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Philosophy of Improvisation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Theory and Practice (Routledge Research in Aesthetics)

by Susanne Ravn; Simon Høffding; James McGuirk

This volume brings together philosophical and interdisciplinary perspectives on improvisation. The contributions connect the theoretical dimensions of improvisation with different viewpoints on its practice in the arts and the classroom. The chapters address the phenomenon of improvisation in two related ways. On the one hand, they attend to the lived practices of improvisation both within and without the arts in order to explain the phenomenon. They also extend the scope of improvisational practices to include the role of improvisation in habit and in planned action, at both individual and collective levels. Drawing on recent work done in the philosophy of mind, they address questions such as whether improvisation is a single unified phenomenon or whether it entails different senses that can be discerned theoretically and practically. Finally, they ask after the special kind of improvisational expertise which characterizes musicians, dancers, and other practitioners, an expertise marked by the artist’s ability to participate competently in complex situations while deliberately relinquishing control. Philosophy of Improvisation will appeal to anyone with a strong interest in improvisation, to researchers working in philosophy, aesthetics, and pedagogy as well as practitioners involved in different kinds of music, dance, and theater performances.

The Philosophy of Inquiry and Global Problems: The Intellectual Revolution Needed to Create a Better World

by Nicholas Maxwell

Universities have long been dominated by a philosophy of inquiry that may be called knowledge-inquiry. This holds that, in order to do justice to the basic humanitarian aim of helping to promote human welfare, academic inquiry must, in the first instance, seek knowledge and technological know-how. First, knowledge is to be acquired; once acquired, it can be applied to help promote human welfare. But this philosophy of knowledge-inquiry is an intellectual and humanitarian disaster. It violates three of the four most elementary rules of rational problem solving conceivable, and as a result fails to give priority to the task of helping humanity resolve those conflicts and problems of living, such as the climate and nature crises, that need to be resolved if we are to make progress to a better world – a world in which there is peace, democracy, justice, liberty, and sustainable prosperity, for all. Very few academics today are aware of this rationality scandal. We urgently need to bring about a revolution in universities around the world, wherever possible, so that academic inquiry puts all four rules of rational problem solving into practice, and becomes rationally devoted to helping humanity learn how to make progress towards a better world. Knowledge-inquiry needs to become wisdom-inquiry, rationally devoted to helping humanity create a wiser world.

Philosophy of Lifelong Education (Routledge Library Editions: Philosophy of Education #19)

by Kenneth Wain

This book, first published in 1987, provides a rigorous philosophical analysis of lifelong education. The author presents his arguments simply and directly so that the book is accessible to students who are new to philosophy and adult education.

Philosophy of Mathematics: Classic and Contemporary Studies (Textbooks in Mathematics)

by Ahmet Cevik

The philosophy of mathematics is an exciting subject. Philosophy of Mathematics: Classic and Contemporary Studies explores the foundations of mathematical thought. The aim of this book is to encourage young mathematicians to think about the philosophical issues behind fundamental concepts and about different views on mathematical objects and mathematical knowledge. With this new approach, the author rekindles an interest in philosophical subjects surrounding the foundations of mathematics. He offers the mathematical motivations behind the topics under debate. He introduces various philosophical positions ranging from the classic views to more contemporary ones, including subjects which are more engaged with mathematical logic. Most books on philosophy of mathematics have little to no focus on the effects of philosophical views on mathematical practice, and no concern on giving crucial mathematical results and their philosophical relevance, consequences, reasons, etc. This book fills this gap. The book can be used as a textbook for a one-semester or even one-year course on philosophy of mathematics. "Other textbooks on the philosophy of mathematics are aimed at philosophers. This book is aimed at mathematicians. Since the author is a mathematician, it is a valuable addition to the literature." - Mark Balaguer, California State University, Los Angeles "There are not many such texts available for mathematics students. I applaud efforts to foster the dialogue between mathematics and philosophy." - Michele Friend, George Washington University and CNRS, Lille, France

The Philosophy of Mathematics Education (Studies In Mathematics Education Ser. #No. 1)

by Paul Ernest

Although many agree that all teaching rests on a theory of knowledge, there has been no in-depth exploration of the implications of the philosophy of mathematics for education. This is Paul Ernest's aim. Building on the work of Lakatos and Wittgenstein it challenges the prevalent notion that mathematical knowledge is certain, absolute and neutral, and offers instead an account of mathematics as a social construction. This has profound educational implications for social issues, including gender, race and multiculturalism; for pedagogy, including investigations and problem solving; and challenges hierarchical views of mathematics, learning and ability. Beyond this, the book offers a well-grounded model of five educational ideologies, each with its own epistemology, values, aims and social group of adherents. An analysis of the impact of these groups on the National Curriculum results in a powerful critique, revealing the questionable assumptions, values and interests upon which it rests. The book finishes on an optimistic note, arguing that pedagogy, left unspecified by the National Curriculum, is the way to achieve the radical aims of educating confident problem posers and solvers who are able to critically evaluate the social uses of mathematics.

The Philosophy of Mathematics Education

by Paul Ernest Ole Skovsmose Jean Paul van Bendegem Maria Bicudo Roger Miarka Ladislav Kvasz Regina Moeller

Although many agree that all teaching rests on a theory of knowledge, there has been no in-depth exploration of the implications of the philosophy of mathematics for education. This is Paul Ernest's aim. Building on the work of Lakatos and Wittgenstein it challenges the prevalent notion that mathematical knowledge is certain, absolute and neutral, and offers instead an account of mathematics as a social construction. This has profound educational implications for social issues, including gender, race and multiculturalism; for pedagogy, including investigations and problem solving; and challenges hierarchical views of mathematics, learning and ability. Beyond this, the book offers a well-grounded model of five educational ideologies, each with its own epistemology, values, aims and social group of adherents. An analysis of the impact of these groups on the National Curriculum results in a powerful critique, revealing the questionable assumptions, values and interests upon which it rests. The book finishes on an optimistic note, arguing that pedagogy, left unspecified by the National Curriculum, is the way to achieve the radical aims of educating confident problem posers and solvers who are able to critically evaluate the social uses of mathematics.

The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Today (ICME-13 Monographs)

by Paul Ernest

This book offers an up-to-date overview of the research on philosophy of mathematics education, one of the most important and relevant areas of theory. The contributions analyse, question, challenge, and critique the claims of mathematics education practice, policy, theory and research, offering ways forward for new and better solutions. The book poses basic questions, including: What are our aims of teaching and learning mathematics? What is mathematics anyway? How is mathematics related to society in the 21st century? How do students learn mathematics? What have we learnt about mathematics teaching? Applied philosophy can help to answer these and other fundamental questions, and only through an in-depth analysis can the practice of the teaching and learning of mathematics be improved. The book addresses important themes, such as critical mathematics education, the traditional role of mathematics in schools during the current unprecedented political, social, and environmental crises, and the way in which the teaching and learning of mathematics can better serve social justice and make the world a better place for the future.

A Philosophy of Music Education: Advancing the Vision, Third Edition

by Bennett Reimer

Bennett Reimer's A Philosophy of Music Education asserts that the nature and value of music education are determined primarily by the nature and value of music. Originally published in 1970 (with the third edition originally published in 2003), this text relates findings in the field of aesthetics to their implications for the practice of music education, thus emphasizing practical applications that students and future educators can employ in their teaching and learning. It addresses an increasingly diverse world in which music is viewed not as a singular practice but as a multitude of related practices. Reimer believes that music has characteristics that make it recognizably and distinctively a practice or an "art"; that these characteristics can be identified to a reasonable and useful degree (but no doubt never definitively); that music is of value to humans and their communities in a variety of ways related to these characteristics; and that the primary mission of music education is to make musical values widely and deeply available. Each chapter includes case studies ("Riffs") and questions for discussion/exploration ("Etudes") that enhance student learning. This reprint edition includes a new introduction by Peter R. Webster that sets Reimer's work in the context of the development of music education pedagogy and illuminates why this remains an important text for today's students. An excellent introductory text for undergraduate or more advanced music education students, A Philosophy of Music Education remains the best single introduction to this important and growing field.

Philosophy of Music Education Challenged: Heideggerian Inspirations

by Frederik Pio Øivind Varkøy

This volume offers key insights into the crisis of legitimization that music as a subject of arts education seems to be in. Music as an educational subject is under intense pressure, both economically, due to the reduction of education budgets, as well as due to a loss of status with policy makers. The contributions in this book illuminate Martin Heidegger's thinking as a highly cogent theoretical framework for understanding the nature and depth of this crisis. The contributors explore from various angles the relationship between the pressure on music education and the foundations of our technical and rationalized modern society and lead the way on the indispensable first steps towards reconnecting the cultural practices of education with music and its valuable contributions to personal development.

The Philosophy of Open Education (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 15)

by David Nyberg

'Open', 'informal', and 'humanistic' are words used to describe new styles of education which depart from ordinary or traditional education. Too often, however, these adjectives are used in a strongly polemical or self-justifying rather than analytical way. Often too, the grounds for accepting or rejecting open education are political or moral, instead of being based on a consideration of the nature of open education and its strength and weaknesses. This collection of essays is central to the debate on open education, analyzing the important concepts in the field. The contributions, all written by authorities on the philosophy of education, deal with problems of definition, knowledge, socialization, freedom, cultural perspective, and unique meanings and metaphors.

The Philosophy of Physical Education: A New Perspective (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport)

by Steven A. Stolz

The discipline area of physical education has historically struggled for legitimacy, sometimes being seen as a non-serious pursuit in educational terms compared to other subjects within the school curriculum. This book represents the first attempt in nearly thirty years to offer a coherent philosophical defence and conceptualisation of physical education and sport as subjects of educational value, and to provide a philosophically sound justification for their inclusion in the curriculum. The book argues that rather than relegating the body to “un-thinking” learning, a person’s essential being is not confined to their rationality but involves an embodied dimension. It traces the changing conceptions of the body, in philosophy and theology, that have influenced our understanding of physical education and sport, and investigates the important role that embodiment and movement play in learning about, through and in physical education. Physical education is defended as a vital and necessary part of education because the whole person goes to school, not just the mind, but the thinking, feeling and acting facets of a person. It is argued that physical education has the potential to provide a multitude of experiences and opportunities for students to become aware of their embodiment, explore alternative modes of awareness and to develop insights into and new modes of being not available elsewhere in the curriculum, and to influence moral character through the support of a moral community that is committed to that practice. Representing a sophisticated and spirited defence of the educational significance and philosophical value of physical education and sport, this book will be fascinating reading for any advanced student or researcher with an interest in physical education, the philosophy of sport or the philosophy of education.

The Philosophy of Play

by Emily Ryall Wendy Russell Malcolm MacLean

Play is a vital component of the social life and well-being of both children and adults. This book examines the concept of play and considers a variety of the related philosophical issues. It also includes meta-analyses from a range of philosophers and theorists, as well as an exploration of some key applied ethical considerations. The main objective of The Philosophy of Play is to provide a richer understanding of the concept and nature of play and its relation to human life and values, and to build disciplinary and paradigmatic bridges between scholars of philosophy and scholars of play. Including specific chapters dedicated to children and play, and exploring the work of key thinkers such as Plato, Sartre, Wittgenstein, Gadamer, Deleuze and Nietzsche, this book is invaluable reading for any advanced student, researcher or practitioner with an interest in education, playwork, leisure studies, applied ethics or the philosophy of sport.

The Philosophy of Play as Life

by Emily Ryall Wendy Russell Malcolm MacLean

It is now widely acknowledged that play is central to our lives. As a phenomenon, play poses important questions of reality, subjectivity, competition, inclusion and exclusion. This international collection is the third in a series of books (including The Philosophy of Play and Philosophical Perspectives on Play) that aims to build paradigmatic bridges between scholars of philosophy and scholars of play. Divided into four sections (Play as Life, Play as Games, Play as Art and Play as Politics), this book sheds new light on the significance of play for both children and adults in a variety of cultural settings. Its chapters encompass a range of philosophical areas of enquiry such as metaphysics, aesthetics and ethics, and the spectrum of topics explored includes games, jokes, sport and our social relationship with the Internet. With contributions from established and emerging scholars from around the world, The Philosophy of Play as Life is fascinating reading for all those with an interest in playwork, the ethics and philosophy of sport, childhood studies or the philosophy of education.

The Philosophy of Primary Education: An Introduction (Routledge Library Editions: Education)

by R F Dearden

This volume provides a rigorous examination of theoretical concepts such as need, interest, growth, play, experience, activity and self-expression. It also makes an important contribution towards getting a closely argued educational theory. In the first part of the book the author establishes general aims and ends with suggestions as to what the curriculum ought to be. The second part is concerned with the procedures of learning and teaching appropriate to such a curriculum.

A Philosophy of Schooling: Care and Curiosity in Community

by Julian Stern

This book provides an optimistic account of the value and role of schooling. Schooling is a common but not universal approach to education and has need of its own distinctive justification, in contrast to other approaches such as home-based or work-based education. The book tackles and rejects the various large-scale ‘functional’ theories of schooling which continue to dominate current debates and policies, such as schooling supporting employment and the economy, or developing citizenship. Instead, it argues that schooling and schools should be viewed as places to learn community within and through community. The lived reality of relationships within schools, based on care and curiosity, is as strong as ever: and upon this foundation is built an original philosophy of schooling. This reflective book will appeal to students and scholars of philosophy of education and to all professionals concerned with schools.

A Philosophy of Second Language Acquisition

by Marysia Johnson

How does a person learn a second language? In this provocative book, Marysia Johnson proposes a new model of second language acquisition (SLA)--a model that shifts the focus from language competence (the ability to pass a language exam) to language performance (using language competently in real-life contexts). Johnson argues that current SLA theory and research is heavily biased in the direction of the cognitive and experimental scientific tradition. She draws on Vygotsky's sociocultural theory and Bakhtin's literary theory to construct an alternative framework for second language theory, research, teaching, and testing. The origin of second language acquisition is not located exclusively in the learner's mind, the author says, but in dialogical interaction conducted in a variety of settings.

Philosophy of STEM Education: A Critical Investigation

by Nataly Z. Chesky Mark R. Wolfmeyer

Framed as educational equality initiatives that will help students gain the knowledge they need to compete in the global marketplace, STEM may be the most indicative educational reform discourse of our time and has grown to become one of the primary foci of educational policy, in part due to association with a wide array of today's industries: from information and communications technology to the medical field, to sustainability innovations. This book's primary focus is to shift the attention away from such utilitarian aims and ask critical questions about what aims the STEM initiatives are asking for and what assumptions do they hold about both teaching STEM and the nature of STEM content. In order to answer the above questions, the authors use a philosophical lens to study STEM policies as a political and social phenomenon.

The Philosophy of the Kyoto School

by Masakatsu Fujita

The main purpose of this book is to offer to philosophers and students abroad who show a great interest in Japanese philosophy and the philosophy of the Kyoto school major texts of the leading philosophers. This interest has surely developed out of a desire to obtain from the thought of these philosophers, who stood within the interstice between East and West, a clue to reassessing the issues of philosophy from the ground up or to drawing new creative possibilities.The present condition seems to be, however, that the material made available to further realize this kind of intellectual dialogue is far too scarce. This book is intended to be of some help in this regard.The book presents selected texts of representative philosophers of the Kyoto school such as Nishida Kitaro, Tanabe Hajime, Miki Kiyoshi, Nishitani Keiji, and others who best illustrate the characteristics of this school, and works that together portray its image as a whole. Those who are interested in Japanese philosophy or specifically the philosophy of the Kyoto School can survey a comprehensive representation from this book.These texts are, of course, quite difficult and cannot be well understood without sufficient preliminary knowledge. Expository essays have therefore been included after each text to provide guidance. In each of these commentaries a scholar of our time with deep understanding of the philosopher in question has provided an account of his life, intellectual journey, and the significance of the text included here.From this book will emerge a new dialogue of ideas that in turn will engender new developments in philosophy, thereby further expanding the network of philosophical thought worldwide.

Philosophy Through Storytelling

by Pauline Purcell

This is an accessible beginners manual with all you need to run philosophy groups with children or adults. Whether you work with school pupils, students or adults, philosophy offers the opportunity to develop thinking skills that have both personal and academic application. This practical manual contains detailed guidance and a set of short stories for running philosophy groups. It is ideal for use in schools, the sessions can be used in a variety of environments, and with participants of all ages from five to 95. In each session, the participants start with a warm-up, examine a key stimulus, generate questions from that stimulus, agree to focus on one question and share, and challenge and develop views on that question. Finally they consider how well the process went, warm-down and end the session. Using this approach to philosophy is an excellent way to challenge thinking and to encourage interaction, as some participant responses show: 'It's much more worth listening to than I expected', 'It is great to hear what others think and believe', and 'I feel I know the people in my group much better'. This title is particularly ideal for schools using the P4C (Philosophy for Children) method and for adult special needs group leaders. This accessible manual helps you to introduce philosophy to your group and will change how you and your students think about themselves and others.

Philosophy with Children and Teacher Education: Global Perspectives on Critical, Creative and Caring Thinking

by Arie Kizel

This rich collection of essays offers a broad array of perspectives from prominent international ‘philosophy for/with children’ (P4wC) scholars and practitioners regarding the interface between P4wC and teacher education and training curricula. The book considers the deep and varied points of contact that exist between the pedagogical and philosophical principles of the philosophical community of inquiry and teacher education and training programs. It is designed to help improve education systems worldwide as they seek to shift their attention towards the student, student inter-relations, and student-other relations and foster independent high-order, critical, creative, and caring thinking within democratic, pluralistic societies. It proposes an innovative, creative way of approaching teacher education and training—a central subject in today’s educational world. Offering diverse perspectives on integrating progressive educational philosophy and contemporary pedagogy, Philosophy with Children and Teacher Education is a must-read for all those studying philosophy for/with children and researching in this area.

Phineas L. MacGuire ... Gets Slimed!

by Frances O'Roark Dowell

Phineas L. MacGuire (a.k.a. Mac) has three goals for fourth grade: 1. To be the best fourth-grade scientist ever. 2. To be the best fourth-grade scientist ever. 3. To be the best fourth-grade scientist ever. It's a tall order, but he's confident that he can achieve it, especially since his friend and rival scientist, Aretha, has asked him to help her earn a scout badge by creating the mold that produces penicillin. After all, who knows more about mold than Mac? And how many fourth graders can say that they've reproduced penicillin? None, as far as Mac knows. But then he has to manage Ben's campaign for class president and deal with his new babysitter, Sarah Fortemeyer, "the Teenage Girl Space Alien from the Planet Pink" who accidentally got rid of his dried worm collection and now he has to find it. How is he supposed to find time to focus on mold? The second book about Phineas L. MacGuire and his scientific experiments, "Phineas L. MacGuire ... Gets Slimed!", is as much fun as the first, and includes slimy new experiments that you can do at home!

Phnom Penh Water Story: Remarkable Transformation of an Urban Water Utility (Water Resources Development and Management)

by Asit K. Biswas Pawan K. Sachdeva Cecilia Tortajada

This book analyses how a water utility from a developing country, Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority, that was totally dysfunctional, corruption-ridden and literally bankrupt in 1993, became one of the most successful water utilities of the developing world in only about 15 years. By 2010, some of the performance indicators of this public sector utility were even better than London, Paris or Los Angeles. The book further analyses the enabling conditions that made this remarkable transformation possible. Based on this analysis, a framework is recommended for water utilities from developing countries so that they can also be transformed into functional, efficient, equitable and financially viable institutions on a sustainable basis.

A Pho Love Story

by Loan Le

All's fair in love, war and noodles . . . If Bao Nguyen had to describe himself, he&’d say he was a rock. Steady and strong, but not particularly interesting. His grades are average, his social status unremarkable. He works at his parents&’ pho restaurant, and even there, he is his parents&’ fifth favorite employee. If Linh Mai had to describe herself, she&’d say she was a firecracker. Stable when unlit, but full of potential for joy and spark and fire. She loves art, and she dreams of making a career of it one day. The only problem? Her parents rely on her in ways they&’re not willing to admit, including expecting her to work practically full-time at their family&’s pho restaurant. For decades, the Mais and the Nguyens have been at odds, having owned competing, neighboring pho restaurants. Bao and Linh have resolved never to befriend each other, for fear of pushing too far and bringing on undue heartbreak. But when a chance encounter brings Linh and Bao closer, sparks fly . . .Can Linh and Bao&’s love survive in the midst of feuding families and complicated histories?This delicious debut is perfect for fans of When Dimple Met Rishi and To All the Boys I&’ve Love Before. Praise for A Pho Love Story: '(A) warm, full-bodied take on the star-crossed-lovers rom-com genre' Kirkus Reviews

Phoebe: A Story

by Paula Gooder

Sometime around 56 AD, the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome. He entrusted this letter to Phoebe, whom he describes as the deacon of the church at Cenchreae and a patron of many. But who was this remarkable woman? Biblical scholar and popular author and speaker Paula Gooder imagines Phoebe's story—who she was, the life she lived, and her first-century faith—and in doing so opens up Paul's world, giving a sense of the cultural and historical pressures that shaped his thinking and the faith of the early church. After the narrative, Gooder includes an extensive notes section with comments on the historical context, biographical details, cultural practices, and more. Rigorously researched, this is a book for anyone who wants to engage more deeply and imaginatively with Paul's theology.

The Phoenix of Destiny: An Epic Kingdom of Fantasy Adventure (Geronimo Stilton and the Kingdom of Fantasy)

by Geronimo Stilton

An adventure of epic proportions!I, Geronimo Stilton, had returned to the Kingdom of Fantasy on the wings of the Phoenix of Destiny! Blossom, Queen of the Fairies, needed my help once again. But Blossom was behaving strangely. She sent me off on quest after magical quest, each one more bizarre and dangerous than the last. It felt like my missions were building up to something truly terrible right under my snout. Could my friends and I put things right again? It's a story full of twists and turns, mazes and puzzles, and tons of fantastical creatures!

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