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Lectura Rápida: La Guía Completa Para Su Velocidad De Lectura

by Victor J. Ramirez E.

Leyendo la guía completa para Acelerar tu lectura Este libro puede ayudarlo a darse cuenta de que no tiene que aceptar la velocidad con la que lee ahora. En su lugar, puedes entrenarte para mejorar tu capacidad de leer rápido y comprender la informacion que estás absorbiendo.

Lectura Rápida: Una Rápida Y Fácil De Triplicar Su Velocidad De Lectura

by Travis Powell

Lectura rápida: Una rápida y fácil de triplicar su velocidad de lectura por Travis Powell En este libro aprenderá métodos, técnicas y ejercicios diseñados para mejorar la velocidad de lectura de manera dramática y lo más importante, cómo retener la información más fácilmente. Esto puede ir en contra del sentido común, pero las técnicas de "La paradoja de la lectura rapida" le harán retener más información tan rápido como usted la lea. Usted debe estar en el camino correcto si realmente no quiere que su esfuerzo y tiempo se pierda en el entrenamiento mental. Los conceptos y métodos de entrenamiento mental, le mejora de la memoria, la lectura rápida y aprendizaje súper rápido que se presentan en este libro deben conducirlo en la dirección correcta. Desde adelantarse a una discusión con su pareja, hasta asegurarse de poder ganar la próxima promoción en el trabajo! Al leer las situaciones y analizarlas, usted podrá responder apropiadamente y evitar cualquier momento de uy! Si estás listo para tomar acción y cambiar tu vida para bien, este libro definitivamente te guiará en la dirección correcta!

Lectura Veloz: La Última Guía Paso a Paso para Acelerar la Lectura y las Técnicas Sencillas.

by Daniel Sorger

Este es el libro que necesita. La lectura rápida es real y puede ayudarlo en casi todos los aspectos de su vida. Mucha gente piensa que la lectura veloz se aleja del proceso de lectura, pero en realidad se suma. Los que leen rápido entienden más de lo que leen que los lectores promedio. Ya tiene la capacidad de leer rápido, simplemente no está usando tus ojos y tu mente de la mejor manera posible. Aproveche todo el potencial de su lectura. Con unos pocos cambios simples, puede leer más rápido de lo que imagina. Este libro lo ayudará de todas las maneras, mostrándole cómo construir un conjunto de herramientas de lectura rápida y cómo y cuándo usar cada una de ellas para obtener los resultados más efectivos de lectura veloz. Si sigue las instrucciones, debería ver los resultados en unos pocos días de práctica y estar en el buen camino para convertirse en un maestro lector de velocidad en solo unos pocos meses.

Lectura veloz: Incrementa tu velocidad lectora

by Ivette Z. Chan Hu Wang

Aprende a leer de manera efectiva. Alcanza tu potencial de lectura para leer más y mejor que la mayoría de la gente. La lectura veloz es una habilidad que te permitirá disfrutar de los siguientes beneficios: 1. Cubrir más material escrito duplicando o triplicando el número de palabras que lees en un minuto. 2. Prestar mayor atención a la información más relevante. 3. Minimizar o eliminar las distracciones. 4. Aumentar tu concentración para mejorar tu comprensión lectora y retener más información. Aquellos que presumen de ser lectores veloces afirman tener la capacidad de leer a la increíble velocidad de 1000 a 1700 ppm, lo cual significa que pueden leer casi tres veces más rápido que un lector promedio. ¿Te gustaría alcanzar estos resultados? Cuando descuidas la lectura y la adquisición de buenos hábitos te destinas a permanecer en un nivel básico de lectura, el cual te impide obtener el máximo provecho de lo que lees. ¡Ahora es tiempo de mejorar tus habilidades de lectura! Echa un vistazo al contenido de este eBook: Capítulo 1: Antes de leer velozmente, primero LEE Capítulo 2: ¿Es difícil leer velozmente? Capítulo 3: Vicios de la lectura que te impiden ser un lector veloz Capítulo 4: Descubre tu método Capítulo 5: Mejora la eficiencia del movimiento ocular Capítulo 6: Minimiza a la voz interna Capítulo 7: Identifica velozmente la esencia de un texto ¿Estás listo para comenzar a leer velozmente? Lee más y mejor. ¡Descarga tu copia ahora!

Lectura Veloz: Cómo Leer Más Rápido Triplicando Tu Velocidad

by Tom Hunt

Este sorprendete libro te permite aprender los secretos de la lectura de comprensión, junto con las mejores formas para entender cualquier cosa que quieras leer. Con los rápidos desarrollos tecnológicos en años recientes, hemos empezado a usar amplamente varios dispositivos tecnológicos. Estos dispositivos facilitan tu trabajo y la vida diaria. Una de las cosas más importantes es el fácil acceso a la información. Gracias a los teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas, etc., podemos buscar información fácilmente y encontrarla cuando queramos. Después de qu empezamos usar dispositivos electrónicos como libros. Vivimos en la era de la información y tener la habilidad de leer más rápido puede hacer toda la diferencia. Leer más rápido puede darte acceso a un mejor trabjo, hacer más dinero, estar más educado, tener nuevos amigos y mucho más. ¡Confía en mi aprender a leer más rápido tiene muchas ventajas que mejorarán mucho tu vida!

Lectura Veloz: Convertirse En Un Aprendiz Efectivo Para Ser Más Productivo Y Leer Más Rápido

by Steve Sonnfeld

Este libro te guiará a través de todos los pasos necesarios para convertirte en el lector veloz que siempre has soñado ser. Desde ideas básicas como minimizar las distracciones mientras lees, hasta planes y prácticas estratégicas para llevar tus habilidades de lectura al siguiente nivel, este libro te dará la información que necesitas para convertirte en un exitoso lector veloz. Este libro te enseñará algunas maneras rápidas y fáciles de triplicar su velocidad de lectura en muy poco tiempo. Al centrarse en estas técnicas y practicarlas con el tiempo, puedes convertirte en un maestro de la lectura rápida. La lectura rápida es una habilidad que todo el mundo debería tener, no sólo te ayudará a comprender mejor los libros que lees, sino que también te ayudará en tu lugar de trabajo, desafortunadamente no muchas personas pueden leer a gran velocidad, lo que no solo significa que leen libros más despacio, sino que también puede perjurdicarlos en la vida personal y en el trabajo. Si estás preparado para hacer algo al respecto y cambiar tu vida para mejor, ¡este libro definitivamente te guiará en la dirección correcta!

Lectura Veloz: Incrementa Tu Velocidad De Lectura Mientras Lees Mucho.

by Clifford Field

Este libro te va a ensenar como hacer justo eso. Ahora, al usar las técnicas en este libro, no solo aprenderás a usar tu velocidad de lectura pero también vas a aprender cómo puedes incrementar tu entendimiento de lo que estás leyendo. Este libro esta diseñado para muchos y pueden servir como una revelación grandiosa de alguien que está atravesando tiempos difíciles. Tiene preguntas que buscan encontrar respuestas para gente que siempre está preocupada sobre la humanidad pero esta lista de tomar la decisión correcta. No te equivoques sobre el libro, pues no hay tal cosa como resultados positivos instantáneos. Lo que aprenderás de este libro son herramientas que puedes usar para producir resultados de aprendizaje positivos, graduales y consistentes. Mientras puede tomar tiempo aplicar las cosas que aprenderás aquí, un poco de paciencia te garantizara que todo será remunerado al final. ¡Consigue tu copia el día de hoy haciendo click en el boton al inicio de esta página!

Lectura Veloz: Speed Reading Para Principiantes En Aumento

by Matt Powell

Este libro te dará actividades que necesitarás para mejorar tu comprensión de lectura. Podrás mejorar tu comprensión y llevarla a tu máximo potencial. También puedes usarlo para convertirte en un aprendiz activo. La lectura veloz tiene muchos usos prácticos en este mundo tan ocupado. Puede ayudar a alguien a avanzar en su carrera, ayudar a un alumno a terminar sus estudios y graduarse, o a convertir la lectura en una experiencia más disfrutable y significativa. Entonces estaré más que contento en ayudarte a resolver el enigma. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es continuar leyendo, y discutiremos todo lo relacionado al poder de la lectura veloz. En esta guía, cubriremos muchos elementos específicos, pero lo primero que debes saber es que la lectura veloz implica absorber información rápidamente, generalmente con muchas oraciones a la vez.

Lecture Notes: A Professor’s Inside Guide to College Success

by Philip Freeman

A noted university professor offers an insider's guide to college success.

Lecture Notes: A Professor's Inside Guide to College Success

by Philip Freeman

College is hard, but the rules for college success are simple. The trick is, even though the rules are simple in theory, they are often very difficult in practice. But, here's my official college professor's guarantee: If you consistently and conscientiously follow these rules throughout your college years, you will ace your courses, impress your friends and family, and have prospective employers or graduate schools begging you to walk through their doors. FIRST RULE: GO TO CLASS. SECOND RULE: READ THE BOOKS. THIRD RULE: TALK TO YOUR PROFESSORS.

Lecture Notes Nephrology: A Comprehensive Guide to Renal Medicine (Lecture Notes)

by Surjit Tarafdar

Lecture Notes: Nephrology is a concise introduction to the fundamental principles of nephrology. An ideal study guide for medical trainees, this accessible resource combines the depth of a textbook with the accessibility of a handbook. Succinct chapters describe the clinical implications of renal physiology, examine major renal disorders and diseases, and explain a wide range of management and treatment options. A new addition to the popular Lecture Notes series, this handbook provides trainees in nephrology with core subject knowledge and enables medical students to gain a more comprehensive understanding of this complex specialty. Offers clear, easy-to-understand coverage of all relevant nephrology topics Includes MCQs and discussion around the answers, ideal for those preparing for written Internal Medicine examinations, including the certification examination of the American Board of Internal Medicine, the UK-based MRCP and the Australia and New Zealand-based FRACP examinations Features chapter summaries and numerous infographics, tables and figures Emphasises core management skills needed by medical students and junior doctors Is presented in the consistent and well-recognised Lecture Notes format

Lecture Notes Ophthalmology

by Bruce James Bron Parulekar

Highly illustrated, comprehensive, and accessible, Ophthalmology Lecture Notes is the ideal reference and revision guide to common eye problems and their diagnosis and management. Beginning with overviews of anatomy, history taking, and examination, it then covers a range of core ophthalmic conditions, including a new chapter on paediatric ophthalmology. The content has been thoroughly updated and includes: Over 200 diagrams and photographs A range of core clinical cases in chapter 20 demonstrating the clinical context of key conditions Learning objectives and summary of key points in each chapter Ophthalmology Lecture Notes is perfect for developing knowledge for clinical practice or revision in the run-up to examinations, and uses a systematic approach to provide medical students and junior doctors with all the tools they need to manage clinical situations. It is also useful for optometrists in training, helping them develop a sound understanding of clinical ophthalmology.

Lecture-Tutorials for Introductory Astronomy

by Jeff Adams Gina Brissenden Edward Prather Tim Slater

Lecture-Tutorials for Introductory Astronomy provides a collection of 44 collaborative learning, inquiry-based activities to be used with introductory astronomy courses. Based on education research, these activities are “classroom ready” and lead to deeper, more complete understanding through a series of structured questions that prompt you to use reasoning and identify and correct their misconceptions. All content has been extensively field tested and six new tutorials have been added that respond to reviewer demand, numerous interviews, and nationally conducted workshops.

The Lecturer's Guide to Quality and Standards in Colleges and Universities

by Professor Kate Ashcroft Kate Ashcroft Dr Lorraine Foreman-Peck Lorraine Foreman-Peck

A follow-up volume to "Managing Teaching and Learning in Further Education and Higher Education", this text provides a guide to managing quality and standards from the lecturer's point of view. It covers key issues such as teaching, learning, student support, assessment, evaluation, course design, bidding for and managing resources, marketing and research.; Based on the model of lecturer as reflective practitioner, this book is intended to help enable the lecturer to make sense of the changing climate of quality control and academic standards. Its interactive design introduces stimulating ideas and suggestions for further reading and provides guidelines on issues of relevance to individual readers.

The Lecturer’s Survival Guide: An Introduction to Successful Teaching in Higher Education

by Ann Marie Mealey

Serving as a comprehensive introduction to those new to teaching in higher education, this essential guide discusses pedagogical approaches that are current in higher education and the wider responsibilities of teaching within higher education. This book outlines the key aspects of navigating the role, including becoming a personal tutor and supporting the needs of a diverse student body. Readers will benefit from advice on promoting wellness, best practice while teaching and enjoying their role as they embark on their first academic job. It also underlines throughout that all lecturers need to be guided by a set of values around respect for students and the need to create learning environments that move away from any ‘ghetto’ style approaches to higher education. It suggests that our values as lecturers are key to us creating and exemplifying the much-needed ethical and just practice in our classrooms so that they mirror the kind of society we would like to live in and enable every student to feel as though they ‘belong’ at university. Written in an informative yet accessible manner, chapters explore the following: The challenges of transitioning from student to lecturer The key theories that underpin successful curriculum design Assessment and feedback as a source of empowerment within higher education teaching The need for academic personal tutoring Staying well when teaching within higher education Written for those who are new to higher education or to teaching in this setting, The Lecturer’s Survival Guide is an essential read for any higher education teacher who wishes to ensure successful teaching whilst maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

The Lecturer's Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Assessment, Learning and Teaching

by Phil Race

The Lecturer’s Toolkit is the primary resource for all teachers in higher education, whatever their experience, who are seeking to improve their teaching skills. Developed around detailed, practical guidance on the core elements of effective teaching in HE, it is packed full of accessible advice and helpful tips. This fully updated edition covers key topics including: learning styles assessment lecturing personal management skills formative feedback large and small group teaching blended learning resource based and online learning peer observation of teaching. The Lecturer’s Toolkit is essential for anyone working towards a profesisonal qualification in teaching in higher education as well as for those who want to reflect on and develop existing skills.

The Lecturer's Toolkit: A practical guide to assessment, learning and teaching

by Phil Race

The Lecturer’s Toolkit is a wide-ranging, down-to-earth, practical resource for lecturers and teachers in universities and colleges. Jargon-free and written with authority, clarity and candour, the Toolkit addresses a broad range of aspects of assessment, feedback, learning and teaching, and helps develop many facets of professional practice. Built around a central agenda of improving the quality of student learning, the Toolkit is outcomes-focused. Building on the strengths of its predecessors, this fourth edition includes strengthened emphasis on assessment and feedback, and designing large-group teaching for the digital age, when students can get easy access to a vast range of learning resource materials online. Coverage includes: how students really learn; designing assessment and feedback to enhance learning; lectures in the digital age; making small-group teaching work; resource-based learning in the digital age; looking after yourself; challenges and reflections. Fully updated and expanded, this fourth edition of the Toolkit will be an essential and flexible resource for every higher education professional.

The Lecturer's Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Assessment, Learning and Teaching

by Phil Race

The fifth edition of The Lecturer’s Toolkit addresses the needs and aspirations of all lecturers teaching in tertiary education. With a focus on practical, implementable strategies to enhance learning experiences and ensure best practice, it covers all of the need-to-know information crucial to teaching success. Pinpointing aspects of teaching excellence, the challenges and stresses of teaching and adapted to cover digital and online learning as well as face-to-face contexts, this new edition covers: designing and using learning outcomes face-to-face, online and peer dialogues using web extracts, video-clips, phones, tablets and social media in large group teaching how online learning relates to the larger contexts of lectures and MOOCs cheating, plagiarism, essay mills and online assessment how particular aspects fit into the bigger picture of a module/course/degree/life ensuring you’re looking after yourself Based on four decades of experience of higher education, The Lecturer’s Toolkit is written with authority and clarity in a jargon-free style. This invaluable guide is a must-read for every higher education professional.

Lectures and Articles on Christian Science

by Edward A Kimball

Lectures and Articles on Christian Science by Edward A. Kimball is a comprehensive collection of insightful teachings and profound reflections on the principles and practice of Christian Science. As a prominent lecturer and teacher within the Christian Science movement, Kimball’s writings offer invaluable guidance and clarity on the spiritual laws that underpin this religious philosophy.In this collection, Kimball addresses a wide array of topics essential to understanding and practicing Christian Science, including the nature of God, the power of prayer, the healing of sickness, and the demonstration of divine Love in daily life. His lectures and articles are characterized by their logical clarity, spiritual depth, and practical applicability, making complex theological concepts accessible and relevant to readers.Kimball’s writings emphasize the transformative power of understanding and applying the teachings of Jesus Christ as interpreted by Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science. He provides clear explanations of core beliefs and encourages readers to develop a deeper, more effective spiritual practice. His works are infused with a sense of hope and conviction, inspiring readers to pursue spiritual growth and healing.Lectures and Articles on Christian Science is an essential resource for both long-time practitioners and those new to the faith. Kimball’s eloquent and compelling style engages readers, inviting them to explore the profound spiritual insights that Christian Science offers. Each lecture and article serves as a guide to living a more harmonious, healthful, and spiritually enriched life.This collection not only serves as a doctrinal guide but also as a practical handbook for anyone seeking to experience the healing and redemptive power of Christian Science. Edward A. Kimball’s legacy as a teacher and healer shines through in this volume, providing timeless wisdom and inspiration for all who seek to understand and live in accordance with divine Principle.For those interested in deepening their understanding of Christian Science, Lectures and Articles on Christian Science offers a wealth of knowledge and spiritual insight, making it a treasured addition to any spiritual library.

Lectures on Hyperhamiltonian Dynamics and Physical Applications

by Giuseppe Gaeta Miguel A. Rodríguez

This book provides the mathematical foundations of the theory of hyperhamiltonian dynamics, together with a discussion of physical applications. In addition, some open problems are discussed. Hyperhamiltonian mechanics represents a generalization of Hamiltonian mechanics, in which the role of the symplectic structure is taken by a hyperk#65533;hler one (thus there are three K#65533;hler/symplectic forms satisfying quaternionic relations). This has proved to be of use in the description of physical systems with spin, including those which do not admit a Hamiltonian formulation. The book is the first monograph on the subject, which has previously been treated only in research papers.

Lectures on Real Analysis

by Finnur Lárusson

This is a rigorous introduction to real analysis for undergraduate students, starting from the axioms for a complete ordered field and a little set theory. The book avoids any preconceptions about the real numbers and takes them to be nothing but the elements of a complete ordered field. All of the standard topics are included, as well as a proper treatment of the trigonometric functions, which many authors take for granted. The final chapters of the book provide a gentle, example-based introduction to metric spaces with an application to differential equations on the real line. The author's exposition is concise and to the point, helping students focus on the essentials. Over 200 exercises of varying difficulty are included, many of them adding to the theory in the text. The book is perfect for second-year undergraduates and for more advanced students who need a foundation in real analysis.

Lectures on the Epistle to the Romans (Ironside Commentary Ser.)

by H. A. Ironside

“The present volume consists of Notes of Lectures on the Roman Letter, substantially as given to the students of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, Ill., the Evangelical Theological College of Dallas, Texas, and at various Bible Conferences through the United States and Canada in recent years.“They are sent forth in printed form in response to the earnest solicitation of many who heard them; and in the hope that they will be used of God to the blessing of numbers who cannot be reached by the spoken word.” (From the Author’s Foreword)

Lecturing: Case Studies, Experience and Practice (Case Studies of Teaching in Higher Education #No. 1)

by Helen Edwards Brenda Smith Graham Webb

Featuring real-life hints, tips and examples of good and bad practice, this manual provides practical advice on good lecturing techniques and confidence in further and higher education contexts.

Lecturing: A Practical Guide (Scre Publication Ser. #No. 114)

by Phil Race Sally Brown

Lecturing can be a terror, a chore or an exhilarating experience. For most lecturers, at one time or another, it is all of these things. For many in HE & FE it remains the staple form of teaching and, as student groups get ever larger, good lecturing becomes ever more important. This is an accessible, friendly and confidence-boosting book for inexperienced and experienced lecturers alike. Written in a lively and straightforward style, it guides readers through the art of good lecturing. This is a book to use both to gain confidence, and to work with as the your lecturing becomes more assured. The authors show how to improve lecturing, and how lecturing is a flexible and essential tool for enhancing learning and understanding. Illustrated throughout with fascinating case studies and scenarios and with helpful hints and tips, key issues covered include: * the place and types of lecture* voice and body language* causing learning in lectures* making lectures more effective* lecturing tools and processes* engaging groups* ensuring and developing quality* tips for day-to-day use.

Lee Hammond's All New Big Book of Drawing: Beginner's Guide to Realistic Drawing Techniques

by Lee Hammond

Learning How to Draw Has Never Been Easier!Lee Hammond's All New Big Book of Drawing is the culmination of nearly forty years of teaching. No matter what your experience level YOU CAN DRAW by following along these easy step-by-step demonstrations. Whether you want to create drawings of flowers, learn how to draw animals or how to draw a person, these drawing techniques, all-new projects, and expert tips will show you how to get great results with both regular pencils and colored pencils.Two books in one. The first half is a comprehensive course on using pencils to capture shape, form and likeness. The second half explores adding color using colored pencils88 step-by-step projects. You will learn to draw everything with this book! Starting with a simple sphere and working up to sea shells, sunsets, flowers, birds, horses, clothing, people--and so much more!A lifetime of know-how! Lee covers it all--from big picture concepts (selecting tools, shading techniques, making sense of perspective) down to techniques for creating the look of feathers, capturing skin tones, and making surfaces look shiny or transparent.Using her straightforward, three-stage approach to lifelike drawings, Lee makes any subject approachable, from still life and landscapes to animals and even people. This project-driven tome will help you create realistic, frame-worthy artwork. Project by project and subject by subject, you will gain confidence and cultivate great joy in drawing.

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