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Estratégias Comprovadas para a Gestão de Sala de Aula

by Randy Bentinck

Quando se tem em mãos as estratégias corretas, os maiores desafios na gestão da sala de aula se tornam mais fáceis. No livro Estratégias Comprovadas para a Gestão de Sala de Aula: O Guia Definitivo para a Gestão da Sala de Aula Eficaz para Todo o Ano Letivo, você encontrará algumas das melhores estratégias para gerenciar o ambiente da sala de aula. Você descobrirá as técnicas e os métodos eficazes e úteis, tanto para o professor no início da carreira como para o professor experiente. Este livro traz informações preciosas para professores de todos os níveis. Em uma sala de aula bem gerenciada, o professor é quem está no comando e as aulas se desenvolvem com um ritmo produtivo apesar de eventuais comportamentos distrativos. Seja o gestor da sua sala de aula e do processo de ensino-aprendizado e garanta os resultados dos alunos com Estratégias Comprovadas para a Gestão de Sala de Aula. COMPRE JÁ O SEU!

Estrategias de Estudio: Consejos para aprobar los exámenes

by Miguel M. Macieira Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo

Muchos libros y artículos ya se han escrito con el fin de explicar las maneras más simples y efectivas para estudiar. El hecho de que muchos recursos ya fueran empleados en este proceso, demuestra que estudiar puede ser una tarea ardua. Sin embargo, no precisa ser así. A pesar de que los métodos disponibles actualmente no funcionan para todas las personas, siempre se puede contar con un buen intento/error para identificar los modos que facilitan nuestro viaje al conocimiento y al aprendizaje. Aunque los consejos de estudio aquí presentados no substituirán al esfuerzo necesario para obtener buenas notas y pasar las pruebas y exámenes, cada idea valiosa dirigida a esos objetivos es muy bienvenida, ya que el proceso de aprendizaje es, frecuentemente, bastante cansado. En este libro, compilamos en la primera parte, las orientaciones básicas para que los estudiantes se desenvuelvan mejor en las tareas que les competen; y, en la segunda parte, aportamos consejos específicos, así como estrategias para poner en práctica un "plan de emergencia" para exámenes.

Estudiar vs. Aprender: La psicología detrás del éxito estudiantil

by Troy Dvorak

Este es un libro de autoayuda para estudiantes de colegio y universidad que se enfoca en habilidades psicológicas y de aprendizaje; está respaldado por más de 300 fuentes de información y más de 20 años de experiencia en psicología. [Estudiar Vs aprender: La psicología detrás del éxito estudiantil] Si quieres maximizar tu aprendizaje y éxito en la universidad, necesitas excelentes habilidades de pensamiento, habilidades de aprendizaje y habilidades psicológicas, más allá de lo que puedas necesitar consejos de estudio. Este libro te ayudará a desarrollar esas habilidades, a hacerte más una persona más confiada, eficiente y productiva. Es una guía práctica para desarrollar habilidades esenciales para la universidad, muchas de las cuales nunca has oído mencionar antes, con sugerencias directas que puedes poner en práctica ahora mismo. Cuando la vida es dura, no te pones a hacer fichas de estudio o a memorizar definiciones. Necesitas las habilidades personales y los hábitos descritos en Estudiar vs. Aprender para lidiar de manera efectiva con las circunstancias difíciles, dentro y fuera de la universidad.

Estudio Bíblico para Mujeres: Guía y Libro de Ejercicios

by Brian Gugas Sarah H.

Dios tiene mucho para decirle a las mujeres a través de Su Palabra, La Biblia. Destaca nuestro rol en el hogar como hijas, esposas y madres, así también como nuestro rol como mujeres en la Iglesia. La Biblia también está llena de historias de mujeres cuyas vidas y experiencias son enseñanzas valiosas sobre cómo y por qué debemos tener vidas de fe y obediencia a Cristo. Hay muchos ejemplos, también, sobre lo que no debemos hacer, pero incluso estos nos sirven para acercarnos a nuestro Salvador. El estudio bíblico para mujeres no solo nos revela cuáles son las intenciones de Dios para las mujeres, sino que también nos guía a través del proceso de mirar más de cerca nuestra propia vida. Nos ayuda a decidir cómo podemos hacer para que el propósito de Dios para las mujeres sea más personal e importante en tu propia vida. Ya sea que seas hombre o mujer, el objetivo final de nuestras vidas es vivir de tal manera que cada cosa que hagamos sea para glorificar a Dios. El estudio bíblico para mujeres te ayudará a hacer exactamente eso.

Estudo Bíblico para Mulheres: Guia e Livro de Atividades

by Brian Gugas

Deus tem muito a dizer para as mulheres nas palavras da Bíblia. Ele delineia nossos papeis em casa como filhas, esposas e mães, bem como nossos papéis como mulheres na igreja. A Bíblia também está cheia de histórias de mulheres cujas vidas e experiências são lições valiosas para nós sobre como e por que devemos viver de forma fiel e obediente. Há até mesmo alguns exemplos de como não viver e as consequências que sofremos por nossa desobediência. O Estudo Bíblico para Mulheres não revela apenas as intenções de Deus para as mulheres, mas também orienta você no processo olhar sua própria vida mais de perto; decidir como você pode tornar o propósito de Deus para as mulheres mais pessoal e relevante para sua própria vida. Seja homem ou mulher, o objetivo definitivo de nossas vidas é viver de modo que tudo o que falamos e fazemos seja para a glória de Deus. O Estudo Bíblico para Mulheres ajudará você a fazer exatamente isso.

ESV® Standard Lesson Commentary® 2016-2017

by Standard Publishing

As the nation's most popular annual Bible commentary for more than two decades, the Standard Lesson Commentary provides 52 weeks of study in a single volume and combines thorough Bible study with relevant examples and questions.The ESV SLC Paperback Edition is perfect as the primary resource for an adult Sunday school class and personal study or as a supplemental resource for any curriculum that follows the ISSL/Uniform Series.Nearly two dozen ministers, teachers, and Christian education specialists provide the Bible commentary, lesson plans, discussion questions, and other features that make the Standard Lesson Commentary the most popular annual Bible commentary available.The Standard Lesson Commentary is based on the popular Uniform Series, also called the International Sunday School Lessons. This series, developed by scholars from several church fellowships, provides an orderly study of the Bible in a 6-year period.

ESV® Standard Lesson Commentary® 2017-2018

by Standard Publishing

As the nation's most popular annual Bible commentary for more than 2 decades, the Standard Lesson Commentary provides 52 weeks of study in a single volume and combines thorough Bible study with relevant examples and questions.The ESV SLC Paperback Edition is perfect as the primary resource for an adult Sunday school class and personal study or as a supplemental resource for any curriculum that follows the ISSL/Uniform Series.Nearly 2 dozen ministers, teachers, and Christian education specialists provide the Bible commentary, lesson plans, discussion questions, and other features that make the Standard Lesson Commentary the most popular annual Bible commentary available.The Standard Lesson Commentary is based on the popular Uniform Series, also called the International Sunday School Lessons. This series, developed by scholars from several church fellowships, provides an orderly study of the Bible in a 6-year period.

Et maintenant... Que se passe-t-il ?: Un conte sur le dépassement de soi et la prise de décisions. À partir de 7 ans

by A. P. Hernández

Alvaro est un hibou comme tant d'autres qui vit heureux dans la forêt jusqu'à ce qu'un jour, sa vie changera soudainement. Découvre ses aventures !

Etching, Engraving and Other Intaglio Printmaking Techniques (Dover Art Instruction)

by Ruth Leaf

Intaglio printmaking involves engraving or incising a figure in stone or other hard material to obtain an impression from the subsurface design. In this thorough handbook, a noted printmaker and teacher offers complete up-to-date coverage of etching, engraving, drypoint, and other well-known intaglio techniques, as well as such less-familiar methods as tuilegraphs, collagraphs, and transfers.The first part of the book is devoted to a thorough introduction to materials and tools, printing equipment, papers, presses--even how to set up your workshop for maximum safety and efficiency. In Part Two, the author proceeds to a detailed discussion of etching techniques, including formulas for grounds and inks, aquatint, white ground, hard ground, soft ground, sugar lift, and acids.Once familiar with basic etching techniques, the student is then given precise illustrated instructions in printing techniques, including basic printing, double intaglio printing (the author's own method); color printing and embossing, the viscosity method, and viscosity and aquatint. For each procedure, clear, step-by-step directions cover the process itself, materials and equipment required, and cleanup. An especially helpful "what went wrong" section at the end of each chapter diagnoses problems and offers solutions.In Part 4 Ms. Leaf details other mediums and methods: drypoint, notable for its characteristic velvety dark lines; engraving, one of the earliest forms of expression known to man, dating back to prehistoric times; collagraphs, plates made in the same way as collages and then printed; and the Blake Transfer Method, adapted from a technique developed by the English artist and poet William Blake (1757-1827).A final Appendix treats such ancillary topics as framing and matting prints, storage, agents, and where to sell and show your work. Enhanced with over 220 illustrations, including works by Rembrandt, Callot, Dürer, Goya, and Brueghel, and a wealth of illustrative figures and photographs, this precise and detailed manual belongs at the side of any serious printmaker, novice, or ink-stained veteran. "Excellent, comprehensive . . . superbly organized." -- AB Bookman's Weekly.

Ethan Marcus Makes His Mark

by Michele Weber Hurwitz

Ethan and Erin go to Tech Camp and try to win a chance to “make” a difference in classrooms everywhere in this hilarious follow-up to Ethan Marcus Stands Up. <P><P> Ethan and Erin Marcus may only be eleven months apart age-wise, but they are a million miles apart in every other respect. Ethan’s laid back and takes things in stride. Erin’s a little more…intense and doesn’t really like to go with the flow. So when these two polar opposites are invited to attend a prestigious invention/maker camp during winter break it seems almost impossible. Even though Erin and Ethan have reached a kind of truce, Erin thinks that his invitation to the camp was a mistake. And for that reason, Ethan decides to go. He has something to prove to everyone—but mostly to himself—and he’s convinced that his desk-evator idea has great potential…if he can do it right right. But he’s going to have to do it on his own. His buddy Brian isn’t coming, neither is Erin’s partner Zoe, so the Marcus siblings are going to have to find new partners. This is especially important to Erin whose rival, Romanov, is also attending the camp. Erin’s never forgiven him for his comment about “girls” having no place in science. She’s determined to beat him. But then she overhears someone talking about Romanov’s project, and decides that she’ll never be able to compete with his game-changing invention. So, what now? It’s Brian who provides the solution: Why don’t the Marcus siblings combine their ideas, their brains, and their teams, and make something spectacular? <P><P> With only one day left, can Erin and Ethan actually create a workable model of their idea, and is it enough to win?

Ethan Marcus Stands Up

by Michele Weber Hurwitz

Multiple points-of-view lead to multiple theories about what really happened after one kid turns a punishment into a protest in this hilarious new novel from Michele Weber Hurwitz.Perennial good kid Ethan Marcus has just done the unthinkable: refuse to stay seated during class. He’s not causing a riot; he’s not wandering around; he’s just sick of sitting. But the rules aren’t designed for Ethan, and so he is sent to the principal’s office. When Ethan’s sentence results in a Reflection Day—McNutt Middle School’s answer to detention—his faculty advisor suggests that Ethan channel the energy that caused his “transgression” by entering the school’s Invention Day Competition. Ethan is not exactly Mark Zuckerberg, so he doubts his ability to make anything competition-worthy. That’s the department of his slightly older sister Erin. But as Ethan and his buddy Brian get into the assignment, they realize they might actually have something. Enter Romanov, the resident tech whiz, refuses to give them tips, which causes Erin to be furious at her formally slacker now traitor brother. Meanwhile, Erin’s friend Zoe is steering clear of Erin’s drama for the first time ever after realizing that she may be crushing on Ethan. Then there’s Brian who has bigger things to worry about, and finally loner kid Wesley, who may know more than others realize… Told in the perspectives of multiple students, discover what really happened on the day that one kid decided to take a stand against sitting down.

Ethan, Suspended

by Pamela Ehrenberg

After getting suspended from school, Ethan Oppenheimer is uprooted from his comfortable suburban life in Pennsylvania and sent to live in Washington, D.C., with grandparents he hardly knows. At Parker Junior High, he stands out as the only white student. Making friends there is difficult; fitting in, impossible. It doesn't help that his overprotective grandparents expect him to live their old-fashioned, frugal lifestyle. As he tries to find his way in this new world, Ethan also struggles with issues from the world he left behind guilt about the events surrounding his suspension, anxiety about his parents' separation, loneliness for the company of his family and friends. Slowly, Ethan adjusts. He makes a few friends; he joins the jazz band and learns a new instrument; he even gets used to dried-out dinners at 4:30 pm. Along the way he learns a lot about prejudice and acceptance and about himself and his changing family situation.

The Ether: Vero Rising (An Ether Novel #1)

by Laurice Elehwany Molinari

The Fiercest of Warriors? Vero Leland always suspected he was different from others his own age, ever since his childhood attempts to fly. But he never could have predicted the truth—or how much his life was about to change. Soon after his twelfth birthday, Vero learns he is a guardian angel and is abruptly transported to the Ether, the spiritual realm that surrounds the earth. Yet before he can be counted among these fierce warriors, Vero must learn to master his growing powers, competing with other angels-in- training and battling demonic creatures known as maltures as well as mythical creatures such as the leviathan. Until his instruction is complete, Vero needs to alternate between the Ether and his regular life. If he survives training and accepts his destiny—a destiny he did not choose—he must leave everything behind, including his family and the life he loves. Meanwhile, an evil is growing—the maltures are rising, and Vero appears to be their target.

Ethical Ambiguity in the Hebrew Bible: Philosophical Analysis of Scriptural Narrative

by Shira Weiss

In this book, Shira Weiss elucidates the moral tradition of the Hebrew Bible by subjecting ethically challenging biblical texts to moral philosophical analysis. Examining the most essential questions of Jewish Thought, she uses contemporary philosophy to decipher Scriptural ethics as uncovered from a variety of biblical stories. Aided by ancient, medieval, and contemporary resources, Weiss presents a comprehensive discussion of enduring ethical questions that arise from biblical narrative and continue to be contested in modern times. She shows how such analysis can unsettle assumptions and beliefs, as well as foster moral reflection. Ethical Ambiguity in the Hebrew Bible will be of interest to scholars and students of ethics, philosophy, Jewish thought, biblical theology, and exegesis.

Ethical Applied Behavior Analysis Models for Individuals Impacted by Autism

by Betty Fry Williams Randy Lee Williams Stephanie Peterson Rebecca Eldridge

Ethical Applied Behavior Analysis Models for Individuals Impacted by Autism provides teachers, parents, and behavior analysts with a comprehensive analysis of evidence-based, behavior analytic programs for the therapeutic treatment of persons with autism, from infancy through adulthood. Chapters review the characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), behavior analytic concepts and interventions, and discuss the eight different effective treatment programs, examining each approach's scientific base and value. Fully updated to reflect current research and understanding of autism, this second edition includes new chapters on evaluating high-quality behavior analytic programs, as well as explorations of programs covering the verbal behavior approach and those specially designed for adults.

An Ethical Approach to Practitioner Research: Dealing with Issues and Dilemmas in Action Research

by Anne Campbell Susan Groundwater-Smith

Practice based research is burgeoning in a number of professional areas. An Ethical Approach to Practitioner Research covers a comprehensive range of issues and dilemmas encountered in practitioner and action research contexts. While principally focused upon practitioner inquiry in education it takes account of, and acknowledges that others engaged in professional practice such as in legal, nursing and social care contexts, face similar issues and dilemmas. It aims to stimulate ethical thinking and practice in enquiry and research contexts. Following moves to promote professional learning and development in the workplace, there is an increase in the number of practitioners engaging in action or inquiry based learning in the workplace supported by university staff or consultants, as evidenced in the emergence of professional learning communities and learning networks. There are many tensions inherent in relationships between practitioners and academics in terms of the setting of the research agenda, the policy implications that may flow from it and the right to publish outcomes. Negotiating that relationship requires ethical probity where each party recognises, understands and respects mutual responsibilities. The book explores this through a wide variety of roles from those of academic researchers, consultants and teachers to professional practitioners as researchers and, importantly, students and children. It therefore illustrates a number of differing perspectives about ethics and research which are allied to those roles Drawing on the expertise of international researchers and academics from America, Australia and Europe, the book provides invaluable support to the novice researcher and illuminates some of the more intricate issues for the more experienced research practitioner.Packed with detailed and thought-provoking examples this book contains both theoretical analyses of ethical matters and offers practical advice to practitioner and action researchers across the fields of schools hospitals and community and family settings.

Ethical Case Studies for Coach Development and Practice: A Coach's Companion

by Wendy-Ann Smith, Eva Hirsch Pontes, Dumisani Magadlela, and David Clutterbuck

Providing both a depth and breadth of examples of ethical dilemmas which coaches may face as part of their practice, this book is the first comprehensive handbook of case studies in the field, supporting coaches in developing their ethical awareness and competence. The world of coaching has become increasingly complex over the past two decades. While the professional bodies have all released codes of conduct or ethical guidelines, these at best deal with general principles and serve as a point of reference for reflection. Ethical Case Studies for Coach Development and Practice is an essential accompaniment for coaches. Written by seasoned practitioners, this companion coaching case study book offers a more personal perspective on ethics in practice. Its simple structured layout and focus on ethical dilemmas make it an attractive course supplementary text and resource for practitioners. Divided into two sections, the guide explores the following themes: ethical development, coach education, one-to-one coaching, individual and group supervision, team coaching, external coaching assignments, internal coaching, digital and AI coaching, power in coaching, and the promotion of coaching.This book is a vital resource for coaches at all levels of experience in their professional coach journey, and for those with more experience in the development of ethical thinking and practice such as supervisors, consultants in leadership development, human resource professionals, and students on coaching postgraduate programmes and in private coach education.

The Ethical Challenges of Academic Administration

by Elaine E. Englehardt Kerry D. Romesburg Brian Schrag Michael S. Pritchard

This book is an invitation to academic administrators, at every level, to engage in reflection on the ethical dimensions of their working lives. Academics are very good at reflecting on the ethical issues in other professions but not so interested in reflecting on those in their own, including those faced by faculty and administrators. Yet it is a topic of great importance. Academic institutions are value-driven; hence virtually every decision made by an academic administrator has an ethical component with implications for students, faculty, the institution, and the broader community. Despite this, they receive little systematic preparation for this aspect of their professional lives when they take up administrative posts, especially when compared to, say, medical or legal training. Surprisingly little has been written about the ethical challenges that academic administrators are likely to face. Most of the literature relating to academic administration focuses on "leadership" and draws heavily on management and social science theory. The importance of focusing on ethical deliberation and decision-making often goes unrecognized.

The Ethical Coaches’ Handbook: A Guide to Developing Ethical Maturity in Practice

by Wendy-Ann Smith Jonathan Passmore Eve Turner Yi-Ling Lai David Clutterbuck

What does it mean to be ethical as a coach? Just how ethical are you? How does ethics influence your coaching and how do you know if you are engaging in ethical practice? This important and eye-opening volume provides critical insight from the thought leaders in coaching across a full range of ethical issues. Presented in four parts, this new handbook works to guide the reader towards ethical maturity to strengthen their practice, though examination of theory and thought provoking practice examples. Part 1, Foundations of Ethics in Coaching, provides a detailed overview of the basic principles of ethical coaching. Part 2, Ethics in Coaching Practice, details specific examples of where you will need to think ethically and be guided by good ethics within your practice. Part 3, Pushing the Boundaries of Ethical Thinking in Coaching, dives deeper into topics such as race, managing mental health, the environment and marketing. Part 4 consists of twelve case studies which encourage you to think about putting the theory of the book into practice. The Ethical Coaches’ Handbook will provide ideal support to students, practitioners and coach educators looking to deepen, broaden and enhance their ethical coaching practice.

An Ethical Compass: The Ethics Prize Essays of the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity

by Thomas L. Friedman

In 1986, Elie Wiesel received the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his victory over “the powers of death and degradation, and to support the struggle of good against evil in the world.” Soon after, he and his wife, Marion, created the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity. A project at the heart of the Foundation’s mission is its Ethics Prize—a remarkable essay-writing contest through which thousands of students from colleges across the country are encouraged to confront ethical issues of personal significance. The Ethics Prize has grown exponentially over the past twenty years. “Of all the projects our Foundation has been involved in, none has been more exciting than this opportunity to inspire young students to examine the ethical aspect of what they have learned in their personal lives and from their teachers in the classroom,” writes Elie Wiesel. Readers will find essays on Bosnia, the genocide in Rwanda, sweatshops and globalization, and the political obligations of the mothers of Argentina’s Disappeared. Other essays tell of a white student who joins a black gospel choir, a young woman who learns to share in Ladakh, and the outsize implications of reporting on something as small as a cracked windshield. Readers will be fascinated by the ways in which essays on conflict, conscience, memory, illness (Rachel Maddow’s essay on AIDS appears), and God overlap and resonate with one another. These essays reflect those who are “sensitive to the sufferings and defects that confront a society yearning for guidance and eager to hear ethical voices,” writes Elie Wiesel. “And they are a beacon for what our schools must realize as an essential component of a true education.”

Ethical Considerations of Virtual Reality in the College Classroom: Cross-Disciplinary Case Studies of Immersive Technology Implementation

by Melody Bowdon Kevin Yee William Dorner

Ethical Considerations of Virtual Reality in the College Classroom collects case studies that address both pedagogical and ethical foundations of extended reality tools in postsecondary learning environments across disciplines. With today’s institutional programs and faculty leveraging cutting-edge virtual, augmented, and mixed reality opportunities to teach and promote achievement goals, it is imperative that new research into these technologies speaks directly to their challenges and affordances within broad academic settings. This book showcases real-world examples of faculty members who chronicle and develop their use of VR tools across learning contexts and student populations by creating their own digital experiences, adapting open-source tools, integrating commercial products, amplifying crucial course content, analyzing outcomes data, and more. Nontechnical readers will come away with a new understanding of key terms and concepts associated with virtual reality and essential heuristics for evaluating the ethical implications of immersive approaches.

Ethical Counselling and Medical Decision-Making in the Era of Personalised Medicine

by Giovanni Boniolo Virginia Sanchini

This book offers an overview of the main questions arising when biomedical decision-making intersects ethical decision-making. It reports on two ethical decision-making methodologies, one addressing the patients, the other physicians. It shows how patients' autonomous choices can be empowered by increasing awareness of ethical deliberation, and at the same time it supports healthcare professionals in developing an ethical sensitivity, which they can apply in their daily practice. The book highlights the importance and relevance of practicing bioethics in the age of personalized medicine. It presents concrete cases studies dealing with cancer and genetic diseases, where difficult decisions need to be made by all the parties involved: patients, physicians and families. Decisions concern not only diagnostic procedures and treatments, but also moral values, religious beliefs and ways of seeing life and death, thus adding further layers of complexity to biomedical decision-making. This book, which is strongly rooted in the philosophical tradition, features non-directive counseling and patient-centeredness. It provides a concise yet comprehensive and practice-oriented guide to decision-making in modern healthcare.

Ethical Decision Making for the 21st Century Counselor (Counseling and Professional Identity)

by Stacy L. Henning Michael M. Kocet Donna S. Sheperis

Ethical practice is an essential aspect of counselor training. In order for counselors to competently work with clients, they must be well versed in ethical codes, ethical decision making, and legal issues impacting the profession. Ethical Decision Making for the 21st Century Counselor provides the fundamentals of ethical practice, with emphasis on ethical decision making and is structured to facilitate the development of these skills and understanding and applying them. Individuals will be able to incorporate ethical practice into their understanding of the counseling process and integrate ethical decision making models into their counseling practice. This unique approach differs from existing texts because of its strong emphasis on practical decision making and focus on understanding the process of applying a standard ethical decision model to any ethical scenario. Students build a foundation in how to evaluate an ethical situation and feel confident that they have applied a set of decision models to reach the best decision. Ethical Decision Making for the 21st Century Counselor is part of the SAGE Counseling and Professional Identity Series, which targets specific competencies identified by CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Programs).

Ethical Decision Making for the 21st Century Counselor (Counseling and Professional Identity)

by Stacy L. Henning Michael M. Kocet Donna S. Sheperis

Ethical practice is an essential aspect of counselor training. In order for counselors to competently work with clients, they must be well versed in ethical codes, ethical decision making, and legal issues impacting the profession. Ethical Decision Making for the 21st Century Counselor provides the fundamentals of ethical practice, with emphasis on ethical decision making and is structured to facilitate the development of these skills and understanding and applying them. Individuals will be able to incorporate ethical practice into their understanding of the counseling process and integrate ethical decision making models into their counseling practice. This unique approach differs from existing texts because of its strong emphasis on practical decision making and focus on understanding the process of applying a standard ethical decision model to any ethical scenario. Students build a foundation in how to evaluate an ethical situation and feel confident that they have applied a set of decision models to reach the best decision. Ethical Decision Making for the 21st Century Counselor is part of the SAGE Counseling and Professional Identity Series, which targets specific competencies identified by CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Programs).

Ethical Decision Making in School Administration: Leadership as Moral Architecture

by Paul A. Wagner Douglas J. Simpson

Pedagogically rich, demographically inclusive, and culturally sensitive, Ethical Decision Making in School and District Administration exposes educational leaders to an interdisciplinary array of theories from the fields of education, economics, management, and moral philosophy (past and present). Authors Paul A. Wagner and Douglas J. Simpson demonstrate how understanding key concepts can dramatically improve management styles and protocols. Key FeaturesContains numerous case studies that apply the book's concepts to relevant ethical issues faced by school administratorsReveals possibilities for thinking outside the box in terms of morally informed and effective leadership strategies aimed at securing organizational commitment and shared visionPresents multiple theories of ethics, demonstrating how they inform decision making and culture building in school districtsIncorporates a range of in-text learning aids, including figures that clarify and critique ideas, a complete glossary, and end-of-chapter activities and questions

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