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Physically Active University Teaching: Introduction to the Heidelberg Model of Physically Active Teaching (essentials)
by Robert Rupp Chiara Dold Jens BuckschIn this essential, the authors present an innovative teaching-learning concept that uses the potential of movement-activating approaches to make university teaching more motivating, more efficient for learning and more conducive to health. Based on current findings in health, work and learning research, the Heidelberg Model of Moving Teaching presents a proven approach that combines university teaching-learning processes with light (micro) movement - such as standing up or walking around - in a way that saves learning time and is close to the classroom. This gives students the opportunity to abandon the rigid sitting posture during teaching and to actively engage with the subject matter (through movement). The essential contains practice-stimulating recommendations and concrete examples of implementation for a moving design of university teaching.
Physician Assistant Exam For Dummies
by Barry Schoenborn Richard SnyderThe easy way to score high on the PANCE and PANRE Physician Assistant Exam For Dummies, Premier Edition offers test-taking strategies for passing both the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) and the Physician Assistant National Recertifying Exam (PANRE). It also offers information on becoming a certified Physician Assistant (PA) and the potential positions within this in-demand career field. Physician Assistant Exam For Dummies provides you with the information you need to ace this demanding exam and begin your career in one of the fastest growing segments of healthcare. Offers an overview of test organization and scoring Content review with practice tests for each section of the exam Five full-length practice tests An interactive CD includes 3 of the 5 practice tests?including one PANRE?a digital slide slow featuring 20 plus images,and more than 300 flashcards covering the 13 official categories of the PANCE and PANRE Physician Assistant Exam For Dummies, Premier Edition serves as a valuable, must-have resource, desk reference, and study guide for those preparing for either the PANCE or the PANRE. CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase.
Physician Leadership: The 11 Skills Every Doctor Needs to be an Effective Leader
by Karen J. NicholsYou know how to practice medicine. Now learn how to lead with this insightful resource from one of medicine’s most accomplished leaders. In Physician Leadership, renowned medical leader Dr. Karen J. Nichols delivers a concise guide for busy physicians doing their best to successfully lead people and organizations. The book covers foundational leadership essentials that every physician needs to master to transform themselves from a highly motivated novice leader into an effective, skilled, and productive leader. Each chapter offers readers a summary of the crucial points found within, sample questions, exercises, and a bibliography of the relevant academic literature for further study. Ideal for doctors who don’t have the time to peruse an unwieldy collection of the latest research and thought on organizational leadership, or to take a multi-day course on effective leadership, Physician Leadership distills the author’s extensive research and personal experience into a short and practical handbook. Physician Leadership provides actionable, real-world advice for practicing and aspiring physicians: A thorough introduction to personal approach and style when interacting with patients, managers, boards, and committees An exploration of how to employ the principles of effective communication to achieve desired results and practical techniques for implementing those principles Practical discussions of the role that perspectives play in shaping an organization’s culture and how those perspectives affect leadership efficacy In-depth examinations of approaches to decision-making that get buy-in from others and achieve results Perfect for doctors stepping into a leadership role for the first time, Physician Leadership also belongs on the bookshelves of experienced physician leaders seeking to improve their leadership abilities and improve the results of their organizations.
Physician Workforce Diversity: Trends, Barriers, and Solutions
by Curtiland DevilleThis book offers a comprehensive summary of the current and historical trends in physician workforce diversity by residency training specialty and demographic identity group. This book serves as a one-stop source for physician workforce diversity from the perspective of training specialties, summarizing trends over time, historical barriers, and specialty specific interventions and solutions. Chapters provide a necessary foundational resource for medical educators seeking to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their programs and programming. It similarly supports health system and organizational leaders in understanding the current and historical landscape of DEI across medical specialties and demographic groups to inform their interventions and initiatives in an evidence-based manner. The book is divided into two sections: training specialties and demographic identity groups. In the first section, DEI within several of the largest medical residency training specialties is explored. In the second section, the representation trends of various demographic identity groups, including women and individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups, and deaf and disabled individuals, are discussed, as well as barriers and solutions to improving representation, equity, and inclusion. Each chapter will follow the same format: Relevant specialty- or demographic-specific literature is reviewed, discussing the rationale for workforce diversity and inclusion in that specialty or demographic identity group. Current data by race, ethnicity, sex, and other available demographics is discussed for various trainee and practicing physician categories across the training and professional continuum, such as practicing physicians, academic faculty, graduate medical education residents and fellows, residency applicants, and medical school graduates. Historical demographic trends are assessed over time. This is followed by a thorough discussion of specialty or demographic-specific strengths and weaknesses to DEI and related barriers, impediments, and interventions and solutions. This is an ideal guide for medical educators, department chairs in academia and private/community practice, health system leaders, healthcare organization board members and executive leaders, diversity thought leaders, search committees, and medical students and trainees, especially during their specialty selection process.
Physician's Assistant: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series #C-2557)
by National Learning CorporationThe Physician’s Assistant Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to; Obtaining detailed case histories of patients; Recording detailed narrative case summaries; Ability to follow instruction; Assisting supervising physician in delivering service to patients; and more.
A Physician's Guide to Pain and Symptom Management in Cancer Patients
by Janet L. AbrahmThis highly regarded handbook provides clinicians with the information they need to treat their cancer patients effectively and compassionately.This comprehensive guide to managing pain and other symptoms for people with cancer has helped tens of thousands of patients and families. Designed for busy practicing clinicians, A Physician's Guide to Pain and Symptom Management in Cancer Patients provides primary care physicians, advanced practice nurses, internists, and oncologists with detailed information and advice for alleviating the stress and pain of patients and family members alike. Drawing on the work of experts who have developed revolutionary approaches to symptom management and palliative care, as well as on the lessons learned from patients and their families during her thirty years as a teacher and clinician, Dr. Janet L. Abrahm shows how physicians and other caregivers can help patients and families heal emotionally even as the disease progresses.The third edition includes updates to medications and clinical stories, and features two new chapters: "Working with Patients’ Families" and "Sexuality, Intimacy, and Cancer." New lessons from palliative care and hospice care can help patients, their professional caregivers, and their families support each other every step of the way.
PHYSICS: Passbooks Study Guide (Graduate Record Examination Series (GRE) #No. Q-100)
by National Learning CorporationThe Graduate Record Examinations, developed by Education Testing Service, are required for admission to graduate school. The GRE Physics Passbook® prepares you by sharpening the skills and abilities necessary to succeed on your upcoming exam, providing hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your test.
Physics: Passbooks Study Guide (Excelsior/Regents College Examination Series #No. Q-100)
by National Learning CorporationThe Excelsior/Regents College Examinations (E/RCE) offer you an opportunity to obtain recognition for college-level learning and consists of exams designed to demonstrate achievement and mastery of various college-level subjects, such as the Arts and Sciences, Business, Criminal Justice, Education, Health and Nursing. The E/RCE Physics Passbook® prepares you by sharpening knowledge of the skills and concepts necessary to succeed on the upcoming exam and the college courses that follow. It provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.
PHYSICS: Passbooks Study Guide (College Board SAT Subject Test Series #No. Q-100)
by National Learning CorporationSAT Subject Tests, developed by the College Board, are required by many colleges and universities as part of their admission requirements. The SAT Physics Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams modeled after the real SAT Subject Test. It provides hundreds of questions and answers that require knowledge and understanding of major concepts, understanding simple algebraic, trigonometric and graphical relationships, and familiarity with the metric system. These questions are similar to the ones you will find on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: mechanics; electricity and magnetism; waves and optics; heat and thermodynamics; and more.
PHYSICS: Passbooks Study Guide (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) #No. Q-100)
by National Learning CorporationThe DSST Subject Standardized Tests are comprehensive college and graduate level examinations given by the Armed Forces, colleges and graduate schools. These exams enable students to earn college credit for what they have learned through self-study, on the job, or by other non-traditional means. The DSST Physics Passbook® prepares candidates for the DSST exam, which enables schools to award credit for knowledge acquired outside the normal classroom environment. It provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.
Physics: Passbooks Study Guide (New York State Teacher Certification Examination Series (NYSTCE) #No. Q-100)
by National Learning CorporationThe New York State Teacher Certification Exams (NYSTCE) are required for all candidates seeking licensure in the State. The NYSTCE series consists of many different tests assessing skills and abilities necessary for teachers. The Passbook® for the Content Specialty Test in Physics provides hundreds of multiple-choice questions in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming certification exam, including but not limited to: mechanics and thermodynamics; electricity; sound and light; radioactivity; and other related areas.
PHYSICS AND GENERAL SCIENCE: Passbooks Study Guide (National Teacher Examination Series (NTE) #Nt-7)
by National Learning CorporationThe National Teacher/PRAXIS Examinations are designed to provide objective measurement of the knowledge, skills and abilities required of teachers. The Passbook® for the Physics and General Science exam provides hundreds of multiple-choice questions in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming certification exam, including but not limited to: basic principles of physics; physical properties; and other related areas.
Physics, AP* Edition (3rd Edition)
by James S. WalkerPhysics determines the behavior of everything in the universe--from the particles that make up atoms, to the tissues of the human body, to galaxies and the multitude of stars they contain. Grouped in pairs that share a common physical theme, these images touch on just a few of the many real-world applications of physics discussed in this text. As you study the material in this book, your understanding of physics will deepen. You will begin to make the connection between magnets and MRI, organ pipes and windpipes, lighthouses and magnifying glasses, hurricanes and galaxies. At the same time, your appreciation for the world around you will increase as you come to recognize the fundamental physical principles on which all of our lives are based.
Physics Education (Challenges in Physics Education)
by Raimund Girwidz Hans Ernst FischerThis book offers a comprehensive overview of the theoretical background and practice of physics teaching and learning and assists in the integration of highly interesting topics into physics lessons. Researchers in the field, including experienced educators, discuss basic theories, the methods and some contents of physics teaching and learning, highlighting new and traditional perspectives on physics instruction. A major aim is to explain how physics can be taught and learned effectively and in a manner enjoyable for both the teacher and the student. Close attention is paid to aspects such as teacher competences and requirements, lesson structure, and the use of experiments in physics lessons. The roles of mathematical and physical modeling, multiple representations, instructional explanations, and digital media in physics teaching are all examined. Quantitative and qualitative research on science education in schools is discussed, as quality assessment of physics instruction. The book is of great value to researchers involved in the teaching and learning of physics, to those training physics teachers, and to pre-service and practising physics teachers.
Physics Education and Gender: Identity as an Analytic Lens for Research (Cultural Studies of Science Education #19)
by Allison J. Gonsalves Anna T. DanielssonThis Edited Volume engages with concepts of gender and identity as they are mobilized in research to understand the experiences of learners, teachers and practitioners of physics. The focus of this collection is on extending theoretical understandings of identity as a means to explore the construction of gender in physics education research. This collection expands an understanding of gendered participation in physics from a binary gender deficit model to a more complex understanding of gender as performative and intersectional with other social locations (e.g., race, class, LGBT status, ability, etc). This volume contributes to a growing scholarship using sociocultural frameworks to understand learning and participation in physics, and that seeks to challenge dominant understandings of who does physics and what counts as physics competence. Studying gender in physics education research from a perspective of identity and identity construction allows us to understand participation in physics cultures in new ways. We are able to see how identities shape and are shaped by inclusion and exclusion in physics practices, discourses that dominate physics cultures, and actions that maintain or challenge structures of dominance and subordination in physics education. The chapters offered in this book focus on understanding identity and its usefulness in various contexts with various learner or practitioner populations. This scholarship collectively presents us with a broad picture of the complexity inherent in doing physics and doing gender.
Physics Education Today: Innovative Methodologies, Tools and Evaluation (Challenges in Physics Education)
by Claudio Fazio Paul LogmanThis book provides an in-depth exploration of the latest developments in physics education. It presents a comprehensive look into cutting-edge research and ideas used to improve physics education around the world. Topics covered include (but are not limited to) the use of problem-based learning, the design and evaluation of teaching materials, and the use of digital technologies. This book is essential for anyone looking to stay up-to-date on the latest educational innovations and to develop an understanding of effective teaching approaches. It is aimed at researchers, teachers, students, policymakers, and educational leaders in the field of physics education.
Physics for Animators
by Michele BousquetAchieving believable motion in animation requires an understanding of physics that most of us missed out on in art school. Although animators often break the laws of physics for comedic or dramatic effect, you need to know which laws you’re breaking in order to make it work. And while large studios might be able to spend a lot of time and money testing different approaches or hiring a physics consultant, smaller studios and independent animators have no such luxury. This book takes the mystery out of physics tasks like character motion, light and shadow placement, explosions, ocean movement, and outer space scenes, making it easy to apply realistic physics to your work. <li>Physics concepts are explained in animator’s terms, relating concepts specifically to animation movement and appearance. <li>Complex mathematical concepts are broken down into clear steps you can follow to solve animation problems quickly and effectively. <li>Bonus companion website at www.physicsforanimators.com offers additional resources, including examples in movies and games, links to resources, and tips on using physics in your work. <P><P>Uniting theory and practice, author Michele Bousquet teaches animators how to swiftly and efficiently create scientifically accurate scenes and fix problem spots, and how and when to break the laws of physics. Ideal for everything from classical 2D animation to advanced CG special effects, this book provides animators with solutions that are simple, quick, and powerful.
Physics for the IB Diploma Second Edition
by John AllumProvide clear guidance to the 2014 changes and ensure in-depth study with accessible content, directly mapped to the new syllabus and approach to learning.This bestselling textbook contains all SL and HL content, which is clearly identified throughout. Options are available free online, along with appendices and data and statistics.- Improve exam performance, with exam-style questions, including from past papers- Integrate Theory of Knowledge into your lessons and provide opportunities for cross-curriculum study- Stretch more able students with extension activities- The shift to concept-based approach to learning , Nature of Science, is covered by providing a framework for the course with points for discussion - Key skills and experiments included - Full digital package - offered in a variety of formats so that you can deliver the course just how you like!
Physics for the IB Diploma Second Edition
by Christopher Talbot John AllumProvide clear guidance to the 2014 changes and ensure in-depth study with accessible content, directly mapped to the new syllabus and approach to learning.This bestselling textbook contains all SL and HL content, which is clearly identified throughout. Options are available free online, along with appendices and data and statistics.- Improve exam performance, with exam-style questions, including from past papers- Integrate Theory of Knowledge into your lessons and provide opportunities for cross-curriculum study- Stretch more able students with extension activities- The shift to concept-based approach to learning , Nature of Science, is covered by providing a framework for the course with points for discussion - Key skills and experiments included - Full digital package - offered in a variety of formats so that you can deliver the course just how you like!
Physics for the IB Diploma Study and Revision Guide
by John AllumStretch your students to achieve their best grade with these year round course companions; providing clear and concise explanations of all syllabus requirements and topics, and practice questions to support and strengthen learning. - Consolidate revision and support learning with a range of exam practice questions and concise and accessible revision notes- Practise exam technique with tips and trusted guidance from examiners on how to tackle questions- Focus revision with key terms and definitions listed for each topic/sub topic
Physics for the IB Diploma Study and Revision Guide
by John AllumExam Board: IBLevel: IBSubject: PhysicsFirst Teaching: September 2014First Exam: Summer 2016Stretch your students to achieve their best grade with these year round course companions; providing clear and concise explanations of all syllabus requirements and topics, and practice questions to support and strengthen learning. - Consolidate revision and support learning with a range of exam practice questions and concise and accessible revision notes- Practise exam technique with tips and trusted guidance from examiners on how to tackle questions- Focus revision with key terms and definitions listed for each topic/sub topic
Physics for the IB MYP 4 & 5: By Concept (MYP By Concept)
by Paul MorrisThe only series for MYP 4 and 5 developed in cooperation with the International Baccalaureate (IB)Develop your skills to become an inquiring learner; ensure you navigate the MYP framework with confidence using a concept-driven and assessment-focused approach presented in global contexts.- Develop conceptual understanding with key MYP concepts and related concepts at the heart of each chapter.- Learn by asking questions with a statement of inquiry in each chapter. - Prepare for every aspect of assessment using support and tasks designed by experienced educators.- Understand how to extend your learning through research projects and interdisciplinary opportunities.This title is also available in two digital formats via Dynamic Learning. Find out more by clicking on the links at the top of the page.
Physics Made Simple: A Complete Introduction to the Basic Principles of This Fundamental Science (Made Simple)
by Christopher Gordon De PreeUnderstand the rules that make the universe run. Understanding the laws of physics is essential for all scientific studies, but many students are intimidated by their complexities. This completely revised and updated book makes it easy to understand the most important principles. From the physics of the everyday world to the theory of relativity, PHYSICS MADE SIMPLE covers it all. Each chapter is introduced by anecdotes that directly apply the concepts to contemporary life and ends with practice problems--with complete solutions--to reinforce the concepts. Humorous illustrations and stories complete the text, making it not only easy but fun to learn this important science. Topics covered include: * force * motion * energy * waves * electricity and magnetism * the atom * quantum physics * relativity* spectroscopy * particle physics.
Physics MCQs for the Part 1 FRCR
by Tomasz Matys Nasim Sheikh-Bahaei Adam K. Yamamoto Shahzad Ilyas Martin John GravesPhysics MCQs for the Part 1 FRCR is a comprehensive and practical revision tool for the new format Part 1 FRCR examination, covering the complete physics curriculum. Key features: * Contains 300 questions that reflect the style and difficulty of the real exam * Covers basic physics, radiation legislation and all the imaging modalities included in the Royal College of Radiologists training curriculum and new FRCR examination * Includes new exam topics such as MRI and ultrasound imaging * Answers are accompanied by clear, detailed explanations giving candidates in-depth understanding of the topic * Much of the question material is based on the Radiology-Integrated Training Initiative (RITI), as recommended by the Royal College of Radiologists A must-have revision resource for all Part 1 FRCR candidates, Physics MCQs for the Part 1 FRCR is written by a team of specialist registrars who have recently successfully passed the Part 1 FRCR exam and a renowned medical physicist.
Physics MCQs for the Part 1 FRCR
by Shahzad Ilyas Tomasz Matys Nasim Sheikh-Bahaei Adam K. Yamamoto Martin J. Graves Shahzad Ilyas Tomasz Matys Nasim Sheikh-Bahaei Adam K. YamamotoPhysics MCQs for the Part 1 FRCR is a comprehensive and practical revision tool for the new format Part 1 FRCR examination, covering the complete physics curriculum. Key features: • Contains 300 questions that reflect the style and difficulty of the real exam • Covers basic physics, radiation legislation and all the imaging modalities included in the Royal College of Radiologists training curriculum and new FRCR examination • Includes new exam topics such as MRI and ultrasound imaging • Answers are accompanied by clear, detailed explanations giving candidates in-depth understanding of the topic • Much of the question material is based on the Radiology-Integrated Training Initiative (RITI), as recommended by the Royal College of Radiologists A must-have revision resource for all Part 1 FRCR candidates, Physics MCQs for the Part 1 FRCR is written by a team of specialist registrars who have recently successfully passed the Part 1 FRCR exam and a renowned medical physicist.