bildung digitaler Öffentlichkeit

by Ulrich Binder Johannes Drerup

Ziel des Bandes ist es, die Bedeutung der Transformation von Öffentlichkeit(en) durch digitale Medien und ihre Nutzung für Demokratie und Demokratieerziehung in ihrer Ambivalenz und Vielschichtigkeit zu klären und zu diskutieren. Mit dem im Zuge von Digitalisierungsprozessen diagnostizierten ‚neuen Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit‘ werden Struktur- und Legitimationsprobleme demokratischer Erziehung und Bildung in rekontextualisierter Form auf den Prüfstand gestellt und neu verhandelt.

Demokratiepädagogik: Theorie und Praxis der Demokratiebildung in Jugendhilfe und Schule (Soziale Arbeit als Wohlfahrtsproduktion #29)

by Oliver Bokelmann

Das Buch vereint bislang weitgehend entkoppelte Diskurse zur Demokratiepädagogik und Demokratiebildung in Jugendhilfe und Schule und gibt Impulse zur Weiterentwicklung in den beiden Institutionen sowie in Kooperation. In den Beiträgen werden Grundlagen und Studien zu demokratischer Bildung präsentiert sowie unterschiedliche Bildungsorte im Aufwachsen von Kindern und Jugendlichen betrachtet. Die jeweilige Perspektive auf Demokratiepädagogik und Demokratiebildung wird ebenso diskutiert wie Fragen von Voraussetzungen und Möglichkeiten demokratischer Bildung. Zusätzliche Potenziale finden über die Beschäftigung mit den Themen Kooperation, Digitalisierung, Diversität, Familienbildung, Reformpädagogik und Organisationsentwicklung Berücksichtigung.

Demokratiepädagogik im Kontext von Inklusion: Ein Modell der Schüler*innenpartizipation im Klassenrat in inklusiven Settings

by Juliana Gras

Hintergrund der Arbeit bildet die zunehmende (bildungspolitische) Fokussierung der beiden Diskurse um Demokratiepädagogik und Inklusion. Lehrpersonen sind aufgefordert, die bildungspolitischen Vorgaben hinsichtlich beider Entwicklungen umzusetzen und Partizipation für alle Schüler*innen sicherzustellen. Was das für die Lehrpersonen in deren schulischer Praxis bedeutet, dieser übergeordneten Frage geht die Arbeit am konkreten Beispiel des basisdemokratischen Klassenrats im Kontext eines inklusiven Settings, in Orientierung am forschungsmethodologischen Ansatz der Grounded Theory, nach. Das herausgearbeitete Modell verdeutlicht, wie sich Lehrpersonen in einem Spannungsfeld zwischen Partizipationsermöglichung und -begrenzung bewegen, was sich in der Antinomie zwischen Demokratieerleben-Anleiten und -Begleiten manifestiert. Es werden (reziproke) Reibungsmomente und Grenzen sowie verschiedene Partizipationsgestaltungsformen deutlich, die auf die Notwendigkeit einer verstärkten Thematisierung demokratiepädagogischer Formate unter einer inklusionssensiblen Perspektive verweisen und zu einer reflexiven Demokratiepädagogik anregen.

Demokratiepädagogik in Kooperation von Jugendhilfe und Schule: Eine explorativ-empirische Untersuchung der Aneignung demokratischer Kompetenzen (Soziale Arbeit als Wohlfahrtsproduktion #25)

by Oliver Bokelmann

Das Buch untersucht Aneignungsprozesse demokratischer Kompetenzen Jugendlicher in Kooperationsprojekten von Jugendhilfe und Schule. Überlegungen zur Demokratiepädagogik in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe sowie demokratietheoretische Betrachtungen stellen dabei die theoretischen Grundlagen dar. Durch teilnehmende Beobachtungen und Interviews wird gezeigt, dass durch Kooperation ein ‚fluider Zwischenraum‘ entsteht, den keine der beiden Institutionen ausschließlich für sich beanspruchen kann. Der Reflexionen über die Genese und Konstitution dieses pädagogischen Raumes kommt dementsprechend besondere Bedeutung zu.

Demokratische Bildung im Unterricht: Schulische Engagement-Projekte und ihr Beitrag zu Demokratiekompetenz (essentials)

by Anne Seifert Franziska Nagy

Wer gestaltet unsere Demokratie? Wie werden Jugendliche zu Gestaltern ihrer eigenen Gegenwart und Zukunft in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft? Und welche Rolle können Erfahrungen in der Schule dabei spielen? Mit diesen Fragen beschäftigt sich dieser Beitrag. Am Beispiel der Lehr- und Lernform Service-Learning untersuchen die Autorinnen, ob und wie sich Demokratiekompetenz bereits in jungen Jahren erlernen lässt.

Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Volume 1: Exploring Forty Alleged Contradictions (Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions #1)

by Ken Ham

One of the most popular misconceptions by people who have walked away from the Church and their faith is that the Bible contains errors or inaccurate accounts. Many people also simply accept without question the claim by others that the Bible is full of contradictions. Even more disturbing is that a growing number of Christians are unable to respond when presented with an apparent inconsistency in the Bible. Now in a bold defense for the accuracy of Scripture, Ken Ham leads a powerful team of contributors in providing core biblical truths to help refute claims regarding the inaccuracy of God's Holy Word. Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions: * Addresses over 40 issues of contention in the Old and New Testaments including Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Matthew, John, Acts, and Revelation * Contains vital and relevant context by Steve Fazekas, Bodie Hodge, Roger Patterson, Stacia McKeever, Gary Vaterlaus, Dr. Jason Lisle, Paul F. Taylor, John Upchurch, and Dr. Georgia Purdom * Equips you to accurately defend your faith while challenging secular or humanistic agendas With nearly two-thirds of young people leaving the Church when they move from home, there has never been a more important time to have a reasoned response for those who desire only to undermine your faith. This book is a great starting point in teaching you how to think and then respond to false claims regarding the Bible. It is imperative that believers are able to stand firm in their faith, and have answers to the culture's attacks on the Bible.

Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Volume 2: Exploring Forty Alleged Contradictions (Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions #2)

by Ken Ham Bodie Hodge Tim Chaffey

The Bible is accurate and without error! Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Volume 2 offers 40 powerful explanations to prove it. There is an increasing focus in our culture on dismissing the Bible and its authority. Generations of skeptics and the religion of evolution have influenced even some Christian leaders. By highlighting supposed errors or inconsistencies in the Bible, doubt is created in the minds of believers and stumbling blocks are put up for those trying to present the Gospel. But Biblical evidence disproves the toughest of critics while bringing to light the indestructible power of God's Word. Tim Chaffey, Ken Ham, and Bodie Hodge of Answers in Genesis highlight the answers to these debates and more: Is all Scripture inspired by God, or is some of it the opinion of the writers of Scripture? After His resurrection, did Jesus first appear to the eleven disciples on a mountain in Galilee or in Jerusalem behind closed doors? Can God be tempted? Why don't Christians follow all the Old Testament laws? Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions Volumes 1 and 2 are must-have references for every believer who wants to have an answer to give to those who ask a reason for their hope (1 Peter 3:15). Join the battle armed with the sword of Spirit, the truth that will defeat the lies aimed for this generation and those to follow.

The Demon Babysitter (The Nightmare Club #7)

by Annie Graves

The Nightmare Club is not for just ANYBODY. Only the spookiest, scariest stories get told at Annie's Halloween sleepovers—and if you can't take it, well, tough! All the neighborhood kids hate Dervla, the meanest babysitter ever. She is very strict, eats spiders, and...are those horns? Only Becky has guessed Dervla's dark secret. And she becomes everybody's hero when she manages to rid the neighborhood of the demon babysitter. Don't ask how, but pssst, it just might involve vomit-colored stink bombs, an abandoned shed, and demon-food. You have been warned.

Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs

by Megan Moore Gardner Jessica Hickmott Marilee J. Bresciani Ludvik

This practical guide to outcomes-based assessment in student affairs is designed to help readers meet the growing demand for accountability and for demonstrating student learning. The authors offer a framework for implementing the assessment of student learning and development and pragmatic advice on the strategies most appropriate for the readers’ particular circumstances. Beginning with a brief history of assessment, the book explains how to effectively engage in outcomes-based assessment, presents strategies for addressing the range of challenges and barriers student affairs practitioners are likely to face, addresses institutional, divisional, and departmental collaboration, and considers future developments in the assessment of student success. One feature of the book is its use of real case studies that both illustrate current best practices in student affairs assessment that illuminate theory and provide examples of application. The cases allow the authors to demonstrate that there are several approaches to evaluating student learning and development within student affairs; illustrating how practice may vary according to institutional type, institutional culture, and available resources. The authors explain how to set goals, write outcomes, describe the range of assessment methods available, discuss criteria for evaluating outcomes-based assessment, and provide steps and questions to consider in designing the reflection and institutional assessment processes, as well as how to effectively utilize and disseminate results. Their expert knowledge, tips, and insights will enable readers to implement outcomes-based assessment in ways that best meet the needs of their own unique campus environments.

Demonstrationsexperimente gestalten: Konzeption und Umsetzung in Theorie und Praxis

by Alexander Pusch Malte S. Ubben Paul Schlummer Julia Welberg

Das Vorführen von Experimenten ist in der Praxis mit ganz unterschiedlichen „Verständnis-Stolpersteinen“ für das Publikum verbunden und bei der Gestaltung des Aufbaus entstehen häufig auch ganz praktische Probleme. Dieses Buch liefert sowohl theorie- als auch erfahrungsgestütztes Wissen zur Konzeption, Ausgestaltung, Vorführung und Auswertung von Demonstrationsexperimenten an vielen konkretisierten Beispielen. Die Zielgruppen sind vor allem angehende Lehrkräfte, Lehrkräfte im Quereinstieg, Fachleitungen und Studierende, die die Faszination, die Fachmethodik und die Fachinhalte der Physik durch das Vorführen von Experimenten anderen Menschen näher bringen wollen.

Demoralized: Why Teachers Leave the Profession They Love and How They Can Stay

by Doris A. Santoro

Demoralized: Why Teachers Leave the Profession They Love and How They Can Stay offers a timely analysis of professional dissatisfaction that challenges the common explanation of burnout. Featuring the voices of educators, the book offers concrete lessons for practitioners, school leaders, and policy makers on how to think more strategically to retain experienced teachers and make a difference in the lives of students. Based on ten years of research and interviews with practitioners across the United States, the book theorizes the existence of a &“moral center&” that can be pivotal in guiding teacher actions and expectations on the job. Education philosopher Doris Santoro argues that demoralization offers a more precise diagnosis that is born out of ongoing value conflicts with pedagogical policies, reform mandates, and school practices. Demoralized reveals that this condition is reversible when educators are able to tap into authentic professional communities and shows that individuals can help themselves. Detailed stories from veteran educators are included to illustrate the variety of contexts in which demoralization can occur. Based on these insights, Santoro offers an array of recommendations and promising strategies for how school leaders, union leaders, teacher groups, and individual practitioners can enact and support &“re-moralization&” by working to change the conditions leading to demoralization.

Demotivation in Second Language Acquisition

by Keita Kikuchi

SLA literature tends to focus predominantly on what motivates language learners, but what demotivates them has not been widely discussed. This book, focusing exclusively on demotivation, will help readers to understand motivational issues from a different perspective. The aims of the work are threefold: to present the current developments of demotivation research in the field of SLA and bridge motivational theory/research and demotivation research; to promote the understanding of possible causes of demotivation; and to expand the focus of demotivation research through a reflection on current motivation theory/research and a discussion of methodological issues. The research presented in this book is situated in Japanese English-teaching contexts and will serve as a foundation for anyone wishing to better understand the causes of demotivation in SLA and to explore the topic in their own contexts.

Demystifying Academic Reading: A Disciplinary Literacy Approach to Reading Across Content Areas

by Zhihui Fang

Foundational and accessible, this book equips pre-service and practicing teachers with the knowledge, understanding, tools, and resources they need to help students in grades 4–12 develop reading proficiencies in four core academic subjects—literature, history, science, and mathematics. Applying a disciplinary literacy approach, Fang describes the verbal and visual resources, expert strategies, inquiry skills, and habits of mind that students must learn in order to read carefully, critically, purposefully, and with an informed skepticism across genres and content areas. He also shows how teachers can promote language learning and reading/literacy development at the same time that they engage students in content area learning. With informative synthesis and research-based recommendations in every chapter, this text prepares teachers to help students develop discipline-specific, as well as discipline-relevant, discursive insights, literacy strategies, and ways of thinking, reasoning, and inquiring that are essential to productive learning across academic subjects. It also provides teacher educators with approaches and strategies for helping teacher candidates develop expertise in academic reading instruction. In so doing, the book demystifies academic reading, revealing what it takes for students to read increasingly complex academic texts with confidence and understanding and for teachers to develop expertise that promotes disciplinary literacy. This state-of-the-art text is ideal for courses on reading/literacy methods and academic literacy and eminently relevant to all educators who want their students to become thoughtful readers and powerful learners

Demystifying Academic Writing: Genres, Moves, Skills, and Strategies

by Zhihui Fang

Informative, insightful, and accessible, this book is designed to enhance the capacity of graduate and undergraduate students, as well as early career scholars, to write for academic purposes. Fang describes key genres of academic writing, common rhetorical moves associated with each genre, essential skills needed to write the genres, and linguistic resources and strategies that are functional and effective for performing these moves and skills. Fang’s functional linguistic approach to academic writing enables readers to do so much more than write grammatically well-formed sentences. It leverages writing as a process of designing meaning to position language choices as the central focus, illuminating how language is a creative resource for presenting information, developing argument, embedding perspectives, engaging audience, and structuring text across genres and disciplines. Covering reading responses, book reviews, literature reviews, argumentative essays, empirical research articles, grant proposals, and more, this text is an all-in-one resource for building a successful career in academic writing and scholarly publishing. Each chapter features crafts for effective communication, authentic writing examples, practical applications, and reflective questions. Fang complements these features with self-assessment tools for writers and tips for empowering writers. Assuming no technical knowledge, this text is ideal for both non-native and native English speakers, and suitable for courses in academic writing, rhetoric and composition, and language/literacy education.

Demystifying Corpus Linguistics for English Language Teaching

by Kieran Harrington Patricia Ronan

The aim of this edited volume is to demystify corpus linguistics for use in English language teaching (ELT). It advocates the inclusion of corpus linguistics in the classroom as part of an approach to ELT in which students engage with naturally occurring language. The first chapter provides a basic but essential introduction to corpus linguistics, including sections on corpora and corpus methods, and this is followed by a review of the use of corpus linguistics in ELT. Chapters on the traditional ELT strands of skills, vocabulary and grammar as well as chapters on pluricentric approaches (on language and culture, World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca) flow naturally from the second chapter, which reports on a survey of the attitudes of trainee teacher to the use of corpus linguistics in the ELT classroom. The final two chapters show how the work of corpus linguists can benefit classroom teacher preparation, materials development and textbook writing. This book will be of interest not only to academics in fields such as English Language Teaching, Applied Linguistics and Corpus Linguistics, but also to educators of teacher-trainees and teacher-trainees themselves, as well as teachers who are looking for new interactive approaches to ELT.

Demystifying Critical Reflection: Improving Pedagogy and Practice with Legitimation Code Theory (Legitimation Code Theory)

by Namala Tilakaratna Eszter Szenes

Drawing on Legitimation Code Theory (LCT), this volume reveals the knowledge practices and language of critical reflection in a range of different subjects, making clear how it can be taught and learned Critical thinking is widely held to be a key attribute required for successfully living, learning and earning in modern societies. Universities now list critical thinking as a key graduate quality and use ‘critical reflection’ as a way of teaching students how to become reflective and ethical professionals. Yet, what ‘critical reflection’ actually involves remains vague in research, teaching practice, and assessment. Studies draw on LCT, a fast-growing framework for revealing the knowledge practices that enable educational success and the individual chapters focus on a diverse range of contexts across the disciplinary map, including education, science, arts, sociology and nursing. The book further connects research and practice by presenting in-depth analyses of critical reflection and providing practical insights into how LCT can be used to design pedagogic interventions. The book offers a rich resource for both scholars and teachers who want to demystify critical reflection and prepare university students for the modern workplace.

Demystifying Dissertation Writing: A Streamlined Process from Choice of Topic to Final Text

by Peg Boyle Single

Research shows that five strategies correlate with the successful completion of a dissertation:·Establishing a consistent writing routine·Working with a support group·Consulting your advisor·Understanding your committee’s expectations·Setting a realistic and timely scheduleBuilding on these insights, this book is for anyone who needs help in preparing for, organizing, planning, scheduling, and writing the longest sustained writing project they have encountered, particularly if he or she is not receiving sufficient guidance about the process, but also for anyone looking to boost his or her writing productivity.The author uncovers much tacit knowledge, provides advice on working with dissertation advisors and committee members, presents proven techniques for the prewriting and writing stages of the dissertation, sets out a system for keeping on schedule, and advocates enlisting peer support. As Peg Boyle Single states, “my goal is quite simple and straightforward: for you to experience greater efficiency and enjoyment while writing. If you experience anxiety, blocking, impatience, perfectionism or procrastination when you write, then this system is for you. I want you to be able to complete your writing so that you can move on with the rest of your life.” Few scholars, let alone graduate students, have been taught habits of writing fluency and productivity. The writing skills imparted by this book will not only help the reader through the dissertation writing process, but will serve her or him in whatever career she or he embarks on, given the paramount importance of written communication, especially in the academy. This book presents a system of straightforward and proven techniques that are used by productive writers, and applies them to the dissertation process. In particular, it promotes the concept of writing networks – whether writing partners or groups – to ensure that writing does not become an isolated and tortured process, while not hiding the need for persistence and sustained effort.This book is intended for graduate students and their advisers in the social sciences, the humanities, and professional fields. It can further serve as a textbook for either informal writing groups led by students or for formal writing seminars offered by departments or graduate colleges. The techniques described will help new faculty advice their students more effectively and even achieve greater fluency in their own writing.

Demystifying Educational Leadership and Administration in the Middle East and North Africa: Challenges and Prospects (Educational Policy and Leadership in the Middle East and North Africa)

by Khalid Arar Selahattin Turan Sedat Gümüş Abdellatif Sellami Julia Mahfouz

This volume explores how educational leadership and administration (ELA) is constructed in the Middle East and North African region (MENA), and charts the development of ELA as a discipline. Against the backdrop of rapid growth and interest in the educational restructuring, educational reforms, policy and leadership landscape of the region, chapters investigate issues concerned with the production and utilization of knowledge in the field, and analyse the future of ELA in relation to the educational policies and practices in MENA countries. Featuring a broad range of geographically dispersed specialist contributors involved in leadership, policy, and administration, the volume ultimately sheds light on this little-researched area of study to demystify common tropes and misunderstandings surrounding ELA in the MENA region. This book will be of use to scholars, researchers, and postgraduate students involved with international and comparative education, higher education management, and education policy and politics more broadly.

Demystifying Fixed Income Analytics: A Practical Guide

by Kedar Nath Mukherjee

This book discusses important aspects of fixed income securities in emerging economies. Key features • Clarifies all conceptual and analytical aspects of fixed income securities and bonds, and covers important interest rate and credit derivative instruments in a simple and practical way. • Examines topics such as classifications of fixed income instruments; related risk-return measures; yield curve and term structure of interest rates; interest rate derivatives (forwards, futures and swaps), credit derivatives (credit default swaps); and trading strategies and risk management. • Provides step-by-step explanation of fixed income products by including real-life examples, scenarios and cases, especially in the context of emerging markets. • Presents consistent reference of actual market practices to make the chapters practice oriented while maintaining a lucid style complemented by adequate reading inputs and clear learning outcomes. • Includes complete solutions of numericals and cases for all chapters as an eResource on the Routledge website to aid understanding. The book will serve as a ready guide to both professionals from banking and finance industry (fixed income/bond dealers; fund/investment/portfolio managers; investment bankers; financial analysts/consultants; risk management specialists), and those in academics, including students, research scholars, and teachers in the fields of business management, banking, insurance, finance, financial economics, business economics, and risk management.

Demystifying Outcomes Assessment for International Educators: A Practical Approach

by Darla K. Deardorff

For many in international education, assessment can seem daunting and overwhelming, especially given that such efforts need to involve much more than a pre/post survey. This book is a practical guide to learning-outcomes assessment in international education for practitioners who are starting to engage with the process, as well as for those who want to improve the quality and effectiveness of their assessment efforts. Assuming no prior knowledge, the book offers an accessible and clear road map to the application of assessment. Recognizing that a “one size fits all” approach cannot capture the diversity of goals and settings of international education, or the rich variety of programs and organizations involved in delivering it, author Darla Deardorff provides the reader with foundational principles and knowledge to develop appropriate assessment approaches for evaluating and improving student learning outcomes, which are the drivers of higher education internationalizationShe provides the background for assessment, highlights how the characteristics of international education pose unique challenges for assessment, considers the contexts to which assessment may be applied – whether in cross-border or “at home” institutional experiences, such as in curricular, co-curricular or extracurricular settings – and distills a seemingly convoluted process into a manageable approach. From the basics of getting started in assessment to highlighting pitfalls to avoid, this book offers a holistic and practical approach to assessment that moves beyond seeing assessment as a discrete activity to on-going process that is integrated into student learning. There is also a unique chapter for education leaders on assessment essentials from a leadership-perspective. The appendices include worksheets for implementing assessment, creating an assessment team, and getting buy-in from stakeholders. Other appendices include a list of standards adapted to international education outcomes assessment, guidance on assessing intercultural competence, and resources. This book reflects the author’s experience of over a decade of work with international education programs and higher education institutions around the world, and synthesizes what she has learned into an easy-to-use resource for anyone who wants to understand and utilize effective assessment in the field of international education.

Demystifying Professional Learning Communities: School Leadership at Its Best

by Kristine Kiefer Hipp Jane Bumpers Huffman

The purpose of this book is to clearly define an approach to school improvement that uses professional learning community (PLC) practices to achieve school improvement and success for every student. This book offers information, examples and case studies to clarify the concept of a PLC, to respond to critical issues in schools, and to support educational leaders in addressing the important mandates of accountability and school improvement. As school leaders proactively lead efforts to create learning communities, their schools, districts, and staff will incorporate knowledge, skills, and practices that focus on teaching and learning for all. The authors' findings will assist leaders, change agents, policy makers, and university faculty in guiding schools toward creating and maintaining PLCs as they sustain school improvement for student learning.

Demystifying Technical Training

by Bettina M. Davis Wendy L. Combs

Broadening the traditional tactical approach to technical training, Managing Technical Training looks at the strategic and business aspects of technical training applicable to any corporate setting and organizational size. Dispelling many myths about technical training, it focuses on running training as a business function with a solid strategy, roadmap, indicators, marketing, funding, and tools. Proven guidelines, written by established experts in the field, help readers identify and plan hard-skills training solutions. Detailed success criteria for technical training and a toolbox of job aids complete the useful features of this groundbreaking resource.

Demystifying Transition Assessment (The Brookes Transition to Adulthood Series)

by Ronald Tamura Colleen Thoma

<p>Assessment is the cornerstone of every good transition plan. Now there's a book that demystifies the what, when, why, and how of collecting transition assessment data-and using the results to help students with disabilities prepare for adulthood. <p>Developed by two respected transition authorities, this practical guide prepares education professionals to use today's best assessment tools and strategies to identify which transition approaches really work. You'll discover how to <p> <li>choose assessments appropriate for each situation and student <li>apply best assessment practices in 7 key areas (see sidebar) <li>collect the right data at the right time <li>implement evidence-based practices that meet IDEA requirements for transition assessment <li>make the most of informal assessments and formal performance-based methods tailored to each student's needs <li>translate assessment results into better, more personalized transition IEP plans</li> <p> <p>To help you find the assessment tools that best meet your needs, the book includes an invaluable quick-reference guide to more than 90 transition assessments and which areas they assess. You'll also follow case studies of a teacher and two students as they navigate the transition assessment process, and you'll get sample forms for assessing student skills and goals, enhancing transition IEPs, helping students plan for college and employment, and much more. <p>Essential for every transition specialist and educator, this book will be your trusted companion as you make sound decisions about assessment; ensure individualized, person-centered transition plans; and support students' post-school goals and dreams.</p>

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