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Showing 55,926 through 55,950 of 82,152 results

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Environmental & Natural Resources 2011

by Peterson's

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Environment and Natural Resources contains a wealth of information on colleges and universities that offer graduate work in Environmental Management & Policy, Environmental Sciences, Marine Affairs; Fish, Game, & Wildlife Management; Forestry; Natural Resources; Range Science; and Water Resources. The institutions listed include those in the United States, Canada, and abroad that are accredited by U.S. accrediting bodies. Up-to-date data, collected through Peterson's Annual Survey of Graduate and Professional Institutions, provides valuable information on degree offerings, professional accreditation, jointly offered degrees, part-time and evening/weekend programs, postbaccalaureate distance degrees, faculty, students, degree requirements, entrance requirements, expenses, financial support, faculty research, and unit head and application contact information. Readers will find helpful links to in-depth descriptions that offer additional detailed information about a specific program or department, faculty members and their research, and much more. In addition, there are valuable articles on financial assistance, the graduate admissions process, advice for international and minority students, and facts about accreditation, with a current list of accrediting agencies.

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Humanities 2011

by Peterson's

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Humanities contains a wealth of information on colleges and universities that offer graduate work in History, Humanities, Language & Literature, Linguistic Studies, Philosophy & Ethics, Religious Studies, and Writing. Institutions listed include those in the United States, Canada, and abroad that are accredited by U.S. accrediting agencies. Up-to-date data, collected through Peterson's Annual Survey of Graduate and Professional Institutions, provides valuable information on degree offerings, professional accreditation, jointly offered degrees, part-time and evening/weekend programs, postbaccalaureate distance degrees, faculty, students, degree requirements, entrance requirements, expenses, financial support, faculty research, and unit head and application contact information. Readers will find helpful links to in-depth descriptions that offer additional detailed information about a specific program or department, faculty members and their research, and much more. In addition, there are valuable articles on financial assistance, the graduate admissions process, advice for international and minority students, and facts about accreditation, with a current list of accrediting agencies.

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Humanities, Arts & Social Sceinces 2012

by Peterson's

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences 2012 contains a wealth of information on accredited institutions offering graduate degrees in these fields. Up-to-date data, collected through Peterson's Annual Survey of Graduate and Professional Institutions, provides valuable information on degree offerings, professional accreditation, jointly offered degrees, part-time and evening/weekend programs, postbaccalaureate distance degrees, faculty, students, requirements, expenses, financial support, faculty research, and unit head and application contact information. There are helpful links to in-depth descriptions about a specific graduate program or department, faculty members and their research, and more. There are also valuable articles on financial assistance, the graduate admissions process, advice for international and minority students, and facts about accreditation, with a current list of accrediting agencies.

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Interdisciplinary Studies 2011

by Peterson's

Peterson's Graduate Programs in Interdisciplinary Studies contains a wealth of information on colleges and universities that offer graduate work in this field. Institutions listed include those in the United States, Canada, and abroad that are accredited by U.S. accrediting agencies. Up-to-date data, collected through Peterson's Annual Survey of Graduate and Professional Institutions, provides valuable information on degree offerings, professional accreditation, jointly offered degrees, part-time and evening/weekend programs, postbaccalaureate distance degrees, faculty, students, degree requirements, entrance requirements, expenses, financial support, faculty research, and unit head and application contact information. Readers will find helpful links to in-depth descriptions that offer additional detailed information about a specific program or department, faculty members and their research, and much more. In addition, there are valuable articles on financial assistance, the graduate admissions process, advice for international and minority students, and facts about accreditation, with a current list of accrediting agencies.

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Medical Professions and Sciences 2011

by Peterson's

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Medical Professions and Sciences contains a wealth of information on universities that offer graduate/professional degrees in Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine, Chiropractic, Dentistry & Dental Sciences, Medicine, Optometry & Vision Sciences, Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine & Sciences. Institutions listed include those in the United States, Canada, and abroad that are accredited by U.S. accrediting agencies. Up-to-date data, collected through Peterson's Annual Survey of Graduate and Professional Institutions, provides valuable information on degree offerings, professional accreditation, jointly offered degrees, part-time and evening/weekend programs, postbaccalaureate distance degrees, faculty, students, degree requirements, entrance requirements, expenses, financial support, faculty research, and unit head and application contact information. Readers will find helpful links to in-depth descriptions that offer additional detailed information about a specific program or department, faculty members and their research, and much more. In addition, there are valuable articles on financial assistance, the graduate admissions process, advice for international and minority students, and facts about accreditation, with a current list of accrediting agencies.

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Physical Sciences 2011

by Peterson's

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Physical Sciences contains a wealth of information on colleges and universities that offer graduate work in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Chemistry, Geosciences, Marine Sciences and Oceanography, Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, and Physics. The institutions listed include those in the United States, Canada, and abroad that are accredited by U.S. accrediting bodies. Up-to-date information, collected through Peterson's Annual Survey of Graduate and Professional Institutions, provides valuable information on degree offerings, professional accreditation, jointly offered degrees, part-time and evening/weekend programs, postbaccalaureate distance degrees, faculty, students, degree requirements, entrance requirements, expenses, financial support, faculty research, and unit head and application contact information. As an added bonus, readers will find a helpful "See Close-Up" link to in-depth program descriptions written by some of these institutions. These Close-Ups offer detailed information about the physical sciences program, faculty members and their research, and links to the program or department's Web site. In addition, there are valuable articles on financial assistance and support at the graduate level and the graduate admissions process, with special advice for international and minority students. Another article discusses important facts about accreditation and provides a current list of accrediting agencies.

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Agricultural Sciences, the Environment & Natural Resources 2012

by Peterson's

Graduate Programs in the Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Agricultural Sciences, the Environment & Natural Resources 2012 contains more than 2,900 graduate programs in 59 disciplines-including agriculture and food sciences, astronomy and astrophysics, chemistry, physics, mathematics, environmental sciences and management, natural resources, marine sciences, and more. This guide is part of Peterson's six-volume Annual Guides to Graduate Study, the only annually updated reference work of its kind, provides wide-ranging information on the graduate and professional programs offered by U.S.-accredited colleges and universities in the United States and throughout the world. * Informative data profiles for more than 2,900 graduate programs in 59 disciplines, including facts and figures on accreditation, degree requirements, application deadlines and contact information, financial support, faculty, and student body profiles. * Two-page in-depth descriptions, written by featured institutions, offer complete details on specific graduate programs, schools, or departments as well as information on faculty research and the college or university. * Expert advice on the admissions process, financial support, and accrediting agencies. * Comprehensive directories list programs in this volume, as well as others in the graduate series. * Up-to-date appendixes list institutional changes since the last addition along with abbreviations used in the guide

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Sciences 2011

by Peterson's

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Agricultural Sciences contains a wealth of information on colleges and universities that offer graduate work in the Agricultural Sciences, Agronomy & Soil Sciences, Animal Sciences, Aquaculture, Food Science & Technology, Horticulture, Plant Sciences, and Viticulture and Enology. The institutions listed include those in the United States,Canada, and abroad that are accredited by U.S. accrediting bodies. Up-to-date information, collected through Peterson's Annual Survey of Graduate and Professional Institutions, provides valuable information on degree offerings, professional accreditation, jointly offered degrees, part-time and evening/weekend programs, postbaccalaureate distance degrees, faculty, students, degree requirements, entrance requirements, expenses, financial support, faculty research, and unit head and application contact information. As an added bonus, readers will find a helpful "See Close-Up" link to in-depth program descriptions written by some of these institutions. These Close-Ups offer detailed information about the agricultural sciences program, the faculty members and their research, and links to the program Web site. In addition, there are valuable articles on financial assistance and support at the graduate level and the graduate admissions process, with special advice for international and minority students. Another article discusses important facts about accreditation and provides a current list of accrediting agencies.

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Social Sciences 2011

by Peterson's

Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Social Sciences contains a wealth of information on colleges and universities that offer graduate work in Area & Cultural Studies; Communication & Media; Conflict Resolution & Mediation/Peace Studies; Criminology & Forensics; Economics; Family & Consumer Sciences; Geography; Military & Defense Studies; Political Science & International Affairs; Psychology & Counseling; Public, Regional, & Industrial Affairs; Social Sciences; and Sociology, Anthropology, & Archaeology. Institutions listed include those in the United States, Canada, and abroad that are accredited by U.S. accrediting agencies. Up-to-date data, collected through Peterson's Annual Survey of Graduate and Professional Institutions, provides valuable information on degree offerings, professional accreditation, jointly offered degrees, part-time and evening/weekend programs, postbaccalaureate distance degrees, faculty, students, degree requirements, entrance requirements, expenses, financial support, faculty research, and unit head and application contact information. Readers will find helpful links to in-depth descriptions that offer additional detailed information about a specific program or department, faculty members and their research, and much more. In addition, there are valuable articles on financial assistance, the graduate admissions process, advice for international and minority students, and facts about accreditation, with a current list of accrediting agencies.

Peterson's Graduate Programs Programs in Mathematics 2011

by Peterson's

Peterson's Graduate Programs in Mathematics contains a wealth of information on colleges and universities that offer graduate work in Applied Mathematics, Applied Statistics, Biomathematics, Biometry, Biostatistics, Computational Sciences, Mathematical and Computational Finance, Mathematics, and Statistics. The institutions listed include those in the United States, Canada, and abroad that are accredited by U.S. accrediting bodies. Up-to-date information, collected through Peterson's Annual Survey of Graduate and Professional Institutions, provides valuable information on degree offerings, professional accreditation, jointly offered degrees, part-time and evening/weekend programs, postbaccalaureate distance degrees, faculty, students, degree requirements, entrance requirements, expenses, financial support, faculty research, and unit head and application contact information. Readers will find helpful links to in-depth descriptions that offer additional detailed information about a specific program or department, faculty members and their research, and much more.In addition, there are valuable articles on financial assistance, the graduate admissions process, advice for international and minority students, and facts about accreditation, with a current list of accrediting agencies.

Peterson's Master the GMAT 2013

by Peterson's

This no-nonsense eBook includes everything you need to know about the NEW Integrated Reasoning section,along with 9 full-length practice tests (access to 3 computer-adaptive tests online), all with detailed answer explanations. Readers will gain top test-prep tips, a helpful review of all subject areas—reading comprehension, sentence correction, critical reasoning, problem solving, data sufficiency, and analytical writing. The Appendix provides additional valuable information: insightful articles on the value of a graduate-level business degree and choosing the right program for your career needs, resources for GMAT preparation, and a Word List to help boost your vocabulary for the GMAT.

Peterson's Private Secondary Schools 2006-2007

by Peterson's

For more than 25 years, Peterson's Private Secondary Schools has been the ultimate authority for families searching for a private school for their child. With information on tuition, faculty, student life, and more, parents can read up on independent day, special needs, military, and junior boarding schools in the U.S., Canada, and all over the world. Includes: Tips and advice for parents on planning and paying for school; Quick-reference chart for easy school comparisons; Helpful planning calendar; Updated information on the online application process for private schools, and more.

Peterson's Scholarships, Grants and Prizes 2009

by Peterson's

Scholarships, Grants and Prizes provides up-to-date information on millions of privately funded awards available to college students. It contains detailed profiles of awards, based on ethnic heritage, talent, employment experience, military service, and other categories, that are available from private sources, such as foundations, corporations, and religious and civic organizations.

Peterson's Short-Term Study Abroad 2006

by Peterson's

This is a guide for students who want to join programs to study overseas. Includes: Advice on visas, safety, budgeting, culture shock, and other essentials * Complete data on academic programs, housing, credits, costs, and more * Tips on traveling to nontraditional destinations, and more.

Peterson's Smart Choices: Honors Programs and Colleges (4th edition)

by Joan Digby

This official guide of the National Collegiate Honors Council profiles nearly 600 two- and four-year honors colleges and programs designed to challenge talented students. The volume is organized alphabetically by state, and then by name of institution. Each entry offers information on a particular institution or program, describing its location, student body, and faculty before providing details on academic programs, athletics, costs, and financial aid. Annotation ©2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Peterson's Study Abroad 2006

by Peterson's

This is a comprehensive guide book for college students who are looking to study abroad for a long term. It includes the ins and outs of studying abroad, as well as profiles of study abroad programs.

Peterson's Vocational and Technical Schools East (7th Edition)

by Peterson's

A guide book for users to compare the vocational programs in East side of the United States that offer training for many of today's hottest jobs.

Peterson's Vocational and Technical Schools West (7th Edition)

by Peterson's

A guide book for readers to compare the vocational programs in the Western United States that offer training for many of today's hottest jobs.

Petrochemical Boilermaker: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Petrochemical Boilermaker Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: welding; cutting; rigging; tubing and piping; fundamentals of boilers; construction drawings; and more.

Petros the Wonderful Building - A Sermon

by Joseph A. Seiss

Explore the profound spiritual and symbolic significance of one of Christianity's foundational figures with Joseph A. Seiss's Petros: The Wonderful Building - A Sermon. This insightful and eloquent sermon delves into the life and legacy of the Apostle Peter, illuminating his pivotal role in the establishment of the Christian Church.Joseph A. Seiss, a distinguished theologian and preacher, presents a deeply thoughtful analysis of Peter, whose name means "rock," as a cornerstone of the faith. In Petros: The Wonderful Building, Seiss examines the biblical narratives and theological implications surrounding Peter, shedding light on his transformation from a humble fisherman to a central figure in the early Christian community.The sermon explores Peter's strengths and weaknesses, his moments of doubt and faith, and his ultimate dedication to the mission entrusted to him by Jesus Christ. Seiss eloquently articulates how Peter's journey embodies the essence of spiritual growth and steadfastness, serving as an enduring example for believers.Petros: The Wonderful Building also delves into the metaphorical and prophetic significance of Peter's role in the "building" of the Church. Seiss connects Peter's experiences and teachings to the broader framework of Christian doctrine, emphasizing the importance of faith, perseverance, and divine grace in the life of the Church and its members.This work is an essential read for theologians, clergy, and anyone interested in deepening their understanding of apostolic foundations and the spiritual heritage of Christianity. Seiss’s powerful and inspiring words offer a fresh perspective on Peter’s legacy, inviting readers to reflect on their own faith journeys.

Pfade und Berge: Entwurf einer allgemeinen Theorie transformatorischer Bildungsprozesse am Beispiel des japanischen Kyōgen (Kindheit – Bildung – Erziehung. Philosophische Perspektiven)

by Klaus-Christian Zehbe

Transformatorische Bildungstheorien beschreiben ›Bildung‹ zumeist als Wandlung von Selbst-, Welt- und Fremdverhältnissen. Empirisch werden solche Wandlungsprozesse häufig rückblickend über einschneidende biographische Ereignisse rekonstruiert. Doch wie kann man alltägliche Wandlungen und Prozesse des ›sich bildens‹ in ihren Entstehungskontexten beschreiben? Die stark kodifizierte, japanische Theaterform des Kyōgen bietet einen lebensweltlichen Rahmen, in dem alltägliche Prozesse des ›sich bildens‹ beobachtbar werden. Auf der Grundlage von bildungstheoretischen Überlegungen und ethnographisch teilnehmender Beobachtung wird mittels der Q-Methodology ein eigenständiger, theoretischer und methodischer Ansatz entwickelt, der erlaubt, alltägliche Bildungsprozesse in einem gegebenen Feld ›vorausblickend‹ zu rekonstruieren. Die Studie eröffnet damit einen neuen Zugang sowie ein neues Forschungsfeld für die qualitative empirische Bildungsforschung.

Pferdegestütztes Coaching – psychologisch basiert und wissenschaftlich fundiert

by Kathrin Schütz

In diesem praxisrelevanten Buch erfahren Sie, warum das Coaching mit Pferden so wirkungsvoll ist und warum dabei Psychologie, Forschung und Praxis so wichtig sind. Sie erhalten Antworten auf die Frage, was hinter dieser Methode der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung steckt und wie verschiedene Coaching-Bausteine ressourcenorientiert zusammengefügt werden können. Ergänzt wird dies durch wissenschaftliche Studien, die das Pferdecoaching untermauern und auch Grenzen aufzeigen. Dazu lernen Sie, welche Anforderungen Coaches in Bezug auf Qualitätsstandards erfüllen sollten, um Klienten mit fundierten und nachhaltigen Intervention in ihrer Persönlichkeit zu stärken. Neben den psychologischen Erklärungen erhalten Sie zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele, so dass Sie die Form der pferdegestützten Arbeit direkt nachvollziehen können. Zur Veranschaulichung ist das Buch mit zahlreichen Abbildungen und Videoclips angereichert. Zielgruppen: (Pferdegestützte) Coaches, Klienten, die mehr über die Coaching-Variante erfahren möchten und Kritiker, die das Pferdecoaching für Ponys-im-Kreis-Führen halten. Dass das Coaching mit Pferden in professionellen Händen so viel mehr ist, zeigt das Buch facettenreich auf.Zur Autorin: Prof. Dr. Kathrin Schütz ist Professorin für Wirtschaftspsychologie, Ausbilderin, Coach und Forscherin für pferdegestützte Persönlichkeitsentwicklung mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung sowie Expertin für Psychologie im Reitsport.

Pflegewissen Intermediate Care: Für die Weiterbildung und die Praxis

by Jutta Busch Birgit Trierweiler-Hauke

Für das erste Fachbuch zur Pflege auf Intermediate Care-Stationen hat das multiprofessionelle Autoren-Team das Grundwissen zu den intensivpflegerischen Aufgaben lerngerecht aufbereitet: mit Fallbeispielen und Wissensfragen. Der umfangreiche Anleitungsteil bietet Musterformulare für die Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Auswertung von Praxiseinsätzen während der Weiterbildung. Der Band ist als Lehrbuch für die Teilnehmer einer IMC-Qualifizierung bestens geeignet und orientiert sich an den Empfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fachkrankenpflege.

Pflegewissen Intermediate Care: Für die Weiterbildung und die Praxis (Fachwissen Pflege)

by Jutta Busch Birgit Trierweiler-Hauke

Das Lehrbuch für die Weiterbildung und darüber hinaus!Dieses Fachbuch bietet Pflegenden aus dem Bereich Intermediate Care (IMC) kompaktes Grundlagenwissen und zeigt dessen erfolgreiche Umsetzung anhand zahlreicher Beispiele aus dem Praxisalltag. Durch die Darstellung konkreter Fälle mit unterschiedlichen Erkrankungen werden die pflegerischen Aufgaben und besonderen Herausforderungen nachvollziehbar dargestellt. Profitieren Sie vom Erfahrungsschatz der Autoren und lesen Sie die zahlreichen Tipps und Anregungen, auch für die gelungene Anleitung neuer Mitarbeiter! Die übersichtliche Struktur ermöglicht Ihnen einen schnellen Zugang zu allen wichtigen Inhalten. Für einen optimalen Einstieg auf die IMC-Station!

The Ph.D. Trap Revisited

by Wilfred Cude

When The Ph.D. Trap was first published in 1987, it hit academe like a bombshell. Wilfred Cude dared to pull back the veil of graduate school life to expose the harsh realities of modern advanced study. Using statistics, academic history, and diverse intellectual traditions, Cude revealed the Ph.D. program in most disciplines to be savage, mechanical, and cruel - an exploitative construct that often frustrates legitimate intellectual inquiry, shatters viable career expectations, and mangles personal and professional relations. In the years since, an outpouring of books, articles, and statistical data delineating serious weaknesses in contemporary higher education has provided a wealth of evidence supporting Cude’s original thesis. The Ph.D. Trap Revisited amplifies Cude’s arguments, with a synthesis and analysis of new data and information. Topics examined include the grad school numbers game, the rogue professor, muddles in methodology, the perils of apprenticeship, ethics and economics, existing alternatives, and recommendations for change. In an age of increasingly unchecked proliferation of the Ph.D. degree throughout academic institutions in the western world, Cude’s work is a tonic.

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Showing 55,926 through 55,950 of 82,152 results