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Pflegewissen Intermediate Care: Für die Weiterbildung und die Praxis (Fachwissen Pflege)

by Jutta Busch Birgit Trierweiler-Hauke

Das Lehrbuch für die Weiterbildung und darüber hinaus!Dieses Fachbuch bietet Pflegenden aus dem Bereich Intermediate Care (IMC) kompaktes Grundlagenwissen und zeigt dessen erfolgreiche Umsetzung anhand zahlreicher Beispiele aus dem Praxisalltag. Durch die Darstellung konkreter Fälle mit unterschiedlichen Erkrankungen werden die pflegerischen Aufgaben und besonderen Herausforderungen nachvollziehbar dargestellt. Profitieren Sie vom Erfahrungsschatz der Autoren und lesen Sie die zahlreichen Tipps und Anregungen, auch für die gelungene Anleitung neuer Mitarbeiter! Die übersichtliche Struktur ermöglicht Ihnen einen schnellen Zugang zu allen wichtigen Inhalten. Für einen optimalen Einstieg auf die IMC-Station!

The Ph.D. Trap Revisited

by Wilfred Cude

When The Ph.D. Trap was first published in 1987, it hit academe like a bombshell. Wilfred Cude dared to pull back the veil of graduate school life to expose the harsh realities of modern advanced study. Using statistics, academic history, and diverse intellectual traditions, Cude revealed the Ph.D. program in most disciplines to be savage, mechanical, and cruel - an exploitative construct that often frustrates legitimate intellectual inquiry, shatters viable career expectations, and mangles personal and professional relations. In the years since, an outpouring of books, articles, and statistical data delineating serious weaknesses in contemporary higher education has provided a wealth of evidence supporting Cude’s original thesis. The Ph.D. Trap Revisited amplifies Cude’s arguments, with a synthesis and analysis of new data and information. Topics examined include the grad school numbers game, the rogue professor, muddles in methodology, the perils of apprenticeship, ethics and economics, existing alternatives, and recommendations for change. In an age of increasingly unchecked proliferation of the Ph.D. degree throughout academic institutions in the western world, Cude’s work is a tonic.

Phänomene der Erziehung und Bildung. Phänomenologisch-pädagogische Studien: Herausgegeben von Malte Brinkmann (Phänomenologische Erziehungswissenschaft #7)

by Wilfried Lippitz

Der Band versammelt historische und systematische Studien von Wilfried Lippitz der letzten Jahre zur Theorie, Geschichte und internationalen Verbreitung der Phänomenologischen Erziehungswissenschaft. Phänomene wie Sozialität, Leiblichkeit, Responsivität und Alterität werden systematisch reflektiert und pädagogische Grundbegriffe wie Lernen und Erziehen, Generation und Kindheit neu gerahmt. Neben historisch-systematischen und bildungsphilosophischen Studien bilden Texte unter der Fragestellung von Identität und Autobiographie das dritte zentrale Thema dieses Bandes. Er bietet einen übersichtlichen Einstieg in historische, internationale und aktuelle Diskurse der phänomenologischen Erziehungswissenschaft sowie in das Denken und Forschen von Wilfried Lippitz.

Phans: फांस

by Sanjeev

संजीव 38 वर्षों तक एक रासायनिक प्रयोगशाला, 7 वर्षों तक 'हंस' समेत कई पत्रिकाओं के सम्पादन और स्तम्भ-लेखन से जुड़े संजीव का अनुभव संसार विविधता से भरा हुआ है, साक्षी हंम उनकी प्रायः 150 कहानियाँ और 12 उपन्यास। इसी विविधता और गुणवत्ता ने उन्हें पाठकों का चहेता बनाया है। इनकी कुछ कृतियों पर फिल्में बनी हैं, कई कहानियाँ और उपन्यास विश्वविद्यालयों के पाठ्यक्रमों में हैं। अपने समकालीनों में सर्वाधिक शोध भी उन्हीं की कृतियों पर हुए हैं। 'कथाक्रम', 'पहल', 'अन्तरराष्ट्रीय इन्दु शर्मा', 'सुधा-सम्मान' समेत अनेक पुरस्कारों से सम्मानित... । नवीनतम है हिन्दी साहित्य के सर्वोच्च सम्मानों में से एक इफको का श्रीलाल शुक्ल स्मृति साहित्य सम्मान-2013। अगर कथाकार संजीव की भावभूमि की बात की जाये तो यह उनके अपने शब्दों में ज्यादा तर्कसंगत, सशक्त और प्रभावी होगा-“मेरी रचनाएँ मेरे लिए साधन हैं, साध्य नहीं। साध्य है मानव मुक्ति।”

Phantom Ex Machina

by Anshuman Khare Brian Stewart Rod Schatz

This book explores the factors that make digital disruption possible and the effects this has on existing business models. It takes a look at the industries that are most susceptible to disruption and highlights what executives can do to take advantage of disruption to re-invent their business model. It also examines the pivotal role that technology plays in creating new dynamics to business operations and forcing business model changes. Adoption of digital technology has caused process disruptions in a number of industries and led to new business models (e. g. , #65533;ber, AirBnb) and new products. In addition to covering some of the more popular and well known examples, this book targets not so obvious disruptions in the education sector and in services and changing business models. Phantom Ex Machina: Digital Disruption's Role in Business Model Transformation is divided into six parts. The book begins with an introduction to digital disruption and why it matters. The next part of the book focuses on business strategy which includes case studies on the impact of social media and how digital disruption changes pricing strategies and price models. For part three, the authors observe technology's role in digital disruptions. Chapters cover how 3D printing is challenging existing business models and how the automotive industry is innovating with new perspectives. Part four covers higher education, recognizing digital disruption's transformation in graduate management education. Part five centers upon the service industry with a look at virtual teams and the emergence of virtual think tanks. Finally the book concludes with a look to the future, embracing disruptions.

The Pharisees

by Joseph Sievers and Amy-Jill Levine, editors

A multidisciplinary appraisal of the Pharisees: who they were, what they taught, and how they&’ve been understood and depicted throughout historyFor centuries, Pharisees have been well known but little understood—due at least in part to their outsized role in the Christian imagination arising from select negative stereotypes based in part on the Gospels. Yet historians see Pharisees as respected teachers and forward-thinking innovators who helped make the Jewish tradition more adaptable to changing circumstances and more egalitarian in practice. Seeking to bridge this gap, the contributors to this volume provide a multidisciplinary appraisal of who the Pharisees actually were, what they believed and taught, and how they have been depicted throughout history. The topics explored within this authoritative resource include:the origins of the Phariseesthe meaning of the name &“Pharisee&”Pharisaic leniency, relative to the temple priesthood, in judicial mattersPharisaic concerns for the Jewish laityPharisaic purity practices and why they became popularthe varying depictions of Pharisaic practices and beliefs in the New TestamentJesus&’s relationship to the Phariseesthe apostle Paul and his situation within the Pharisaic traditionthe question of continuity between the Pharisaic tradition and Rabbinic Judaismthe reception history of the Pharisees, including among the rabbis, the church fathers, Rashi, Maimonides, Luther, and Calvinthe failures of past scholarship to deal justly with the Phariseesthe representations, both positive and negative, of the Pharisees in art, film, passion plays, and Christian educational resourceshow Christian leaders can and should address the Pharisees in sermons and in Bible studiesFollowing the exploration of these and other topics by a team of internationally renowned scholars, this volume concludes with an address by Pope Francis on correcting the negative stereotypes of Pharisees that have led to antisemitic prejudices and finding resources that &“will positively contribute to the relationship between Jews and Christians, in view of an ever more profound and fraternal dialogue.&”Contributors: Luca Angelelli, Harold W. Attridge, Vasile Babota, Shaye J. D. Cohen, Philip A. Cunningham, Deborah Forger, Paula Fredriksen, Yair Furstenburg, Massimo Grilli, Susannah Heschel, Angela La Delfa, Amy-Jill Levine, Hermut Löhr, Steve Mason, Eric M. Meyers, Craig E. Morrison, Vered Noam, Henry Pattarumadathil, Adele Reinhartz, Jens Schröter, Joseph Sievers, Matthias Skeb, Abraham Skorka, Günter Stemberger, Christian Stückl, Adela Yarbro Collins, and Randall Zachman.

Pharmacist: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series #C-1837)

by National Learning Corporation

The Pharmacist Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to; Pharmacy work and pharmacology; Manufacture of standard preparations; Procedures for effective control of alcohol and narcotics; Preparation of records and requisitions; and more.

Pharmacist II: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series #C-1837)

by National Learning Corporation

The Pharmacist II Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.

Pharmacist Trainee: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series #C-649)

by National Learning Corporation

The Pharmacist Trainee Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: pharmaceutical terminlolgy; record keeping; arithmetic; supervision; and other related areas.

Pharmacological Treatment of College Students with Psychological Problems

by Leighton C. Whitaker Stewart E. Cooper

Get valuable insights into best practices and procedures for treatment Mental health practitioners across the country are increasingly treating students by combining the use of psychotropic medication with psychotherapy. Pharmacological Treatment of College Students with Psychological Problems explores in detail this uncritically accepted exponential expansion of the practice. Leading psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers discuss the crucial questions and problems encountered in this widespread practice, and also present specific and differing models of combined therapy. This book critically examines several of the key issues, practices, and competing perspectives. Professionals working in college mental health are provided with valuable insights into best practices and procedures in split and integrated treatment. Various clinicians beyond the psychiatric field are prescribing psychotropic medications with increasing frequency. Pharmacological Treatment of College Students with Psychological Problems presents a wide range of viewpoints on this issue, offering evidence, arguments, and recommendations to clearly illustrate the need for increased attention to the use of psychotropic medications and show how psychotherapy may be safer and more beneficial. Chapters include discussions on withdrawing from medication successfully, long term perturbation effects, and differing models of combined therapy in practice. This resource is comprehensively referenced. Topics in Pharmacological Treatment of College Students with Psychological Problems include: identification of the key issues and practices of combining psychotropic medication with counseling in treatment elements of two separate university counseling centers and how they provide combined treatment emerging research on perturbation effects of use of psychotropic medications best practices in the combined treatment in college settings key unresolved questions that need further research bringing a more sophisticated level in the practice of combined treatment with college students Pharmacological Treatment of College Students with Psychological Problems is a valuable resource for all professionals from seasoned professionals to beginning practicum students.

Pharmacologist: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Pharmacologist Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: effects of chemicals on the environment and human body; mathematics; understand and interperate written material; report writing; and other related areas.

PHARMACOLOGY: Passbooks Study Guide (Certified Nurse Examination Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Certified Nurse Examination Series prepares individuals for licensing and certification conducted by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the National Certification Corporation (NCC), the National League for Nursing (NLN), and other organizations. The Pharmacology Passbook® provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.

Pharmacology For Technicians

by Don A. Ballington Mary M. Laughlin

Pharmacology For Technicians

Pharmacy Aide: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series #C-2576)

by National Learning Corporation

The Pharmacy Aide Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: clerical operations with letters and numbers; name and number checking; office record keeping; and other related areas.

Pharmacy Assistant: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series #C-2943)

by National Learning Corporation

The Pharmacy Assistant Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: basic pharmaceutical terminlolgy and knowledge; record keeping; arithmetic calculations; and other related areas.

PHARMACY COLLEGE ADMISSION TEST: Passbooks Study Guide (Admission Test Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Admission Test Series prepares students for entrance examinations into college, graduate and professional school as well as candidates for professional certification and licensure. The Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) Passbook® prepares you by sharpening the skills and abilities necessary to succeed on your upcoming entrance exam. It provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: verbal ability; biology; chemistry; reading comprehension; quantitative ability; and more.

Pharmacy Technician: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Pharmacy Technician Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: keeping simple inventory records; name and number checking; pharmaceutical terminlolgy, principles and practices; and other related areas.

PHARMACY TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION EXAM: Passbooks Study Guide (Admission Test Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Admission Test Series prepares students for entrance examinations into college, graduate and professional school as well as candidates for professional certification and licensure. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE) Passbook® prepares you by sharpening the skills and abilities necessary to succeed on your upcoming entrance exam. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: pharmacy law and regulations; medication safety; inventory management; quality assurance; pharmacology; and more.

PharmCards: Review Cards For Medical Students

by Eric Johannsen

The bestselling card-based pharmacology review for medical and allied health students, this 250+ card set readies students for board exams and clinical wards with fast access to essential coverage of both fundamental and organ system-specific information for the most clinically relevant drugs. Topic selection reflects the expert curriculum guidance of the National Board of Medical Examiners and reinforces understanding of major drug classes as well as specific drugs. Now available in print or a convenient new digital format optimized for mobile devices, this fifth edition familiarizes students with the most current drugs prescribed in clinical settings and features an enhanced full-color format to provide students the most efficient and effective pharmacologic review.

Phase Theory

by Barbara Citko

Phase Theory is the latest empirical and conceptual innovation in syntactic theory within the Chomskyan generative tradition. Adopting a cross-linguistic perspective, this book provides an introduction to Phase Theory, tracing the development of phases in minimalist syntax. It reviews both empirical and theoretical arguments in favor of phases, and examines the role phases play at the interface with semantics and phonology. Analyzing current phasehood diagnostics, it applies them in a systematic fashion to a broad range of syntactic categories, both phases and non-phases. It concludes with a discussion of some of the more contentious issues in Phase Theory, involving cross-linguistic variation with respect to phasehood and the dynamic versus static nature of phases.

The PhD at the End of the World: Provocations for the Doctorate and a Future Contested (Debating Higher Education: Philosophical Perspectives #4)

by Robyn Barnacle Denise Cuthbert

This book addresses a world-wide audience with reference to a global problem: how the PhD can serve the planet. It examines the role of the PhD, in and of itself, and, as representative of research, the university and evidence-based knowledge, in relation to global crisis and the future of humanity. As such, it speaks to the scholar, the teacher, the policy-maker and the administrator concerned with the role of higher education’s highest award at a time of great global crisis. The approach is critical in that it offers diverse views on these issues and does not seek to privilege one single school of thought. The collected articles span theoretical reflections on key issues through to case-study examples of how PhDs are being deployed and re-thought to address global issues.

A PhD Is Not Enough!: A Guide to Survival in Science

by Peter J. Feibelman

Despite your graduate education, brainpower, and technical prowess, your career in scientific research is far from assured. Permanent positions are scarce, science survival is rarely part of formal graduate training, and a good mentor is hard to find. InA Ph. D. Is Not Enough!, physicist Peter J. Feibelman lays out a rational path to a fulfilling long-term research career. He offers sound advice on selecting a thesis or postdoctoral adviser; choosing among research jobs in academia, government laboratories, and industry; preparing for an employment interview; and defining a research program. The guidance offered inA Ph. D. Is Not Enough!will help you make your oral presentations more effective, your journal articles more compelling, and your grant proposals more successful. A classic guide for recent and soon-to-be graduates,A Ph. D. Is Not Enough!remains required reading for anyone on the threshold of a career in science. This new edition includes two new chapters and is revised and updated throughout to reflect how the revolution in electronic communication has transformed the field.

The PhDictionary: A Glossary of Things You Don't Know (but Should) about Doctoral and Faculty Life

by Herb Childress

Navigating academia can seem like a voyage through a foreign land: strange cultural rules dictate everyday interactions, new vocabulary awaits at every turn, and the feeling of being an outsider is unshakable. For students considering doctoral programs and doctoral students considering faculty life, The PhDictionary is a lighthearted companion that illuminates the often opaque customs of academic life. With more than two decades as a doctoral student, college teacher, and administrator, Herb Childress has tripped over almost every possible misunderstood term, run up against every arcane practice, and developed strategies to deal with them all. He combines current data and personal stories into memorable definitions of 150 key phrases and concepts graduate students will need to know (or pretend to know) as they navigate their academic careers. From ABD to white paper--and with buyout, FERPA, gray literature, and soft money in between--each entry contains a helpful definition and plenty of relevant advice. Wry and knowledgeable, Childress is the perfect guide for anyone hoping to scale the ivory tower.

PhDone: A Professional Dissertation Editor's Guide to Writing Your Doctoral Thesis and Earning Your PhD

by Dr. Allen Roda Dr. Lauren Saunders Kevin Anderson

Everything you need to finally finish your doctorate Based on decades of experience working with thousands of doctoral candidates at Dissertation Editor, Dr. Allen Roda and Dr. Lauren Saunders deliver a comprehensive yet accessible guide filled with practical advice, illuminating stories, and hard-earned wisdom that will empower you to complete your dissertation and earn your degree. Breaking down the doctoral journey step-by-step, offering invaluable tips and resources along the way, PhDone is an essential tool for any doctoral candidate. Dr. Roda and Dr. Saunders demystify what a successful dissertation entails, detailing how to formulate your abstract, write your introduction, research your topic, and build a literature review. In PhDone, you&’ll also learn how to: Choose and construct your methodology (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods) Develop research questions, conduct research, and obtain IRB approval Properly analyze results and formulate conclusions Master the process of revising, editing, and formatting Nail your defense and earn final approval In addition to outlining the technical components of a dissertation, PhDone provides recommendations for maintaining a schedule, establishing a productive workspace, and cultivating a work-life balance—integral to a successful PhD journey. Dr. Roda and Dr. Saunders share anecdotes and guidance on the many hurdles doctoral candidates face beyond writing the dissertation itself, including how to navigate dissertation committees, the potentially challenging advisor-advisee relationship, and more. Wherever you are in your doctoral journey, Dr. Roda and Dr. Saunders offer you the tools you need to conquer academia&’s biggest challenge and get PhDone.

The Phenomenological Heart of Teaching and Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice in Higher Education (Routledge Research in Higher Education)

by John Smith Katherine Greenberg Brian Sohn Neil Greenberg Howard R Pollio Sandra Thomas

This book presents a carefully constructed framework for teaching and learning informed by philosophical and empirical foundations of phenomenology. Based on an extensive, multi-dimensional case study focused around the ‘lived experience’ of college-level teaching preparation, classroom interaction, and students’ reflections, this book presents evidence for the claim that the worldviews of both teachers and learners affect the way that they present and receive knowledge. By taking a unique phenomenological approach to pedagogical issues in higher education, this volume demonstrates that a truly transformative learning process relies on an engagement between consciousness and the world it ‘intends’.

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