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Paul Robert Hanna: A Life of Expanding Communities
by Jared R. StallonesAnalyzing and ultimately placing in context Paul Hanna's vast contributions, this book provides a richly textured narrative of his life and his major role in twentieth-century American education and the development of modern American education.
Paul the Storyteller: A Narratological Approach
by Christoph HeiligAn incisive study of Paul&’s use of stories and narratives in his letters Paul is often thought of as a crafter of numerous and complex arguments, but some scholars, such as N. T. Wright and Richard Hays, have shown that narratives are vitally important in his letters. Through careful examination of the texts, Christoph Heilig demonstrates that Paul is indeed a talented teller of stories—not only explicit narratives but also implicit stories. In this volume, after a decade of research and writing, Heilig presents his definitive report on narrative in Paul. While Richard Hays and N. T. Wright have argued that Paul&’s letters contain implicit narratives, Heilig stresses that a sound methodology requires beginning with text-linguistic investigation of explicit narratives. As Heilig argues, focusing on explicit narratives repeatedly redirects our attention to implicit (&“almost&”) stories. On this basis, he shows that Hays&’s &“narrative substructures&” and Wright&’s &“worldview&” narratives can also be fruitfully integrated into a narratological approach. Paul is a different kind of storyteller than the gospel writers, for example, but at countless points miniature narratives play a crucial role for Paul&’s communicative goals. Students and scholars of the New Testament will welcome Heilig&’s expert guidance through a hotly debated area of Pauline studies.
Paul, Then and Now
by Matthew V. NovensonReckoning with the hermeneutical struggle to make sense of Paul as both a historical figure and a canonical muse. Matthew Novenson has become a leading advocate for the continuing relevance of historical-critical readings of Paul even as some New Testament scholars have turned to purely theological or political approaches. In this collection of a decade&’s worth of essays, Novenson puts contextual understandings of Paul&’s letters into conversation with their Christian reception history. After a new, programmatic introductory essay that frames the other eleven essays, Novenson explores topics including:the relation between theology and historical criticismthe place of Jews and gentiles in Paul&’s gospelPaul&’s relation to Judaismthe relevance of messianism to Paul&’s ChristologyPaul&’s eschatology in relation to ancient Jewish eschatologiesthe aptness of monotheism as a category for understanding antiquitythe reception of Paul by diverse early Christian writersthe peculiar place of Protestantism in the modern study of Paulthe debate over the recent Paul-within-Judaism movementanti-Judaism in modern New Testament scholarshipdisputes over Romans and Galatiansthe meta-question of what it would mean to get Paul right or wrong Engaging with numerous schools of thought in Pauline studies—Augustinian, Lutheran, New Perspective, apocalyptic, Paul-within-Judaism, religious studies, and more—while also rising above partisan disputes between schools, Novenson illuminates the ancient Mediterranean context of Paul&’s letters, their complicated afterlives in the history of interpretation, and the hermeneutical struggle to make sense of it all.
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes: Cultural Studies in 1 Corinthians
by Kenneth E. BaileyChristianity TodayPaul was a Hebrew of the Hebrews, steeped in the learning of his people.But he was also a Roman citizen who widely traveled the Mediterranean basin, and was very knowledgeable of the dominant Greek and Roman culture of his day. These two mighty rivers of influence converge in Paul's first letter to the Corinthians.With razor-sharp attention to the text, Kenneth Bailey examines the cultural milieu and rhetorical strategies that shaped this pivotal epistle. He discovers the deep layers of the Hebraic prophetic tradition informing Paul's writing, linking the Apostle with the great prophets of the Old Testament.Throughout, Bailey employs his expert knowledge of Near Eastern and Mediterranean culture to deliver to readers a new understanding of Paul and his world. Familiar passages take on a new hue as they are stripped of standard Western interpretations and rendered back into their ancient setting.
Paul Transformed: Reception of the Person and Letters of Paul in Antiquity (The Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library)
by Adela Yarbro CollinsA fascinating reception history of the theological, ethical, and social themes in the letters of Paul In the first decades after the death of Jesus, the letters of the apostle Paul were the chief written resource for Christian believers, as well as for those seeking to formulate Christian thought and practice. But in the years following Paul's death, the early church witnessed a proliferation of contested—and often opposing—interpretations of his writings, as teaching was passed down, debated, and codified. In this engaging study, Adela Yarbro Collins traces the reception history of major theological, ethical, and social topics in the letters of Paul from the days of his apostleship through the first centuries of Christianity. She explores the evolution of Paul&’s cosmic eschatology, his understanding of the resurrected body, marriage and family ethics, the role of women in the early church, and his theology of suffering. Paying special attention to the ways these evolving interpretations provided frameworks for church governance, practice, and tradition, Collins illuminates the ways that Paul&’s ideas were understood, challenged, and ultimately transformed by their earliest audiences.
Paul vs. James: What We've Been Missing in the Faith and Works Debate
by Chris Bruno"I welcome Chris Bruno&’s readable and thoroughly biblical exploration of faith and works. He sets the matter in both its wider biblical context at the same time as he makes clear its relevance and importance to faithful Christian living today." –Douglas J. Moo from the ForewordEverything you never knew about the men behind the controversy.Put James and Paul next to each other and some tough-to-answer questions come up. Paul says we&’re saved by faith alone, not works—and James seems to say the opposite. If you&’ve been around the church for a while, you probably know enough to say "the right thing" if someone asked about these verses. But would your answers hold up to scrutiny? If pressed, would you know what to say? Dive into the life stories of both apostles, learn more about the context of their letters, and discover the truth about the shared message they both proclaimed. No more canned answers or lingering questions, gain confidence and go deeper in Paul vs. James.
Paul vs. James: What We've Been Missing in the Faith and Works Debate
by Chris Bruno"I welcome Chris Bruno&’s readable and thoroughly biblical exploration of faith and works. He sets the matter in both its wider biblical context at the same time as he makes clear its relevance and importance to faithful Christian living today." –Douglas J. Moo from the ForewordEverything you never knew about the men behind the controversy.Put James and Paul next to each other and some tough-to-answer questions come up. Paul says we&’re saved by faith alone, not works—and James seems to say the opposite. If you&’ve been around the church for a while, you probably know enough to say "the right thing" if someone asked about these verses. But would your answers hold up to scrutiny? If pressed, would you know what to say? Dive into the life stories of both apostles, learn more about the context of their letters, and discover the truth about the shared message they both proclaimed. No more canned answers or lingering questions, gain confidence and go deeper in Paul vs. James.
Paulette in Space
by Joan Fleiss Kaplan"These appealing decodable stories nurture early literacy development, which translates into building new readers' self-confidence. This, in turn, quickens the pace at which genuine reading comprehension is achieved ..."--Epsbooks.com.
Pauline Dogmatics: The Triumph of God's Love
by Douglas A. CampbellThe eschatological heart of Paul&’s gospel in his world and its implications for todayDrawing upon thirty years of intense study and reflection on Paul, Douglas Campbell offers a distinctive overview of the apostle&’s thinking that builds on Albert Schweitzer&’s classic emphasis on the importance for Paul of the resurrection. But Campbell—learning here from Karl Barth—traces through the implications of Christ for Paul&’s thinking about every other theological topic, from revelation and the resurrection through the nature of the church and mission. As he does so, the conversation broadens to include Stanley Hauerwas in relation to Christian formation, and thinkers like Willie Jennings to engage post-colonial concerns. But the result of this extensive conversation is a work that, in addition to providing a description of Paul&’s theology, also equips readers with what amounts to a Pauline manual for church planting. Good Pauline theology is good practical theology, ecclesiology, and missiology, which is to say, Paul&’s theology belongs to the church and, properly understood, causes the church to flourish. In these conversations Campbell pushes through interdisciplinary boundaries to explicate different aspects of Pauline community with notions like network theory and restorative justice.The book concludes by moving to applications of Paul in the modern period to painful questions concerning gender, sexual activity, and Jewish inclusion, offering Pauline navigations that are orthodox, inclusive, and highly constructive. Beginning with the God revealed in Jesus, and in a sense with ourselves, Campbell progresses through Pauline ethics and eschatology, concluding that the challenge for the church is not only to learn about Paul but to follow Jesus as he did.
Pauline Ugliness: Jacob Taubes and the Turn to Paul (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy)
by null Ole Jakob LølandIn recent decades Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, and Slavoj Žižek have shown the centrality of Paul to western political and philosophical thought and made the Apostle a central figure in left-wing discourses far removed from traditional theological circles. Yet the recovery of Paul beyond Christian theology owes a great deal to the writings of the Jewish rabbi and philosopher Jacob Taubes (1923–1987). Pauline Ugliness shows how Paul became an effective tool for Taubes to position himself within European philosophical debates of the twentieth century. Drawing on Nietzsche’s polemical readings of the ancient apostle as well as Freud’s psychoanalysis, Taubes developed an imaginative and distinct account of political theology in confrontations with Carl Schmitt, Theodor Adorno, Hans Blumenberg, and others. In a powerful reconsideration of the apostle, Taubes contested the conventional understanding of Paul as the first Christian who broke definitively with Judaism and drained Christianity of its political potential. As a Jewish rabbi steeped in a philosophical tradition marked by European Christianity, Taubes was, on the contrary, able to emphasize Paul’s Jewishness as well as the political explosiveness of his revolutionary doctrine of the cross.This book establishes Taubes’s account of Paul as a turning point in the development of political theology. Løland shows how Taubes identified the Pauline movement as the birth of a politics of ugliness, the invention of a revolutionary criticism of the ‘beautiful’ culture of the powerful that sides instead with the oppressed.
Paulo Freire: Teaching for Freedom and Transformation
by John Dale Emery J. Hyslop-MargisonThe primary mission of this text is clarifying many of the misconceptions about Paulo Freire's theories, concepts and his implications for education. It revisits his ideas and explains more fully the philosophical influences that shaped concepts such as problem posing, conscientization and praxis. The fundamental thesis, then, is that the present absence of in-depth philosophical analysis leaves an unacceptable void in the literature addressing Freire's work, while also promoting frequent misconceptions and superficial understandings about his relationship to contemporary education. Indeed, the philosophical assumptions contributing to Freire's critical pedagogy require identification, unravelling and ultimately evaluation on the basis of their epistemic and moral tenability. Most existing applications of Freire's pedagogy are unfortunately superficial because they simply sloganize terms such as banking education, conscientization, praxis, and humanization. A slogan in education popularizes a concept or idea in a positive way, but offers very little in terms of critical reflection or analysis. In order to understand these terms and their origin and apply them as Freire intended, a far richer and more in depth examination of Freire is desperately needed. This text will provide precisely that type of examination.
Paulo Freire and Multilingual Education: Theoretical Approaches, Methodologies, and Empirical Analyses in Language and Literacy
by Sandro R. BarrosThis collection celebrates the work of Paulo Freire by assembling transnational perspectives on Freirean-based educational models that reconsider and reimagine language and literacy instruction, especially for multilingual learners. Offering an international and comparative overview of Freire’s theories and critical pedagogies in relation to multilingualism, this volume presents innovative analyses and applications of theories and methods and features case studies in public schools, after-school and community literacy programs, and grassroots activism. Part I features chapters that expand on Freire’s concepts and ideas, including critical literacies, critical consciousness, and liberatory teaching principles. Part II features chapters that discuss empirical analyses from applied research studies that draw from these philosophical concepts, making important connections to key topics on supporting students, curriculum development, and teaching. Ideal for students and scholars in language education, bilingual/multilingual methods, and sociology of education, the volume informs teacher knowledge and practice. In offering alternative paradigms to our dominant, homogenized monolingual status quo, the chapters present a shared vision of what multilingual literacy can offer students and how it can transform educational spaces into sites of imagination, creativity, and hope.
Paulo Freire and the Curriculum (Series in Critical Narrative)
by Henry A. Giroux Donaldo Macedo Georgios Grollios Panayota GounariHow can Paulo Freire s progressive and vital contributions to curriculum planning can be made more relevant today for educators, policy makers and anybody involved in education? This book provides a necessary framework as it articulates significant questions. The first deals with Freire s positions on curriculum planning, the second is devoted to the historical development and the character of his perspective on curriculum planning, and the third refers to the ways his perspective compares to others, as well as to its contemporary value. Freire s perspective comes into direct conflict with traditional views on curriculum planning, the content of which represents what is perceived as the highest expression of Western civilization. Freire also breaks with the dominant perspective of social efficiency on curriculum planning whose main aim is to supply, via behavioral objectives, the knowledge and skills deemed necessary for the efficient function of the economy and the society, treats learners as passive receivers of knowledge, and assigns to curriculum a technical character disarticulated from social, political or ideological conflicts. In addition, he does not focus on studying the learner in an abstract or a-historical framework, nor does he adopt an individualistic interpretation which fetishizes spontaneity. In contrast to traditional perspectives on the curriculum, Freire provides a fertile ground for teachers and any others who seek to transform schools and improve student s learning and lives."
Paulo Freire and Transformative Education: Changing Lives And Transforming Communities
by Ruth Pilkington Alethea MellingThis book brings together a range of global and local themes inspired by the work of Paulo Freire. Freire believed in the possibility of change, rejecting the neoliberal discourse that presents poverty as inevitable: his core principle emphasised the prerogative of transforming the world, rather than adapting to an unethical world order. This responsibility to intervene in reality as educators is explored in detail in this edited collection. Including such diverse themes as pedagogical approaches to globalisation, social mobility, empowerment and valuing diversity within communities, the volume is highly relevant to pedagogical practice. Sharing the transformative power of ‘being’ through popular education and the solidarity economy, this innovative book will be of interest to scholars of Paulo Freire, transformative education and diversity in education.
Paulo Freire in the 21st Century: Education, Dialogue, and Transformation (Interventions: Education, Philosophy, And Culture Ser.)
by Peter RobertsThis book explores the implications of world renowned educationalist Paulo Freire's theories for educational practice and how his ideas can help in bridging different genres and traditions. It addresses themes, questions and issues that have received little attention to date, including Freire's conception of the critical intellectual, the problem of defining literacy, and the possibility of a Freirean response to debates over political correctness. Roberts also relates Freire's ideas to those of other writers: Israel Scheffler, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Hermann Hesse, among others. Paulo Freire in the 21st Century makes a distinctive contribution to the international literature on Freire's work.
Paulo Freire & the Cold War Politics of Literacy
by Andrew J. KirkendallIn the twentieth century, illiteracy and its elimination were political issues important enough to figure in the fall of governments (as in Brazil in 1964), the building of nations (in newly independent African countries in the 1970s), and the construction of a revolutionary order (Nicaragua in 1980). This political biography of Paulo Freire (1921-97), who played a crucial role in shaping international literacy education, also presents a thoughtful examination of the volatile politics of literacy during the Cold War. A native of Brazil’s impoverished northeast, Freire developed adult literacy training techniques that involved consciousness-raising, encouraging peasants and newly urban peoples to see themselves as active citizens who could transform their own lives. Freire’s work for state and national government agencies in Brazil in the early 1960s eventually aroused the suspicion of the Brazilian military, as well as of U. S. government aid programs. Political pressures led to Freire's brief imprisonment, following the military coup of 1964, and then to more than a decade and a half in exile. During this period, Freire continued his work in Chile, Nicaragua, and postindependence African countries, as well as in Geneva with the World Council of Churches and in the United States at Harvard University. Andrew J. Kirkendall’s evenhanded appraisal of Freire’s pioneering life and work, which remains influential today, gives new perspectives on the history of the Cold War, the meanings of radicalism, and the evolution of the Left in Latin America. In the twentieth century, illiteracy and its elimination were political issues important enough to figure in the fall of governments (as in Brazil in 1964), the building of nations (in newly independent African countries in the 1970s), and the construction of a revolutionary order (Nicaragua in 1980). This political biography of Paulo Freire (1921-97), who played a crucial role in shaping international literacy education, also presents a thoughtful examination of the volatile politics of literacy during the Cold War. A native of Brazil’s impoverished northeast, Freire developed adult literacy training techniques that involved consciousness-raising, encouraging peasants and newly urban peoples to see themselves as active citizens who could transform their own lives. Freire’s work for state and national government agencies in Brazil in the early 1960s eventually aroused the suspicion of the Brazilian military, as well as of U. S. government aid programs. Political pressures led to Freire's brief imprisonment, following the military coup of 1964, and then to more than a decade and a half in exile. During this period, Freire continued his work in Chile, Nicaragua, and postindependence African countries, as well as in Geneva with the World Council of Churches and in the United States at Harvard University. Andrew J. Kirkendall’s evenhanded appraisal of Freire’s pioneering life and work, which remains influential today, gives new perspectives on the history of the Cold War, the meanings of radicalism, and the evolution of the Left in Latin America.
Paul's Gospel of Divine Self-Sacrifice: Righteous Reconciliation in Reciprocity
by Paul MoserIn this book, Paul Moser explains how self-sacrificial righteousness of a reparative kind is at the heart of Paul's gospel of God. He also shows how divine self-sacrifice authenticates that gospel via human reciprocity toward God in reconciliation. A basis for this reciprocity lies in a teaching of ancient Judaism that humans are to reciprocate toward God for the sake of an interpersonal relationship that is righteous and reconciled through voluntary self-sacrifice to God. Moser demonstrates that Paul's gospel calls for faith, including trust, in God as reciprocity in human self-sacrifice toward God. Although widely neglected by interpreters, this theme brings moral and evidential depth to Paul's good news of reparative redemption from God. Moser's study thus enables a new understanding of some of the controversial matters regarding Paul's message in a way that highlights the coherence and profundity of his message.
Paul's Letter to the Philippians (New International Commentary on the New Testament (NICNT))
by Gordon D. Fee"“. . . undertaken to provide earnest students of the New Testament with an exposition that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship and at the same time loyal to the Scriptures as the infallible Word of God.”"This statement reflects the underlying purpose of The New International Commentary on the New Testament. Begun in the late 1940s by an international team of New Testament scholars, the NICNT series has become recognized by pastors, students, and scholars alike as a critical yet orthodox commentary marked by solid biblical scholarship within the evangelical Protestant tradition.While based on a thorough study of the Greek text, the commentary introductions and expositions contain a minimum of Greek references. The NICNT authors evaluate significant textual problems and take into account the most important exegetical literature. More technical aspects — such as grammatical, textual, and historical problems — are dealt with in footnotes, special notes, and appendixes.Under the general editorship of three outstanding New Testament scholars — first Ned Stonehouse (Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia), then F. F. Bruce (University of Manchester, England), and now Gordon D. Fee (Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia) — the NICNT series has continued to develop over the years. In order to keep the commentary “new” and conversant with contemporary scholarship, the NICNT volumes have been — and will be — revised or replaced as necessary.The newer NICNT volumes in particular take into account the role of recent rhetorical and sociological inquiry in elucidating the meaning of the text, and they also exhibit concern for the theology and application of the text. As the NICNT series is ever brought up to date, it will continue to find ongoing usefulness as an established guide to the New Testament text.
Paul's Letter to the Philippians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary
by Ben Witherington IIIInterprets Paul’s letter in light of its rhetorical content and cultural contextSkeptical of the trend among many biblical scholars to analyze Paul’s short, affectionate letter to the Philippians in light of Greco-Roman letter-writing conventions, Ben Witherington instead looks at Philippians as a masterful piece of long-distance oratory — an extension of Paul’s oral speech, dictated to a scribe and meant to be read aloud to its recipients. Witherington examines Philippians in light of Greco-Roman rhetorical conventions, identifying Paul’s purpose, highlighting his main points and his persuasive strategies, and considering how his original audience would have heard and received Paul’s message.
Paul's Missionary Methods: In His Time and Ours
by Robert L. PlummerMissionary Methods: Saint Paul's or Ours?Paul's Missionary MethodsMichael F. BirdEckhard J. SchnabelBenjamin L. MerkleChristoph W. StenschkeDon N. Howell Jr.Craig KeenerDavid J. HesselgraveMichael PocockEd StetzerM. David SillsChuck LawlessJ. D. Payne
Paul's New Perspective: Charting a Soteriological Journey
by Garwood P. AndersonThe debate between proponents of the Old and New perspectives on Paul has been followed closely over the years, consolidating allegiances on either side. But the debate has now reached a stalemate, with defectors turning to apocalyptic and other solutions. Garwood Anderson recounts the issues and concludes that "both 'camps' are right, but not all the time." And with that teaser, he rolls up his exegetical sleeves and proceeds to unfold a new proposal for overcoming the deadlock. But in a field crowded with opinions, could anything new emerge? Anderson's interaction with Paul and his interpreters is at the highest level, and his penetrating and energetic analysis captures attention. What if Paul's own theological perspective was contextually formed and coherently developed over time? Have we asked justification to carry a burden it was never meant to bear? Would fresh eyes and a proper sequencing of Paul's letters reveal Paul's own new perspective? Might we turn a corner and find a bold and invigorating panorama of Pauline soteriology? This is a Pauline study worthy of its great theme, and one that will infuse new energy into the quest for understanding Paul's mind and letters.
Paul's Summons to Messianic Life: Political Theology and the Coming Awakening (Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture)
by L. WelbornTaubes, Badiou, Agamben, i ek, Reinhard, and Santner have found in the Apostle Paul's emphasis on neighbor-love a positive paradigm for politics. By thoroughly reexamining Pauline eschatology, L. L. Welborn suggests that neighbor-love depends upon an orientation toward the messianic event, which Paul describes as the "now time" and which he imagines as "awakening." Welborn compares the Pauline dialectic of awakening to attempts by Hellenistic philosophers to rouse their contemporaries from moral lethargy and to the Marxist idea of class consciousness, emphasizing the apostle's radical spirit and moral relevance.
Paul's Summons to Messianic Life
by L. L. WelbornTaubes, Badiou, Agamben, Žižek, Reinhard, and Santner have found in the Apostle Paul's emphasis on neighbor-love a positive paradigm for politics. By thoroughly reexamining Pauline eschatology, L. L. Welborn suggests that neighbor-love depends upon an orientation toward the messianic event, which Paul describes as the "now time" and which he imagines as "awakening." Welborn compares the Pauline dialectic of awakening to attempts by Hellenistic philosophers to rouse their contemporaries from moral lethargy and to the Marxist idea of class consciousness, emphasizing the apostle's radical spirit and moral relevance.
Paul's Theology in Context: Creation, Incarnation, Covenant, and Kingdom
by James P. WareThis accessible text by James P. Ware provides both a concise guide to Paul’s theology and a general introduction to the key issues and debates in the contemporary study of Paul. Examining Paul’s message in the context of the ancient world, Ware identifies what would have struck Paul’s original audience as startling or unique. By comparing Paul’s teaching to the other religions and philosophies of that day, Ware presents a fresh perspective on Paul’s theology, revealing four pillars of his thought: creation, incarnation, covenant, and kingdom. After examining each of these dimensions of Paul’s gospel, Ware explores the historical role of Paul within Christian origins and the astounding evidence embedded in his letters regarding the beginnings of Christianity and the eyewitness origins of the gospels. Clergy, students, and laypeople will find that this guide to the big picture of Paul’s theology will illumine and enliven the study, preaching, and teaching of all the Pauline letters.
Paul's Theology of Preaching: The Apostle's Challenge to the Art of Persuasion in Ancient Corinth
by Duane Litfin"We preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God." When Paul preached about the crucified and risen Jesus Christ to the church at Corinth and elsewhere, did he follow the well-established rhetorical strategy of his day or did he pursue a different path? And what does that mean for the preaching of the church today? Through a detailed analysis of 1 Corinthians 1-4, Duane Litfin explores the rhetorical context of Paul?s preaching and his own understanding of his task as a preacher. What is revealed in this investigation is a sharp distinction between Greco-Roman rhetorical strategies, which sought to persuade, and Paul?s theology of preaching, which was based on the model of an obedient herald. This revised and expanded version of Litfin's previous St. Paul's Theology of Proclamation will provide insight to those engaged in Pauline and New Testament studies, rhetorical theory, and Greco-Roman studies. Moreover, by offering a better understanding of Paul's method as well as the content of his declaration concerning "the power and wisdom of God" revealed in Jesus, this book will help preachers as they undertake the ongoing task to "preach Christ crucified."