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Pizza and Taco: Rock Out! (Pizza and Taco #5)

by Stephen Shaskan

Besties Pizza and Taco are ready to rock out! They have a cool band name! And some instruments—sort of. Songs? Well, even without mad musical skills, how hard can it be? This super-silly graphic novel series by Stephen Shaskan hits a new high note!Pizza and Taco love music! They make lists, and they have tryouts to get more band members. They think they have all the ingredients to rock the scene. But maybe this garage band should stay in the garage!!This hilarious young graphic novel—with chapters—will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5 to 8 and bolster their reading confidence. Young graphic chapter books are a great step on the way to graphic novels and longer chapter books.Readers will devour all the books in the series:Pizza and Taco: Who's the Best?Pizza and Taco: Best Party Ever!Pizza and Taco: Super-Awesome Comic!Pizza and Taco: Too Cool For School

Pizza and Taco: Super-Awesome Comic! (Pizza and Taco #3)

by Stephen Shaskan

Besties Pizza and Taco are BACK in Book 3, putting their drawing skills--and wild imaginations--to good use writing a comic book together! When you love comics like Pizza and Taco do, the next step after reading them is to collaborate on one!! But what happens when they run up against "artistic differences?" Who gets to have the bigger muscles and the more rad superpowers? Can these two strong-willed foodstuffs compromise and make a comic that is more awesome than the sum of its parts? This hilarious young graphic novel--with chapters--will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5-8 and bolster their reading confidence. Readers will also love the first two books in the series, Pizza and Taco: Who's the Best? and Pizza and Taco: Best Party Ever! Young graphic chapter books are a great step on the way to graphic novels and longer chapter books.

Pizza and Taco: Too Cool for School (Pizza and Taco #4)

by Stephen Shaskan

New backpacks? Check! Besties Pizza and Taco are ready to head back to school, but are they ready to meet the cool new kid?B.L.T. wears sunglasses--even in school! He's not even worried about being late to class. SO COOL! I mean, "whatever." Pizza and Taco quickly pick up on what's cool--and what's not--by watching B.L.T.'s every move. Will that spell t-r-o-u-b-l-e for Pizza and Taco with their teacher, Mr. Apple? This hilarious young graphic novel--with chapters--will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5-8 and bolster their reading confidence. Young graphic chapter books are a great step on the way to graphic novels and longer chapter books. Readers will also love the first three books in the series: Pizza and Taco: Who's the Best? Pizza and Taco: Best Party Ever! Pizza and Taco: Super-Awesome Comic!

Pizza and Taco: Who's the Best? (Pizza and Taco #1)

by Stephen Shaskan

The first in a hilarious young graphic novel series about Pizza and Taco. Two best friends, lots of toppings...but only one of them can be the BEST, right? Fans of Narwhal and Jelly will eat this book up...and be hungry for more!Best friends are the BEST! But WHO is the BEST? Is it Pizza or Taco? The question is debatable! They both love water slides. They both are friends with Hot Dog and Hamburger. In fact, maybe they should have a debate and get their friends to VOTE for who's the best! Can their friendship survive the race for top spot on the popularity food chain? Cast your VOTE!This graphic chapter book will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 4-7 and bolster their reading confidence. Readers will be eager to devour the next book in the series, Pizza and Taco Throw a Party, coming in 2021! Young graphic chapter books are also a great step on the way to longer chapter books and graphic novels.

Pizza Mouse (I Like to Read)

by Michael Garland

An easy reader inspired by the viral "pizza rat" YouTube video. Life is a challenge for a city mouse. Dogs, cats, and people are daily dangers. But when the whiskered hero of this story uncovers one of the greatest treats New York City has to offer a forager—a discarded slice of pepperoni pizza—the danger is all worth it! Now it&’s up to the tiny Pizza Mouse to get the slice safely home to his family . . . via the A train, of course! Guided Reading Level D. A Junior Library Guild selection!

Pizza y Taco: (A Graphic Novel) (Pizza and Taco)

by Stephen Shaskan

Conoce a Pizza y Taco . . . ¡ahora en español! La primera de una divertidísima serie de novelas gráficas sobre dos mejores amigos... pero solo uno de ellos puede ser el MEJOR, ¿verdad?¡Los mejores amigos son los MEJORES! Pero, ¿QUIÉN es el MEJOR? ¿Es Pizza o Taco? ¡La pregunta es discutible! Ambos aman los toboganes de agua. Ambos son amigos de Hot Dog y Hamburger. De hecho, ¡tal vez deberían tener un debate y hacer que sus amigos VOTEN por quién es el mejor! ¿Podrá su amistad sobrevivir la pelea por el primer puesto en la cadena alimenticia de popularidad? ¡Envíe su voto!Este libro de capítulos gráficos seguramente hará reír a los niños (y niñas!) de 5 a 8 años y reforzará su confianza en la lectura. Los libros de capítulos gráficos también son un gran paso en el camino hacia libros de capítulos más largos y novelas gráficas.Meet Pizza and Taco . . . now in Spanish! The first in a hilarious young graphic novel series about two best friends...but only one of them can be the BEST, right?Best friends are the BEST! But WHO is the BEST? Is it Pizza or Taco? The question is debatable! They both love water slides. They both are friends with Hot Dog and Hamburger. In fact, maybe they should have a debate and get their friends to VOTE for who's the best! Can their friendship survive the race for top spot on the popularity food chain? Cast your VOTE!This graphic chapter book will tickle the funny bones of kids ages 5-8 and bolster their reading confidence. Young graphic chapter books are also a great step on the way to longer chapter books and graphic novels.

Place- and Community-based Education in Schools

by Gregory A. Smith David Sobel

Place- and community-based education – an approach to teaching and learning that starts with the local – addresses two critical gaps in the experience of many children now growing up in the United States: contact with the natural world and contact with community. It offers a way to extend young people’s attention beyond the classroom to the world as it actually is, and to engage them in the process of devising solutions to the social and environmental problems they will confront as adults. This approach can increase students’ engagement with learning and enhance their academic achievement. Envisioned as a primer and guide for educators and members of the public interested in incorporating the local into schools in their own communities, this book explains the purpose and nature of place- and community-based education and provides multiple examples of its practice. The detailed descriptions of learning experiences set both within and beyond the classroom will help readers begin the process of advocating for or incorporating local content and experiences into their schools.

Place- and Community-Based Education in Schools (Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education)

by David Sobel Gregory A. Smith

Place- and community-based education – an approach to teaching and learning that starts with the local – addresses two critical gaps in the experience of many children now growing up in the United States: contact with the natural world and contact with community. It offers a way to extend young people’s attention beyond the classroom to the world as it actually is, and to engage them in the process of devising solutions to the social and environmental problems they will confront as adults. This approach can increase students’ engagement with learning and enhance their academic achievement. Envisioned as a primer and guide for educators and members of the public interested in incorporating the local into schools in their own communities, this book explains the purpose and nature of place- and community-based education and provides multiple examples of its practice. The detailed descriptions of learning experiences set both within and beyond the classroom will help readers begin the process of advocating for or incorporating local content and experiences into their schools.

Place and Identity in the Lives of Antony, Paul, and Mary of Egypt: Desert as Borderland (Religion and Spatial Studies)

by Peter Anthony Mena

In this book, Peter Anthony Mena looks closely at descriptions of space in ancient Christian hagiographies and considers how the desert relates to constructions of subjectivity. By reading three pivotal ancient hagiographies—the Life of Antony, the Life of Paul the Hermit, and the Life of Mary of Egypt—in conjunction with Gloria Anzaldúa’s ideas about the US/Mexican borderlands/la frontera, Mena shows readers how descriptions of the desert in these texts are replete with spaces and inhabitants that render the desert a borderland or frontier space in Anzaldúan terms. As a borderland space, the desert functions as a device for the creation of an emerging identity in late antiquity—the desert ascetic. Simultaneously, the space of the desert is created through the image of the saint. Literary critical, religious studies, and historical methodologies converge in this work in order to illuminate a heuristic tool for interpreting the desert in late antiquity and its importance for the development of desert asceticism. Anzaldúa’s theories help guide a reading especially attuned to the important relationship between space and subjectivity.

Place-Based Community Engagement in Higher Education: A Strategy to Transform Universities and Communities

by Erica K. Yamamura Kent Koth

While an increasing number of universities have or are committed to engaging their campuses in their surrounding communities, many recognize they lack the strategic focus and resources to maximize and sustain their impact on those communities. Place-based community engagement provides a powerful way to creatively connect campus and community to foster positive social transformation.In developing community engagement strategies, most universities and community organizations face significant challenges in deciding who to partner with and why. Frequently this leads universities and community organizations to say “yes” to too many opportunities which significantly limit their ability to pursue long-term impact. Focusing on an established geographic area can make it much easier to decide where to deploy resources and which partnerships to prioritize and thus increase their ability to form strong and sustainable partnerships that are of greater value to all stakeholders.This book presents the emerging model of place-based community engagement as a powerful process for attaining more positive and enduring results in their local communities as well as stimulating wider engagement by campus constituencies. Drawing upon the concept of collective impact and using data-driven decision making, place-based initiatives build long-term partnerships based upon a shared vision. Done thoughtfully, these place-based initiatives have attained impressive results.Drawing upon the case studies of five institutions that have implemented place-based community engagement initiatives, the authors provide guidance on the opportunities, challenges, and considerations involved in putting a place-based approach into effect. By sharing the experiences of these five institutions, they describe in detail the routes each took to turn their place-based initiatives from concept to reality, and the results they achieved.

Place-based Curriculum Design: Exceeding Standards through Local Investigations

by Amy B. Demarest

Place-based Curriculum Design provides pre-service and practicing teachers both the rationale and tools to create and integrate meaningful, place-based learning experiences for students. Practical, classroom-based curricular examples illustrate how teachers can engage the local and still be accountable to the existing demands of federal, state, and district mandates. Coverage includes connecting the curriculum to students’ outside-of-school lives; using local phenomena or issues to enhance students’ understanding of discipline-based questions; engaging in in-depth explorations of local issues and events to create cross-disciplinary learning experiences, and creating units or sustained learning experiences aimed at engendering social and environmental renewal. An on-line resource ( provides supplementary materials, including curricular templates, tools for reflective practice, and additional materials for instructors and students.

Place-Based Education in the Global Age: Local Diversity

by David A. Gruenewald Gregory A. Smith

The book is a collection of success stories from around the United States and explores some of the reasons for pursuing place-based education.It shows how educators from diverse places are using place as a focal point for developing community leaders, understanding the tensions between Israel and Palestine, and for showing future teachers the power of place-based learning.

Place-Based Education in the Global Age: Local Diversity

by David A. Gruenewald Gregory A. Smith

"Polished, clear, insightful, and meaningful.... This volume amounts to nothing less than a complete rethinking of what progressive education can be at its best and how education can be reconceptualized as one of the central practices of a genuinely democratic and sustainable society.... It is the kind of book that has the potential to be transformative." Stephen Preskill, University of New Mexico "The editors and contributors are pioneers in the field of educational theory, policy, and philosophy.... They are opening new areas of inquiry and educational reform in ways that promise to make this book in very short time into a classic.... The practical applications and experiments included reveal the richness of grassroots initiatives already underway to bring educational theory and policy down to earth. While spanning the richest and deepest intellectual ideas and concepts, the stories told are the types that practitioners and teachers will be able to relate to in their daily undertakings." Madhu Suri Prakash, The Pennsylvania State University This volume – a landmark contribution to the burgeoning theory and practice of place-based education – enriches the field in three ways: First, it frames place-based pedagogy not just as an alternative teaching methodology or novel approach to environmental education but as part of a broader social movement known as the "Anew localism", which aims toward reclaiming the significance of the local in the global age. Second, it links the development of ecological awareness and stewardship to concerns about equity and cultural diversity. Third, it presents examples of place-based education in action. The relationship between the new localism and place-based education is clarified and the process of making connections between learners and their wider communities is demonstrated. The book is organized around three themes: Reclaiming Broader Meanings of Education; Models for Place-Based Learning; and Global Visions of the Local in Higher Education This is a powerfully relevant volume for researchers, teacher educators, and students across the fields of curriculum theory, educational foundations, critical pedagogy, multicultural education, and environmental education.

Place-based Learning for the Plate: Hunting, Foraging and Fishing for Food (Environmental Discourses in Science Education #6)

by Joel B. Pontius Michael P. Mueller David Greenwood

This edited volume explores 21st century stories of hunting, foraging, and fishing for food as unique forms of place-based learning. Through the authors’ narratives, it reveals complex social and ecological relationships while readers sample the flavors of foraging in Portland, Oregon; feel some of what it’s like to grow up hunting and gathering as a person of Oglala Lakota and Shoshone-Bannock descent; track the immersive process of learning to communicate with rocky mountain elk; encounter a road-killed deer as a spontaneous source of local meat, and more.Other topics in the collection connect place, food, and learning to issues of identity, activism, spirituality, food movements, conservation, traditional and elder knowledge, and the ethics related to eating the more-than-human world. This volume will bring lively discussion to courses on place-based learning, food studies, environmental education, outdoor recreation, experiential education, holistic learning, human dimensions of natural resource management, sustainability, food systems, environmental ethics, and others.

Place-Based Science Teaching and Learning: 40 Activities for K-8 Classrooms

by Dr Cory A. Buxton Dr Eugene F. Provenzo

Forty classroom-ready science teaching and learning activities for elementary and middle school teachersGrounded in theory and best-practices research, this practical text provides elementary and middle school teachers with 40 place-based activities that will help them to make science learning relevant to their students. This text provides teachers with both a rationale and a set of strategies and activities for teaching science in a local context to help students engage with science learning and come to understand the importance of science in their everyday lives.

Place-Based Scientific Inquiry: A Practical Handbook for Teaching Outside

by Benjamin Wong Blonder Ja'Nya Banks Austin Cruz Anna Dornhaus R. Keating Godfrey Joshua S. Hoskinson Rebecca Lipson Pacifica Sommers Christy Stewart Alan Strauss

Learn how to facilitate scientific inquiry projects by getting out of the classroom and connecting to the natural environment—in your schoolyard, or in your community! Providing a contemporary perspective on how to do scientific inquiry in ways that can make teachers’ lives easier and students’ experiences better, this book draws on authentic inquiry, engaging with communities, and teaching through project-based learning to help students design and carry out scientific inquiry projects that are grounded in their local places. This accessible guide will help you to develop skills around facilitation, team building, and learning outdoors in schoolyards and parks, acting as a go-to toolkit for teachers to help build confidence and skills in these areas. Written according to the Next Generation Science Standards, this book supports teachers in fostering community engagement and a justice-first classroom. The approachable resources included in this book will help teachers with all levels of experience succeed in empowering students grades 3–12 in their science learning. Additional support materials including template documents for student use and for teacher planning, as well as examples of real student work, are available online. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license

Place-Based Spaces for Networked Learning

by Lucila Carvalho, Peter Goodyear and Maarten de Laat

With the boundaries of place softened and extended by digital communications technologies, learning in a networked society necessitates new distributions of activity across time, space, media, and people; and this development is no longer exclusive to formally designated spaces such as school classrooms, lecture halls, or research laboratories. Place-based Spaces for Networked Learning explores how qualities of physical places make both formal and informal education in a networked society possible. Through a series of investigations and case studies, it illuminates the structural composition and functioning of complex learning environments. This book offers a wealth of key design elements and attributes for productive learning that educational designers can reuse in multiple contexts. The chapters examine how places are modified, expanded, or supplemented by networking technologies and practices in order to create spaces in which learners can collaboratively develop new understandings, connections, and capabilities. Utilizing a range of diverse but complementary perspectives from anthropology, archaeology, architecture, geography, psychology, sociology, and urban studies, Place-based Spaces for Networked Learning addresses how material places and digital spaces are understood; how sense can be made of new assemblages and configurations of tasks, tools, and people; how the real-time analysis of new flows of data can inform and entertain users of a space; and how access to the digital realm changes our experiences with both places and other people.

Place-Based Writing in Action: Opportunities for Authentic Writing in the World Beyond the Classroom

by Rob Montgomery Amanda Montgomery

This text presents a variety of ways for students to meet traditional instructional goals in writing while also learning how writing can help them become stewards of the natural world and advocates for their own communities. Built on a foundation of emerging research and theory and grounded in the lived reality of teachers, this book explores the material and virtual worlds as places that can be equally productive as sources for authentic writing. Readers will find place-based writing activities, lesson ideas, and samples of student work in every chapter. With practical and classroom-tested ideas, Place-Based Writing in Action is a useful text for preservice and in-service English teachers, as well as any educator who wants to move the act of writing beyond the four walls of the classroom.

Place, Craft and Neurodiversity: Re-imagining Potential through Education at Ruskin Mill

by Aonghus Gordon Laurence Cox

For over four decades, Ruskin Mill Trust has worked with young people with special educational needs and behavioural issues who learn traditional crafts and organic farming as part of an integrated curriculum of therapeutic education, overcoming barriers to learning and re-engaging with the wider world. This accessible and inspiring book showcases how an appreciation of place, traditional crafts, farming and transformative education offers a wider route to human well-being for all. The authors outline the different fields of the “Practical Skills Therapeutic Education” method, which includes developing practical skills, learning the ecology of the farm and understanding therapeutic education, holistic care, health and self-leadership. Taking the reader on a tour of Ruskin Mill’s many extraordinary provisions across Britain, and going deeper in conversation with its founder, Aonghus Gordon, this book is an outstanding story of creative thinking in an age of narrow focus on classrooms and written examinations, presenting a transformative perspective on education and care. Being grounded in work supporting young people with complex additional needs, it provides a rare insight into the work of one of the world’s leading charities working with neurodiversity. With its non-specialist language, Place, Craft and Neurodiversity offers ideas and resources for work in different areas of education and therapy. It will inspire parents, educators and care workers around the globe.

A Place for Everything: The Curious History of Alphabetical Order

by Judith Flanders

From a New York Times-bestselling historian comes the story of how the alphabet ordered our world.A Place for Everything is the first-ever history of alphabetization, from the Library of Alexandria to Wikipedia. The story of alphabetical order has been shaped by some of history's most compelling characters, such as industrious and enthusiastic early adopter Samuel Pepys and dedicated alphabet champion Denis Diderot. But though even George Washington was a proponent, many others stuck to older forms of classification -- Yale listed its students by their family's social status until 1886. And yet, while the order of the alphabet now rules -- libraries, phone books, reference books, even the order of entry for the teams at the Olympic Games -- it has remained curiously invisible.With abundant inquisitiveness and wry humor, historian Judith Flanders traces the triumph of alphabetical order and offers a compendium of Western knowledge, from A to Z.

A Place for Wonder: Reading and Writing Nonfiction in the Primary Grades

by Georgia Heard Jennifer McDonough

In A Place for Wonder, Georgia Heard and Jennifer McDonough discuss how to create a landscape of wonder, a primary classroom where curiosity, creativity, and exploration are encouraged. For it is these characteristics, the authors write, that develop intelligent, inquiring, life-long learners. The authors&’ research shows that many primary grade state standards encourage teaching for understanding, critical thinking, creativity, and question asking, and promote the development of children who have the attributes of inventiveness, curiosity, engagement, imagination, and creativity. With these goals in mind, Georgia and Jennifer provide teachers with numerous, practical ways—setting up wonder centers, gathering data though senses, teaching nonfiction craft—they can create a classroom environment where student&’s questions and observations are part of daily work. They also present a step-by-step guide to planning a nonfiction reading and writing unit of study—creating a nonfiction book, which includes creating a table of contents, writing focused chapters, using wow words, and developing point of view. A Place for Wonder will help teachers reclaim their classrooms as a place where true learning is the norm.

Place Identity, Participation and Planning (RTPI Library Series #Vol. 7)

by Paul Jenkins Cliff Hague

The central concern of this book is place identity, and its representation and manipulation through planning. Place identity is of growing international concern, both in planning practice and in academic work. The issue is important to practitioners because of the impact of globalisation on notions of place. This book includes comparisons between Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and Scotland, focusing strongly on the question of how different spatial planning systems and practices are currently conceiving and affecting issues of place identity.

A Place in the Sun: A Memoir

by Donald Kennedy

More than personal memoir, Donald Kennedy's story is not only a chronicle of watershed years in the history of Stanford University, but also a reflection on academia's perennial concerns. The story builds from his childhood and family in New England through mentors at Harvard to reflections on his early years at Stanford. What is the scope of a teacher's responsibilities? What is the proper balance between research and teaching? How far can a professor of literature stretch activism and free speech before losing tenure? How can the University look so rich and feel so poor? While biology department head, Kennedy founded Human Biology, Stanford's first interdisciplinary program. As president, issues of ethnic diversity, student activism, multicultural curricula, patent rights, divestment in South Africa, a student hostage crisis, and a major earthquake colored his pivotal years at Stanford. At the heart of Kennedy's journey has been the belief that one must give back to society as mentor, inspiring his students; as commissioner of the FDA, wrestling with issues of freedom and regulation; as editor of Science, confronting the clash of science and politics. Throughout the book, sidebar recollections from students, friends, and colleagues reflect on his caring encouragement and core humanity, his love of teaching, and a life profoundly committed to science and public service.

The Place of Commonsense in Educational Thought (Routledge Library Editions: Philosophy Of Education Ser. #8)

by Lionel Elvin

Throughout the course of his career Lionel Elvin has worked closely with experts in many different areas of the educational field and has found that in coming to conclusions about either theory or practical policy, commonsense is indispensable. The author explores the idea of commonsense in education in this study, first published in 1977, and e

The Place of English as an International Language in English Language Teaching: Teachers' Reflections (Routledge Advances in Teaching English as an International Language Series #3)

by Ngan Le Phan

This book aims to contribute to the discipline of teaching English as an international language by exploring teachers’ reflections on the recent changes within the English language for their teaching profession. It presents a comprehensive and thorough examination of the place of English as an international language in English language teaching, especially in an Asia-Pacific context, looking at Vietnam and countries in which the context of ELT is similar. It examines and revisits the relevance of teaching implications, teaching of cultures and teaching materials currently employed in an EFL context. The author investigates a range of critical issues in teaching English in today’s EFL context as well as challenges in implementing new teaching ideas to meet learners’ demands to communicate with speakers from various backgrounds. Finally, the book presents a number of research-informed implications for pedagogy, theory and research in teaching EIL in ELT.

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