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Showing 55,676 through 55,700 of 82,110 results

Personal, Social and Moral Education (Routledge Revivals)

by Fred Sedgwick

Originally published in 1994, this book enables primary school teachers to take steps to make Personal, Social and Moral Education (PSME) central to the work of their schools. Links to the National Curriculum are implicit and explicit throughout the book, and the author covers ways in which whole staffs are to be involved in the development of PSME. Case studies of good reflective teaching are taken from many curriculum areas and from rural and urban schools. The author draws out the lessons they impart with insight, precision and principle, emphasising the values of openness, encouragement, sensitivity and respect for the children and adults engaged in the development of personal, social and moral values.

Personal sustainability: Eine Petition für individuelle Bedürfnisse der Gegenwart (essentials)

by Alfred-Joachim Hermanni

Die menschliche Existenz wird bei Nachhaltigkeitsfragen meist nur theoretisch abgehandelt, als würde der Mensch als Einzelwesen mit seinen Ansprüchen und Besonderheiten eine untergeordnete Rolle bei der Umsetzung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele der Vereinten Nationen spielen. Um auf ein breites Interesse für die UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele bei der Mehrheitsgesellschaft zu stoßen, ist es erforderlich, gerade auch die Bedarfe der größten sozialen Bevölkerungsschichten in die Agenda einzubinden und an den Sustainable Development Goals partizipieren zu lassen. Dieses essential setzt sich mit der neuen Dimension „Personal Sustainable“ und den damit verbundenen Chancen und Herausforderungen auseinander.

Personal Values and Managerial Behaviour: A Comparative Analysis from Central Europe

by Zlatko Nedelko Vojko Potocan

This book investigates the influence of personal values on managerial behaviour in modern organizations, and how this impacts upon company performance and relationships. With a focus on central Europe, the authors explore the notion of a personal values system and seek to identify the influencing factors behind behaviour. Providing a new methodological and contextual framework which goes beyond established measurements, the book offers insights into the most important studies in the area and will provide valuable reading to academics in the fields of management, organization and HRM, as well as practitioners and policy-makers.

The Personal World of the Language Learner

by Cristina Ros i Solé

This book presents a radical turn in Second Language Acquisition research by introducing a conceptual paradigm that challenges rationalist, instrumental and empiricist approaches to language learning theory. It argues for a shift in focus from measuring the effectiveness of language learning processes to humanising the language learning experience. This new paradigm explores the force of affect, the imagination and creativity and their roles in assembling language learners' intimate worlds. 'The personal' is reclaimed and acts as driving force for language learning and the sphere in which learners engage both their minds and bodies in a constant socialization of feelings and emotions. The author provides examples from real language learners using a variety of modern languages to provide insights on the kind of personal worlds that languages compel us to inhabit. This book will be of interest to those working with language learning and language education theory, language teachers, and researchers and students who are interested in issues of identity and intercultural communication in language learning.

Personalentwicklung an Gymnasien und Gemeinschaftsschulen mit Oberstufe in Schleswig-Holstein: Eine empirische Untersuchung aus der Perspektive von Mitgliedern der erweiterten Schulleitungen

by Dr. Björn Faupel

Das Buch zeigt den Status quo im Bereich der schulischen Personalentwicklung an Gymnasien und Gemeinschaftsschulen mit Oberstufe durch Schulleitungsmitglieder auf. Neben theoretischen Grundlagen, die sich mit der Personalentwicklung im Kontext, mit Aufgaben und Zielen, Instrumenten, Maßnahmen, Strategien, Führung, Kompetenzprofilen, Prozessen sowie dem Ressourcenmanagement und Forschungsstand beschäftigen, wird die empirische Studie bezüglich Explikationen, Vorüberlegungen sowie Überlegungen zum Fragebogen ausgeführt. Der Status quo für Personalentwicklung wird für Schleswig-Holstein herausgestellt und Einschränkungen werden mit Handlungsschwerpunkten, die ein ganzheitliches Selbstverständnis fordern – mit einer kooperativen Führung und der Schulleitung als Team, dargelegt. Neben diesen sind Beratungsgespräche der Schulleitung, schulinterne Weiterbildung und offene Gesprächsangebote bei der Verknüpfung der theoretischen und praktischen Aspekte unter Berücksichtigung des Gesundheitsmanagements zu präferieren, um die Verzahnung von schulischen, individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Zielen zu ermöglichen sowie fehlende Kenntnisse im Bereich der Personalentwicklung zu kompensieren. Wie das schulisch umgesetzt ist, erfahren Sie in diesem Buch.

Personalentwicklung in Schulen als Führungsaufgabe: Eine Bestandsaufnahme in den Ländern der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

by Barbara Muslic Felicitas Thiel Eva-Maria Lankes Norbert Maritzen Thomas Riecke-Baulecke Claudia Manuela Schewe

Im Zuge schulischer Reformen wurden Aufgaben der Personalentwicklung von der Schulaufsicht an Schulen delegiert. Für die Verankerung von Personalentwicklungsaufgaben an Einzelschulen spielen rechtliche Regelungen eine entscheidende Rolle. Auf Grundlage einer systematischen Auswertung der rechtlichen Regelungen werden Aufgaben und Entscheidungskompetenzen der (schulischen) Akteure in den 16 Ländern dargestellt. Dabei stehen Schulleitungen im Fokus, zu deren zentralen Führungsaufgaben Personalentwicklung zählt.Damit wird erstmalig eine vergleichende Übersicht der bestehenden Regelungen und Maßnahmen zur Personalentwicklung in Open Access vorgelegt. Diese bietet relevantes Steuerungswissen für bildungspolitische sowie -administrative Entscheidungen und Ansatzpunkte für Forschungsfragen und -felder für künftige Forschungsvorhaben der Bildungsforschung.

Personalführung in Organisationen der Sozialwirtschaft: Ein Studienbuch (Basiswissen Sozialwirtschaft und Sozialmanagement)

by Frank Unger Uli Sann Carolin Martin

Das Studienbuch „Personalführung in der Sozialwirtschaft“ bietet einen wissenschaftlich kompakten und gleichzeitig praxisnahen Einblick in die Vielfalt der Leitungsaufgaben in Sozialen Organisationen, im Gesundheitswesen sowie in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Sowohl für Studierende und Führungsnachwuchskräfte als auch für Lehrende und erfahrene Praktiker*innen werden die wichtigsten Theorien, umfangreiche empirische Erkenntnisse sowie praktische Handlungsansätze u.a. zu den Themen Führungsinteraktion / -kommunikation, Teamführung, Arbeitszufriedenheit, Motivation und Zukunft der Führung verständlich aufbereitet.

Personalised Learning for Young People with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties

by Andrew Colley

Challenging the notion that young people with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) should be taught in a linear, target-driven way, this book presents an innovative model for creating learning opportunities to suit the needs and abilities of each individual student. Focusing on students with PMLD aged 14 and over, and addressing their unique needs as they progress towards adult life, the author explains how to create a truly personalised programme for each individual that recognises their right to autonomy whilst also acknowledging their learning difficulties. Practical strategies for dealing with common areas of difficulty such as communication and behaviour are included, and the book contains useful solutions to practical considerations such as timetabling, staffing, assessments and target-setting, and adapting the physical and sensory environment for students with PMLD. A final section looks at opportunities for students with PMLD post-secondary education. Realistic and accessible, this book is essential reading for teachers, teaching assistants and others involved in educating young people with PMLD.

Personalising Learning in Teacher Education

by Mellita Jones Karen McLean

This volume sheds light on debates about personalised learning in teacher education by exploring the popular emergence of personalising learning in education and hence its significance in teacher education in the 21st century. It examines personalising learning theory and explores the tenets of this theory and its recent trends in international settings. The theory is explored in relation to both general and higher education pedagogy, and in a range of examples within a teacher education context. The examples from practice provide insights into maximising the potential for personalising learning theory to enhance teaching, learning and assessment in teacher education. The book includes case studies involving pre-service teachers working in communities of practice with one another, with schools and with the wider community. Examples of technology for personalising learning are also described. All the case studies demonstrate how the learner is made central to the teaching and assessment approaches adopted and contributes to a lifelong learning continuum. Providing insights into a new pedagogy for teacher education that leads to an enriched student experience, the book presents a model for personalising learning in teacher education that offers support for 21st century teacher educators.

Personality and Motivational Differences in Persons With Mental Retardation (The LEA Series on Special Education and Disability)

by Harvey N. Switzky

This book presents the most comprehensive review of research regarding personality and motivational differences in persons with mental retardation. From the personal commentary of Edward Zigler, H. Carl Haywood, and Harvey N. Switzky, the book summarizes the classical work of the Yale and Peabody-Vanderbilt School over the last 40 years. A sampling of new directions in research is provided, including work on self-determination theory and practice; decision making; direct and indirect effects of genetic mental retardation syndromes on personality; personality and psychopathology in genetic mental retardation syndromes; a new theory of information processing linking cognition, motivation, and performance; and a sensitivity theory of motivation. This definitive work presents older and evolving newer models and applications to the field in order to demonstrate the power of motivational variables in understanding the behavior of persons with mental retardation. The purpose is to enhance the quality of life in persons with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities.

Personality as a Factor Affecting the Use of Language Learning Strategies: The Case of University Students (Second Language Learning and Teaching)

by Jakub Przybył Mirosław Pawlak

The book explores the relationships between the personality traits of Polish university students learning English as a foreign language and their use of language learning strategies (LLS). It provides a solid theoretical background for the investigation of the interface between the two constructs, describes the applied analytical procedures in detail, and reports the results and implications of a large-scale study. Chapter 1 presents multiple perspectives on the investigation of human personality and presents insights from a selection of studies into the role of personality in foreign language learning. Chapter 2 addresses the construct of LLS, while Chapter 3 links strategy use to other individual learner characteristics, with a focus on personality. Chapter 4 sets the methodological framework for the empirical investigation, describes the rationale for conducting the study, and includes a thorough description of analytical procedures. Chapter 5 presents the results of the study and highlights their pedagogical implications. Finally, limitations of the study are presented and some directions for future research are suggested. The monograph will be of interest to scholars investigating the role of personality in SLA as well as graduate and postgraduate students in applied linguistics.

Personalized and Inclusive Engagement for the Design, Delivery, and Evaluation of University eLearning: The P-I-E Model (Monographs in the Psychology of Education)

by Hugh Kellam

The book examines the intersections of online learning theories and models in the current research literature for teaching in digital environments in postsecondary education. It describes the connection between eLearning theory and practice to develop a pragmatic and adaptable model for the design, development, and implementation of interactive, personalized, and inclusive online learning experiences. The book discusses a model with three themes – personalization, inclusiveness, engagement (the P-I-E model) – that describe facilitation techniques, instructional design methods and evaluation tools to customize eLearning for higher education students. It offers theoretical underpinnings, implementation tips, a design checklist and evaluation questions for each of the model’s sections. In addition, the book presents an implementation plan for the elements of the model based on principles of change management and program planning. The volume can be used as either a comprehensive system to design an entire online course or as a reference guide to improve selected components of an existing program.Key areas of coverage include:Review of eLearning theories.Examination of the characteristics of individual learners, professors, and class communities in online environments.Recommendations for instructional design, assessment, and evaluation for online students.Best practices for learner engagement including scheduling, communication, and user interface design.Program implementation strategies and evaluation questions for all sections of the P-I-E model.Personalized and Inclusive Engagement for the Design, Delivery, and Evaluation of University eLearning is an essential resource for instructional designers, college instructors, and university professors to create, implement, evaluate, and improve personalized and inclusive learning for postsecondary students.

The Personalized Continuing Professional Learning of Teachers: A Global Perspective

by Orit Avidov-Ungar

Taking a personalized and global approach, this timely volume links theory with application in the context of continuing professional development (CPD) for teachers, exploring current scholarship on teachers’ CPD and charting the shift towards continuing professional learning (CPL). Chapters look at concepts such as motivation, expertise, career trajectory, life story and empowerment, as well as their influences and respective roles in the personalization of teachers’ professional growth during their career. Presenting the principles of personalization and their significance for teachers’ CPL, this book provides a global perspective and model that clarifies the practical implications of the move towards teachers’ personalized CPL, including the necessary changes in both teachers’ attitudes and teacher education frameworks. Offering a unique and innovative multidimensional ‘template’ model that works as a tool for teachers interested in structuring their professional learning, this book will be useful to practitioners and researchers involved with teachers’ professional development, school leadership, school management, as well as international and comparative education research more broadly.

Personalized Learning: Student-Designed Pathways to High School Graduation

by Dr John H. Clarke

Your guide to making a whole-school move toward personalized learning! Give students the freedom to map their own educational pathways and help them meet graduation standards! This bookillustrates how to support students to take advantage of resources from the community, colleges, virtual platforms, and creative outlets to design their own education. Readers will: Hear from educators who have successfully steered schools toward personalized learning Get specific tips to help your entire staff implement key processes and measure outcomes Find answers to the big questions that threaten success Use models of prompts and rubrics to get your pilot program started

Personalized Learning in Gifted Education: Differentiated Instruction That Maximizes Students' Potential

by Todd Kettler Cheryl Taliaferro

Gifted students can exhibit extreme variance in both their abilities and their interests, yet they are often treated within schools as one homogeneous, specialized population. Personalized Learning in Gifted Education helps educators strengthen their differentiation of both instruction and services for advanced students. This book: • helps educators develop the specifi c gifts and talents of the gifted students they serve • includes a year- long plan for professional learning communities seeking to transform their programs • demonstrates how educators can utilize the wealth of data they have at their disposal • provides a rationale and blueprint for a stronger, more personalized approach to gifted education • offers suggestions for both elementary and secondary schools. Recommendations center around five features of personalized learning: personalized learning plans, project- or problem- based learning, competency-based progression through the curriculum, criterion-referenced assessments, and multi-year mentoring.

Personalized Learning in the Middle Grades: A Guide for Classroom Teachers and School Leaders

by Penny A. Bishop John M. Downes Katy Farber

Personalized Learning in the Middle Grades shows how teachers in grades 5–8 can leverage the use of personalized learning plans (PLPs) to increase student agency and engagement, helping youth to establish learning goals aligned with their interests and assess their own learning—particularly around essential skills that cut across disciplines. Drawing on their research and work with fifty schools in Vermont, where PLPs are used statewide, the authors show how personalized learning aligns with effective middle grades practice and provide in-depth examples of how educators have implemented PLPs in a wide range of schools representing different demographics and grade configurations. They also highlight five critical roles for teachers in personalized learning environments—as empowerer, scaffolder, scout, assessor, and community builder—and illustrate how teachers can adapt the PLP process for their own unique contexts. Grounded in experience and full of engaging examples, artifacts, and tools, the book builds on the emerging field of personalized learning and connects it with the developmental needs of middle schoolers to provide a unique and valuable resource for individual classroom teachers, teacher teams, school leaders, teacher‐educators, and others.

Personalized Support in Youth Labor Market Policy: The Role of Youth Career Agencies

by Marie-Luise Assmann

In the face of increasing youth unemployment across Europe, innovative approaches to youth labor market policy are crucial. One such approach is the introduction of ‘one-stop shops’ for young people. Here, employment offices and other actors, such as youth social services, cooperate to offer young people coordinated advice from a single source. The impact of their introduction upon the young people that use them is, thus far, under-researched. This study begins to fill this gap by outlining the support approach of the German ‘youth career agencies’ that centers on gaining a more complete picture of the young person’s life situation in order to offer them a range of possible support programs. The study interrogates whether the youth career agencies do offer more personalized advice for young people during their transition to employment than classical job center teams. It argues that, if the cooperative relationships between the actors involved in the youth career agencies are of good quality, more personalized support is likely to be offered there. However, personalized support in youth career agencies is still limited by the diverse specifications and target figures demanded of job centers by the Federal Employment Agency and also influenced by the professional background of the individual caseworkers.

Personalizing 21st Century Education

by John L. Brown Dan Domenech Morton Sherman

What does it mean for students to be truly educated in a rapidly changing, technology-driven, and globally interconnected 21st century world? How can we ensure that every student receives a challenging, rigorous, engaging, and personalized learning experience throughout their elementary, middle, and high school years? This book explores the meaning of and a possible future direction for education in the 21st century--an education that transcends the archaic factory model of teaching and learning to which most students in public schools are still exposed. Personalizing 21st Century Education begins with a manifesto for change, emphasizing the significance of true personalization for every learner. Next, it describes classroom, school, and system-level performance indicators that suggest that personalization is alive and well. The authors examine the historical origins of most modern school cultures--i.e., a commitment to standardization, depersonalization, and test-driven metrics that ignore the complexity and totality of the whole child. Throughout the book are success stories showcasing schools and districts that are currently "beating the odds" and providing a truly personalized learning environment for their students. The authors outline key components of a personalized learning system, including: state-of-the-art curriculum balanced and authentic assessment integrated and student-focused technology rigorous and engaging instruction personalized approaches to learning addressing the needs of diverse student populations, including English Language Learners, special needs students, socio-economically disadvantaged, and transient/highly mobile learners effective and sustained social and psychological services active parent and community involvement creative and productive cross-institutional partnerships For leaders, teachers, and other stakeholders, Personalizing 21st Century Education presents a vision for an individualized educational system that transcends current factory models and prepares students to be competitive in tomorrow's global economy.

Personalpsychologie für das Human Resource Management

by Birgit Werkmann-Karcher Andrea Müller Tatjana Zbinden

Dieses Buch hilft Personalmanager:innen und Führungskräften dabei, die komplexen Aufgaben des Human Resource Managements im Zeichen der Arbeit 4.0 zu bewältigen. Für die Kernaufgaben der Personalarbeit bietet es einen hilfreich strukturierten Überblick mit aktuellen wissenschaftlich basierten Empfehlungen aus der Angewandten Psychologie zu Themen wie z. B.: Employer Branding und Personalmarketing, Kompetenz- und Potentialdiagnostik, Leistungssteuerung, Lernen und Laufbahnen in Organisationen, Team-, Organisations- und Kulturentwicklung. Neben HR-Grundlagen zu Rollen, Geschäftsmodellen und Personal der Zukunft bietet das Buch Tipps, Methoden und Checklisten für aktuelle Themen wie die Gestaltung hybrider Arbeit, Agilität und neue Formen von Führung, People Analytics und Green HRM.

Persönlichkeitspsychologie: Paradigmen – Strömungen – Theorien (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by John F. Rauthmann

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen umfassenden, aber dennoch kompakten Überblick über die Vielfalt der Ansätze in der Persönlichkeitspsychologie. Welche Paradigmen, Strömungen und Theorien gibt es in der Persönlichkeitsforschung? Womit beschäftigen sie sich, was zeichnet sie jeweils aus? Wie kann man sie miteinander vergleichen? Sie erhalten durch die Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Fragen eine profunde Einführung in die Persönlichkeitspsychologie. Damit werden Sie sich in dem Fach besser zurechtfinden. Umfassend und kompakt ▬ Alle wichtigen Ansätze der Persönlichkeitspsychologie umfassend in einem Buch zusammengestellt ▬ Veraltete Ansätze: vorwissenschaftlich, psychodynamisch, lerntheoretisch ▬ Klassische Ansätze: humanistisch, kognitiv, dispositional ▬ Moderne Ansätze: biologisch, transaktional Besser lernen ▬ Vorstellung, Erklärung, Rezeption und Kontrastierung der Ansätze anhand einheitlicher Kriterien ▬ Mit vielen didaktischen Elementen, Tabellen und Abbildungen, die wichtige Informationen klar herausstellen und auf einen Blick zusammenfassen, sowie Online Zusatzmaterialien Für Fortgeschrittene ▬ Fortgeschrittene Psychologie-Studierende im Bachelor ▬ Psychologie-Studierende im Master ▬ Studierende anderer Fachrichtungen (z. B. Pädagogik), die Fachkenntnisse in der Psychologie mitbringen und sich für eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit Persönlichkeit und individuellen Unterschieden interessieren

The Personnel Evaluation Standards: How to Assess Systems for Evaluating Educators

by Dr Arlen R. Gullickson

Describing 27 standards for sound evaluations of educational personnel at all levels, this updated resource includes new and revised standards, in-depth explanations, case studies, and more.

Personnel Examining Trainee: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Personnel Examining Trainee Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: Civil Service terminology; principles and practices of customer service; understanding and interpreting written material; coding/decoding information; and more.

PERSONNEL/HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Passbooks Study Guide (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) #Dantes-48)

by National Learning Corporation

The DSST Subject Standardized Tests are comprehensive college and graduate level examinations given by the Armed Forces, colleges and graduate schools. These exams enable students to earn college credit for what they have learned through self-study, on the job, or by other non-traditional means. The DSST Personnel/Human Resource Management Passbook® prepares candidates for the DSST exam, which enables schools to award credit for knowledge acquired outside the normal classroom environment. It provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: human resource functions; job analysis; staffing, training and development; workplace safety; employee rights and laws; and more.

The Personnel System for Talent Development in Higher Education: Comparative Perspectives on Appointment, Cultivation, Compensation, and Performance Assessment (Learning Sciences for Higher Education)

by Ming-Huei Cheng Yao-Ting Sung An-Pan Lin Mao-Chiao Chi

This book explores innovative talent development models to improve the quality of university education and long-term human resource development. Additionally, it investigates factors and issues that affect the effectiveness of faculty appointments, compensation, cultivation, retention, and performance assessment. The book is a useful resource for scholars and researchers in the field of comparative higher education, administrators and stakeholders in education management, and graduate students majoring in higher education. Ultimately, it assists education leaders, policymakers, and human resources practitioners in establishing a strategic personnel system for talent development.

Personnel Systems Analyst: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Personnel Systems Analyst Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: principles of providing user support; public personnel administration; systems analysis; training users of computers; and more.

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Showing 55,676 through 55,700 of 82,110 results