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Esther: SpiritLed Woman Bible Study
by Fuchsia PickettA SpiritLed Woman Bible StudyEsther is a prophetic message revealed to the "church within the church". Through allegory and type, you will explore deep truths concerning your relationship with God, both individually and corporately, and His plan for the church. This is a fascinating study of the relentless war for final supremacy that is being waged within the soul of man between good and evil.
by Rose PublishingThe Queen Esther Pamphlet is an excellent overview of the story of Queen Esther in the Bible. Esther's story asks the important question: Where is God when things go wrong? It's easy to characterize Queen Esther as the lucky orphan girl who won the heart of the king. But in reality, she was a young woman with a tragic background and dangerous secret that could cost her life and the lives of her family. She was married to King Ahasuerus (King Xerxes) who destroyed peoples' lives on a whim and had a history of killing people close to him. Worse still, the king's favorite counselor and chief advisor, Haman, was a mortal enemy of Esther and Mordecai's family. Esther had to keep a low profile, keeping her secret, and hoping her enemy wouldn't make the connection. For Esther, life was unfair. But her story brings a message of hope to all who face trouble by showing how God works even through the fears and dangers. There can be happy endings in perilous times! This basic overview of Esther and the biblical and cultural insights is fantastic for a Queen Esther Bible study, Sunday school class, or small group discussion. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.Queen Esther Gives Insights into the Life of EstherDetails about Queen Esther's Life *Summary of Esther's story: Her danger and her courage *Background on the biblical feast of Purim *Explanation of why the Jewish people were in Persia *Orphaned, raised by Mordecai.Details about Life in Ancient Persia 2500 Years Ago *Map of Persia and the entire Middle East at the Time of King Xerxes *Timeline of Key Events in Israel, Persia, Greece and Egypt During Esther's Lifetime *Intrigue in the Persian Court *Customs in Ancient Persia Details about The Cast of Characters in the Life of Esther *Spiritual parallels between the two banquets: The King's and Esther's *Hebrew/Persian meanings of Esther's name, as well as other key characters *Genealogy and Background of Each Key Character in the Story Esther is an outstanding close-up on one of the most fascinating stories in the Bible. You will find this pamphlet a great resource as you study the book of Esther and you are sure to refer to it often.
Esther: An Introduction And Commentary (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries #Volume 13)
by Debra ReidThe place: Persia. The time: fifth-century BC. The Jews were threatened with genocide. A decree ordered the extermination of young and old, women and children. The book of Esther describes how this crisis was averted through the bravery of Esther, the wisdom of Mordecai and the unity of the Jewish people. Debra Reid's approachable commentary helps us see even more clearly in the book of Esther the God who quietly --and sometimes unexpectedly-- works behind the scenes to order the events of our lives. This completely new volume replaces the previous editon of Esther in the Tyndale Commentary series written by Joyce Baldwin.
Esther and Ruth
by Patricia K. TullIn classic Interpretation Bible Studies style, Patricia Tull leads the reader through a ten-session study of the entire Old Testament books of Esther, with its stories of faithfulness, courage, and survival, and the ethical questions posed by its ending, and Ruth, with its themes of community, loyalty, and friendship. Interpretation Bible Studies (IBS) offers solid biblical content in a creative study format. Forged in the tradition of the celebrated Interpretation commentary series, IBS makes the same depth of biblical insight available in a dynamic, flexible, and user-friendly resource. Designed for adults and older youth, Interpretation Bible Studies can be used in small groups, in church school classes, in large group presentations, or in personal study.
Esther Through the Centuries (Wiley Blackwell Bible Commentaries)
by Jo CarruthersThis interdisciplinary commentary ranges from early midrashic interpretation to contemporary rewritings introducing interpretations of the only biblical book not to mention God. Unearths a wealth of neglected rewritings inspired by the story’s relevance to themes of nationhood, rebellion, providence, revenge, female heroism, Jewish identity, exile, genocide and ‘multiculturalism’ Reveals the various struggles and strategies used by religious commentators to make sense of this only biblical book that does not mention God Asks why Esther is underestimated by contemporary feminist scholars despite a long history of subversive rewritings Compares the most influential Jewish and Christian interpretations and interpreters Includes an introduction to the book’s myriad representations in literature, music, and art Published in the reception-history series, Blackwell Bible Commentaries
Esthetician: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)
by National Learning CorporationThe Esthetician Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: sanitation and infection control; human physiology; skin conditions, disorders and treatments; and more.
Estimator: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series #C-3113)
by National Learning CorporationThe Estimator Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: construction and maintenance practices for buildings, bridges, roads, and pavements; interpretation of engineering and architectural plans and specifications; construction materials; estimations of quantities and costs; negotiations with contractors; standards of proper employee ethical conduct; and other related areas.
Esto es agua: Algunas ideas, expuestas en una ocasión especial, sobre cómo vivir con compasión (Flash Ensayo #Volumen)
by David Foster WallaceEscrito en 2005 y debatido ampliamente tras la muerte del autor, este discurso es un legado conciso de uno de los grandes pensadores de nuestro tiempo. Transido con su humor único, su intelecto preciso y su filosofía práctica, Esto es agua muestra los retos de la vida diaria y ofrece consejos que nos renuevan con cada lectura. Había una vez dos peces jóvenes que iban nadando y se encontraron por casualidad con un pez mayor que nadaba en dirección contraria; el pez mayor les saludó con la cabeza y les dijo: «Buenos días, chicos. ¿Cómo está el agua?» A los seis años de la muerte de David Foster Wallace publicamos Esto es agua, la legendaria conferencia que impartió en la ceremonia de graduación de la Universidad de Kenyon, ante un auditorio plagado de alumnos embelesados. Escrito en 2005 y ampliamente debatido tras su muerte, este discurso es el conciso legado de uno de los más grandes autores de nuestro tiempo, que se quitó la vida en el momento álgido de su fama y con tan solo cuarenta y seis años. Reseña:«Era mi favorito.»Zadie Smith
Estoy embarazada ¿Cómo sigue mi carrera profesional?: Estrategias para potenciar maternidad y trabajo
by Silvina PrekajacSilvina Prekajac propone que los hijos y los ascensos no son excluyentes, que la maternidad puede capitalizarse, y que empoderar el ejercicio de la profesión requiere de un proceso de profundo autoconocimiento por parte de la propia mujer y de un acompañamiento activo de las organizaciones. Estoy embarazada. ¿Y ahora qué va a pasar con mi carrera? Una de las profesionales de mi equipo me anunció que va a tener un hijo... ¡todo un tema! Vos ocupate de los chicos y de hacer las cosas de la casa, que yo me encargo de salir a trabajar. Frases que solemos escuchar en el cotidiano y que necesitan de abordajes actuales si queremos organizaciones actuales. Mucho se habla de la necesidad de ser diversos e inclusivos, y de que el contar con representatividad femenina en puestos jerárquicos hace a las organizaciones más eficientes y efectivas en un momento en que quienes no innoven y no se adapten a las nuevas reglas de juego que la cuarta revolución industrial trae consigo difícilmente logren sobrevivir y sostenerse en el tiempo. ¿Pero qué hay de lo que se hace en lo concreto para que las necesidades de la mujer tengan respuesta, y para que el dato según el cual solo un quince por ciento de ellas accede a puestos de decisión se revierta? La maternidad es una de las principales barreras para que los modelos de éxito de vidas integradas entre los intereses profesionales y personales que hoy demandan los futuros líderes tengan visibilidad. Ocho de cada diez ejecutivos así lo reconocen y siete de cada diez dicen que la igualdad de género no es una cuestión estratégica en las organizaciones donde se desempeñan. Es por eso que con este libro, Silvina Prekajac -directora fundadora de Giving Birth, la primera consultora de mentoreo de Argentina concebida para potenciar a las mujeres profesionales en su maternidad- aborda a la maternidad y a la inclusión de la mujer con la mirada de negocio que debe tener para que sea una prioridad en las organizaciones, brindando herramientas y soluciones tangibles con la idea de que siempre sea posible aspirar al máximo potencial de desarrollo profesional. Estas páginas están dirigidas a aquellas mujeres con ganas de ser madres y empoderarse en sus trabajos, o que ya lo han sido y quieren darle un giro a su carrera o a su maternidad, así como también a líderes de organizaciones interesados en incluir a la mujer en puestos de decisión y a hombres que, como futuros o actuales padres, tengan el interés de trabajar en equipo con sus parejas en pos del enriquecimiento mutuo.
Estrategias Comprobadas para el Manejo del Aula
by Randy BentinckCuando tienes el plan correcto, los más duros retos en el aula, en cuanto al manejo conductual, se hacen más fáciles. En Estrategias Comprobadas para el Manejo del Aula: la Guía Definitiva para el Manejo Efectivo del Aula durante Todo el Año Escolar, encontrarás disponibles algunas de las mejores estrategias para el manejo del aula. En las páginas de este libro, descubrirás efectivas técnicas y métodos para manejar el aula, las cuales te serán muy útiles, seas un maestro con experiencia o un maestro nuevo. Aquí hay poderosas gemas para maestros de todos los niveles educativos. En un aula bien manejada, el maestro es quien está a cargo, y las lecciones se dan sin problemas, aún a pesar de que haya alumnos con comportamientos disruptivos. Transforma tu salón de clases en uno donde seas tú quien esté a cargo del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y del éxito de tus alumnos al usar Estrategias Comprobadas para el Manejo del Aula.
Estratégias Comprovadas para a Gestão de Sala de Aula
by Randy BentinckQuando se tem em mãos as estratégias corretas, os maiores desafios na gestão da sala de aula se tornam mais fáceis. No livro Estratégias Comprovadas para a Gestão de Sala de Aula: O Guia Definitivo para a Gestão da Sala de Aula Eficaz para Todo o Ano Letivo, você encontrará algumas das melhores estratégias para gerenciar o ambiente da sala de aula. Você descobrirá as técnicas e os métodos eficazes e úteis, tanto para o professor no início da carreira como para o professor experiente. Este livro traz informações preciosas para professores de todos os níveis. Em uma sala de aula bem gerenciada, o professor é quem está no comando e as aulas se desenvolvem com um ritmo produtivo apesar de eventuais comportamentos distrativos. Seja o gestor da sua sala de aula e do processo de ensino-aprendizado e garanta os resultados dos alunos com Estratégias Comprovadas para a Gestão de Sala de Aula. COMPRE JÁ O SEU!
Estrategias de Estudio: Consejos para aprobar los exámenes
by Miguel M. Macieira Marcela Gutiérrez BravoMuchos libros y artículos ya se han escrito con el fin de explicar las maneras más simples y efectivas para estudiar. El hecho de que muchos recursos ya fueran empleados en este proceso, demuestra que estudiar puede ser una tarea ardua. Sin embargo, no precisa ser así. A pesar de que los métodos disponibles actualmente no funcionan para todas las personas, siempre se puede contar con un buen intento/error para identificar los modos que facilitan nuestro viaje al conocimiento y al aprendizaje. Aunque los consejos de estudio aquí presentados no substituirán al esfuerzo necesario para obtener buenas notas y pasar las pruebas y exámenes, cada idea valiosa dirigida a esos objetivos es muy bienvenida, ya que el proceso de aprendizaje es, frecuentemente, bastante cansado. En este libro, compilamos en la primera parte, las orientaciones básicas para que los estudiantes se desenvuelvan mejor en las tareas que les competen; y, en la segunda parte, aportamos consejos específicos, así como estrategias para poner en práctica un "plan de emergencia" para exámenes.
Estudiar vs. Aprender: La psicología detrás del éxito estudiantil
by Troy DvorakEste es un libro de autoayuda para estudiantes de colegio y universidad que se enfoca en habilidades psicológicas y de aprendizaje; está respaldado por más de 300 fuentes de información y más de 20 años de experiencia en psicología. [Estudiar Vs aprender: La psicología detrás del éxito estudiantil] Si quieres maximizar tu aprendizaje y éxito en la universidad, necesitas excelentes habilidades de pensamiento, habilidades de aprendizaje y habilidades psicológicas, más allá de lo que puedas necesitar consejos de estudio. Este libro te ayudará a desarrollar esas habilidades, a hacerte más una persona más confiada, eficiente y productiva. Es una guía práctica para desarrollar habilidades esenciales para la universidad, muchas de las cuales nunca has oído mencionar antes, con sugerencias directas que puedes poner en práctica ahora mismo. Cuando la vida es dura, no te pones a hacer fichas de estudio o a memorizar definiciones. Necesitas las habilidades personales y los hábitos descritos en Estudiar vs. Aprender para lidiar de manera efectiva con las circunstancias difíciles, dentro y fuera de la universidad.
Estudio Bíblico para Mujeres: Guía y Libro de Ejercicios
by Brian Gugas Sarah H.Dios tiene mucho para decirle a las mujeres a través de Su Palabra, La Biblia. Destaca nuestro rol en el hogar como hijas, esposas y madres, así también como nuestro rol como mujeres en la Iglesia. La Biblia también está llena de historias de mujeres cuyas vidas y experiencias son enseñanzas valiosas sobre cómo y por qué debemos tener vidas de fe y obediencia a Cristo. Hay muchos ejemplos, también, sobre lo que no debemos hacer, pero incluso estos nos sirven para acercarnos a nuestro Salvador. El estudio bíblico para mujeres no solo nos revela cuáles son las intenciones de Dios para las mujeres, sino que también nos guía a través del proceso de mirar más de cerca nuestra propia vida. Nos ayuda a decidir cómo podemos hacer para que el propósito de Dios para las mujeres sea más personal e importante en tu propia vida. Ya sea que seas hombre o mujer, el objetivo final de nuestras vidas es vivir de tal manera que cada cosa que hagamos sea para glorificar a Dios. El estudio bíblico para mujeres te ayudará a hacer exactamente eso.
Estudo Bíblico para Mulheres: Guia e Livro de Atividades
by Brian GugasDeus tem muito a dizer para as mulheres nas palavras da Bíblia. Ele delineia nossos papeis em casa como filhas, esposas e mães, bem como nossos papéis como mulheres na igreja. A Bíblia também está cheia de histórias de mulheres cujas vidas e experiências são lições valiosas para nós sobre como e por que devemos viver de forma fiel e obediente. Há até mesmo alguns exemplos de como não viver e as consequências que sofremos por nossa desobediência. O Estudo Bíblico para Mulheres não revela apenas as intenções de Deus para as mulheres, mas também orienta você no processo olhar sua própria vida mais de perto; decidir como você pode tornar o propósito de Deus para as mulheres mais pessoal e relevante para sua própria vida. Seja homem ou mulher, o objetivo definitivo de nossas vidas é viver de modo que tudo o que falamos e fazemos seja para a glória de Deus. O Estudo Bíblico para Mulheres ajudará você a fazer exatamente isso.
ESV® Standard Lesson Commentary® 2016-2017
by Standard PublishingAs the nation's most popular annual Bible commentary for more than two decades, the Standard Lesson Commentary provides 52 weeks of study in a single volume and combines thorough Bible study with relevant examples and questions.The ESV SLC Paperback Edition is perfect as the primary resource for an adult Sunday school class and personal study or as a supplemental resource for any curriculum that follows the ISSL/Uniform Series.Nearly two dozen ministers, teachers, and Christian education specialists provide the Bible commentary, lesson plans, discussion questions, and other features that make the Standard Lesson Commentary the most popular annual Bible commentary available.The Standard Lesson Commentary is based on the popular Uniform Series, also called the International Sunday School Lessons. This series, developed by scholars from several church fellowships, provides an orderly study of the Bible in a 6-year period.
ESV® Standard Lesson Commentary® 2017-2018
by Standard PublishingAs the nation's most popular annual Bible commentary for more than 2 decades, the Standard Lesson Commentary provides 52 weeks of study in a single volume and combines thorough Bible study with relevant examples and questions.The ESV SLC Paperback Edition is perfect as the primary resource for an adult Sunday school class and personal study or as a supplemental resource for any curriculum that follows the ISSL/Uniform Series.Nearly 2 dozen ministers, teachers, and Christian education specialists provide the Bible commentary, lesson plans, discussion questions, and other features that make the Standard Lesson Commentary the most popular annual Bible commentary available.The Standard Lesson Commentary is based on the popular Uniform Series, also called the International Sunday School Lessons. This series, developed by scholars from several church fellowships, provides an orderly study of the Bible in a 6-year period.
Et maintenant... Que se passe-t-il ?: Un conte sur le dépassement de soi et la prise de décisions. À partir de 7 ans
by A. P. HernándezAlvaro est un hibou comme tant d'autres qui vit heureux dans la forêt jusqu'à ce qu'un jour, sa vie changera soudainement. Découvre ses aventures !
Etching, Engraving and Other Intaglio Printmaking Techniques (Dover Art Instruction)
by Ruth LeafIntaglio printmaking involves engraving or incising a figure in stone or other hard material to obtain an impression from the subsurface design. In this thorough handbook, a noted printmaker and teacher offers complete up-to-date coverage of etching, engraving, drypoint, and other well-known intaglio techniques, as well as such less-familiar methods as tuilegraphs, collagraphs, and transfers.The first part of the book is devoted to a thorough introduction to materials and tools, printing equipment, papers, presses--even how to set up your workshop for maximum safety and efficiency. In Part Two, the author proceeds to a detailed discussion of etching techniques, including formulas for grounds and inks, aquatint, white ground, hard ground, soft ground, sugar lift, and acids.Once familiar with basic etching techniques, the student is then given precise illustrated instructions in printing techniques, including basic printing, double intaglio printing (the author's own method); color printing and embossing, the viscosity method, and viscosity and aquatint. For each procedure, clear, step-by-step directions cover the process itself, materials and equipment required, and cleanup. An especially helpful "what went wrong" section at the end of each chapter diagnoses problems and offers solutions.In Part 4 Ms. Leaf details other mediums and methods: drypoint, notable for its characteristic velvety dark lines; engraving, one of the earliest forms of expression known to man, dating back to prehistoric times; collagraphs, plates made in the same way as collages and then printed; and the Blake Transfer Method, adapted from a technique developed by the English artist and poet William Blake (1757-1827).A final Appendix treats such ancillary topics as framing and matting prints, storage, agents, and where to sell and show your work. Enhanced with over 220 illustrations, including works by Rembrandt, Callot, Dürer, Goya, and Brueghel, and a wealth of illustrative figures and photographs, this precise and detailed manual belongs at the side of any serious printmaker, novice, or ink-stained veteran. "Excellent, comprehensive . . . superbly organized." -- AB Bookman's Weekly.
Ethan Marcus Makes His Mark
by Michele Weber HurwitzEthan and Erin go to Tech Camp and try to win a chance to “make” a difference in classrooms everywhere in this hilarious follow-up to Ethan Marcus Stands Up. <P><P> Ethan and Erin Marcus may only be eleven months apart age-wise, but they are a million miles apart in every other respect. Ethan’s laid back and takes things in stride. Erin’s a little more…intense and doesn’t really like to go with the flow. So when these two polar opposites are invited to attend a prestigious invention/maker camp during winter break it seems almost impossible. Even though Erin and Ethan have reached a kind of truce, Erin thinks that his invitation to the camp was a mistake. And for that reason, Ethan decides to go. He has something to prove to everyone—but mostly to himself—and he’s convinced that his desk-evator idea has great potential…if he can do it right right. But he’s going to have to do it on his own. His buddy Brian isn’t coming, neither is Erin’s partner Zoe, so the Marcus siblings are going to have to find new partners. This is especially important to Erin whose rival, Romanov, is also attending the camp. Erin’s never forgiven him for his comment about “girls” having no place in science. She’s determined to beat him. But then she overhears someone talking about Romanov’s project, and decides that she’ll never be able to compete with his game-changing invention. So, what now? It’s Brian who provides the solution: Why don’t the Marcus siblings combine their ideas, their brains, and their teams, and make something spectacular? <P><P> With only one day left, can Erin and Ethan actually create a workable model of their idea, and is it enough to win?
Ethan Marcus Stands Up
by Michele Weber HurwitzMultiple points-of-view lead to multiple theories about what really happened after one kid turns a punishment into a protest in this hilarious new novel from Michele Weber Hurwitz.Perennial good kid Ethan Marcus has just done the unthinkable: refuse to stay seated during class. He’s not causing a riot; he’s not wandering around; he’s just sick of sitting. But the rules aren’t designed for Ethan, and so he is sent to the principal’s office. When Ethan’s sentence results in a Reflection Day—McNutt Middle School’s answer to detention—his faculty advisor suggests that Ethan channel the energy that caused his “transgression” by entering the school’s Invention Day Competition. Ethan is not exactly Mark Zuckerberg, so he doubts his ability to make anything competition-worthy. That’s the department of his slightly older sister Erin. But as Ethan and his buddy Brian get into the assignment, they realize they might actually have something. Enter Romanov, the resident tech whiz, refuses to give them tips, which causes Erin to be furious at her formally slacker now traitor brother. Meanwhile, Erin’s friend Zoe is steering clear of Erin’s drama for the first time ever after realizing that she may be crushing on Ethan. Then there’s Brian who has bigger things to worry about, and finally loner kid Wesley, who may know more than others realize… Told in the perspectives of multiple students, discover what really happened on the day that one kid decided to take a stand against sitting down.
Ethan, Suspended
by Pamela EhrenbergAfter getting suspended from school, Ethan Oppenheimer is uprooted from his comfortable suburban life in Pennsylvania and sent to live in Washington, D.C., with grandparents he hardly knows. At Parker Junior High, he stands out as the only white student. Making friends there is difficult; fitting in, impossible. It doesn't help that his overprotective grandparents expect him to live their old-fashioned, frugal lifestyle. As he tries to find his way in this new world, Ethan also struggles with issues from the world he left behind guilt about the events surrounding his suspension, anxiety about his parents' separation, loneliness for the company of his family and friends. Slowly, Ethan adjusts. He makes a few friends; he joins the jazz band and learns a new instrument; he even gets used to dried-out dinners at 4:30 pm. Along the way he learns a lot about prejudice and acceptance and about himself and his changing family situation.
The Ether: Vero Rising (An Ether Novel #1)
by Laurice Elehwany MolinariThe Fiercest of Warriors? Vero Leland always suspected he was different from others his own age, ever since his childhood attempts to fly. But he never could have predicted the truth—or how much his life was about to change. Soon after his twelfth birthday, Vero learns he is a guardian angel and is abruptly transported to the Ether, the spiritual realm that surrounds the earth. Yet before he can be counted among these fierce warriors, Vero must learn to master his growing powers, competing with other angels-in- training and battling demonic creatures known as maltures as well as mythical creatures such as the leviathan. Until his instruction is complete, Vero needs to alternate between the Ether and his regular life. If he survives training and accepts his destiny—a destiny he did not choose—he must leave everything behind, including his family and the life he loves. Meanwhile, an evil is growing—the maltures are rising, and Vero appears to be their target.
Ethical Ambiguity in the Hebrew Bible: Philosophical Analysis of Scriptural Narrative
by Shira WeissIn this book, Shira Weiss elucidates the moral tradition of the Hebrew Bible by subjecting ethically challenging biblical texts to moral philosophical analysis. Examining the most essential questions of Jewish Thought, she uses contemporary philosophy to decipher Scriptural ethics as uncovered from a variety of biblical stories. Aided by ancient, medieval, and contemporary resources, Weiss presents a comprehensive discussion of enduring ethical questions that arise from biblical narrative and continue to be contested in modern times. She shows how such analysis can unsettle assumptions and beliefs, as well as foster moral reflection. Ethical Ambiguity in the Hebrew Bible will be of interest to scholars and students of ethics, philosophy, Jewish thought, biblical theology, and exegesis.
Ethical Applied Behavior Analysis Models for Individuals Impacted by Autism
by Betty Fry Williams Randy Lee Williams Stephanie Peterson Rebecca EldridgeEthical Applied Behavior Analysis Models for Individuals Impacted by Autism provides teachers, parents, and behavior analysts with a comprehensive analysis of evidence-based, behavior analytic programs for the therapeutic treatment of persons with autism, from infancy through adulthood. Chapters review the characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), behavior analytic concepts and interventions, and discuss the eight different effective treatment programs, examining each approach's scientific base and value. Fully updated to reflect current research and understanding of autism, this second edition includes new chapters on evaluating high-quality behavior analytic programs, as well as explorations of programs covering the verbal behavior approach and those specially designed for adults.