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Llama Llama Loves to Read (Llama Llama)

by Anna Dewdney Reed Duncan

Anna Dewdney's Bestselling Llama Llama series continues with Llama learning to read!Llama Llama learns at school. Counting, writing, reading, rules. Friends and school -- there's nothing better. Llama learning all the letters!Anna Dewdney's beloved Llama Llama is growing up and learning to read! Throughout the school day, the teacher helps Llama Llama and the other children practice their letters, shows word cards, reads stories, and brings them to the library where they can all choose a favorite book. By the end of the day, Llama Llama is recognizing words and can't wait to show Mama Llama that he's becoming a reader!

Llama Llama Misses Mama (Llama Llama)

by Anna Dewdney

Strange new teacher.Strange new toys.Lots of kids and lots of noise!What would Llama like to do?Llama Llama feels so new . . .It&’s Llama Llama&’s first day of preschool! And Llama Llama&’s mama makes sure he&’s ready. They meet the teachers. See the other children. Look at all the books and games. But then it&’s time for Mama to leave. And suddenly Llama Llama isn&’t so excited anymore. Will Mama Llama come back?Of course she will. But before she does, the other children show Llama Llama how much fun school can be!Activities for Llama Llama Misses Mama by Anna DewdneyWatch a Video

Llama Llama Misses Mama

by Anna Dewdney

Strange new teacher. Strange new toys. Lots of kids and lots of noise! What would Llama like to do? Llama Llama feels so new . . . It's Llama Llama's first day of preschool! Llama Llama's mama makes sure he's ready. They meet the teachers. See the other children. Look at all the books and games. But then it's time for Mama to leave. And suddenly Llama Llama isn't so excited anymore. Will Mama Llama come back? Of course she will. But before she does, the other children show Llama Llama how much fun school can be!

Llama Llama Talent Show (Llama Llama)

by Anna Dewdney

A Level 2 Reader based on an episode of Llama Llama's animated Netflix television series, perfect for little ones developing their own talent--for reading!Look out, world--Llama Llama is a TV star! The beloved character, made famous by Anna Dewdney's best-selling picture books, is the star of his own original series, now airing on Netflix. In this episode-based leveled reader, Llama Llama and his friends prepare acts for the school talent show, but Llama Llama doesn't know what act to perform! Your little llamas will love relating to their favorite character as he faces new and challenging situations.

Llama Stops Teasing: A book about making fun of others (Behaviour Matters #36)

by Sue Graves

Llama Stops Teasing offers a gentle introduction to the concept of teasing for young children.This funny, charming story is the perfect way to introduce young children to teasing, and help them find ways to build empathy. Also included are suggestions for activities and ideas to talk through together to help children understand their behaviour.Llama thinks it is funny to tease others. He whispers about them and makes fun of them. But when his friends say they don't want to play with him any more, Llama is upset. Can he start treating others more kindly?The Behaviour Matters series of picture books provide a gentle means of discussing emotions, boosting self-esteem and reinforcing good behaviour. Supports the Personal, Social and Emotional Development Area of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, and is also suitable for use with children in KS1 and can be used to discuss values. Suitable for children under 5.

La Llamada de lo Salvaje

by Jack London

Includes The Wolf and the Dog (El lobo y el perro), The Man Who Was a Horse (El hombre que se sentia caballo), Unsentimental Mother (Madre insesible), and Long Duel (El Largo duelo), and excerpts from the introduction of The Hidden life of Dogs.

Lo eterno sin disimulo

by C. S. Lewis

Lo eterno sin disimulo, es una recopilación de nueve ensayos y varias cartas anteriormente publicados en los que Lewis hace un despliegue de su capacidad para razonar con rigor y escribir con lucidez sobre el cristianismo.Hablar de lo eterno, sin caretas, sin disimulos, sin trampas, esa es la tarea a la que se entrega Lewis en este libro sustancioso. Y para ello utiliza muy distintos medios: una conferencia docta, un coloquio, un debate, una conversación entre amigos, un artículo de prensa, una carta...Toda ocasión es buena para dar testimonio de la fe y la verdad intemporal, "para mostrar a todos una noticia inaudita de plenitudes", con un afán apostólico que nos interpela. Y Lewis lo aborda con su proverbial claridad, lucidez y agudeza.Timeless at HeartTimeless at Heart, is a compilation of nine essays and several letters previously published in which Lewis displays his ability to reason rigorously and write lucidly about Christianity.Talking about the eternal, without masks, without dissimulation, without traps, that is the task to which Lewis gives himself in this substantial book. And for this he uses very different means: a learned conference, a colloquium, a debate, a conversation between friends, a press article, a letter...Every occasion is a good one to bear witness to the faith and the timeless truth, "to show everyone unprecedented news of fullness", with an apostolic eagerness that challenges us. And Lewis approaches it with his proverbial clarity, lucidity, and sharpness.

Lo que la biblia dice sobre: Finanzas

by Danilo H. Gomes

¿Es obligatorio el diezmo? ¿Apostar es pecado? ¿La Biblia da consejos financieros? La colección "De qué dice la Biblia" reúne un conjunto de preguntas con sus respectivas respuestas completamente basadas en las Sagradas Escrituras. Dado que, en el mundo de hoy, toda la verdad contenida en la Biblia ha sido distorsionada a favor de ideales egoístas, esta serie de libros tiene como objetivo conducir a los cristianos por los caminos de la verdad y nada más. Debemos volver urgentemente a la fuente de la sabiduría, es decir, a la Palabra de Dios. La parte de FINANZAS de esta colección plantea 15 preguntas (algunas bastante controvertidas) respondidas con base en la Santa Biblia, sin teorías humanas ni ideas políticas. Transforma totalmente tu visión de las finanzas y sorpréndete con verdades que probablemente no sabías.

Lo que nos dice la Biblia

by Henrietta C. Mears

El claro y conciso examen de las Escrituras que ella (Henrietta C. Mears) hace, nos revela que la Biblia es un libro, una historia, y un relato. Este compañero del estudio bíblico ayuda a hacer que las Escrituras revivan para usted, y lo ayudará a conocer mejor la revelación escrita de la Voluntad de Dios a los humanos.

Lo que saben sobre el liderazgo las personas exitosas: Consejos de la autoridad en liderazgo No. 1 de Estados Unidos (Successful People)

by John C. Maxwell

#1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell responds to the most popular questions he's received to help readers achieve greater success. John Maxwell, America's #1 leadership authority, has mastered the art of asking questions, using them to learn and grow, connect with people, challenge himself, improve his team, and develop better ideas. In this compact derivative of Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, he gives detailed answers to the most popular and intriguing questions posed to him by people at all stages of their careers, including: · How can you be a leader if you're at the bottom? · How do you motivate an unmotivated person? · How can you succeed with a leader who is difficult to work with? · How do you find balance between leading others and producing? · What gives a leader sustainability? No matter whether you're a seasoned leader or wanting to take the first steps into leadership, this book will provide helpful and applicable advice and improve your professional life.

Lo que sucederá después: Una guía para el viajero a través del fin de los tiempos

by Max Lucado

¿Estamos viviendo el final de los tiempos? Si es así, ¿qué significa eso para mí? La guía optimista, accesible y no sensacionalista de Max Lucado sobre lo que dice la Biblia acerca de la línea temporal del cielo capacitará a los lectores para afrontar el futuro con fe.Siete años de caos llamados la Tribulación. Un Anticristo cruel y astuto. La temida batalla de Armagedón. Estas imágenes e ideas asociadas a la profecía pueden ser estimulantes, pero también innecesariamente aterradoras. Max Lucado cree que Dios quiere que estemos preparados, no asustados. En su primer libro que explora el final de esta era, Max ofrece una visión sabia, bien documentada y tranquilizadora de lo que la Palabra de Dios tiene que decir sobre un tema que a menudo crea confusión y ansiedad.Max explora cuatro grandes ideas que proporcionarán una base sólida para comprender los planes de Dios y nos recordarán que nos dirigimos a un lugar mucho mejor que aquel en el que empezamos. Explica quefuimos creados para reinar con Cristo;Dios ha hecho y cumplirá sus promesasel cielo tiene un calendario; ya los hijos de Dios les espera una era dorada, el milenio.En un mundo lleno de tensiones políticas, pruebas personales y turbulencias internacionales, nos sentimos atraídos por explorar qué ocurre a continuación en la línea temporal del cielo. Tanto si los lectores se encuentran en el bando de «no puedo esperar», «estoy casi preparado» o «no estoy seguro de todo esto», se sentirán animados a reflexionar sobre los planes y promesas de Dios para el futuro. Con el característico estilo alentador de Max, nos recuerda: «Todo es cuestión de esperanza. Todo gira en torno a Él».What Happens NextAre we living in the end times? If so, what does that mean for me? Max Lucado's optimistic, accessible, and non-sensational guide to what the Bible says about heaven's timeline will empower readers to face the future with faith.Seven years of chaos called the Tribulation. A cruel and cunning Antichrist. The dreaded battle of Armageddon. These images and ideas associated with prophecy can be stimulating but also unnecessarily scary. Max Lucado believes God wants us to be prepared, not scared. In his first book exploring the end of this age, Max provides a wise, well-researched, and reassuring overview of what God's Word has to say on a topic that often creates confusion and anxiety.Max explores four big ideas that will provide a solid foundation for understanding God's plans and will remind us that we are headed to a far better place than where we started. He explains thatwe were made to reign with Christ; God has made and will keep his promises; heaven has a timeline; and a golden era, the millennium, awaits God's children. In a world filled with political tension, personal trials, and international turbulence, we find ourselves drawn to exploring what happens next on heaven's timeline. Whether readers find themselves in the "I can't wait," "I'm almost ready," or "I'm not sure about all of this" camp, they will be encouraged to ponder God's plans and promises for the future. In Max's signature encouraging style, he reminds us, "It's all about hope. It's all about him."

Lo que sueñan los androides: Del descubrimiento del fuego a los Smartphones: una breve historia de la tecnología

by David Calle

Del descubrimiento del fuego a los smartphones: una breve historia de la tecnología.Del profesor estrella de YouTube finalista del Global Teacher Prize y una de las personas más creativas del mundo según Forbes. Cuando nos adentramos en la sección de tecnología de un centro comercial, encontramos ordenadores portátiles ultraligeros, cables USB, smartphones de última generación, smartwatches, pulseras biométricas y hasta cámaras especiales para youtubers. Solemos asociar la tecnología a los últimos gadgets electrónicos que, para bien o para mal, han colonizado nuestro día a día. Uno de los mayores horrores de la vida contemporánea es quedarse sin batería o sin conexión, como si nos perdiéramos en una dimensión desconocida de la realidad, lejos del mundo y de nuestros congéneres. Pero la tecnología es una cosa mucho más amplia. Y mucho más antigua.Un día muy lejano, hace decenas de miles de años, un homínido cualquiera chocó una piedra contra otra y creó un cuchillo de sílex. Con aquel primate comienza este viaje: el de la historia de la tecnología en los albores de nuestra especie. Y sin necesidad de wifi ni de un enchufe. Desde entonces, la humanidad ha recorrido un apasionante camino, desde la invención del plástico hasta la exploración espacial, que juntos vamos a conocer a través de los descubrimientos tecnológicos que modificaron el rumbo de la historia.David Calle es licenciado en ingeniería de sistemas de telecomunicación. Tiene un canal de YouTube, Unicoos, donde enseña matemáticas y ciencias, que se ha convertido en uno de los canales educativos más importantes del mundo con casi un millón y medio de suscriptores. Según la revista Forbes, es una de las cien personas más creativas del mundo. En 2015, su canal fue elegido por Google como el de mayor impacto social y en 2017, David Calle quedó entre los 10 finalistas del Global Teacher Prize. La crítica ha dicho:«Raro es el estudiante de primero o segundo de una carrera técnica que no conozca a David Calle».El País«Este ingeniero ha conseguido colarse en la élite de la docencia».El confidencial«Hay un profesor youtuber que será la salvación de tu hijo si este tiene problemas con las ciencias».Cadena Dial

Lob der Vorlesung: Vorschläge zur Verständigung über Form, Funktion und Ziele universitärer Lehre (Doing Higher Education)

by Rudolf Egger Balthasar Eugster

Das Buch klärt, wie eine hochschul- und wissenschaftsdidaktisch schlüssige Verbindung von Lehren und Lernen, Lehr- und Lernhandlungen aussehen sollte, und welche Rolle die Vorlesung in ihren verschiedenen Ausprägungen hierbei spielen kann. Die aufeinander abgestimmten Beiträge versuchen dabei – in einer dezidierten Gegenbewegung zu technokratischen, aktivistischen und postulatorischen Ansätzen der Hochschuldidaktik – die derzeit dominierenden Spannungsverhältnisse in diesem Bereich aufzugreifen, zu untersuchen und begrifflich wie empirisch gehaltvoll auszuleuchten. Es wird der Blick daraufhin geschärft, wie im Format „Vorlesung“ das Lehren einen zentralen Stellenwert erhält und in seiner Beziehung zum Lernen akzentuiert werden kann, ohne die Parolen eines „shift from teaching to learning“ unhinterfragt aufzunehmen.

Lobbying in der Sozialwirtschaft: Eine Einführung (Basiswissen Sozialwirtschaft und Sozialmanagement)

by Günter Rieger

Das Lehrbuch bietet eine umfassende, theoriebasierte und praxisnahe Einführung zum Lobbying der Sozialen Arbeit. Soziale Dienste, deren Handlungsbedingungen wesentlich politisch konstituiert sind, brauchen eine professionelle Interessenvertretung. Wer die Qualität Sozialer Arbeit verbessern will, muss auch ihre Politikfähigkeit steigern. Das Lehrbuch analysiert hierzu Grundfragen, Herausforderungen und Dilemmata des Soziallobbyings, erarbeitet Einflusschancen auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen der Politik, untersucht förderliche Bedingungen politischen Wandels und zeigt Wege und Instrumente einer gelingenderen Praxis des Soziallobbyings.

Lobisa Radipitse Tswana Drama: UBC contracted

by S. A. Moroke

Ke mo go e nngwe ya dipolase tse batho ba Bantsho ba nang le tetlelelo ya go di reka mo tikologong ya Tlhabane (Rustenburg). Go eme ntlo e ntle ya dipota tsa ditena le marulelo a masenke, le difensetere tsa digalase. Ke lona legae la ga Jakopo Radipitse le mosadi wa gagwe Lobisa. Gaufi le ntlo e ntle e, go eme ntlwana ya dipota tsa mmu le marulelo a bojang. Ke ntlwana e Jakopo Radipitse a e agetseng monnawe, Lorole, le batlhanke ba gagwe ba ba tona.

Lobisa Radipitse Tswana Drama: UBC uncontracted

by S. A. Moroke

Ke mo go e nngwe ya dipolase tse batho ba Bantsho ba nang le tetlelelo ya go di reka mo tikologong ya Tlhabane (Rustenburg). Go eme ntlo e ntle ya dipota tsa ditena le marulelo a masenke, le difensetere tsa digalase. Ke lona legae la ga Jakopo Radipitse le mosadi wa gagwe Lobisa. Gaufi le ntlo e ntle e, go eme ntlwana ya dipota tsa mmu le marulelo a bojang. Ke ntlwana e Jakopo Radipitse a e agetseng monnawe, Lorole, le batlhanke ba gagwe ba ba tona.

Los Lobos (National Geographic Readers #2)

by Laura Marsh

Corren en manadas, cazan a sus presas y aúllan frente a la luna. Y no importa dónde estés—siempre están escondidos en algún lugar cerca. Gente de todo el mundo teme y ama a los lobos, los cachorritos depredadores del mundo salvaje. ¿Pero realmente los entendemos? <P><P> En este libro fascinante para niños de nivel 2 en español, aprenderás que la vida de un lobo es mucho más complicada de lo que nosotros creemos. ¿Sabías que cada manada tiene su jefe y sus seguidores? ¿O que los lobos“hablan” entre ellos usando sus cuerpos? ¿O que realmente no quieren atacar a los humanos, que nos prefieren dejar en paz? Lleno de fotografías increíbles e información interesante, NGR Lobos es divertido para todos los niños.

L'OBSERVATEUR DE LA GENÈSE - Du récit poétique à l'explication scientifique

by Sophia Bisstouane Alberto Canen

Plus de 300 000 livres vendus en anglais et en espagnol. La Genèse, les 7 jours, la Création... D'où provient le texte qui compose la première partie de la Bible ? Le texte de la Genèse n’est-il qu’un poème d'introduction... ou serait-ce un récit ? Qu'il y a-t-il derrière les mots de la Genèse ? Alberto Canen a trouvé une voie alternative pour répondre à ces questions et à d'autres, également contenues dans la Genèse. Il a trouvé un itinéraire que personne n’avait encore jamais suivi jusqu'ici. Il invite le lecteur à parcourir cet itinéraire et à prendre conscience avec lui de ses découvertes. L'auteur a découvert que, caché au fond de l'intrigue, il y avait quelqu'un. Quelqu'un qui observe, quelqu'un qui raconte, quelqu'un qui raconte ce qu'il observe. Et un emplacement, le lieu d’où il observe. La localisation de l'observateur. La clé d'un puzzle passionnant. La Genèse a été un mystère pendant des milliers d'années. Il était impossible de comprendre de quoi parlait le texte. S’il ne s’agissait que d’un poème d'introduction aux Saintes Écritures, ou s'il contenait réellement des informations sur la Création. Le texte de la Genèse a divisé les créationnistes et les scientifiques, durant très longtemps et cela jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Avec ce livre, j'espère que cette séparation entre scientifiques et créationnistes se diluera grâce à ma découverte de la clé unissant ces deux mondes. Je crois que la clé du mystère de la Genèse est de comprendre qu'elle est racontée par quelqu'un, un narrateur de la Genèse. Celui qui observe la vision que Dieu lui a confiée et qui à partir de là, raconte ce qu'il observe et il observe cela depuis une localisation humaine et terrestre. Cet endroit terrestre et précis est la clé pour comprendre la Genèse.

La loca, loca búsqueda del tesoro (Judy Moody & Stink #Volumen)

by Megan McDonald

Vive una nueva aventura con Judy Moody y su hermano Stink. Nada más echar el ancla en la isla Alcachofa, el capitán Weevil dará la bienvenida a la familia Moody. Se trata de un bucanero tuerto con barba despeluchada y el mapa de un tesoro escondido. Stink y Judy recorrerán la isla a toda carrera en busca del oro. Pero ¡rayos y truenos!, no son los únicos lobos de mar buscando el botín. ¿Podrán Molly, la Loca, y Escorbuto Stink derrotar a sus rivales, chico alto y chica lista? ¿Encontrarán las pistas escondidas, descifrarán los códigos secretos y resolverán las pruebas antes de que sea tarde? ¡Aarrrg!

A Local Assessment Toolkit to Promote Deeper Learning: Transforming Research Into Practice

by Karin J. Hess

Build assessments you can really use | Unlock the how, when, what, and why Watch your system become greater than its parts by building local capacity through common language and deeper knowledge of assessment components. For years, educators have turned to the Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrices (CRM). Now for the first time, the modules are packaged into one resource to help you evaluate the quality and premise of your current assessment system. Designed as a professional development guide for long-term use by school leaders, five content-rich, topic-based modules: Offer field-tested, teacher-friendly strategies for local school test development Can be used for individual or professional development opportunities Allow for sequential or non-sequential use

A Local Assessment Toolkit to Promote Deeper Learning: Transforming Research Into Practice

by Karin J. Hess

Build assessments you can really use | Unlock the how, when, what, and why Watch your system become greater than its parts by building local capacity through common language and deeper knowledge of assessment components. For years, educators have turned to the Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrices (CRM). Now for the first time, the modules are packaged into one resource to help you evaluate the quality and premise of your current assessment system. Designed as a professional development guide for long-term use by school leaders, five content-rich, topic-based modules: Offer field-tested, teacher-friendly strategies for local school test development Can be used for individual or professional development opportunities Allow for sequential or non-sequential use

Local Citizenship in the Global Arena: Educating for community participation and change (Routledge Research in Education Policy and Politics)

by Sally Findlow

Local Citizenship in the Global Arena proposes a reconsideration of both citizenship and citizenship education, moving away equally from prevailing ‘global citizenship’ and ‘fundamental British values’ approaches towards a curriculum for education that is essentially about creating cosmopolitan, included and inclusive, politically-engaged citizens of communities local, national and global. Viewing education as both problem and solution, Findlow argues that today’s climate of rapid and unpredictable geopolitical and cultural re-scoping requires an approach to citizenship education that both reflects and shapes society, paying attention to relationships between the local and global aspects of political voice, equality and community. Drawing on a range of international examples, she explores the importance and possibilities of a form of education that instead of promoting divisive competition, educates about citizenship in its various forms, and encourages the sorts of open and radical thinking that can help young people cross ideological and physical borders and use their voice in line with their own, and others’, real, long-term interests. Successive chapters develop this argument by critically examining the key elements of citizenship discourses through the interrelated lenses of geopolitical change, nationalism, the competition fetish, critical pedagogy, multiculturalism, protest politics, feminism and ecology, and highlighting ways in which the situationally diverse lived realities of ‘citizenship’ have been mediated by different forms of education. The book draws attention to how we think of education’s place in a world of combined globalisation, localism, anti-state revolt and xenophobia. It will be of key interest to academics, researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of education, political science, philosophy, sociology, social policy, cultural studies and anthropology.

Local Civics with National Purpose: Civic Education Origins at Shortridge High School (Historical Studies in Education)

by J. Spencer Clark

This book examines the development of civic education in the United States through the lives of two teachers at Shortridge High School (SHS) in Indianapolis around 1900. After situating civic education at the turn-of-the-century, the book describes the career of Laura Donnan—her influences, teaching, extracurriculars, and civic life—through the lens of her unique epistemology, shaped by negotiating the gendered ideologies of her era. Then, the book re-examines Arthur W. Dunn’s career, focusing on his ten years at SHS, and the influence of Donnan on his popular community civics curriculum and subsequently the 1916 report “The Social Studies in Secondary Education.” Previous scholars have overlooked Dunn’s time at SHS, viewing it simply as a stepping stone for the progressive educator’s career. This book argues that Dunn’s time at SHS was pivotal to his career due to influential colleagues, primarily Donnan. To conclude, Clark discusses the implications of Donnan’s epistemology in shaping civic education in the United States.

Local Color: Seeing Place Through Watercolor

by Mimi Robinson

Whenever we first encounter a new place, whether landscape or cityscape, one of the most immediate and powerful sensations comes from its colors, or the palette of colors, which profoundly influence our reaction to and sense of a space. In Local Color, designer and educator Mimi Robinson teaches us not only how to see the colors around us but also how to capture and record them in watercolor. Regardless of your level of expertise, Robinson will quickly have you creating personal memories of time, travel, and place through a series of self-guided exercises and illustrated examples.

Local Drivers for Improvement Capacity

by Ulf Blossing Torgeir Nyen Åsa Söderström Anna Hagen Tønder

This book presents systematically six types of schools, with different improvement capacities. Different schools have different capacities for school improvement, depending on the school infrastructure, norms and routines for the improvement process, improvement roles, and improvement history. The organisation of the improvement capacity is understood on the basis of sensemaking processes among teachers and school leaders. The book focuses on the challenges for each type of school in their improvement work, and which situations and circumstances they need to take into account. The school types are illustrated with detailed descriptions of six schools, coming from an evaluation of a Norwegian school development program. The book fills a need in school organisations to have concrete illustrations from similar schools of how teacher teams are organised, how leadership is exercised and processes are organised in their efforts of improving the organisation and building a complex and effective capacity. Schools' improvement capacity has become an important feature in school management and leadership as well as in research as western states have decentralised governance to the local level. The expectations on school leaders as well as on teachers are high when it comes to improve their schools to raise student outcome. Accounts of professional school cultures and professional learning communities often describe in an overall perspective the ideal school where such an improvement capacity is in work. However, accounts of the many ways of organising the capacity which perhaps are not all in all ideal or effective also contribute to the knowledge of the local school process.

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