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Diario de una lechuza #7: Un libro de la serie Branches (Diario de una lechuza #7)

by Rebecca Elliott

Eva and her friends are opening a bakery!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!¡La versión en español de The Wildwood Bakery!María, la amiga de Eva, tiene una hermanita que no puede volar, así que la clase de Eva decide reunir dinero para comprarle una silla voladora súper chévere. Una parte de la clase abre una pastelería para reunir el dinero, y la otra parte abre una tienda de dulces. Ambos grupos compiten por ver quién reúne más dinero, pero a la larga tendrán que trabajar juntos para lograrlo. ¿Podrá Eva hacer que todos trabajen en equipo?Eva's friend Macy has a little sister who can't fly on her own. So Eva's class decides to raise money to buy her a super-cool flying chair! Half of the class opens a bakery to raise the money. The other half opens a candy store. Soon the owls are competing to see whose shop can make the most money. But they will all need to work together to raise enough money for the special chair. Can Eva get everyone to work as a team?

Diario de una Súper Chica - Libro 1 - Los Altibajos de ser Súper (Diario de una Súper Chica #1)

by Katrina Kahler María Florencia Lavorato John Zakour

Libros para niñas entre 9 y 12: Lia Strong siempre se vio a sí misma como una chica normal de 12 años, que se enfrenta cotidianamente a los altibajos de la escuela media. Tú sabes cómo es…juntarse con amigos, ir a práctica de LAX, enormes cantidades de tarea y tener que lidiar con las chicas malas. Pero al cumplir 13, ¡todo cambió! En su cumpleaños número 13, se enteró de una noticia muy especial... es la última de una larga línea de súper mujeres. Parece ser una chica normal, a excepción de una cosa… sus súper poderes. Por un lado, tiene la fuerza de 100 personas, pero por el otro, sus gases ¡tienen el potencial de noquear a 100 personas! Oh, ¡las vicisitudes de tener súper poderes! Un libro perfecto para niñas que aman a los personajes femeninos fuertes. ¡Te va a encantar!

Diario del Sig. Alto, Misterioso e Affascinante La Mia Vita È Cambiata - Libro 1

by Kaz Campbell Silvia Gallico & Marco Gallico

Il Sig. Alto, Misterioso e Affascinante (Sig. AMA in breve)… Richard Jones deve questo soprannome a Maddi Bull. Leggi il diario di Richard e scopri cosa pensa di tutto quello che succede nella sua vita e che cosa pensa di Maddi. A volte, la vita può essere difficile, soprattutto se si ha recentemente perso la mamma in un incidente d’auto. Ma Maddi riporta il sorriso sul viso del Sig. AMA. E poi c'è l’orologio. Richard scopre l'orologio da tasca della sua mamma, un antico cimelio di famiglia che è stato tramandato di generazione in generazione. La nonna gli aveva raccontato molte storie sulle avventure da lei vissute. Potevano quelle storie essere vere? E poteva quell’orologio da tasca aver qualcosa a che fare con queste storie? Cosa farà Richard? Deciderà di esplorare e vivere mille avventure o seguirà il consiglio di suo padre di ignorare quelle storie inverosimili? Un libro perfetto per giovani ragazze fra i 9 e i 12 anni.

Diario di una ragazza quasi popolare - Libro 2 - La mia nuova scuola

by B Campbell Erica Roggio e Linda Roggio

Una nuova scuola…un nuovo inizio. Beh, almeno questo è ciò che spera Madonna. Maddy è una ragazza “normale”, più o meno. Non fa parte del gruppetto delle ragazze popolari, ma non è neanche una secchiona. È una via di mezzo e cerca di adattarsi. Segui le sue esilaranti avventure nella nuova scuola. Scommetto che potrebbero capitare anche a te! Questo libro è adatto a ragazze e ragazzi tra i 7 e i 12 anni. Racconta di una ragazza che è “quasi popolare”, carina, forte e decisamente spiritosa.

Diario di una Super Girl Libro 1 Alti e bassi dell’essere Super

by Loredana Marmorale Katrina Kahler and John Zakour

Lia ha sempre pensato di essere una dodicenne come le altre. La sua vita è fatta dei tipici alti e bassi della sua età: gli amici, gli allenamenti di lacrosse, una valanga di compiti, le bulle della scuola. Ma le cose stanno per cambiare! Alla vigilia del suo tredicesimo compleanno, Lia fa infatti una scoperta sensazionale: è l’ultima di una stirpe di super donne. All’apparenza sembra una ragazzina normale, simile in tutto e per tutto alle sue coetanee, in realtà è dotata di straordinari superpoteri, che si manifesteranno proprio appena compirà i fatidici 13 anni! Il lato positivo di questi SUPERPOTERI è avere la forza di cento persone, il lato negativo è… Venite a scoprirlo! Libro per ragazze, età 9-12 anni

Diary Days

by Ghillian Potts

Yasmin has a problem. Her cat's just had six kittens and Mum says Yasmin can't keep them. If she doesn't find homes for them they'll have to go to the Cat Protection home! Mr Williams has asked the class to write a diary so Yasmin writes down all her worries. Will Yasmin be able to find the courage to stand up in front of the class to ask for help with the kittens before it's too late

The Diary of a Bookseller

by Shaun Bythell

Hilarious, wry, and charming tales of bookselling in remotest Scotland "Among the most irascible and amusing bookseller memoirs I've read." --Dwight Garner, New York TimesThe funny and fascinating memoir of Bythell's experiences at the helm of The Bookshop, Scotland's largest second hand bookstore--and the delightfully unusual staff members, eccentric customers, odd townsfolk and surreal buying trips that make up his life there.

Diary of a Parent Trainer

by Jennifer Smith

Meet Katie Sutton. She may just look like your average thirteen-year-old girl but in reality, she's the world's leading expert in Grown Up behavior. And you're in luck because in your hands you hold a one-of-a-kind guide to training your parent and becoming highly skilled at: understanding their insane behavior, predicting their next moves, and operating them to your best advantage. So please keep this book out of the way of your grown up, we don't want them going into "grumpy mode" too soon.From the Hardcover edition.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1)

by Jeff Kinney

Boys don't keep diaries--or do they? <P><P>The launch of an exciting and innovatively illustrated new series narrated by an unforgettable kid every family can relate to It's a new school year, and Greg Heffley finds himself thrust into middle school, where undersized weaklings share the hallways with kids who are taller, meaner, and already shaving. The hazards of growing up before you're ready are uniquely revealed through words and drawings as Greg records them in his diary. <P>In book one of this debut series, Greg is happy to have Rowley, his sidekick, along for the ride. But when Rowley's star starts to rise, Greg tries to use his best friend's newfound popularity to his own advantage, kicking off a chain of events that will test their friendship in hilarious fashion. <P>Author/illustrator Jeff Kinney recalls the growing pains of school life and introduces a new kind of hero who epitomizes the challenges of being a kid. <P>As Greg says in his diary, "Just don't expect me to be all 'Dear Diary' this and 'Dear Diary' that." Luckily for us, what Greg Heffley says he won't do and what he actually does are two very different things.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1)

by Jeff Kinney

Greg records his experiences in a middle school where he and his best friend, Rowley, undersized weaklings amid boys who need to shave twice daily, hope just to survive, but when Rowley grows more popular Greg must take drastic measures to save their friendship.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1)

by Jeff Kinney

Boys don't keep diaries--or do they? <P><P>The launch of an exciting and innovatively illustrated new series narrated by an unforgettable kid every family can relate to It's a new school year, and Greg Heffley finds himself thrust into middle school, where undersized weaklings share the hallways with kids who are taller, meaner, and already shaving. The hazards of growing up before you're ready are uniquely revealed through words and drawings as Greg records them in his diary. <P>In book one of this debut series, Greg is happy to have Rowley, his sidekick, along for the ride. But when Rowley's star starts to rise, Greg tries to use his best friend's newfound popularity to his own advantage, kicking off a chain of events that will test their friendship in hilarious fashion. <P>Author/illustrator Jeff Kinney recalls the growing pains of school life and introduces a new kind of hero who epitomizes the challenges of being a kid. <P>As Greg says in his diary, "Just don't expect me to be all 'Dear Diary' this and 'Dear Diary' that." Luckily for us, what Greg Heffley says he won't do and what he actually does are two very different things.

Diary of a Worm: Nat the Gnat (I Can Read Level 1)

by Doreen Cronin

Worm is thrilled when it's his turn to take care of the class pet, Nat the Gnat. But everything goes wrong when he leaves the lid of Nat's tank open. Can Worm make sure the class pet returns safe and sound before Mrs. Mulch finds out? This all-new, original I Can Read story captures the fun of the #1 New York Times bestselling Diary of a Worm picture book series by Doreen Cronin and Harry Bliss, and will leave beginning readers wiggling for more!This Level 1 I Can Read book is perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

Diary of a Worm: Teacher's Pet (I Can Read Level 1)

by Doreen Cronin

Worm is all about having fun, respecting the earth, and never taking baths. Many children will relate to this funny character! In Diary of a Worm: Teacher's Pet, Worm makes a surprising discovery—teachers have birthdays. That means Worm and his friends have to find the perfect present for their teacher, Mrs. Mulch. Diary of a Worm: Teacher's Pet is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it is perfect for kids learning to sound out words and sentences.

Diary of A Deputy

by Susan M. Tranter

First Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Diary of Ma Yan: The Life of a Chinese School Girl

by Ma Yan Pierre Haski

Wednesday, November 7. My father gave me and my brother a little money. My stomach is all twisted up with hunger, but I don't want to spend the money on anything as frivolous as food. Because it's money my parents earn with their sweat and blood. I have to study well so that I won't ever again be tortured by hunger. . . . In a drought-stricken corner of rural China, an education can be the difference between a life of crushing poverty and the chance for a better future. But money is scarce, and the low wages paid for backbreaking work aren't always enough to pay school fees. Ma Yan's heart-wrenching, honest diary chronicles her struggle to escape hardship and bring prosperity to her family through her persistent, sometimes desperate, attempts to continue her schooling. First published in France in 2002, the Diary of Ma Yan created an outpouring of support for this courageous teenager and others like her -- support that led to the creation of an international organization dedicated to helping these children . . . all because of one ordinary girl's extraordinary diary.

The Diary of the Naughtiest Girl

by Jeanne Willis Alex T Smith

Inspired by Enid Blyton's bestselling school series The Naughtiest Girl - this is the hilarious diary of the naughtiest pupil there's ever been. Fans of Tom Gates will love this!'Mum says pupils aren't allowed to take mobile devices to Whyteleafe ... excuse me? It's the twenty-first century! What next? Ride to school on a penny-farthing?'When Elizabeth Allen is packed off to boarding school, armed with nothing but a journal to write in for entertainment, she is NOT impressed. How will she survive without her home comforts, especially her pony Ross (the only boy she has ever truly loved)? Elizabeth comes up with a cunning plan: she will be so naughty that she gets sent home . . . But then Elizabeth discovers a love for music and makes her first ever friend ... perhaps school life might not be as bad as she thought?The Diary of the Naughtiest Girl is written by bestselling author Jeanne Willis and illustrated by Alex T. Smith, acclaimed creator of the Claude books.

Días de navidad: Cuentos y recetas

by Jeanette Winterson

Libro del año según The Sunday Telegraph y uno de los mejores libros del año según The New York Times. «Un festín de historias. Winterson nos ha traído un regalo de Navidad en forma de libro.»NPR Durante años Jeanette Winterson ha escrito un relato cada Navidad: cuentos llenos de fantasmas y de carámbanos, de trineos y de muérdago, pero con esa dosis de ironía y reflexión que solo ella es capaz de transmitir. En Días de Navidad se reúnen doce de ellos: historias para leerse en voz alta, en familia, frente al fuego de la chimenea, y que acompañan hermosas ilustraciones y festivas recetas muy personales. La crítica ha dicho...«En ninguno de sus libros encontraremos la fe de Winterson en el poder de la narración con tanta intensidad como en su nuevo libro, Días de Navidad. Oscuro, lleno de imaginación y (marca Winterson) perversamente divertido. Un regalo navideño para ser leído en voz alta junto a la chimenea en una noche de diciembre.»New York Times Book Review «Winterson nos ha dado una inesperada alegría navideña. Unos cuentos mágicos y exuberantes.»Washington Post «Si anhelas el misterio, los rituales familiares y los manjares de Navidad, disfrutarás con Días de Navidad de la audaz y reveladora escritora feminista Jeanette Winterson.»Elle «Los cuentos de invierno de Winterson logran indefectiblemente deslumbrarnos.»Alfred Hickling, The Guardian «La mezcla de golosinas narrativas de Winterson tiene el encanto del siglo XIX tan necesario en el sombrío siglo XXI.»Kirkus «Lleno de encanto y con hermosas ilustraciones. Es un libro para escapar de los aspectos menos sanos de la Navidad al país de las maravillas literarias.»Stylist «Una guirnalda navideña maravillosa y sorprendente, ingeniosa y entretenida.»Kate Saunders, Saga Magazine «Una mezcla poco convencional de cuentos, recetas, memorias, historia y filosofía personal. Una mezcla que funciona brillantementeThe Sunday Times' Culture «Los cuentos sobrenaturales, espeluznantes, inteligentes, divertidos y conmovedores de Winterson refrescan nuestra apreciación de lo que realmente significa dar, amar y compartir alegría.»Booklist «Sorprendente y entretenido. Una lectura deliciosa para largas noches de invierno.»BBC «Días de Navidad modela esta abundancia de esperanza en todo. Incluso aquellos que disfrutan de la temporada con ambivalencia encontrarán algunas golosinas para saborear en sus páginas.»Lambda Literary Review Sobre la autora«Winterson [...] a través de la heterodoxia de sus textos, dinamita categorías, vocabularios y convenciones tristes. Una escritora maravillosa.»Marta Sanz, Babelia «Jeanette Winterson es una fuerza desatada de la naturaleza. Ella sola es el cambio climático entero.»Carmen Morán Breña, El País «Mientras la mayoría de autores y autoras se limitan a regurgitar la imaginación de sus antecesores, [...] esta inglesa rebelde se pone la literatura por montera y la reinventa.»María Ángeles Cabré, Babelia

Días de perros: Crónicas de la Primaria Carver, Libro 1 (The Carver Chronicles)

by Karen English

Es difícil ser el nuevo niño en la Primaria Carver. Gavin tenía muchos amigos en su anterior escuela, pero aquí los niños parecen no saber que es bastante bueno andando en patineta o lo bueno que es jugando al fútbol. Cuando su amigo Richard lo visita y los niños se meten en problemas, Gavin no solo corre el peligro de perder a su único amigo nuevo, sino que además debe cuidar a la horrible perrita de su tía abuela Myrtle como castigo. Para empeorar aún más las cosas, Gavin parece haber llamado la atención de un bravucón en la escuela. ¿Podrá evitar ser golpeado en el parque de patinetas? ¿Y cómo podrá probar lo genial que es con una pequeña pomerania saltarina con un moño rosa a su lado? Esta serie de libros infantiles sobre un variado grupo de alumnos de primaria, escritos por Karen English, autora galardonada con el premio Coretta Scott King, ofrecen una narración precisa, personajes y situaciones con los que identificarse, y mucha acción. Los lectores emergentes y los flamantes lectores independientes se reconocerán en estas graciosas historias de la escuela y la familia.

Diaspora-Biografien in der Migrationsgesellschaft: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Fallstudie über erzählte Biografien von Angehörigen der jesidischen Minderheit und deren Lebenswelt(en) in Deutschland

by Süleyman Kanat

Die Minderheit der Jesiden, deren Angehörige mittlerweile zum Teil in der dritten Generation in der deutschen Migrationsgesellschaft leben, ist vor allem durch den an ihnen im Nordirak verübten Genozid im Jahr 2014 vorübergehend in das öffentliche Interesse gerückt. Zwar gibt es Forschungsarbeiten über die Lage dieser Minderheit im deutschsprachigen Raum, doch fehlen vor allem für die Soziale Arbeit notwendige biografieorientierte Fallstudien, die die Perspektive der Betroffenen tiefergehend qualitativ analysieren. Dieses Buch beschäftigt sich daher mit dem Fragenkomplex, welchen möglichen biografischen Herausforderungen Angehörige der jesidischen Minderheit unter den Bedingungen eines Lebens in der Diaspora einer Migrationsgesellschaft ausgesetzt seien können und wie diese von ihnen in ihren individuellen Lebenslagen und Lebenswelten artikuliert, eingeordnet und bewältigt werden. Neben der Sensibilisierung für die Lebenslagen der jesidischen Minderheit in der Diaspora ist es auch ein Forschungsbeitrag, die Komplexität migrationsgesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse aus der subjektiven Perspektive von Minderheitsangehörigen besser zu verstehen. Damit wird es auch möglich, die lebensweltlichen Voraussetzungen, unter denen die Betroffenen an institutionellen Bildungssettings teilhaben, zu berücksichtigen.

The Diatessaron of Tatian the Assyrian

by Tatian

This edition of the Diatessaron of Tatian presents a reader-friendly version of the most popular unified account of Jesus’s life and teachings, as written in the gospels, for over three centuries, and a crucial link to the early history of the church and Christian doctrine. The Diatessaron takes center stage in Ian Caldwell’s new breakout novel The Fifth Gospel.Composed in the 2nd century CE, the Diatessaron is Tatian’s combination of the texts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John into one comprehensive timeline of Jesus’s life. Tatian the Assyrian, an obscure but highly controversial theologian who was expelled from the early Church, tried to fill in the gaps left by the traditional four gospels and resolve their contradictions.The Diatessaron was a major source for the story of the life of Christ until the 6th Century CE when it fell into obscurity and the four gospels took its place in the order of the New Testament.This original translation by Reverend Hope W. Hogg, B.D. preserves Tatian’s chronology and allows readers access to this little-known ancient text and a crucial link to the early Church and the life and death of Jesus.

Dibujo: Técnicas artísticas (Artist's Drawing Techniques)

by DK

Da rienda suelta a tu creatividad y crea una obra maestra con ejercicios paso a paso y consejos de artistas profesionales.Ya sea porque quieres probar suerte con el dibujo por primera vez o para mejorar tus habilidades artísticas, 'Pintura: técnicas artísticas' es tu libro. Aprende a trabajar con carbón, pluma y pasteles y descubre todo lo que hay que saber sobre el tono, el color, la textura, la línea y la composición con consejos detallados para artistas principiantes, intermedios y avanzados.Ejercicios paso a paso completamente ilustrados por artistas profesionales te guiarán a través de más de 80 técnicas de dibujo, que incluyen el sombreado, el puntillismo, la mezcla de colores y el 'masking'. Todas las técnicas van acompañadas de ejercicios y proyectos inspiradores para que las pruebes en casa y desarrolles tus habilidades, descubras tu propio estilo y crezcas como artista.Domina todos los aspectos del dibujo, desde seleccionar un tema hasta montar tu primera pieza, con esta guía esencial. Sea cual sea tu nivel de especialización, aprenderás a pintar con confianza y quizás crearás una obra maestra (o dos) por el camino.Kick-start your creativity and create a masterpiece with step-by-step workshops and advice from professional artists.Whether you want to try your hand at drawing for the first time or to fine-tune your artistic skills, 'Pintura: técnicas artísticas' is for you. Learn how to work with charcoal, pen, and pastels and discover everything you need to know about tone, color, texture, linework, and composition with detailed advice for beginner, intermediate, and advanced artists.Fully illustrated, step-by-step workshops from professional artists guide you through more than 80 drawing techniques, including cross-hatching, stippling, blending, and masking. All techniques are accompanied by inspiring exercises and projects to try at home to help you develop your skills, discover your own style, and grow as an artist.Master every aspect of drawing with this essential guide, from choosing a subject to mounting your first piece. Whatever your level of expertise, you can learn to draw with confidence-and maybe create a masterpiece (or two) along the way.

Dicas de Scott Howard sobre se tornar um palestrante altamente remunerado

by Richard G Lowe Jr

Atenção todos os oradores que querem ser pagos por falar, efetivamente falar com grupos e até mesmo superar medo do palco e medo de falar. Se você está procurando ter sucesso em falar em público, então esta entrevista com o especialista em falar em público, Scott Howard, irá ajudá-lo a entender como se tornar altamente pago para falar. Aqui está apenas uma amostra do que Scott Howard irá cobrir para você nestas páginas: • Quais são as habilidades que todo orador público precisa? • Quais ferramentas ajudam a falar em público? • Onde os palestrantes perdem seu tempo? • Quão importante é uma boa gramática? • Que tal umms e ahhs e tal? • Como são importantes os adereços? • Como lidar com um público hostil • ... e muito, MUITO Mais! Aproveite essa oportunidade para Scott te pegar pela mão e explicar não apenas como superar o medo de falar, mas como preparar e apresentar seu discurso e os segredos de ser contratado para falar. A maior parte do que você precisa é de instruções e encorajamento de alguém que "esteve lá e fez isso!" Este livro é a transcrição de uma entrevista ao vivo. Obter este livro agora e reivindicar o sucesso de falar em público que você quer!

Dick and Jane: Away We Go (Dick and Jane #Vol. 7)

by Penguin Young Readers

Sally said, "Away we go. Away we go in the car. Mother and Father. Dick an Jane. Sally and Tim"

Dick and Jane: Guess Who (Dick and Jane)

by Penguin Young Readers

Millions of Americans remember Dick and Jane (and Sally and Spot, too!). Now Dick and Jane and all their pals are back with revised editions of these classic readers for a whole new generation of readers to enjoy! Guess Who "Guess who this is," said Jane. "Guess who this is," said Sally. "And see the two little ones. Guess who."

Dick and Jane: Jump and Run (Dick and Jane)

by Penguin Young Readers

Millions of Americans remember Dick and Jane (and Sally and Spot, too!). Now Dick and Jane and all their pals are back with revised editions of these classic readers for a whole new generation of readers to enjoy! Jump and Run Sally said, "Oh, look. Mother can jump. Mother can jump and play."

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