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Perspectives on the IB Diploma Core

by Jeff Thompson Judith Fabian Mary Hayden

The Diploma Programme was the first programme to be devised and implemented by the International Baccalaureate over fifty years ago. Since its creation, the curriculum upon which the programme is based has been continuously developed to take into account the rapidly changing needs of students, schools, higher education and employment contexts. For much of that time, the programme has included three essential components that must be undertaken by students who wish to graduate with the Diploma: Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS). Taken together, over time these have come to be regarded as a "core" of the Diploma Programme, although they were not described as such at the outset. This edited collection is intended to provide input into the current review of the IB Diploma Programme. It comprises contributions from experienced authors - researchers and practitioners - who were invited to reflect upon the nature of the core as it exists at present, to raise issues in relation to the future development of the core, and to share experience in the learning and teaching of the core components across a wide range of schools, in both national and international systems of education. Questions concerning the concept of the core as a whole, developing students as internationally-minded thinkers, and the challenges of bringing coherence to the core in establishing a holistic approach to the curriculum, underpin the individual chapters throughout. Contributors: Edward Allanson, Tom Brodie, John Cannings, Christian Chiarenza, Mary Donnellan, Jenny Gillett, Robin Julian, Julian Kitching, Justin Laleh, Ann Lautrette, James MacDonald, Shona McIntosh, Heather Michael, Paul Regan, John Royce, John Sprague, George Walker.

Perspectives on the Internationalisation of Higher Education

by David Law Michael Hoey

Internationalisation of the contemporary university has become a pervasive and powerful development theme during the past three decades. In many countries, higher education is now a major export industry. The UK has longstanding experience of overseas student recruitment, international partnerships between universities and trans-national education. It has led the world in the development of the quality assurance of overseas activities. This collection of essays brings together articles published in the journal of the UK Association of University Administrators (AUA). Several of the pieces are members of AUA whilst others are by authors who work in other countries. Overall, in this volume, there is a practitioner focus that provides the reader with lessons learnt by those with experience of implementing policies to promote the internationalisation of higher education. We are interested both in how universities can manage the challenges that they face, and in how the experience of students can be enhanced by participation in internationalisation.Because the AUA has an enduring commitment to the professionalization of management and administration, readers of this anthology will find accessible, focussed and brief articles that are solution-oriented. This book was originally published as a special issue of Perspectives: Policy and Practise in Higher Education.

Perspectives on the Knowledge Problem in New Zealand Education: Towards Equity (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Megan Lourie Graham McPhail

This book offers new ideas for thinking about how more equitable outcomes might be achieved in New Zealand so that all students are well-equipped to live and work in contemporary society. It addresses a social justice concern about access to the unique affordances of subject knowledge which comprises two forms of knowledge - propositional (knowledge-that) and applied knowledge (know-how-to).The book provides perspectives on curriculum design by grounding arguments in a theory of knowledge. It describes the different knowledge forms of the theory, and argues that understanding these differences is significant for curriculum design and enactment. It explains why the current imbalance between knowledge forms is a problem, and offers suggestions for change. Understanding about knowledge itself enables more just and equitable outcomes for all students. This book illustrates how different knowledge types and forms can be used together productively to help students develop adaptive expertise for the 21st century, making it a valuable contribution to the field of education.

Perspectives on the Place of Creativity in Education, Policy and Practice: Limitations and Open Spaces (Routledge Research in Education Policy and Politics)

by Kevin Gormley

This book critically analyses how cultural and educational policies construct creativity through a range of concepts and compares this against the open and expansive idea of creativity as experienced by individuals in society more broadly. The book draws on empirical data, case-study examples, and ethnographic motifs to identify the discursive construction of creativity and the way in which discourses of creativity are enfolded into narratives of progress in cultural policy. Along with auto-ethnographical perspectives, chapters apply a rich conceptualisation of Foucault and Agamben’s work to contemporary questions and issues in education alongside recent policies and lived experiences from teachers. Exploring ideas of both fixed and expansive creativity, the volume argues that education policy and cultural policy are neoliberalised and that creativity is shaped in schools by regulative schooling systems, but ultimately identifies how individuals enact creative practices that subvert and disrupt neoliberal narratives and limited appropriations. This book will be of great interest to researchers, academics, and postgraduate students in the fields of education policy, creativity studies, and education politics. Those interested in arts education or in intersections between education and the writings of Foucault and Agamben more broadly will also find the book of value.

Perspectives on the Social Sciences in Canada

by Tom N. Guinsberg Grant Reuber

The papers included in this volume were originally presented at a conference to commemorate the opening of the Social Science Centre at the University of Western Ontario in 1973. Participants were asked to take stock of the development of their disciplines in Canada, to assay the contours of current endeavours, and to comment upon avenues of future research. Their efforts mark what is believed to be the first collective assessment of the social sciences in Canada. The contributors include: Nathan Keyfitz on sociology, C.B. Macpherson on political science; H.G. Johnson on economics; Ramsay Cook on history; and M. Rokeach on the place of values in Canadian social science. Commentaries on the papers are also included. Each author has addressed himself to one or more of the following matters: the degree to which the disciplines as practised in Canada are linked to or differentiated from their practice elsewhere; the benefits and drawbacks of a 'nationalistic' approach to scholarship in the social sciences; the contributions of Canadian scholarship to the study of society in general and Canadian society in particular; the interaction among the social sciences in Canada and the need for inter-disciplinary studies; and the unfulfilled agenda of Canadian social science. The assessments thus delineate the peculiar problems of the social sciences in Canada as well as some of the overall problems within and among the disciplines themselves.

Perspectives on the Sociology of Education: An Introduction (Routledge Library Editions: Sociology of Education #45)

by Philip Robinson

First published in 1981, this book provides a basic introduction to the sociology of education. It brings together many of the principal arguments in order to help the student reach an understanding of the multitude of conflicting opinions, theoretical positions and biases within the field. The work considers the structures within which the child, the family and the classroom are located, focusing on the theory and the ways in which they can be used to explain the workings of the educational system. It introduces not only the work of classical educational sociologists such as Durkheim, Weber and Marx, but also more recent scholars such as Halsey, Becker and Althusser. With a global coverage, the book emphasizes the implications of the developments of the sociology of education for educational policy.

Perspectives on Thinking, Learning, and Cognitive Styles (Educational Psychology Series)

by Robert Sternberg Li-Fang Zhang

This volume presents the most comprehensive, balanced, and up-to-date coverage of theory and research on cognitive, thinking, and learning styles, in a way that: * represents diverse theoretical perspectives; * includes solid empirical evidence testing the validity of these perspectives; and * shows the application of these perspectives to school situations, as well as situations involving other kinds of organizations. International representation is emphasized, with chapters from almost every major leader in the field of styles. Each chapter author has contributed serious theory and/or published empirical data--work that is primarily commercial or that implements the theories of others. The book's central premise is that cognitive, learning, and thinking styles are not abilities but rather preferences in the use of abilities. Traditionally, many psychologists and educators have believed that people's successes and failures are attributable mainly to individual differences in abilities. However, for the past few decades research on the roles of thinking, learning, and cognitive styles in performance within both academic and nonacademic settings has indicated that they account for individual differences in performance that go well beyond abilities. New theories better differentiate styles from abilities and make more contact with other psychological literatures; recent research, in many cases, is more careful and conclusive than are some of the older studies. Cognitive, learning, and thinking styles are of interest to educators because they predict academic performance in ways that go beyond abilities, and because taking styles into account can help teachers to improve both instruction and assessment and to show sensitivity to cultural and individual diversity among learners. They are also of interest in business, where instruments to assess styles are valuable in selecting and placing personnel. The state-of-the-art research and theory in this volume will be of particular interest to scholars and graduate students in cognitive and educational psychology, managers, and others concerned with intellectual styles as applied in educational, industrial, and corporate settings.

Perspectives on Transitions in Schooling and Instructional Practice

by Susan E. Elliott-Johns Daniel H. Jarvis

Perspectives on Transitions in Schooling and Instructional Practice examines student transitions between major levels of schooling, teacher transitions in instructional practice, and the intersection of these two significant themes in education research. Twenty-six leading international experts offer meaningful insights on current pedagogical practices, obstacles to effective transitions, and proven strategies for stakeholders involved in supporting students in transition.The book is divided into four sections, representing the four main transitions in formal schooling: Early Years (Home, Pre-school, and Kindergarten) to Early Elementary (Grades 1-3); Early Elementary to Late Elementary (Grades 4-8); Late Elementary to Secondary (Grades 9-12); and Secondary to Post-Secondary (College and University). A coda draws together over-arching themes from throughout the text to provide recommendations and a visual model that captures their interactions.Combining theoretical approaches with practical examples of school-based initiatives, this book will appeal to those involved in supporting either the student experience (both academically and emotionally) or teacher professional learning and growth.

Perspectives on Wearable Enhanced Learning (WELL): Current Trends, Research, and Practice

by Ilona Buchem Ralf Klamma Fridolin Wild

​Wearable technologies – such as smart glasses, smart watches, smart objects, or smart garments – are potential game-changers, breaking ground and offering new opportunities for learning. These devices are body-worn, equipped with sensors, and integrate ergonomically into everyday activities. With wearable technologies forging new human-computer relations, it is essential to look beyond the current perspective of how technologies may be used to enhance learning. This edited volume,“Perspectives on Wearable Enhanced Learning,” aims to take a multidisciplinary view on wearable enhanced learning and provide a comprehensive overview of current trends, research, and practice in diverse learning contexts including school and work-based learning, higher education, professional development, vocational training, health and healthy aging programs, smart and open learning, and work. This volume features current state of the art wearable enhanced learning and explores how these technologies have begun to mark the transition from the desktop through the mobile to the age of wearable, ubiquitous technology-enhanced learning.

Perspektiven auf sexualisierte Gewalt: Einsichten aus Forschung und Praxis (Sexuelle Gewalt und Pädagogik #5)

by Martin Wazlawik Bernd Christmann Maika Böhm Arne Dekker

In diesem Buch wird eine Auswahl praxisrelevanter Forschungsergebnisse präsentiert und gleichermaßen erhalten hier pädagogische Einrichtungen die Möglichkeit, ihren Erfahrungsschatz einer größeren Fachöffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. Es wird deutlich, wie sehr eine eigenständige Wissenschaftslandschaft zur Thematik „Sexualisierte Gewalt in pädagogischen Kontexten und Institutionen“ in den vergangenen Jahren an Kontur gewonnen hat.

Perspektiven linguistischer Sprachkritik

by Jörg Bücker

This volume provides a collection of new perspectives on linguistic aspects of language criticism. It aims to offer a systematic account of the linguistic dimensions of all complex actions and discourses that can be the subject of critical language theory, which tries to link language and society. In contrast to conventional language criticism, the linguistic branch builds its conditions on the basis of a systemic analysis of its objects of inquiry. Its main goal is the formation of a linguistic awareness regarding the criterion of appropriateness with view of situational, contextual, and cultural factors.The contributions in this volume reflect the multitude of different factors of and interrelations between linguistic aspects of language criticism. They show the extent to which critical linguistic practices impact societal issues and discourses but also how they function in everyday and institutional contexts such as new media and face-to-face interactions. They also discuss the didactic challenges and opportunities that come with the teaching of language criticism in schools and universities.This book is primarily aimed at linguists as well as lecturers and teachers but also at general readers interested in all aspects of language criticism.

Perspektiven linguistischer Sprachkritik (Perspectives on German Linguistics #13)

by Elke Diedrichsen Constanze Spieß Jörg Bücker

This volume provides a collection of new perspectives on linguistic aspects of language criticism. It aims to offer a systematic account of the linguistic dimensions of all complex actions and discourses that can be the subject of critical language theory, which tries to link language and society. In contrast to conventional language criticism, the linguistic branch builds its conditions on the basis of a systemic analysis of its objects of inquiry. Its main goal is the formation of a linguistic awareness regarding the criterion of appropriateness with view of situational, contextual, and cultural factors.The contributions in this volume reflect the multitude of different factors of and interrelations between linguistic aspects of language criticism. They show the extent to which critical linguistic practices impact societal issues and discourses but also how they function in everyday and institutional contexts such as new media and face-to-face interactions. They also discuss the didactic challenges and opportunities that come with the teaching of language criticism in schools and universities.This book is primarily aimed at linguists as well as lecturers and teachers but also at general readers interested in all aspects of language criticism.

Perspektiven zur Professionalisierung des Praktizierens: Fortbildung und Beratung für fachfremde Grundschul-Musiklehrpersonen

by Steven Schiemann

In Anlehnung an die „Schlüsselkategorien der Verständigen Musikpraxis“ (vgl. Jank, 2014; Rora & Wiese, 2014) werden das vokale und instrumentale unterrichtliche Musizieren speziell vor dem Hintergrund der Schlüsselkategorie des „Praktizierens“ fokussiert. Die Professionalisierungsmaßnahmen führten beim Praktizieren der fachfremden Musiklehrpersonen entweder zu einer Steigerung der Oberflächenmerkmale, wie z.B. Musikraumnutzung und Einsatz von Instrumenten, oder aber vereinzelt zur Entwicklung von Elementen von Tiefenstrukturen, wie bspw. Angebot geeigneter lernunterstützender Handlungen. Eine gleichmäßige Steigerung von Oberflächen- und Tiefenstrukturen beim Praktizieren konnte nicht beobachtet werden. Günstige Voraussetzungen für die Professionalisierung des fachfremden Praktizierens, welche sich aus dieser Studie ergaben, sind demnach: aktives privates Musizieren, hohes allgemeindidaktisches Wissen und langjährige Berufserfahrung als Grundschullehrkraft. Die weitere Forschung steht vor der Frage kritisch zu überdenken, was man von fachfremden Musiklehrpersonen „verlangen“ kann bzw. darf, ohne sie zu überfordern.

Persuade: The 4-Step Process to Influence People and Decisions

by Andres Lares Jeff Cochran Shaun Digan

Transform your ability to persuade and negotiate with this practical new resource In Persuade: The 4-Step Process to Influence People and Decisions, accomplished sales, negotiation, and influence experts Andres Lares, Jeff Cochran, and Shaun Digan PhD deliver a concise and insightful take on how to transform your ability to persuade others regardless of the setting. In this important book you'll discover: Original research and scientific studies shedding light on the human decision-making processes that drive success and failure in virtually all interactions Real world examples and practical exercises to illustrate and practice the concepts discussed A fun yet rigorous approach of a complex subject that can be practically applied in any business situation Persuade is perfect for executives, managers, entrepreneurs, and other business leaders and will earn a place in the libraries of any professional who negotiates or influences on a regular basis. It is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to improve their persuasion or deal-making abilities.

Persuading Miss Doover

by Robin Pulver

Two prankster best friends try to convince their teacher to let them sit together by writing a persuasive essay in this picture book filled with laughter and helpful writing tips. Samir and Jack are in the doghouse after an incident involving a whoopee cushion and an unflattering drawing of the principal. When Miss Doover changes their seats, they decide to write a persuasive essay as a way to convince her to reunite them! As the boys make their best case, Miss Doover walks them through the essay process, insisting on several of her famous do-overs (also known as revisions) and cautioning them to avoid incorrect grammar, hyperbole, and exaggeration. They eventually get the hang of persuasive writing, but not before some laugh-out-loud attempts: I'll die if I can't sit next to Samir! People will be sobbing at my funeral!!!Miss Doover should give Samir and me another chance to sit together. Then we won't have to yell across the room to talk to each other. We promise to be good!!!!! (That is true. It is not hyperbole.)Celebrated author Robin Pulver and artist Stephanie Roth Sisson have crafted a persuasively good book about the power of the written word.

Persuasion: The Art of Getting What You Want

by Dave Lakhani

&“A step-by-step guide to changing minds and deeply influencing people in person, in print, on the air, or anyplace else you need to persuade.&” —Mike Litman, coauthor of Conversations with Millionaires Did you know that the outcome of most persuasive events is determined before you ever say a word? You may know how to sell, but you were probably never taught how to persuade. In this book, expert Dave Lakhani breaks down the persuasion process into easy-to-use steps. You&’ll learn not only how to persuade, but the biology and psychology behind persuasion. This book reveals today&’s most effective persuasion techniques for business professionals. Though the techniques are similar, Lakhani draws a hard line between persuasion and manipulation, with the primary distinction being intent. True persuasion is based in truth, honesty, inquisitiveness, and the ability to tell a powerful story and to meet the expectations of those you&’re trying to persuade. Good persuasion is a practiced art—a carefully orchestrated dance between you and the person you are persuading. Lakhani teaches you the steps in that delicate dance, providing: A map for the persuasive process, from beginning to end A set of persuasion tools and a blueprint for using them Seventeen specific persuasion tactics designed to instantly persuade The Persuasion Equation The Six Tenets of Persuasion Steps for becoming a persuasion expert in just thirty days Quick Persuaders—tools you&’ll master and use every day Persuasion uses hard science to support its theories, citing the opinions of noted neuroscientists, psychologists, and influence professionals, and features examples of persuasion at work in sales, copywriting, advertising, negotiations, and personal interactions. It shows you how to persuade your audience in small, simple steps that proceed to the desired result. Because today&’s prospects are sophisticated and technologically savvy, there&’s information on tech-savvy persuasion methods for use with Web sites, in blogs or teleseminars, or by podcasting to a targeted audience. Learn exactly how to get your message through the electronic clutter facing decision makers today.

Persuasive Business Proposals: Writing to Win More Customers, Clients, & Contracts

by Tom Sant

Most people find proposal writing to be tedious and time-consuming--and their documents show it, but proposal writing is about more than checking off boxes on a list of requirements.Writing a winning proposal is vital to getting a &‘yes&’ on your next bid. That&’s why Tom Sant, a proposal consultant for Global 500 companies and the creator of widely used proposal automation systems, has spent his career providing hands-on guidance for crafting powerful proposals and RFPs.In Persuasive Business Proposals, he shares the same insights with you--teaching you what a good proposal is not and explaining the value of a proposal as an important and effective sales tool for driving business. You&’ll learn how to:attract prospects&’ attention and speak to their needs;ask essential questions for qualifying opportunities;&“power up&” cover letters and executive summaries;overcome &“value paranoia&”;incorporate proof into a proposal;and write winning renewal contracts.With clear instructions as well as before-and-after samples, the third edition of Persuasive Business Proposals takes you step-by-step through a highly effective process for writing customized packages that capture new business.

The Persuasive Negotiator: Tools and Techniques for Effective Negotiating

by Florence Kennedy Rolland

Negotiation permeates every aspect of our lives, from our home to our work. Whether you consider yourself a novice or expert, there is always room to improve your negotiation performance. With easily replicable tools throughout, this book offers everything you need to know for an MBA in negotiation, but without the expense and time-consuming study. It will help you improve both your confidence and ability, and equip you with all the skills and tools needed for successful negotiation. Negotiation is more than buying and selling, more than winning and more than streetwise manipulation; it’s creating a successful deal that will lead to a fruitful relationship with the other party. In this book, the author demonstrates how we can all become more effective negotiators in business, and our everyday lives, by combining theory with real-life examples and offering practical tips. At the end of each chapter, your knowledge will be tested and the learning reaffirmed to enable you to walk into any negotiation confidently. This book is essential reading to all students taking part in an MBA program, as well as anyone with an interest in negotiation. Whether you need help negotiating a new kitchen installation, a better salary or a multi-million-pound business deal, this book will give you the competitive edge to get there.

The Perversity of Gratitude: An Apartheid Education

by Grant Farred

Apartheid, ironically, provided Grant Farred with the optimal conditions for thinking. He describes South Africa’s apartheid regime as an intellectual force that, “Made thinking apartheid, more than anything else, an absolute necessity.” The Perversity of Gratitude is a provocative book in which Farred reflects on an upbringing resisting apartheid. Although he is still inclined to struggle viscerally against apartheid, he acknowledges, “It is me.” Unsentimental about his education, Farred’s critique recognizes the impact of four exceptional teachers—all engaging pedagogical figures who cultivated a great sense of possibility in how thinking could be learned through a disenfranchised South African education. The Perversity of Gratitude brings to bear the work of influential philosophers such as Martin Heidegger and Jacques Derrida. The book tackles broad philosophical concepts—transgression, withdrawal, and the dialectic. This leads to the creation of a new concept, “the diaspora-in-place,” which Farred explains, “is having left a place before one physically removes oneself from this place.” Farred’s apartheid education in South Africa instilled in him a lifelong commitment to learning thinking. “And for that I am grateful,” Farred writes in The Perversity of Gratitude. His autopoiesis is sure to provoke and inspire readers.

Pest Control Supervisor: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series #C-3094)

by National Learning Corporation

The Pest Control Supervisor Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to; Rodent control and extermination; Mosquito control and extermination; Insect control and extermination; Organizing data into tables and records; Supervision; and more.

Pestalozzi: His Thought and its Relevance Today (Routledge Library Editions: Education 1800-1926)

by M. R. Heafford

This book, first published in 1967, begins with a description of Pestalozzi’s life in which the factors which influenced his development are outlined and the history of his educational institutes described. The author then presents Pestalozzi’s most important educational ideas in a systematic way. Dealing first with the various aspects of his ‘Method’, the author goes on to consider certain features of Pestalozzi’s theories which are of special interest – his views on discipline, on the role of teachers and parents, and on general and vocational education. This title will be of interest to students of history and education.

Pesticide Applicator: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Pesticide Applicator Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: knowledge of commercial buildings and properties; application of chemicals in various forms; safety procedures and practices; and more.

Pet-a-Palooza (Buddy and Bea #3)

by Jan Carr

Meet the pets of Buddy and Bea and their friends in the third installment of this laugh-out-loud illustrated chapter book series celebrating life in a second grade classroom.After an author visits their classroom, Buddy and his friends are inspired to write about their pets—in fact, animals are suddenly all anyone can talk about! Joey&’s adorable puppy even stops by Ms. Maple&’s classroom (and makes a major mess). But something seems off about the things Bea is saying about her cat. Are her stories true?Buddy has his own pet problems (training a cranky cat is . . . hard), so he tries not to focus on the drama with Bea. But she isn&’t so easy to ignore. No one knows what to think about Bea&’s tales—should they believe her? Is she fibbing? The truth turns out to be more complicated than Buddy thought.

'Pet Care' Kids

by Ruth Romer Pam Hirschfeld Jackie Urbanovic

Perform this script about two kids who set up a pet care business to save money to buy a dog.

The Pet Charms #1: The Muddy Puppy (Scholastic Reader, Level 2)

by Amy Edgar

An adorable puppy gives Molly a magic charm bracelet!In this Level 2 reader series, Molly loves animals! In this first book, she helps an adorable puppy who gets stuck outside in a storm. Then the puppy gives her a magic charm bracelet! Now Molly can hear animals talking! She soon finds out that the muddy puppy doesn't have a name or a home. Can Molly help her new friend? Is there a magical surprise for Molly in the end?

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