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The Performing Pianist's Guide to Fingering

by Joseph Banowetz

The Performing Pianist's Guide to Fingering, the much-anticipated companion to Joseph Banowetz's The Pianist's Guide to Pedaling, provides practical fingering solutions for technical musical passages. Banowetz contends that fingering choices require much thought and consideration and that too often these choices are influenced by historical traditions and ideas rather than by actual performance conditions. By returning to the unedited original compositions, he strives to help the advanced pianist think through the composer's musical intent and the actual performance tempo and dynamics when selecting the fingering. Banowetz also includes valuable contributions by Philip Fowke, who examines redistributions by Benno Moiseiwitsch in Rachmaninoff's compositions, and Nancy Lee Harper, who explores the often very different approaches to fingering found in keyboard music of the Baroque era. The Performing Pianist's Guide to Fingering will be useful to the advanced pianist and to instructors looking to guide students in improving this important art.

Performing Popular Music: The Art of Creating Memorable and Successful Performances

by David Cashman Waldo Garrido

This book explores the fundamentals of popular music performance for students in contemporary music institutions. Drawing on the insights of performance practice research, it discusses the unwritten rules of performances in popular music, what it takes to create a memorable performance, and live popular music as a creative industry. The authors offer a practical overview of topics ranging from rehearsals to stagecraft, and what to do when things go wrong. Chapters on promotion, recordings, and the music industry place performance in the context of building a career. Performing Popular Music introduces aspiring musicians to the elements of crafting compelling performances and succeeding in the world of today’s popular music.

Performing Religion on the Secular Stage (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies)

by Sharon Aronson-Lehavi

This book examines the relations between Western religion, secularism, and modern theater and performance. Sharon Aronson-Lehavi posits that the ongoing cultural power of religious texts, icons, and ideas on the one hand and the artistic freedom enabled by secularism and avant-garde experimentalism on the other, has led theatre artists throughout the twentieth century to create a uniquely modern theatrical hybrid–theater performances that simultaneously re-inscribe and grapple with religion and religious performativity. The book compares this phenomenon with medieval forms of religious theater and offers deep and original analyses of significant contemporary works ranging from plays and performances by August Strindberg, Hugo Ball (Dada), Jerzy Grotowski, and Hanoch Levin, to those created by Adrienne Kennedy, Rina Yerushalmi, Deb Margolin, Milo Rau, and Sarah Ruhl. The book analyzes a new and original historiography of a uniquely modern theatrical phenomenon, a study that is of high importance considering the reemergence of religion in contemporary culture and politics.

Performing Rites: On the Value of Popular Music

by Simon Frith

An influential writer on popular music asks what we talk about when we talk about music. Instead of dismissing emotional response and personal taste as inaccessible to academic critics, Frith takes these forms of engagement as his subject—and discloses their place at the center of the aesthetics that structure our culture and color our lives.

The Performing School: Managing Teaching and Learning in a Performance Culture

by Chris Husbands Dennis Gleeson

This specially commissioned collection of perspectives offers an analysis of the new organisation of the teaching profession - reconstructed around the notion of performance and the implications of a performance culture. The Performing School examines the roots, directions and implications of the new structure by drawing together insights from policy, research and practice at this time of rapid change and debate. This unique volume addresses three interconnected issues of modernisation and education:*what is the background to and significance of performance management in modernising schools and teachers at the present time?*what are the likely future effects of a performance culture on teaching, learning and schooling?*what will it take to ensure that performance management improves pedagogy and professionality beyond the narrow confines of performativity, managerialism and market reform in education?

Pergunte: As Questões Que Trazem Poder À Sua Vida

by Michael Jenet Mafalda Pinto

PORQUÊ? Porque é que algumas pessoas vivem mais felizes, são mais bem-sucedidas e têm vidas mais preenchidas, enquanto outras se sentem infelizes, em esforço constante e vazias? "PERGUNTE" dá-lhe a resposta. Como diz Jenet, "A vida é suposto ser vivida, não suportada". Num estilo coloquial, de fácil leitura e bem-humorado, salpicado com explicações lógicas, passos simples e exemplos da vida real, Michael Jenet mostra como obter mais da vida, independentemente de onde se encontra neste momento. A resposta à pergunta do "porquê" está nas questões que residem na nossa mente. Aprender a controlar essas questões, para elevar as nossas QI (Questões Intencionais) é o segredo por trás daqueles que vivem mais felizes e com vidas mais preenchidas, ao contrário dos que apenas sobrevivem. Este livro inclui uma caixa de ferramentas para o orientar e ajudar a melhorar de imediato: a sua carreira, o seu relacionamento, a sua saúde, a sua espiritualidade, o seu valor, a sua felicidade, a sua vida. Não importa em que fase da vida esteja, se quiser obter mais de cada dia, viver com mais alegria, mais sucesso, mais felicidade e, de facto, viver a vida e não apenas suportá-la, este livro irá ensiná-lo como o fazer.

Perimenopause For Dummies

by Rebecca Levy-Gantt

Get to know perimenopause and manage troublesome symptoms Perimenopause For Dummies is a practical and comprehensive guide to the emotional, mental, and physical changes that begin to happen as you approach menopause. Demystify the connection between hormones and aging and make informed choices about how to deal with symptoms like weight gain, hot flashes, depression, mood swings, and insomnia. You’ll learn about natural remedies and medical interventions that can ease the transition between fertility and menopause. Most importantly, you’ll know what to expect, so the changes happening in your body won’t take you by surprise. This Dummies guide is like a trusted friend who can guide you through your life’s next chapter. Learn what perimenopause is and identify the most common symptoms Understand how perimenopause can affect your body, emotions, and libido Ease symptoms with hormonal solutions, diet, and exercise Discover ways of supporting yourself or your loved ones through perimenopausePerimenopause For Dummies offers clear, compassionate answers for anyone who is currently experiencing perimenopause or who is ready to learn more about it.

Peripheral Visions for Writing Centers

by Jackie Grutsch Mckinney

Peripheral Visions for Writing Centers aims to inspire a re-conception and re-envisioning of the boundaries of writing center work. Moving beyond the grand narrative of the writing center--that it is a solely comfortable, yet iconoclastic place where all students go to get one-on-one tutoring on their writing--Grutsch McKinney shines light on other representations of writing center work.Grutsch McKinney argues that this grand narrative neglects the extent to which writing center work is theoretically and pedagogically complex, with ever-changing work and conditions, and results in a straitjacket for writing center scholars, practitioners, students, and outsiders alike. Peripheral Visions for Writing Centers makes the case for a broader narrative of writing center work that recognizes and theorizes the various spaces of writing center labor, allows for professionalization of administrators, and sees tutoring as just one way to perform writing center work. Grutsch McKinney explores possibilities that lie outside the grand narrative, allowing scholars and practitioners to open the field to a fuller, richer, and more realistic representation of their material labor and intellectual work.

Peripheries at the Centre: Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe (Contemporary European History #27)

by Machteld Venken

Following the Treaty of Versailles, European nation-states were faced with the challenge of instilling national loyalty in their new borderlands, in which fellow citizens often differed dramatically from one another along religious, linguistic, cultural, or ethnic lines. Peripheries at the Centre compares the experiences of schooling in Upper Silesia in Poland and Eupen, Sankt Vith, and Malmedy in Belgium — border regions detached from the German Empire after the First World War. It demonstrates how newly configured countries envisioned borderland schools and language learning as tools for realizing the imagined peaceful Europe that underscored the political geography of the interwar period.

Perky Otter: Vowel Combination Er (Let's Read Together ®)

by Barbara deRubertis

Let&’s Read Together books merge rhyme and vowel sounds in delightfully zany stories kids will want to read again and again. Each of the 15 books in this classic series by award-winning author/educator Barbara deRubertis will give your child a jumpstart on reading success."Story lines are silly and inventive, and recall Dr. Seuss&’s Cat in the Hat for the building of rhythm and rhyming words." —School Library JournalPerky Otter and busy Bert the Beaver learn that they have a few things in common after all. (This easy-to-read story features the "er" vowel combination.)

Perlen der Mathematik: 20 geometrische Figuren als Ausgangspunkte für mathematische Erkundungsreisen

by Claudi Alsina Roger B. Nelsen

Dieses Buch handelt von 20 geometrischen Figuren (Icons), die eine wichtige Rolle bei der Veranschaulichung mathematischer Beweise spielen. Alsina und Nelsen untersuchen die Mathematik, die hinter diesen Figuren steckt und die sich aus ihnen ableiten lässt.Jedem in diesem Buch behandelten Icons ist ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet, in dem sein Alltagsbezug, seine wesentlichen mathematischen Eigenschaften sowie seine Bedeutung für visuelle Beweise vieler mathematischer Sätze betont werden. Diese Sätze umfassen unter anderem auch klassische Ergebnisse aus der ebenen Geometrie, Eigenschaften der natürlichen Zahlen, Mittelwerte und Ungleichungen, Beziehungen zwischen Winkelfunktionen, Sätze aus der Differenzial- und Integralrechnung sowie Rätsel aus dem Bereich der Unterhaltungsmathematik. Darüber hinaus enthält jedes Kapitel eine Auswahl an Aufgaben, anhand derer die Leser weitere Eigenschaften und Anwendungen der Diagramme erkunden können.Das Buch ist für alle geschrieben, die Freude an der Mathematik haben; Lehrkräfte und Dozenten der Mathematik werden in diesem Buch sehr nützliche Beispiele für Problemlösungen sowie umfangreiches Unterrichts- und Seminarmaterial zu Beweisen und mathematischer Argumentation finden.

Permanent Crisis: The Humanities in a Disenchanted Age (Studies in the History of the University)

by Paul Reitter Chad Wellmon

Leads scholars and anyone who cares about the humanities into more effectively analyzing the fate of the humanities and digging into the very idea of the humanities as a way to find meaning and coherence in the world. The humanities, considered by many as irrelevant for modern careers and hopelessly devoid of funding, seem to be in a perpetual state of crisis, at the mercy of modernizing and technological forces that are driving universities towards academic pursuits that pull in grant money and direct students to lucrative careers. But as Paul Reitter and Chad Wellmon show, this crisis isn’t new—in fact, it’s as old as the humanities themselves. Today’s humanities scholars experience and react to basic pressures in ways that are strikingly similar to their nineteenth-century German counterparts. The humanities came into their own as scholars framed their work as a unique resource for resolving crises of meaning and value that threatened other cultural or social goods. The self-understanding of the modern humanities didn’t merely take shape in response to a perceived crisis; it also made crisis a core part of its project. Through this critical, historical perspective, Permanent Crisis can take scholars and anyone who cares about the humanities beyond the usual scolding, exhorting, and hand-wringing into clearer, more effective thinking about the fate of the humanities. Building on ideas from Max Weber and Friedrich Nietzsche to Helen Small and Danielle Allen, Reitter and Wellmon dig into the very idea of the humanities as a way to find meaning and coherence in the world. ,

Permissible Advantage?: The Moral Consequences of Elite Schooling (Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education)

by Alan Peshkin

This study of Edgewood Academy--a private, elite college preparatory high school--examines what moral choices look like when they are made by the participants in an exceptionally wealthy school, and what the very existence of a privileged school indicates about American society. It extends Peshkin's ongoing exploration of U.S. high schools and their communities, each focused in a different sociocultural setting. In this particular inquiry, he began with two central questions: * What is a school like whose students enter with a determined disposition to attend college, and all of whom are selected on the promise they display for college success? * What can be learned from studying Edgewood Academy that transcends the particular case of this school? The volume opens with a description of how moral choices look when they are made by the participants in an exceedingly wealthy school. There is a general picture of the Academy, a discussion of the processes the school uses to insure the quality of its students and educators, and an overview of teachers and students that reveals what is commendable about each group. These chapters clarify what a school of ample financial means and wise leadership can do. Peshkin goes on to reflect briefly on privilege and concludes with a discussion of what the very existence of a privileged school indicates about American society. Schools, he suggests, are about much more than what goes on inside them--they mirror what is and is not at stake for their particular constituents--and function similarly for the nation. Edgewood Academy's host community is not a village, town, church, or tribe, as in Peshkin's previous studies. It is a community created by shared aspirations for high-level academic attainment and its associated benefits. Affluence and towering academic achievement are the two most relevant factors. In this book, advantage occupies center stage. The school's excellence is documented not to extol its success, but, rather, to call attention to what is available for its students that is not available for most American children. The focus, ultimately, is on educational justice as illuminated by the advantage of Academy students--that is, on justice denied, not because anyone or any group or agency consciously, planfully sets out to do injustice to other children, but because injustice happens as the artifact of imagined limitations of resources and means. Peshkin's purpose is not to detail the particulars of how educational justice is denied to the many, but to portray and examine the meaning of a privileged school where educational justice prevails for the few.

Permission to Feel: Unlock the power of emotions to help yourself and your children thrive

by Marc Brackett

A practical and transformative 5-step strategy to ensure the emotional wellbeing of yourself and your childThe mental wellbeing of children and adults is shockingly poor. Marc Brackett, author of Permission to Feel, knows why and what we can do. Marc Brackett is a professor in Yale University's Child Study Center and in his 25 years as an emotion scientist, he has developed a remarkably effective plan to improve the lives of children and adults - a blueprint for understanding our emotions and using them wisely so that they help, rather than hinder, our success and well-being. The core of his approach is a legacy from his childhood, from an astute uncle who gave him permission to feel. He was the first adult who managed to see Marc, listen to him, and recognise the suffering, bullying, and abuse he'd endured. In the decades since, Marc has led large research teams and raised tens of millions of dollars to investigate the roots of emotional wellbeing. His prescription for healthy children (and their parents, teachers, and schools) is a system called RULER, a high-impact and effective approach to understanding and mastering emotions that has already transformed the thousands of schools that have adopted it. RULER has been proven to reduce stress and burnout, improve school climate, and enhance academic achievement. This book is his way to share the strategies and skills with readers around the world. It is tested, and it works.

Permission to Feel: Unlock the power of emotions to help yourself and your children thrive

by Marc Brackett

A practical and transformative 5-step strategy to ensure the emotional wellbeing of yourself and your childThe mental wellbeing of children and adults is shockingly poor. Marc Brackett, author of Permission to Feel, knows why and what we can do. Marc Brackett is a professor in Yale University's Child Study Center and in his 25 years as an emotion scientist, he has developed a remarkably effective plan to improve the lives of children and adults - a blueprint for understanding our emotions and using them wisely so that they help, rather than hinder, our success and well-being. The core of his approach is a legacy from his childhood, from an astute uncle who gave him permission to feel. He was the first adult who managed to see Marc, listen to him, and recognise the suffering, bullying, and abuse he'd endured. In the decades since, Marc has led large research teams and raised tens of millions of dollars to investigate the roots of emotional wellbeing. His prescription for healthy children (and their parents, teachers, and schools) is a system called RULER, a high-impact and effective approach to understanding and mastering emotions that has already transformed the thousands of schools that have adopted it. RULER has been proven to reduce stress and burnout, improve school climate, and enhance academic achievement. This book is his way to share the strategies and skills with readers around the world. It is tested, and it works.(P)2019 Macmillan Audio

Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive

by Marc Brackett

The mental well-being of children and adults is shockingly poor. Marc Brackett, author of Permission to Feel, knows why. And he knows what we can do. "We have a crisis on our hands, and its victims are our children."Marc Brackett is a professor in Yale University’s Child Study Center and founding director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. In his 25 years as an emotion scientist, he has developed a remarkably effective plan to improve the lives of children and adults – a blueprint for understanding our emotions and using them wisely so that they help, rather than hinder, our success and well-being. The core of his approach is a legacy from his childhood, from an astute uncle who gave him permission to feel. He was the first adult who managed to see Marc, listen to him, and recognize the suffering, bullying, and abuse he’d endured. And that was the beginning of Marc’s awareness that what he was going through was temporary. He wasn’t alone, he wasn’t stuck on a timeline, and he wasn’t “wrong” to feel scared, isolated, and angry. Now, best of all, he could do something about it.In the decades since, Marc has led large research teams and raised tens of millions of dollars to investigate the roots of emotional well-being. His prescription for healthy children (and their parents, teachers, and schools) is a system called RULER, a high-impact and fast-effect approach to understanding and mastering emotions that has already transformed the thousands of schools that have adopted it. RULER has been proven to reduce stress and burnout, improve school climate, and enhance academic achievement. This book is the culmination of Marc’s development of RULER and his way to share the strategies and skills with readers around the world. It is tested, and it works.This book combines rigor, science, passion and inspiration in equal parts. Too many children and adults are suffering; they are ashamed of their feelings and emotionally unskilled, but they don’t have to be. Marc Brackett’s life mission is to reverse this course, and this book can show you how.

Permit Technician: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Permit Technician Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.

Perrine's Sound And Sense (Fourteenth Edition): An Introduction to Poetry

by Thomas R. Arp Greg Johnson

In preparing this fourteenth edition of Perrine's Sound and Sense, I have striven to be true to the principles established by Laurence Perrine more than fifty years ago while acknowledging the evolving nature of poetry. I have been guided not only by my own experience but also by the rich legacy of Thomas R. Arp, who joined Perrine in 1979, and by the helpful suggestions of many teachers who have contributed the results of their classroom experience.

Persephone the Phony: Book 2 (Goddess Girls #2)

by Joan Holub Suzanne Williams

As Persephone's mum encourages her to do, she often "goes along to get along" instead of doing what she really wants. But when she meets Mount Olympus Academy bad-boy Hades, she finally feels she has found someone with whom she can be herself. He's the first person who actually listens to her, and she finds herself liking him, despite the fact that the other goddess girls think he's bad news. But if he makes her feel so special - and she's so comfortable hanging around him - can he really be all that bad?Authors Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams put a modern spin on classic myths with the Goddess Girls series. Follow the ins and outs of divine social life at Mount Olympus Academy, where the most privileged godboys and goddessgirls in the Greek pantheon hone their mythical skills.

Perseverance > Endurance: Lead with Resilience. Grow Through Adversity. Win Together.

by Blayne Smith Brandon Young

From the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq to the boardrooms of Nike, Walmart, and Microsoft, Blayne Smith and Brandon Young have consistently built tightly-knit, high-performing teams that persevere and win. Join the Army Rangers on the peaks of the Hindu Kush Mountains in Afghanistan and the Green Berets at Firebase Anaconda to gain key insights for leading teams through uncertainty and the understanding that perseverance is what&’s most required for today&’s complex world. Doubt crushes leaders daily—from GMs of Fortune 500 companies to small business owners across America, leaders nearly unanimously express doubt and fear in the face of adversity. This makes sense because adversity pushes us beyond our training and our comfort zones. We cannot simply put our heads down and endure. Instead, learn that adversity is an opportunity for transformation. When faced with circumstances beyond our capabilities, we must grow to meet those challenges by persevering and becoming the person the situation requires. Perseverance > Endurance empowers leaders to gain clarity of their challenges, apply sound leadership principles, and lead their teams to victory by embracing the five factors of perseverance: Change: Factors outside of our control change fast and often. Uncertainty: We are confronted with situations beyond our training or capabilities, creating a sense of fear. Acceptance: Accept the consequences, embrace the reality of the situation, and surrender what we cannot control. Choice: Choose to become our creeds, values, and ethos and become the person your team and the situation call for. Growth: We will be changed on the other side, becoming better, wiser, and more confident leaders ready for the next big challenge. Discover a framework that has helped real organizations, including ThermoFisher Scientific, Siemens, GEICO, Ziggi's Coffee, SDA Colorado, Frontline Construction, Public Trust Advisors, and many more, learn to lead through adversity and win. From two US Army Special Operators turned business professionals who have built successful businesses and led teams to persevere and achieve no-fail missions in war, business, and life, this book will become a staple for leaders worldwide.

Persian Calligraphy: A Corpus Study of Letterforms (Iranian Studies)

by Mahdiyeh Meidani

This book is an exploratory adventure to defamiliarize calligraphy, especially Persian Nastaliq calligraphic letterforms, and to look beyond the tradition that has always considered calligraphy as pursuant to and subordinate to linguistic practices. Calligraphy can be considered a visual communicative system with different means of meaning-making or as a medium through which meaning is made and expression is conveyed via a complex grammar. This study looks at calligraphy as a systematic means in the field of visual communication, rather than as a one-dimensional and ad hoc means of providing visual beauty and aesthetic enjoyment. Revolving around different insights of multimodal social semiotics, the volume relies on the findings of a corpus study of Persian Nastaliq calligraphy. The research emphasizes the way in which letterforms, regardless of conventions in language, are applied as graphically meaningful forms that convey individual distinct meanings. This volume on Persian Nastaliq calligraphy will be inspirational to visual artists, designers, calligraphers, writers, linguists, and visual communicators. With an introduction to social semiotics, this work will be of interest to students and scholars interested in visual arts, media and communication, and semiotics.

Persist and Publish: Helpful Hints for Academic Writing and Publishing

by Ralph E. Matkin T. F. Riggar

A clear, concise explanation of the requirements for successful academic writing in any field. Includes a particularly useful annotated bibliography.

The Persistence of Entrepreneurship Myths: Reclaiming Enterprise (Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship and Small Business)

by Simon Bridge

Triggered largely by claims that small businesses were the main source of new jobs, an ‘explosion’ of interest in enterprise, entrepreneurs and small business has led to the establishment of a conventional wisdom about enterprise. Mistaken theories can become influential and examining the conventional enterprise wisdom indicates that much of it is questionable. If that is the case, a reassessment is needed. While wilful blindness and continuing to do more of the same is a natural response, it will not lead to improvements in knowledge. A new paradigm requires a step change in thinking, which is not easy to initiate. Nevertheless, accepting the evidence for the errors in current understanding and practice is a necessary first step if enterprise and its benefits are to be better understood and promoted. This book examines the conventional wisdom around enterprise, entrepreneurs and small businesses and illustrates not only why and how this could have evolved, but also why it could be based on a set of mistaken assumptions. Correcting the foundational knowledge on which enterprise and policy and practice rely and finding a new paradigm will result in better teaching and more effective policy. It will therefore be of interest to researchers, academics, students and policy makers in the fields of enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Persistence through Peril: Episodes of College Life and Academic Endurance in the Civil War South

by R. Eric Platt and Holly A. Foster

Contributions by Christian K. Anderson, Marcia Bennett, Lauren Yarnell Bradshaw, Holly A. Foster, Tiffany Greer, Don Holmes, Donavan L. Johnson, Lauren Lassabe, Sarah Mangrum, R. Eric Platt, Courtney L. Robinson, David E. Taylor, Zachary A. Turner, Michael M. Wallace, and Rhonda Kemp WebbTo date, most texts regarding higher education in the Civil War South focus on the widespread closure of academies. In contrast, Persistence through Peril: Episodes of College Life and Academic Endurance in the Civil War South brings to life several case histories of Southern colleges and universities that persisted through the perilous war years. Contributors tell these stories via the lived experiences of students, community members, professors, and administrators as they strove to keep their institutions going. Despite the large-scale cessation of many Southern academies due to student military enlistment, resource depletion, and campus destruction, some institutions remained open for the majority or entirety of the war. These institutions—"The Citadel" South Carolina Military Academy, Mercer University, Mississippi College, the University of North Carolina, Spring Hill College, Trinity College of Duke University, Tuskegee Female College, the University of Virginia, the Virginia Military Institute, Wesleyan Female College, and Wofford College—continued to operate despite low student numbers, encumbered resources, and faculty ranks stripped bare by conscription or voluntary enlistment. This volume considers academic and organizational perseverance via chapter “episodes” that highlight the daily operations, struggles, and successes of select Southern institutions. Through detailed archival research, the essays illustrate how some Southern colleges and universities endured the deadliest internal conflict in US history.

Persistent Inequality: Contemporary Realities in the Education of Undocumented Latina/o Students

by Maria Pabon Lopez Gerardo R. Lopez

The children of undocumented migrants in the U.S. are trapped at the intersection of two systems in crisis: the public education system and the immigration law system. Based on a long tradition of scholarship in Latino education and on newer critical race theory ideas, Persistent Inequality answers burning questions about how educational policy has to rise to meet the unique challenges of undocumented students’ lives as well as those which face nearly all Latinos in the U.S. educational system. How solid is the Supreme Court precedent, Plyler v. Doe, that allows undocumented children the opportunity to attend public school K-12 free of charge? What would happen if the Supreme Court overruled it? What is the DREAM Act and how would this proposed federal law affect the lives of undocumented students? How have immigration raids affected public school children and school administrators? To shed some light on these vital questions, the authors provide a critical analysis of the various legal and policy aspects of the U.S. educational system, asserting that both the legal and educational systems in this country need to address the living and working conditions of undocumented Latino students and remove the obstacles to educational achievement which these students struggle with daily.

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