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Showing 56,901 through 56,925 of 82,461 results

Planning and Developing Open and Distance Learning: A Framework for Quality (Routledge Studies in Distance Education)

by Reginald F. Melton

This book is aimed at those who are considering, or just starting to plan open and distance learning courses. It offers practical advice on how to find your students, expand your audience and become cost-effective without compromising quality. The main areas covered are: basic principles and different approaches to ODL different types of self-study materials, media, and student support from your institution building quality assurance into the development process With a wide range of practical, tried-and-tested examples and case studies, the book provides a complete guide to setting up ODL courses.

Planning and Development in Education: African Perspectives (Routledge Library Editions: Development)

by J.C.S. Musaazi

This reissue, first published in 1986, offers a comprehensive treatment of educational development in four countries in West and East Africa: Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The author focuses on the role of education in promoting or hindering national development; the way the educational system varies in response to societal and dialectical forces; the place of education in major theories of change and development; and the contribution made by education to economic, social and political development. Clearly and concisely written, the book will be of interest to teachers, administrators, educational planners and scholars in comparative education and the history of education.

Planning and Enabling Learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector (Further Education and Skills)

by Ann Gravells Susan Simpson

This was a unit in the CTLLS and DTLLS qualifications, which have now been replaced with the Certificate and Diploma in Education and Training (CET and DET). However, the content has since been updated and is now in the book Principles and Practices of Teaching and Training. Please note: the qualification unit content contained in the appendices has since changed, and some legislation mentioned in the book has been updated.

Planning and facilitating group learning (Critical Guides for Teacher Educators)

by null Marcus Witt null Ben Knight

This is an innovative text for teacher educators exploring detailed research and information that novice teachers need to know about group work in school settings. There is more to learn about group work than simply sitting children together and letting them get on with it! Group work across schools is very common and trainee teachers will step into classrooms where small groups are a predominant structure. Research has suggested that there is a great deal more to understand about group work, however there is a tacit presumption in ITE that trainee teachers will simply pick up the expertise associated with organising and managing group work. This book aims to fill in the gaps and educate trainee teachers on the subtleties and complexities of group work to ultimately make their teaching more impactful and effective.In this accessible and informative guide, the authors delve into the existing research on how children learn in collaborative groups and what trainee teachers need to learn and understand about planning and executing group learning. It examines the skills teacher educators should aim to develop in pre-service teachers to help them build expertise in this important area. Following other books within the series, this book is packed with case studies and opportunities for critical thinking.

Planning and Implementing Assessment

by Richard Freeman Lewis, Roger

This title outlines a set of principles and analytical methods that can be adapted to different assessment scenarios designed to enable readers to construct their own effective methods for assessment. Guidelines for design and methods of planning, choosing and implementation are provided.

Planning and Management in Distance Education (Open and Flexible Learning Series)

by Santosh Panda

Online distance education and training is being adopted throughout the world as a cost-effective, flexible answer to widening access for all. This enthusiasm has led to many initiatives and policies from governments to encourage online learning at international, national, regional and institutional levels. Also, changes in distance learning continue to take place as a result of educational discourse and innovations in ICT. Distance learning courses are therefore under pressure to reform, and successful management of external policy planning and internal change management is key to the implementation and maintenance of reforms.World-class leaders, researchers and practitioners share their experiences, research and critical reflection in this book, providing guidance on how to balance quality management with quality learning. Subjects covered include policy and planning, institutional management, management of processes, quality assurance and accreditation, and internationalization.This book will aid anyone involved in running or wanting to implement distance education to effectively manage an online learning programme.

The Planning and Management of Distance Education (Routledge Revivals)

by Greville Rumble

Originally published in 1986, The Planning and Management of Distance Education examines the problems faced by those who are setting up and managing distance education systems of various kinds. The book begins by considering definitions of distance education and various models which can be used to describe and understand distance education systems. The second chapter considers various general education models and relates these to distance education. The concepts introduced in the first two chapters form a background to the rest of the book. The next section looks at the aspirations of those setting up distance education systems, the economics and costs of such systems, and the process of planning a distance education system from scratch (chapters 3-5). Chapters 6-11 consider aspects of planning and management – organisation, staffing, planning, budgeting, the management of the academic processes related to materials development and the provision of local student services, production management (the management of materials production and distribution), operations management (the management of the delivery of student services) – and the impact of new technology on production and operations management, and finally, evaluation. The short concluding chapter draws together some of the themes running through the book.

Planning and Observation of Children under Three (Supporting Children from Birth to Three)

by Helen Bradford

The most rapid and significant phase of development occurs in the first three years of a child’s life. The Supporting Children from Birth to Three series focuses on the care and support of the very youngest children. Each book takes a key aspect of working with this age group and gives clear and detailed explanations of relevant theories together with practical examples to show how such theories translate into good working practice. Effective planning and observation are fundamental to young children’s learning and development. Learning opportunities for children need to be relevant for their age group, realistic and challenging. Drawing on recent research, this book explains why the planning cycle is so important and looks at the links between observation, planning and assessment. Taking a holistic approach to supporting children’s learning, it shows how a range of observation strategies can provide insight into children’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive development and practically demonstrates how practitioners can develop appropriate planning and observation techniques for babies and toddlers. Features include: clear explanation of relevant theories case studies and examples of good practice focus points for readers questions for reflective practice Providing a wealth of practical ideas and activities, this handy text encourages explores all aspects of planning and observation with the under threes to help practitioners ensure effective outcomes for the youngest children in their care.

Planning and Organising the SENCO Year: Time Saving Strategies for Effective Practice

by Dot Constable

First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Planning and Organizing Standards-Based Differentiated Instruction

by Carolyn M. Chapman Rita S. King

Work smarter—not harder—for effective differentiation! Well-planned, on-target instruction that’s responsive to diverse student needs is a complex task every teacher strives for—especially in today’s classroom. Where do you start? Get expert guidance grounded in cutting-edge brain research from bestselling authors Carolyn Chapman and Rita King. This new edition of Differentiated Instructional Management helps you identify best practices and create positive classroom environments that optimize learning for individual learners. New and experienced teachers get numerous hands-on resources, including ready-to-use tools, agendas, checklists, organizers, and other graphics to facilitate Common Core–ready, standards-based instruction. Detailed strategies help you: "Zap" gaps in learning with 12 innovative planning models Motivate students through diverse approaches, including challenge, humor, respect, choice, and self-efficacy Identify and individualize teaching methods for students who are nervous, impatient, "turned off," or otherwise difficult to reach Organize differentiated lessons and routines in self assessment, journaling, portfolios, grading, and more Customize parent-teacher communications for students from diverse backgrounds Save time with targeted formative and summative assessments Loaded with innovative strategies that can be customized for teachers and students, Planning and Organizing Standards-Based Differentiated Instruction is your comprehensive toolkit that helps you meet the unique needs of all learners. Praise for the previous edition: "Each chapter assists the teacher in setting up and maintaining an effective learning environment through the use of differentiated learning and assessment, with suggestions that are practical and grounded in research." —Laura B. Harper, Adjunct Instructor and Supervisor of Student Teachers Trevecca Nazarene University "This book is loaded! It has every topic you ever wanted to know about differentiation." —Kael Sagheer, Fifth Grade Teacher Willa Cather Elementary School, Grapevine, TX

Planning and Passing Your PhD Defence: A Global Toolbox for Success (Insider Guides to Success in Academia)

by Olga Degtyareva Eva O.L. Lantsoght

The 'Insider Guides to Success in Academia' offers support and practical advice to doctoral students and early-career researchers. Covering the topics that really matter, but which often get overlooked, this indispensable series provides practical and realistic guidance to address many of the needs and challenges of trying to operate, and remain, in academia. These neat pocket guides fill specific and significant gaps in current literature. Each book offers insider perspectives on the often implicit rules of the game -- the things you need to know but usually aren't told by institutional postgraduate support, researcher development units, or supervisors -- and will address a practical topic that is key to career progression. They are essential reading for doctoral students, early-career researchers, supervisors, mentors, or anyone looking to launch or maintain their career in academia. This book is a toolbox for PhD students to plan and prepare for the PhD defence regardless of their scientific discipline or location. The authors discuss various defence formats that are used internationally and identify the main differences and similarities. With international examples, practical strategies, and tips from former PhD students and supervisors, this book unpacks the principles and unwritten rules underpinning the defence. Addressing planning and preparing for the doctoral defence, and what to do afterwards, this book covers topics such as: understanding your defence format preparing for committee questions preparing mentally and dealing with anxiety dealing with corrections, finalizing your graduation requirements and marking the end of your PhD trajectory. This book is crucial reading for students across the world looking to defend their PhD thesis, and also for their supervisors and examiners.

Planning and Transformation: Learning from the Post-Apartheid Experience (RTPI Library Series)

by Vanessa Watson Alison Todes Philip Harrison

Planning and Transformation provides a comprehensive view of planning under political transition in South Africa, offering an accessible resource for both students and researchers in an international and a local audience. In the years after the 1994 transition to democracy in South Africa, planners believed they would be able to successfully promote a vision of integrated, equitable and sustainable cities, and counter the spatial distortions created by apartheid. This book covers the experience of the planning community, the extent to which their aims were achieved, and the hindering factors. Although some of the factors affecting planning have been context-specific, the nature of South Africa’s transition and its relationship to global dynamics have meant that many of the issues confronting planners in other parts of the world are echoed here. Issues of governance, integration, market competitiveness, sustainability, democracy and values are significant, and the particular nature of the South African experience lends new insights to thinking on these questions, exploring the possibilities of achievement in the planning field.

Planning and Using Time in the Foundation Stage

by Karen McInnes Jill Williams

Operating on two levels, this book aims to help students and practitioners understand how to plan and use time effectively within the foundation stage setting. The book examines how children learn and play at different times of day, how they fiction when they might be tired or hungry and how best to organize the learning day with this in mind. The authors discuss the issue of environment, how children relate to different areas within their own room, and what happens when routines of time and place are altered. The book also discusses how to develop children's understanding of time and how to incorporate the theme of time into children's play. The book includes: practical activities and examples that will allow children to fully comprehend the concept of time advice on how to create time for children to learn through play, inquiry and investigation sections on how time can be used to include parents, colleagues and the local community. This book provides in-depth analysis of how effective use of time can be beneficial for parents, children and staff in early years setting.

Planning Cities With Young People and Schools: Forging Justice, Generating Joy

by Deborah L. McKoy Amanda Eppley Shirl Buss

Offering the overlooked but essential viewpoint of young people from low-income communities of color and their public schools, Planning Cities With Young People and Schools offers an urgently needed set of best-practice recommendations for urban planners to change the status quo and reimagine the future of our cities for and with young people. Working with more than 10,000 students over two decades from the San Francisco Bay Area, to New York, to Tohoku, Japan, this work produces a wealth of insights on issues ranging from environmental planning, housing, transportation, regional planning, and urban education. Part I presents a theory of change for planning more equitable, youth-friendly cities by cultivating intergenerational communities of practice where young people work alongside city planners and adult professionals. Part II explores youth engagement in resilience, housing, and transportation planning through an analysis of literature and international examples of engaging children and youth in city planning. Part III speaks directly to practitioners, scholars, and students alike, presenting "Six Essentials for Planning Just and Joyful Cities" as necessary precursors to effective city planning with and for our most marginalized, children, youth, and public schools. For academics, policy makers, and practitioners, this book raises the importance of education systems and young people as critical to urban planning and the future of our cities.

Planning Classroom Management: A Five-Step Process to Creating a Positive Learning Environment

by Karen A. Bosch

Increase student learning with an effective classroom management plan! This resource helps teachers develop classroom management plans tailored to their specific needs and skills. The author presents a five-step process that includes introspection, observation, plan development, implementation, and plan revision. This unique field-tested book also covers: Worksheets with questions to guide each step of the process Ample vignettes and examples Numerous strategies for organization, discipline, classroom operation, and instruction Tips for working with diverse students

Planning Continuing Professional Development (Routledge Library Editions: Human Resource Management Ser.)

by Frankie Todd

Continuing professional development (CPD) aims to maintain or improve the quality of professional performance. So far, it tends to have been designed for specific professional groups such as teachers, doctors, architects or engineers. Approaches, as a result, have often been local, separatist or idiosyncratic in nature. This book, first published in 1987, argues that CPD designers should consider strategies used for professional groups other than their own. This title will be useful to anyone with a responsibility for developing and implementing courses and also to practitioners themselves, as well as to students of business studies.

Planning Creative Literacy Lessons

by Andrew Lambirth

This book builds on the guidance given by the Primary Strategy for Literacy. By 'filling in the gaps' that the planning documentation leaves, the book provides teachers with the structures and ideas to plan creatively and effectively for their children whilst following and enhancing the recommendations of the strategy. It includes: clear and practical ways to plan units of work that embrace reading, writing, speaking and listening, in exciting and active ways examples of effective practice using children's work that highlight the effects of creative planning suggestions for texts and resources that can be included in half-termly and termly planning. Written by a team of leading educationalists and teacher educators in the primary literacy field, this edited collection is a must-have for primary teachers wishing to inject creativity into the planning of their literacy lessons.

Planning, Delivering and Assessing GNVQs: A Practical Guide to Achieving the "G" Units

by Ros Ollin Elaine Smith

This work provides a guide to GNVQ assessor units that teachers must work towards, and is directly linked to the teacher's role in the planning and implementation of GNVQs. It provides examples and case studies across a number of different occupational areas.

Planning, Doing and Reviewing (Managing in the Early Years)

by Green Ashman

As Early Years care and education comes under closer outside scrutiny the number of practitioners moving into managerial roles is constantly increasing, this book focuses on how to make policy work in practice: clarifying the manager’s responsibilities and his or her duty to lead exploring the use of policy and procedures, why we have procedure, how to create procedures and how to put it into practice offering advice on effective planning, how to monitor progress and activity, and tips on feedback and reflection providing links to Ofsted. This is a must-have for students, assessors, nursery nurses with an interest in career development into management and anyone working within a early-years environment in a managerial role.

Planning Effective Instruction: Diversity Responsive Methods And Management (Mindtap Course List Series)

by Kay Price Karna Nelson

PLANNING EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION: DIVERSITY RESPONSIVE METHODS AND MANAGEMENT, 6th Edition, translates best practice research into practical suggestions for diversity responsive teaching in the classroom. The book is organized around a framework that clarifies the enormous task of being a diversity responsive teacher by helping focus teachers' efforts in planning for diversity. Readers see that what they teach, how they teach, and the context for teaching interact to bring about the success of all students. Written lesson and activity plans that incorporate diversity responsive techniques guide and save time for future instructors. The book -- which integrates InTASC Standards and includes learning objectives -- provides resources and exercises that both lay the foundation for readers' future work and prove useful as tools that they can reference throughout their teaching careers.

Planning for Children’s Play and Learning: Meeting children’s needs in the later stages of the EYFS

by Jane Drake

This new edition of Planning for Children’s Play and Learning has been fully updated to reflect the revised Early Years Foundation Stage and in line with current policy and practice. It recognises the importance of play as a context for teaching, learning and assessment and links theory with practical examples to show practitioners how they can best support the children in their care. With new material on learning stories, language development, ICT and the home learning environment, the book includes practical guidance and ideas on: • creating stimulating learning environments indoors and out • planning exciting focus activities and experiences • responding to children’s individual interests and supporting personalised learning • sound observational practice and how to assess children’s learning and development within the EYFS framework • developing genuine partnerships with parents and learning links with home. Incorporating ‘Key Points for Good Practice’ within each chapter, and direct links to the EYFS, this is a key text for all practitioners working with children in the later stages of the EYFS. It is also ideal for students pursuing Qualified Teacher Status in the Early Years and EYT Status, and for those enrolled in courses in Early Childhood Studies and Foundation Degrees in Early Years.

Planning for Christian Education Formation

by Israel Galindo Marty C. Canaday

This book was written to help congregational leaders, clergy, staff, and laypersons, plan and organize a Christian education ministry from the approach of Christian formation in a community of faith context. This book provides a model for organizing the Christian education leadership committee or team of the church, demonstrates how to use the church year as a framework for planning the Christian education ministry of the church, and gives a model for assessing the effectiveness of the educational ministry of the church and a process to help congregations move toward the Christian Education Formation approach.

Planning For Computing In Higher Education: Proceedings Of The 1979 Educom Fall Conference

by James C Emery

This volume addresses planning for the use of computing and information resources on college and university campuses. The contributors consider computer applications in the areas of instruction, research, and administration, and analyze these from the viewpoints of faculty, administrators, and computer center directors. One focus of the book, which

Planning For Higher Education: Background And Application

by Allan O. Pfnister

This book focuses on some of the last decade's more significant writing about developments in higher education planning, organizing the wide-ranging commentaries and studies to show the administrator, the faculty member and the informed layman what the current status of higher education appears to be.

Planning for Play

by PhD Kristen M. Kemple

Play is learning! But play in the early years is endangered by the emphasis on push-down academics, mounting parental expectations, and pressures on early childhood teachers to prepare young children for the rigors of kindergarten and beyond. With all of that, gains made by play experiences, including readiness skills and social-emotional development, have fallen away. Young children learn best through play. Planning for Play helps educators understand the different types of play and the rich opportunities offered through carefully planned time and environments designed for valuable pre-K play experiences. Learn how to get the most out of the play in your classroom: How to support play without controlling it How to guide play toward important concepts and skills How to use materials to provoke rich play How to get a reluctant child to play with peers And so much more!

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