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Showing 55,601 through 55,625 of 82,110 results

Performance Management: Monitoring Teaching in the Primary School

by Sara Bubb Pauline Hoare

This research-based book offers practical guidance on how to go about performance management. Based on experience of working with schools and running courses, and using the latest research on business strategies appropriate for education, it: o looks at what performance management means in practice o offers advice on how to go about monitoring o explains how to use data from pupil assessments o suggests ways to judge the effectiveness of teaching through analysing children's work o gives guidance on monitoring planning, assessment and observing lessons o proposes how to 1853467693reas for development, set objectives and draw up action plans o contains useful photocopiable formats o uses case study material to illustrate potential problems and good practice Throughout, the purpose is to help schools and teachers to be more effective.

Performance Management: Path to Growth and Excellence

by T. V. Rao Nandini Chawla

This book attempts to shift focus from performance appraisals to performance management incorporating performance planning, analysis, and development as critical components of it. The performance management system (PMS) is a future-driven exercise rather than merely a past-reviewing exercise. Performance management is treated as a year-round practice and not an appraisal process conducted once a quarter or annually. Moreover, it is now considered to be everyone’s responsibility and not merely that of HR or the upper management.This book advocates the structuring of PMSs and their implementation. It incorporates the most modern 360-degree feedback systems and shows the ways and means of integrating it into PMS. Arguments are offered to use rating-less appraisals and/or a combination of appraisals with 360-degree feedback. It defines performance management to mean continuous improvements in performance of individuals, their teams, departments, and corporations. It also outlines that planning, analysis, review, coaching, and capability building are essential building blocks for good performance management.Concise, lucid, and engaging, this volume would be useful to the students, researchers, and faculty of human resource management, organizational behaviour and applied psychology. It would also be an invaluable guidebook for practicing business executives and HR professionals to help them implement the performance management system for effective talent management leading to increased productivity.

Performance Management

by University Of Madras

Performance management has assumed a pivotal role in the face of rapid changes such as globalization, liberalization, technological and market changes, it is the backbone of human resource management for any organization intending to produce a high performance and leverage its human capital. Human resource management during the last two decades has shifted its focus from maintenance and administrative kind of function to that of a value added role. In this process, performance management has occupied a centre stage. In other words, all people management efforts are directed towards enhancing performance of employees and thereby improving the bottom line of organizations.

Performance Management at Universities: The Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator at Work (Public Sector Organizations)

by Poul Erik Mouritzen Niels Opstrup

"Mouritzen and Opstrup's book is a most welcome addition to the subject of the management of academic performance. It is certainly well-worth reading and considering."—Bruno S. Frey, Permanent Visiting Professor at the University of Basel and Research Director CREMA - Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts, Switzerland"This superb book should be read by anyone interested higher education evaluation as well as by those who are subjected to it."—Barry Bozeman, Regents' Professor, Arizona Centennial Professor of Technology Policy and Public Management, School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University, USA"In Performance Management at Universities, Mouritzen and Opstrup definitively answer the question: What are the effects of national university performance-based funding schemes that use bibliometric indicators? The authors marshal comprehensive data on the Danish university system to sift through the many predictions commonly made by academics newly subject to these systems to identify what actually happened to Danish research as the system took hold."—Diana Hicks, Professor, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, and first author on the Leiden Manifesto on research metricsThis book gives an account of what can happen when performance management is introduced at universities. How do scholars – for better or worse – respond to a system which counts the number of articles and books? Many myths exist about scholar’s reactions: They cheat, slice their production to the least publishable unit, become more risk averse and will go for the low-hanging fruits; in short, they develop a “taste for publication” at the cost of a “taste of science”. Systematic knowledge about the consequences of such systems for the motivation, behavior and productivity of university scholars is in short supply. The book is a major contribution to remedy this situation.

Performance Management for School Improvement: A Practical Guide for Secondary Schools

by Jeff Jones

The recently introduced Performance Management (PM) arrangements for headteachers and teachers will replace the existing appraisal systems for schools in England. The introduction of PM places a significant responsibility upon governors strategically, and upon senior and middle managers operationally.This is a manual for middle managers and head teachers in secondary schools. It offers support and guidance on the new performance management legislation, the practical issues surrounding its introduction and strategies for successful implementation.The book will include sections on how to integrate PM into the school's other management processes, what roles and responsibilities need to be carried out, and managing the performance of teachers and headteachers. It will also cover the appraisal cycle, setting objectives, classroom observation, and selecting and appointing team leaders. The book also discussed auditing, monitoring, evaluating and reporting.

Performance Management in Early Years Settings: A Practical Guide for Leaders and Managers

by Debbie Garvey

In this accessible and informative step-by-step guide, early years consultant Debbie Garvey provides leaders and managers with best practice tips and advice for developing their performance management skills in early years settings. Drawing on current research and the author's wealth of experience in the field, each chapter sets out effective performance management techniques that leaders can apply to their workplaces, on topics such as staff development, recruitment, appraisals, conflict management, feedback and evaluation, mentoring and coaching and health and wellbeing. Grounded in an understanding of neuroscience and brain development, this practical book provides advice on how to ensure a safe and motivational environment for both children and staff to develop, whatever their needs. Designed to support new and existing managers, the book includes reflective exercises, key theories and case studies to enable leaders to develop a style suited to their team and setting, ensuring children are given the best possible support during their first and most crucial development stage.

Performance Management in Kenyan Higher Education Institutions: The Role of Organizational Culture

by Lencer Ondijo

The present study exploratively investigated the role of organizational culture in performance management practices in Kenyan higher education institutions. Specifically, the influence of organizational culture on the purpose and extent to which performance information is used was explored. Qualitative interviews were conducted followed by quantitative surveys, which were filled out by teaching and non-teaching staff in various universities in Kenya. The findings provide evidence of linkages between performance information use, diversity of measure and organizational culture. It has been established that, depending on whether flexibility or control values are dominant in the culture of an institution; performance information is used in varying ways. Institutions where flexibility values were dominant in their organizational cultures used performance information for attention focus, monitoring and decision making to a higher extent than universities where control values were dominant. Institutions where Flexibility values were dominant also showed a more diverse set of performance measures than in those where control values were dominant.

The Performance of Asian Higher Education: Understanding Productivity Across Institutions and Systems (Asian Higher Education Outlook)

by Gwilym Croucher

With contributions from several Asia-Pacific countries, this book compares performance and productivity in higher education from the perspective of institutional change. Using multiple methods and datasets and including case studies from Australia, Cambodia, China, Malaysia, India and Japan, the authors focus on shedding light on the efficacy of institutional policies and reforms. The worldwide Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education neared 40 per cent in 2020 due to the dramatic increase in enrolments in many developing economies, especially in Asia. This significant increase in the number of students in higher education brings great benefits but requires major ongoing investment by governments around the world. This growth has followed waves of internationalization and marketization, and universities are undergoing substantial change in their organization and character. The goal of many institutional policies and reforms has been better performance and higher productivity. Yet little is known about whether they have achieved this aim. Students, government officials and university leaders all have the right to ask whether the outcomes of higher education justify the costs of running the system. Although increasing attention has been paid to higher education institutions’ management and operation, the study of higher education performance and productivity is still in its relative infancy compared to other enterprises. Written for students and scholars interested in higher education management and productivity, this book will also appeal to government officials and university leaders keen to know more about institutional reform and how to achieve better performance.

Performance Pay for Teachers: The Views And Experiences Of Heads And Teachers

by C. M. Wragg G. S. Haynes R. P. Chamberlin

The first widespread incentive pay scheme was initiated in UK schools in 2000. This book is the result of monitoring the whole process from its inception. The authors visited schools, observed lessons, and solicited the views and experiences of a large collection of teachers and headteachers. Their discoveries are presented in this lively book. They include the views of teachers who were successful in crossing the threshold, those who weren't and those who chose not to apply, and headteachers who had to make the decisions. The book focuses on the following schemes: * headteachers' experiences of training* the outcomes in their own school* their relationship with external assessors* their hopes and fears for the future* their assessment of the influence on classroom practice* what did teachers change and not change in their teaching as a result of performance management* what means they employed to further their own professional development. This timely book is a useful resource for anyone involved in education, whether it be a classroom teacher, headteacher, administrator or policy-maker.

Performance Reviews and Coaching: The Performance Management Collection (5 Books)

by Dick Grote Harvard Business Review

If you're an executive, manager, or team leader, one of your toughest responsibilities is managing your people's performance. This digital collection, curated by Harvard Business Review, will help you evaluate employee performance, provide coaching, conduct performance reviews, give effective feedback, and more; it includes Dick Grote's How to be Good at Performance Appraisals; Harvard Business Essentials' Performance Management; the HBR Guide to Coaching Employees; and Giving Effective Feedback and Performance Reviews, both from HBR's 20-Minute Manager Series.

Performance Tasks and Rubrics for Early Elementary Mathematics: Meeting Rigorous Standards and Assessments (Math Performance Tasks)

by Pia Hansen

Performance tasks are highly effective tools to assist you in implementing rigorous standards. But how do you create, evaluate, and use such tools? In this bestselling book, educational experts Charlotte Danielson and Pia Hansen explain how to construct and apply performance tasks to gauge students’ deeper understanding of mathematical concepts at the early elementary level. You’ll learn how to: Evaluate the quality of performance tasks, whether you’ve written them yourself or found them online; Use performance tasks for instructional decision-making and to prepare students for summative assessments; Create your own performance tasks, or adapt pre-made tasks to best suit students’ needs; Design and use scoring rubrics to evaluate complex performance tasks; Use your students’ results to communicate more effectively with parents. This must-have second edition is fully aligned to the Common Core State Standards and assessments and includes a variety of new performance tasks and rubrics, along with samples of student work. Additionally, downloadable student handout versions of all the performance tasks are available as free eResources from our website (, so you can easily distribute them to your class.

Performance Tasks and Rubrics for High School Mathematics: Meeting Rigorous Standards and Assessments (Math Performance Tasks)

by Elizabeth Marquez Charlotte Danielson

Performance tasks are highly effective tools to assist you in implementing rigorous standards. But how do you create, evaluate, and use such tools? In this bestselling book, educational experts Charlotte Danielson and Elizabeth Marquez explain how to construct and apply performance tasks to gauge students’ deeper understanding of mathematical concepts at the high school level. You’ll learn how to: Evaluate the quality of performance tasks, whether you’ve written them yourself or found them online; Use performance tasks for instructional decision-making and to prepare students for summative assessments; Create your own performance tasks, or adapt pre-made tasks to best suit students’ needs; Design and use scoring rubrics to evaluate complex performance tasks; Use your students’ results to communicate more effectively with parents. This must-have second edition is fully aligned to the Common Core State Standards and assessments and includes a variety of new performance tasks and rubrics, along with samples of student work. Additionally, downloadable student handout versions of all the performance tasks are available as free eResources from our website (, so you can easily distribute them to your class.

Performance Tasks and Rubrics for Middle School Mathematics: Meeting Rigorous Standards and Assessments (Math Performance Tasks)

by Elizabeth Marquez Charlotte Danielson

Performance tasks are highly effective tools to assist you in implementing rigorous standards. But how do you create, evaluate, and use such tools? In this bestselling book, educational experts Charlotte Danielson and Elizabeth Marquez explain how to construct and apply performance tasks to gauge students’ deeper understanding of mathematical concepts at the middle school level. You’ll learn how to: Evaluate the quality of performance tasks, whether you’ve written them yourself or found them online; Use performance tasks for instructional decision-making and to prepare students for summative assessments; Create your own performance tasks, or adapt pre-made tasks to best suit students’ needs; Design and use scoring rubrics to evaluate complex performance tasks; Use your students’ results to communicate more effectively with parents. This must-have second edition is fully aligned to the Common Core State Standards and assessments and includes a variety of new performance tasks and rubrics, along with samples of student work. Additionally, downloadable student handout versions of all the performance tasks are available as free eResources from our website (, so you can easily distribute them to your class.

Performance Tasks and Rubrics for Upper Elementary Mathematics: Meeting Rigorous Standards and Assessments (Math Performance Tasks Ser.)

by Charlotte Danielson Joshua Dragoon

Performance tasks are highly effective tools to assist you in implementing rigorous standards. But how do you create, evaluate, and use such tools? In this bestselling book, educational experts Charlotte Danielson and Joshua Dragoon explain how to construct and apply performance tasks to gauge students’ deeper understanding of mathematical concepts at the upper elementary level. You’ll learn how to: Evaluate the quality of performance tasks, whether you’ve written them yourself or found them online; Use performance tasks for instructional decision-making and to prepare students for summative assessments; Create your own performance tasks, or adapt pre-made tasks to best suit students’ needs; Design and use scoring rubrics to evaluate complex performance tasks; Use your students’ results to communicate more effectively with parents. This must-have second edition is fully aligned to the Common Core State Standards and assessments and includes a variety of new performance tasks and rubrics, along with samples of student work. Additionally, downloadable student handout versions of all the performance tasks are available as free eResources from our website (, so you can easily distribute them to your class.

Performance Theories in Education: Power, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Identity

by Bryant K. Alexander Gary L. Anderson Bernardo P. Gallegos

Performance Theories in Education: Power, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Identity breaks new ground by presenting a range of approaches to understanding the role, function, impact, and presence of performance in education. It is a definitive contribution to a beginning dialogue on how performance, as a theoretical and pragmatic lens, can be used to view the processes, procedures, and politics of education. The conceptual framework of the volume is the editors' argument that performance and performativity help to locate and describe repetitive actions plotted within grids of power relationships and social norms that comprise the context of education and schooling. The book brings together performance studies and education researchers, teachers, and scholars to investigate such topics as: *the relationship between performance and performativity in pedagogical practice; *the nature and impact of performing identities in varying contexts; *cultural and community configurations that fall under the umbrella of teaching, education, and schooling; and *the hot button issues of educational policies and reform as performances. With the aim of developing a clearer understanding of the effect, affect, and role of performance in education, the volume provides a crucial starting point for discourse among theorists and teacher practitioners who are interested in understanding and acknowledging the politics of performance and the practices of performative social identities that always and already intervene in the educational endeavor.

Performative Approaches in Arts Education: Artful Teaching, Learning and Research (Routledge Research in Education)

by Anna-Lena Østern Kristian Nødtvedt Knudsen

In Performative Approaches in Arts Education, researchers, artists and practitioners from philosophy and the arts elaborate on what performative approaches can contribute to 21st century arts education. Introducing new perspectives on learning, the contributors provide a central international perspective, developing a paradigm in which the artist, teacher and researcher’s form of teaching is enmeshed with content, and human agency is entangled with non-human matter. The book explores issues connected to both teaching and learning in the arts, engaging in debates about the value of meaning making in the artistic process, the way social ethos can guide performative approaches and the changes in education that performative approaches can bring. Performative Approaches in Arts Education will be of great interest to academics, researchers and post-graduate students in the fields of arts education, philosophy of education and education research methods. It will also appeal to teachers and teacher educators, artists and teaching artists.

Performative Language Learning with Refugees and Migrants: Embodied Research and Practice in the Sorgente Project (Routledge Research in Language Education)

by Erika Piazzoli Fiona Dalziel

This book investigates the use of performative language pedagogy in working with refugees and migrants, exploring performative language teaching as the application of drama, music, dance and storytelling to second language acquisition.Documenting a community-based project – funded by the Irish Research Council and conducted with three groups of refugees and migrants in Ireland and Italy – the book explores the methodological, pedagogical and ethical elements of performative language learning in the context of migration. Written by a team of arts-based researchers and practitioners, chapters discuss findings from the project that relate to factors such as embodied research methods, a motivation to belong and the ethical imagination, while exhibiting how performative language pedagogy can be effective in supporting children and adults in a range of challenging contexts.Offering a poetic and pictorial representation of the Sorgente Project, this book will be of interest to postgraduate students, researchers and academics in the fields of English language arts and literacy education, drama in education, the sociology of education and second language acquisition more broadly. Those working in refugee and migrant studies, and teacher education studies will also find the volume of use.

Performed Culture in Action to Teach Chinese as a Foreign Language: Integrating PCA into Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment (Routledge Research in Language Education)

by Jianfen Wang Junqing Jessie Jia

This volume explores best practice in implementing the Performed Culture Approach (PCA) in teaching Chinese as a foreign language (CFL). Offering a range of chapters which demonstrate how PCA has been successfully applied to curriculum, instructional design, and assessment in CFL programs and classrooms at various levels, this text shows how PCA’s culture-focused paradigm differs fundamentally from the general communicative language teaching (CLT) framework and highlights how it can inspire innovative methods to better support learners’ ability to navigate target culture and overcome communication barriers. Additional applications of PCA in the development of learner identity, intercultural competence, autonomy, and motivation are also considered. Bridging theoretical innovations and the practice of curriculum design and implementation, this work will be of value to researchers, teacher trainers, and graduate students interested in Chinese teaching and learning, and especially those with interest in incorporating performance into foreign language curriculums with the goal of integrating language and culture.

Performed Culture in Action to Teach Chinese as a Foreign Language: Integrating PCA into Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment (Routledge Research in Language Education)

by Jianfen Wang Junqing Jessie Jia

This volume explores best practices in implementing the Performed Culture Approach (PCA) in teaching Chinese as a foreign language (CFL).Offering a range of chapters that demonstrate how PCA has been successfully applied to curriculum, instructional design, and assessment in CFL programs and classrooms at various levels, this text shows how PCA’s culture-focused paradigm differs fundamentally from the general communicative language teaching (CLT) framework and highlights how it can inspire innovative methods to better support learners’ ability to navigate target culture and overcome communication barriers. Additional applications of PCA in the development of learner identity, intercultural competence, autonomy, and motivation are also considered.Bridging theoretical innovations and the practice of curriculum design and implementation, this work will be of value to researchers, teacher trainers, and graduate students interested in Chinese teaching and learning, especially those with an interest in incorporating performance into foreign language curriculums with the goal of integrating language and culture.

A Performer's Guide to Renaissance Music (Publications of the Early Music Institute)

by Jeffery Kite-Powell

Revised and expanded since it first appeared in 1991, the guide features two new chapters on ornamentation and rehearsal techniques, as well as updated reference materials, internet resources, and other new material made available only in the last decade.The guide is comprised of focused chapters on performance practice issues such as vocal and choral music; various types of ensembles; profiles of specific instruments; instrumentation; performance practice issues; theory; dance; regional profiles of Renaissance music; and guidelines for directors. The format addresses the widest possible audience for early music, including amateur and professional performers, musicologists, theorists, and educators.

The Performer's Voice: Realizing Your Vocal Potential

by Meribeth Dayme

An essential guide to how the voice works; and how to realize its potential. Concise, accurate, and accessible, The Performer's Voice explains how the voice works and how to use it efficiently. Emphasizing the infinite potential of the human voice, this practical book enables vocal professionals to use their voices effectively to create dynamic performances. Written for people who use their voices every day; from singers, actors, and teachers to trial lawyers, ministers, and radio announcers; The Performer's Voice brings together the basic anatomy, physiology, technique, and performance skills required for effective use of the voice. Simple exercises and observations, designed for busy people to do in a short time, provide practical application. Anatomically correct drawings support concise, direct explanations. Taking a balanced, common sense approach, this book provides simple guidelines for using the voice healthily and imaginatively. For anyone who relies on the voice for a living,The Performer's Voice provides the essential tools for confident, imaginative and compelling performances.

Performing Arts and Digital Humanities: From Traces to Data

by Clarisse Bardiot

Digital traces, whether digitized (programs, notebooks, drawings, etc.) or born digital (emails, websites, video recordings, etc.), constitute a major challenge for the memory of the ephemeral performing arts.Digital technology transforms traces into data and, in doing so, opens them up to manipulation. This paradigm shift calls for a renewal of methodologies for writing the history of theater today, analyzing works and their creative process, and preserving performances. At the crossroads of performing arts studies, the history, digital humanities, conservation and archiving, these methodologies allow us to take into account what is generally dismissed, namely, digital traces that are considered too complex, too numerous, too fragile, of dubious authenticity, etc.With the analysis of Merce Cunningham’s digital traces as a guideline, and through many other examples, this book is intended for researchers and archivists, as well as artists and cultural institutions.

Performing Kamishibai: An Emerging New Literacy for a Global Audience (Routledge Research in Education)

by Tara McGowan

Kamishibai (paper-theater), a Japanese picture-storytelling medium, is gaining global interest as we move from a text-based culture to one that emphasizes multiple semiotic systems and performance. This is the first volume to explore the potential of kamishibai as a dynamic "new" interactive medium for teaching multimodal communication and shows how synchronizing oral, visual and gestural modes develops students’ awareness of all modes of communication as potential resources in their learning. By examining the multiple modes involved in kamishibai through actual student performances over several venues, this volume overturns commonly held expectations about literacy in the classroom and provides a critical perspective on assumptions about other media. It offers much-needed information about a medium that is attracting interest from educators, academics and artists worldwide.

Performing Math: A History of Communication and Anxiety in the American Mathematics Classroom

by Andrew Fiss

Performing Math tells the history of expectations for math communication—and the conversations about math hatred and math anxiety that occurred in response. Focusing on nineteenth-century American colleges, this book analyzes foundational tools and techniques of math communication: the textbooks that supported reading aloud, the burnings that mimicked pedagogical speech, the blackboards that accompanied oral presentations, the plays that proclaimed performers’ identities as math students, and the written tests that redefined “student performance.” Math communication and math anxiety went hand in hand as new rules for oral communication at the blackboard inspired student revolt and as frameworks for testing student performance inspired performance anxiety. With unusual primary sources from over a dozen educational archives, Performing Math argues for a new, performance-oriented history of American math education, one that can explain contemporary math attitudes and provide a way forward to reframing the problem of math anxiety.

Performing Pedagogy in Early Modern England: Gender, Instruction, and Performance (Studies In Performance And Early Modern Drama Ser.)

by Kathryn M. Moncrief

Performing Pedagogy in Early Modern England: Gender, Instruction, and Performance features essays questioning the extent to which education, an activity pursued in the home, classroom, and the church, led to, mirrored, and was perhaps even transformed by moments of instruction on stage. This volume argues that along with the popular press, the early modern stage is also a key pedagogical site and that education”performed and performative”plays a central role in gender construction. The wealth of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century printed and manuscript documents devoted to education (parenting guides, conduct books, domestic manuals, catechisms, diaries, and autobiographical writings) encourages examination of how education contributed to the formation of gendered and hierarchical structures, as well as the production, reproduction, and performance of masculinity and femininity. In examining both dramatic and non-dramatic texts via aspects of performance theory, this collection explores the ways education instilled formal academic knowledge, but also elucidates how educational practices disciplined students as members of their social realm, citizens of a nation, and representatives of their gender.

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