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Nurturing the Gifted Female: A Guide for Educators and Parents
by Joy NavanStrengthen gifted girls' potential by exploring characteristics of girls' giftedness; factors affecting development; issues of resilience, self-efficacy, and personal ethics; and the importance of supportive adults.
Nurturing Toddlers: Developing the Potential of Every Child
by Kathryn PeckhamChildren undergo tremendous physical growth and cognitive development during their toddler years. Nurturing Toddlers explores the knowledge behind how a child’s mind and body develop during this stage of development, underpinned by the latest research in the fields of child development, psychology, health and well-being. It shows how the choices practitioners and parents make every day can have a deep impact on children’s experiences and the practices that can be embedded straight away to support their ongoing development and give them the best opportunities for future success.The book follows a holistic approach through the Nurturing Childhoods Pedagogical Framework, tailored for toddlers gaining greater mobility and autonomy, as we learn to understand children's evolving capabilities through their engagement in core behaviours and use these to unlock their full potential. Chapters cover: Connecting with toddlers and the importance of communication, movement and play Big emotions and the behaviours they can trigger The secret to effective praise and encouragement Nurturing self-esteem Establishing foundations for a love of reading Supporting toddlers as they begin doing things for themselves Nurturing intrinsic motivations, self-esteem and prioritising positive reinforcement Part of the Nurturing Childhoods series, this exciting book provides practitioners and parents with the knowledge and understanding they need to nurture toddlers' happiness, well-being and sense of security as they go through this rapid period of transformation.
Nurturing Wellbeing Development in Education: From little things, big things grow
by Deborah Price Faye McCallumAt the core of education, the notion of wellbeing permeates both learner and teacher wellbeing. This book explores the central role and responsibility of education in ensuring the wellbeing of children and young people. Through the employment of vignettes, proactive educational wellbeing initiatives are provided to address issues pertaining to learner and teacher wellbeing, mainstream classrooms, educational marginalisation, disabilities, cyber citizens, initial teacher education and rural education. Through employing diverging theoretical approaches of; expectancy x value theory; ecological systems theory and community practices across digital imagery; case studies; questionnaires and survey methodology, the key message of the centrality of wellbeing to educational success pervades. This book provides a critical engagement with the educational discourse of wellbeing, whilst addressing issues impacting on wellbeing with worldwide implications. It offers a unique insight into both learner and teacher wellbeing and how education can contribute to enhancing wellbeing outcomes for society in general.
Nurturing Young Thinkers Across the Standards: K–2
by Wynne A. Shilling Sydney L. SchwartzNurturing Young Thinkers Across the Standards: K–2 provides multiple practical resources to assist teachers in working with standards across subject areas in ways that bring critical thinking into the everyday process of learning content and skills. The authors provide suggestions for engaging and sustaining children’s interest and illustrate the use of teaching language that actively nurtures the habits of lifelong learning. The book is rich with opportunities for developing tools for design, implementation, and assessment of vibrant integrated curricula for K–2 students that support the development of cognitive skills and increase confidence in their abilities to think and learn.
Nutrition Services Consultant: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)
by National Learning CorporationThe Nutrition Services Consultant Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.
Nutrition Services Supervisor: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series #C-1384)
by National Learning CorporationThe Nutrition Services Supervisor Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to; Nutritional needs of the elderly; Sanitation and storage; Understanding and interpreting tabular material; Supervision; Administration; and more.
Nutritionist II: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)
by National Learning CorporationThe Nutritionist II Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to; Nutrition and dietetics; Understanding and interpreting tabular material; Preparation of written material; Supervision.
The Nuts: Keep Rolling! (Nuts)
by Eric Litwin Scott MagoonHazel Nut and Wally's Nut's playtime roll down a muddy hill turns into a hilarious chase when they get covered in so much muck that they get bigger... and bigger... until they're big as ELEPHANTS! Can anyone help get the Nuts back down to size? Eric Litwin offers an upbeat and inspiring message: What do you do when you roll into trouble? Keep rolling!In the third book of the Nuts series, Eric Litwin's playful call-and-response rhymes and Scott Magoon's hilarious illustrations invite readers young and old to join in on the fun. Readers can go to The NutFamily.com to learn the Keep Rolling song and dance along with Eric!
Nuts About Science: Lucy's Lab #1 (Lucy?s Lab)
by Michelle Houts Elizabeth ZechelOn Lucy’s first day of second grade, she’s excited to meet her new teacher, Miss Flippo, and find out everything’s she’s going to learn about this year in school. And when Miss Flippo tells the class that they’re going to have their very own science lab, complete with lab coats and goggles, Lucy can’t wait to start exploring.But one thing is troubling her. The tree that sat outside her first grade classroom all year is gone. Where are the squirrels going to live? Inspired by her classroom lab, Lucy starts her own research mission to find out what happened to the tree, and then to lobby for the school to plant a new one. With the help of her cousin, Cora, and their new classmates, Lucy discovers that science is everywhere you look, and a lab can be anywhere you look.Launching a new chapter book series from IRA Children’s Book Award-winner, Michelle Houts, Lucy Saves Some Squirrels draws on STEM themes and is aligned with curriculum guidelines to bring a love of science to young readers, inspiring them to start their own labs and explore their world.
The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing
by Michael HarveyOUT OF PRINT EDITION - 2nd Edition now available "With concision and wit, Harvey shows college students how to write papers that are clear, cogent--and also stylish." --James Miller, Editor, Dædalus
The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing
by Michael HarveyThis "worthy successor to Strunk and White" now features an expanded style guide covering a wider range of citation cases, complete with up-to-date formats for Chicago, MLA, and APA styles.
The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing
by Michael HarveyUpdated for the needs of today's students—and with handy citation style guides adapted from The Chicago Manual of Style, Seventeenth Edition, the MLA Handbook, Eighth Edition, and the Publication Manual of the APA , Seventh Edition—the third edition of The Nuts and Bolt of College Writing offers essential guidance for college writers at all levels.Praise for previous editions: "This wonderful little book has helped improve the level of writing in all the courses I teach. No one should graduate from college without having used it." —Gonzalo Munevar, Lawrence Technological University "With concision and wit, Harvey shows college students how to write papers that are clear, cogent, and also stylish." —James Miller, editor, Dædalus "Simply the best guide to clear and effective writing since Strunk and White. Indispensable for students—and for their teachers." —Terry Nardin, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
The Nuts & Bolts of Christian Education: Practical Wisdom for Teachers & Leaders
by Delia Halverson"Can you give me the book that will tell me how to DO Christian education?" The Nuts & Bolts of Christian Education is designed to answer the most frequently asked questions by new as well as veteran teachers and leaders. Even though most churches provide teacher and leader training at least once a year, generally these one- or two-day sessions are unable to answer every question that arises during the year. The Nuts & Bolts of Christian Education is a practical guidebook that leads new and experienced teachers through the challenging, and sometimes confounding, landscape of the education ministry of a congregation. This is not a collection of lesson plans--it is a chock-full survey of nearly every aspect of Christian education one could imagine. DOING Christian Education starts here.
Nutty and the Case of the Mastermind Thief (Nutty Nutsell #2)
by Dean HughesNutty put the sack with the school Christmas collection into his locker, and someone took eighty dollars and left the rest of the money. Why take only part? And who could it be? Who even knows Nutty's locker combination? These questions face Nutty, president of the student council, and his three friends--Orlando, Bilbo and Ritchie. And they had to have answers soon. Because Nutty has to produce the money at the student council meeting. Nutty's sure who the thief is. The problem is to prove it. Only Nutty and his friends, along with their genius friend and former classmate, William Bilks, come up with many devious and funny ways to trap a thief, funny to the boys but methods that get them in serious trouble with the school principal. There are clues, but no thieves. Soon all five, but especially Nutty and William, are in deep trouble before William, with his usual aplomb, solves the problem. As always, not in a way anyone else expects. Fans of, The Hobbit., will be less confused than Nutty who realizes he really doesn't want to fail as student council president. Look for 7 other books in this series in the Bookshare Collection. Book one is, Nutty For President, and book 3 is, Nutty and the Case of the Ski-Slope Spy.
Nutty for President (Nutty Nutsell #1)
by Dean HughesFrom the back cover: " When William unveils his plan to make Nutty Nutsell the president of the Student Council, Nutty isn't sure if he's a nerd or a genius. After all, Nutty is a fifth-grader and only sixth-graders can hold office. But then, Nutty doesn't know that William has a way of handling adults--especially principals and teachers!" Nutty doesn't agree with his own campaign promises any more. How will he manage to get better food for lunches and longer recesses? He wants to quit, but he'll miss the extra attention and his proud parents beg him not to give up. Nutty thinks the girl running against him would be a better president. He is memorizing speeches he thinks are wrong. People tell him what he's doing is regular politics. Nutty's starting to think playing basketball, doing homework, almost anything., is better than politics. Read more about Nutty's funny, confusing, life as a fifth grader in the next three books in the nutty Nutsell series. Bookshare has #2 Nutty and the Case of the Mastermind Thief, #3 Nutty and the Case of the Ski Slope Spy, and #4, Nutty can't miss, and there are more Nutty books to come.
Nutzen, Nicht-Nutzen und Nutzung Sozialer Arbeit: Theoretische Perspektiven und empirische Erkenntnisse subjektorientierter Forschungsperspektiven
by Anne Van Rießen Katja JepkensMit theoretischen und empirischen Beiträgen zu subjektorientierten Forschungsperspektiven – sozialpädagogische Nutzer*innenforschung, sozialpolitische (Nicht-)Nutzungsforschung und Adressat*innenforschung – fokussiert dieses Buch die Frage, wie eine solche Forschungsperspektive an bestehende Fachdiskurse der Disziplin Sozialer Arbeit anknüpft und ob sich aus den empirischen Analysen Hinweise für die Profession(-alisierung) Sozialer Arbeit ergeben. Durch den Bezug auf die zentralen Kategorien (Nicht-)Nutzen und Nutzung gelangt in den Blick, wie eine Soziale Arbeit gestaltet sein kann, die sich an Partizipation und Nutzbarmachung orientiert und sich somit an emanzipatorischen Zielsetzungen wie Selbstbestimmung und Partizipation ausrichtet. Ferner wird auch deutlich, welche Grenzen und Barrieren verhindern, dass jene, die Angebote Sozialer Arbeit in Anspruch nehmen (müssen), überhaupt ‚etwas davon haben‘.
Nutzungsmuster digitaler Anwendungen im Fachunterricht: Empirische Analysen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Fremdsprachenlehrkräften in Deutschland
by Jan NiemannIn diesem Buch werden empirische Befunde zu Mediennutzungsmustern digitaler Anwendungen im Fachunterricht in Verbindung mit Bedingungsfaktoren der Mediennutzung präsentiert, wobei insbesondere das Mediennutzungsverhalten von Fremdsprachenlehrkräften in Deutschland fokussiert wird. Die Ergebnisse der auf quantitativen Sekundäranalysen der International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) beruhenden empirischen Studie deuten auf fachgruppenspezifische Unterschiede in den Mediennutzungsmustern und den jeweiligen Bedingungsfaktoren hin. Dabei scheinen für Fremdsprachenlehrkräfte u.a. digitale Verknüpfungen mit Schulbüchern und digitale Schulbücher besonders relevante digitale Anwendungen für die Nutzung im Fachunterricht zu sein. Als zentraler Bedingungsfaktor für die Zugehörigkeit zu einem bestimmten Mediennutzungsmuster werden für Fremdsprachenlehrkräfte in Deutschland darüber hinaus digitalisierungsbezogene Einstellungen identifiziert. Die Ergebnisse werden im Hinblick auf ihre forschungs- und praxisbezogene Relevanz im Kontext der empirischen Bildungsforschung diskutiert.
NY Regents Exam Test Prep Flash Cards: Global History Essentials (Exambusters NY Regents Workbook #14)
by Inc. Ace Academics600 questions and answers. Essential names, dates, and summaries of key historical events. <P><P>Topics: Ancient Egypt and Asia, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Early Asia, Evolution of Religion, Middle Ages, Early Modern Times, Colonial Empires, Rights and Revolutions, Nationalism, Imperialism and World War I, Between the World Wars, World War II, The United Nations, The Cold War, 19th-20th Century Japan, Contemporary Age, Contemporary Africa, Contemporary Latin America, Contemporary Eurasia, Into The New Millennium <P>"Exambusters NY Regents Prep Workbooks" provide comprehensive NY Regents review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice NY Regents tests. Each NY Regents study guide focuses on fundamental concepts and definitions--a basic overview to begin studying for the NY Regents exam. Up to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the NY Regents series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing NY Regents flash cards is the first step toward more confident NY Regents preparation and ultimately, higher NY Regents exam scores!
NY Regents Exam Test Prep Flash Cards: Biology Essentials (Exambusters NY Regents Workbook #2)
by Ace Inc.<P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i><P><P> 450 questions and answers. Essential definitions and concepts.<P><P> Topics: Cells, Biochemistry and Energy, Evolution and Classification, Kingdoms: Bacteria, Fungi, Protista; Kingdom: Plantae, Kingdom: Animalia, Human Locomotion, Human Circulation and Immunology, Human Respiration and Excretion, Human Digestion, Human Nervous System, Human Endocrinology, Reproduction and Development, Genetics, Ecology <P>"Exambusters NY Regents Prep Workbooks" provide comprehensive NY Regents review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice NY Regents tests. Each NY Regents study guide focuses on fundamental concepts and definitions--a basic overview to begin studying for the NY Regents exam. Up to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the NY Regents series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing NY Regents flash cards is the first step toward more confident NY Regents preparation and ultimately, higher NY Regents exam scores!
NY Regents Exam Test Prep Flash Cards: Physics Essentials (Exambusters NY Regents Workbook #4)
by Ace Inc.<P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i><P><P> 600 questions and answers. Essential definitions, formulas, concepts, and sample problems. <P><P>Topics: Measurement, Motion and Forces, Work and Energy, Heat and Gases, Atoms, Fluids, Sound, Light and Optics, DC Circuits, Magnetism, AC Circuits <P>"Exambusters NY Regents Prep Workbooks" provide comprehensive NY Regents review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice NY Regents tests. Each NY Regents study guide focuses on fundamental concepts and definitions--a basic overview to begin studying for the NY Regents exam. Up to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the NY Regents series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing NY Regents flash cards is the first step toward more confident NY Regents preparation and ultimately, higher NY Regents exam scores!
NY Regents Exam Test Prep Flash Cards: US History Essentials (Exambusters NY Regents Workbook #13)
by Ace Inc.<P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i><P><P> 700 questions and answers. Essential names, dates, and summaries of key historical events. Topics: Discovery, Colonial, Revolutionary, Early National, Age of Expansion, Civil War Era, Reconstruction, Industrial Era, Progressive Era, World War I, The Twenties, The Depression, World War II, Cold War Era, Cold War - 1950s, Cold War - 1960s, Cold War - 1970s, Cold War - 1980s, New World Order <P>"Exambusters NY Regents Prep Workbooks" provide comprehensive NY Regents review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice NY Regents tests. Each NY Regents study guide focuses on fundamental concepts and definitions--a basic overview to begin studying for the NY Regents exam. Up to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the NY Regents series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing NY Regents flash cards is the first step toward more confident NY Regents preparation and ultimately, higher NY Regents exam scores!
NY Regents Exam Test Prep Flash Cards: Geometry Essentials (Exambusters NY Regents Workbook #6)
by Ace Inc.<P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i><P><P> 450 questions and answers that focus on essential geometry theorems, postulates, concepts, and definitions. Includes complementary diagrams. <P><P>Topics: Lines and Angles, Triangles, Proofs, Perpendicular Lines, Parallel Lines, Angle Sums, Quadrilaterals, Medians, Altitudes and Bisectors, Circles, Ratio and Proportion, Similar Polygons, Circles and Regular Polygons, Inequalities, Locus, Coordinate Geometry <P>"Exambusters NY Regents Prep Workbooks" provide comprehensive NY Regents review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice NY Regents tests. Each NY Regents study guide focuses on fundamental concepts and definitions--a basic overview to begin studying for the NY Regents exam. Up to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the NY Regents series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing NY Regents flash cards is the first step toward more confident NY Regents preparation and ultimately, higher NY Regents exam scores!
NY Regents Exam Test Prep Flash Cards: Integrated Algebra (Exambusters NY Regents Workbook #5)
by Ace Inc.<P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i><P><P> 450 questions and answers. Essential definitions, formulas, concepts, and sample problems.<P><P> Topics: Sets, Variables, Exponents, Properties of Numbers, Like Terms, Simple Equations, Property of Equality, Signed Numbers, Monomials, Polynomials, Advanced Equations, Verbal Problems, Factoring Polynomials, Algebraic Fractions, Equations with Several Variables, Advanced Verbal Problems, Evaluating Formulas, Simultaneous Equations, Ratio and Proportion, Variation, Quadratic Equations and Radicals, Coordinate Geometry <P>"Exambusters NY Regents Prep Workbooks" provide comprehensive NY Regents review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice NY Regents tests. Each NY Regents study guide focuses on fundamental concepts and definitions--a basic overview to begin studying for the NY Regents exam. Up to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the NY Regents series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing NY Regents flash cards is the first step toward more confident NY Regents preparation and ultimately, higher NY Regents exam scores!
NY Regents Test Prep Flash Cards: Chemistry Essentials (Exambusters NY Regents Workbook #3)
by Regents Exambusters700 questions and answers. Essential definitions, formulas, concepts, and sample problems.<P><P> Topics: Introduction, Matter, Atoms, Formulas, Moles, Reactions, Elements, Periodic Table, Electrons, Chemical Bonds, Heat, Gases, Phase Changes, Solutions, Reaction Rates, Equilibrium, Acids and Bases, Oxidation and Reduction, Introduction to Organic Chemistry, Radioactivity <P>"Exambusters NY Regents Prep Workbooks" provide comprehensive NY Regents review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice NY Regents tests. Each NY Regents study guide focuses on fundamental concepts and definitions--a basic overview to begin studying for the NY Regents exam. Up to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the NY Regents series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing NY Regents flash cards is the first step toward more confident NY Regents preparation and ultimately, higher NY Regents exam scores!
NY Regents Test Prep Flash Cards: Earth Science Essentials (Exambusters NY Regents Workbook #1)
by Ace Inc.<P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i><P><P> 600 questions and answers. Essential definitions and concepts. <P><P>Topics: Calculations, Earth's Origin, Save Our Planet, Minerals, Rocks, Weathering, Groundwater, Running Water, Glaciers, The Changing Crust, The Oceans, Maps, The Atmosphere, Wind, Weather Patterns, Introduction to Astronomy <P>"Exambusters NY Regents Prep Workbooks" provide comprehensive NY Regents review--one fact at a time--to prepare students to take practice NY Regents tests. Each NY Regents study guide focuses on fundamental concepts and definitions--a basic overview to begin studying for the NY Regents exam. Up to 600 questions and answers, each volume in the NY Regents series is a quick and easy, focused read. Reviewing NY Regents flash cards is the first step toward more confident NY Regents preparation and ultimately, higher NY Regents exam scores!