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Showing 54,451 through 54,475 of 82,154 results

Pädagogische Psychologie: Ein Überblick für Psychologiestudierende und -interessierte (Was ist eigentlich …?)

by Thomas Martens

Diese Einführung aus der Reihe „Was ist eigentlich …?“ gibt einen kurzen Überblick über das Fach „Pädagogische Psychologie“. Sie will Psychologiestudierenden am Beginn des Studiums zu einer Orientierung in dieser Teildisziplin verhelfen. Sie bietet aber auch für Fachfremde, die an psychologischen Themen interessiert sind, einen ersten Einblick in die Denkweisen, Modelle und methodischen Herangehensweisen der Psychologie.

Pädagogische Psychologie

by Elke Wild Jens Möller

Dieses Lehrbuch bildet das psychologische Anwendungsfach „Pädagogische Psychologie“ in seiner ganzen Breite ab. Es gibt einen verständlichen Überblick über zentrale Konstrukte, Theorien und Befunde des Fachs, deren Kenntnis für eine professionelle Arbeit in pädagogischen Praxisfeldern unverzichtbar ist und die entsprechend auch in Lehrveranstaltungen zentral behandelt sowie in Prüfungen thematisiert werden sollten. Eine ansprechende didaktische Gestaltung sowie zahlreiche kostenlose Lern- und Lehrmaterialien auf unterstützen eine motivierte und effektive Aneignung der behandelten Inhalte.

Pädagogische Qualität in Waldorfkindergärten und Waldorfkrippen: Eine qualitative empirische Studie zu spezifischen Qualitätsmerkmalen aus Sicht beteiligter Erwachsener

by Philipp Gelitz

Waldorfkindergärten und Waldorfkrippen stellen trotz ihres jahrzehntelangen Bestehens noch immer eine Forschungslücke dar. Neben vielen Publikationen zu Intentionen und Annahmen der vorschulischen Waldorfpädagogik gibt es weltweit fast gar keine empirischen Untersuchungen vorzuweisen. Diese Lücke soll die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit anfänglich schließen. Den Bezugsrahmen der Untersuchung bilden einerseits die erziehungswissenschaftlichen Diskurslinien um pädagogische Qualität in frühpädagogischen Einrichtungen und andererseits die theoretischen Grundpfeiler der Waldorfpädagogik. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird ein qualitatives Forschungsdesign entwickelt, das die beteiligten Erwachsenen im Feld – Fachkräfte, Dozierende und Eltern – nach besonderen Schwerpunkten der pädagogischen Qualität in Waldorfeinrichtungen befragt. Dabei kann gezeigt werden, dass es Merkmale gibt, wie z.B. bestimmte Annahmen über den Menschen, von der Bedeutung des freien Spiels, von Rhythmus, von sinnlichem Erleben und viele weitere, die für Waldorfkrippen und Waldorfkindergärten spezifisch zu sein scheinen. Die Arbeit hebt durch die Befragung einen Schatz an bisher verborgenem Handlungswissen, was sie zu einem Ausgangspunkt für viele weitere Forschungen und Hypothesenprüfungen macht.

Pädagogisches Ethos: Zur Theorie des professionellen Handelns von Lehrpersonen

by Tanja Obex

Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich aus professionstheoretischer Perspektive mit dem Phänomen des pädagogischen Ethos von Lehrer*innen. Sie will eine Antwort auf folgende Frage geben: Wie kann Ethos als Element pädagogischer Professionalität von Lehrer*innen konzipiert werden, und welche Elemente enthält eine solche Theorie des pädagogischen Ethos? Ausgangspunkt ist erstens die Feststellung, dass Ethos zwar als zentrales Element pädagogisch professionellen Handelns gilt, eine systematische Integration in Modelle professionellen Handels aber bislang nicht vorliegt. Zweitens wird die Kritik an einer strukturtheoretischen Professionstheorie geteilt, die durch die Hervorhebung von Widersprüchen und Antinomien im Handeln von Lehrpersonen den Beruf als einen unmöglichen rahmen. Die These lautet, dass sich mit einem Konzept von Ethos als Praxis ein pädagogischer Umgang mit strukturellen Antinomien beschreiben lässt, ohne den Anspruch auf Professionalität aufgeben zu müssen. Ausgehend von Hans Joas‘ Theorie des kreativen Handelns wird pädagogisches Ethos als spezifische Form experimentellen Handelns mit den Dimensionen Kontingenz, Ethik und Macht konzipiert. Ethos antwortet auf Handlungshemmungen, die durch pädagogische Antinomien ausgelöst werden. Mittels Analysen von videografiertem Unterrichtsmaterial lassen sich die Aspekte Relationalität und Körperlichkeit als Denkvoraussetzungen einer Theorie des pädagogischen Ethos rekonstruieren. Pädagogisches Ethos hat die Qualität eines experimentellen Handelns, weil ‚unmögliche‘ Entscheidungen getroffen werden, die einer Rationalität eigener Art folgen: einer Rationalität, die in dem – unausgesprochenen – Versprechen gegenüber sich selbst gründet, eine ‚Sache‘ gut zu machen.

Pädagogisches Rollenspiel: Wissensbaustein und Leitfaden für die psychosoziale Praxis (essentials)

by Manfred Günther

Manfred Günther beschreibt in diesem essential eindrucksvoll das Pädagogische Rollenspiel. Er zeigt, wie dieses in den 1970er-Jahren als ein neues, angeleitetes Methodenangebot entstanden ist. Das Pädagogische Rollenspiel entwickelte sich als ein VT-fundiertes Vorhaben, das praktisch eingesetzt großen Spaß macht und das dabei mühelos im pädagogischen Sinn erwünschte Kompetenzen übertragen kann. Denn beim Spiel geht es kulturübergreifend häufig um das Einüben von wichtigen sozialen Fähigkeiten oder auch um Aufarbeitung von Themen oder Konflikten.​

PadaYathra - පාද යාත්‍රා

by Eric Eliyaparachchi - එරික් ඉලෙයප්ආරච්චි

2004 වසරේ මෙරටට බලපෑ සුනාමි කේදවාචකයට මැදි වූ චරිත කිහිපයක් වටා ගොඩනැගී ඇති නවකතාවකි..

Paddington 2: Paddington's Family and Friends (I Can Read Level 1)

by Thomas Macri

Paddington 2 comes to theaters on January 12, 2018, with all of the friendship, humor, and marmalade that made the first film a critical and box office hit!Since Paddington first arrived in London, he has warmed the hearts of many with his curious nature and earnest good intentions. Filled with full-color images from the film, Paddington 2, this Level 1 I Can Read storybook introduces the family Paddington has made his own, and all of the friends who are happy to have Paddington as part of their world.Paddington’s Friends and Family is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

Paddington and the Magic Trick (I Can Read Level 1)

by Michael Bond

Paddington Bear has delighted readers of all ages for almost 60 years! Now part of the I Can Read line, Michael Bond’s classic character will charm beginning readers with his unique brand of magic. Paddington is delighted to discover that the Browns are throwing him a birthday party. But when the magic trick he performs goes awry, Paddington needs something more than a tap of his wand to set things straight.Paddington and the Magic Trick is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

Paddington at the Barber Shop (I Can Read Level 1)

by Michael Bond

Paddington Bear has charmed readers of all ages for almost 60 years! Now part of the I Can Read line, Michael Bond's classic character will delight beginning readers with his curious nature and nose for adventure.Paddington is not a bear to shy away from a tough job. But when he is left in charge of the local barber shop, his determination to keep the customers happy will surprise even himself!Paddington at the Barber Shop is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

Paddington in Peru: Paddington's Jungle Quest (I Can Read Level 1)

by Rebecca Gerlings

London’s most adorable bear is back in the third installment of the blockbuster franchise Paddington in Peru, which features a star-studded cast, including Academy Award–winner Olivia Colman, Academy Award–nominee Antonio Banderas, and more!Join Paddington as he returns to Peru to visit his beloved Aunt Lucy, who now resides at the Home for Retired Bears. With the Brown family in tow, their trip reveals a mystery that leads to an epic quest in the Amazon and the mountain peaks of Peru.Packed with marvelous mishaps and marmalade sandwiches, this early reader is the perfect gift for those who want to relive Paddington's adventures at home! Filled with full-color images from the film Paddington in Peru, this Level One I Can Read is perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

Paddington: Meet Paddington (I Can Read Level 1)

by Annie Auerbach

Meet Paddington, the extraordinary bear from Peru, and his many friends who help him out of lots of curious situations—as well as a few characters who lead him into trouble! Filled with full-color images from the film Paddington, this I Can Read storybook is an exciting introduction to this classic character.Meet Paddington is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it's perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.Paddington, the first-ever live-action film with CGI animation based on the classic book series, lights up theaters on Christmas Day 2014. With Harry Potter producer David Heyman and an all-star cast including Nicole Kidman, Hugh Bonneville, and Sally Hawkins, Paddington is a film that is sure to capture your heart.

Paddington: Paddington's Adventures (I Can Read Level 1)

by Annie Auerbach

Discover the humor and fun of Paddington in this I Can Read storybook. Ever since the young bear entered the Browns' home, everything from having tea to taking the London Underground has been an incredible adventure. But when Paddington meets Millicent, an evil taxidermist, the whole family takes off on their biggest adventure yet!With full-color images from the movie, Paddington's Adventures is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it's perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.Paddington, the first-ever live-action film with CGI animation based on the classic book series, lights up theaters on Christmas Day 2014. With Harry Potter producer David Heyman and an all-star cast including Nicole Kidman, Hugh Bonneville, and Sally Hawkins, Paddington is a film that is sure to capture your heart.

Paddington Plays On (I Can Read Level 1)

by Michael Bond

Paddington Bear has delighted readers of all ages for almost 60 years! Now part of the I Can Read line, Michael Bond’s classic character will drum up the interest of beginning readers with his charming antics. Paddington is having a wonderful time while on vacation with the Browns in a small French town. He loves exploring and meeting new friends. So how exactly does he end up marching through town as a drummer in the local band? Sure, he can keep the beat on the drum. But can he keep up with the band?Paddington Plays On is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

Paddington Sets Sail (I Can Read Level 1)

by Michael Bond

Paddington Bear has charmed readers of all ages for almost 60 years! Now part of the I Can Read line, Michael Bond’s classic character will delight beginning readers with his curious nature and nose for adventure. Paddington is thrilled to go to the beach with the Browns. He’s never splashed in the ocean or built a sand castle. Outfitted with a new set of beach toys, Paddington seems ready for whatever comes his way. But the biggest surprise of all sweeps Paddington off on a new adventure.Paddington Sets Sail is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

Paddington's Day Off (I Can Read Level 1)

by Michael Bond

Paddington Bear has charmed readers of all ages for almost 60 years! Now part of the I Can Read line, Michael Bond’s classic character will delight beginning readers with his curious nature and nose for adventure. Paddington and Mr. Gruber enjoy a day off from their duties as they set out to explore London with Jonathan and Judy. Each turn brings a new discovery, and Paddington’s nose for adventure leads to the greatest surprise of all.Paddington’s Day Off is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

Paddington's Prize Picture (I Can Read Level 1)

by Michael Bond

Paddington Bear has charmed readers of all ages for almost 60 years! Now part of the I Can Read line, Michael Bond’s classic character will delight beginning readers with his curious nature and nose for adventure. Paddington discovers a love of painting when Mr. Gruber shows him just how fun it can be. But he’s not the only one—Mr. Brown has an artistic streak, too. So when a painting contest comes to town, the winning picture is a surprise to all. Because when Paddington is involved, the ordinary turns extraordinary! Paddington’s Prize Picture is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

Padres Primerizos: Cómo Criar Niños Sanos y Felices a Través del Amor, el Cuidado y la Capacitación

by Hiddenstuff Entertainment

Padres primerizos por Hiddenstuff Entertainment Cómo criar niños sanos y felices a través del amor, el cuidado y la capacitación Padres primerizos: Cómo criar niños sanos y felices a través del amor, el cuidado y la capacitación Padres primerizos Si es la primera vez que usted es padre o está esperando a su recién nacido, entonces esta guía es para usted. Los bebés son extremadamente frágiles y necesitan mucha atención. ¡Por lo tanto, el cuidado de un bebé recién nacido será uno de los retos más grandes que usted haya tenido que enfrentar! Asegúrese de estar preparado - Cómo cuidar a su recién nacido. - Qué comprar. - Qué alimentar. - Cómo criar a su hijo. Además de toneladas de información útiles para los Padres primerizos. --> Desplácese hasta la parte superior de la página y haga clic en Añadir al carrito para comprar al instante. Información Legal: Este autor y/o propietario(s) de derechos no hace reclamos, promesas o garantías con respecto a la exactitud, integridad o adecuación del contenido de este libro, y expresamente niega responsabilidad por errores y omisiones en el contenido de este libro. Este producto es sólo para uso de referencia. Por favor, consulte a un profesional antes de tomar acción sobre cualquiera de los contenidos que se encuentran dentro.

Page to Stage: Developing Writing, Speaking And Listening Skills in Primary Schools

by James Carter

An exciting and creative approaches that links literacy and oracy in a way that children will enjoy. Performing poetry is also proven to boost self-esteem.Includes:* Audio downloadable resources with recordings of published poets and children performing their own work* Activities to develop speaking and listening skills* Model poems from which to work* Guidelines for progressing through the writing and performance process* A three stage model: preparation -- writing -- performing

Pages of You

by Tricia Seabolt

Melanie's grandfather has Alzheimer's disease. In one of his foggy moments, he decides to go grocery shopping and it proves to be an ordeal.

The Paideia Classroom

by Laura Billings Terry Roberts

With sample lesson plans, student assessment forms (with rubrics), and other practical materials, this book shows how the principles of the Paideia Program can result in student learning and understanding.

Paideia Program: An Educational Syllabus

by Mortimer J. Adler

Paideia is a holistic approach to life-long learning with roots in ancient Greece.The Paideia Program is based on the belief that the human species is defined by its capacity and desire for learning. The program itself argues for a public education that is at once more rigorous and more accessible.

Paideia Proposal

by Mortimer J. Adler

The Paideia Proposal is a system of liberal education intended for all children. It was a response to what Adler characterized as the United States' antidemocratic or undemocratic educational system, a holdover from the 19th century, when the understanding of basic human rights fell short of 20th century expectations. The Paidea Proposal was based upon the following assumptions: 1) All children are educable; 2) Education is never completed in school or higher institutions of learning, but is a lifelong process of maturity for all citizens; 3) The primary cause of learning is the activity of the child's mind, which is not created by, but only assisted by the teacher; 4) Multiple types learning and teaching must be utilized in education, not just teacher lecturing, or telling; and 5) A student's preparation for earning a living is not the primary objective of schooling. Adler stressed that the proposal is much more than just a return to the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. It is not simply a return to the values of classical civilization, but a return to what is of enduring value. It is a democratic proposal intended for the education of all, and not an elitist program as some have alleged.

Pain and Gain

by Brian M. Stecher Abby Robyn Scott Epstein Julie A. Marsh Laura S. Hamilton

The Implementing Standards-Based Accountability (ISBA) study was designed to examine the strategies that states, districts, and schools are using to implement standards-based accountability under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). This monograph presents information regarding the implementation of NCLB in California, Georgia, and Pennsylvania from 2003-2004 through 2005-2006, including the final results of the ISBA project.

Pain: A Ladybird Expert Book (The Ladybird Expert Series #39)

by Irene Tracey

PART OF THE ALL-NEW LADYBIRD EXPERT SERIES- What is pain and can we measure it?- What is chronic pain and can we treat it?- Can we make pain pleasant?UNDERSTAND the causes and the reasons for pain. This complex, subjective but vital perception is experienced by the entire animal kingdom. We may not enjoy feeling it, but living without pain would be dangerous - it is our body's way of telling us when something isn't right.YOUR BODY'S BUILT IN ALARM SYSTEMWritten by Professor of Anaesthetic Neuroscience at the University of Oxford, Irene Tracey, PAIN is an accessible and fascinating illustrated introduction to one of our body's most important sensory and emotional experiences.

The Pain of Knowledge: Holocaust and Genocide Issues in Education

by Yair Auron

Violation of the rights of a human being and indifference in the face of suffering jeopardize the very existence of human society. The Holocaust is the most extreme example of such violations, and the greatest moral failure mankind has experienced. Confronting the Holocaust, as well as genocide, may contribute to understanding the importance of humanistic and democratic values, and help construct tools for making moral judgments. That is why courses on the study of genocide and the Holocaust have become part of the curricula of educational institutions in the United States and elsewhere. This book asks how the moral messages of the Holocaust and genocide can best be transmitted. The Pain of Knowledge deals not with historical events, but with possible ways of learning about these events and their significance. It attempts to examine and deal critically with some of the profound dilemmas at the core of Holocaust and genocide issues in education. The underlying purpose of this book is to expose the reader to sometimes antithetical, and at other times complementary, views concerning the teaching of these subjects, both in Israel and elsewhere in the world. This book will contribute to the teaching of the Holocaust and genocide, and encourage readers to examine these issues from a broad perspective. Among the subjects dealt with in The Pain of Knowledge are: how societies crystallize their collective memories; historical processes and changes in the teaching of the Holocaust in Israel during different periods of time; commemoration of Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Day; journeys of Israeli youth to sites connected with the Holocaust in Poland; attitudes of Israeli adolescents toward the Holocaust; attitudes of Israeli Arabs toward the Holocaust; general world attitudes toward the Holocaust; teaching of the Holocaust throughout the world; and teaching of genocide in Israel and elsewhere. Yair Auron is senior lecturer at The Open University of Israel and the Kibbutzim College of Education. He is the author of numerous articles and books on genocide and on contemporary Judaism, including Jewish-Israeli Identity and We Are All German Jews: Jewish Radicals in France During the Sixties and Seventies.

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