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Play in the Early Years
by Marilyn FleerThe Early Years Learning Framework is a key component of the Australian Government's National Quality Framework for early childhood education and care. Play-based learning is an important focus in both the Framework and in early childhood education degrees at Australian universities. Play in the Early Years is a comprehensive study of pedagogy and play in early childhood education by a globally recognised leader in the field. Marilyn Fleer examines how play has been thought about across time, culture and institutions, including in childcare, family day care, schools and community groups. The book presents and analyses the latest research and theories about early childhood pedagogy and play. Vignettes and real-world examples help students connect theory to practice, while end-of-chapter glossaries help to consolidate understanding of key concepts and ideas. This is an accessible and engaging textbook that will be an invaluable resource for practitioners and undergraduate students of early childhood education.
Play in the Early Years
by Kay OwenPlay in the Early Years provides an accessible overview of key concepts, debates and approaches to children’s Play. This book: · Considers play from a variety of perspectives · Offers expert insights into theory and research in each area · Encourages the reader to critically reflect on both theory and practice With features including key terms, case studies, reflective questions, spotlights on research and an accompanying glossary, this text is perfect for everyone who is interested in Play - from those just starting undergraduate degrees through to those with more advanced knowledge or experience.
Play in the Early Years
by Kay OwenPlay in the Early Years provides an accessible overview of key concepts, debates and approaches to children’s Play. This book: · Considers play from a variety of perspectives · Offers expert insights into theory and research in each area · Encourages the reader to critically reflect on both theory and practice With features including key terms, case studies, reflective questions, spotlights on research and an accompanying glossary, this text is perfect for everyone who is interested in Play - from those just starting undergraduate degrees through to those with more advanced knowledge or experience.
Play It Again (From the Files of Madison Finn #3)
by Laura DowerWhen Far Hills Junior High puts on a play, can Madison survive the drama?The seventh grade gets stage fever when Far Hills Junior High decides to perform the musical The Wiz. Since Madison doesn&’t sing or dance, stage manager seems like the perfect role for her—until she begins to feel left out from all the cast action. Worst of all, her two best friends are partnering up with their nemesis, Ivy, both in and out of rehearsal. The play is bringing out the worst in her enemies and her friends, and Madison isn&’t sure where she fits in anymore. How can she be the glue keeping the play together when she herself feels so unglued?
Play, Learning, and Children's Development
by Mariane Hedegaard Marilyn FleerThis book explores the dynamics in children's everyday lives as they move between school and the family, with particular consideration of how children's motives change in response new challenges. Professors Mariane Hedegaard and Marilyn Fleer follow four children, two from Australia and two from Denmark, over a twelve-month period. Using these case studies, they show how children's everyday activities, play, and the demands of both family and educational contexts influence their learning and development. The authors contribute to a sociocultural theory formulation that includes the child's perspective in cultural historical contexts. Their approach yields insights that transcend specific nationalities, cultures, and socioeconomic situations. The analysis shows not just how children's family life shapes their experiences in school, but how schools influence and shape their lives at home.
Play, Learning and the Early Childhood Curriculum: SAGE Publications (One-off Ser.)
by Elizabeth Ann WoodThe Third Edition of this popular book reflects contemporary research as well as thinking about the role and value of play in learning and development, within and beyond early childhood. The author explores recent developments across international contexts which endorse play, and argues for critical engagement with some aspects of policy discourse in how 'educational play' is constrructed. This accesible book also reviews contemporary theoretical trends which focus on the meanings and intentions that children bring to their play. The new edition includes coverage of: - play in education policies; UK and international perspectives - working with parents - social and cultural diversity - children with special educational needs and disabilities - outdoor play Each chapter includes case studies provided by practitioners, along with questions and tasks to promote critical engagement and reflection on key issues and debates. This book is for students on Childhood Studies courses and those on Initial Teacher Education and Masters programmes in early childhood and primary education. Experienced practitioners on CPD courses will also find it useful. For additional online material visit www.sagepub.co.uk/wood
Play Like a Girl: How a Soccer School in Kenya's Slums Started a Revolution
by Ellie RoscherGrowing up and living in Kibera, Kenya, Abdul Kassim was well aware of the disproportionate number of challenges faced by women due to the extreme gender inequalities that persist in the slums. After being raised by his aunts, mother, and grandmother and having a daughter himself, he felt that he needed to make a difference. In 2002, Abdul started a soccer team for girls called Girls Soccer in Kibera (GSK), with the hope of fostering a supportive community and providing emotional and mental support for the young women in the town. The soccer program was a success, but the looming dangers of slum life persisted, and the young women continued to fall victim to the worst kinds of human atrocities. Indeed, it was the unyielding injustice of these conditions that led Abdul to the conclusion that soccer alone was not enough to create the necessary systemic change. In 2006, after much work, the Kibera Girls Soccer Academy (KGSA) was established with their first class of 11 girls and 2 volunteer teachers. Today, KGSA is composed of 20 full-time staff, provides a host of artistic and athletic programs for more than 130 students annually, and continues to expand. By providing academics inside and outside of the classroom along with artistic and athletic opportunities, KGSA inspires the young women of Kibera to become advocates for change within their own communities and for Kenya as a whole. Play Like a Girl tells the KGSA story through Abdul’s voice and vision and the stories of key staff and students. It is written by Ellie Roscher who spent 2 summers doing research at KGSA and several years writing this book.
Play, Make, Create, A Process-art Handbook: With 43 Art Invitations for kids creative activities and projects to inspire free thinking, mindfulness, and curiosity
by Meri CherryPacked with joyful and educational art experiences for kids, Play, Make, Create offers fun and engaging imaginative activities focused on the fun and reward of creating, not just producing a final project. Founded in a process-based philosophy, this unique book includes more than 40 activities set up as invitations, or thoughtfully designed prompts to explore, create, and play.
The Play of Words
by LedererDo you know the connection between the expression A HARROWING EXPERIENCE and agriculture, between BY AND LARGE and sailing, between GET YOUR GOAT and horses, or between STEAL YOUR THUNDER and show business? You probably have heard the comparisons HAPPY AS A CLAM, SMART AS A WHIP, PLEASED AS PUNCH, DEAD AS A DOORNAIL - but have you ever wondered why a clam should be happy, a whip smart, punch pleased, and a doornail dead? By playing the fifty games in this book , you'll discover the answers to these questions as well as hundreds of other semantic delights that repose in our marvelous English language.
Play On! (Into Reading, Level S #27)
by Carmel Reilly Martin FaganNIMAC-sourced textbook. Sam is a star player on the school basketball team. But when he is chosen for a role in the school play, he's under pressure to find time for both basketball practice and play rehearsals. Will he be able to balance his commitments?
Play Out: How to develop your outside space for learning and play
by Learning through LandscapesDo you know how to manage physical risks and encourage children to go out and test their own boundaries without fear or failure? How can you create a stimulating outdoor area that offers irresistible learning opportunities for young children? Does your outdoor learning environment support young children’s emerging life skills of confidence, perseverance, creativity, decision making and leadership Play Out! is an inspirational, accessible and pragmatic set of resources aimed at all those involved with improving the use, design and management of outdoor spaces in early years settings. It provides a step-by-step guide for planning and implementing physical changes to outdoor environments in order to facilitate high quality learning and play experiences. Physical and outdoor play has a major impact on the intellectual, emotional and social development of young children. Drawing on Learning through Landscapes experience in working with thousands of early years settings, this book provides the tools for settings to assess what they already have, work through what their needs are, and inspires them to take the next steps forward to make physical and practical improvements to their outside area. Featuring a CD ROM with a comprehensive and fully adaptable audit tool, plus activities and case study resources to support your work, the handy toolkit provides: Step-by step guidance on project management and how to plan improvements to your space Tools for engaging your whole school community Practical activity ideas to involve children and adults A wide range of case studies to illustrate how real life settings have improved their outdoor space This full colour, illustrated resource will make it as easy as possible for managers, practitioners and parents to plan and manage an outdoor improvement project, involving children at the core of the work and linking the process and the improved outside environment to the aims of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Play, Philosophy and Performance
by Malcolm MacLean Wendy Russell Emily RyallPlay, Philosophy and Performance is a cutting-edge collection of essays exploring the philosophy of play. It showcases the most innovative, interdisciplinary work in the rapidly developing field of Play Studies. How we play, and the relation of play to the human condition, is becoming increasingly recognised as a field of scholarly inquiry as well as a significant element of social practice, public policy and socio-cultural understanding. Drawing on approaches ranging through morality and ethics, language and the nature of reality, aesthetics, digital culture and gaming, and written by an international group of emerging and established scholars, this book examines how our performance at play describes, shapes and influences our performance as human beings. This is essential reading for anybody with an interest in leisure, education, childhood, gaming, the arts, playwork or many branches of philosophical enquiry.
Play, Physical Activity and Public Health: The Reframing of Children's Leisure Lives (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport)
by Stephanie A. Alexander Katherine L. Frohlich Caroline FuscoAre children playing less than they used to? Are rising obesity rates linked to a decline in children’s time to play freely? These and other related questions have filled the pages of newspapers, magazines and scholarly journals for the past decade. Researchers and journalists have attributed these issues to societal changes around children’s lives and leisure, the growth of structured and organised activities and increasing perceptions of risk in children’s play. Play, Physical Activity and Public Health presents a discussion of the way modern notions of play are rendering children’s leisure activities less free and less engaged in simply for fun. Based on original qualitative research, and analysis of contemporary media from Canada and elsewhere, this book argues that the growing health concerns around childhood play entail a paradox: by advocating, promoting, discussing, and re-directing children’s play, a new form of children’s leisure is emerging - one that is purpose-driven, instrumentalised for health, and ultimately, less free. We explore how play has become goal-oriented, a means to health ends, and how the management of pleasure in play as well as diverse risk discourses around play continue to limit and constrain possibilities for children and families to play and engage in leisure freely. Incorporating past critiques of this trend in play, we argue for research and practice to create new possibilities and ways of thinking about children's play, leisure, fun and childhood, that are less constrained and managed, and importantly less geared towards health goals. This is a valuable resource for students of the sociology of sport, kinesiology, sports and health psychology, education, public health, and childhood studies. It is also an important read for school teachers, public health practitioners, psychologists, physical education teachers, academics and parents interested in how children’s leisure lives are being shaped by the growing and diverse discussions around play.
Play Piano in a Flash for Kids!: A Fun and Easy Way for Kids to Start Playing the Piano
by Scott HoustonGetting a child to play piano has never been easier!As seen on public television nationwide, Scott "The Piano Guy" Houston is the leading authority on fast and fun piano instruction. In Play Piano in a Flash for Kids! he simplifies his unique and effective method of learning to play piano, making it accessible to even the youngest want-to-be pianists. Highlighting popular, not classical, music, this book fosters and nourishes an early love for music by giving children the tools to play their favorite popular songs.Your child will be able to: Learn the basics of piano playing using a simple technique that pros use, which focuses on becoming a good player versus becoming a good notation reader Use easy-to-follow step-by-step illustrations that demonstrate each stage of learning Play popular music on the piano without having to learn how to read complicated sheet musicIt is a great book for kids who may have taken lessons previously but became frustrated by the long and complicated process. And all at a fraction of the cost of piano lessons!Both parents and children can have fun learning the piano or keyboard together, or children can work through the book on their own, with parents providing support only when needed. Play Piano in a Flash for Kids! is the perfect tool for parents or teachers to help their kids learn to play the piano quickly and easily.
Play-Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education (International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development #26)
by Niklas Pramling Cecilia Wallerstedt Pernilla Lagerlöf Camilla Björklund Anne Kultti Hanna Palmér Maria Magnusson Susanne Thulin Agneta Jonsson Ingrid Pramling SamuelssonThis open access book develops a theoretical concept of teaching that is relevant to early childhood education, and based on children’s learning and development through play. It discusses theoretical premises and research on playing and learning, and proposes the development of play-responsive didaktik. It examines the processes and products of learning and development, teaching and its phylogenetic and ontogenetic development, as well as the ‘what’ of learning and didaktik. Next, it explores the actions, objects and meaning of play and provides insight into the diversity of beliefs about the practices of play. The book presents ideas on how combined research and development projects can be carried out, providing incentive and a model for practice development and research. The second part of the book consists of empirical studies on teacher’s playing skills and examples of play with very young as well as older children.
Play Therapy and Expressive Arts in a Complex and Dynamic World: Opportunities and Challenges Inside and Outside the Playroom (Routledge Research in Early Childhood Education)
by Isabella Cassina Claudio Mochi Karen StagnittiThis book offers cutting-edge expertise and knowledge in new and developing play therapy, therapeutic play, and expressive arts for families and children in crisis and challenging situations. The book focuses on the use of play therapies in complex and dynamic situations such as pandemics, post-disaster conditions, crisis, migration, poverty, and deprivation. Evidence in the book is rooted in theory and contains examples of direct clinical experiences of play therapy approaches by the authors from across six continents, offering innovative methods to apply expressive arts modalities across different situations. It highlights the need to understand the context and needs of the children and families in their particular situations and provides examples of application of therapeutic principles and techniques in individual and group settings and within schools and communities. With reflections and guidance on how to support children in reaching their potential in a variety of difficult contexts, the book will be key reading for scholars and researchers in the fields of play therapy, expressive arts therapies, and creative psychotherapy, as well as professionals in these areas.
Play Today: Building the Young Brain Through Creative Expression
by Ann BarbourWhen young children are engaged in imaginative play, they are not just having fun; they are developing skills and concepts that are foundational to their learning. Teachers can get the most out of this critical development time with thoughtful preparations that allow the children to freely explore their creativity and learn from each other. Using simple props and donated items, the book shows how centers can be transformed into rich and rewarding learning spaces for children. Play Today offers dozens of easy-to-do scenarios that will spark open-ended play explorations.
Play using Natural Materials (Ready, Steady, Play!)
by Alison HoweFirst Published in 2006. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Play with a Pro: Trombone Music
by Keith O'Quinn Dr Bugs BowerFrom Dixieland and boogie woogie to swing, blues, jazz, bop, Latin, and rock music, this title offers a variety of styles. Along with music to fifteen songs, downloadable MP3s provide a chance to play with a top Broadway trombonist.Each song is recorded three ways:1. Practice playing melody (1st trombone) or harmony (2nd trombone) with the title tracks, MP3s 1-15, marked TT.2. Practice playing melody (1st trombone) with accompaniment, MP3s 16-30, marked MT. 3. Practice playing harmony (2nd trombone) with accompaniment, MP3s 31-45, marked HT.These rehearsal routines are comparable to playing a 25-minute set with a live stage band!
Play With Art
by DKWith more than 40 fun ideas to try out, this book is the perfect starting point for little ones who want to discover all types of art.A child will love getting to grips with the basics of painting (using non-toxic food-safe paint), print making, drawing, paper crafting, and more.For each different creative media, there are 6+ easy projects to try - so you don't have to keep putting things away and getting out something new! All the projects feed a child's imagination and encourage creative play. From vegetable printing, to making shadow puppets and a unicorn hobbyhorse, Play with Art is packed with exciting ideas for a little learner starting on their art journey.
Play with Blue (Penguin Young Readers, Level 1)
by Bonnie BaderBlue is an alien. When his spaceship lands in a backyard on Earth, he is determined to make friends with the boys and girls that live there. But first he will have to show that he is friendly. Who will play with Blue? This Level 1 reader is simple, fun, and rich with picture clues.
Play with Fire Study Guide
by Bianca Juarez OlthoffIn this five-session video based Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Bianca Juarez Olthoff delivers a bible-infused message that will help women gain new insight into God's character, discover the personal and powerful nature of the Holy Spirit, and understand the unique fire God places in each person, helping them to fulfill their God-given calling and Kingdom purpose.Fire can burn and destroy but it can also refine and bring beautiful new life. In each powerful video session you will be reminded, or perhaps learn for the first time, that God has HUGE dreams for you. He's whispering in the wind and speaking through the fire and shouting in silence the extraordinary dream He is birthing in you. His dream for you is far greater than the dream you have for yourself. It's not your identity or income or influence that will make this happen. Like Zechariah 4:6 says, "It's not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit," says the Lord.God isn't waiting until you have more resources or a husband or a job so he can use you. He can use you now. Stop asking when you are going to get your gifts or talents or calling and see what's in your hand. You need to play with some fire.Sessions include:Crying OutSurrenderGod's PromisesCommunityHoly SpiritDesigned for use with the Play with Fire Video Study 97803100880707 (sold separately).
Play With Me: Independent Reading Pink 1A (Reading Champion #27)
by Dr Barrie WadeReading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their developing reading skills.Fantastic, original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and a reading activity. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability, encouraging reading for pleasure.Independent Reading Pink 1A stories are perfect for children aged 4+ who are reading at book band 1A (Pink) in classroom reading lessons.In this story, everyone is too busy to play... perhaps Dog can come to the rescue!
The Play World: Toys, Texts, and the Transatlantic German Childhood (Max Kade Research Institute: Germans Beyond Europe)
by Patricia Anne SimpsonThe Play World chronicles the history and evolution of the concept of play as a universal part of childhood. Examining texts and toys coming out of Europe between 1631 and 1914, Patricia Anne Simpson argues that German material, literary, and pedagogical cultures were central to the construction of the modern ideas and realities of play and childhood in the transatlantic world.With attention to the details of toy manufacturing and marketing, Simpson considers prescriptive texts about how children should play, treat their possessions, and experience adventure in the scientific exploration of distant geographies. She illuminates the role of toys—among them a mechanical guillotine, yo-yos, hybridized dolls, and circus figures—as agents of history. Using an interdisciplinary approach that draws from postcolonial, childhood, and migration studies, she makes the case that these texts and toys transfer the world of play into a space in which model childhoods are imagined and enacted as German. With chapters on the Protestant play ethic, enlightened parenting, Goethe as an advocate of play, colonial fantasies, children’s almanacs, ethnographic play, and an empire of toys, Simpson’s argument follows a compelling path toward understanding the reproduction of religious, gendered, ethnic, racial, national, and imperial identities, emanating from German-speaking Europe, that collectively construct a global imaginary.This foundational and deeply original study connects German-speaking communities across the Atlantic as they collectively engender the epistemology of the play world. It will be of particular interest to German studies scholars whose research crosses the Atlantic.
The Play World: Toys, Texts, and the Transatlantic German Childhood (Max Kade Research Institute)
by Patricia Anne SimpsonThe Play World chronicles the history and evolution of the concept of play as a universal part of childhood. Examining texts and toys coming out of Europe between 1631 and 1914, Patricia Anne Simpson argues that German material, literary, and pedagogical cultures were central to the construction of the modern ideas and realities of play and childhood in the transatlantic world.With attention to the details of toy manufacturing and marketing, Simpson considers prescriptive texts about how children should play, treat their possessions, and experience adventure in the scientific exploration of distant geographies. She illuminates the role of toys—among them a mechanical guillotine, yo-yos, hybridized dolls, and circus figures—as agents of history. Using an interdisciplinary approach that draws from postcolonial, childhood, and migration studies, she makes the case that these texts and toys transfer the world of play into a space in which model childhoods are imagined and enacted as German. With chapters on the Protestant play ethic, enlightened parenting, Goethe as an advocate of play, colonial fantasies, children’s almanacs, ethnographic play, and an empire of toys, Simpson’s argument follows a compelling path toward understanding the reproduction of religious, gendered, ethnic, racial, national, and imperial identities, emanating from German-speaking Europe, that collectively construct a global imaginary.This foundational and deeply original study connects German-speaking communities across the Atlantic as they collectively engender the epistemology of the play world. It will be of particular interest to German studies scholars whose research crosses the Atlantic.