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The Pirates' Three Wishes: Independent Reading Green 5 (Reading Champion #517)

by Katie Woolley

This story is part of Reading Champion, a series carefully linked to book bands to encourage independent reading skills, developed with Dr Sue Bodman and Glen Franklin of UCL Institute of Education (IOE) Fantastic, original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and a reading activity. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability, encouraging reading for pleasure. Perfect for 5-7 year olds.In this twist on the traditional tale The Three Wishes, two pirates receive three wishes from a fairy, but they do not use them wisely.

The PISA Effect on Global Educational Governance (Routledge Research in Education Policy and Politics)

by Louis Volante

The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international achievement measure that assesses 15-year-old student performance in the areas of reading, mathematics, and science literacy in over 70 countries and economies triennially. By presenting an in-depth examination of PISA’s role in education governance and policy discourses, this book provides the reader with a critical analysis of the educational change process within our increasingly global educational policy environment. Exploring the prominent socio-political drivers of large-scale educational reform across the globe, chapter authors examine PISA’s national and global implications from a diverse range of regional contexts. Through the presentation of cross-disciplinary viewpoints and topical issues related to the PISA international survey, this volume explains the degree to which PISA-focused research is linked to national educational policy discourses and international education agendas.

PISA, Policy and the OECD: Respatialising Global Educational Governance Through PISA for Schools

by Steven Lewis

This book explores new modes, spaces and relations of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)'s global educational governance associated with the PISA for Schools test. Adopting a theoretically-rich policy sociology approach, with an emphasis on topological understandings of spatiality and power, the book examines the entire PISA for Schools policy cycle, from its initial development, to its administration and promotion in the U.S., and its local enactment by schools and teachers. It demonstrates how PISA for Schools helps to steer how schooling is locally understood and practised through separate and yet overlapping techniques: governing by (1) heterarchy, (2) respatialisation and (3) 'best practice'.The book reveals the specific effects of PISA for Schools as an exemplar of how global educational governance is increasingly enfolded within contemporary schooling, as well as discussing how we might practise a policy sociology in which the local is acknowledged as a relevant space of concern.

The Pistachio Prescription

by Paula Danziger

A gorgeous new package for Paula Danziger’s backlist with an introduction from Ann Martin! Cassie Stephens is dealing with a lot: She’s got asthma. She’s running for freshperson class president. World War III is being waged daily in her home, beginning at the breakfast table and ending with slammed doors at night. Her older, shorter, more beautiful sister never ceases to remind Cassie that she is a giraffe. Cassie’s not really sure how it started, but eating pistachio nuts always makes her feel better. No matter how weird it sounds, those little red nuts are just the prescription for Cassie’s troubles. Paula Danziger’s novels are hilarious, genuine, and full of dynamic female characters that have won the hearts of her readers and turned her books into beloved classics. These playful covers full of charming details capture the spirit of Paula’s stories and will brighten up the book­shelves of her fans and a new generation of readers.

Pitch Perfect: The Quest for Collegiate A Cappella Glory

by Mickey Rapkin

Pitch Perfectis a behind-the-scenes look at the bizarre, often inspiring world of collegiate a cappella groups. The first collegiate a cappella group, the Yale Whiffenpoofs, was founded by Cole Porter back in 1909. But what had been largely an Ivy League phenomenon has, in the past fifteen years, exploded. And it’s not what you think. There are now more than 1,200 a cappella groups at colleges across the country. The very best of these collegiate groups square off in the annual International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella—a showdown marked by wrenching close calls and exhilarating triumphs. And, really, where else can you hear Michael Jackson’s “Bad” in four-part harmony? In Pitch Perfect, GQ editor Mickey Rapkin follows a season in a cappella through all its twists and turns, covering the breathtaking displays of vocal talent, the groupies (yes, a cappella singers have groupies), the rockstar partying (and run-ins with the law), and all the bitter rivalries. Along the way are encounters with boldfaced names such as President George W. Bush, Prince, David Letterman, Barack Obama, Barbra Streisand, Hillary Clinton, Marisa Tomei, Amanda Bynes, Nick Lachey, Merv Griffin, Jim Carrey, Microsoft’s Paul Allen, John Legend, and Jessica Biel. At the heart of the narrative are three a cappella groups whose interactions are anything but harmonious: the historic Tufts Beelzebubs, founded more than forty years ago with 40,000 albums sold since—and struggling to record a new album that lives up to the hype; Divisi of the University of Oregon, a relatively new, all-female group attempting to overcome a loss in the 2005 championship; and the University of Virginia Hullabahoos, the so-called bad boys of collegiate a cappella, who will attempt to compete on a higher level this year while retaining their casual soul. Bringing a lively new twist to America’s fascination with talent showdowns and peerless performers, Pitch Perfect is sure to strike a chord with readers.

Pitch Perfect: Communicating with Traditional and Social Media for Scholars, Researchers, and Academic Leaders

by William Tyson

This book is intended for scholars, researchers, and academic leaders who have a passion to share their knowledge outside their classroom, laboratory, or institution; who want to make a difference; and who believe that the information they possess and ideas they offer are important for a wider public. Pitch Perfect is a practical guide to communicating your knowledge and research to broader audiences. How do you get yourself heard amid the volume of news and information in today’s 24-hour news cycle, and get your message across in an environment where blogs and Twitter vie with traditional media? To break through, you need to amplify your ideas and make them relevant for a wider public audience.Bill Tyson – who has been successfully advising scholars and academic leaders on media relations for over 30 years – shows you how to undertake early and thoughtful communications planning, understand the needs and workings of the media, both traditional and digital, and tell your story in a way that will capture your audience. Bill Tyson is strategic in his advice, no less so when discussing how to engage with such social media as blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, podcasts or wikis.Whether you are working on research or a new initiative that has public implications, or have a story that deserves wide telling; whether you want to address funders’ requests for communications plans to promote the programs they are supporting, or whether you want to know how to publicize your new book; this practical guide offers insider advice – complete with case studies – on how to communicate your message. An appendix lists key media in North America, Australia, and the UK.

Pitchers' Duel (Chip Hilton Sports Series #7)

by Clair Bee Randall Bee Farley Cynthia Bee Farley

During his senior year at Valley Falls High School, Chip pitches in the state championship baseball tournament, runs for student mayor, and fights a drive to force Coach Rockwell to retire.

Pitfalls of Scholarship: Lessons From Islamic Studies

by Ahmad Atif Ahmad

Pitfalls of Scholarship offers an array of reflections on higher education, its entanglements with humanity's pursuit of natural and social knowledge, and the impact national environments have upon it. This book considers the humanities, vocational, and scientific/technological sides of the university from the vantage-point of an Islamic studies scholar in twenty-first century American academia. Four discussions and a personal note make up the parts of these pages. The first discussion sets the stage with a description of the irregularities of our age of late modernity and the limits of scholarship in it. The second focuses on clashes of personal and academic knowledge with social assumptions and convictions. Guiding the discussion is an unlikely narrative from an old era where academic freedom did not exist. The third discussion points to the surprisingly negative impacts of obsession with research methods in the modern academy. "Scholarships of negation" are identified as the main illness of the age, next to popular exaggerations of the value of standard assumptions and excellent academic institutions. The fourth and final section deals with modern education's aspiration toward acquiring democratic quality, and the implications of further democratization of education.

Pius XI: The Pope and the Man

by Zsolt Aradi

An appealing and readable life of one of the greatest men of the early twentieth century: Pius XI as he appeared on the stage of history, and Pius the man as his closest friends knew and loved him.Pope Pius XI (born Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti: 31 May 1857 - 10 February 1939) reigned as Pope from 6 February 1922 to his death in 1939. He was the first sovereign of Vatican City from its creation as an independent state on 11 February 1929. He took as his papal motto, “Pax Christi in Regno Christi,” translated “The Peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ.”Pius XI issued numerous encyclicals, and to establish or maintain the position of the Catholic Church, he concluded a record number of concordats, including the Reichskonkordat with Germany. During his pontificate, the longstanding hostility with the Italian government over the status of the papacy and the Church in Italy was successfully resolved in the Lateran Treaty of 1929.He canonized important saints, including Thomas More, Petrus Canisius, Konrad von Parzham, Andrew Bobola and Don Bosco. He beatified and canonized Thérèse de Lisieux, for whom he held special reverence, and gave equivalent canonization to Albertus Magnus, naming him a Doctor of the Church due to the spiritual power of his writings.Pius XI created the feast of Christ the King in response to anti-clericalism. He took a strong interest in fostering the participation of lay people throughout the Catholic Church, especially in the Catholic Action movement. The end of his pontificate was dominated by speaking out against Hitler and Mussolini and defending the Catholic Church from intrusions into Catholic life and education.He died on 10 February 1939 in the Apostolic Palace and is buried in the Papal Grotto of Saint Peter’s Basilica.

The Pivot: One Pandemic, One University

by Robert J. Bliwise

The COVID-19 pandemic presented higher education with an unprecedented challenge: How could institutions continue the basic work of teaching and research while maintaining safe environments for their faculty, staff, and students? In The Pivot, Robert J. Bliwise traces Duke University’s response to the pandemic to show how higher education broadly met that challenge head-on. Bliwise interviews people across the campus: from bus drivers and vaccine researchers to student activists, dining hall managers, and professors in areas from English to ecology. He explores the shift to teaching online and the reshaping of research programs; how surveillance testing and reconfiguring residence halls and dining sites helped limit the virus spread on campus; the efforts to promote student well-being and to sustain extracurricular programs; and what the surge in COVID-19 cases meant for the university health system. Bliwise also shows how broad cultural conversations surrounding the 2020 presidential election, climate change, free speech on campus, and systemic racism unfolded in this changed campus environment. Although the pandemic put remarkable pressures on the campus community, Bliwise demonstrates that it ultimately reaffirmed the importance of the campus experience in all its richness and complexity.

Pivotal Research in Early Literacy: Foundational Studies and Current Practices

by Christina M. Cassano Susan M. Dougherty Joanne Knapp-Philo Heidi Anne Mesmer M. M. Rose-McCully

This reader-friendly text examines the key foundational studies in early literacy. It addresses such essential questions as how research informs current practices and where the field still needs to go to provide the best learning opportunities for all children. Each chapter describes the methods and findings of one to five seminal studies, critically assesses their long-term impact on practice and policy, and offers takeaways for the classroom. Leading authorities--including several authors of the original pivotal studies--cover 12 essential aspects of language development, literacy development, and home and community literacy experiences in PreK–2.

Pivoting Your Instruction: A Guide to Comprehensive Instructional Design for Faculty

by Bruce M. Mackh

This practical guide for college and university instructors explains how to design and prepare your courses to be adaptable for a full range of learning environments—whether that’s online, hybrid, or face-to-face traditional campus teaching. Author Bruce M. Mackh unpacks a comprehensive instructional design approach to curriculum and instruction that is suitable for all modalities and allows you to pivot quickly, regardless of how the course will be delivered. Chapters provide quick takeaways and cover challenges and opportunities, adapting high-impact practices across instructional models and fostering a culture of care. The book also encourages faculty members to adopt a student-centered mindset as they employ the principles of Design Thinking, User Experience Design, Instructional Design, and Learning Experience Design to create a high-quality course. The strategies at the heart of this book will help both new and experienced faculty save time, ensure instructional continuity during transitions, and achieve excellence in teaching.

Piyush Prawah class 12 - RBSE Board: पीयूष प्रवाह कक्षा 12 - आरबीएसई बोर्ड

by Madhyamik Shiksha Board Rajasthan Ajmer

पीयूष प्रवाह इस पाठ्यपुस्तक मे हिन्दी गद्य की कहानी, आत्मकथा, रेखाचित्र, उपन्यास, यात्रावृत्त एवं जीवन-चरित विधाओं की श्रेष्ठ रचनाओं को सम्मिलित किया गया है। इन रचनाओं के चयन का आधार उनकी रोचकता, विषय-विविधता एवं बोधगम्यता है। गांधी जी की आत्मकथा "सत्य के प्रयोग" के संपादित अंश से पाठकों को बाहरी दिखावे से बचने, सहयोगी एवं स्वावलम्बी बनने तथा संस्कारों के साथ सादगीपूर्वक जीवन जीने की प्रेरणा मिलती है। ‘गौरा' (महादेवी वर्मा) रेखाचित्र में लेखिका ने स्वयं द्वारा पालित गाय का अत्यंत करुणापूरित चित्र उकेरा है।

Pizazz vs The Demons (Pizazz #4)

by Sophy Henn

The fourth book in a SUPER (like, actually, with powers and stuff) new series for readers aged 7+ – from the amazingly talented illustrator and author Sophy Henn! Brimming with Sophy's hilarious illustrations, this is the perfect read for fans of Dork Diaries, Tom Gates, Amelia Fang, Wimpy Kid and Dog Man. *PRE-ORDER NOW!* HELLO! My name is Pizazz. As a 9½-year-old superhero, I have a LOT going on. And thanks to super baddie CopyCat and her SuperPower Duplicator™, I now have FIVE Demon Pizazzes to deal with. Five. &‘How are you going to defeat yourself, Pizazz?&’ I hear you ask. Well, that&’s a good question! Praise for Pizazz: &“A SPECTACULAR superhero story that fizzes with fun on every page!&” – Liz Pichon, author of the bestselling TOM GATES series.Hilariously narrated by reluctant superhero Pizazz, and brimming with Sophy Henn&’s distinctive illustrations and comic-book strips, this is the fourth book in the laugh-out-loud PIZAZZ series - pre-order now!

Pizazz vs Everyone (Pizazz #5)

by Sophy Henn

The fifth book in the SUPER (like, actually, with powers and stuff) new series for readers aged 7+ from the amazingly talented illustrator and author Sophy Henn! Brimming with Sophy's hilarious illustrations, this is the perfect read for fans of Dork Diaries, Tom Gates, Amelia Fang, Wimpy Kid and Dog Man.BEING A SUPERHERO IS THE BEST THING EVER, RIGHT? WRONG!Everyone&’s favourite 9¾-year-old reluctant superhero is back, and she&’s facing her biggest challenge yet . . . EVERYONE (and EVERYTHING)! Will it all prove too much? Will Pizazz manage to keep using her powers for good? Or will this push her over the edge to . . . THE DARK SIDE?Praise for Pizazz:&“A SPECTACULAR superhero story that fizzes with fun on every page!&” – Liz Pichon, author of the bestselling TOM GATES series.&“Blocky comic-style panels, a fire-farting granddad and a conservationist message make for accessible, quirky reading&” – The Guardian, Children&’s Book of the Month&“Sophy Henn&’s funny new series […] a witty and original reminder that superheroes are human too&” – The Sunday Times, Children&’s Book of the Week&“Sophy Henn&’s lively, energetic story should be a hit with anyone who finds it hard to fit in&” – Financial Times &“Full-page illustrations, comic-strip sequences, quirky typography and dramatic chapter openers ensure this book will appeal to more reluctant readers&” – The i&“Perfect for fans of her previous series Bad Nana, with the same level of illustration and zany text throughout&” – BooktrustHilariously narrated by reluctant superhero Pizazz, and brimming with Sophy Henn&’s distinctive illustrations and comic-book strips, this is the fifth book in the laugh-out-loud PIZAZZ series! Look out for more Pizazz adventures: Pizazz, Pizazz Vs The New Kid, Pizazz Vs Perfecto and Pizazz Vs The Demons!

Pizazz vs The Future (Pizazz #6)

by Sophy Henn

The sixth book in the SUPER graphic novel-like series for readers aged 7+ from the amazingly talented illustrator and author Sophy Henn! Brimming with Sophy's hilarious illustrations, this is the perfect read for fans of Bunny Vs Monkey, Tom Gates, Amelia Fang, Wimpy Kid and Dog Man. Everyone's favourite reluctant superhero is back and ready to give this super thing her ALL – she's even got a BRAND-NEW COSTUME. Pizazz soon discovers that a bunch of baddies have formed TEAM TOXIC and are trying to DESTROY the PLANET for ever, but none of the grown-ups even care! ​This time it&’s up to Pizazz and her friends to save the world . . . before it destroys ITSELF! Praise for Pizazz: &“A SPECTACULAR superhero story that fizzes with fun on every page!&” – Liz Pichon, author of the bestselling TOM GATES series. &“Blocky comic-style panels, a fire-farting granddad and a conservationist message make for accessible, quirky reading&” – The Guardian, Children&’s Book of the Month &“Sophy Henn&’s funny new series […] a witty and original reminder that superheroes are human too&” – The Sunday Times, Children&’s Book of the Week &“Sophy Henn&’s lively, energetic story should be a hit with anyone who finds it hard to fit in&” – Financial Times &“Full-page illustrations, comic-strip sequences, quirky typography and dramatic chapter openers ensure this book will appeal to more reluctant readers&” – The i &“Perfect for fans of her previous series Bad Nana, with the same level of illustration and zany text throughout&” – BooktrustHilariously narrated by reluctant superhero Pizazz, and brimming with Sophy Henn&’s distinctive illustrations and comic-book strips, this is the sixth book in the laugh-out-loud PIZAZZ series! Look out for more Pizazz adventures: Pizazz, Pizazz Vs The New Kid, Pizazz Vs Perfecto, Pizazz Vs The Demons and Pizazz Vs Everyone!

Pizza and Taco: (A Graphic Novel) (Pizza and Taco)

by null Stephen Shaskan

Join Pizza and Taco's afterschool club in the next installment of this hilarious graphic novel chapter book series! What happens when these foodie besties have to compete with a video game club for members ?Pizza and Taco are serving up more awesomeness with a cool new club! They can't wait to talk about all their favorite interests...including making comic books. Lots of people signed up, so they know it's going to be popular! Then why does everyone go to Cheeseburger's video game club instead?! Pizza and Taco have no choice but to check it out. They just might learn that kids want to make comics just as much as they want to play video games! This hilarious young graphic novel series—with chapters—will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5-8 and bolster their reading confidence. It's the perfect stepping stone for those who are transitioning to longer chapter books and graphic novels.Readers will be hungry to read all eight books in the series! Here are just a few:Who's the Best?Super-Awesome Comic!Too Cool for SchoolDare to be Scared!

Pizza and Taco: (A Graphic Novel) (Pizza and Taco #6)

by Stephen Shaskan

Flashlights? Check! Scary movies? Check! Ghost Peppers?! Pizza and Taco are ready to prove they're brave as can be in their latest graphic chapter book! Nothing scares these besties...or so they say.Pizza and Taco aren't afraid! To prove it, they dare each other to be scared. Dark closets and scary movies are a piece of cake—kind of. They're ready for the ultimate test—Ghost Pepper hunting! Pizza and Taco are sure they won't get scared...they made a list, after all! This hilarious young graphic novel—with chapters—will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5-8 and bolster their reading confidence. Young graphic chapter books are a great step on the way to graphic novels and longer chapter books. Readers will also love the first five books in the series:Who's the Best?Best Party Ever!Super-Awesome Comic!Too Cool for SchoolRock Out!

Pizza and Taco: (A Graphic Novel) (Pizza and Taco)

by Stephen Shaskan

Get ready to rumble with Pizza and Taco in this hilarious graphic novel chapter book! These foodie besties need to find a sport they'll both be awesome at! Baseball? No. Soccer? Nah. Football? Maybe. Wrestling? YAAAS! These two are ready to throw down! Or at least they think they are!Pizza's and Taco's moms want them to join a sports team! But nothing seems to be cutting the mustard. That is, until they spot the wrestling sign up sheet at school! Once they choose their wrestling names and create signature moves—they're ready to become wrestling pros! Or will the exercise involved send them to the showers?This hilarious young graphic novel—with chapters—will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5-8 and bolster their reading confidence. It's the perfect stepping stone for those who are transitioning to longer chapter books and graphic novels.Readers will also love the first six books in the series:Who's the Best?Best Party Ever!Super-Awesome Comic!Too Cool for SchoolRock Out!Dare to be Scared!

Pizza and Taco: (A Graphic Novel) (Pizza and Taco #8)

by Stephen Shaskan

Have Pizza and Taco been naughty or nice? These foodie besties are getting ready for the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER in this hilarious graphic novel chapter book!IT'S CHRISTMAS a few months!!! But Pizza and Taco have decided it's never too early to make their Christmas wish lists and check them twice. Now all they need to do is make sure they&’re super nice and well-behaved because Santa Slaw is always watching! Taco has no problem helping neighbors and doing his chores...but Pizza, on the other hand...! Will Pizza and Taco get all the presents they ask for?This hilarious young graphic novel—with chapters—will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5-8 and bolster their reading confidence. It's the perfect stepping stone for readers who are transitioning to longer chapter books and graphic novels.Readers will be hungry to collect all eight books in the series! Here are a few titles to look out for:Who's the Best?Super-Awesome Comic!Too Cool for School (A Parents Magazine Best Book!)Dare to be Scared!Wrestling Mania!

Pizza and Taco: Best Party Ever! (Pizza and Taco #2)

by Stephen Shaskan

The second in a hilarious young graphic novel series about Pizza and Taco. This time around Pizza and Taco are bored, so they decide to throw an awesome party! What could possibly go wrong?Pizza and Taco have the oh-so-relatable problem of not knowing what to do when boredom strikes. The answer? Throw a party! They have a location, and a guest list, and decorations. Everything is perfect . . . until it isn't. In fact, it's kind of a DISASTER! Ice Cream has a meltdown, and who knew Hamburger was lactose intolerant? (Who invited Cheeseburger anyway?) Well, now they know how NOT to throw a party!!This hilarious young graphic novel--with chapters--will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 4-7 and bolster their reading confidence. Graphic chapter books serve as a great bridge to graphic novels and longer chapter books. Readers will also love the first two book in the series: Pizza and Taco: Who's the Best? Pizza and Taco: Best Party Ever!

Pizza and Taco: Rock Out! (Pizza and Taco #5)

by Stephen Shaskan

Besties Pizza and Taco are ready to rock out! They have a cool band name! And some instruments—sort of. Songs? Well, even without mad musical skills, how hard can it be? This super-silly graphic novel series by Stephen Shaskan hits a new high note!Pizza and Taco love music! They make lists, and they have tryouts to get more band members. They think they have all the ingredients to rock the scene. But maybe this garage band should stay in the garage!!This hilarious young graphic novel—with chapters—will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5 to 8 and bolster their reading confidence. Young graphic chapter books are a great step on the way to graphic novels and longer chapter books.Readers will devour all the books in the series:Pizza and Taco: Who's the Best?Pizza and Taco: Best Party Ever!Pizza and Taco: Super-Awesome Comic!Pizza and Taco: Too Cool For School

Pizza and Taco: Super-Awesome Comic! (Pizza and Taco #3)

by Stephen Shaskan

Besties Pizza and Taco are BACK in Book 3, putting their drawing skills--and wild imaginations--to good use writing a comic book together! When you love comics like Pizza and Taco do, the next step after reading them is to collaborate on one!! But what happens when they run up against "artistic differences?" Who gets to have the bigger muscles and the more rad superpowers? Can these two strong-willed foodstuffs compromise and make a comic that is more awesome than the sum of its parts? This hilarious young graphic novel--with chapters--will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5-8 and bolster their reading confidence. Readers will also love the first two books in the series, Pizza and Taco: Who's the Best? and Pizza and Taco: Best Party Ever! Young graphic chapter books are a great step on the way to graphic novels and longer chapter books.

Pizza and Taco: Too Cool for School (Pizza and Taco #4)

by Stephen Shaskan

New backpacks? Check! Besties Pizza and Taco are ready to head back to school, but are they ready to meet the cool new kid?B.L.T. wears sunglasses--even in school! He's not even worried about being late to class. SO COOL! I mean, "whatever." Pizza and Taco quickly pick up on what's cool--and what's not--by watching B.L.T.'s every move. Will that spell t-r-o-u-b-l-e for Pizza and Taco with their teacher, Mr. Apple? This hilarious young graphic novel--with chapters--will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5-8 and bolster their reading confidence. Young graphic chapter books are a great step on the way to graphic novels and longer chapter books. Readers will also love the first three books in the series: Pizza and Taco: Who's the Best? Pizza and Taco: Best Party Ever! Pizza and Taco: Super-Awesome Comic!

Pizza and Taco: Who's the Best? (Pizza and Taco #1)

by Stephen Shaskan

The first in a hilarious young graphic novel series about Pizza and Taco. Two best friends, lots of toppings...but only one of them can be the BEST, right? Fans of Narwhal and Jelly will eat this book up...and be hungry for more!Best friends are the BEST! But WHO is the BEST? Is it Pizza or Taco? The question is debatable! They both love water slides. They both are friends with Hot Dog and Hamburger. In fact, maybe they should have a debate and get their friends to VOTE for who's the best! Can their friendship survive the race for top spot on the popularity food chain? Cast your VOTE!This graphic chapter book will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 4-7 and bolster their reading confidence. Readers will be eager to devour the next book in the series, Pizza and Taco Throw a Party, coming in 2021! Young graphic chapter books are also a great step on the way to longer chapter books and graphic novels.

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