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The Fast Track Program for Children at Risk: Preventing Antisocial Behavior

by Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group Karen L. Bierman John D. Coie Kenneth A. Dodge Mark T. Greenberg John E. Lochman Robert J. McMahon Ellen E. Pinderhughes

This unique volume reports on the largest long-term preventive intervention study ever conducted with children at risk for serious violence and poor life outcomes. From first through 10th grade, Fast Track provided multicomponent interventions to support children, families, and schools in achieving positive social, emotional, and academic outcomes. The book explores the developmental processes associated with early aggression, describes how each component of FastTrack was developed and implemented, and summarizes outcomes up to 20 years later. Vivid case studies track the impact of comprehensive school- and family-based programming on children's pathways through the elementary and high school years. The concluding chapter offers recommendations for using Fast Track components in future violence prevention initiatives. See also the authors' Social and Emotional Skills Training for Children: The Fast Track Friendship Group Manual, a step-by-step guide to implementing one of the core components of Fast Track.

The Fast Track to New Skills: Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean

by María Marta Ferreyra Lelys Dinarte Díaz Sergio Urzúa Bassi

Higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has expanded dramatically in the new millennium, yet enrollment in short-cycle programs (SCPs) is still relatively low. Shorter and more practical than bachelor’s programs, SCPs can form skilled human capital fast. The economic crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated underlying trends, such as automation, the use of electronic platforms, and the need for lifelong learning. Addressing these demands requires the urgent upskilling and reskilling of the population—a task for which SCPs are uniquely suited. The Fast Track to New Skills: Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean explores the labor market out¬comes and returns of SCPs, examines their providers, and identifies the practices adopted by the best programs. Relying on unique data that includes a novel survey of SCP directors in five LAC countries, it finds that while SCPs generate, on average, good labor market out¬comes, they vary greatly in quality. SCP providers respond quickly and flexibly to local economy needs; and specific practices related to faculty, job search assistance, and interaction with prospective em¬ployers are distinctive of the best programs. Drawing on these findings, The Fast Track to New Skills discusses how to create an environment where good programs are offered and students have the interest and means to attend them. It draws attention to a higher education sector that has been typically overlooked, both in research and policy. The Fast Track to New Skills will be of interest to policy makers, researchers, and the public at large.

The Fast Track to Your General Class Ham Radio License: Comprehensive Preparation for all FCC General Class Exam Questions July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2027

by Michael Burnette

Everything you need to prepare for your General Class ham license. Covers every question on the General exam. Memorizing 400+ random answers is hard -- and boring. Learning is easy! <p><p>If you've made the decision to open up your ham radio world by going for the General Class License, great! General is certainly more challenging than Technician, but The Fast Track to Your General Class Ham Radio License explains the reasoning and technology behind each correct answer on the General Class exam so you'll understand and remember the subject matter. <p><p>Created by an experienced ham and adult educator, it's like having your own, patient, experienced, good-humored mentor for the exam. <p><p>To get your General Class license you must pass a multiple-choice test. The General license test consists of 35 questions drawn from a pool of about 400. Memorizing the answers to 400+ disconnected questions is difficult, but The Fast Track makes getting your upgrade easier by explaining the logic behind each correct answer. It's simple: When you understand the material, and you have a context for the material, you remember the answers and pass the test. <p><p>Best of all, once you've passed your exam you'll have a solid grounding in ham radio basics. <p>• Includes every possible question and every answer <p>• Correct answers clearly marked in bold <p>• Precise instructions for how to locate a testing session, how to prepare, and even what to bring -- and what not to bring -- to the test. <p>• All technical topics are explained in clear, plain language, often with illustrations (over 200 of them!) <p>• Step-by-step instructions to solve all the math problems <p>• Test-taking strategies <p>• Hints to easily solve many questions and avoid the traps in the test <p>• Written in "learning order", not just the (confusing) order of the official question bank. <p>• Covers questions that will be used through June 30, 2027. - Over 300 pages packed with information

Faster Isn't Smarter: Messages about Math, Teaching, and Learning in the 21st Century

by Cathy L. Seeley

Featuring 41 entirely updated messages and four new ones, this second edition continues to offer straight talk and common sense about some of today's most important, thought-provoking issues in education. With themes ranging from equity, intelligence, and the incredible potential of all students to challenging students to think with a problem-centered approach focused on student engagement and classroom discourse, the book provides a base for lively discussion among elementary, middle, and high school teachers; leaders; policymakers; and families. Entirely updated, including new messages.

Faster Together: Accelerating Your Team's Productivity

by Laura Stack

Faster TogetherAccelerating Your Team's Productivity There are more roadblocks to productivity today than ever before. Everyone who works must deal with countless emails, constant communication, cascading deadlines, and seemingly endless meetings. These can be managed efficiently, or they can be a huge time suck. When you're surrounded by slow-moving coworkers, you're stuck in a traffic jam of sorts. What makes the difference isn't individuals working harder or faster or smarter but “teaming well.” You have at your disposal what Stack calls “the most powerful productivity machine in existence”: your team. Individual productivity is just the beginning of business profitability; the real winner is team productivity. A good team can accomplish more, and more quickly, than any one Lone Ranger. Yes, there are always stars—in sports, Peyton Manning, Mia Hamm, and Stephen Curry come to mind—but they couldn't do their jobs without the rest of the team doing theirs. Bestselling author Laura Stack's FAST model mobilizes teams to be the most effective they can be, while keeping each other's best interests at heart. Using her original model, teams learn to work together Fairly, accept Accountability, apply Systems Thinking, and maximize available Technology. An interactive assessment helps you evaluate your team's current speed and rate of acceleration. By the end of this book, you'll truly understand the abilities of your team. Team members will ask themselves, “How can I help my team go faster together?” You work to save everyone else time, and they work to save you time. For your business to win, everyone must contribute. As Stack puts it, “Team up; don't slow down!”So, rev your team's engines, and you'll soon be roaring down the track together!

Faszination der Vielfalt des Lebendigen - Didaktik des Draußen-Lernens

by Lissy Jäkel

Sie möchten mit Ihren Schülerinnen und Schülern einen persönlichen Beitrag zur Erhaltung der Insektenvielfalt oder der Biodiversität insgesamt leisten? Sie möchten dem Klimawandel durch sinnvolle Gestaltung ihres Umfeldes oder Verhaltens aktiv begegnen? Sie sorgen sich um die Belastungsgrenzen unseres Planeten? Vielleicht möchten Sie mit Ihren Schülerinnen und Schülern auch konkret die geeigneten Kräuter, Gewürze und Gemüse für das Essen oder den eigenen Garten auswählen, die Tiere und Pflanzen ihrer Umgebung wirklich kennen und wertschätzen, als Bildungswert und Teil unserer Kultur begreifen? Vielleicht wünschen Sie sich in unserem Alltag deutlich mehr grüne Technologien? Der Mangel an Kenntnissen und Bereitschaften zur Erhaltung der natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen auf unserer Erde ist empirisch belegt. Es fehlt an konkreten Fähigkeiten und Wissen im Umgang mit dem Lebendigen, die man sich im Nachhinein gern auch durch Schulbildung gewünscht hätte. Nutzen wir die Chancen zur Veränderung der Unterrichtkultur in den Naturwissenschaften! Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) ist mittlerweile ein wichtiges Leitbild in der derzeitigen Bildungslandschaft. Machen wir uns die positiven Erfahrungen aus zahlreichen Unterrichtssituationen zum Draußen–Lernen, oder - um ein modernes Schlagwort zu benutzen - der Outdoor Education, zunutze. Beziehen wir bei der Wahl der geeigneten Lernorte zum Kompetenzerwerb die authentischen natürlichen und gesellschaftlichen Räume stärker als bisher in den Regelunterricht ein. Machen wir das Draußen-Lernen „ortüblich“ und streiten wir weniger darum, ob dies nun Outdoor-Learning, außerschulisches Lernen, Schulgarten und Schulgelände, Exkursion oder Lerngang genannt wird. Die Kinder und Jugendlichen und zugleich Sie als Lehrkräfte didaktisch zu bereichern – dafür eröffnet das Buch in Reflexion jahrelanger Bildungsprozesse draußen sehr konkrete Angebote.

Faszination Psychologie – Berufsfelder und Karrierewege

by Simon Werther Maximilian Mendius

Dieser Ratgeber nimmt Sie mit auf eine faszinierende Reise durch die vielfältigen Tätigkeitsfelder von Psychologinnen und Psychologen. Dabei lernen Sie neben den etablierten Anwendungsgebieten wie klinische Psychologie und Wirtschaftspsychologie auch vermeintlich exotische Arbeitsfelder wie Polizei- oder Verkehrspsychologie kennen. Finden Sie für sich heraus, ob Ihr Herz für eine Tätigkeit in der Psychologie schlägt und wie Sie diesen Wunsch verwirklichen können. Alle Kapitel sind von Experten aus der Praxis verfasst. Sie vermitteln Ihnen sowohl einen authentischen als auch realistischen Einblick in den jeweiligen Berufsalltag und räumen auf mit gängigen Vorurteilen. Darüber hinaus verleihen eingeflochtene Interviews mit praktisch tätigen Psychologen und Experten aus der Wissenschaft bereichernde Perspektiven. Wir bieten Ihnen:über 25 Autoren mit langjähriger Praxiserfahrungüber 15 zusätzliche Experteninterviews mit erfahrenen Praktikernüber 15 Meinungen von Professoren und anderen wissenschaftlichen Experten In dieser zweiten Auflage finden Sie neben einer Aktualisierung auch eine Erweiterung um interkulturelle Tätigkeiten in der Psychologie, um Schulpsychologie sowie um rechtliche Aspekte und Schweigepflicht.Dieses Buch ist nicht nur ideal für Bachelor-, Master- und Nebenfachstudierende der Psychologie, sondern für alle, die sich für Psychologie interessieren. Kommen Sie an Bord und lassen auch Sie sich von der Psychologie faszinieren!

Faszination Spiel: Wie wir spielend zu Gesundheit, Glück und innerer Balance finden

by Sabine Weinberger Helga Lindner

Spielen weckt in allen Altersstufen die in uns angelegte Kreativität, Kommunikationsfähigkeit und Kooperation, die heute als Schlüsselqualifikationen für eine gelingende Lebensgestaltung im 21. Jahrhundert gelten. In unserer leistungsorientierten Gesellschaft kommt jedoch eine spielerische Herangehensweise an das Leben zu kurz. Das Buch bringt deshalb einen Gegenentwurf zum Optimierungswahn, dem Kinder ausgesetzt sind und der sich dann im Erwachsenenalter in Form der Selbstoptimierung fortsetzt. Es zeigt auf, was Spielen für Kinder bedeutet, wie sich dies im Jugendalter verändert und wie viel mehr Erwachsene bis ins hohe Alter an Lebensfreude und Gesundheit dazugewinnen können, wenn sie wieder mehr Spiel ins Leben bringen. Anhand von entwicklungspsychologischen Grundlagen, Geschichten, Metaphern und vielen Beispielen geht das Buch dem Phänomen der Faszination im Spiel nach. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie viel wir von dieser Faszination von Geburt an mitbringen, wie unterschiedlich sich diese Fähigkeit in den verschiedenen Lebensabschnitten darstellt und wie sie als wichtige Ressource für ein lebendiges Leben wieder entdeckt werden kann.Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther. "In diesem Buch findet jeder - egal ob jugendlich, erwachsen oder im Ruhestand - viele Ideen und Anregungen, wie man sich im Spiel neu entdecken und Lebensfreude empfinden kann." Dr. Martin Textor„Spielend das Leben lernen, das ermöglicht dieses Buch. Es ist so einfach: Man muss nur einer Faszination folgen. Die kann man zwar nicht “machen”, aber die Voraussetzungen dafür lassen sich schaffen. Mit einer Fülle von Anregungen. In diesem Buch.“ Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schmid

Fat Angie

by E. E. Charlton-Trujillo

Her sister was captured in Iraq, she’s the resident laughingstock at school, and her therapist tells her to count instead of eat. Can a daring new girl in her life really change anything? <P><P> Angie is broken — by her can’t-be-bothered mother, by her high-school tormenters, and by being the only one who thinks her varsity-athlete-turned-war-hero sister is still alive. Hiding under a mountain of junk food hasn’t kept the pain (or the shouts of “crazy mad cow!”) away. Having failed to kill herself — in front of a gym full of kids — she’s back at high school just trying to make it through each day. <P><P>That is, until the arrival of KC Romance, the kind of girl who doesn’t exist in Dryfalls, Ohio. A girl who is one hundred and ninety-nine percent wow! A girl who never sees her as Fat Angie, and who knows too well that the package doesn’t always match what’s inside. <P><P>With an offbeat sensibility, mean girls to rival a horror classic, and characters both outrageous and touching, this darkly comic anti-romantic romance will appeal to anyone who likes entertaining and meaningful fiction.

The Fat Cat Sat on the Mat (I Can Read Level 1)

by Nurit Karlin

This funny rhyming story starring a big orange tabby cat helps kids learn to read! Fat Cat Sat on the Mat is a proven winner—welcome at home or in the classroom—as it makes kids laugh.The fat cat sat on the mat. "Get off!" said the rat. But the fat cat just sat. Will the rat get the fat cat off the mat? Enjoy reading this silly story aloud for maximum effect!Find out if rat can get cat off the mat in this funny, phonetic Level One I Can Read that's perfect for kids learning to sound out words and sentences. With repeating sounds and words, beginning readers will grow their reading confidence as they laugh about the cat and the rat and their sibling-style squabble.

Fat Envelope Frenzy

by Joie Jager-Hyman

A former Ivy League admissions officer, Joie Jager-Hyman follows five bright and eager high schoolers--students from diverse ethnic, social, and financial backgrounds--as they each put their best foot forward on the road they hope will lead them to the hallowed halls of Harvard University. At once a remarkable true story of dedication, achievement, and heartbreak and a guide for success in an ultra-competitive environment, this important work deserves a place in the home of every family that has ever dreamed of receiving that coveted "fat envelope" in the mail. Jager-Hyman also offers a startlingly frank appraisal of the college admission process and the important roles race and class continue to play in a student's efforts to attend the best school possible.

The Fat Girl

by Marilyn Sachs

Jeff Lyons is both repelled and fascinated by Ellen de Luca, the fat girl in his ceramics class. The "crumbs of kindness" he tosses her way soon turn into advice on weight loss, college, clothes ... until good-looking Jeff dumps his girlfriend to be with the fat girl! As Ellen changes, Jeff resents the happy, independent young woman he has unleashed.

Fat Girl on a Plane (Hq Young Adult Ebook Ser.)

by Kelly DeVos

“A savvy, smart, and funny book about embracing your body and taking control of your destiny.” —Kathleen Glasgow, author of the New York Times bestselling novel Girl in Pieces“Bold, unique, and completely original…A debut both spirited and inventive, much like its indomitable heroine.” —Laurie Elizabeth Flynn, author of FirstsFrom debut author Kelly DeVos comes an unforgettable story about fierce fashion, pursuing your dreams, and loving yourself at any size.FATCookie Vonn’s dreams include getting out of Phoenix and becoming the next great fashion designer. But in the world of fashion, being fat is a cardinal sin. It doesn’t help that she’s constantly compared to her supermodel mother—and named after a dessert.Cookie scores a trip to New York to pitch her design portfolio, but her plans are put on standby when she’s declared too fat to fly. When she finally arrives, she finds she’s been replaced by her ultrathin rival. Cookie vows to lose weight, get out of the friend zone with her crush, and put her dreams back on track.SKINNYCookie expected sunshine and rainbows, but nothing about her new life is turning out like she planned. When the fashion designer of the moment offers her what she’s always wanted—an opportunity to live and study in New York—she finds herself in a world full of people more interested in putting women down than dressing them up. Her designs make waves, but her real dream of creating great clothes for people of all sizes seems to grow more distant by the day.Will she realize that she’s always had the power to make her own dreams come true? “A realistic portrayal of the frustrations of weight loss and size acceptance…sex, body positivity, and ambition. VERDICT A strong choice for most YA shelves.”—School Library Journal“Packed with smart zingers about what it feels like to be fat and have a body that people criticize…Also a fairytale romp through the New York City fashion world.” —Carolyn Mackler, B&N Teen Blog

Fatal Distractions: A 6-Week, No-Homework Bible Study (40-Minute Bible Studies)

by Kay Arthur David Lawson B. J. Lawson

Don't become a spiritual statistic. Any type of sin can undermine a believer's effectiveness, but certain sins can become so deeply rooted in our lives--even without our realizing--that they become fatal to our spiritual growth. This study looks at six of the "deadly" sins that threaten spiritual progress: Pride, Anger, Jealousy, Gluttony, Slothfulness, and Greed. You'll learn to identify the subtle ways in which these fatal distractions can invade your life, and you'll be equipped to conquer these destructive temptations so you can mature in your journey with Christ.

The Fate of Political Scientists in Europe: From Myth to Action

by Giliberto Capano Luca Verzichelli

This open access book offers a systematic survey of the attitudes and values of European political scientists. It builds a structural interpretation based on empirical data, as well as offering reflections on the future structure of the discipline. In the middle of a delicate phase of changes marked by the effects of pandemic and the war in Ukraine, we need to pay attention to the factors that are affecting not only the ‘objects’ of Political Science as a discipline but also its interactions with the world around it. First, this book asks to what extent the work of European political scientists is impacted by the current change. Second, their attitudes and predisposition about the future goals of the discipline are analysed. In the final chapter, the authors seek to understand to what extent a diffuse but still not completely institutionalized academic discipline will be able to produce a comprehensive impact around the European society, in order to be more visible and effective in policy making and policy processes.

The Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith: Being a Compilation of Historical Data on the Personal Testimony of Joseph Smith, His Greatness, His Persecutions and Prosecutions

by Nels Benjamin Lundwall

Nels Benjamin Lundwall’s "The Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith" offers a meticulously compiled and compelling exploration of the life and legacy of Joseph Smith, the founder of the Latter-day Saint movement. Through extensive historical data and personal testimonies, Lundwall presents a comprehensive account of Smith's extraordinary life, the intense persecutions he faced, and the eventual fate of those who opposed him.The book begins with an in-depth examination of Joseph Smith's early life, his divine revelations, and the founding of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Lundwall details Smith's unwavering commitment to his faith and mission, highlighting his spiritual insights and the profound impact of his teachings on his followers.Central to Lundwall’s narrative is the relentless persecution and prosecution that Joseph Smith endured. The book meticulously documents the legal battles, mob violence, and personal attacks that sought to undermine Smith and his burgeoning religious movement. Through a wealth of historical records and firsthand accounts, Lundwall paints a vivid picture of the trials and tribulations that defined Smith’s life.What sets "The Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith" apart is its focus on the subsequent lives of those who persecuted him. Lundwall provides a fascinating analysis of the personal and moral consequences faced by Smith’s adversaries, offering a thought-provoking perspective on justice and retribution. Through detailed biographical sketches and historical anecdotes, the book explores the eventual downfall and misfortunes that befell many of Smith's persecutors, suggesting a moral arc to their fates.Lundwall’s work is a valuable resource for historians, religious scholars, and anyone interested in the history of the Latter-day Saint movement. His meticulous research and engaging prose provide readers with a profound understanding of Joseph Smith’s enduring legacy and the profound spiritual and moral questions raised by his life and the persecution he faced.

The Father and Son

by Timothy Keller

Timothy Keller, renowned pastor and New York Times bestselling author, examines Jesus' ascension into Heaven and why this act is an important resource for Christians in The Father and Son, the ninth installment in his Encounters with Jesus eBook series. Jesus' ascension into Heaven--the end of his earthly life--is one of the most puzzling moments in the Gospels. It marks the moment when Jesus was no longer limited to a specific point in space and time. In The Father and Son, Timothy Keller, pastor of New York's Redeemer Presbyterian Church and New York Times bestselling author of The Reason for God, explains why this means our encounters with Jesus can be richer now that he available to us in all times and places.

Father Involvement in Young Children’s Lives

by Jyotsna Pattnaik

This vital addition to Springer's 'Educating the Young Child' series addresses gaps in the literature on father involvement in the lives of young children, a topic with a fast-rising profile in today's world of female breadwinners and single-parent households. While the significant body of theoretical understanding and empirical data accumulated in recent decades has done much to characterize the fluidity of evolving notions of fatherhood, the impact of this understanding on policy and legal frameworks has been uneven at an international level. In a field where groups of fathers were until recently marginalized in research, this book adopts a refreshingly inclusive attitude, aiming to motivate researchers to capture the nuanced practices of fathers in minority groups such as those who are homeless, gay, imprisoned, raising a disabled child, or from ethnically distinct backgrounds, including Mexican- and African-American and indigenous fathers. The volume includes chapters highlighting the unique challenges and possibilities of father involvement in their children's early years of development. Contributing authors have integrated theories, research, policies, and programs on father involvement so as to attract readers with diverse interest and expertise, and material from selected countries in Asia, Australia, and Africa, as well as North America, evinces the international scope of their analysis. Their often interdisciplinary analyses draw, too, on historical and cultural legacies, even as they project a vision of the future in which fathers' involvement in their young children's lives develops alongside the changing political, economic and educational landscapes around the world.

Father, Son and Spirit: The Trinity and John's Gospel (New Studies in Biblical Theology #Volume 24)

by Andreas J. Köstenberger Scott R. Swain

From the patristic period until today, John's Gospel has served as a major source for the church's knowledge, doctrine and worship of the triune God. Among all New Testament documents the Fourth Gospel provides not only the most raw material for the doctrine of the Trinity, but also the most highly developed patterns of reflection on this material—particularly patterns that seek to account in some way for the distinct personhood and divinity of Father, Son and Spirit without compromising the unity of God. While there have been recent, fine studies on aspects of John's doctrine of God, it is surprising that none summarizes and synthasizes what John has to say about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In order to fill this gap, Köstenberger and Swain offer a fresh examination of John's trinitarian vision in this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume. Part One situates John's trinitarian teaching within the context of Second Temple Jewish monotheism. Part Two examines the Gospel narrative in order to trace the characterization of God as Father, Son and Spirit, followed by a brief synthesis. Part Three deals more fully with major trinitarian themes in the Fourth Gospel, including its account of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and mission. A final chapter discusses the significance of John's Gospel for the church's doctrine of the Trinity, and a brief conclusion summarizes some practical implications. Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

Fathering in India: Images and Realities

by Rajalakshmi Sriram

This book covers the underexplored subject of ‘fathering’ in India. It delves into the shared aspirations of men in India to nurture their children in sensitively attuned ways within the culturally prescriptive context that governs men’s roles as providers and caregivers. This work is based on over two decades of intensive research in India on how different groups construct and experience fatherhood and fathering under changing circumstances. It unmasks the heterogeneity that exists within fathering in India through conversations with fathers across diverse contexts—in privileged economic situations and those in difficult home and family circumstances, having children with disability, single-parent fathers and fathers in the military. A separate section discusses fathering daughters and shared parenting. Images and role models in fathering are brought alive through analysis of Hindi films, the media, children’s literature and classical literature. The conceptual analysis moves beyond the power and control dimensions commonly used to describe Indian men and fathers, to highlight their resilience, adaptability, positive involvement and developmental trajectories. This volume is for scholars, researchers and practitioners in developmental psychology, human development and family science, sociology, early childhood education and psychiatry, pediatrics, community medicine and allied fields.

The Fathers on the Bible (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)

by Nicu Dumitraşcu

This book offers an overview of how the Church Fathers used and intepretated biblical texts. It brings together a range of different Christian confessional and social perspectives to explore the biblical basis and impact of their thinking. The contributors cover different ages and traditions, with each chapter focusing on a specific individual and theme. The book takes an ecumenical approach to the relationship between the Church Fathers and Holy Scripture and fosters a better understanding of the relationship between Christian tradition and the Bible. It will be of interest to scholars of Christian theology, the history of Christianity, biblical studies and patristics.

The Father's Plan: A Bible Study for Dads

by Robert Wolgemuth

Experience the Father's love and become a better dad.Married and single fathers will benefit from this study that explores the many issues facing dads from a biblical perspective. The Father's Plan: A Bible Study for Dads encourages men at every age and stage of life to strengthen their relationship with God, building a legacy of faith to leave for future generations. This seven-week study helps fathers explore fatherhood in the light of the Bible's teachings. The personal reflection questions will draw fathers into quality personal time with their Heavenly Father, and the group discussion questions will lead dads to reflect on their legacy and to grow in their God-given role.

The Favorite Daughter

by Allen Say

A father helps his daughter find pride and inspiration in this masterful picture book. Yuriko hates her name when the children make fun of it and call her "Eureka!" Though she is half Japanese, the teasing makes her want to hide, to retreat even from the art projects she used to love. Fortunately she has a patient, kind father who finds gentle ways of drawing her out and reminding Yuriko of the traditions they share that have always brought her joy: walks in lovely Golden Gate Park, lunch at their favorite sushi restaurant, watching the fog blow in off the bay. It's enough... it's more than enough to face down her challenges with confidence. From the incomparable Allen Say comes another moving story taken from his personal experience and translated to the universal. This tale, dedicated with love to Say's daughter, is one for all parents who want their children to feel pride in their heritage, and to know their own greatest sources of strength and inspiration. THE FAVORITE DAUGHTER will be a favorite for years to come.

Favorite Stories from Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Spring Babies (Green Light Readers Level 2)

by Erica Silverman Betsy Lewin

It's springtime on the ranch. Cowgirl Kate is excited about the arrival of all the baby animals: a newborn calf, a frisky puppy, and a nest of little barn owls. Her best friend Cocoa the horse is not so excited. Babies are a lot of work! But they are also sweet, as Cocoa and beginning readers will discover in this delightful addition to Green Light Readers. Short sentences and simple dialogue keep newly independent readers engaged and confident.

Favorite Stories from Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Rain or Shine (Green Light Readers Level 2)

by Erica Silverman Betsy Lewin

Splish-splash, buckaroos! Stormy weather can't stop best friends Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa from having a good time in these two easy-to-read stories about prancing in the rain and chasing rainbows. With short sentences, simple dialogue, and delightful illustrations by the Caldecott Honor winner Betsy Lewin, this book is perfect for beginning readers, rain or shine!

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