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Digitalisierung im Mathematikunterricht: Theorie und Praxis digitaler Medien in der Sekundarstufe I (Mathematik Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I + II)

by Gilbert Greefrath Hans-Stefan Siller Hans-Georg Weigand Reinhard Oldenburg Volker Ulm

Dieses Buch zeigt, wie verschiedene digitale Medien als Lern- und Lehrhilfsmittel in den Mathematikunterricht integriert werden können: Es stellt theoretische Überlegungen und Konzeptionen dar und zeigt an vielen unterrichtspraktischen Beispielen, wie Taschenrechner, Laptop und Smartphone mit der entsprechenden Software und dem Internet im Unterricht eingesetzt werden können. Das dargestellte Programm-Spektrum reicht von Computeralgebrasystemen über dynamische Geometriesysteme, Tabellenkalkulationen und 3D-Druck bis hin zu interaktiven Lernumgebungen, auch mit Virtueller Realität und Augmented Reality. Der Einsatz der Medien orientiert sich dabei stets am zentralen Ziel, die Entwicklung vielfältiger Kompetenzen bei Schülerinnen und Schülern nachhaltig zu unterstützen. Das Buch wendet sich an Studierende des Lehramts Mathematik, an Referendarinnen und Referendare sowie praktizierende Lehrkräfte. Es konzentriert sich auf zentrale Inhalte der Sekundarstufe I – also Zahlen, Algebra, Funktionen, Geometrie sowie Daten und Zufall. Um Leserinnen und Leser zur eigenständigen Auseinandersetzung mit digitalen Medien anzuregen, sind am Ende jedes Kapitels Aufgaben zur individuellen Bearbeitung angefügt. Materialien zu den Inhalten, vor allem interaktive Elemente, sind auf einer eigenen Internetseite zusammengestellt. Das vorliegende Buch ist eine vollständige Neubearbeitung des Buches „Computer im Mathematikunterricht“ von Hans-Georg Weigand und Thomas Weth aus dem Jahr 2002.

Digitalisierung im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen: Zukunftsnavigator für Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen (essentials)

by Daniela Voigt

Die Digitalisierung als einer der bedeutendsten Wandel der Gegenwart verändert signifikant Lebens- und Arbeitsbereiche. Besonders im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen modifizieren sich Kunden- und Klientenkontakt, Kommunikation, Beratung und Handlungs- sowie Zukunftsfelder. Mithilfe dieses essentials können Organisationen und Fachkräfte Orientierung sowie praktische Methoden identifizieren und anwenden. Wissen zur Digitalisierung und Metaverse helfen auch in Zukunft erfolgsfähig zu sein und dem Tempo standzuhalten. Zukunftsfähigkeit bedeutet antizipativ und proaktiv diesem Wandel zu begegnen, Experimentierräume zu schaffen und technikoffen im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen zu agieren. Dabei gilt es, alle Akteure mitzunehmen und die gemeinsame Aufgabe zu bewältigen.

Digitalisierung in der Lehrer: Praxis digital gestalten (Medienbildung und Gesellschaft #48)

by Sonja Ganguin Heike Tiemann Christian W. Glück Anna Förster

Der Band diskutiert fächerübergreifend Konzepte und Strukturen zur Verankerung digitalisierungsbezogener Kompetenzen im Lehramtsstudium und zeigt fachspezifisch differenziert Zugänge für die zweite und dritte Phase der Lehrer:innenbildung auf. Dabei werden unterschiedliche Perspektiven aus verschiedenen Fachdidaktiken, den Bildungswissenschaften und der Förderpädagogik eingebunden.

Digitalisierung in Studium und Lehre gemeinsam gestalten: Innovative Formate, Strategien und Netzwerke

by Hochschulforum Digitalisierung

Der Open-Access-Band adressiert die Herausforderungen und Chancen der Digitalisierung für Studierende und Lehrende sowie für Support-Strukturen und Leitungen von Hochschulen in Deutschland. Thematische Schwerpunkte bilden die Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Hochschulstrategien im Kontext von regionalen, nationalen und internationalen Netzwerken sowie die Förderung von Schlüsselkompetenzen durch innovative Lehr-Lern-Formate. Der Band versammelt 33 Beiträge von Expert*innen aus der Community des Hochschulforums Digitalisierung, deren Mitglieder die digitale Transformation in der Hochschulbildung auf vielfältige Weise gemeinsam gestalten. Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.

Digitalisierung und die Rolle von Weiterbildung: Teilnahme und Erträge von Beschäftigten mit hohem Automatisierungsrisiko

by Birgit Zeyer-Gliozzo

Zahlreiche Studien zu den Folgen der Digitalisierung für Arbeitsmärkte weisen auf einen damit einhergehenden Tätigkeitswandel hin, der sich in einem Rückgang substituierbarer Routinetätigkeiten und einer Zunahme analytischer und interaktiver Nicht-Routinetätigkeiten äußert. Fortschritte u.a. in künstlicher Intelligenz erweitern die Automatisierungsmöglichkeiten. Um mit diesen Veränderungen Schritt halten zu können, wird Weiterbildung große Bedeutung beigemessen. Besonders wichtig erscheint dies für Beschäftigte mit vielen automatisierbaren Tätigkeiten. In diesem Buch wird untersucht, inwieweit diese Personen an Weiterbildung teilnehmen und ob die Bildungsmaßnahmen einen entsprechenden Nutzen bringen. Analysen auf Basis des Nationalen Bildungspanels zeigen, dass Beschäftigte mit hohem Automatisierungsrisiko eine tendenziell geringere Weiterbildungswahrscheinlichkeit aufweisen, während Weiterbildungserträge durchaus existieren. Je nach Weiterbildungs- bzw. Ertragsform und unter Berücksichtigung der Heterogenität der Beschäftigten ergeben sich z.T. deutliche Unterschiede, die die Relevanz einer differenzierten Betrachtung, auch für die Ableitung politischer Implikationen, verdeutlichen.

Digitalization and Digital Competence in Educational Contexts: A Nordic Perspective from Policy to Practice (Routledge Research in Digital Education and Educational Technology)

by Sara Willermark Anders D. Olofsson J. Ola Lindberg

This edited collection presents a Nordic perspective on intensified discussions concerning digitalization and digital competence in the current trends of educational work. Using a multidisciplinary and holistic approach, the book compares Nordic countries’ attitudes towards the digitalization of education and demonstrates the Nordic region’s position as digital front-runners in a European and a global context. The book provides up-to-date cases and future-oriented perspectives on digitalization and digital competence in educational work. Chapters use empirical data gained from policy documents, interviews, and questionnaires to present nuanced discussions, theoretical perspectives, and implications for the future of digitalization in education. Ultimately, this book’s reach far exceeds that of its Nordic contexts and will be of use to postgraduate students, researchers, and scholars across the globe involved with digital education, teacher education, and educational policy and politics more broadly.

Digitalization of Higher Education using Cloud Computing: Implications, Risk, and Challenges (Chapman & Hall/CRC Cloud Computing for Society 5.0)

by S. L. Gupta

Digitalization of Higher Education using Cloud Computing: Implications, Risk, and Challenges provides an insight into the latest technology and tools being used to explore learning in Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs). Cloud computing, being an up-and-coming technology, integrates with academia and industry, thereby enhancing the quality of education. The opportunities and challenges faced by HEIs in recent times due to technological disruptions have forced both academia and industry to realign their strategies for survival and growth. With the acceleration of cloud computing in higher education, it has now become imperative for educators to constantly upskill and reskill in order to meet the requirements of the future of work, particularly in the digital age. Technological advancement is an unstoppable wave and the lack of relevant skills to handle the disruptions in higher education will become a huge challenge if not addressed promptly. This is the new phase of Education 4.0 where HEIs are aligning themselves using cloud computing implications, and thus are preparing both faculties and students to embrace the changes happening in the teaching and learning processes. This book focuses on multi-faceted strategies to be adopted by HEIs to deal with the emerging issues related to teaching–learning processes using cloud computing, technological interventions, curriculum overhaul, experiential learning, multi-disciplinary approaches, and continuous innovations and digitalization. The book offers comprehensive coverage of many academic areas, with the most essential topics including: • Pedagogies in digital education using a cloud environment • Risks and challenges in cloud platforms for teaching and learning • Collaborative and group learning in a cloud environment • Enhancing quality of education using e-learning methodologies The sections in this book are "Cloud Enabled Digitalization of Higher Education" and "Innovations and Applications of Digitalization of Higher Education: A Cloud Perspective". The book will be useful for undergraduates, graduates, academicians, scholars, and policy makers. It will help readers acquire skills for a smooth transition from face-to-face teaching to cloud-based teaching.

Digitalization of Society, Economics and Management: A Digital Strategy Based on Post-pandemic Developments (Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation #53)

by Evgeny Zaramenskikh Alena Fedorova

This book gathers the best papers presented at the third conference held by the Russian chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), which took place in December 2021. The book shows the path to digital transformation of organizations and how possible obstacles can be overcome. With contributions from digital experts in both academia and IT and management, it presents practical frameworks and planning tools for new business models. It offers executives at the forefront of strategic initiatives a guide on how to implement key disruptive technologies in their organizations while following an established digital strategy. Overall, the book is relevant for scientists, digital technology users, companies and public institutions.

Digitally Enabling 'Learning by Doing' in Vocational Education: Enhancing ‘Learning as Becoming’ Processes (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Selena Chan

This book introduces, rationalizes and describes some ways to circumvent the challenges of providing ‘hands-on’ learning when programmes with practice-based focuses have to be offered via distance learning. It presents a framework to help deconstruct the many aspects of ‘learning to become’ a professional or practitioner. Then, it demarcates the skills, knowledge and attributes towards ensuring learners are prepared for the exigencies of the future of work. The book details the types of pedagogical approaches, including project/inquiry/problem-based learning, which help assist learners to learn both the competencies and capabilities required. It introduces technology-enhanced learning (TEL) platforms and tools supporting ‘education 4.0’, and presents a series of contemporary research studies on the integration of TEL, which are augmented and updated to allow for the challenges of provisioning opportunities for ‘learning by doing’ through distance learning. Finally, the book proposes recommendations to help ensure that institutions are better prepared for the sustainable shift to distance learning.

Digitalpakt – was nun?: Ideen und Konzepte für zukunftsorientiertes Lernen

by Matthias Schäfer Anabel Ternès von Hattburg

Das Buch zeigt aus einer psychologisch-pädagogischen Perspektive auf, wie sich Lernen in Bildungseinrichtungen in Deutschland in den letzten Jahren verändert hat, welche neuen Angebote bereits entwickelt wurden und welcher Bedarf weiterhin noch besteht. Hierzu wurden Expertinnen und Experten um ihre Einschätzungen gebeten. Ihre Ideen und Konzepte zu Veränderungen, Entstehungskontexten und Auswirkungen aktueller Bildungsrichtungen werden dokumentiert. Zudem werden Organisationen und Initiativen in Deutschland vorgestellt, die Formen veränderten Lernens offline und online anbieten. Insofern ist das Buch auch ein Beitrag zur politischen Debatte.

Dignity for All: Safeguarding LGBT Students

by Dr Peter M. Dewitt

All students deserve a safe, respectful school environment Students who identify as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgendered are susceptible to dropping out of school. This book provides professional development ideas and real-life vignettes that will help educational leaders foster a more caring school culture not only for LGBT students, but for all students. Peter DeWitt provides specific strategies for school leaders that include: Implementing a student code of conduct and school board policies to safeguard students Helping staff members recognize and respond to overt and covert LGBT issues Ways to include appropriate LGBT topics in the curriculum Supporting Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA) in middle and high school settings

Dikgono tsa Botshelo BUKA YA TIRO

by J. Dommisse P. Espi-Sanchis R. Naidoo A. Siegrühn-Mars K. Saadien-Raad G. Van Heerden

Bukatiro ya Oxford Successful ya Bokgoni jwa Botshelo ya Kereite 1 ke karolo ya serutwa sa Bokgoni jwa Botshelo sa Kereite 1 sa Oxford Successful. Se se akaretsa Kaedi ya Morutabana ya Bokgoni jwa Botshelo ya Kereite ya 1 ya Oxford Successful le Buka ya Moithuti ya Bokgoni jwa Botshelo ya Kereite ya 1 ya Oxford Successful. Maikaelelo a Bukatiro eno ke go neelana ka ikatiso e e lekaneng go kopanya kitso le bokgoni jwa barutwana.

Dile adis a tus temores (How to Overcome Fear)

by Marcos Witt

El temor es devastadoramente real. Todos nosotros -- en algún momento u otro -- lo hemos experimentado. De hecho, aproximadamente una de cada diez personas ha tenido una situación crítica al menos una vez en su vida. Sean grandes o pequeñas, las cosas a las que tememos nos parecen insuperables, pero en realidad no lo son. Dile adiós a tus temores nos enseña que cuanto más te enfrentes a tus miedos, tanto más puedes entenderlos y tanto más fácilmente derrotarlos. Partiendo de su propia experiencia, Marcos Witt lleva a los lectores a comprender con claridad el cumplimiento de la Palabra de Dios como un puente para tener una vida de victoria y libertad, sin temores.

El dilema del baile: La complicada vida de Claudia Cristina Cortez (Claudia Cristina Cortez en español)

by Diana G Gallagher

Es el primer baile oficial de la escuela, pero los chicos no quieren ir a un baile formal. A Claudia se le ocurre una idea para que el baile sea muy divertido. Ma´s que un baile, sera´ una verdadera aventura con todo y premios.

The Dilemma of Western Philosophy (ISSN)

by Michael A. Peters Carl Mika

This edited collection takes a multifaceted approach to the various limitations and achievements of Western philosophy. Considered on its own, Western philosophy is a highly contentious name. The contributors question its validity as a label and take to task its grand appearance within education. However, part of the problem with Western philosophy is that it has less conventional as well as dominant manifestations. The writers consider both forms of Western philosophy, devoting significant thought and time to it in its own right, but always referring it to the more specific issue of education. This book adds to a growing corpus that sketches the relationship between education and philosophy, showing that they are deeply intertwined, and it is indeed philosophy (and especially its Western variation) that supports Western education and allows it to flourish in the first instance. It is fitting, then, that at various points this book depicts education as a hegemonic vehicle of a deeper phenomenon – that of dominant Western philosophy.This book was originally published as a special issue of Educational Philosophy and Theory.

Dilemmas of Difference, Inclusion and Disability: International Perspectives and Future Directions

by Brahm Norwich

**Shortlisted for the nasen Special Educational Needs Academic Book award 2008** Inclusion has become very influential internationally in the field of schooling. This has involved the introduction of policies that pursue more provision for, and acceptance of, students with special educational needs or disabilities in ordinary school settings. However, these policies represent different and often conflicting values and approaches to education. The basic dilemma of difference is whether to recognise or not to recognise differences, as either way there are negative implications or risks associated with stigma, devaluation, rejection or denial of relevant opportunities. This is the first book to examine ideas about these dilemmas from a range of disciplines and fields about the nature and origins of such dilemmas as they apply to special and inclusive education. In particular these dilemmas are about: identification – whether to identify students as having special educational needs / disabilities or not? curriculum – how much of a common curriculum is relevant to these students? placement – can appropriate learning can take place in ordinary schools and classes or not? This ground-breaking book examines professional educators and administrators at national and local authority level across three countries – England, USA and the Netherlands – and questions how they recognise tensions or dilemmas in responding to student differences. Of interest to researchers, students, academics and professionals, this study will provide a much needed, balanced and powerful contribution to the inclusion debate.

Dilemmas Of Educational Ethics: Cases And Commentaries

by Meira Levinson Jacob Fay

Educators and policy makers confront challenging questions of ethics, justice, and equity on a regular basis. Should teachers retain a struggling student if it means she will most certainly drop out? Should an assignment plan favor middle-class families if it means strengthening the school system for all? These everyday dilemmas are both utterly ordinary and immensely challenging, yet there are few opportunities and resources to help educators think through the ethical issues at stake. Drawing on research and methods developed in the Justice in Schools project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Dilemmas of Educational Ethics introduces a new interdisciplinary approach to achieving practical wisdom in education, one that honors the complexities inherent in educational decision making and encourages open discussion of the values and principles we should collectively be trying to realize in educational policy and practice. At the heart of the book are six richly described, realistic accounts of ethical dilemmas that have arisen in education in recent years, paired with responses written by noted philosophers, empirical researchers, policy makers, and practitioners, including Pedro Noguera, Howard Gardner, Mary Pattillo, Andres A. Alonso, Jamie Ahlberg, Toby N. Romer, and Michael J. Petrilli. The editors illustrate how readers can use and adapt these cases and commentaries in schools and other settings in order to reach a difficult decision, deepen their own understanding, or to build teams around shared values.

Dilemmas of Educational Ethics: Cases and Commentaries

by Meira Levinson and Jacob Fay

Educators and policy makers confront challenging questions of ethics, justice, and equity on a regular basis. Should teachers retain a struggling student if it means she will most certainly drop out? Should an assignment plan favor middle-class families if it means strengthening the school system for all? These everyday dilemmas are both utterly ordinary and immensely challenging, yet there are few opportunities and resources to help educators think through the ethical issues at stake. Drawing on research and methods developed in the Justice in Schools project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Dilemmas of Educational Ethics introduces a new interdisciplinary approach to achieving practical wisdom in education, one that honors the complexities inherent in educational decision making and encourages open discussion of the values and principles we should collectively be trying to realize in educational policy and practice. At the heart of the book are six richly described, realistic accounts of ethical dilemmas that have arisen in education in recent years, paired with responses written by noted philosophers, empirical researchers, policy makers, and practitioners, including Pedro Noguera, Howard Gardner, Mary Pattillo, Andres A. Alonso, Jamie Ahlberg, Toby N. Romer, and Michael J. Petrilli. The editors illustrate how readers can use and adapt these cases and commentaries in schools and other settings in order to reach a difficult decision, deepen their own understanding, or to build teams around shared values.

Dilemmas of Schooling: Teaching and Social Change (Routledge Library Editions: Education)

by Ann Berlak Harold Berlak

This study illuminates how the everyday activity of teachers raises profound economic, cultural, ethical, political and research issues, and provides a new and fruitful way of examining the practice of teaching. The first part of the book offers a detailed description of sensitively recorded school situations, arising from work carried out in a number of British primary schools. From the analysis of their research the authors constructed a theoretical perspective for looking at schooling in the form of sixteen ‘dilemmas’; the second half of the book is concerned with this perspective, and shows how the dilemmas constitute a language for looking at everyday schooling and relating it to more general political, social and cultural issues. The book thus spans the gap in educational thinking between work with a firm empirical base and specifically theoretical studies.

Dilemmas of Science Teaching: Perspectives on Problems of Practice

by John Wallace William Louden

This book explores sixteen contemporary issues in science education by examining the practical dilemmas these issues provoke for teachers. It is a unique book which presents student-teachers with personal and professional insights into a whole range of science topics including the laws of science, teaching ethics, laboratories and culture, gender and ethnicity.Each chapter takes as its focus one of the sixteen issues and begins with a case-study of a science lesson written by a practising teacher. This is followed by a short, reflective piece by the same teacher on how the lesson went and how opportunities for teaching and learning could be improved. This reflection is followed by commentaries from some of the world's leading science educators on what they felt were the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson.The extensive use of teacher-written case studies and commentaries will make this book suitable for the pre-service courses, where case methods are typically used to provide a context for learning the craft of teaching. The addition of commentaries from distinguished scholars makes the book relevant for postgraduate courses in science education and as a reference volume for teacher researchers.

A Dilemmatic Approach to Education: Exploring A New Model Of Educational Theory (Theorizing Education)

by Ariel Sarid

A Dilemmatic Approach to Education offers a unique approach to educational theorizing that enriches the way we think about education. Problematizing conventional education theory, it presents an unorthodox thesis that education is defined by an internal conflict between competing core values, which in turn produce core dilemmas. The book locates the theoretical foundations of a dilemmatic approach in the works of thinkers such as G. H. Mead, Gert Biesta, Luca Tateo, and Etienne Wenger. It then relates this dilemmatic approach to a general theory of education, partly defined as the realization of the 'good', conceived in terms of competing core values. The book uses Schwartz's theory of universal values as a framework for disclosing the core values competing in educational models. The dilemmatic nature of educational leadership (including social justice leadership) is set within the context of leading leadership theories and illustrated through exemplary leadership dilemmas. Lastly, the book identifies ethical self-understanding and communities-of-practice as practically affecting a dilemmatic approach to education. Presenting an innovative understanding of the nature and meaning of education, this book will be of great interest to academics, researchers and post-graduate students in the field of educational theory and educational research, as well as those interested in a deep engagement about the meaning of education.

Dimensions and Emerging Themes in Teaching Practicum: A Global Perspective (Routledge Research in Teacher Education)

by Melek Cakmak Muge Gunduz

Dimensions and Emerging Themes in Teaching Practicum establishes a forum to identify the characteristics of good practices of teaching practicum and debates key concepts and emerging themes in the field. The book takes a closer look at practicum from various dimensions and aims to obtain a deeper understanding of how it is perceived and whether the stakeholders in the practicum triad –university based teacher educators, pre-service teachers and school-based mentor teachers – share a common view in the same context. It provides opportunities for personal and professional growth for teacher candidates and an increased familiarity with international employment settings. <P><P>With contributions throughout from the USA, UK, Germany, Australia, Finland, Norway and Turkey, the book begins with a critical review of teaching practicum studies and goes on to consider such important topics as: pre-service teachers’ views of developing professional practice, virtual tools for teacher training, internationalization and creativity in teacher education programs. The book clarifies these key issues from the lens of research and practice by taking a closer look at practicum from various angles including new trends and practices as a response to changing needs in teacher education. Dimensions and Emerging Themes in Teaching Practicum will be of great interest to researchers and students in the teacher education field and will also appeal to teacher educators, policy makers in education and pre-service teachers.

Dimensions Math 6B

by Bill Jackson Kow Cheong Yan

Dimensions Math is a series designed to teach middle school students foundational skills in mathematics. It follows the Singapore Mathematics Framework and covers the content standards in the United States Common Core State Standards for mathematics. This series empowers students to solve problems and master concepts through the thoughtful use of different approaches. It facilitates students’ understanding and internalization of concepts and encourages deep exploration of topics. Students will enjoy learning math through this comprehensive system and be motivated to study, discover, and apply knowledge in real-life situations.

Dimensions Math Textbook 5B

by Singapore Math Inc Various Roles

The Dimensions Math® Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5 series is based on the pedagogy and methodology of math education in Singapore. The curriculum develops concepts in increasing levels of abstraction, emphasizing the three pedagogical stages: Concrete, Pictorial, and Abstract. Each topic is introduced, then thoughtfully developed through the use of problem solving, student discourse, and opportunities for mastery of skills.

Dimensions of Adult Learning: Adult education and training in a global era

by Griff Foley

Adult education has never been more important or urgent than it is today Few educators have had the impact on adult education of Griff Foley. Professor Peter McLaren, University of California, Los Angeles This timely and valuable book makes an important contribution to our understanding of key recent developments in adult education and their significance. Reflecting the increasingly global nature of scholarship in the field, well-respected international contributors analyse issues facing practitioners today, and consider how these can be most positively embraced to further the international cause of adult learning and social justice. Janet Hannah, University of NottinghamLearning is central to all aspects of human life, and failure to learn brings dire consequences. As our world becomes more integrated and complex, adult learning has become more important. Dimensions of Adult Learning offers a broad overview of adult learning in the workplace and community. Written by a team of international experts, it introduces the core skills and knowledge which underpin effective practice. It examines adult education policy and research, and highlights the social nature of adult learning. It also examines adult learning in different contexts: on-line learning, problem-based learning, organisational and vocational learning. Dimensions of Adult Learning is an essential reference for professionals and students.Griff Foley is Research Associate in Adult Education at the University of Technology, Sydney. He is author of Learning in Social Action and Strategic Learning.

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