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Pedagogies, Physical Culture, and Visual Methods (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport)
by David Kirk Laura AzzaritoTo understand and more creatively capture the social world, visual methods have increasingly become used by researchers in the social sciences and education. However, despite the rapid development of visual-based knowledge, and despite the obvious links between human movement and visual forms of understanding, visual research has been scarce in the fields of physical culture and physical education pedagogy. This groundbreaking book is the first to mark a "visual turn" in understanding and researching physical culture and pedagogies, offering innovative, image-based research that reveals key issues in the domains of sport, health, and physical education studies. Integrating visual research into physical culture and pedagogy studies, the book provides the reader with different ways of "seeing", looking at, and critically engaging with physical culture. Since human movement is increasingly created, established, and pedagogized beyond traditional educational sites such as schools, sport clubs, and fitness gyms, the book also explores the notion of visual pedagogy in wider physical culture, helping the reader to understand how visual-based technologies such as television, the internet, and mobile phones are central to people’s engagement with physical culture today. The book demonstrates how the visual creates dynamic pedagogical tools for revealing playful forms of embodiment, and offers the reader a range of visual methods, from researcher-produced photo analysis to participatory-centred visual approaches, that will enhance their own study of physical culture. Pedagogies, Physical Culture and Visual Methods is important reading for all advanced students and researchers with an interest in human movement, physical education, physical culture, sport studies, and research methods in education.
Pedagogies to Enhance Learning for Indigenous Students
by Peter Sullivan Peter Grootenboer Robyn JorgensenThis book describes research undertaken by leading Australian researcher in Indigenous communities. While the chapters are Australian in their focus, the issues that are discussed are similar to those in other countries where there are indigenous people. In most cases, in Australia and internationally, Indigenous learners are not succeeding in school, thus making the transition into work and adulthood quite tenuous in terms of mainstream measures. The importance of being literate and numerate are critical in success in school and life in general, thus making this collection an important contribution to the international literature. The collection of works describes a wide range of projects where the focus has been on improving the literacy and numeracy outcomes for Indigenous students. The chapters take various approaches to improving these outcomes, and have very different foci. These foci include aspects of literacy, numeracy, curriculum leadership, ICTs, whole school planning, policy, linguistics and Indigenous perspectives. Most of the chapters report on large scale projects that have used some innovation in their focus. The book draws together these projects so that a more connected sense of the complexities and diversity of approaches can be gleaned.
Pedagogische adviezen voor speciale kinderen: Een Praktisch Handboek Voor Professionele Opvoeders, Begeleiders, Leerkrachten
by Trix Van Lieshout Ron Van DethDit boek is ontstaan vanuit vragen uit het werkveld om concrete, praktische adviezen voor de begeleiding van kinderen en jongeren met extra ondersteuningsbehoeften. Deze adviezen worden hierin uitvoerig besproken. De nadruk ligt op oplossingsgericht werken: mét jongeren zoeken naar wat al wél goed gaat, wat zij nog nodig hebben en wat voor hen goed werkt.Door zijn eenduidige structuur is het boek zowel een naslagwerk als een praktisch handboek. Bij alle probleemgebieden komen het beeld, de oorzaken, behandelingen, prognose en concrete handelingssuggesties aan de orde.Deze geheel herziene derde druk maakt gebruik van het nieuwe DSM-5 classificatiesysteem, waarbij wij ook de nadelen van etiketteren bespreken. Alle hoofdstukken zijn geactualiseerd.Het boek is geschreven voor (aankomend) orthopedagogen, psychologen, leerkrachten, intern begeleiders, (vak)docenten, zorgcoördinatoren, maatschappelijk werkers, kinder- en jeugdartsen en voor opleidingen in Hoger Beroepsonderwijs en Universiteit.Trix van Lieshout was als orthopedagoog en gezondheidszorgpsycholoog ruim 35 jaar werkzaam in het Voortgezet (Speciaal) Onderwijs. Zij schreef eerder Druk, druk, druk. Praktische tips voor de opvoeding van kinderen met ADHD. Momenteel geeft ze lezingen over pedagogisch vakmanschap. Website: www.trixvanlieshout.nlRon van Deth is psycholoog en publicist, verbonden aan het Europees Instituut voor Educatie in Driebergen. Hij was jarenlang docent in verschillende vormen van onderwijs en eindredacteur van PsychoPraktijk. Eerder schreef hij onder andere Psychiatrie: van diagnose tot behandeling en Inleiding in de psychopathologie.
Pedagogy: The Question of Impersonation
by Jane GallopIn this anthology, teachers and scholars examine the ways in which teaching is a performance that incorporates acts of impersonation.Drawn from a conference on classroom dynamics, this anthology explores both the personal and performative aspects of teacher-student relationships. After David Crane’s prefatory “postscript,” George Otte recommends that students pretend, writing from various perspectives; Indira Karamcheti suggests putting on race as one can put on gender roles. Cheryl Johnson gets personal by playing the “trickster,” and Chris Amirault explores the relationship between the teacher and “the good student.”While Karamcheti, Gallop, and Lynne Joyrich use theatrical vehicles to structure their essays, Joseph Litvak, Arthur W. Frank, and Naomi Scheman incorporate performance as examples. Madeleine R. Grumet theorizes pedagogy, while Roger I. Simon suggests that pedagogical roles can be taken on and off at will; Gregory Jay discusses the ethical side of impersonation; and Susan Miller denounces “the personal” as a sham.
Pedagogy and Human Movement: Theory, Practice, Research (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport)
by Richard TinningAcross the full range of human movement studies and their many sub-disciplines, established institutional practices and forms of pedagogy are used to (re)produce valued knowledge about human movement. Pedagogy and Human Movement explores this pedagogy in detail to reveal its applications and meanings within individual fields. This unique book examines the epistemological assumptions underlying each of these pedagogical systems, and their successes and limitations as ways of (re)producing knowledge related to physical activity, the body, and health. It also considers how the pedagogical discourses and devices employed influence the ways of thinking, practice, dispositions and identities of those who work in the fields of sport, exercise and other human movement fields. With a scope that includes physical education, exercise and sports science, sports sociology and cultural studies, kinesiology, health promotion, human performance and dance, amongst other subjects, Pedagogy and Human Movement is the most comprehensive study of pedagogical cultures in human movement currently available. It is an invaluable resource for anybody with an interest in human movement studies.
Pedagogy and Learning with ICT: Researching the Art of Innovation
by Bridget SomekhBridget Somekh draws on her experience of researching the introduction of ICT into education to look at ICT development over the last twenty years. The book provides a fascinating, in-depth analysis of the nature of learning, ICT pedagogies and the processes of change for teachers, schools and education systems. It covers the key issues relating to the innovation of ICT that have arisen over this period, including: the process of change educational vision for ICT teacher motivation and engagement the phenomenon of ‘fit’ to existing practices systemic constraints policy and evaluation of its implementation students’ motivation and engagement the penetration of ICT into the home online learning and the ‘disembodied’ teacher.
Pedagogy and Partnerships in Innovative Learning Environments: Case Studies from New Zealand Contexts
by Noeline Wright Elaine KhooThis book examines contexts and possibilities in Aotearoa New Zealand education contexts arising from the international trend for open, flexible, innovative learning environments (ILE), specifically on the pedagogical load. The book responds to questions such as: What does it mean to teach, learn or lead in an innovative learning environment? What happens when teachers move form single cell learning spaces to open, collaborative ones?The chapters provide examples of how teaching in new spaces can be an exciting challenge for teachers and students where they try new ways of teaching and learning, and rethink the purposes of learning and the implications of societal change for learning and what is valued. Examples are drawn from pre-service teachers working in primary and secondary schools and in-service teachers learning to become professionals.The book offers insights into a variety of educational contexts where teachers and students learn and adapt to new learning spaces, and also how different teaching and learning partnerships may be conceived, and flourish. It focuses attention on a range of aspects that teachers, school leaders, and other educators, and researchers may find valuable when they embark on similar initiatives to consider issues pivotal to productive and effective innovative learning environment design, development and implementation.
Pedagogy And The Politics Of Hope: Theory, Culture, And Schooling: A Critical Reader (The\edge: Critical Studies In Educational Theory)
by Henry GirouxHenry A. Giroux is one of the most respected and well-known critical education scholars, social critics, and astute observers of popular culture in the modern world. For those who follow his considerably influential work in critical pedagogy and social criticism, this first-ever collection of his classic writings, augmented by a new essay, is a must-have volume that reveals his evolution as a scholar. In it, he takes on three major considerations central to pedagogy and schooling.The first section offers Girouxs most widely read theoretical critiques on the culture of positivism and technocratic rationality. He contends that by emphasizing the logic of science and rationality rather than taking a holistic worldview, these approaches fail to take account of connections among social, political, and historical forces or to consider the importance of such connections for the process of schooling. In the second section, Giroux expands the theoretical framework for conceptualizing and implementing his version of critical pedagogy. His theory of border pedagogy advocates a democratic public philosophy that embraces the notion of difference as part of a common struggle to extend the quality of public life. For Giroux, a student must function as a border-crosser, as a person moving in and out of physical, cultural, and social borders. He uses the popular medium of Hollywood film to show students how they might understand their own position as partly constructed within a dominant Eurocentric tradition and how power and authority relate to the wider society as well as to the classroom.In the last section, Giroux explores a number of contemporary traditions and issues, including modernism, postmodernism, and feminism, and discusses the matter of cultural difference in the classroom. Finally, in an essay written especially for this volume, Giroux analyzes the assault on education and teachers as public intellectuals that began in the Reagan-Bush era and continues today. Henry A. Giroux is one of the most respected and well-known critical education scholars, social critics, and astute observers of popular culture in the modern world. For those who follow his considerably influential work in critical pedagogy and social criticism, this first-ever collection of his classic writings, augmented by a new essay, is a must-have volume that reveals his evolution as a scholar. In it, he takes on three major considerations central to pedagogy and schooling.The first section offers Girouxs most widely read theoretical critiques on the culture of positivism and technocratic rationality. He contends that by emphasizing the logic of science and rationality rather than taking a holistic worldview, these approaches fail to take account of connections among social, political, and historical forces or to consider the importance of such connections for the process of schooling. In the second section, Giroux expands the theoretical framework for conceptualizing and implementing his version of critical pedagogy. His theory of border pedagogy advocates a democratic public philosophy that embraces the notion of difference as part of a common struggle to extend the quality of public life. For Giroux, a student must function as a border-crosser, as a person moving in and out of physical, cultural, and social borders. He uses the popular medium of Hollywood film to show students how they might understand their own position as partly constructed within a dominant Eurocentric tradition and how power and authority relate to the wider society as well as to the classroom.In the last section, Giroux explores a number of contemporary traditions and issues, including modernism, postmodernism, and feminism, and discusses the matter of cultural difference in the classroom. Finally, in an essay written especially for this volume, Giroux analyzes the assault on education and teachers as public intellectuals that began in the Reagan-Bush era and continues today. }
The Pedagogy and Practice of Western-trained Chinese English Language Teachers: Foreign Education, Chinese Meanings (ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series)
by Faridah Pawan Pu HongProviding an East-West flow of language teaching knowledge and know-how to balance prevailing Western-centric perspectives, this book is an in-depth investigation of the impact of Western-based language teacher education on the pedagogy and practice of Chinese English language teachers who received their training in Western institutions or those that emphasize Western-based teaching approaches. A significant and growing number of these teachers will influence millions of language learners in China over the next decades. The Pedagogy and Practice of Western-trained Chinese English Language Teachers: Forefronts Chinese teachers’ voices and experiences in the context of their workplaces and classrooms Connects and balances theory and practice using a sociocultural lens Discusses the Chinese government’s policies on the training of teachers and analyzes them in terms of their impact on both American and Chinese higher education institutions This is a must read book for anyone interested in learning theory adopted from a Western perspective and applied within an Asian setting.
Pedagogy and Prescribed Capabilities: Redefining Quality of Education in India
by null Charusheel TripathiThis book questions the validity and reliability of conventional measures of quality education, such as enrolment ratio, retention rates, pupil–teacher ratio, drop-out rates, learning outcomes of children in foundational literacy and arithmetic and availability of infrastructural facilities, henceforth demanding its re-calibration. It moves away from easily commensurable indicators and actively pursues descriptive indicators of quality, which directly focus on educational processes taking place within the classroom and the factors influencing them.By interacting with the two primary stakeholders, i.e. teachers and students, this book draws a link between what is happening within classrooms vis-à-vis the macro-level governmental policies. The strength of the book lies in its methodological approach to understanding whether students and teachers are able to actualize their capabilities, as pledged to them under official educational programmes. By doing so, the author deems to alter the narrative of how quality of education is visualized, hoping that these revelations have developmental implications for not only India but also the entire international community engaging with the questions of ‘what’ and ‘how’ of quality in school education. In a nutshell, the book endeavours to find out how teachers and students fare in terms of realization of their prescribed capabilities.This book would be useful to students, researchers and teachers working in the fields of education, psychology, development studies, policy studies, social work and sociology. It would also be an invaluable companion to policymakers and professionals, from governmental and non-governmental organizations, working in education and social development.
Pedagogy and Psychology in Digital Education
by Stefanie Yen Leng Chye Bee Leng ChuaThis book brings together latest research which explores the intersection between educational psychology and educational technology. It consolidates contemporary research on the psychological dimension of technology-based learning, and how new learning technologies can impact learners. More specifically, it provides a better understanding of the affordances of technology-based learning, and how they impact the cognitive and affective processes of learners, facilitate new pedagogical approaches, and transform learning environments. It discusses how technology can be used to develop twenty-first-century competencies such as creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, digital literacy, reflection, and lifelong learning, and explores the pitfalls, challenges and dangers therein.
Pedagogy and Space
by Linda ZaneThe intersection of architecture and education is a new and burgeoning area of interest. This book blends architectural design information with theory-based content explaining the foundations of early childhood environments. Colorful photographs of intentionally designed spaces will inspire early childhood professionals and architects alike as they dream, plan, build, and revamp settings. Inspired by the groundbreaking architectural book A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction (Oxford University Press, 1977), this resource aims to glean architectural information regarding important design patterns in an environment and utilize them to provide insight into early childhood environments that are both developmentally appropriate and aesthetically pleasing.
Pedagogy and the Politics of the Body: A Critical Praxis (Critical Education Practice)
by Sherry ShapiroWorking within the relatively new perspective on the body as a zone of critical praxis, Shapiro lays the foundation for the theory and practice of a somatically oriented critical pedagogy."
Pedagogy at the End of the World: Weird Pedagogies for Unthought Educational Futures (Palgrave Studies in Educational Futures)
by jessie l. beierThis book interrogates the ways in which “end of the world” thinking has come to define and delimit pedagogical approaches in Anthropocene times. Chapters unfold through a series of speculative studies of educational futurity—sustainable futures, energy futures, working futures—each of which is positioned as an experimental site for probing the limits of pedagogical unthinkability so as to speculate, through concept creation, on unthought educational trajectories. Specifically, the book is oriented towards the creation of pedagogical concepts that work to problematize and resituate questions of educational futurity in relation to the planetary realities raised by today’s pressing extinction events. It is from this experimentation that a weird pedagogy emerges, that is, an experimental pedagogical anti-model, a speculative program for the unprogrammable that seeks to counter-actualize potentials of and for unthinking pedagogy at the (so-called) end of the world.
Pedagogy, Didactics and Educational Technologies: Research Experiences and Outcomes in Enhanced Learning and Teaching at Cadi Ayyad University (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)
by Khalid Berrada Daniel BurgosThis book presents an overview on ten years of rich experience and innovative development of scientific research around pedagogy, didactics and educative technologies at Cadi Ayyad University. From active learning in traditional teaching to technology enhanced learning, many efforts have been done so far by both researchers and PhD students making from Science Education an essential pillar that should bring innovative solutions and improve quality in teaching and learning in classes. 13 different topics have been selected and converted to chapters summarizing a decennia of active and open research works at the university. The selected chapters are a compilation of initiatives of research that Cadi Ayyad University team’s are developing and experimenting among students. This compilation is unique in the field and country, so that it provides a innovative view on how some key topics are addressed in Higher Education.
Pedagogy, Education, and Praxis in Critical Times
by Kathleen Mahon Christine Edwards-Groves Susanne Francisco Mervi Kaukko Stephen Kemmis Kirsten PetrieThis book critically explores urgent questions that researchers, educators, and policy makers need to consider and address in order to better our understanding and capacity to transform education. Focusing on areas that underpin the empirical, theoretical, and strategic research of the Pedagogy, Education and Praxis (PEP) International Research Network, it discusses the following topics: the nature of educational praxis; research approaches that facilitate praxis and praxis development; changing cultural, social, political and material conditions affecting the educational practices of teachers; and how good professional practice in teaching, leading, and professional learning are understood and experienced. Presenting findings emerging from the Pedagogy, Education and Praxis research, the book raises new questions and offers new ways of thinking about the identified issues and themes in light of current educational concerns and the prevalence of neoliberal conditions being experienced in educational settings around the globe. It provides supporting evidence and illustrative examples to help readers understand important concepts, situations, and concerns, and brings together intellectual and cultural-historical traditions that, when considered in relation to each other, open up critical opportunities and ideas orienting readers towards future educational transformation.
Pedagogy, Empathy and Praxis: Using Theatrical Traditions to Teach
by Alison Grove O'GradyThis book examines the concept of empathy as an essential aspect of the teacher training curriculum, and asks how it can be taught. While there has been a steady flow of teacher education reform books in recent years, there are comparatively few that have considered change from understandings and advances developed in human rights-based practices and theatrical traditions. The author presents unique and compelling approaches to teacher training and learning, developed in conjunction with experts in theatrical and educational fields and combining both research and praxis. This pioneering book will appeal to students and scholars of education and empathy, as well as those interested in incorporating empathy into their teaching practice.
Pedagogy for Creative Problem Solving
by Peter MerrotsyThis book provides students and practising teachers with a solid, research-based framework for understanding creative problem solving and its related pedagogy. Practical and accessible, it equips readers with the knowledge and skills to approach their own solutions to the creative problem of teaching for creative problem solving. First providing a firm grounding in the history of problem solving, the nature of a problem, and the history of creativity and its conceptualisation, the book then critically examines current educational practices, such as creativity and problem solving models and common classroom teaching strategies. This is followed by a detailed analysis of key pedagogical ideas important for creative problem solving: creativity and cognition, creative problem solving environments, and self regulated learning. Finally, the ideas debated and developed are drawn together to form a solid foundation for teaching for creative problem solving, and presented in a model called Middle C. Middle C is an evidence-based model of pedagogy for creative problem solving. It comprises 14 elements, each of which is necessary for quality teaching that will provide students with the knowledge, skills, structures and support to express their creative potential. As well as emphasis on the importance of self regulated learning, a new interpretation of Pólya's heuristic is presented.
Pedagogy for Technology Education in Secondary Schools: Research Informed Perspectives for Classroom Teachers (Contemporary Issues in Technology Education)
by David Barlex P. John WilliamsThis book explores pedagogy appropriate for the secondary school technology education classroom. It covers the dimensions of pedagogy for technology with scholarly research, including information strongly related to practice. The book discusses the nature of technology courses in secondary schools across various jurisdictions and considers how they might be viewed with regard to different epistemological frameworks. The writing is informed by, but not limited to, research and strongly related to practice with acknowledged experts in the field of technology education contributing chapters supported by evidence from technology education research or other fields. The authors speculate on pedagogical possibilities in their areas of expertise in order to consider pedagogical possibilities and develop a view of where pedagogy for technology education should move and how teachers might respond in the way they develop their practice.
Pedagogy in (E)Motion
by Nellie J. Zambrana-OrtizThis personal, creative, critical work from a leading scholar of psychology is rooted in three novel concepts and aims to share critical pedagogy in the spirit of nascent potential found in the context of a colonial Puerto Rico. First comes the idea of 'pedagogy in (e)motion', or the emotional matrix of the teaching and learning process. Secondly, the author explores the notion of 'street pedagogy' as a genuine and powerful professional tool. And thirdly, the book underscores what Zambrana-Ortiz calls 'the interconnection of the artscience within the political and biographical act of teaching'. The purpose is to inform education teaching practice with the radical framework that, like the neurosciences, believes emotions to be a vital precursor to the planning of action, the process of decision-making and the broadening of our cognitive parameters. The chapters focus on different and yet complementary dimensions of a college teaching initiative boasting a unique interplay between a transgressive narrative, reinvented methodology and authentic samples of students' contributions to the project. Traditionally, emotional and visceral experiences have been downplayed and rejected as fundamental components of knowledge. This book makes the case for their reinstatement, and proposes that the pleasure and commitment of teaching itself can be seen as resistance given the challenging social and political context, the bureaucracy of the Puerto Rican higher education system, and the cynicism of the self-confessed cognoscenti who think that little political progress can come from within the university system. Such resistance has proved for the author a source of inspiration and has contributed to her creation and reconceptualization of approaches to critical and useful pedagogy. D edication To my students who inspire many stories and provoke many emotions and challenge my capacities... To Aura, Ignacio and Jaime for their unconditional love and their everyday lessons... A cknowledgments Many friends, mentors and colleages from the University of Puerto Rico and United States were very important pieces to my creative work. Thanks to Donaldo Macedo who encouraged the initial proposal and to Joe Kincheloe for accepting it and bringing guidance in the right moment. Colleages like Roamé Torres and Angeles Molina, from their directive positions, were extremely supportive while Sandra Macksoud, José Solís, Pedro Subirats, and Ada Prabhavat gave me guidance and constant insights in editing and translation, as well as crucial material for my narrative. Juan Vadi enhanced my graphic elements with his talent; while college mentors, current colleages, teachers, and former graduate and undergraduate students allowed me to write their stories and reflections binging fresh accents and life to the book. Thanks for ever!
Pedagogy in Higher Education
by Gordon Wells Anne EdwardsWhat can Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) contribute to the solution of the problems facing higher education today? This edited volume brings together the work of an international group of scholars and researchers to address this important question. Drawing on contemporary interpretations of CHAT, the contributors take on a wide range of issues, ranging from pedagogy to administration and from teacher preparation to university outreach. An introduction presents the key principles of CHAT. Subsequent chapters address such issues as effective ways of teaching large undergraduate classes, providing support for struggling writers or for students with disabilities, opening up opportunities for students from historically underserved communities, preparing students for the professions, and building bridges between higher education and the wider community. Readers with an interest in higher education will encounter ideas in these chapters that will prompt them to rethink their role in preparing today's students for tomorrow's challenges.
Pedagogy in Poverty: Lessons from Twenty Years of Curriculum Reform in South Africa (Routledge Research in Education Policy and Politics)
by Ursula HoadleyAs South Africa transitioned from apartheid to democracy, changes in the political landscape, as well as educational agendas and discourse on both a national and international level, shaped successive waves of curriculum reform over a relatively short period of time. Using South Africa as a germane example of how curriculum and pedagogy can interact and affect educational outcomes, Pedagogy in Poverty explores the potential of curricula to improve education in developing and emerging economies worldwide, and, ultimately, to reduce inequality. Incorporating detailed, empirical accounts of life inside South African classrooms, this book is a much-needed contribution to international debate surrounding optimal curriculum and pedagogic forms for children in poor schools. Classroom-level responses to curriculum policy reforms reveal some implications of the shifts between a radical, progressive approach and traditional curriculum forms. Hoadley focuses on the crucial role of teachers as mediators between curriculum and pedagogy, and explores key issues related to teacher knowledge by examining the teaching of reading and numeracy at the foundational levels of schooling. Offering a data-rich historical sociology of curriculum and pedagogic change, this book will appeal to academics, researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of education, sociology of education, curriculum studies, educational equality and school reform, and the policy and politics of education.
Pedagogy in the Anthropocene: Re-Wilding Education for a New Earth (Palgrave Studies in Educational Futures)
by Jan Jagodzinski Michael Paulsen Shé M. HawkeThis book explores new pedagogical challenges and potentials of the Anthropocene era. The authors argue that this new epoch, with an unstable climate, new kinds of globally spreading viruses, and new knowledges, calls for a new way of educating and an alertness to new philosophies of education and pedagogical imaginations, thoughts, and practices. Addressing the linkages between the Anthropocene and Pedagogy across a broad pedagogical spectrum that is both formal and informal, the editors and their contributors emphasize a re-imagining of education that serves to deepen our understanding of the capacities and values of life.
Pedagogy in the Novels of J.M. Coetzee: The Affect of Literature (Routledge Research in Education)
by Aparna Mishra TarcCritically analyzing the representation of pedagogy in the novels of J.M. Coetzee, this insightful text illustrates the author’s profound conception of learning and personal development as something which takes place well beyond formal education. Bringing together critical and educational theory, Pedagogy in the Novels of J.M. Coetzee examines depictions of pedagogy in novels including Age of Iron, Elizabeth Costello, Disgrace, and Childhood of Jesus. Engaging with Coetzee’s varied literary use of pedagogical themes such as motherhood, maternal love, and the importance of childhood interactions, reading, and experiences, chapters demonstrate how Coetzee foregrounds pedagogy as intrinsic to the formation of human actors, society, and civilization. The text thereby aptly explores and broadens our understanding of education - what it is, what it achieves, and how it can affect and shape human existence. This text will be of great interest to graduate and postgraduate students, academics, researchers and professionals in the fields of pedagogy, postcolonial studies, educational theory and philosophy, and English literature.
Pedagogy of a Beloved Commons: Pursuing Democracy’s Promise through Place-Based Activism (Polis: Fordham Series in Urban Studies)
by null Sharon Egretta SuttonA rare and powerful illustration of what it takes to become a sustainable, community-embedded organization that continually grows the next generation of compassionate leaders.This essential, timely book meets us at our current moment of crisis to offer hope that American democracy’s stalled trajectory toward its founding creed to embrace all, and not just some, can indeed be re-invigorated. Pedagogy of a Beloved Commons is about low-income youth of color working within justice-oriented, community-based organizations to improve the social and spatial conditions in their surroundings. It draws from hundreds of pages of data, some collected over a decade ago by graduate research assistants at three universities and some collected recently by a graduate research assistant at a fourth university, to present verbatim quotes from interviews with constituents of three youth-serving organizations. The book posits that the disinvested neighborhoods where youth experience abandonment and marginality in fact can serve as a call to action, given appropriate organizational support.Pedagogy of a Beloved Commons envisions a place-based critical pedagogy that can provide young people with the practical skills and deep values to engage with today’s economic, racial, and ecological crises. It offers a welcome antidote to a neoliberal education system that has not only veered away from its public mandate to advance democratic citizenship but that has also reinforced today’s insidious economic inequality, rendering illusive the idea that rich and poor can work together toward a common good. Between these pages resonates a passionate call for an approach to cultivating citizens who have the critical skills to challenge injustice, the courage to hold the rich and powerful accountable, and the empathy to advance not just their own self-interest but also the health and well-being of their communities and the planet. The author proposes that such citizens develop by exercising collective agency in “the commons,” a political and psychic space whose values are mapped out in physical space. Through the expert use of an architect’s lens, this groundbreaking book argues that the three-dimensional concreteness of the nation’s disinvested neighborhoods provides a virtual stage where disenfranchised youth can experiment with collective life, become more discerning about the forces that have shaped their communities, and practice working toward just and inclusive futures.Merging Paolo Freire’s seminal theory of critical pedagogy with Grace Lee Boggs’s belief that hands-on community-building can disrupt the ever more destructive forces of neoliberal capitalism, Pedagogy of a Beloved Commons refines an aspirational framework for a pathway forward through a careful analysis of three exemplar organizations. It offers rich, unique portraits of young people transforming their communities in southwest Detroit, Wai’anae, and Harlem, respectively illustrating place-based activism through theater, organic farming, and critical inquiry. Here activism is framed as the hands-on engagement of youth in addressing inequities in the commons of their neighborhoods through small but persistent interventions that also help them learn the language of solidarity and collectivity that a sustainable democracy needs. Pedagogy of a Beloved Commons is a must-read for our times and for our future.