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Jugendliche Eltern und Familienbildung: Eine qualitative Untersuchung zur Nutzung sowie Nicht-Nutzung sozialer Dienstleistungen (Soziale Arbeit als Wohlfahrtsproduktion #24)

by Hanna Gundlach

Hanna Gundlach untersucht anhand von qualitativen Interviews und Fokusgruppen mit jugendlichen Eltern wie Fachkräften Bedingungen für die Nutzung sowie die Nicht-Nutzung von Angeboten der Familienbildung durch jugendliche Eltern. Im Ergebnis der handlungstheoretisch ausgerichteten Analyse wird eine aus den Daten heraus entwickelte Grounded Theory zur (Nicht-)Nutzung von Familienbildung durch jugendliche Eltern in Form eines Handlungsmodells vorgestellt. Durch das Handlungsmodell wird das komplexe Zusammenspiel von Bedingungen wie Konsequenzen der (Nicht-)Nutzung verdeutlicht, die sowohl auf die Lebenswelt der jugendlichen Eltern als auch auf die Angebote der Familienbildung bezogen sind.

Jugendliche im Übergang zwischen Schule und Beruf: Psychische Belastungen und Ressourcen

by Agnes Von Wyl Filomena Sabatella

Im Zentrum dieses Buchs steht die psychische Gesundheit junger Menschen im Übergang von der Schule zum Beruf. Diese Übergangsphase ist für viele Jugendliche eine eher schwierige Phase. Das Buch zeigt die Hintergründe der Schwierigkeiten auf und verdeutlicht, warum gering qualifizierte Jugendliche oder diejenigen mit psychischen Belastungen besondere Mühe haben, Anschluss zu finden. Tatsächlich steigt in Übergangsphasen, so auch in der Adoleszenz, das Risiko, eine psychische Erkrankung zu entwickeln. Zudem bringt der im Jugendalter erfolgende Wechsel zwischen Ausbildung und Arbeitswelt einen Anstieg von beruflichen und persönlichen Anforderungen mit sich, den nicht alle bewältigen können. Für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene ist es jedoch essenziell, im Arbeitsprozess Fuß fassen zu können und integriert zu bleiben, um sich gesund entwickeln zu können. Dieses Buch präsentiert unterschiedliche empirische Arbeiten, die sich mit vielfältigen Aspekten der Übergangsphase zwischen Schule und Arbeit befassen. Die empirischen Befunde werden von relevanten Akteuren aus der Praxis kommentiert. Das Thema dieses Buchs ist von besonderer Bedeutung für die verschiedenen Berufsgruppen aber auch Familienangehörigen, welche Jugendliche in diesem Übergang begleiten, z.B. Eltern, Lehrer oder Coachs. Herausgeberinnen Filomena Sabatella, lic. phil. studierte Psychologie an der Universität Zürich. Zurzeit arbeitet sie am Psychologischen Institut der ZHAW. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen vor allem in der Förderung der gesunden psychischen Entwicklung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen und im Bereich der Arbeitsintegration.Prof. Dr. Agnes von Wyl. Leiterin der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Gesundheitspsychologie des Psychologischen Institut der ZHAW. Langjährige Erfahrung im Bereich der Psychotherapieforschung, Entwicklungspsychopathologie und psychische Gesundheit. Sie ist auch tätig als psychoanalytische Psychotherapeutin.

Jugendliche Lebenswelten

by Peter Martin Thomas Marc Calmbach

Ein ermutigendes Buch, das endlich einmal nicht den Defizitblick in der Vordergrund stellt, sondern zeigt, wie viele Ressourcen die junge Generation in Deutschland in Wirklichkeit hat. Klaus HurrelmannWie sehen die aktuellen Lebenswelten 14- bis 17-Jähriger in Deutschland aus? Wie denken, fühlen und lernen sie, wie gestalten sie ihren Alltag, wo finden sie Sinn, Chancen und Anerkennung? Eine große Vielfalt an grundlegenden Wertorientierungen, an Alltagseinstellungen etwa zu Schule, Familie, Freizeit, Konsum und Medien sowie Unterschiede in der sozialen Lage kennzeichnen Jugendliche heute. Ähnliche Lebensweisen und Lebensauffassungen gruppiert die Sinus-Jugendforschung in verschiedenen Lebenswelten, die die Vielfalt der Jugend abbilden. Diese Studien des SINUS-Instituts zählen mittlerweile zu den Standardwerken der Jugendforschung und bilden eine wichtige Grundlage für die Arbeit mit jungen Menschen. Jugendliche Lebenswelten befasst sich mit den Fragen, Handlungsanforderungen und Perspektiven, die sich aus der Kenntnis jugendlicher Lebenswelten ergeben. Angesprochen werden Themen wie das Interesse Jugendlicher an Selbstinszenierung und Jugendszenen oder deren Begeisterung für Mode- und Elektronik-Marken. Diese werden oft problemorientiert diskutiert, während die Autorinnen und Autoren in diesem Buch sie als zentrale Facette von Identität auffassen. Bei der Frage nach dem Verständnis von politischer Bildung diskutieren sie , wie man verhindert, "benachteiligte Jugendliche" auszugrenzen. Den zeitlosen Begriffen wie Sinn, Glück und Erfolg und deren unterschiedlichen Bedeutungshorizonten in den verschiedenen Lebenswelten widmet sich ein weiteres Kapitel. Mit den wünschenswerten und notwendigen Implikationen für Politik, Pädagogik und Gesellschaft schließen die Herausgeber von Jugendliche Lebenswelten. Klaus Hurrelmann Wie sehen die aktuellen Lebenswelten 14- bis 17-Jähriger in Deutschland aus? Wie denken, fühlen und lernen sie, wie gestalten sie ihren Alltag, wo finden sie Sinn, Chancen und Anerkennung? Eine große Vielfalt an grundlegenden Wertorientierungen, an Alltagseinstellungen etwa zu Schule, Familie, Freizeit, Konsum und Medien sowie Unterschiede in der sozialen Lage kennzeichnen Jugendliche heute. Ähnliche Lebensweisen und Lebensauffassungen gruppiert die Sinus-Jugendforschung in verschiedenen Lebenswelten, die die Vielfalt der Jugend abbilden. Diese Studien des SINUS-Instituts zählen mittlerweile zu den Standardwerken der Jugendforschung und bilden eine wichtige Grundlage für die Arbeit mit jungen Menschen. Jugendliche Lebenswelten befasst sich mit den Fragen, Handlungsanforderungen und Perspektiven, die sich aus der Kenntnis jugendlicher Lebenswelten ergeben. Angesprochen werden Themen wie das Interesse Jugendlicher an Selbstinszenierung und Jugendszenen oder deren Begeisterung für Mode- und Elektronik-Marken. Diese werden oft problemorientiert diskutiert, während die Autorinnen und Autoren in diesem Buch sie als zentrale Facette von Identität auffassen. Bei der Frage nach dem Verständnis von politischer Bildung diskutieren sie , wie man verhindert, "benachteiligte Jugendliche" auszugrenzen. Den zeitlosen Begriffen wie Sinn, Glück und Erfolg und deren unterschiedlichen Bedeutungshorizonten in den verschiedenen Lebenswelten widmet sich ein weiteres Kapitel. Mit den wünschenswerten und notwendigen Implikationen für Politik, Pädagogik und Gesellschaft schließen die Herausgeber von Jugendliche Lebenswelten.

The Juggling Act: How to juggle leadership and life

by Professor Toby Salt

Being a leader in education is an always-on job. There’s always more to do, more staff and children to help. So how can a leader ensure that they are doing the right things, at the right time, without burning themselves out?Professor Toby Salt has worked in some of the hardest, most stress-inducing jobs in the wider education space, as well as juggling a large family. How did he make it work? Sometimes with great techniques, sometimes with bitter experience.The Juggling Act gives leaders in education and the wider public sector clear advice about how to manage the constant juggling act of professional and personal life. It reveals how to handle the logistics of management life: meetings, time management, technology. As well as how to handle the emotional parts: births, deaths, redundancies, missing your kids’ important moments, sticking to your values, and everything in between. It is an accessible read filled with anecdotes humour and experience.

The Juggling Act: How to juggle leadership and life

by Professor Toby Salt

Being a leader in education is an always-on job. There’s always more to do, more staff and children to help. So how can a leader ensure that they are doing the right things, at the right time, without burning themselves out?Professor Toby Salt has worked in some of the hardest, most stress-inducing jobs in the wider education space, as well as juggling a large family. How did he make it work? Sometimes with great techniques, sometimes with bitter experience.The Juggling Act gives leaders in education and the wider public sector clear advice about how to manage the constant juggling act of professional and personal life. It reveals how to handle the logistics of management life: meetings, time management, technology. As well as how to handle the emotional parts: births, deaths, redundancies, missing your kids’ important moments, sticking to your values, and everything in between. It is an accessible read filled with anecdotes humour and experience.

Julep O'Toole: Miss Independent

by Trudi Trueit

Julep O'Toole feels grown up. She's eleven, after all, and ready to be independent! Now she just has to convince her mom that she's old enough to wear makeup, have a cell phone, choose her own clothes, and make decisions about everything else in her life. After all, her mom lets Julep's older sister, Harmony, do all these things. but just when Julep thinks her mom is finally starting to listen to her, a disastrous shopping trip stops everything. Now Julep and her mom are not even speaking! Will Julep ever be understood and finally have the chance to be herself?

The Julian Chapter: A Wonder Story

by R. J. Palacio

A New York Times bestsellerA brand new, exclusive chapter from the bestselling, award-winning, and critically acclaimed novel Wonder.Over 1 million people have read Wonder and have fallen in love with Auggie Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face. Now readers will have a chance to hear from the book's most controversial character--Julian. From the very first day Auggie and Julian met in the pages of the #1 New York Times bestseller Wonder, it was clear they were never going to be friends, with Julian treating Auggie like he had the plague. And while Wonder told Auggie's story through six different viewpoints, Julian's perspective was never shared. Readers could only guess what he was thinking.Until now. The Julian Chapter will finally reveal the bully's side of the story. Why is Julian so unkind to Auggie? And does he have a chance for redemption?

Julian of Norwich: Mystic or Visionary? (Routledge Studies in Medieval Religion and Culture)

by Kevin Magill

Julian of Norwich was a fourteenth-century woman who at the age of thirty had a series of vivid visions centred around the crucified Christ. Twenty years later, while living as an anchoress in a church, she is believed to have set out these visions in a text called the Showing of Love. Going against the current trend to place Julian in the category of mystic - a classification which defines her visions as deeply private, psychological events - this book sets Julian’s thinking in the context of a visionary project used to instruct the Christian community. Drawing on recent developments in philosophy that debate the objectivity and rationality of vision and perception, Kevin J. Magill gives full attention to the depth and richness of the visual language and modes of perception in the Showing of Love. In particular, the book focuses on the ways in which Julian presented her vision to the Christian society around her, demonstrating the educative potential of interaction between the ‘isolated’ anchoress and the wider community. Challenging Julian’s identification as a mystic and solitary female writer, this book argues that Julian engaged in a variety of educative methods – oral, visual, conversational, mnemonic, alliterative – that extend the usefulness of her text.

Julie Tells Her Story (American Girls #2)

by Megan Mcdonald

Julie is enjoying working on her school project, "The Story of My Life," until she comes to the part about "The Worst Thing That Ever Happened." That would be her parents' divorce, and she doesn't want to tell her class about that. Julie tries to find a different "Worst Thing" to tell about-and after her big basketball game, she thinks maybe she's found the solution to her problem. But as her parents and sister rally around her, Julie finds herself thinking about her family in a new, and more hopeful, way.

Julius Caesar: The 30-Minute Shakespeare

by Nick Newlin

Julius Caesar: The 30-Minute Shakespeare presents eight spellbinding scenes from this timeless masterpiece. The action begins as the soothsayer warns Caesar of the Ides of March and continues as Brutus conspires against Caesar. Other key scenes include Caesar's riveting assassination and Antony's stirring funeral oration. This adaptation closes with Cinna the Poet's death at the hands of the mob, the quarrel between Brutus and Cassius, and Brutus' suicide. The edition includes a preface by Nick Newlin containing helpful advice on presenting Shakespeare in a high school setting with novice actors, as well as an appendix with play-specific suggestions and recommendations for further resources.

Julius Caesar: Modern English Version Side-by-side With Full Original Text (Shakespeare Made Easy)

by William Shakespeare Alan Durband

Here are the books that help teach Shakespeare plays without the teacher constantly needing to explain and define Elizabethan terms, slang, and other ways of expression that are different from our own. Each play is presented with Shakespeare's original lines on each left-hand page, and a modern, easy-to-understand "translation" on the facing right-hand page. All dramas are complete, with every original Shakespearian line, and a full-length modern rendition of the text. These invaluable teaching-study guides also include: Helpful background information that puts each play in its historical perspective. Discussion questions that teachers can use to spark student class participation, and which students can use as springboards for their own themes and term papers. Fact quizzes, sample examinations, and other features that improve student comprehension of what each play is about.

Julius Caesar (MAXNotes Literature Guides)

by Joseph Scalia

REA's MAXnotes for William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar The MAXnotes offers a comprehensive summary and analysis of Julius Caesar and a biography of William Shakespeare. Places the events of the play in historical context and discusses each act in detail. Includes study questions and answers along with topics for papers and sample outlines.

The Jumbalees in Hidden Treasure: A Hidden Treasure Hunt story for Kids ages 4 - 8 illustrated with cartoons (The Jumbalees #2)

by Chris Evans

In this story the Jumbalees go on a hidden treasure hunt. They split up into two groups, three of them search the beach and the other four look in the jungle. Several interesting items are found but a golden coloured object buried in the sand at the beach causes the most excitement. Is it valuable treasure, how did it get there and who does it belong to?This series of illustrated stories for kids are about the Jumbalees, a group of colourful young creatures that live and play together on an exotic island close to the ocean. They behave like human children, working together even when they disagree as they make their way through exciting and sometimes scary adventures. Their social interactions help prepare them for dealing with others and the world around them and their loyalty and humour allow them to overcome the obstacles they face. The colourful cartoon illustrations in these storybooks make reading more fun for kids.

The Jumbalees in the Camping Expedition: A Camping story for Kids ages 4 - 8 with cartoon illustrations (The Jumbalees #3)

by Chris Evans

The Jumbalees set off for a night’s camping in the forest but Fred has to stay behind and finish his homework. On their walk through the forest Elvis entertains them with poems. They set up camp, but just as it was getting dark and they were about to go to bed, a distant wailing sound in the night scares them. What kind of creature could it be? They set off cautiously in the dark to find out where the strange noise is coming from.This series of illustrated stories for kids are about the Jumbalees, a group of colourful young creatures that live and play together on an exotic island close to the ocean. They behave like human children, working together even when they disagree as they make their way through exciting and sometimes scary adventures. Their social interactions help prepare them for dealing with others and the world around them and their loyalty and humour allow them to overcome the obstacles they face. The colourful cartoon illustrations in these storybooks make reading more fun for kids.

The Jumbalees in the Friendly Alien: An Alien story for Kids ages 4 - 8 illustrated with colour cartoons (The Jumbalees #4)

by Chris Evans

In this story the Jumbalees have a strange encounter with an Alien when his spaceship crashes to Earth. He soon becomes a friend and goes to school with the Jumbalees where they almost get into trouble with a teacher. They have fun together but the Alien misses his parents and would like to return to his planet.This series of illustrated stories for kids are about the Jumbalees, a group of colourful young creatures that live and play together on an exotic island close to the ocean. They behave like human children, working together even when they disagree as they make their way through exciting and sometimes scary adventures. Their social interactions help prepare them for dealing with others and the world around them and their loyalty and humour allow them to overcome the obstacles they face. The colourful cartoon illustrations in these storybooks make reading more fun for kids.

The Jumbled Jigsaw: An Insider's Approach to the Treatment of Autistic Spectrum `Fruit Salads'

by Donna Williams

The Jumbled Jigsaw exposes autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) not as single entities but as a combination of a whole range of often untreated, sometimes easily treatable, underlying conditions. Exploring everything from mood, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive and tic disorders to information processing and sensory perceptual difficulties, including dependency issues, identity problems and much more, Donna demonstrates how a number of such conditions can combine to form a 'cluster condition' and underpin the label 'autism spectrum disorder'. Donna Williams encourages and empowers families to look at what they can do to change their child's environment to address anxiety, overload and other issues. She also gives carers the necessary information to navigate the booming autism marketplace and demand the right tools for the job. The author also challenges professionals to adopt a multi-disciplinary approach to identifying and treating the cluster conditions that make up an autism spectrum diagnosis, and to improve service delivery to those in need. The Jumbled Jigsaw is a call to modern society to take responsibility and accept diversity. It is written in a very human and user-friendly way for parents and for Auties and Aspies themselves, but it is also aimed at carers, professionals, policy-makers and service providers.

Jump (I Like to Read)

by David McPhail

For the very newest readers, a funny story with charming illustrations--about friendship, animals, and jumping!--by a beloved author-illustrator.I can jump.She can jump.A bug, a cow (over the moon, of course) . . . even a hippo can jump. Delightful illustrations by David McPhail and simple text will have new readers jumping for joy!

Jump Into Literacy: Active Learning for Preschool Children

by Rae Pica

Jump into Literacy combines children's love of active games with over 100 lively literacy activities. Written by a well-known children's movement specialist, these joyful games will engage the whole child in moving and playing as a way to develop the literacy skills needed for reading and writing. Each activity is complete with a literacy objective, a materials list, instructions, and extension activities. Most of the activities include suggestions for related music and children's books. From "The Alphabet in Action" to "Floorwriting" and "Follow That Letter," the activities in Jump into Literacy bring active learning to the classroom!

Jump Into Math: Active Learning for Preschool Children

by Rae Pica

Jump into Math is the perfect way to turn children's love of active games into learning opportunities! The activities in each chapter are organized by level of difficulty, and each one incorporates fun, exciting math experiences with movement. Most activities require few or no materials and include related children's books or music to extend the learning. The math skills index is an invaluable reference tool, giving teachers flexibility to plan around children's interests. Whether you use these lively math activities during circle or group time, substitute them for more traditional lessons in math, or use them to reinforce other lessons, you can be sure that the children are moving in leaps and bounds toward understanding mathematics. Research shows that the most effective way for children to learn concepts is to experience them physically. Jump into Math offers just this kind of learning. Activities such as Light and Heavy Words, The Number Hunt, and Three-Legged Creatures will actively engage children as they explore new math concepts!

Jump Into Science: Active Learning for Preschool Children

by Rae Pica

Jump into science with 100 active learning experiences! Jump into Science is the perfect way to turn children's love of active games into learning opportunities! Bring science to life by helping children learn about their bodies, animals, seasons, and the weather. The activities in each chapter are organized by level of difficulty, and each one incorporates fun, exciting science experiences with movement. Most activities require few or no materials and include related children's books or music to extend the learning. The science skills index is an invaluable reference tool, giving teachers flexibility to plan around children's interests. Research shows that the most effective way for children to learn concepts is to experience them physically. Jump into Science offers just this kind of learning. Activities such as The Mirror Game, Dinosaur Stomp, and Water and Ice will actively engage children as they explore new science concepts!

Jump-Start the Adult Learner: How to Engage and Motivate Adults Using Brain-Compatible Strategies

by Laurie E. Materna

"Overall this text is a very interesting read with significant applicability to both advisors and faculty. The creative advisor will have no problem synthesizing Materna's ideas and theories of brain-compatible learning strategies into daily interactions with students and faculty." —Jennifer Varney, Hesser CollegeUse these interactive strategies to help adults become more self-directed in their learning, improve their ability to comprehend and apply complex information, and unleash their creative potential.

Jump-Start Your Online Classroom: Mastering Five Challenges in Five Days

by David S. Stein Constance E. Wanstreet

Every year, more online or technology-enhanced learning experiences are added to the landscape of education, and the number of students taking online courses on residential campuses continues to grow. In addition, new instructional tools are creating environments that are mobile, interactive, and collaborative. These trends present challenges to the online classroom, and this book will help instructors meet those challenges.Jump-Start Your Online Classroom prepares a first-time online instructor to successfully manage the first few weeks of a course, including activities to help instructors plan, manage, and facilitate online instruction; and provides resources helpful during the beginning weeks of class. Each chapter is developed around the immediate challenges instructors face when teaching online. The authors address everyday problems and suggest solutions informed by their extensive research and experience. The five challenges, which are designed to be addressed in five days, are to:• Make the transition to online teaching• Build online spaces for learning• Prepare students for online learning• Manage and facilitating the online classroom• Assess learner outcomes in an online classroomThe book is based on the authors’ design and facilitation model that identifies five elements comprising an online learning environment: digital tools, participants, social practices, learning community, and outcomes. The book shows how each of those aspects influences instructional practices and interacts to create an environment for a meaningful online educational experience.

Jump-Starting Boys

by Cynthia Gill Pam Withers Dr John Duffy

Everyone knows that boys are falling behind in education. Largely left out of the discussion are parents of boys, who are most aware that their bright, eager sons hit an invisible wall somewhere near fourth grade, after which they become disengaged, discouraged, and disaffected. There are dozens of books on underachieving boys, but most parents brave enough to lift one off the shelf are instantly intimidated by the footnotes, graphs, case studies, and academic-speak addressed almost entirely to educators. What about the average guilt-ridden, frustrated mother or father of an underachieving boy? Jump-Starting Boys is the first book on the market that empowers parents, helping them reclaim the duties and rewards of raising their children and navigate the influences of school and media. Filled with reassurance and support, the authors turn fear and guilt into can-do confidence. Through easy tips and action list sidebars, this is the most practical, readable book on the topic.

Jump-Starting Boys: Help Your Reluctant Learner Find Success in School and Life

by Pam Withers

Everyone knows that boys are falling behind in education. Largely left out of the discussion are parents of boys, who are most aware that their bright, eager sons hit an invisible wall somewhere near fourth grade, after which they become disengaged, discouraged, and disaffected. There are dozens of books on underachieving boys, but most parents brave enough to lift one off the shelf are instantly intimidated by the footnotes, graphs, case studies, and academic-speak addressed almost entirely to educators. What about the average guilt-ridden, frustrated mother or father of an underachieving boy? Jump-Starting Boys is the first book on the market that empowers parents, helping them reclaim the duties and rewards of raising their children and navigate the influences of school and media. Filled with reassurance and support, the authors turn fear and guilt into can-do confidence. Through easy tips and action list sidebars, this is the most practical, readable book on the topic.

Jumped In

by Patrick Flores-Scott

<P>Sam has the rules of slackerhood down: Don't be late to class. Don't ever look the teacher in the eye. Develop your blank stare. <P> Since his mom left, he has become an expert in the art of slacking, especially since no one at his new school gets his intense passion for the music of the Pacific Northwest-Nirvana, Hole, Sleater-Kinney. <P>Then his English teacher begins a slam poetry unit and Sam gets paired up with the daunting, scarred, clearly-a-gang-member Luis, who happens to sit next to him in every one of his classes. <P> Slacking is no longer an option-Luis will destroy him. <P>Told in Sam's raw voice and interspersed with vivid poems, Jumped In by Patrick Flores-Scott is a stunning debut novel about differences, friendship, loss, and the power of words.

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