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Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep 2019-2020: Your All-in-One Guide to the Kaplan and HESI Exams (Kaplan Test Prep)
by Kaplan NursingCompletely revised and reorganized, Kaplan's Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep Plus 2019-2020 is focused review of the HESI A2 and the Kaplan Nursing Admission Test—two major nursing school entrance assessments. Exam-specific practice, concise content review, and proven test-taking strategies will prepare you to face the first test of your nursing career with confidence.The Best ReviewFour sample practice tests: two for HESI A2, two for KaplanReview content organized along the test blueprints and identified by examNew topic-specific science chapters: anatomy & physiology, biology, organ systems, and chemistryNew writing and grammar sectionsDiagnostic test to identify the topics where you need the most reviewQuick-reference resources highlight frequently used math formulas and commonly misspelled words to rememberExpert GuidanceKaplan's expert nursing faculty reviews and updates content regularlyPractical advice for the career-change nursing studentWe invented test prep—Kaplan (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students for 80 years, and our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams
Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep 2021-2022: Your All-in-One Guide to the Kaplan and HESI Exams (Kaplan Test Prep)
by Kaplan NursingCompletely revised and reorganized, Kaplan's Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep 2019-2020 is focused review of the HESI A2 and the Kaplan Nursing Admission Test—two major nursing school entrance assessments. Exam-specific practice, concise content review, and proven test-taking strategies will prepare you to face the first test of your nursing career with confidence.We're so confident that Nursing School Entrance Exams offers the guidance you need that we guarantee it: After studying with our book, you'll score higher—or you'll get your money back.The Best ReviewFour sample practice tests: two for HESI A2, two for KaplanReview content organized along the test blueprints and identified by examNew topic-specific science chapters: anatomy & physiology, biology, organ systems, and chemistryNew writing and grammar sectionsDiagnostic test to identify the topics where you need the most reviewQuick-reference resources highlight frequently used math formulas and commonly misspelled words to rememberExpert GuidanceKaplan's expert nursing faculty reviews and updates content regularlyPractical advice for the career-change nursing studentWe invented test prep—Kaplan (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students for 80 years, and our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams
Nursing School Thrive Guide
by Maureen OsunaLike advice from a trusted friend who's "been-there, done-that" the Nursing School Thrive Guide shares proven tips and techniques to help you not just survive nursing school, but thrive! <p><p> In this book you will get valuable advice that will help you get organized before school starts, master your schedule easily, and study in a way that maximizes time and sets you up for nursing school success. Learn what the different types of classes are like, how to thrive in your clinical rotations, master test-taking strategies and discover the author's own unique system for approaching patient care. With The Nursing School Thrive Guide, you'll start the semester ahead of the curve, with the tools you need to hit the ground running when classes start. Follow the system outlined in this book, and you'll be an organized, confident nursing student... guaranteed. <p><p> Maureen Osuna is a critical care nurse with a passion (more like obsession) for mentoring nursing students and is owner of the website www.straightanursingstudent.com.
Nursing Staff in Hospitals and Nursing Homes: Is It Adequate?
by Committee on the Adequacy of Nurse Staffing in Hospitals Nursing HomesHospitals and nursing homes are responding to changes in the health care system by modifying staffing levels and the mix of nursing personnel. But do these changes endanger the quality of patient care? Do nursing staff suffer increased rates of injury, illness, or stress because of changing workplace demands? These questions are addressed in Nursing Staff in Hospitals and Nursing Homes, a thorough and authoritative look at today's health care system that also takes a long-term view of staffing needs for nursing as the nation moves into the next century. The committee draws fundamental conclusions about the evolving role of nurses in hospitals and nursing homes and presents recommendations about staffing decisions, nursing training, measurement of quality, reimbursement, and other areas. The volume also discusses work-related injuries, violence toward and abuse of nursing staffs, and stress among nursing personnel--and examines whether these problems are related to staffing levels. Included is a readable overview of the underlying trends in health care that have given rise to urgent questions about nurse staffing: population changes, budget pressures, and the introduction of new technologies. Nursing Staff in Hospitals and Nursing Homes provides a straightforward examination of complex and sensitive issues surround the role and value of nursing on our health care system.
Nursing Station Clerk Trainee: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)
by National Learning CorporationThe Nursing Station Clerk Trainee Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to; Name and number checking; Understanding and interpreting written material; Filing; Coding/decoding information; Spelling; and more.
NURSING THE CHILDBEARING FAMILY: Passbooks Study Guide (Certified Nurse Examination Series)
by National Learning CorporationThe Certified Nurse Examination Series prepares individuals for licensing and certification conducted by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the National Certification Corporation (NCC), the National League for Nursing (NLN), and other organizations. The Nursing the Childbearing Family Passbook® provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.
Nurture Groups in School: Principles and Practice
by Marjorie Boxall Sylvia Lucas`In her book, Marjorie Boxall makes an eloquent case for establishing nurture provision. Her book would be invaluable for teachers, governors and other interested parties in helping them to provide more appropriately for such children'' - Young Minds Magazine `This book should be essential reading for Government ministers. The author pioneered the setting up of nurture groups in Inner London in the early 1970s as a response to social deprivation and its consequences for children in school. The book describes why and how, drawing on those early experiences and later projects in the London Borough of Enfield. It is salutary to note that the concept of nurture group is now well over thirty years old and as yet there are still very few of them in existence. Hopefully Marjorie Boxall''s book will help to change this situation. As she says: ''Our capital of good nurture is diminishing fast and the fabric of society is at risk, for with each generation there are fewer people…to provide good nurturing, and more children who have been deprived of it. '' Nurture groups provide children with social and emotional experiences that are necessary as a pre-requisite for formal school learning. Marjorie Boxall describes how such children are functionally below the age of three, due to having missed out on essential experiences, which are normally provided through mothering. Adults who work in a nurture group setting provide a variety of structured experiences: for example, how to play with toys, how to share a meal, so that the children ''catch up'' on their social and emotional development and can then rejoin mainstream education. This is a very practical and readable book that serves as a comprehensive introduction to the subject. This book is a bible for nurture group enthusiasts and should be essential reading for anybody who has the desire to make a significant impact in the area of social change. Copies, please, to Tony Blair, Estelle Morris and to every Chief Education Officer in the United Kingdom. They ignore it at their peril'' - Nurturing Potential `Marjorie is the originator of nurture groups. Her book is full of wisdom about the work of nurture groups, why people do what they do, how to think about the situation children are in and what nurture group staff can do about it. This is an authoritative practice manual, clearly informed by years of reflective practice and experience. Insights into childhood and school life abound. If your main interest is as a practitioner or directly supporting those who work with children, you will find it full of interest and richness. Marjorie''s book fills the gap between theory and the reality of doing the job. Applied psychology at its best. An essential addition to the nurture group bookcase'' - Marion Bennathan, Director, Nurture Group Network ''This powerful and immensely positive book describes the rationale and practice of nurture groups for children who cannot cope with the demands of mainstream primary school'' - Jennie Lindon, Nursery World `If your school is thinking of setting up a nurture group, this book is clearly essential reading. It is also likely, however, to be of interest to a wider readership, especially since a commitment to social inclusion is at the heart of current policy on early education and childcare in Britain'' - Margaret Bryson, International Journal of Early Years Education `This book is not only a useful resource to the NG practitioner; it is also a document that tells us a lot about what of value has been all but lost from the educational agenda in recent years, and more importantly, something about one of the ways we might go about restoring the loss. The emphasis throughout is on dealing with pupils as whole persons. This involves meeting the pupils on their own terms and acknowledging and meeting their needs, with particular emphasis on the emotional underpinning of effective early learning'' - Paul Cooper, Early Years Nurture groups are increasingly recognized as an effective method for schools needing to help children who show...
Nurtured by Love: The Classic Approach to Talent Education, 2nd Edition
by Shinichi Suzuki Waltraud SuzukiThis is typically required reading for parents of children studying music via the Suzuki Method. It discusses Suzuki's philosophy of talent education and methods for raising a musical child with good character.
Nurturing and Sustaining Effective Programs in Science Education for Grades K-8: Building a Village in California
by National Academy Of Sciences National Academy of Engineering of the National AcademiesK-8 science education in California (as in many other parts of the country) is in a state of crisis. K-8 students in California spend too little time studying science, many of their teachers are not well prepared in the subject, and the support system for science instruction has deteriorated. A proliferation of overly detailed standards and poorly conceived assessments has trivialized science education. And all these problems are likely to intensify: an ongoing fiscal crisis in the state threatens further cutbacks, teacher and administrator layoffs, and less money for professional development. A convocation held on April 29-30, 2009, sought to confront the crisis in California science education, particularly at the kindergarten through eighth grade level. The convocation, summarized in this volume, brought together key stakeholders in the science education system to enable and facilitate an exploration of ways to more effectively, efficiently, and collectively support, sustain, and communicate across the state concerning promising research and practices in K-8 science education and how such programs can be nurtured by communities of stakeholders.
Nurturing Babies: Developing the Potential of Every Child
by Kathryn PeckhamNurturing Babies explores the key processes behind how a child’s mind and body develop in their first year, underpinned by the latest research in the fields of child development, psychology, health and well-being. It shows how the choices practitioners and parents make every day can have a deep impact on children’s experiences and the practices that can be embedded straight away to support their ongoing development and give them the best opportunities for future success.The book follows a holistic approach through the Nurturing Childhoods Pedagogical Framework, learning to understand children's evolving capabilities through their engagement in core behaviours and using these to unlock their full potential. Chapters cover: The importance of sleep and daily routines Playing and communicating with babies Physical activity and healthy eating Early brain development Understanding babies’ emotions and behaviours The importance of emotional security on a child’s well-being Supporting infants to explore and do new things Part of the Nurturing Childhoods series, this exciting book provides practitioners and parents with the knowledge and understanding they need to nurture the very youngest children, building their self-esteem, happiness and well-being as they become enthusiastic lifelong learners.
Nurturing Children through Preschool and Reception: Developing the Potential of Every Child
by Kathryn PeckhamThe preschool and reception years can be viewed as a stage of preparation for formal schooling. But we must not lose sight of the profound impact this time of play and exploration has as children continue developing the core processes they will later rely on. Nurturing Children through Preschool and Reception explores how a child’s mind and body develops during this critical and sensitive period and how the choices practitioners and parents make every day have a deep impact on these processes. Underpinned by the latest research in the fields of child development, psychology, health and well-being, it explores the practices that can be embedded straight away to support children’s ongoing development and give them the best opportunities for future success.The book follows a holistic approach through the Nurturing Childhoods Pedagogical Framework and the ABCs of Developing Engagement, alongside methods to consider the impact of learning experiences, decoding children's evolving behaviours and strategies for their development. Chapters cover:• Managing the expectations placed on the early years• Connecting with children through communication, movement and play• Recognising emotions and promoting effective choices• Helping young children manage their emotions in a social world• Developing young children’s confidence to think and express themselves• Understanding young children’s friendships and conflicts• Supporting lifelong learning in the years before schoolPart of the Nurturing Childhoods series, this exciting book provides practitioners and parents with the knowledge and understanding they need to nurture children’s happiness, well-being and sense of security through the preschool and reception years.
Nurturing Children through the Primary Years: Developing the Potential of Every Child
by Kathryn PeckhamThis book argues that supporting a child’s learning in primary school is more about nurturing their dispositions than continually assessing their performance. Drawing on the latest research in the fields of child development, psychology, health and well-being, it shows how teachers and parents have a deep impact on children’s learning, motivation and potential and the practices that offer children the best opportunities for future success.Guided by the holistic approaches of the Nurturing Childhoods Pedagogical Framework and the ABCs of Developing Engagement, this book has a strong focus on increasing child engagement alongside methods to consider the impact of learning experiences. Chapters cover: Supporting engagement through communication, movement and play Helping children to feel safe and secure within their learning environments Developing classrooms where children think and express themselves Understanding childhood anxiety Nurturing confidence and self-motivation Working with parents and carers Anxiety within the classroom Ways of evaluating teaching styles and class dynamics Decoding children’s behaviours Part of the Nurturing Childhoods series, this exciting book provides teachers, practitioners and parents with the knowledge and understanding they need to nurture children’s happiness, well-being and sense of security throughout their school years.
Nurturing Children's Resilience Following Adverse Childhood Experiences: An Adult Guide (Maya's ACE Adventures!)
by Mine ConkbayirFor effective use, this book should be purchased alongside the accompanying storybook, Maya’s ACE Adventures!: A Story to Celebrate Children’s Resilience following Adverse Childhood Experiences [9781032368177]. Both books can be purchased together as a set, Helping Children to Thrive After Adverse Childhood Experiences: ‘Maya’s ACE Adventures!’ Storybook and Adult Guide [9781032367934]. Alongside the accompanying storybook, Maya’s ACE Adventures!, this guide provides adults with much-needed resources to talk to children about their traumatic experiences in ways that are non-threatening, safe, and can build a child’s confidence in speaking about their fears with a trusted adult. Designed to be read by an adult before they read the story together with a child, the guide provides practical tools, such as scene-by-scene discussion prompts and strategies for co-regulation, to facilitate conversations that are informed, relaxed and allow for healing from grief and trauma. These tools are contextualised by a detailed examination and critique of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) framework, in addition to an overview of the neurobiology involved in the stress response, to support adults and alleviate their anxiety about asking the right questions and having the rights answers for the children they support. Together with the storybook, this guide is essential reading for teachers, parents, foster carers, social workers, and other professionals who are supporting children, by giving them the resources they need to foster hope and resilience among children who have survived traumatic experiences.
Nurturing Creativity: An Essential Mindset for Young Children's Learning
by Rebecca Isbell Sonia Akiko YoshizawaInspiring and supporting innovative thinking Young children have a great capacity for creativity that thrives when nurtured. Early childhood teachers have the opportunity to inspire children’s innovative thinking and doing by Including creative opportunities across all domains of learning- Designing a beautiful space that encourages children’s experimentation and play- Extending children’s learning and challenging their thinking- Documenting children’s thought processes and displaying their work- Involving families and the community in children’s creative endeavors- Reflecting on your beliefs and practices about creativity and nurturing your creativity Learn how to support children as they problem-solve, explore and share new ideas, and collaborate with others, and watch their confidence and capableness grow.
Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom: An exploration of consensus across theory and practice
by null Karen Hosack JanesA must for all classroom teachers and those training to teach, this book explores the nature of creativity with ideas and practical strategies for nurturing pupils’ creative skills in primary and secondary schools. It offers a detailed exploration of pedagogy that nurtures creativity, specifically examining the concept of creative agency by looking at how individuals are encouraged to develop their own skills of imagination, innovation and collaboration. Accounts from people well-known for being creative provide a lens through which to critically examine a variety of theoretical frameworks, published creative education checklists, and other relevant research and case studies demonstrating creative pedagogical practices. The book thus draws together consensus from multiple perspectives about the conditions most effective for nurturing creativity. This practical theorising approach will help professionals in educational settings engage in critical enquiry about teaching for creativity, while reflective questions encourage the reader to explore their own perceptions and practice.
Nurturing Emotional Literacy: A Practical for Teachers,Parents and those in the Caring Professions
by Peter SharpNurturing Emotional Literacy helps people to recognise, understand, handle and appropriately express their emotions. How we manage our emotions and the positive impact that 'emotional literacy' can have on improving standards in schools has been overshadowed recently by the attention given to the three 'Rs'. This handbook seeks to redress this and looks at the importance of the fourth 'R' - Relationships. The author offers advice, guidance and support to help people become more successful by managing their emotions effectively. Specific ideas for working with children, teachers, parents and carers, makes this book ideal for all concerned with developing 'the whole child'.
Nurturing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Support for Research Careers in Health and Biomedicine
by Aleksandra Thomson Rachael Gooberman-HillEPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Today’s academic and research institutions recognise the importance of diverse research teams in health and biomedical science, in terms of the business case, social justice and the common good. This ‘go-to’ book familiarises readers with the key equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) issues in relation to research careers and researcher development. Bringing together the challenges and solutions to EDI matters with an evidence-based approach in one volume, the book offers practical strategies and interventions for academic and research settings. This is an essential guide for equality planning team members, researchers, HRM officers and managers across academia and research.
Nurturing Faith: A Practical Theology for Educating Christians
by Fred P. Edie Mark A. LamportFaith left on rocky soil withers. But faith nurtured in the good soil of Christian teaching, formation, and mentorship grows to maturity and yields thriving community. Educational ministries are so often where this happens—where the desires of the human heart are shaped toward a love for God, a love for one&’s neighbor, and a love for the world. In this comprehensive guide to educational ministries in the twenty-first century, Fred Edie and Mark Lamport explore how church leaders and others involved in Christian education can nurture a robust, cruciform faith within their communities. When discussing strategies and goals, Edie and Lamport consider a range of contexts and a variety of related fields that might give insight into educational ministry: theology, pedagogy, philosophy, social science, and more. Those working with any age group—children, adolescents, and adults—will find a relevant discussion of key underlying theological themes, a guide to concrete practices, and indispensable help in navigating shifting cultural dynamics. Exceedingly practical and consistent with the teachings of the gospel, the wisdom in this book will speak to all who long to foster discipleship in their church, school, or missional community. Key FeaturesA &“Road Map&” at the beginning of each chapter concisely introduces the chapter&’s topic and essential themes.Sidebars throughout the text provide deeper insight into particular important or nuanced concepts.Discussion questions at the end of each chapter facilitate further reflection, especially in conversation with others.Suggestions for further reading are provided at the end of each chapter for those interested in exploring the chapter&’s ideas in greater depth.Concluding the book is a series of afterwords from experts in the field of Christian educational ministries: Martyn Percy, Almeda Wright, Craig Dykstra, Kirsten Oh, Elizabeth DeGaynor, and Thomas Groome.
Nurturing Mobilities: Family Travel in the 21st Century (Networked Urban Mobilities)
by Claire Maxwell Miri Yemini Katrine Mygind BachNurturing Mobilities employs new empirical material and an innovative theoretical framing to bring new clarity to why families travel today – and what happens when they do. The authors argue that an imperative to ‘think with mobility’ and to ‘aspire to be mobile’ shapes identities, futures, and family practices. Drawing on data that examines family travel practices – typically short-term trips – across the working-, middle-, and globally mobile middle-classes, Nurturing Mobilities describes how families travel, why they travel, and the role young family members play in curating family travel. Vitally, it examines the two biggest contemporary issues in global mobility: COVID-19, and climate change. How has COVID-19 changed travel motivations in a world beset by lockdowns and diminished finances? How are concerns around climate change, and engagements with global citizenship education, changing family travel practices? Nurturing Mobilities illuminates new ways in which social class divergence is forged through movements across borders. The authors’ theoretically inter-disciplinary approach delivers a full analysis of the apparently divergent processes that differentiate family travel along social class lines, yet also allow travel to play a core role in social mobility. This book is a vital resource for scholars and students studying mobility, globalisation, social class, and climate change engagement.
Nurturing Next-Generation Innovators: Open-Ended Activities to Support Global Thinking
by Ellen Booth ChurchChildren need a broad view of the world to better work with others and achieve academic success. That means being able to see many perspectives, listen to others, and share their own ideas and perceptions. Nurturing Next-Generation Innovators aims to prepare the next generation of global citizens with simple activities that start with identifying different perspectives and then challenge them to notice what they perceive. The themes in Nurturing Next-Generation Innovators are meant to ask children to notice relationships, investigate same and different, use perceptions to develop inductive and deductive reasoning, and evaluate their processes and thinking. All of this in the context of fun songs, games and activities. This book is organized differently than the traditional activity book, which is divided into sections by skill or curriculum area. Instead, it is divided into four major themes that walk children through increasing understandings of their place in the world. Literacy, math, science, motor skills, and social skills are woven into each theme. - See more at: https://www.gryphonhouse.com/books/details/nurturing-next-generation-innovators#sthash.sRzH0ClQ.dpuf
Nurturing Personal, Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood: A Practical Guide to Understanding Brain Development and Young Children’s Behaviour
by Debbie Garvey Dr Suzanne ZeedykThis direct guide supports practitioners in nurturing personal, social and emotional development (PSED) in young children by demystifying brain development research. Condensing a wealth of recent research and theory around PSED into practical guidance, it gives professionals the knowledge and understanding they need to critically evaluate their own practice and find the best course of action to support PSED in young children. From the perspective of neuroscience, it explores what can help or hinder development, considers why some children bite and why toddlers have tantrums, and questions how well-intentioned actions, such as reward systems or putting new foods on a plate for children to 'just try', may be misguided.
Nurturing Primary Readers in Grades K-3: Reading Instruction Centered in Students' Social Emotional Needs
by Lane W. Clarke Krysten GorrivanWeaving together reading pedagogy and social emotional learning (SEL) frameworks, this text presents an integrated, research-based approach to reading instruction grounded in instructional and collaborative strategies that address students’ social emotional needs. The text features real stories from the classroom to invite readers to learn alongside the students, teachers, families, and professionals as they experience journeys of growth. The authentic case studies cover best practices in reading instruction in a way that centers students, promotes the whole child, and supports reading growth. Following a cyclical framework – discovering, nurturing, growing – each chapter addresses typical student reading needs and explains the role of collaborative relationships in effective instruction. Through the medium of storytelling, readers gain profound insights into key topics, including teaching multilingual students, phonological awareness, reading fluency, and more. Accessible and comprehensive, this book steers away from a prescriptive recipe for instruction but rather leaves readers with an effective framework for incorporating data-based decision-making, collaboration, and research-supported literacy practices to foster each student's social and emotional skills in the classroom. With a targeted focus on K-3 classrooms, this text is a key resource for pre-service and in-service educators in literacy education and elementary education, enriching the perspectives of all educators.
Nurturing Professional Judgement (Critical Guides for Teacher Educators)
by null Ben KnightIn-the-moment dilemmas and situational awareness are central to teachers' work, but these concepts may not always find their way into teacher education - as they often get pushed aside in favour of curriculum coverage and compliance agendas. This book challenges a technicist and mechanistic view of teaching and learning to examine how teacher educators might best prepare soon-to-be teachers to make sound professional judgements in their classroom practice. It discusses evidence in the literature that teaching does not directly 'produce' learning and that nurturing learning is a complex business which relies on both 'art and science'. Current policies and compliancy agendas influencing the content of ITE programmes are analysed, and the text provides practical suggestions for how to nurture professional judgement in trainee teachers through HE provision and school-based mentoring. It describes the dynamism of those who teach in classrooms and reminds teacher educators of the value and necessity of managing structure and improvisation, protocol and intuition which are at the heart of what it means to be a professional. A new addition to our Critical Guides for Teacher Educators series.
Nurturing Self-Regulation in Early Childhood: Adopting an Ethos and Approach
by Tamsin Grimmer Wendy GeensNurturing Self-Regulation in Early Childhood explores how young children develop self-regulation and offers practical guidance on helping them to manage their feelings and behaviour. It considers the skills, attitudes and dispositions children need to be able to self-regulate and how their wellbeing and self-esteem can affect their ability to do this. Grimmer and Geens show how schools and settings can adopt an ethos where self-regulation permeates their whole provision. Considering the broad and multifaceted nature of self-regulation and how this key area of development shapes children and their learning, the chapters cover: developing empathy emotion coaching the practitioner as a co-regulator executive function and the sense of self and wellbeing international approaches to promoting self-regulation the role of the adult and environment in encouraging skills for self-regulation working effectively with parents and carers to ensure a consistent approach With a focus on developmentally appropriate expectations, this book is essential reading for all early childhood educators who want to develop their understanding of self-regulation and embrace an approach that underpins their practice and changes children’s lives.
Nurturing Students' Character: Everyday Teaching Activities for Social-Emotional Learning
by Jeffrey S. Kress Maurice J. EliasNurturing Students’ Character is an easy-to-use guide to incorporating social-emotional and character development (SECD) into your teaching practice. The links are clear—elementary and middle school students have better odds of academic success if you nurture their social and emotional skills. Drawing on broad field experience and the latest research, this book offers intuitive techniques for infusing your everyday teaching and classroom management with SECD opportunities. With topics ranging from self-regulation and problem solving to peer communication and empathy, these concrete strategies, practical worksheets, and self-reflective activities will help you foster a positive classroom culture.