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Escuela de Brujas Libro 3 Mi Primer Amor Verdadero
by Katrina Kahler Joanna Pardo GilLibros para niñas de 9 a 12 años: Charlotte se despierta de una horrible pesadilla, ¿podrá ser real? ¿Margaret regresó para vengarse? Charlotte vuelve a encontrarse con Charlie, y su corazón se detiene cuando se ven a los ojos. Hasta que algo desagradable ocurre, y Charlotte, completamente avergonzada y sintiendo nauseas, tiene que dejar a Charlie con Margaret. Charlotte descubre que tiene una habilidad especial. Al principio le es difícil controlarla, pero con la práctica, su habilidad resulta muy útil. La profesora Moffat anuncia que las niñas tendrán que pasar por 3 pruebas, y las mejores cinco visitarán el colegio de magos. ¿Cómo le irá a Charlotte? Tiene que ver a Charlie urgentemente para explicarle lo ocurrido en su último encuentro. ¿Podrá ir, o lo hará Margaret? Descubre todos los detalles en esta emocionante secuela.
Escuela de Brujas - Libro 4: El Libro de los Dragones - Para niñas de 9 a 12 años (Escuela de Brujas #4)
by Katrina Kahler Heidy Baratto EllgutterEl enamoramiento de Charlotte por Charlie, sigue creciendo cuando ella compite contra él en la Competencia de la Varita Mágica Dorada, en el Bosque Tenebroso. El enamoramiento de Charlotte por Charlie, sigue creciendo cuando ella compite contra él en la Competencia de la Varita Mágica Dorada, en el Bosque Tenebroso. Por supuesto, Margaret es una molestia y está haciendo patentes sus sentimientos hacia Charlie. ¿Quién le gustará más a Charlie? ¿Charlotte o Margaret? Dos de las niñas y una maestra de la Academia, han ideado un plan maléfico para poder tener acceso al Libro de los Dragones. Ellas no imaginan que abrir el libro provocará un evento catastrófico. Niñas, esta es una descripción corta, pero no quisiera arruinarles la historia del libro. Espero que les encante.
Escuela de frikis (Escuela de frikis #Volumen 1)
by Gitty DaneshvaryCuatro amigos compartirán sus aventuras en la escuela más friki que nunca se haya conocido. A Theo, Madeleine, Lulu y Garrison les une solo una cosa: cada uno de ellos sufre de alguna fobia. Los cuatro acaban en la misteriosa ESCUELA DE FRIKIS, un lugar inaccesible y aislado regentado por la excéntrica Mrs. Wellington y su mayordomo ciego: maquilladísima, con peluca y rodeaba de gatos y de un perro que parecen los dueños y señores de la escuela. El panorama para los cuatro no puede ser más desolador.
Escuela de supermalos 1 - Suspenso en maldad (Escuela de supermalos #Volumen 1)
by Ryan HammondSer MALO nunca había sido tan BUENO. El primer título de esta nueva serie divertídisima y muy ilustrada. Bienvenido a la Escuela de Supermalos, la escuela de villanos más prestigiosa del mundo. De aquí saldrás hecho un supermalo en toda regla... ¡o no sadlrás! Es el primer día de clase para Bram el chico lobo. Bram no se siente un villano de verdad, pero con la ayuda de sus nuevos amigos Mona la bruja-hada, Bryan el león, Shelia la fantasma y Tony el esqueleto seguro que consigue encontrar la maldad que lleva dentro y convertirse en el villano que siempre quiso ser. Los ingredientes de esta serie son: -Capítulos breves, tramas sencillas... ¡llenas de ilustraciones! -La amistad, los monstruos y el humor. -Un grupo de amigos con los que los lectores se sentirán identificados ¡aunque sean monstruos! -Perfecto para empezar a leer solos o para lectores reticentes.Si te gustan los monstruos y el humor... ¡te encantará Escuela de Supermalos!
Escuela dominical el corazón de la iglesia
by Ralph WilliamsEscuela Dominical, el corazón de la Iglesia es una obra que desafía al creyente a volver al estudio sistemático de la Palabra de Dios. Hoy, cuando muchas congregaciones han dejado a un lado la escuela dominical, se siente la necesidad de forjar hombres, mujeres y niños con bases sólidas fundamentadas en las Escrituras. Ralph Williams plantea el reto con la esperanza de que la iglesia contemporánea responda afirmativamente.
Las escuelas que cambian el mundo
by César BonaEl nuevo libro de César Bona nos invita a conocer de primera mano algunos de los casos maravillosos que están teniendo lugar en el ámbito educativo español, excelentes ejemplos de que la educación de nuestros hijos, la forma de enseñarles, puede hacerse de otra manera y, lo mejor de todo: funciona. Hay escuelas en España que están cambiando la educación. Escuelas que no están en Finlandia ni en Suecia; unas son públicas, otras rurales y algunas incluso están masificadas. Todas ellas son «Escuelas Changemaker» y están preparadas para liderar una verdadera transformación educativa. César Bona ha viajado por siete ciudades y pueblos siguiendo el camino de algunas de las escuelas que están luchando para que cada niño, niña y joven tenga la oportunidad de convertirse en un agente de cambio. Son lugares que cuentan con alumnos motivados, maestros corrientes, y padres cómplices detrás. Escuelas excelentes académicamente y conun proyecto integral donde el respeto, la creatividad, la imaginación, el trabajo en equipo, la empatía y la interacción con la sociedad son el mejor camino para completar las enseñanzas de las asignaturas tradicionales. César Bona nos narra, con su personal y cercana voz, lo que han logrado estas escuelas, lo novedoso de sus métodos y cómo todos, sea cual sea nuestra edad, podemos cambiar el mundo. No olvidemos que los niños no son los adultos del mañana, son los niños del presente y ellos, si les dejamos ser niños, si les reforzamos su creatividad natural, su imaginación desbordante y trabajamos la empatía, la solidaridad y el respeto, pueden cambiar el mundo. No en el futuro, sino ahora. Porque una nueva educación no es un sueño, es una realidad.
eService-Learning: Creating Experiential Learning and Civic Engagement Through Online and Hybrid Courses
by Jean Strait Katherine J. NordykeThis book serves as an introduction to using online teaching technologies and hybrid forms of teaching for experiential learning and civic engagement. Service-learning has kept pace neither with the rapid growth in e-learning in all its forms nor with the reality that an increasing number of students are learning online without exposure to the benefits of this powerful pedagogy.Eservice-learning (electronic service-learning) combines service-learning and on-line learning and enables the delivery of the instruction and/or the service to occur partially or fully online. Eservice-learning allows students anywhere, regardless of geography, physical constraints, work schedule, or other access limitations, to experience service-learning. It reciprocally also equips online learning with a powerful tool for engaging students.In eservice-learning, the core components of service, learning, and reflection may take a different form due to the online medium—for example, reflection often occurs through discussion board interactions, journals, wikis, or blogs in an eservice-learning course. Moreover, the service, though still community-based, creates a world of opportunities to connect students with communities across the globe—as well as at their very own doorstep.This book introduces the reader to the four emerging types of eservice-learning, from Extreme EService-Learning (XE-SL) classes where 100% of the instruction and 100% of the service occur online, to three distinct forms of hybrid where either the service or the instruction are delivered wholly on-line – with students, for instance, providing online products for far-away community partners – or in which both are delivered on-site and online. It considers the instructional potential of common mobile technologies – phones, tablets and mobile reading devices. The authors also address potential limitations, such as technology challenges, difficulties sustaining three-way communication among the instructor, community partner, and students, and added workload.The book includes research studies on effectiveness as well as examples of practice such drafting grants for a community partner, an informational technology class building online communities for an autism group, and an online education class providing virtual mentoring to at-risk students in New Orleans from across the country.
The ESG and Sustainability Deskbook for Business: A Guide to Policy, Regulation, and Practice
by Kristyn NoethThe interest in sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) from stakeholders across all sectors is growing and will continue to do so as we are in the most pivotal decade for meeting the global goals on climate change and sustainable development. This book is a compendium of the international agreements, regulatory advancements, and current practicum to inform a 360-degree viewpoint of the organizations, frameworks, and stakeholders that shape the evolving landscape.Written in a straightforward and conversational tone, you’ll embark on a knowledge journey on the progression of ESG and sustainability and how it directly shapes and informs current practice. It provides insights, discussion, and topical briefings as a side-by-side reader to accompany the rise of ESG and sustainability in business and the markets. The flow of information and reader education begins with the origins of sustainability in international treaties and policy. It then moves on to theadvent and differentiation of ESG, sustainability, and social responsibility; provides substantive issue briefings on the key “E,” “S,” and “G” factors. You’ll continue by walking through the global regulatory and standards paradigms; delve into ESG ratings and indices; and examine in-depth analysis of the respective roles of the corporation, the financial and investment sector, the international bodies, the business interest groups, the NGOs and third-party organizations, and the philanthropic community. You’ll also see that corporations and investors are advancing ESG and sustainability strategies and programs at a record pace. What were once regarded as “nice-to-have” initiatives with voluntary reporting have moved into the regulated sphere with mandatory public disclosures and reporting requirements on greenhouse gas emissions, climate risk and transition planning, biodiversity and nature-related impacts, supply chain transparency, anti-bribery and corruption, humanrights, human capital, and board diversity. The ESG and Sustainability Deskbook for Business threads the needle with best practices, case studies, and takeaways to illustrate the applications and to enhance understanding.What You Will LearnStudy the progression of ESG and sustainability and how related considerations increasingly drive business, policy, and economic decisionsReview Takeaways and best practices to provide insights and discussion pointsUnderstand the critical differences between ESG, social responsibility, and sustainabilityWho This Book is ForESG and Sustainability Practitioners (across all sectors), Corporate leadership, Tech sector (a key growth area for compliance, reporting, and GHG accounting), Investors, Compliance, risk, legal, and corporate governance professionals, Management and board consultants
ESG Management of the Development of the Green Economy in Central Asia (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)
by Elena G. Popkova Bruno S. SergiThis book proposes digitalization as a promising direction for green growth and sustainable development of the economy of Central Asia. It reveals the advanced and unique hands-on and case-based experience of Central Asia in ESG management with the involvement of digital technologies and provides practical recommendations on the extension of the use of digital technologies in ESG management of the development of the green economy in Central Asia.
Esgrima Bíblica
by Josué Valdez VargasEste libro contiene treinta y dos capítulos de fascinantes preguntas bíblicas para todas las edades. Esgrima Bíblica es un libro sencillo, pero extenso en su contenido, basado en las verdades reveladas en el libro de los libros, la Biblia.La lectura lo transportará a: narraciones, historias, adivinanzas, destellos biográficos de personajes famosos, lugares, ciudades, oficios, sucesos profético; que sucedieron, están sucediendo, y van a suceder.Esgrima Bíblica puede ayudarle a realizar una competencia entre 2 o más participantes. Al estudiar la Biblia, el creyente forma parte en escudriñar la palabra, que es la espada del Espíritu (Efesios 6.16, 17). Por lo cual, podemos entender, discernir, y comprobar cuál sea la buena voluntad de Dios, agradable y perfecta. (Romanos 12.2).Así mismo, Esgrima Bíblica, está escrito en un lenguaje idóneo y nos presenta una enseñanza sólida y dinámica para el servicio de iglesias, siendo dirigido a la juventud, y a los demás grupos dentro de la iglesia.Este libro puede ser utilizado de una manera individual o en forma colectiva. La persona que dirige una reunión en la iglesia, puede desarrollar un concurso bíblico con los asistentes, y describir qué tema o capítulo será evaluado en el concurso de preguntas y respuestas.Se puede incluir la participación de un árbitro u observador, que estará anotando el puntaje, y puede; al final del concurso, elaborar un informe de los aciertos de cada participante, si así lo designa la persona que dirige.En esta obra usted podrá conocer más de 900 preguntas bíblicas y sus respuestas. Este libro, es muy útil para estudiantes de la palabra de Dios, y enriquecedor para todo aquel que inicio el conocimiento sobre la Biblia.
ESL (ELL) Literacy Instruction: A Guidebook to Theory and Practice
by Lee Gunderson Reginald Arthur D'Silva Dennis Murphy OdoNow in its fourth edition, ESL (ELL) Literacy Instruction combines a comprehensive scope with practical, research-based tools and applications for reading instruction. Designed for use by pre-service and in-service teachers, this guidebook provides the context and expertise to plan and implement reading programs that match the needs and abilities of students at all ages and levels of proficiency. The book explains different models of literacy instruction from systematic phonics to whole language instruction, discusses controversies in the field, and includes specific teaching methods within each model. The fourth edition highlights recent developments in education policy, new models of instruction, and devotes greater attention to issues surrounding assessment. An expanded companion website integrates with the text to offer additional tools and examples, and readers are encouraged to develop their own teaching strategies within their own instructional models. Providing a thorough overview of the history and major issues of ESL (ELL) literacy instruction, this book will be of great interest to pre-service and in-service teachers at all levels, from kindergarten to adult learners.
ESL (ELL) Literacy Instruction: A Guidebook to Theory and Practice
by Lee Gunderson Dennis Murphy Odo Reginald D'SilvaESL (ELL) Literacy Instruction provides both ESL and mainstream teachers with the background and expertise necessary to plan and implement reading programs that match the particular needs and abilities of their students. Comprehensive and research-based, it applies current ESL and reading research and theory to practice. Designed for use by pre-service and in-service teachers at all levels from kindergarten to adult learners, it explains different models of literacy instruction from systematic phonics to whole language instruction and includes specific teaching methods within each model. Multicultural issues are addressed. Instructional matrices that account for the wide variations in ESL (ELL) student backgrounds and abilities form the pedagogical basis of the approach described in the text. The matrices, based on extensive research, involve two easily measured variables that predict what programs and approaches will be comprehensible for learners who vary in age, literacy background, English ability, and program needs. Readers are encouraged to develop their own teaching strategies within their own instructional models.
The ESL/ELL Teacher's Survival Guide: Ready-to-Use Strategies, Tools, and Activities for Teaching All Levels (J-b Ed: Survival Guides #175)
by Larry Ferlazzo Katie Hull SypnieskiMaximize the educational potential of your ESL/ELL class with this singular resource The ESL/ELL Teacher's Survival Guide: Ready-to-Use Strategies, Tools, and Activities for Teaching English Language Learners of All Levels, 2nd Edition offers readers a comprehensive range of instructional strategies and educational resources for teaching English. The newly revised 2nd Edition includes brand new chapters on: • Working with Long-Term English Language Learners • Teaching English internationally • Teaching Elementary Age ELLs • Teaching Adult ELLs • Teaching ELLs with learning challenges • Culturally Responsive Instruction • Effective online instruction • Working with co-teachers and para-professionals In addition to the new chapters, The ESL/ELL Teacher's Survival Guide contains updated material on topics including math, science, social studies, Common Core Standards, the Next Generation Science Standards and 150 pages of new, highly engaging content. An essential resource for anyone involved in teaching English as a Second Language to students of all ages, this book is perfect for general education teachers and ESL specialists for students in grades six through twelve. It’s also highly instructive for teachers of adult ESL classes, elementary and teacher educators, and resource specialists.
The ESL / ELL Teacher's Survival Guide
by Larry Ferlazzo Katie Hull SypnieskiA much-needed resource for teaching English to all learners The number of English language learners in U. S. schools is projected to grow to twenty-five percent by 2025. Most teachers have English learners in their classrooms, from kindergarten through college. The ESL/ELL Teacher?s Survival Guide offers educators practical strategies for setting up an ESL-friendly classroom, motivating and interacting with students, communicating with parents of English learners, and navigating the challenges inherent in teaching ESL students. Provides research-based instructional techniques which have proven effective with English learners at all proficiency levels Offers thematic units complete with reproducible forms and worksheets, sample lesson plans, and sample student assignments The book?s ESL lessons connect to core standards and technology applications This hands-on resource will give all teachers at all levels the information they need to be effective ESL instructors.
ESL Intermediate/Advanced Grammar (English As A Second Language Ser.)
by Mary Ellen Munoz PageDesigned for intermediate and advanced high school- and college-level non-native speakers of English who need to improve their ESL (English as a Second Language) grammar skills. ESL Intermediate/Advanced Grammar provides students with simple explanations of grammar, skill-building exercises, detailed answer keys, and test-taking techniques. It's the perfect companion for classroom use or self-guided studies in ESL. DETAILS - Grammar-oriented exercises with simple explanations that allow students to master concepts through extensive practice - Test-taking techniques featuring strategies for success on ESL tests - Comprehensive Glossary - Superb preparation for students taking the TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language)
ESL Intermediate/Advanced Writing (English As A Second Language Ser.)
by Mary Ellen Munoz Page Steven GrasMaster ESL (English as a Second Language) Writing with the study guide designed for non-native speakers of English. Skill-building lessons relevant to today's topics help ESL students write complete sentences, paragraphs, and even multi-paragraph essays. It's perfect for classroom use or self-guided writing preparation. DETAILS - Intermediate drills for improving skills with parallel structure, mood, correct shifting errors & dangling participles - Advanced essay drills focusing on narrative, descriptive, process, reaction, comparison and contrast - Superb preparation for students taking the TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language)
ESL Mathematics for Standardized Tests (English As A Second Language Ser.)
by Catherine Price Sandra RushSpecial focus: Math English vocabularly, presented specifically with ESL learners in mind. This invaluable review and preparatory book is designed to help high school- and college-level non-native speakers of English prepare for standardized mathematics tests. ESL (English as a Second Language) Mathematics for Standardized Testing provides students with a comprehensive math review using simple explanations, skill-building exercises, detailed answer keys, and test-taking techniques. It's a perfect book for classroom use or self-guided math studies! Details - In-depth math review explained in easy-to-understand English - Drills and exercises covering tested math areas - Answers to drills/exercises thoroughly detailed for smarter study - Proven test-taking strategies and techniques
ESL Più cose da sapere sull'inglese
by Kenneth D. BostianINTRODUZIONE I seguenti contenuti sono tratti da un altro libro di inglese che avevo messo insieme mentre ero in Cina. Iniziamo con le contrazioni inglesi. L'insegnamento delle contrazioni è molto importante perché le contrazioni sono una parte fondamentale dell'inglese parlato e spesso vengono ignorate dagli insegnanti di inglese stranieri. Nel resto di questo piccolo opuscolo parlo dei problemi legati alla pronuncia che spesso hanno gli studenti stranieri di inglese e di come correggere questi problemi!
ESL : Plus de choses à savoir sur l'anglais
by Kenneth D. BostianUn livre très utile pour les apprenants d'anglais, qu'ils soient étudiants ou enseignants. Ce livre couvre de nombreuses parties de l'anglais qui ne sont pas abordées en classe. Il comprend des contractions, des liens entre les mots, des réductions, l'utilisation de dictionnaires et bien plus encore !
ESL Readers and Writers in Higher Education: Understanding Challenges, Providing Support (ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series)
by Norman W. Evans Neil J Anderson William G. EggingtonESL Readers and Writers in Higher Education describes the challenges ESL students in U.S. postsecondary institutions face when studying in a second language, and offers suggestions for how teachers, advisors, tutors, and institutions might provide support that meets the reading and writing needs of this very important student population. Because the ESL profession as a whole, including what professionals are doing in the classroom, sits under the umbrella of an institutional response to a language-related challenge, some solutions aimed at helping students achieve optimal proficiency lie outside of the classroom. As such, this book is based on the assertion that language development support is not the sole responsibility of language teachers. Everyone on campuses that hosts ESL students bears some responsibility for these students' language development. Chapters are therefore, intentionally adapted to appeal to a wide variety of readers from classroom teachers, and teachers in training, to admissions officers, academic advisors, and international student advisors.
Esmorzar a Central Park (Sèrie New York Academy #Volumen 3)
by Ana Punset«Després d'esforçar-me tant, ha arribat l'hora de demostrar que estic preparada per presentar-me al millor concurs per joves escriptors. D'això depèn quedar-me a Nova York o haver de renunciar a tot. Sé que ho vull amb totes les meves forces, però és el repte més gran què he encarat mai. No em rendiré, no ara. Vaig a per totes!» #NewYorkAcademy La Sofia segueix vivint el seu somni a Nova York. Escriu i gaudeix de la seva relació amb l'Hugo, de la que ja no ha d'amagar-se, i ha recuperat la seva amistat amb l'Alma, que s'havia vist perjudicada pels secrets i mentides, i de moment sembla que el Tim ha deixat de molestar-los i de fer-los la vida impossible. Ella està feliç, avança dia a dia a les seves classes i sembla que està aconseguint el respecte del Bromer, que segueix tan estricte com sempre. Tot sembla funcionar però, serà capaç la Sofía de mantenir aquesta felicitat que tant li ha costat aconseguir i, sobre tot, a quin preu?
ESO14 Bhartiya Samaj me Jaati ki Vyakhya - IGNOU
by IgnouIn this section it highlighted about various of religion Indian societies.
ESO14 Bhartiya Samaj me Varg - IGNOU
by IgnouIn this section 7 we know the thinking of different category of Indian Societies. In this section there are four units and every units describe the different category.
ESO14 Jaatiya Strikaran - IGNOU
by IgnouIn this section after reading we would know about ethnicity of every ethnic group is important in their life. This section is also described in four sections.
ESO14 Samajik Gatishilata - IGNOU
by IgnouIn this section we is about to read about social mobility and how it process and know about various type.