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Physics Made Simple: A Complete Introduction to the Basic Principles of This Fundamental Science (Made Simple)
by Christopher Gordon De PreeUnderstand the rules that make the universe run. Understanding the laws of physics is essential for all scientific studies, but many students are intimidated by their complexities. This completely revised and updated book makes it easy to understand the most important principles. From the physics of the everyday world to the theory of relativity, PHYSICS MADE SIMPLE covers it all. Each chapter is introduced by anecdotes that directly apply the concepts to contemporary life and ends with practice problems--with complete solutions--to reinforce the concepts. Humorous illustrations and stories complete the text, making it not only easy but fun to learn this important science. Topics covered include: * force * motion * energy * waves * electricity and magnetism * the atom * quantum physics * relativity* spectroscopy * particle physics.
Physics MCQs for the Part 1 FRCR
by Tomasz Matys Nasim Sheikh-Bahaei Adam K. Yamamoto Shahzad Ilyas Martin John GravesPhysics MCQs for the Part 1 FRCR is a comprehensive and practical revision tool for the new format Part 1 FRCR examination, covering the complete physics curriculum. Key features: * Contains 300 questions that reflect the style and difficulty of the real exam * Covers basic physics, radiation legislation and all the imaging modalities included in the Royal College of Radiologists training curriculum and new FRCR examination * Includes new exam topics such as MRI and ultrasound imaging * Answers are accompanied by clear, detailed explanations giving candidates in-depth understanding of the topic * Much of the question material is based on the Radiology-Integrated Training Initiative (RITI), as recommended by the Royal College of Radiologists A must-have revision resource for all Part 1 FRCR candidates, Physics MCQs for the Part 1 FRCR is written by a team of specialist registrars who have recently successfully passed the Part 1 FRCR exam and a renowned medical physicist.
Physics MCQs for the Part 1 FRCR
by Shahzad Ilyas Tomasz Matys Nasim Sheikh-Bahaei Adam K. Yamamoto Martin J. Graves Shahzad Ilyas Tomasz Matys Nasim Sheikh-Bahaei Adam K. YamamotoPhysics MCQs for the Part 1 FRCR is a comprehensive and practical revision tool for the new format Part 1 FRCR examination, covering the complete physics curriculum. Key features: • Contains 300 questions that reflect the style and difficulty of the real exam • Covers basic physics, radiation legislation and all the imaging modalities included in the Royal College of Radiologists training curriculum and new FRCR examination • Includes new exam topics such as MRI and ultrasound imaging • Answers are accompanied by clear, detailed explanations giving candidates in-depth understanding of the topic • Much of the question material is based on the Radiology-Integrated Training Initiative (RITI), as recommended by the Royal College of Radiologists A must-have revision resource for all Part 1 FRCR candidates, Physics MCQs for the Part 1 FRCR is written by a team of specialist registrars who have recently successfully passed the Part 1 FRCR exam and a renowned medical physicist.
Physics of the Human Body
by Richard P. McCallRichard P. McCall's fascinating book explains how basic concepts of physics apply to the fundamental activities and responses of the human body, a veritable physics laboratory. Blood pumping through our veins is a vital example of Poiseuille flow; the act of running requires friction to propel the runner forward; and the quality of our eyesight demonstrates how properties of light enable us to correct near- and far-sightedness. Each chapter discusses a fundamental physics concept and relates it to the anatomy and physiology of applicable parts of the body. Topics include motion, fluids and pressure, temperature and heat, speech and hearing, electrical behaviors, optics, biological effects of radiation, and drug concentrations. Clear and compelling, with a limited amount of math, McCall's descriptions allow readers of all levels to appreciate the physics of the human physique. Physics of the Human Body will help curious high school students, undergraduates with medical aspirations, and practicing medical professionals understand more about the underlying physics principles of the human body.
Physics Part 1 class 10 - S.C.E.R.T. - Kerala Board
by State Council of Educational Research TrainingPhysics Part 1 textbook for 10th standard from State Council of Educational Research and Training (S.C.E.R.T.) Kerala in English.
Physics Part 1 class 9 - S.C.E.R.T. - Kerala Board
by State Council of Educational Research TrainingPhysics Part 1 text book for 9th standard from State Council of Educational Research and Training (S.C.E.R.T.) Kerala in English.
Physics Part 2 class 10 - S.C.E.R.T. - Kerala Board
by State Council of Educational Research TrainingPhysics Part 2 textbook for 10th standard from State Council of Educational Research and Training (S.C.E.R.T.) Kerala in English.
Physics Part 2 class 9 - S.C.E.R.T. - Kerala Board
by State Council of Educational Research TrainingPhysics Part 2 text book for 9th standard from State Council of Educational Research and Training (S.C.E.R.T.) Kerala in English.
Physics Review Magazine Volume 28, 2018/19 Issue 1
by Philip Allan MagazinesThis A-level physics magazine provides up-to-date articles specially written for students to help them gain their highest grade. Exam topics are clearly signposted in articles and there are specific features on maths skills and on approaching exam questions. Physics Review aims to help students with depth of knowledge, revision and avoiding common mistakes in the exam.ContentsProton therapy The swinging ponytail Who were they? Robert R. Wilson, 1914-2000 Exam talkback: Analysing the complexities of waves Mathskit: Angles, units and approximations At a glance: Particle tracks Supernova cosmology Crossword: Clues Physics online: Electricity supply Crossword: Solution and notes Working with physics: Helicopter pilot Tycho's supernova
Physics Review Magazine Volume 28, 2018/19 Issue 2
by Philip Allan MagazinesContentsBouncing bombs: the physics behind the Dambusters raidSkillset: OscillationsMathskit: Simple harmonic motionWho were they? Hedy LamarrCrossword: CluesAt a glance: GPSExam talkback: Radioactive decay and nuclear radiationThe Nobel prize in 1918: quantum physicsPhysics online: The new Elizabethan ageLuis Alvarez: a versatile physicistCrossword: Curves, Chaucer and computing: solution and notesPhysics and war
Physics Review Magazine Volume 28, 2018/19 Issue 3
by Philip Allan MagazinesCONTENTSWhere is the North Pole?Crossword: CluesWill electric cars break the National Grid?Mathskit: Forces, vectors and anglesWho were they? Arthur Eddington, 1882-1944At a glance: Solar eclipseExam talkback: Electric and gravitational fieldsSkillset: Magnetic forces on a current-carrying wirePhysics online: The periodic tableHow loud is that?Crossword: Humidity, eclipses and early scientists: solution and notesMicromotors
Physics Review Magazine Volume 28, 2018/19 Issue 4
by Philip Allan MagazinesViking navigationIsotopes of hydrogenPhysics online: The race to the Moon: 50 years onSkillset: Measuring the Planck constantWho are they? Donna StricklandAt a glance: Polarised lightExam talkback: Polarising filtersCrossword: CluesRadiation: not so simpleMathskit: Forces and free-body diagramsCrossword: Light and heat: solution and notesIndex to Volume 28Cherenkov radiation
Physics Review Magazine Volume 29, 2019/20 Issue 1
by Hodder Education MagazinesElectric vehicles: how do they work?Skillset: Investigating the internal resistance of a cellBuilding the pyramidsPhysics online: Medical imagingAt a glance: Mapping Earth's gravityBrownian motion revisitedMathskit: Areas, volumes and unitsCrossword: CluesExam talkback: Electromagnetic induction and energy transferWho were they? Glenn T. Seaborg (1912-99)Crossword: Telescopes and elements: solution and notesMetallic glasses: properties and applicationsMaking elements
Physics Review Magazine Volume 29, 2019/20 Issue 2
by Hodder Education MagazinesSustainable buildingWhat use are theories?Rutherford's nuclear atom revisitedWho were they? Dmitri Mendeleev, 1834-1907Crossword: CluesPhysics online: RadioactivityAt a glance: Air resistanceFrisbee physics: Peter MainMathskit: Calculating areas and volumesExam talkback: Forces on charged particlesThe Nobel prize in 1919: the Stark effectCrossword: Stability, sliding and stars: solution and notesLeonardo da Vinci
Physics Teacher Education: More About What Matters (Challenges in Physics Education)
by Joan Borg Marks Pauline GaleaThis book focuses on some important aspects of Physics Education: the role of metaphors in Physics teaching and learning, the connections between Physics and Mathematics, the interaction of young children with Physics at the primary level, and recent developments in teacher education in the USA. Contributors present their research related to: • Preparing teachers for TPACK (technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge) and laboratory work. • Developing and evaluating teacher PCK (pedagogical content knowledge) in Quantum Mechanics. • In-service Physics teacher education for early childhood and primary levels. • Pre-service Physics teacher education at all levels. • In-service Physics teacher professional learning for second and higher-level education. Chapters in this book inevitably look into how Physics teacher education is organized in different countries. Suggestions are offered for possible ways of supporting Physics teachers’ learning. An emphasis is made on the much-needed measurements of the effectiveness of different teaching strategies that improve teaching for learning.All this should help professionals, researchers, and pre-service, as well as in-service teachers to get acquainted with the most recent research contributions in the field.
Physics Teacher Education: What Matters? (Challenges in Physics Education)
by Joan Borg Marks Pauline Galea Suzanne Gatt David SandsThis book presents the most up-to-date research contributions focusing on progress in the field of physics education. It provides researches and results that are based on the most relevant matters in physics teacher education and how these matters can be improved for the satisfaction of both teachers and learners. The work is the by-product of the collaboration between GIREP (the International Research Group on Physics Teaching) and the University of Malta. The contributing authors present close examinations of the following topics: ICT and multimedia in teacher education; experiments and laboratory work in teacher education; the role of quantum mechanics in teaching and learning physics; formal, non-formal and informal aspects of physics education at the primary level; strategies for pre-service physics teacher education at all levels; and in-service teacher professional learning strategies. The editors hope that many different stakeholders within scientific academia will find something of value in this compilation of the current most advanced ideas in physics education.
PHYSICS WITH CALCULUS: Passbooks Study Guide (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) #Vol. Dantes-57)
by National Learning CorporationThe DSST Subject Standardized Tests are comprehensive college and graduate level examinations given by the Armed Forces, colleges and graduate schools. These exams enable students to earn college credit for what they have learned through self-study, on the job, or by other non-traditional means. The DSST Physics with Calculus: Electricity and Magnetism Passbook® prepares candidates for the DSST exam, which enables schools to award credit for knowledge acquired outside the normal classroom environment. It provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.
Physik ganz smart: Die Gesetze der Welt mit dem Smartphone entdecken
by Jochen Kuhn Patrik VogtIm vorliegenden Buch werden rund 50 physikalische Experimente vorgestellt, in denen Smartphones oder Tablet-Computer zur Messwerterfassung genutzt werden. Die Autoren decken zahlreiche Themenfelder der Physik ab: Kinematik und Dynamik, Hydrostatik und -Dynamik, Mechanische Schwingungen und Wellen, Akustik, Elektrodynamik und Radioaktivität. Leserinnen und Leser untersuchen beispielsweise mit den Beschleunigungssensoren des Smartphones den freien Fall, messen die Flügelschlagfrequenz von Insekten, bestimmen die Klopfspecht-Art mithilfe ihrer Akustik und untersuchen, wie stark unterschiedliche Materialien radioaktive Strahlung abschirmen. Für jedes Experiment wird der theoretische Hintergrund, die Versuchsdurchführung und -Auswertung besprochen. Eine Aufstellung der genutzten Apps, einschließlich Bezugsquellen und Hinweise zu anfallenden Kosten, ist am Ende des Buches aufgelistet.Alle vorgestellten Experimente sind bewusst als Einzelbeiträge verfasst und können somit unabhängig voneinander gelesen und erprobt werden. Dadurch ist man nicht an die vorgegebene Reihenfolge gebunden und kann sich beim Durcharbeiten des Buches allein von den persönlichen Interessen leiten lassen.Das Buch richtet sich an alle Dozierenden des Fachs Physik, Studierende des Lehramts, Referendarinnen und Referendare, ausgebildete Lehrerinnen und Lehrer und hilft bei der Unterrichtsgestaltung, Ideenfindung und letztendlich Einbindung moderner Medien im Physikunterricht.Die HerausgeberProf. Dr. Jochen Kuhn hat 2002 an der Universität Koblenz-Landau promoviert und dort 2009 habilitiert. Er ist seit 2012 Universitätsprofessor an der Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern und Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe „Didaktik der Physik“. Sein Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkt ist das fachbezogene Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien in Schule und Hochschule.Dr. Patrik Vogt hat sich nach einem Lehramtsstudium in Landau und dem Referendariat in Kaiserslautern im Jahr 2010 am Fachbereich „Natur- und Umweltwissenschaften“ der Universität Koblenz-Landau mit einer Arbeit zur Physikdidaktik promoviert. Nach mehreren Stationen als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Realschullehrer leitet er seit 2019 den Fachbereich „Medienbildung, Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften“ am Institut für Lehrerfort- und -weiterbildung in Mainz. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte bilden die Einsatzmöglichkeiten mobiler Endgeräte im Physikunterricht, speziell als Messinstrument, die Aufgabenkultur sowie die Physik des Alltags.
Physik (nicht nur) für Straßenkinder
by Manuela Welzel-Breuer Elmar BreuerDas vorliegende Handbuch ist für Menschen geschrieben, die Spaß am Experimentieren haben, andere für physikalische Phänomene begeistern wollen und nach sorgfältig erstellten und erprobten Anleitungen suchen. Die Autoren zeigen anhand eigener Erfahrungen, wie man Physik unter Verwendung einfacher Materialien vermitteln kann – nicht nur Straßenkindern. Sie beschreiben übersichtlich und systematisch Reihen erprobter Experimentiervorschläge aus den Bereichen der Elektrizitätslehre und Optik. Sie nutzen dabei einfach zu beschaffende Materialien und analysieren die Experimente im Hinblick auf Lernmöglichkeiten und Sprachanlässe. Das Buch entstand aus der Bildungsarbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen in schwierigen Lebenslagen in Kolumbien und in Deutschland. Es gibt eine Einführung in Ursachen und Randbedingungen des Lebens auf der Straße und liefert Vorschläge methodischer Zugänge und Möglichkeiten, naturwissenschaftliche Bildung beispielsweise für Straßenkinder oder Flüchtlinge zu realisieren. Die Autoren Prof. Dr. Manuela Welzel-Breuer ist Professorin für Physik und ihre Didaktik an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg und betreut verschiedene Forschungsprojekte zum Lehren und Lernen von Physik und Naturwissenschaften auf der Grundlage eigener empirischer Lernprozessforschung und Schulpraxis. Dr. Elmar Breuer ist Lehrer für Mathematik, Physik, Informatik und NWT im Gymnasium Englisches Institut Heidelberg. Parallel ist er als Lehrbuchautor aktiv und übernimmt regelmäßig Lehraufträge an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg.
Physik studiert - und dann?: 24 Interviews aus der Arbeitswelt
by Nina Niebuhr Jeannette Jansen Katharina SpindeldreierDu studierst Physik oder willst Physik studieren? Du findest Physik spannend, kannst dir aber noch nicht so ganz vorstellen, welche Berufswege man damit später einschlagen kann? Dieses Buch gibt dir einen Einblick in die Welt jenseits des Studiums: 24 Physikerinnen und Physiker aus den unterschiedlichsten Berufsrichtungen geben in Interviews einen Einblick in ihr Tätigkeitsfeld und ihren Weg dorthin. Persönliche und berufsorientierte Tipps helfen bei der beruflichen Orientierung.Aus dem Inhalt:Physikerinnen und Physiker im BerufIndustrie – Forschung auf den Markt bringenSoftware – Mit dem Algorithmus zur LösungWissensvermittlung – Physik greifbar machenWissenschaft in Anwendung – Arbeitsweisen übertragenPhysik und Gesellschaft – die Physik bietet noch mehr
Physikdidaktik | Methoden und Inhalte
by Ernst Kircher Raimund Girwidz Hans E. FischerDas vorliegende Buch bietet den Leserinnen und Lesern einen fundierten Überblick über die Methoden der Physikdidaktik und bietet eine Hilfestellung, hochspannende Themen in den Physikunterricht einzubinden. In Einzelbeiträgen diskutieren Autorinnen und Autoren Methoden und Inhalte der Physikdidaktik – angefangen von der qualitativen Forschung in der Fachdidaktik über Aus- und Fortbildungen von Physiklehrerinnen und -lehrern zur Professionskompetenz und Nature of Science. Daran anschließend werden aktuelle und forschungsnahe Themengebiete und ihre mögliche Einbindung in den Unterricht dargestellt: Bio-, Quanten-, Nano- und Elementarteilchenphysik, Astronomie, Chaos, Physik des Klimawandels und die Physik der Gravitationswellen. Das Standardwerk Physikdidaktik wird in der Neuauflage thematisch getrennt angeboten: Grundlagen und Methoden und Inhalte. Beide Bände richten sich an Studierende des Lehramts Physik, angehende Lehrkräfte im Vorbereitungsdienst und Physiklehrerinnen und -lehrer.
Piaget and Vygotsky in XXI century: Discourse in early childhood education (Early Childhood Research and Education: An Inter-theoretical Focus #4)
by Nikolay Veraksa Ingrid Pramling SamuelssonThe book provides a comprehensive analyses of Vygotsky’s and Piaget’s theories implementation in modern preschool education. It analyzes the problem of the relationship between the natural and the cultural in the context of Vygotsky and Jean Piaget theories. Their discourses complemented each other: whereas Vygotsky developed his theory in the direction from society (culture) to the individual child, Piaget’s movement was the opposite: from individual child to society. These two approaches confront modern world with the need to analyze the problem of childhood: is childhood a period of cultural exploration or is it a special form of relationship in which both the egocentrism and consciousness of the child, and the egocentrism and consciousness of culture are represented?Readers will gain insight into the methodology that makes possible to unite up-to-date views based on Vygotsky and Piaget theories on child development and education.
Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology for Mathematics Education Research (Research in Mathematics Education)
by Paul Christian Dawkins Amy J. Hackenberg Anderson NortonThe book provides an entry point for graduate students and other scholars interested in using the constructs of Piaget’s genetic epistemology in mathematics education research. Constructs comprising genetic epistemology form the basis for some of the most well-developed theoretical frameworks available for characterizing learning, particularly in mathematics. The depth and complexity of Piaget’s work can make it challenging to find adequate entry points for learners, not least because it requires a reorientation regarding the nature of mathematical knowledge itself. This volume gathers leading scholars to help address that challenge. The main section of the book presents key Piagetian constructs for mathematics education research such as schemes and operations, figurative and operative thought, images and meanings, and decentering. The chapters that discuss these constructs include examples from research and address how these constructs can be used in research. There are two chapters on various types of reflective abstraction, because this construct is Piaget’s primary tool for characterizing the advancement of knowledge. The later sections of the book contain commentaries reflecting on the contributions of the body of theory developed in the first section. They connect genetic epistemology to current research domains such as equity and the latest in educational psychology. Finally, the book closes with short chapters portraying how scholars are using these tools in specific arenas of mathematics education research, including in special education, early childhood education, and statistics education.
The Pianist's Dictionary
by Maurice Hinson Wesley RobertsFrom A to Z to middle C: An &“essential reference&” for piano students, teachers, players, and music lovers, with hundreds of definitions (E.L. Lancaster, Alfred Music).The Pianist&’s Dictionary is a handy and practical reference dictionary aimed specifically at pianists, teachers, students, and concertgoers. Prepared by Maurice Hinson and Wesley Roberts, this revised and expanded edition is a compendium of information gleaned from a combined century of piano teaching. Users will find helpful and clear definitions of musical and pianistic terms, performance directions, composers, pianists, famous piano pieces, and piano makers. The authors&’ succinct entries make The Pianist&’s Dictionary the perfect reference for compiling program and liner notes, studying scores, and learning and teaching the instrument. &“This new edition is a go-to source for piano scholars and students for quick information on musical terms, pianists, major works in the piano repertoire, piano manufacturers, and more . . . comprehensive, easy to use.&” —Jane Magrath, University of Oklahoma
A Pianist’s World in Drawings
by Misha DichterOne of the world's foremost concert pianists, Misha Dichter is also a celebrated artist--who has documented his life and musical career in witty and insightful black and white sketches for over 40 years. Many of the drawings have appeared to high acclaim in New York art galleries, and in A Pianist's World in Drawings, the artist's complete body of work is now available to fans, art aficionados, and collectors for the first time. This collection provides readers with an astute and perceptive visual account of the artist's life onstage, on the road, and behind the curtain. The accompanying captions and anecdotes deliver a fascinating and humorous perspective on the life of a high-profile professional musician. Dichter's drawings have been compared to those of New Yorker artists Saul Steinberg and George Grosz, both of whom bring a perspective of playful satire to their work. Screenwriter Marshall Brickman writes, "Not content with being one of our premiere concert artists, Misha Dichter has the temerity also to be a brilliant graphic artist. His drawings display all the grace, wit, and sureness of style we've come to expect form his performances. He has captured his world in a series of keenly and often hilariously observed drawings filled with wry insight. This is a collection for lovers of both music and graphic art. Move over, Saul Steinberg - there's a new guy on the block." "Misha Dichter shakes his diligent classical piano training to 'play' freely in his drawings. The joy we feel looking at them is rooted in the pleasure he takes making them. They are his record of trips taken, important moments, and the music world he knows so well. The drawings share the playfulness of Paul Klee and Saul Steinberg mixed with the social commentary of George Grosz." --James Goodman "I always enjoyed Misha's drawings. I found them artistic and so clever. Every time I look at them I say 'Aha! So true!' These cartoons are timeless." --Itzhak Perlman ABOUT THE AUTHOR Misha Dichter's family is from Poland--but he was born in Shanghai in 1945, after his Jewish parents fled the country at the onset of World War II. A few years later the family moved to Los Angeles--where he began piano lessons at the age of six. He later enrolled in The Juilliard School, studying under Rosina Lhevinne, and won the Silver Medal in the 1966 Tchaikovsky Competition--launching an acclaimed international career. Today, Mr. Dichter has performed with almost every major orchestra in the world. His critically-applauded classical recordings with MusicMasters, Koch Classics, Philips, and RCA display a passionate and nuanced interpretation of Brahms, Liszt, Gershwin, Beethoven, Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, Schumann, Schubert, and other master composers. His frequent duo-piano performances with his wife, pianist Cipa Dichter, take him to festivals and concert halls throughout Europe and North America. Their first recording together, a three-CD album of Mozart's complete piano works for four hands released under the Musical Heritage Society label, was named 2005 Record of the Year by Music Web International. Mr. Dichter is also an accomplished writer--having contributed articles to renowned publications including The New York Times.