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Planning for Play
by PhD Kristen M. KemplePlay is learning! But play in the early years is endangered by the emphasis on push-down academics, mounting parental expectations, and pressures on early childhood teachers to prepare young children for the rigors of kindergarten and beyond. With all of that, gains made by play experiences, including readiness skills and social-emotional development, have fallen away. Young children learn best through play. Planning for Play helps educators understand the different types of play and the rich opportunities offered through carefully planned time and environments designed for valuable pre-K play experiences. Learn how to get the most out of the play in your classroom: How to support play without controlling it How to guide play toward important concepts and skills How to use materials to provoke rich play How to get a reluctant child to play with peers And so much more!
Planning for Play, Observation, and Learning in Preschool and Kindergarten
by Gaye GronlundPlay is an important vehicle for learning in the early years. With intentional planning frameworks, this resource provides teachers with tools and strategies to organize and develop curriculum around high-level, purposeful play. Practical application techniques help teachers create a cycle of planning and observation as they use a play-based curriculum to help young children thrive in the classroom.Gaye Gronlund is an early childhood education consultant who trains early childhood educators across the country. She is the author of six books.
Planning for Retail Development: A Critical View of the British Experience
by Clifford GuyWritten by a leading expert in the field, this is the first thorough critical review of retail planning policy in Britain (including Scotland and Wales). It covers recent changes in government policy and guidance, and examines retail policy within a broader economic and social context. Planning for Retail Development explains key events and debates in the evolution of retail planning policy, at central and local government levels, since the 1960s and draws contrasts between the 1980s, a period in which retail developers were encouraged by central government to expand away from town centres, and the more recent emphasis on protection and promotion of town centres as the most appropriate location for new development. The book develops a critical evaluation of past and present retail planning policies, based upon analyses of retailers’ objectives and of typical consumer shopping behaviour. Relationships between retail planning and wider societal concerns, including sustainable development, social inclusion and urban regeneration are also examined and analysed and guidelines for future policy objectives and content are drawn.
Planning for Schematic Learning in the Early Years: A practical guide
by Karen ConstableWhat are schemas and why should you know about them? How can schemas be identified in young children? What does schematic learning look like and how does it meet the needs of individual children? All children are different, they look different, sound different, behave in different ways and crucially they learn differently. It is a constant challenge in Early Years settings and Reception classes to provide opportunities that are relevant and valuable for all the children. Being able to recognise and identify schemas in young children enables practitioners to plan a play-based curriculum that allows for individualised learning based around each child’s interests that will support the next steps of their development. Drawing on current research, the book clearly explains what schemas are and how they can be identified in children. Looking at how settings can plan to incorporate schemas into their schemes and topics and providing real life examples of schematic learning in practice, features include: Examples of schemas alongside descriptions of common behaviour patterns A chapter on using schemas to support children with additional needs Photocopiable key checklists to help identify different schemas Guidance on developing schemas to support children in their next steps Advice on using schemas to aid the transition to Key Stage 1 Including case studies and photographs to illustrate practice, this highly practical book aims to inspire practitioners, teachers and students to be creative in the way they work with children and ensure the best for those in their care.
Planning for Technology: A Guide for School Administrators, Technology Coordinators, and Curriculum Leaders
by Bruce M. Whitehead Devon Jensen Dr Floyd A. BoscheeStay a step ahead of technological change so that every student can flourish! Students and classrooms are growing more technologically savvy every semester, and falling behind is not an option. This new edition of an essential text shows educational leaders how to equip their students for the future, with updates such as: Digital developments of the past decade that school leaders must address New content covering the Common Core, distributed leadership, adult learning theory, digital citizenship, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and more A new chapter on creating a “culture of technology” that goes beyond mere user manuals to create responsible, tech-savvy students
Planning for the Early Years Foundation Stage (Practical Guidance in the EYFS)
by Sandra SmidtThe Practical Guidance in the Early Years Foundation Stage series will assist practitioners in the smooth and successful implementation of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Each book gives clear and detailed explanations of each aspect of Learning and Development and encourages readers to consider each area within its broadest context to expand and develop their own knowledge and good practice. Practical ideas and activities for all age groups are offered along with a wealth of expertise of how elements from the practice guidance can be implemented within all early years settings. The books include suggestions for the innovative use of everyday ressources, popular books and stories. Planning for the Early Years Foundation Stage complements the six Learning area books in this series by explaining the basis of clear planning and how it links to careful observation and assessment. Useful examples are provided throughout, Planning across the Early Years Foundation Stage will raise awareness of what is needed within early years settings, explain the who, when and whys of observation, assessment and planning, and making useful links to each of the other books in the series.
Planning for the Success of Students with IEPs: A Systematic, Supports-based Approach (Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities #0)
by James R. ThompsonA great special educator is an expert problem-solver. The difficulties that students with individual education plans (IEPs) encounter in general education classrooms are rarely impossible to overcome. What is required to help them succeed is figuring out the individualized supports they need, whether that involves accessing technology, receiving assistance from a peer or adult, or curricular and assignment adaptations. In this comprehensive handbook from The Norton Series on Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities, James R. Thompson synthesizes the work of a team of experts to provide a roadmap for that problem-solving process. The Systematic Supports Planning Process is structured around three central questions that lead to identifying different types of support: • “What to teach?”—curricular adaptations • “How to teach?”—instructional supports • “How to promote participation?”—participation supports Packed with easy-to-follow guidelines, as well as implementation tools and examples, this book is a one-stop reference for planning, delivering, monitoring, and evaluating the supports that students with IEPs require.
Planning for Two Transformations in Education and Learning Technology: Report of a Workshop
by Committee on Improving Learning Information TechnologyIn response to concerns about the continued unrealized potential of IT in K-12 education, the National Research Council’s Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Center for Education (CFE), Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences (BBCSS), and Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) undertook a collaborative project to help the IT, education research, and practitioner communities work together to find ways of improving the use of IT in K-12 education for the benefit of all students.
Planning in the Moment with Two and Three Year Olds: Child-initiated Play in Action
by Anna EphgraveChildren are most engaged – and therefore learn best – when they are following their own interests. In this book, Anna Ephgrave shows how her acclaimed ‘planning in the moment’ approach can be used with two and three year olds with dramatic results for both children and staff. It reveals the impact that free-flowing, child-initiated play has on very young children’s wellbeing, making them feel safe, secure and consequently helping them to be fully engaged in their learning. The first part of the book clearly explains the principles of child-initiated play and demonstrates how practitioners can create the best possible environment for very young children, also looking at the resources and practices that need to be in place for them to flourish. There is detailed guidance on the role of the practitioner, including how adults should observe children’s play, before deciding how – or if – to interact in that moment to ensure that each interaction moves learning forward and supports the child’s unique development. The second part of the book tracks some of the events from each month in the toddler room of an outstanding preschool, following a cohort of children through a year, to show how the setting moved from topic-based, adult-led activities to a fully child-led way of working. Key features include: Over 350 full colour photos to illustrate practice Specific guidance on using the ‘in the moment’ approach with all children, including those with additional needs Advice on working with parents, individual children and groups Examples of individual learning journeys Photocopiable templates of ‘focus-child’ sheets Covering all aspects of practice from the organization of the room and outdoor environment to the routines and boundaries that ensure children are safe and happy, this book is essential reading for anyone who works with two and three year olds.
Planning in the Moment with Young Children: A Practical Guide for Early Years Practitioners and Parents
by Anna EphgraveYoung children live in the here and now. If adults are to make a real difference to their learning they need to seize the moments when children first show curiosity, and support their next steps immediately. This book embraces the concept of planning "in the moment" and emphasises the critical role of the adult in promoting child-led learning, giving early years practitioners the confidence and insight to work and plan in the moment, and enabling the children in their care to live, learn, play and develop in the here and now. Planning in the Moment with Young Children maintains a strong link to practice, providing numerous examples of how practitioners can integrate spontaneous planning and rich adult–child interactions into their everyday practice and early years curricula. From timetabling to setting clear rules, creating enabling environments, keeping records and making use of a variety of materials, the book demonstrates the multitude of ways in which practitioners can encourage child autonomy and respond to the unique needs of each child. Examples from practice are rooted in theory, fully contextualised, and exemplified by original documentation sourced from the author’s own experiences and from a wide variety of settings. Key features include: over 180 full colour photographs to illustrate practice; photocopiable pages including planning sheets, documentation and activity sheets; advice on working with parents, individual children and groups; tailored guidance on working with children at different stages of development from birth to age 6 years; relevance to a range of settings, including childminders, pre-schools, nurseries and schools. When children are allowed to select where, with what, and how to play, they are truly invested in their play, they become deeply involved and make dramatic progress. This book is an outstanding testament to a responsive and child-led way of working in early years environments. Practitioners will be guided, inspired and supported to work spontaneously and reactively – planning as they go and celebrating the results!
Planning, Instruction, and Assessment: Effective Teaching Practices
by Leslie Grant Jennifer Hindman James StrongeThis entry in the James H. Stronge Research-to-Practice Series focuses on specific strategies teachers can use to improve the quality of their instruction. Studies have shown teacher quality to be the top indicator of student achievement, with the effects of good teachers apparent even as students move on to successive grades. In this book, Grant, Hindman, and Stronge explore the relationship between teacher effectiveness and student learning. They provide a bridge between research-based theories and practical classroom applications. Templates, planning forms, and other reproducibles help teachers make a noticeable impact on student success using proven techniques and practices. Topics include tiered lessons, using assessment data, and much more.
Planning Learning Spaces
by Murray Hudson“A welcome and timely addition to the subject of school design at a time of great change.†—Professor Alan Jones, President of the Royal Institute of British Architects “Comprehensive but also very practical approach.†—Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills in Paris, France“Any community building a new school should read this book.†—Michael B. Horn, Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation in Boston, USA “Builds a bridge from the simple to the extraordinary... awash in opportunity and inspiration.†—Professor Stephen Heppell, Chair in Learning Innovation at the Universidad Camilo Jose Cela in Madrid, Spain Can school design help us to realize a new vision for education that equips young people for life in a fast-changing world? This is the big question at the heart of Planning Learning Spaces, a new guide for anyone involved in the planning and design of learning environments. Murray Hudson and Terry White have brought together educators and innovative school architects to pool their collective expertise and inspire the design of more intelligent learning spaces. The authors prompt readers to question common assumptions about how schools should look and how children should be educated: •Why have so many schools changed relatively little in more than a century? •What form should a school library take in the Internet age? •Do classrooms really have to be square?The book also tackles vital elements of learning space design such as the right lighting, heating and acoustics, and explores the key role of furniture, fixtures, and fittings.With contributions from leading professionals around the world, including Herman Hertzberger and Sir Ken Robinson, Planning Learning Spaces is an invaluable resource for architects, interior designers, and educators hoping that their project will make a genuine difference. Highly recommended reading for anyone involved with the process of building or updating an educational space.
Planning Learning Spaces: A Practical Guide for Architects, Designers, School Leaders
by Murray Hudson Murray Hudson, White Terry White“A welcome and timely addition to the subject of school design at a time of great change.”—Professor Alan Jones, President of the Royal Institute of British Architects “Comprehensive but also very practical approach.”—Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills in Paris, France“Any community building a new school should read this book.”—Michael B. Horn, Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation in Boston, USA “Builds a bridge from the simple to the extraordinary... awash in opportunity and inspiration.”—Professor Stephen Heppell, Chair in Learning Innovation at the Universidad Camilo Jose Cela in Madrid, Spain Can school design help us to realize a new vision for education that equips young people for life in a fast-changing world? This is the big question at the heart of Planning Learning Spaces, a new guide for anyone involved in the planning and design of learning environments. Murray Hudson and Terry White have brought together educators and innovative school architects to pool their collective expertise and inspire the design of more intelligent learning spaces. The authors prompt readers to question common assumptions about how schools should look and how children should be educated: • Why have so many schools changed relatively little in more than a century? • What form should a school library take in the Internet age? • Do classrooms really have to be square?The book also tackles vital elements of learning space design such as the right lighting, heating and acoustics, and explores the key role of furniture, fixtures, and fittings.With contributions from leading professionals around the world, including Herman Hertzberger and Sir Ken Robinson, Planning Learning Spaces is an invaluable resource for architects, interior designers, and educators hoping that their project will make a genuine difference. Highly recommended reading for anyone involved with the process of building or updating an educational space.
Planning Lessons and Courses
by Tessa Woodward Penny UrThis book deals with the kinds of everyday questions working teachers face as they plan lessons and courses. Each chapter contains an analysis of the issue under discussion, as well as practical principles and sample activities.
Planning Middle Eastern Cities: An Urban Kaleidoscope (Planning, History and Environment Series)
by Yasser ElsheshtawyMiddle Eastern cities cannot be lumped together as a single group. Rather they make up the urban kaleidoscope of the title, as the diversity of the six cities included here shows. They range from cities rich in tradition (Cairo, Tunis, and Baghdad), to neglected cities (Algiers and Sana'a), to newly emerging 'oil-rich' Gulf cities (Dubai). The authors are all young Arab scholars and architects local to the cities they describe, providing an authentic voice with an understanding no outsider could achieve. These contributors move away from an exclusively 'Islamic' reading of Arab cities - which they regard as outdated and counterproductive. Instead, they explore issues of identity and globalization in the context of the struggles and solutions offered by each city from the late nineteenth century to the present day. Their focus is on how the built environment has changed over time and under different influences.
Planning Powerful Instruction, Grades 2-5: 7 Must-Make Moves to Transform How We Teach--and How Students Learn (Corwin Literacy)
by Jeffrey D. Wilhelm Adam Fachler Jackie Miller Christopher ButtsAre you ready to plan your best lessons ever? Planning Powerful Instruction is your go-to guide for transforming student outcomes through stellar instructional planning. Its seven-step framework—the EMPOWER model—gives you techniques proven to help students develop true insight and understanding. You&’ll have at your fingertips: the real reasons why students engage—and what you must do to ensure they do a framework to help you create, plan, and teach the most effective units and lessons in any subject area more than 50 actionable strategies to incorporate right away suggestions for tailoring units for a wide range of learners downloadable, ready-to-go tools for planning and teaching
Planning Powerful Instruction, Grades 2-5: 7 Must-Make Moves to Transform How We Teach--and How Students Learn (Corwin Literacy)
by Jeffrey D. Wilhelm Adam Fachler Jackie Miller Christopher ButtsAre you ready to plan your best lessons ever? Planning Powerful Instruction is your go-to guide for transforming student outcomes through stellar instructional planning. Its seven-step framework—the EMPOWER model—gives you techniques proven to help students develop true insight and understanding. You&’ll have at your fingertips: the real reasons why students engage—and what you must do to ensure they do a framework to help you create, plan, and teach the most effective units and lessons in any subject area more than 50 actionable strategies to incorporate right away suggestions for tailoring units for a wide range of learners downloadable, ready-to-go tools for planning and teaching
Planning Powerful Instruction, Grades 6-12: 7 Must-Make Moves to Transform How We Teach--and How Students Learn (Corwin Literacy)
by Jeffrey D. Wilhelm Rachel E. Bear Adam FachlerAre you ready to plan your best lessons ever? With so many demands and so much content available for teachers, we need to put a higher value on an often-overlooked skill: planning learning experiences that will both engage and inspire our students, by design, over time. Planning Powerful Instruction is your go-to guide for transforming student outcomes through stellar instructional planning. Its seven-step framework—the EMPOWER model—gives you techniques proven to help students develop true insight and understanding. You’ll have at your fingertips: the real reasons why students engage—and what you must do to ensure they do a framework to help you create, plan, and teach the most effective units and lessons in any subject area more than 50 actionable strategies to incorporate right away suggestions for tailoring units for a wide range of learners downloadable, ready-to-go tools for planning and teaching Whether you are a classroom teacher, an instructional leader, or a pre-service teacher, Planning Powerful Instruction will forever change the way you think about how you teach and the unique value you bring to your learners.
Planning Powerful Instruction, Grades 6-12: 7 Must-Make Moves to Transform How We Teach--and How Students Learn (Corwin Literacy)
by Jeffrey D. Wilhelm Rachel E. Bear Adam FachlerAre you ready to plan your best lessons ever? With so many demands and so much content available for teachers, we need to put a higher value on an often-overlooked skill: planning learning experiences that will both engage and inspire our students, by design, over time. Planning Powerful Instruction is your go-to guide for transforming student outcomes through stellar instructional planning. Its seven-step framework—the EMPOWER model—gives you techniques proven to help students develop true insight and understanding. You’ll have at your fingertips: the real reasons why students engage—and what you must do to ensure they do a framework to help you create, plan, and teach the most effective units and lessons in any subject area more than 50 actionable strategies to incorporate right away suggestions for tailoring units for a wide range of learners downloadable, ready-to-go tools for planning and teaching Whether you are a classroom teacher, an instructional leader, or a pre-service teacher, Planning Powerful Instruction will forever change the way you think about how you teach and the unique value you bring to your learners.
Planning Primary English: How to Design and Teach Brilliant Lessons
by Kirstie HewettEffective lesson planning is a crucial skill for all primary school teachers and is key to fostering engaging and focused learning. So how can new teachers ensure that their plans are motivating and impactful so that their students can make good progress? This book serves as a comprehensive roadmap for planning dynamic and effective English lessons and clearly explains key principles and concepts that underpin effective teaching in all aspects of the primary English curriculum. Covering a wide range of topics, this book discusses how to plan compelling lessons on teaching phonics, comprehension, grammar, spoken language and more, as well as adaptive teaching for an inclusive classroom. It identifies the key decisions new teachers, who are planning their own lessons for the first time, must consider to execute well-structured lessons and suggests how these can be tailored to meet the needs of all learners. Whether you′re on a university-based path (PGCE, BEd, BA with QTS) or exploring school-based routes (School Direct, SCITT, Teach First), or an Early Career Teacher, this book is essential reading to transforming lesson planning from a challenge into a creative and effective teaching tool. Kirstie Hewett is a senior lecturer in primary English at the University of Chichester.
Planning Primary English: How to Design and Teach Brilliant Lessons
by Kirstie HewettEffective lesson planning is a crucial skill for all primary school teachers and is key to fostering engaging and focused learning. So how can new teachers ensure that their plans are motivating and impactful so that their students can make good progress? This book serves as a comprehensive roadmap for planning dynamic and effective English lessons and clearly explains key principles and concepts that underpin effective teaching in all aspects of the primary English curriculum. Covering a wide range of topics, this book discusses how to plan compelling lessons on teaching phonics, comprehension, grammar, spoken language and more, as well as adaptive teaching for an inclusive classroom. It identifies the key decisions new teachers, who are planning their own lessons for the first time, must consider to execute well-structured lessons and suggests how these can be tailored to meet the needs of all learners. Whether you′re on a university-based path (PGCE, BEd, BA with QTS) or exploring school-based routes (School Direct, SCITT, Teach First), or an Early Career Teacher, this book is essential reading to transforming lesson planning from a challenge into a creative and effective teaching tool. Kirstie Hewett is a senior lecturer in primary English at the University of Chichester.
Planning Process Drama: Enriching teaching and learning
by Pamela Bowell Brian S. HeapProcess drama is now firmly established, internationally, as a powerful and dynamic pedagogy. This clear and accessible book provides a practical, step-by-step guide to the planning of process drama. Grounded in theory and illustrated in practice, it identifies and explains the principles of planning and shows how they can be applied across age ranges and curricula. Drawing on the authors' wide-ranging practical experience and research, examples are built up and run throughout the book, at each step showing how and why the teachers' planning decisions were made. This second edition features: a wider range of examples illustrating the planning principles in practice two completely new chapters: one deals with planning for diverse learner groups and the other moves the reader on from the pre-action planning phase to the 'planning on your feet' required as the drama unfolds. incorporated new material to reflect recent understanding of how learning takes place Written as a conversation between reader and authors, Planning Process Drama will help practitioners to update and refine their practice and strengthen their understanding, skills and confidence. Planning Process Drama will be an essential guide for students undertaking initial teacher training at primary level, in addition to both Drama and English at secondary level, and a Masters in Drama in Education. It will also prove to be valuable reading for specialist and non-specialist teacher in both the primary and secondary sectors who teach, or wish to teach, process drama.
Planning Programs for Adult Learners
by Rosemary S. Caffarella Ronald M. Cervero Sandra Ratcliff DaffronPlanning Programs for Adult Learners, Third Edition covers the development of adult education programs in clear, specific detail. This popular step-by-step guide contains information on every area of program planning for adult learners, from understanding the purpose of educational programs to obtaining suitable facilities to incorporating technology appropriately. For educators and practitioners for whom planning programs is a full-time responsibility or only a part of their jobs, as well as volunteers in a variety of organizations, will find this book to be an essential tool.Grounded in a variety of program planning models, the new edition includes:new refinements to the 11-component interactive modelupdated exercises and examples from new settingsnew material on the practical application of technologydiscussion of instructional and program evaluationa focus on critical managerial tasksa new chapter on exploring the foundational knowledge of program planninga new section on the ethical issues related to program planning
Planning Programs for Adult Learners: A Practical Guide
by Sandra Ratcliff Daffron Rosemary S. CaffarellaStrengthen your adult education program planning with this essential guide Planning Programs for Adult Learners: A Practical Guide, 4th Edition is an interactive, practical, and essential guide for anyone involved with planning programs for adult learners. Containing extensive updates, refinements, and revisions to this celebrated book, this edition prepares those charged with planning programs for adult learners across a wide variety of settings. Spanning a variety of crucial subjects, this book will teach readers how to: Plan, organize, and complete other administrative tasks with helpful templates and practical guides Focus on challenges of displacement, climate change, economic dislocation, and inequality Plan programs using current and emerging digital delivery tools and techniques including virtual and augmented reality Planning Programs for Adult Learners provides an international perspective and includes globally relevant examples and research that will inform and transform your program planning process. Perfect for adult educators and participants in continuing education programs for adults, the book will also be illuminating for graduate students in fields including education, nursing, human resource development, and more.
Planning, Teaching and Class Management in Primary Schools, Second Edition
by Denis HayesThis second edition has been fully updated in line with the standards for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) 202. It will prepare student (trainee) teachers to meet the competencies required for the Teaching Standards. The author looks at *Professional values and practice *Planning and Targets *Monitoring and Assessment *Teaching and Class Management Written in a lucid and engaging style, it offers the reader a well-informed set of insights into the complexities, challenges and opportunities presented by the new requirements. Checklists, diagrams and clearly defined sections for key areas make this book extremely accessible for trainee teachers, class teachers and mentors. It is essential reading for all those who want to clearly understand the ideas behind, and practical application of, the standards.