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Nurse Instructor: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)
by National Learning CorporationThe Nurse Instructor Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to; Nursing education, with emphasis on principles and methods of teaching; Nursing principles and practices; Supervision; Counseling and guidance; and more.
Nurse Kenji Rules! (Katie Woo's Neighborhood)
by Fran ManushkinThe Woos' neighbor, Mr. Kenji, is training to be a nurse. He has a big test coming up, and Katie has offered to help him get ready. Hopefully Katie’s help will lead to a high score on the big test for Mr. Kenji.
Nurseries: A Design Guide
by Mark DudekArchitecture can inspire young children; the very shape and form of a daycare center can not only stimulate their imagination but can help children form strong relationships and help promote development. This design guide presents all the elements of building design that combine to create the very best environment for young children and the people who work with them, including building materials, multi-functional spaces and design scaled to suit small children.
Nursery Life 300 Years Ago: The Story of a Dauphin of France, 1601–10. Taken from the Journal of Dr Jean Héroard, Physician-in-Charge, and from Other Contemporary Sources (Routledge Library Editions: Early Years)
by Lucy CrumpOriginally published in 1929, Nursery Life 300 Years Ago is about the childhood of a seventeenth-century Dauphin of France, taken from the journal of Dr. Jean Heìroard, physician-in-charge and other contemporary sources, which is used as a medium for describing the education, toys and other social aspects of childhood at that time. A fascinating glimpse into the historic study of children.
Nursery Nurse to Early Years’ Practitioner: Role, Relationships and Responsibilities
by Hazel G. WhittersThe role, relationships and responsibilities of the traditional ‘nursery nurse’ have changed markedly within the last 20 years, demanding a high level of skill, knowledge and understanding which pertains to formal international standards. This book responds to the needs of a workforce who have experienced rapid developments and challenges. It supports an understanding of ‘self’ and the creation of an organisational pedagogy. Concepts are explored by reference to research indicating the importance of relationship-based practice with children and parents. Experienced practitioner Hazel Whitters draws on practical examples from the field, such as attachment, inclusion, pedagogy and child protection to bridge the implementation gap between current research, policy and practice of work in the early years. Nursery Nurse to Early Years’ Practitioner will be of interest to early years' practitioners, academics, post-graduate students, researchers and course leaders in the field.
The Nursery Year in Action: Following children’s interests through the year
by Anna EphgraveChild-led learning in the early years allows children to thrive while making accelerated progress. Young children learn and develop best when they are in a stimulating environment which is carefully organised and equipped to meet their needs, interests and stages of development, and where each child’s progress is carefully observed, managed and enhanced by adults who engage and interact with them to support them in making outstanding progress. Demonstrating how a child-led approach supports the development of purposeful, calm, confident and independent children, The Nursery Year in Action offers a unique month-by-month overview of the workings of an outstanding Nursery setting. The book covers all aspects of practice from the organisation of the classroom and garden and the rationale behind this to the routines and boundaries that ensure children are safe, happy and therefore able to explore and learn. It tracks the events of each month in the year paying particular attention to the environment, the role of the adult, links with parents, children’s individual needs and the key areas of learning and development. Throughout the book Anna Ephgrave gives the reason behind each decision and shows what the outcomes have been for the children, emphasising that a child-led approach, with planning in the moment can meet the requirements of the revised Early Years Foundation Stage and the individual needs of the children. Key features include: Over 150 full colour photographs to illustrate practice Photocopiable pages of planning sheets, record keeping sheets, sample letters to parents and play resources also available for download List of resources and materials Examples of individual learning journeys and planning in the moment for groups Guidance on what to look for when assessing children’s progress Advice on risk/benefit assessments Suggestions for managing transitions and minimising stress Written by a leading consultant teacher whose Early Years’ department has achieved "Outstanding" at four consecutive Ofsted inspections, this book provides practitioners with the practical ideas to work with confidence in a way that is rewarding, manageable and, above all, creates a happy, relaxed learning environment for children.
Nurse's Aide: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)
by National Learning CorporationThe Nurse's Aide Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: fundamentals of health and nursing care; medical terminology; understanding and interpreting written material; and more.
Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach To Learning
by Pearson#1 curriculum choice for concept-based schools of nursing Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning provides all of the core content and materials needed to deliver an effective concept-based program that develops practice-ready nurses. This three-volume series is the only concepts curriculum developed from the ground up as a cohesive, comprehensive learning system. An intentional instructional design and learning pattern fosters connections between concepts and a deep level of comprehension that can be applied broadly. Volume II focuses on 30 crucial psychosocial, reproductive, nursing, and healthcare concepts, and then turns to the nurse’s broader roles in areas such as accountability, advocacy, and safety. The 3rd edition is a full-scale, cover-to-cover revision that brings the text in line with new evidence-based practice, care, and safety guidelines.
NURSING ADMINISTRATION: Passbooks Study Guide (Certified Nurse Examination Series)
by National Learning CorporationThe Certified Nurse Examination Series prepares individuals for licensing and certification conducted by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the National Certification Corporation (NCC), the National League for Nursing (NLN), and other organizations. The Nursing Administration Passbook® provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.
NURSING ADMINISTRATION, ADVANCED: Passbooks Study Guide (Certified Nurse Examination Series)
by National Learning CorporationThe Certified Nurse Examination Series prepares individuals for licensing and certification conducted by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the National Certification Corporation (NCC), the National League for Nursing (NLN), and other organizations. The Nursing Administration, Advanced Passbook® provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.
Nursing Assistant: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series #C-534)
by National Learning CorporationThe Nursing Assistant Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: performing routine hospital techniques such as bathing, feeding and lifting patients; assisting medically trained personnel; communicating at the level required for successful job performance; keeping simple records; following oral and written directions; and more.
NURSING CARE OF ADULTS I: Passbooks Study Guide (Certified Nurse Examination Series)
by National Learning CorporationThe Certified Nurse Examination Series prepares individuals for licensing and certification conducted by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the National Certification Corporation (NCC), the National League for Nursing (NLN), and other organizations. The Nursing Care of Adults I Passbook® provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.
NURSING CARE OF ADULTS II: Passbooks Study Guide (Certified Nurse Examination Series)
by National Learning CorporationThe Certified Nurse Examination Series prepares individuals for licensing and certification conducted by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the National Certification Corporation (NCC), the National League for Nursing (NLN), and other organizations. The Nursing Care of Adults II Passbook® provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.
Nursing Children and Young People with ADHD
by Noreen Ryan Tim McDougallADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed behavioural disorders in children and young people. It is a complex and contested condition, with potential causes and treatments in biological, psychological and social domains. This is the first comprehensive text for nurses and other health professionals in this field. Nursing Children and Young People with ADHD explores the evidence, incorporating and expanding on the new NICE guidelines for practice in this area, to provide an essential knowledge base for practice. The text covers: causes, diagnosis, co-morbidity, user and carer perspectives, assessment, treatment and interventions (including those suitable for use in schools), prescribing and the legal background. An invaluable text for pre-registration student nurses on mental health and children branches, this will also be a useful reference work for post-registration nurses and health professionals seeking evidence-based recommendations for practice.
Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-based Guide to Planning Care
by Betty J. Ackley Gail B. Ladwig Mary Beth Flynn Makic Marina Reyna Martinez-Kratz Melody ZanottiThis convenient handbook shows you how to correlate nursing diagnoses with known information about clients on the basis of assessment findings, established medical or psychiatric diagnoses, and the current treatment plan. Extensively revised and updated with the new 2018-2020 NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses, it integrates the NIC and NOC taxonomies, evidence-based nursing interventions, and adult, pediatric, geriatric, multicultural, home care, safety, and client/family teaching and discharge planning considerations to guide students in creating unique, individualized care plans.
Nursing Education in a Changing Society
by Mary InnisRapid social change and the advances made in the field of health care have greatly changed the role and function of the nurse in the last fifty years. Nursing is now almost a full-fledged profession. This book celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the School of Nursing of the University of Toronto. The field it covers is wide and varied – from care of the sick by the nuns of early Quebec to the development of pre-paid nursing plans, from concepts of "beside nursing" to "delivery health services." There are long looks into the future of nursing education and health care which include descriptions of health science centres, diagnosis by computer, and treatment centres in outer space. The book sketches the history of this pioneer school of nursing, surveys nursing legislation, and examines the rise of the public-health nurse and the nursing assistant. Essays contributed by leading Canadian authorities show a wide range of opinion: one writer wants to see the scope of nursing education enlarged, another thinks it is too broad already. At a time when nursing education is becoming an increasingly controversial subject, this book will be of interest and value to all those in the health field.
Nursing Education in Thanatology: A Curriculum Continuum
by Austin H. Kutscher Florence E. Selder Virginia W. Barrett Marilyn M. Rawnsley Carole A. Lambert Marcia Fishman Mary KachoyeanosNursing Education in Thanatology is an excellent source book for planning thanatology courses or for integrating concepts of thanatology into a nursing curriculum. As the formal teaching of thanatology in schools for health care professionals is generally overlooked and ill-defined, many students and professionals will learn to deal with dying and grieving upon their first encounter with death. This practical book will aid educators in planned inclusion of thanatology in curriculum to insure the preparedness of health care professionals in assisting patients and/or their families during an emotionally difficult period. There are many suggestions presented for beneficial methods of integrating thanatology education into existing courses or offering thanatology as a single course for education professionals.A vital resource for inservice coordinators working with clinicians in oncology, hospital staff, and health professionals in community or outpatient health centers, Nursing Education in Thanatology is excellent reading for helping professionals working with elderly people.
Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults
by Carol A. MillerGrounded in the author’s Functional Consequences Theory for Promoting Wellness in Older Adults, Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults, 9th Edition, instills a functional understanding of both the physiologic and psychosocial aspects of aging, as well as common risk factors, to prepare students for effective, wellness-oriented gerontological practice in today’s changing healthcare environment. This extensively updated edition reflects the latest issues in the care of older adults and ensures an actionable understanding of culturally appropriate care, legal matters, ethical concerns, and more.
Nursing Programs 2013
by Peterson'sPublished in cooperation with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)-the only U.S. organization dedicated exclusively to advancing baccalaureate and graduate nursing education-Peterson's Nursing Programs 2013 is a comprehensive guide to undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral programs in the United States and Canada. Profiling more than 3,500 undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral options at more than 700 institutions in the United States and Canada, readers can evaluate the latest data on entrance requirements, costs, degrees offered, distance learning options, and more. A special section, "The Nursing School Adviser," includes in-depth articles about degree and career options, the admissions process, and specialized programs for professions such as nurse practitioner and clinical specialist. The Quick-Reference Chart offers readers at-a-glance school comparisons.
Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice
by Denise F. Polit Cheryl Tatano BeckWhether used to help students learn how to perform research or how to critically appraise research reports for use in practice, this authoritative, approachable textbook shows how nursing research is applicable across today's changing healthcare field. The authors detail the latest methodologic innovations that have arisen in nursing, medicine, and the social sciences in their signature user-friendly style, accompanied by the helpful learning features, pedagogy, and clean design that have made this book a classic. The updated 11th Edition adds two new chapters designed to help students ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of research methods and the relevance and applicability of nursing inquiries. Extensively revised content throughout strengthens students' ability to locate and rank clinical evidence, verify the authoritativeness of systematic reviews, and distinguish interpretive approaches from aggregative approaches using meta-aggregation.
by National Learning CorporationThe Admission Test Series prepares students for entrance examinations into college, graduate and professional school as well as candidates for professional certification and licensure. The Nursing School Entrance Exams for Practical Nurses (PN) Passbook® prepares you by sharpening the skills and abilities necessary to succeed on your upcoming entrance exam. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.
by National Learning CorporationThe Admission Test Series prepares students for entrance examinations into college, graduate and professional school as well as candidates for professional certification and licensure. The Nursing School Entrance Exams for Registered and Graduate Nurses (RN) Passbook® prepares you by sharpening the skills and abilities necessary to succeed on your upcoming entrance exam. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.
Nursing School Entrance Exams
by KaplanKaplan's Nursing School Entrance Exams is comprehensive review of all tested material on major nursing school entrance assessments, including the TEAS, HESI, PAX-RN, Kaplan, and PSB-RN exams. With focused review and practice for math, reading comprehension, and science--plus quick-reference resources flagging common mistakes to avoid and important formulas to remember--this effective guide prepares you fully for the first test of your nursing career.Features:* NEW! Exam-like brief reading comprehension passages* NEW! Review of conversion calculations* Diagnostic quiz* 2 complete practice tests* Detailed answer explanations* Focused review and practice for the most-tested subject areas: math, reading comprehension, vocabulary, and science* Quick-reference resources highlighting frequently used math formulas and commonly misspelled words to remember* Kaplan's effective score-raising strategies* Practical advice for the career-change nursing student
Nursing School Entrance Exams: HESI A2 / NLN PAX-RN / PSB-RN / RNEE / TEAS (Barron's Test Prep)
by Sandra S. Swick R.N. B.C. Ed. D. Rita R. Callahan R.N. B.S.N. M. ABarron’s Nursing School Entrance Exams provides detailed review and practice materials that you need to achieve success on the various Nursing School Entrance Exams (including the HESI A2, NLN PAX-RN, PSB-RN, RNEE, and the TEAS). This edition features: A multi-part exam that covers all of the topic areas and question types seen on most nursing school entrance exams, A diagnostic test so you can assess your strengths and weaknesses in each topic area before beginning your review, Comprehensive review and practice material for all Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension, and Numerical Ability topics, An entire review and practice section for all Science topics, with each section broken down into an outline format for quick studying and sample tests for every topic, Test-taking strategies and answers to frequently asked questions about preparing for your entrance exam, Strategies for answering each question type, You’ll also get information about nursing programs and the profession in general.
Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep: Your All-in-One Guide to the Kaplan and HESI Exams (Kaplan Test Prep)
by Kaplan NursingNow with a new, easy-to-read page design, Kaplan's Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep is a focused review of the HESI A2 and the Kaplan Nursing Admission Test—two major nursing school entrance assessments. Exam-specific practice, concise content review, and proven test-taking strategies will prepare you to face the first test of your nursing career with confidence.The Best ReviewFour sample practice tests: two for HESI A2, two for the Kaplan exam.Diagnostic test to identify the topics where you need the most reviewTest-specific icons showing which content to review for the Kaplan vs. the HESIScience chapters broken out by topic: anatomy & physiology, biology, organ systems, and chemistryGrammar and writing sections specifically geared to the Kaplan testQuick-reference resources with frequently used math formulas and commonly misspelled words to rememberExpert GuidanceKaplan's expert nursing faculty reviews and updates content regularlyPractical advice for the career-change nursing studentWe invented test prep—Kaplan (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students for 80 years, and our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams