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Showing 53,851 through 53,875 of 82,394 results

On the Self: Discourses of Mental Health and Education (The Language of Mental Health)

by Julie Allan Valerie Harwood

This book examines the emergence of psychologised discourses of the self in education and considers their effects on children and young people, on relationships both in and out of school and on educational practices. It undertakes a Foucauldian genealogy of the discourses of the self in education in order to scrutinise the ‘focal points of experience’ for children and young people. Part One of the book offers a critical analysis of the discourses of the self that operate within interventions of self esteem, self concept, self efficacy and self regulation and their incursions into education. Part Two provides counter-narratives of the self, drawn principally from the arts and politics and providing alternative, and potentially radical, ways of when and how the self might speak. It also articulates how teachers may support children and young people in giving voice to these counter-narratives as they move through school.

On the Sensations of Tone: As A Physiological Basis For The Theory Of Music (classic Reprint) (Dover Books on Music)

by Hermann Helmholtz

On the Sensations of Tone is one of the world's greatest scientific classics. It bridges the gap between the natural sciences and music theory and, nearly a century after its first publication, it is still a standard text for the study of physiological acoustics -- the scientific basis of musical theory. It is also a treasury of knowledge for musicians and students of music and a major work in the realm of aesthetics, making important contributions to physics, anatomy, and physiology in its establishment of the physical theory of music. Difficult scientific concepts are explained simply and easily for the general reader.The first two parts of this book deal with the physics and physiology of music. Part I explains the sensation of sound in general, vibrations, sympathetic resonances, and other phenomena. Part II cover combinational tones and beats, and develops Helmholtz's famous theory explaining why harmonious chords are in the ratios of small whole numbers (a problem unsolved since Pythagoras).Part III contains the author's theory on the aesthetic relationship of musical tones. After a survey of the different principles of musical styles in history (tonal systems of Pythagoras, the Church, the Chinese, Arabs, Persians, and others), he makes a detailed study of our own tonal system (keys, discords, progression of parts).Important points in this 576-page work are profusely illustrated with graphs, diagrams, tables, and musical examples. 33 appendices discuss pitch, acoustics, and music, and include a very valuable table and study of the history of pitch in Europe from the fourteenth to the nineteenth centuries.<P><P>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. To explore further access options with us, please contact us through the Book Quality link on the right sidebar. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.

On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children: Understanding And Guiding Their Development

by Tracy Cross

Raising happy, successful children is a goal of every parent of gifted children. In On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children, the nation’s leading authority on the psychology of gifted children offers advice and encouragement for both parents and teachers. In a thoughtful, conversational style, the author offers an in-depth look at the complex social and emotional issues faced by gifted children. This revised and updated fifth edition of the popular text contains more than 12 new chapters. On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children tackles important and timely issues dealing with the social and emotional needs of today’s gifted children, including who gifted children are and what giftedness means; how parents, teachers, and counselors can guide gifted children; the issues facing gifted students in the 21st century, such as technology and terrorism; and how the education of gifted children can adapt for the future. This concise, sensitive look at gifted children and their social and emotional world offers unique insights for both teachers and parents who support these special children.

On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children

by Tracy L. Cross

Raising happy, successful children is a goal of every parent of gifted children. In On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children, the nation's leading authority on the psychology of gifted children offers advice and encouragement for both parents and teachers. In a thoughtful, conversational style, the author offers an in-depth look at the complex social and emotional issues faced by gifted children. This revised and updated fifth edition of the popular text contains more than 12 new chapters.On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children tackles important and timely issues dealing with the social and emotional needs of today's gifted children, including who gifted children are and what giftedness means; how parents, teachers, and counselors can guide gifted children; the issues facing gifted students in the 21st century, such as technology and terrorism; and how the education of gifted children can adapt for the future. This concise, sensitive look at gifted children and their social and emotional world offers unique insights for both teachers and parents who support these special children.

On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children

by Tracy L. Cross

Raising happy, successful children is a goal of every parent of gifted children. In On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children, the nation's leading authority on the psychology of gifted children offers advice and encouragement for both parents and teachers. In a thoughtful, conversational style, the author offers an in-depth look at the complex social and emotional issues faced by gifted children. This revised and updated fourth edition of the popular text contains more than 10 new chapters, featuring contributions by scholars on gifted children's development from across the nation. On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children tackles important and timely issues dealing with the social and emotional needs of today's gifted children, including who gifted children are and what giftedness means; how parents, teachers, and counselors can guide gifted children; the issues facing gifted students in the 21st century such as technology and terrorism; and how the education of gifted children can adapt for the future. This concise, sensitive look at gifted children and their social and emotional world offers unique insights for both teachers and parents who support these special children.

On the Subject of Drama

by David Hornbrook

Although much has been written on how the drama elements of the English curriculum might be taught in schools, there is less guidance available for teachers who regard drama not as an adjunct of English but as an arts subject in its own right. In this volume, David Hornbrook and a team of experienced drama specialists show how the subject of drama may be defined and taught. Drawing on literature, visual art, music and dance as well as the rich and varied traditions of drama itself, they map out an eclectic subject curriculum for students of all ages. Opening up the field in new and exciting ways, the book embraces the widest possible range of dramatic knowledge and skills, from the Natyashastra of ancient India to contemporary classroom improvisation. The book is divided into three sections: The teaching and learning of drama: ideas about interculturalism, creativity and craft - key concepts informing the drama curriculum - are interrogated and re-theorised for the classroom. Making and performing drama in school: the fundamental processes of reading and writing plays for performance are explored, along with the potential of dance to enhance and extend students' experience of dramatic performance. Watching and understanding drama: ensuring the curriculum is appropriately balanced between the production and reception of drama, this last section emphasises the role of students as audience - for both live and electronic performances - and the development of a dramatic vocabulary.

On the Subject of Values ... and the Value of Subjects: New thinking to guide schools through the curriculum

by Mark Chater Bridget Knight Mick Waters Neil Hawkes

Education is a values-based experience. Consciously or not, we are highly attuned to one another's values. We see, time and again, that the 'best' schools are compelled and propelled by strong values which inspire and guide the creation of a meaningful context for learning and an aspirational ethos.However, values can often be submerged, overlooked, or ignored. By infusing our teaching with values, both explicit and implicit, learning can serve a greater purpose, nourishing us as humans and deepening our experience.Drawing on the views and inspired teaching practice of a range of contributors, this book offers both the theoretical underpinning and practical examples to bring values to life in the classroom. It shows how each subject has a unique and valuable role, and how a values-based culture generates a powerful climate for successful learning in every subject discipline.It is a 'bedside book' that will bring joy and practical support to the many professionals who work from the heart and wish to touch the future. It offers validation to those teachers who deeply care about the subject disciplines they teach, ultimately making a difference to children, their lives, and their world.In our current educational context, this work is unashamedly people-orientated, futures-thinking, and forward-facing.

On the Subject of Values ... and the Value of Subjects: New thinking to guide schools through the curriculum

by Bridget Knight Mark Chater Neil Hawkes Mick Waters

Education is a values-based experience. Consciously or not, we are highly attuned to one another's values. We see, time and again, that the 'best' schools are compelled and propelled by strong values which inspire and guide the creation of a meaningful context for learning and an aspirational ethos.However, values can often be submerged, overlooked, or ignored. By infusing our teaching with values, both explicit and implicit, learning can serve a greater purpose, nourishing us as humans and deepening our experience.Drawing on the views and inspired teaching practice of a range of contributors, this book offers both the theoretical underpinning and practical examples to bring values to life in the classroom. It shows how each subject has a unique and valuable role, and how a values-based culture generates a powerful climate for successful learning in every subject discipline.It is a 'bedside book' that will bring joy and practical support to the many professionals who work from the heart and wish to touch the future. It offers validation to those teachers who deeply care about the subject disciplines they teach, ultimately making a difference to children, their lives, and their world.In our current educational context, this work is unashamedly people-orientated, futures-thinking, and forward-facing.

On the Supreme Court: Without Illusion and Idolatry

by Louis Fisher

"On the Supreme Court" places the Supreme Court in a rich historical and political context, demonstrating how its interpretations of statutes and the Constitution are necessarily shared with the elected branches, the 50 states, and the general public. It explains why the Court exercises judicial review, not judicial supremacy. It demonstrates that, contrary to popular opinion, the Court does not supply the final or exclusive word on the Constitution. In an era of tectonic changes, "On the Supreme Court" offers a fresh perspective on this mainstay institution from a scholar with unique insights as a Constitutional specialist as well as a Congressional researcher.Key features of the text: "

On the Theory of Content Transformation in Education: The 3A Methodology for Analysing and Improving Teaching and Learning (Routledge Research in Education)

by Tomáš Janík Jan Slavík Petr Najvar Tereza Češková

This volume presents a novel, theoretical, micro-analytical model – the 3A Methodology – for assessing the quality of school education.Drawing on philosophers as well as theoretical and pedagogical traditions from European and American contexts, the authors construct a model that is relevant to teachers, researchers, and teacher educators regardless of cultural setting. The chapters explain the 3A Methodology as a specific research tool developed to study classroom situations in the form of case studies, revealing findings that demonstrate prototypical failures (didactic formalism) that threaten to compromise the quality of learning as well as prototypical didactic virtues that verifiably support students’ learning. Ultimately building on the distinction of three modes of existence of educational content (the intersubjective, the subjective, and the objective modes), the book helps rediscover didactics as a transdisciplinary theory of content transformation and contributes to the improvement of teaching and learning in the classroom long term.This volume will be of interest to scholars, researchers, and postgraduate students working in school education, educational psychology, and didactics more broadly. Teacher educators and school administrators may also find the book of interest.Chapters 1, 3, and 6 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

On the Track: A Guide to Contemporary Film Scoring

by Fred Karlin Rayburn Wright

On the Track offers a comprehensive guide to scoring for film and television. Covering all styles and genres, the authors, both noted film composers, cover everything from the nuts-and-bolts of timing, cuing, and recording through balancing the composer's aesthetic vision with the needs of the film itself. Unlike other books that are aimed at the person "dreaming" of a career, this is truly a guide that can be used by everyone from students to technically sophisticated professionals. It contains over 100 interviews with noted composers, illustrating the many technical points made through the text.

On the Trail (Peanut, Butter, and Crackers #3)

by Paige Braddock

Peanut, Butter, and Crackers return in the third graphic novel in the series. This time, they're off camping. Getting lost just wasn't part of the plan.Peanut, Butter, and Crackers set off on a camping trip. But when Butter and Peanut leave the safety of the camper to explore the forest, they end up more lost than they ever planned and Crackers has no choice but to go look for them. Can Crackers find his family before it's too late? Kids will love Paige Braddock's newest addition to the Peanut, Butter, and Crackers series. This story of home and all the places we find it is sure to be a favorite.

On the Waves of a Pulsating World: An Engineer’s Adventures in Innovation, Education and Politics: From Russia to the West (Springer Biographies)

by Vladimir Babitsky

Vladimir Babitsky was born before the Second World War and migrated West after Perestroika. The theory of vibro-impact systems that he developed helped create the world’s safest jackhammer and other record-breaking machines. The author has lived through a series of fascinating epochs: experiencing life under totalitarianism, witnessing the Soviet Union’s collapse, and then migrating to Europe as a specialist in his field. “On the Waves of a Pulsating World” is an animated and highly engaging story about the journey of an engineer; from childhood daydreams to creating new technologies, from East to West, and from concepts to realities. It is also the story of people who outshine authoritarianism.

On the Write Track: A Practical Guide to Teaching Writing in Primary Schools

by James Clements

On the Write Track puts teachers’ autonomy and their knowledge of what is right for their pupils at the heart of teaching writing. It explores a set of research-based principles, before illustrating these with case studies and examples of classroom practice. Writing is about communication. Learning to write gives children a voice that others will listen to – a voice they can use to share their ideas, articulate their feelings, amuse and delight their readers and argue for what they believe in. While every child, every teacher and every classroom are different, approaches to teaching writing can sometimes feel prescriptive, whether they are based on a particular curriculum model, commercial scheme, assessment system or underlying philosophy. This book provides freedom and choice by introducing a series of ‘tracks’ for writing teaching, including practical approaches to: Building a community of writers in the classroom Employing a process-led sequence for teaching writing Encouraging children to write for pleasure and share their own interests Exploring the use of rich and diverse texts as fuel for writing Drawing on spoken language and oracy to develop written communication Teaching grammar and punctuation to support writing Utilising feedback to help children develop their writing voice Using drama and play as starting points for writing Through considering these different tracks and thinking about how to weave them together into a coherent whole, teachers can help every child to make the journey to being a confident, skilled, keen writer.

On the Wrong Side: How Universities Protect Perpetrators and Betray Survivors of Sexual Violence

by Nicole Bedera

This explosive investigation reveals the profound failures of the Title IX system and identifies concrete, surprisingly simple steps we can take to protect students. The debate over campus sexual violence is more heated than ever, but hardly anyone knows what actually happens inside Title IX offices. On the Wrong Side provides the first comprehensive account of the inner workings of the secretive Title IX system. Drawing on a yearlong study of survivors, perpetrators, and the administrators who oversaw their cases, sociologist Nicole Bedera exposes the structures that predictably punish survivors who come forward in the service of protecting—or even rewarding—their perpetrators. In doing so, she reveals that the system tasked with ending gender inequality on campus only intensifies it, upending survivors' lives and threatening the degrees that brought them to college in the first place. Equally heartbreaking and optimistic, On the Wrong Side makes it easy to imagine life-changing interventions for the next generation of students by proposing specific solutions to the structural problems of Title IX. Bedera proves that ending campus sexual violence is within our grasp—and dares us to be courageous enough to take action.

On Their Own: Creating an Independent Future for Your Adult Child with Learning Disabilities and ADHD

by Anne Ford John-Richard Thompson

An indispensable guide to the special challenges faced by parents of learning-disabled children as they enter adulthood, by the author of Laughing Allegra, a leading activist and parent of an adult child with LD.In 2003 Anne Ford (great-granddaughter of Henry Ford) published Laughing Allegra, about the struggles of raising her learning-disabled daughter, and received a flood of letters from parents of children with LD, ADD, and ADHD, many expressing concerns about what to do as their children age.On Their Own is an invaluable road map to ease these parents' fears and answer their questions, especially the one that haunts them daily: Will or can their child be on their own, and how? In a candid, sympathetic style, laced with real-life stories, the book covers such topics as:Social skills and datingStaying healthySibling relationshipsInteraction with employers and co-workersJob huntingFinding the right college or trade schoolEstate planningAlso included are a comprehensive resource guide and exclusive interviews with prominent professionals who have surmounted their learning disabilities: CEO's Sir Richard Branson, John Chambers, David Neeleman, and Charles Schwab, and former governor Gaston Caperton.

On Trial: A Criminal Trial Simulation (Grades 4-6)

by Margaret Schweitzer

Your students know the story of the Big Bad Wolf and the Three Little Pigs. They know what the wolf did. They know that if the wolf were tried for his crimes, he would surely be guilty. Well, here's an activity that will shed doubt on your students' previous convictions. After all the evidence has been presented, they'll question whether the wolf is really guilty or merely a victim of wolf prejudice and circumstantial evidence.This clever simulation, which teaches about the workings of the trial system, puts the Big Bad Wolf on trial for destroying the pigs' houses. By assuming roles and using the nonscripted character profiles, students present information that has everyone wondering if the wolf is guilty or innocent. A jury of classmates will decide. This book not only teaches about the judicial system, but also develops communication, cooperation, and evaluative skills.Grades 4-6

On Understanding Russia

by F. James

As an outstanding educator and economist, Dr. F. Cyril James is particularly well qualified to observe modern Russia, and to comment upon it for Western readers. While he disclaims any right to speak with authority on the basis of his recent tour, the reader will quickly realize that he was actually given exceptional opportunities to see Soviet life, economy, and education – visiting some places that few foreigners have seen – and that, as a trained observer, he was able to draw fully from his experiences. As Dr. James points out, "it is imperative that we should learn all that we can about the U.S.S.R. in order to understand its people – their habits, their ambitions, and their thoughts." He describes most vividly how the system of research institutions and university education provides incentive and then a very fully occupied life for those who are gathered into it. The comparisons of university budgets, salaries, and student expenses with those of North America are revealing. Dr. James tells also of the interesting developments from Mr. Khrushchev's proposal that students should work in factories or on farms before going on to university.

On University Freedom in the Canadian Context

by Kenneth Hare

The universities of Canada are now expanding rapidly and becoming very costly to run and equip. Increasingly the bill is borne by the public exchequers, federal and provincial. What then should be the proper relationship between government and universities if university freedom is to be preserved? This book, based on the Plaunt Lectures given at Carleton University in 1967, discusses the various aspects of the question. The author for example, discusses the British solution of a buffer committee between government and university, and the American concept of a lay board of regents which has jurisdiction over the university system in the name of the people. He suggests that the best device is for the universities themselves to form a strong cooperative body and for the state to arm this body with statutory instruments. Most provinces now have a Provincial Advisory Committee and the author proposes that the staff needed to assess and scrutinize budgets for university funds equitably should be under the control of this committee rather than the provincial Ministers. As a collateral to the question of university freedom Dr. Hare also asks "whose freedom is it?" and in answering this he takes up the question of the unrest on campuses today among the students, and the trend toward more student participation in university administration. He supports the recent action taken by many Canadian universities of allowing student membership in their Senate. At a time when the problem of university freedom and control is one of the most controversial in the academic world, this study will be of interest to all members of that community, and to anyone in federal and provincial politics.

On Weaving

by Nicholas Fox Weber Anni Albers Manuel Cirauqui T Ai Smith

The classic book on the art and history of weaving—now expanded and in full colorWritten by one of the twentieth century’s leading textile artists, this splendidly illustrated book is a luminous meditation on the art of weaving, its history, its tools and techniques, and its implications for modern design. First published in 1965, On Weaving bridges the transition between handcraft and the machine-made, highlighting the essential importance of material awareness and the creative leaps that can occur when design problems are tackled by hand.With her focus on materials and handlooms, Anni Albers discusses how technology and mass production place limits on creativity and problem solving, and makes the case for a renewed embrace of human ingenuity that is particularly important today. Her lucid and engaging prose is illustrated with a wealth of rare and extraordinary images showing the history of the medium, from hand-drawn diagrams and close-ups of pre-Columbian textiles to material studies with corn, paper, and the typewriter, as well as illuminating examples of her own work.Now available for a new generation of readers, this expanded edition of On Weaving updates the book’s original black-and-white illustrations with full-color photos, and features an afterword by Nicholas Fox Weber and essays by Manuel Cirauqui and T’ai Smith that shed critical light on Albers and her career.

On Writing: A Process Reader

by Wendy Bishop

On Writing A Process Reader by Wendy Bishop

On Writing Qualitative Research: Living by Words (Teachers' Library #Vol. 12)

by Margaret Anzul Maryann Downing Margot Ely Ruth Vinz

This text is both about writing up qualitative research and is itself a qualitative study. The written reflections of students on the writing process and the interpretations and presentations of their findings provide a base of data which the authors have, in turn, analyzed and incorporated into their text. They have added accounts of their own experiences, and those of their colleagues and other published authors. All of these are woven into a theoretical framework that discusses them in detail.

On Writing the College Application Essay

by Harry Bauld

Vital information for every college applicant. A former Ivy League admissions officer provides tough and funny advice on coming up with the best essay possible.

On Your Mark, Get Set, Laugh! (Katie Kazoo Switcheroo #13)

by Nancy Krulik

When fourth-grade Katie turns into her unfair track coach, she gives all the kids on the team a chance to compete, including the slowest runner in her class.

Onboarding Teachers: A Playbook for Getting New Staff Up to Speed

by Nancy Frey Michelle Shin Douglas Fisher Enrico Biscocho

It’s all about the right support, at the right time, in the right amount New teaching staff, whether novice or veteran, are a central part of a successful school year. So why is it that they are often greeted at the door of our school community with the autopilot vibe of a ticket taker at the movies? Onboarding Teachers changes the rules of engagement, offering activities and practical strategies that focus leaders and coaches on critical aspects of success for that make-or-break first year. Built on high-impact instructional and coaching practices and ready for you to roll out in four eight-week cycles, everything you need is here: Timely content aligned to needs as they come up throughout the year including the physical environment, engagement, and classroom management Checklists and self assessments to gauge readiness Sample emails and communication tips for various audiences Coaching scenarios to apply and reflect on strategies Links to access additional resources on-line Half of all new teachers leave the profession within five years. We can reduce that attrition by integrating new members in a way that deepens connection and practice. With Onboarding Teachers, the wish for new teachers to find their stride becomes a plan.

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