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Penny's Perfect Present

by Gary Chapman Rick Osborne

A fun book for kids that teaches the secret to relationships In Penny&’s Perfect Present, Penny struggles to feel loved amid all the hustle and bustle around her. She just wants to spend time with her loved ones, but everyone is so busy. Will the trip mom and dad have planned lift her spirits? Join Penny and her friends as they take a visit to the Pet Pal Emporium, a magical place with exotic animals and exciting exhibits. There the owner, Dr. Chapman, creatively teaches the kids about God&’s ever-present love, plus practical ways to show love to others. With a positive message, fun pictures, and animals for children to search out on the page, Penny&’s Perfect Present is a great tool for parents who want to entertain their children while forming confidence and virtue in them.

Penny's Perfect Present

by Gary Chapman Rick Osborne

A fun book for kids that teaches the secret to relationships In Penny&’s Perfect Present, Penny struggles to feel loved amid all the hustle and bustle around her. She just wants to spend time with her loved ones, but everyone is so busy. Will the trip mom and dad have planned lift her spirits? Join Penny and her friends as they take a visit to the Pet Pal Emporium, a magical place with exotic animals and exciting exhibits. There the owner, Dr. Chapman, creatively teaches the kids about God&’s ever-present love, plus practical ways to show love to others. With a positive message, fun pictures, and animals for children to search out on the page, Penny&’s Perfect Present is a great tool for parents who want to entertain their children while forming confidence and virtue in them.

Pensa Come Un Genio: 7 Passi Per Trovare Soluzioni Brillanti A Problemi Comuni

by Raimon Samsó

Il problema nel suo complesso può essere risolto con un cambio della mentalità che lo ha creato. Ciò è possibile mediante la trasformazione del dialogo interiore- del modo di parlarCi- che finirà col rispecchiarti nella nuova realtà.Dato che le esperienze si adattano ai pensieri, con questo ebook imparerai a identificare la legge dell'attrazione, visualizzare, eliminare i pensieri negativi, per disattivarli mediante 3 semplici domande: come essere più creativi ed avere buone idee anche gli affari, come applicare ai tuoi problemi la legge dell'attrazione, imparare a usare la visualizzazione per generare idee innovative, un metodo di self-coaching personale.Questa lettura genera cambiamenti personali che inducono a creare nuove realtà, sperimentare la pace interiore, recuperare il potere personale e, in definitiva, avanzare verso il successo.Contenuto: "Le 7 azioni, il segreto per creare nuove realtà".1. Inventa il tuo domani con le esperienza di oggi2. Crea lo spazio mentale per una nuova realtà3.Cambia la tua percezione perchè cambi la tua esperienza4. Rinnova il tuo dialogo interiore5. Eleva la vibrazione delle tue affermazioni e convinzioni6. Semina i tuoi pensieri e illumina il tuo successo personale7. Immagina il tipo di vita che desideri per te adessoSe alcune esperienze si ripetono o se senti la tua vita bloccata per certi aspetti, questo libro ti aiuterà a identificare i tuoi limiti mentali e ti porterà a correggerli per raggiungere la pace e la soddisfazione interiore desiderate.

Pensar más, pensar mejor: Cómo agilizar tu mente

by Dani Sánchez-Crespo

¿Se puede aprender a ser más inteligente? El director del estudio de videojuegos creador de la saga Invizimals revela estrategias y técnicas para saber pensar bien. Tras veinte años como docente universitario y una amplia experiencia en empresas de innovación tecnológica, Dani Sánchez-Crespo despliegaen este libro todo un arsenal de técnicas que la gente aparentemente inteligente usa a veces de forma consciente, otras inconsciente, para desarrollar todo su potencial creativo. Para ello, parte de una idea provocadora: antes del descubrimiento de la química, la gente creía en la alquimia, una ciencia oscura. ¿Qué pasaría si la inteligencia fuese similar, una ciencia que se puede aprender mecánicamente a la que hemos consideradoun talento tan solo porque aún no se ha estructurado? ¿Y si el ingenio no fuera más que un cúmulo de sencillas herramientas? Pensar más, pensar mejor explica de manera sencilla y divertida todo tipo de técnicas para razonar de forma efectiva: generar más ideas, filtrarlas, explicarlas adecuadamente, resolver problemas de manera eficaz y no encontrar dificultades para discernir la verdad de la mentira.Con un tono desenfadado y optimista, a medio camino entre un manual y unas memorias de éxitos (y fracasos) vitales, el autor revela una auténtica enciclopedia de sistemas de pensamiento. Al terminar la última página, usted será más inteligente. ¿Acaso lo duda?

Pensez comme un génie: 7 étapes pour trouver des solutions brillantes à des problèmes communs

by Chimène Elessa Raimon Samsó

En une heure, vous découvrirez « Les 7 actions » pour penser comme un génie Tout problème peut être résolu en changeant la mentalité qui l'a « créé ». Ceci est possible grâce à la transformation du dialogue intérieur (la façon dont on se parle) et qui finira par se refléter sur notre nouvelle réalité. Puisque les expériences s'adaptent aux pensées, grâce à ce livre, vous apprendrez à identifier, appliquer la loi de l'attraction, visualiser et éliminer les « pensées négatives automatiques » pour, ensuite, les désactiver au moyen de trois questions simples. Dans ce livre : comment avoir plus de créativité et de bonnes idées, y compris en affaires ; comment appliquer la loi de l'attraction (le secret) à vos problèmes ; apprendre à se servir de la visualisation pour concevoir des idées innovantes ; une méthode d'auto-coaching personnel pour appliquer les clés du secret décrites dans le livre. La lecture de ce coaching pour le succès provoque des changements personnels qui conduisent à la création de nouvelles réalités, à l'expérience d'une paix intérieure, à la découverte de son pouvoir personnel et à une évolution vers une vie plus épanouie. Livre de 36 pages pour réveiller le génie et la créativité qui sommeillent en vous, et ainsi concevoir de bonnes idées dans tous les domaines de votre vie. Contenu « Les 7 actions » : Inventez votre journée de demain avec vos pensées d'aujourd'hui Créez l'espace mental pour une nouvelle réalité Changez votre perception pour changer votre expérience Renouvelez votre dialogue intérieur Élevez la vibration de vos affirmations et vos croyances Semez des pensées graines et récoltez votre succès personnel Imaginez le genre de vie que vous désirez pour vous maintenant « Les 7 actions » : le secret pour cr

Pension Compilation

by Muthuswamy Brinda

The provisions relating to pension and gratuity including family pension, which were spread over the Civil Service Regulations and various executive instructions, were codified in 1972, in the form of statutory rules — The CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. Since the promulgation of these rules, there have been successive liberalization of the substantive provisions contained therein, with consequent scores of amendments as also complete replacement of chapters relating to procedure for processing and finalizing pension cases. As per notification, dated 30-12-2003 of the Government, these rules are applicable only to those who are appointed on or before the 31st December, 2003.

The Pensive Citadel

by Victor Brombert

A reflective volume of essays on literature and literary study from a storied professor. In The Pensive Citadel, Victor Brombert looks back on a lifetime of learning within a university world greatly altered since he entered Yale on the GI Bill in the 1940s. Yet for all that has changed, much of Brombert’s long experience as a reader and teacher is richly familiar: the rewards of rereading, the joy of learning from students, and most of all the insight to be found in engaging works of literature. The essays gathered here range from meditations on laughter and jealousy to new appreciations of Brombert’s lifelong companions Shakespeare, Montaigne, Voltaire, and Stendhal. A veteran of D-day and the Battle of the Bulge who witnessed history’s worst nightmares firsthand, Brombert nevertheless approaches literature with a lightness of spirit, making the case for intellectual mobility and openness to change. The Pensive Citadel is a celebration of a life lived in literary study, and of what can be learned from attending to the works that form one’s cultural heritage.

The Pensive Citadel

by Victor Brombert

A reflective volume of essays on literature and literary study from a storied professor. In The Pensive Citadel, Victor Brombert looks back on a lifetime of learning within a university world greatly altered since he entered Yale on the GI Bill in the 1940s. Yet for all that has changed, much of Brombert’s long experience as a reader and teacher is richly familiar: the rewards of rereading, the joy of learning from students, and most of all the insight to be found in engaging works of literature. The essays gathered here range from meditations on laughter and jealousy to new appreciations of Brombert’s lifelong companions Shakespeare, Montaigne, Voltaire, and Stendhal. A veteran of D-day and the Battle of the Bulge who witnessed history’s worst nightmares firsthand, Brombert nevertheless approaches literature with a lightness of spirit, making the case for intellectual mobility and openness to change. The Pensive Citadel is a celebration of a life lived in literary study, and of what can be learned from attending to the works that form one’s cultural heritage.

The Pentateuch: Interpreting Biblical Texts Series (Interpreting Biblical Texts)

by Terence E. Fretheim

In this volume, Terence E. Fretheim seeks to introduce the Pentateuch to modern readers, stressing its continuing capacity to speak a word of--or about--God. The two chapters of Part One provide an orientation to the critical study of the Pentateuch and present a proposal for reading the Pentateuch in terms of its rhetorical strategy. That strategy, Fretheim argues, is designed in such a way as to have a certain effect upon its readers, most basically to shape their faith and life. The five chapters of Part Two focus on the individual books that comprise the Pentateuch.

The Pentateuch (Core Biblical Series)

by Marvin A. Sweeney

The Pentateuch, in the Core Biblical Studies series, will introduce the Five Books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It will combine a purely literary approach to reading the final form of the Pentateuch with a historical reading of the text. The literary approach will emphasize the structural role played by the so-called toledoth (generations) formulae that trace the history of humankind from Adam, through the ancestors of Israel, and finally to Moses and Aaron as the founders of Israel’s priesthood. The historical reading of the text will challenge the older model of source analysis to argue instead for a model that traces the composition of the Pentateuch from its origins in northern Israel during the 9th-8th centuries B.C.E., (E), through its subsequent editions in Judah during the 8th-7th centuries B.C.E,. (J and D), and finally through the final redaction in the Persian period, (P). Discussion throughout the volume will focus on how the text presents the origins or early history of Israel and its ideals or how it employs narrative and law to provide the foundations for an ideal national and religious identity. The volume will conclude with a brief treatment of how the Pentateuch is read in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The Pentateuch as Narrative: A Biblical-Theological Commentary

by John H. Sailhamer

Most scholars studying the first five books of the Bible either attempt to dissect it into various pre-pentateuchal documents or, at the very least, analyze Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy as separate, self-contained documents. The Pentateuch As Narrative focuses on the narrative and literary continuity of the Pentateuch as a whole. It seeks to disclose how the original Jewish readers may have viewed this multivolume work of Moses. Its central thesis is that the Pentateuch was written from the perspective of one who had lived under the Law of the Covenant established at Mount Sinai and had seen its failure to produce genuine trust in the Lord God of Israel. In this context, the Pentateuch pointed the reader forward to the hope of the New Covenant, based on divine faithfulness. Throughout the commentary Dr. Sailhamer pays close attention to and interacts with a wide range of classical and contemporary literature on the Pentateuch, written by Jews, Catholics, and Protestants.

Pentecostal Higher Education: History, Current Practices, and Future Prospects (Christianity and Renewal - Interdisciplinary Studies)

by Daniel Topf

This book presents a theological and missiological argument for pentecostals to engage more forcefully in higher education by expanding and renewing their commitment toward operating their own colleges and universities. The volume’s first part describes past and present developments within higher education, highlighting strengths and weaknesses of both pentecostal and (post)secular institutions. The second part highlights the future potential of pentecostal higher education, which is enriched by a Spirit-empowered and mission-minded spirituality that focuses on forming the hearts, heads, and hands of students. Pentecostals increasingly desire to influence all spheres of society, an endeavor that could be amplified through a strengthened engagement in higher education, particularly one that encompasses a variety of institutions, including a pentecostal research university. In developing such an argument, this research is both comprehensive and compelling, inviting pentecostals to make a missional difference in the knowledge-based economies that will characterize the twenty-first century.

People at School

by Francisco Blane

Meet some of the people who work at this school. (Set of 6 with Teacher's Guide)

People Bible Study Guide: The Story of God’s Promise (Jesus Bible Study Series)

by Passion Publishing

When God&’s people break their word, God keeps his promise. Not only is your story woven into God's larger story, but you are also part of the tribe whom God is calling to himself. In the six lessons of People, you will explore how the nation of Israel was impacted by the unfolding drama of their cycle of revolt against God, and why the Lord commissioned a chosen people who would be a witness on earth of his faithfulness. Time and time again, God's people turned their backs on him, but God was always quick to show mercy when they repented and called out to him. The cycle we see again and again throughout the Old Testament isn't just about the Israelites; it's also about us. We are all participants in the pattern of revolt, repentance, and restoration. People will help you see how God works out his glorious plans, despite our defiance, to bring his promises to fruition, and you will also grasp that no matter how many times you turn away, God seeks you out to bring you back. Every time. People is the third of six volumes in the Jesus Bible Study Series, following Beginnings and Revolt. Work through all the volumes in any order individually or within a group setting.Each study in this series features one of six key &“acts&” of Scripture:BeginningsRevoltPeopleSaviorChurchForever

People First!: The School Leader's Guide to Building and Cultivating Relationships with Teachers

by Leslie Grant Jennifer Hindman Angela Seiders

This book is a concise guide for school leaders who want to create good relationships with their teachers. It offers easy-to-implement ideas that will help you unite with teachers to increase student achievement together. People First provides research-based and practitioner-developed tips and strategies for administrators, instructional leaders, teacher leaders, and professional development specialists.

People Get Ready: The Future of Jazz Is Now!

by Heble Ajay Wallace Rob

In People Get Ready, musicians, scholars, and journalists write about jazz since 1965, the year that Curtis Mayfield composed the famous civil rights anthem that gives this collection its title. The contributors emphasize how the political consciousness that infused jazz in the 1960s and early 1970s has informed jazz in the years since then. They bring nuance to historical accounts of the avant-garde, the New Thing, Free Jazz, "non-idiomatic" improvisation, fusion, and other forms of jazz that have flourished since the 1960s, and they reveal the contemporary relevance of those musical practices. Many of the participants in the jazz scenes discussed are still active performers. A photographic essay captures some of them in candid moments before performances. Other pieces revise standard accounts of well-known jazz figures, such as Duke Ellington, and lesser-known musicians, including Jeanne Lee; delve into how money, class, space, and economics affect the performance of experimental music; and take up the question of how digital technology influences improvisation. People Get Ready offers a vision for the future of jazz based on an appreciation of the complexity of its past and the abundance of innovation in the present. Contributors. Tamar Barzel, John Brackett, Douglas Ewart, Ajay Heble, Vijay Iyer, Thomas King, Tracy McMullen, Paul D. Miller/DJ Spooky, Nicole Mitchell, Roscoe Mitchell, Famoudou Don Moye, Aldon Lynn Nielsen, Eric Porter, Marc Ribot, Matana Roberts, Jaribu Shahid, Julie Dawn Smith, Wadada Leo Smith, Alan Stanbridge, John Szwed, Greg Tate, Scott Thomson, Rob Wallace, Ellen Waterman, Corey Wilkes

People Like Us

by Dana Mele

A sharp psychological thriller that's just right for fans of One of Us is Lying and Thirteen Reasons Why--this story will seduce, mislead, and finally, betray you. <P><P>Kay Donovan may have skeletons in her closet, but the past is past, and she's reinvented herself entirely. Now she's a star soccer player whose group of gorgeous friends run their private school with effortless popularity and acerbic wit. <P>But when a girl's body is found in the lake, Kay's carefully constructed life begins to topple. The dead girl has left Kay a computer-coded scavenger hunt, which, as it unravels, begins to implicate suspect after suspect, until Kay herself is in the crosshairs of a murder investigation. <P>But if Kay's finally backed into a corner, she'll do what it takes to survive. Because at Bates Academy, the truth is something you make...not something that happened. <P>Debut author Dana Mele has written a taut, sophisticated suspense novel that readers will tear through and not stop talking about.

People-Oriented Education Transformation (The Great Transformation of China)

by Zhaohui Chu

This book explores the reforms sweeping China's educational sector. Traditionally dominated by rote learning, China's educational system has increasingly been criticized by the rising middle class for failing to foster creativity, for arbitrary placement of students, and for fostering regional inequities. Reforms to make Chinese education "people-oriented" are slowly but surely gaining steam, as the sector embraces comprehensive reforms. This book will be of interest to journalists, educators, and China watchers.

People, Pens and Paper: Fresh Ideas for Schools to Teach the Creative Process

by James Wren

People, Pens & Paper is about creative and fresh ideas. It's not a creative rule book, but a suggestive guide of techniques and projects to make the creative process more fluid and more enjoyable for students. Often, it's our setting and mindset that determines creative output, so in order to be truly effective we need to set the scene, and that also includes within ourselves. At this initial stage of the process all we need are paper, pens and people - we keep it organic and focus on generating solutions without any interference. With the projects featured, there's a focus on seeking out solutions for our planet rather than profit and commercialism. These ideas are recorded in a simple sketch book. This book can then help form a 'portfolio' of concepts for each student, so not only do the ideas look to help our world, they also show initiative and entrepreneurial flair, useful for life beyond school. From a marketing campaign for a local charity through to looking at ways to solve traffic issues at a school, teachers will be able to use innovative projects to inspire and also foster habitual ways to conceptualise, be it written or doodled.Readers will find no rules or quick-fixes.People, Pens & Paper is all about the process.

People, Pens and Paper: Fresh Ideas for Schools to Teach the Creative Process

by James Wren

People, Pens & Paper is about creative and fresh ideas. It's not a creative rule book, but a suggestive guide of techniques and projects to make the creative process more fluid and more enjoyable for students. Often, it's our setting and mindset that determines creative output, so in order to be truly effective we need to set the scene, and that also includes within ourselves. At this initial stage of the process all we need are paper, pens and people - we keep it organic and focus on generating solutions without any interference. With the projects featured, there's a focus on seeking out solutions for our planet rather than profit and commercialism. These ideas are recorded in a simple sketch book. This book can then help form a 'portfolio' of concepts for each student, so not only do the ideas look to help our world, they also show initiative and entrepreneurial flair, useful for life beyond school. From a marketing campaign for a local charity through to looking at ways to solve traffic issues at a school, teachers will be able to use innovative projects to inspire and also foster habitual ways to conceptualise, be it written or doodled.Readers will find no rules or quick-fixes.People, Pens & Paper is all about the process.

People, Places, and Mathematics: A Memoir (Springer Biographies)

by Thomas Ward

This memoir chronicles the journey of an academic, tracing a path from primary school in Zambia to a career in higher education as a mathematician and educational leader. Set against the backdrop of the 20th century, the book explores how early influences and historical events shape an individual's life and professional trajectory. The author shares childhood experiences across three parts of Africa, providing an original perspective as a witness to the post-colonial period. Through personal reflections, the memoir delves into the emergence of ideas and collaborations in mathematics and how these shape career choices. It also offers candid observations on the major changes in British higher education since the 1980s. Intended for a general audience, this book provides a compelling read for anyone interested in the experience of becoming a mathematician, and higher education in general.

People Practice: A Complete Guide

by Karen Waite Kathy Beevers Nicky Small Keith Tomlinson Shazad Hussain

Use this brand-new textbook written to support the Level 3 CIPD Certificate in People Practice to succeed in your studies and launch your career as a people professional. Structured around the core knowledge and behaviours needed for the Level 3 CIPD qualification, People Practice provides a thorough understanding of the theory and practice of the key areas of the people profession. This includes business, culture and change in context, workforce analytics and the necessary skills and knowledge for people professionals. This book covers everything from understanding how external factors impact organizational goals, how to develop professional courage and build ethical and inclusive practices through to recruitment, performance, reward and supporting others.Written by the team who developed the new CIPD Level 3 qualification, this book will ensure that students learn both the theory and practice necessary for their academic studies and their future careers. Full of case studies, exercises, key definition boxes and reflective questions, this book will allow students to test their understanding, see how the theory applies in the workplace and develop their critical thinking skills. Further reading suggestions in each chapter encourage a wide and broad engagement with the subject. Online resources include PowerPoint slides, a lecturer's manual and multiple choice questions for students.

People (Read On! Go Book AA)

by Harcourt Achieve

30 short stories designed to increase reading comprehension.

People Skills In A Week: Motivate Yourself And Others In Seven Simple Steps (Teach Yourself In A Week Ser.)

by Christine Harvey

People Skills In A Week is a simple and straightforward guide to raising motivation and performance levels, giving you everything you need to know in just seven short chapters. From raising morale and removing self-limiting beliefs, to increasing self-esteem and setting clear goals, you'll discover a set of principles and processes that really do work and will produce fantastic results.This book introduces you to the main themes and ideas of working with, leading and motivating ourselves and others , giving you a basic knowledge and understanding of the key concepts of people skills, together with practical and thought-provoking exercises. Whether you choose to read it in a week or in a single sitting, People Skills In A Week is your fastest route to success:- Sunday: Raise morale - raise performance- Monday: Reverse 'limitation thinking'- Tuesday: Elevate self-esteem and confidence- Wednesday: Reinforce strengths - eliminate weaknesses- Thursday: Catapult performance- Friday: Stamp out procrastination- Saturday: Magnify goal setting - magnify successABOUT THE SERIESIn A Week books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work. From negotiating and content marketing to finance and social media, the In A Week series covers the business topics that really matter and that will help you make a difference today. Written in straightforward English, each book is structured as a seven-day course so that with just a little work each day, you will quickly master the subject. In a fast-changing world, this series enables readers not just to get up to speed, but to get ahead.

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