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Showing 57,176 through 57,200 of 82,491 results

Pluralism in American Music Education Research: Essays and Narratives (Landscapes: the Arts, Aesthetics, and Education #23)

by Diana R. Dansereau Jay Dorfman

This volume examines pluralism in light of recent music education research history and pluralistic approaches in practice. Pluralistic research holds the potential to blend frameworks, foundations, methods, and analysis protocols, and leads to a sophisticated understanding of music teaching and learning. This blending could take place in a range of contexts that may span an individual study to a lifelong research agenda. Additionally, pluralistic ideals would guide the addressing of questions as a community. The volume also illuminates the work of innovative music education researchers who are constructing pluralistic research studies and agendas, and advocate for the music education profession to embrace such an approach in order to advance shared research goals. The ramifications of this transformation in music education research are a subject of discussion, including the implications for researcher education and the challenges inherent in conducting and disseminating such research.

Pluralism, Poetry, and Literacy: A Test of Reading and Interpretive Techniques (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature)

by Xavier Kalck

Drawing from Medieval and Renaissance studies, analytic philosophy and pragmatism, Jewish studies, as well as ecocriticism and environmental humanities, this book demonstrates the consistent relationship between pluralism and literacy through the prism of poetry by confronting the history of interpretive practices with examples from American poets Robert Lax, Larry Eigner, Louis Zukofsky, Gary Snyder and Theodore Enslin. Divided into four areas of investigation—the meditative, the analytic, the diasporic and the ecological reader—it is an invitation to turn to premodern reading practices related to spiritual exercises as well as modern reading practices devoted to the critical pursuit of analytical knowledge. This study further reflects on the textual models of Jewish diaspora as another form of dialog between sacred and secular interpretive practices, before examining a final variation on this distinction by looking at the separation between contemplative and investigative perspectives on reading and writing nature.

Pluralismusorientierungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern: Eine empirische Studie (Empirische Forschung in den gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Fachdidaktiken)

by Nico Wenzel

Zwar ist die Relevanz von Pluralismusorientierungen von Schüler/-innen in der politikdidaktischen Diskussion unstrittig, doch zeigten sich deren Operationalisierungsansätze bisher undifferenziert und unspezifisch. Mit der vorliegenden PlurOS-Studie ist es gelungen, ein empirisches Erhebungsinstrument vorzulegen, mit dem die Pluralismusorientierungen erhoben werden können. Zentral ist dabei die Differenzierung der Ebenen des sozialen Nahraums und des politischen Systems. Beide Einstellungsebenen konnten als separate Konstrukte modelliert und ihre empirische Unterscheidbarkeit bestätigt werden. Insgesamt ergibt sich eine Facettenstruktur, die unterschiedliche Facetten des Pluralismus als Einstellungsobjekte fokussiert. Dabei werden die Wert-, die Struktur- und die Performanzebene der pluralistischen Demokratie berücksichtigt. Mit dem vorliegenden Erhebungsinstrument konnten zudem empirische Zusammenhänge von Pluralismusorientierungen und soziodemographischen Hintergrundvariablen der Schüler/-innen untersucht werden.

Pluricentric Languages and Language Education: Pedagogical Implications and Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching (Routledge Research in Language Education)

by Marcus Callies Stefanie Hehner

This book maps out the pedagogical implications of the global spread and diversification of pluricentric languages for language education and showcases new approaches that can take account of linguistic diversity. Moving the discussion of contemporary norms, aims, and approaches to pluricentric languages in language education beyond English, this book provides a multilingual, comparative perspective through case study examples of Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Dutch, and Vietnamese. The chapters document, compare, and evaluate existing practices in the teaching of pluricentric languages, and highlights different pedagogical approaches that embrace their variability and diversity. Presenting approaches to overcome barriers to innovation in language education, the book will be of great interest to academics, researchers, doctoral students in the field of language education, as well as socio- and applied linguists. Practitioners interested in linguistic diversity more broadly will also find this book engaging.

Plurilingual Education Policy in Early Childhood Education and Care: Aiming Towards More Equal Opportunities in Luxembourg

by Kevin Simoes Loureiro

This book explores the implementation of educational policies aimed at addressing educational inequalities and specifically focuses on Luxembourg’s pioneering plurilingual education policy in non-formal early childhood education and care. It emphasizes the significance of developing plurilingual policies that accommodate diverse linguistic and organizational contexts, ensuring more effective implementation and equitable educational opportunities for all children. Through an in-depth analysis, this book provides insights into various aspects of policy implementation. It delves into the drivers and goals of the plurilingual policy, the measures taken to implement it, the challenges encountered, and the success factors identified at the policy level. Additionally, it examines the attitudes, intentions and obstacles faced by those involved at the practice level. Drawing on a range of theoretical frameworks and empirical studies, the book presents multiple perspectives on the subject. By employing a mixed-methods design, including policy document analysis of the plurilingual education program, expert interviews with policy-level stakeholders and a cross-sectional survey of early childhood practitioners in the non-formal education sector, this work offers a multifaceted approach. The book not only enhances the understanding of policy implementation processes, but also sheds light on the practical implications and potential for reducing educational inequalities in multilingual educational settings. The findings and discussions in this book are, thus, pertinent not only to Luxembourg, but also offer policy- and practice-related implications for similar educational contexts globally.

Plurilingual Pedagogies: Critical and Creative Endeavors for Equitable Language in Education (Educational Linguistics #42)

by Sunny Man Chu Lau Saskia Van Viegen

This book critically engages with theoretical shifts marked by the ‘multilingual turn’ in applied linguistics, and articulates the complexities associated with naming and engaging with the everyday language practices of bi/multilingual communities. It discusses methodological approaches that enable researchers and educators to observe and interact with these communities and to understand their teaching and learning needs. It also highlights pedagogical approaches and instructional strategies involved with learning and teaching language and/or content curriculum to students across various learning and educational contexts. The book addresses recent debates on the multi/plural turn in applied linguistics and articulates the limitations of these debates - particularly the absence of discussion of social power relations and contexts in applying different theoretical lenses. It features empirical research from primarily North American classrooms to highlight how plurilingual pedagogies take shape in unique educational contexts, resisting monolingual approaches to language in education. Furthermore, it includes commentary/response pieces from established scholars in dialogue with recent plurilingual research in the field, to put the work in critical perspective within extant theories and literature.

Plurilingual Pedagogies for Multilingual Writing Classrooms: Engaging the Rich Communicative Repertoires of U.S. Students

by Kay M. Losey Gail Shuck

A much-needed resource on plurilingual pedagogies, this book counters the common dominant English-only approach found in writing and composition classrooms by identifying practices and pedagogies that support multilingual students. Providing a window into a range of contexts and classrooms where students’ full identities are honored, contributors offer research-grounded strategies and pedagogies that allow students to harness all of their language resources in order to build on their strengths and develop their writing abilities. The specific examples in this book, drawn from high school and college writing contexts, demonstrate the value of embracing linguistic diversity in writing programs. Presenting a wide range of models and strategies from top scholars that center students’ linguistic repertoires as strengths, the volume addresses classroom teaching, assessment, curriculum, school administration, and more, all from an asset-based orientation. This book is ideal for courses in composition and second-language writing pedagogy as well as for students, scholars, and educators in second language writing, language and literacy education, and composition studies.

Plurilingual Pedagogy in the Arabian Peninsula: Transforming and Empowering Students and Teachers (Routledge Research in Language Education)

by Daniela Coelho Telma Gharibian Steinhagen

This edited collection explores plurilingual education in the unique English medium instruction (EMI) context of the Arabian Peninsula. The book argues that integrating a plurilingual pedagogy alongside current EMI in the region could enhance students’ learning and contribute to a language policy that embraces linguistic diversity while fostering regional identity. It brings together the work of experts in Arabic and English language policy and planning, presenting empirical research relating to plurilingual pedagogical practices within the region. The book offers a range of recommendations for educators on how to integrate plurilingual pedagogies in classroom teaching. This becomes more important since many educators in the region are non-Arabic speakers and are teaching students with diverse linguistic backgrounds through English. With a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to the linguistic landscape in the Arabian region, this book will be of great interest to researchers, scholars, and students in the fields of applied linguistics, language education, teacher education, and EMI.

Plurilingualism in Teaching and Learning: Complexities Across Contexts

by Julie Choi Sue Ollerhead

Assembling a rich and diverse range of research studies on the role of plurilingualism across a wide variety of teaching and learning settings, this book supports teacher reflection and action in practical ways and illustrates how researchers tease out and analyze the complex realities of their educational environments. With a focus on education policies, teaching practices, training, and resourcing, this volume addresses a range of mainstream and specialized contexts and examines the position of learners and teachers as users of plurilingual repertoires. Providing a close look into the possibilities and constraints of plurilingual education, this book helps researchers and educators clarify and strengthen their understandings of the links between language and literacy and offers them new ways to think more rigorously and critically about the language ideologies that shape their own beliefs and approaches in language teaching and learning.

Pluriversal Literacies for Sustainable Futures: When Words Are Not Enough (Expanding Literacies in Education)

by Mia Perry

This book presents a new vision of literacy that frames meaning-making and communication in relation to individual, collective, and ecological needs. Building on the concept of the pluriversal, Perry explores how literacy education can support multiple ways of being and becoming. In so doing, Perry rejects limiting and skills-focused definitions of literacy and instead embraces a more profound conceptualisation that reflects the boundless potential of literacy practices. Bringing together research from the Global North and South, Perry connects literacy education with semiotics, philosophy, sustainability studies, and geopolitics to argue for the urgency of a pluriversal model of literacy that combats a normative, neo-colonial understanding of reading and writing. Offering a unique contribution to the field of literacy studies, this book demonstrates how literacy is a semiotic process and literacy practices can connect learner needs with pathways to social, ecological, and cultural sustainability. With Perry as a guide, this illuminating book invites readers to join the journey into literacies beyond words, to arrive at a more holistic and inclusive understanding of what literacy practices are and can be.

Pluses and Minuses: How Math Solves Our Problems

by Stefan Buijsman

A guide to changing how you think about numbers and mathematics, from the prodigy changing the way the world thinks about math.We all know math is important: we live in the age of big data, our lives are increasingly governed by algorithms, and we're constantly faced with a barrage of statistics about everything from politics to our health. But what might be less obvious is how math factors into your daily life, and what memorizing all of those formulae in school had to do with it. Math prodigy Stefan Buijsman is beginning to change that through his pioneering research into the way we learn math. Plusses and Minuses is based in the countless ways that math is engrained in our daily lives, and shows readers how math can actually be used to make problems easier to solve. Taking readers on a journey around the world to visit societies that have developed without the use of math, and back into history to learn how and why various disciples of mathematics were invented, Buijsman shows the vital importance of math, and how a better understanding of mathematics will give us a better understanding of the world as a whole. Stefan Buijsman has become one of the most sought-after experts in math education after he completed his PhD at age 20. In Plusses and Minuses, he puts his research into practice to help anyone gain a better grasp of mathematics than they have ever had.

Pluto: A Wonder Story

by R. J. Palacio

Almost 2 million people have read the New York Times bestseller Wonder and fallen in love with Auggie Pullman. Last year readers were given a special look at another side of his story with The Julian Chapter, and now they'll get a peek at Auggie's life before Beecher Prep, with an exclusive new short story told entirely from the point of view of Christopher, Auggie's oldest friend. Christopher was Auggie's best friend from the time they were babies until his family moved away; he was there through all of Auggie's surgeries and heartbreaks, through bad times and good--like Star Wars marathons and dreams of traveling to Pluto together. Alternating between childhood flashbacks and the present day, an especially bad day for Christopher, Pluto is the story of two boys grown apart learning that good friendships are worth a little extra effort.

PMI-ACP Project Management Institute Agile Certified Practitioner Exam Study Guide

by J. Ashley Hunt

The ultimate study package for the new PMI-ACP exam The PMI-ACP Project Management Institute Agile Certified Practitioner Exam Study Guide is an all-in-one package for comprehensive exam preparation. This up-to-date guide is fully aligned with the latest version of the exam, featuring coverage of 100 percent of the exam domains. Expanded coverage of AGILE includes the basic principles, value-driven delivery, stakeholder engagement, team performance, adaptive planning, problem detection and resolution, and continuous improvement to align with the A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® 6th Edition) and its increased emphasis on agile, adaptive and iterative practices. In-depth discussion merges with hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios to provide a well-rounded review of essential exam concepts, while the online learning center provides an assessment test, chapter tests, a practice exam, and study aids to help you ensure complete preparation for the big day. Master 100 percent of the exam objectives, including expanded AGILE coverage Reinforce critical concepts with hands-on practice and real-world scenarios Test your knowledge with challenging chapter review questions One year of FREE access to the Sybex online test bank featuring practice tests, flashcards, a glossary, and more Project management is one of the most in-demand skills in today's job market, making more and more employers turn to AGILE methodologies to enhance delivery and results. The PMI-ACP certification shows employers that you have demonstrated mastery of essential project management skills and a practical understanding of adaptive, iterative processes; this validation puts you among the ranks of qualified project management professionals employers are desperately seeking, and the PMI-ACP Project Management Institute Agile Certified Practitioner Exam Study Guide is your one-stop resource for exam success.

PMP: Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide

by Kim Heldman

The ultimate PMP preparation and self-study experience, updated to align with the new PMBOK® Guide, 6th Edition The PMP: Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide, Ninth Edition, provides comprehensive review for the Project Management Institute's (PMI) PMP certification exam. This new ninth edition has been completely revised to align with the latest version of the exam, which includes new tasks that reflect changes to best practices, the role of the project manager, and the growing importance of agile and other adaptive and iterative practices. Detailed discussion draws from the latest A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), 6th edition, to provide the most up-to-date information on critical topics, while hands-on exercises provide insight on real-world implementation. Receive one year of free access to the Sybex online interactive learning environment, to help you prepare with superior study tools, rigorous chapter tests, and two practice exams that allows you to gauge your readiness and avoid surprises on exam day. The PMP certification is arguably the most desired skill in the IT marketplace, but its reach extends into a variety of other industries. Candidates must have extensive project management experience to qualify, but comprehensive study materials, aligned with the PMBOK® Guide Sixth Edition, are essential to success on the exam. This study guide provides everything you need to ensure thorough preparation and full exam-day confidence. Study 100% of the objectives for the latest PMP exam Practice applying PMP concepts to real-world scenarios Test your understanding with comprehensive review questions Access online chapter tests, practice exams, electronic flashcards, and more Companies are demanding more of project managers than ever before: skills in technical management, leadership, strategic management, and business management make you more competitive, and the PMP exam reflects their increasing relevance in a rapidly-evolving field. When you're ready to take the next step for your career, the PMP: Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide, Ninth Edition, is your ideal companion for ultimate PMP preparation.

PMP Project Management Professional Exam Review Guide

by Brett Feddersen Vanina Mangano Kim Heldman

Essential review for the PMP exam, updated for the new PMBOK® Guide, 6th edition The PMP Project Management Professional Exam Review Guide, Fourth Edition, offers complete, concise review of essential project management concepts and practices. Covering 100% of the PMP exam objectives, this book helps you ensure your full preparation in advance of the big day. This new 4th Edition has been updated to align with the newest version of the exam, featuring changes to PMP best practices, greater emphasis on Agile and other iterative processes, as well as the evolution of the project manager's role. Organized by domain area, this handy review guide covers project initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closing as detailed in the new A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), 6th Edition, giving you clear guidance on what you need to know for the exam. You also get a year of free access to the Sybex online interactive learning environment and study tools, which features flashcards, chapter tests, two bonus practice exams, and more. PMP candidates must have extensive project management experience before taking the exam, but you cannot rely on experience alone; the PMP exam tests your understanding of critical PMP concepts and practices as laid out in the PMBOK® Guide 6th Edition; this practical review condenses the PMBOK's essential details into quickly-digestible chapters that help you prepare more efficiently. Review 100% of the exam objectives Apply PMP concepts to real-world scenarios Identify areas in need of additional review Access practice exams, flashcards, and more The PMP certification puts you in demand, and can be a major boost to your career. Regardless of your current level of experience, exam success lies in complete and thorough preparation; the PMP Project Management Professional Exam Review Guide, Fourth Edition, is your ultimate key to confidence and success.

PMP Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide

by Kim Heldman

The much-anticipated update to the highly acclaimed PMP study guide!The Project Management Profressional (PMP) certification is the most desired skill in today's IT marketplace and candidates are required to have thousands of hours of PM experience even before taking the PMP exam.This fifth edition is completely updated for the newest exam and is the most comprehensive review guide on the shelf. You'll benefit from the detailed discussions on a wide range of PMP topics, concepts, and key terms-all of which cover the Project Management Process and Procedures.A comprehensive study guide for the PMP certification exam that can also be used as a reference after the exam Each chapter covers a list of objectives, followed by in-depth discussions of those objectives Includes hands-on, real-world scenarios to prepare you for the many situations you may face on the job Companion CD-ROM features a test engine of practice questions, electronic flashcards, and two hours of audio Essential reading both before and after the PMP exam, this study guide is also aimed at anyone studying for the new Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) program.Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.For Instructor: Teaching supplements are available for this title.

PMP Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide: 2021 Exam Update

by Kim Heldman

Prepare for PMP certification exam success with this fully updated and comprehensive study guide This study guide serves as a comprehensive resource for those who plan on taking the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam administered by PMI. The book helps you prepare for the exam, and it will continue to serve project managers as an on-the-job reference book. The PMP Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide, Tenth Edition is fully updated to include recent changes to the exam. New content covers the integral role that Agile and other iterative practices have in project management. Updates also address the pivotal responsibilities of the project manager and the skill sets required for this position. The study guide was written to reflect the Project Management Process and Procedures found in the revised A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge -- PMBOK® Guide, 6th Edition. Well-known author and expert Kim Heldman, PMP, helps to prepare you for the exam with in-depth coverage of topics, concepts, and key terms. Learn more about the three main domain areas of people, process, and business environment, plus the predictive, agile, and hybrid approaches to project management.This guide is an effective learning aid that will take your understanding to the next level. Provides comprehensive material, covering the complete exam outline Lists chapter objectives and offers detailed discussions of these objectives Reflects differences in project management environments and approaches Effectively presents real world scenarios, project application sidebars, and chapter review questions You’ll also connect to a beneficial, on-the-go resource: an interactive online learning environment and test bank. This environment includes an assessment test, chapter tests, practice exams, electronic flashcards, and a glossary of key terms. A thorough review is the best prep for a challenging certification exam. So, get ready with this essential PMP study guide.

PMP Project Management Professional Practice Tests: 2021 Exam Update

by Kim Heldman Vanina Mangano

The best practice test preparation for the PMP exam! Boost your confidence through preparation before you take the new Project Management Professional (PMP) exam. The PMP Project Management Professional Practice Tests is the hands-on way to prepare for the exam and achieve your certification. Access three practice tests Study questions that cover the three PMP performance domains Test your knowledge with three additional bonus exams Practice with a total of 1,000 unique test questions. The Project Management Professional (PMP) certification was developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The certification requires extensive project management experience, instructional hours, and successful completion of the certification exam. Well-known PMP authors and experts, Kim Heldman and Vanina Mangano, have written practice questions that will help you get ready for testing as you work toward certification. The test questions provide you with coverage within each of the performance domains: people, process, and business environments. Project managers play a critical role in today’s organizations. When you pass the exam and earn certification, you will gain additional recognition for your skill set and expertise. This confidence-building guide also connects you to an interactive online learning environment and test bank including all the practice exam questions. Get help reaching your professional goals with the right PMP tools!

PMP Project Management Professional Practice Tests: Project Management Professional Practice Tests

by Vanina Mangano Kim Heldman

Master all five PMP domains and boost your confidence for exam day PMP: Project Management Professional Practice Tests provides candidates with an ideal study aid for PMP exam preparation. Fully aligned with the A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), 6th edition, this book provides practice questions covering all five performance domains. Five unique 160- question chapter tests, as well as one practice exam cover Initiating; Planning; Executing; Monitoring and Controlling; and Closing to help you pinpoint weak areas while there is still time to review. An additional 200-question practice test provides a bonus exam--1000 questions in all--, and a year of FREE access to the Sybex interactive online learning environment puts a test bank, practice questions, and more at your disposal. The PMP exam is a challenging four-hour, 200-question validation of your project management knowledge. Mimicking exam conditions is one of the best ways to prepare, and this book is designed to test your knowledge, focus, and mental endurance to get you fully prepared for the big day. Test your project management knowledge with 1,000 challenging questions Prepare using up-to-date material that accurately reflect the current exam Access digital study tools including electronic flashcards and additional practice questions In today's IT marketplace, qualified project managers are heavily in demand as employers increasingly require those who are capable of managing larger and more complex projects. The PMP certification shows that you know, understand, and can practice PMBOK guidelines to a rigorous level, and is considered the premier project management qualification out there—so when exam day arrives, complete preparation becomes critical to your success. PMP: Project Management Professional Practice Tests help you gauge your progress, preview exam day, and focus your study time so you can conquer the exam with confidence. To register for access to the online test banks included with the purchase of this book, please visit:

PMP Rapid Review

by Sean Whitaker

Assess your readiness for the updated PMP Exam--and quickly identify where you need to focus and practice. This practical, streamlined guide walks you through each exam task, providing "need to know" checklists, review questions, tips, and links to further study--all designed to help bolster your preparation. Reinforce your exam prep with a Rapid Review of these tasks: Initiating the project Planning the project Executing the project Monitoring and controlling the project Closing the project This book is an ideal complement to the in-depth training of the Microsoft Press Training Kit and other exam-prep resources for the PMP Exam aligned with the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), Fifth Edition.

PN FUNDAMENTALS: Passbooks Study Guide (Certified Nurse Examination Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Certified Nurse Examination Series prepares individuals for licensing and certification conducted by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the National Certification Corporation (NCC), the National League for Nursing (NLN), and other organizations. The PN Fundamentals Passbook® provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.

Pneumaformity: Transformation by the Spirit in Paul

by Mark J. Keown

Prominent recent studies elevate the themes of "Christoformity" and "Cruciformity" in Paul, but few sufficiently account for how a believer is actually transformed into the image of Christ. Pneumaformity fills the gap in Pauline studies by surveying Paul's letters for teachings on the Spirit's agency in the life of God' people. This study aptly demonstrates that the Holy Spirit is the instrument through whom such radical living is possible. This study dives into Paul's teachings on the following aspects of the Spirit's agency and more: - The Spirit's participation in conversion - The Spirit's role in forming Christian character - The Spirit's integrating work within the Christian community - The Spirit and missional engagement - The Spirit's place in the believer's final eschatological transformation Keown shows how Paul infuses his christological language with pneumatological realities, offering readers a fuller understanding of the Spirit's work in individuals, the church, and the world.

Pobre diabla (Trilogía Cliché #Volumen 2)

by Adriana Criado

Nunca un CLICHÉ fue tan adictivo... Sigue la trilogía de ADRIANA CRIADO, la nueva voz de la novela romántica. Caerle mal a Sasha Washington no es algo que perturbe a Torres, sino que, más bien, le divierte. En este nuevo curso, los Wolves se ven obligados a compartir su pista con el equipo de patinaje, lo que hará que las dos personas más opuestas de todo el campus coincidan sobre el hielo más de lo que les gustaría. Sasha vive tras la estela de una patinadora olímpica: su madre. Torres necesita salvar su futuro y proteger a su familia de su padre. Ninguno puede permitirse distracciones, pero cuando la arrogancia de Sasha choca con la actitud juguetona de Torres, todos sus cimientos empiezan a desmoronarse. ¿Dejarán que los sentimientos los distraigan del camino hacia el éxito que tanto anhelan?

Pocket Cardiology

by Marc S Sabatine

Written and edited by Dr. Marc S. Sabatine and a team of cardiologists from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, the new second edition of Pocket Cardiology has been greatly expanded to be made even more indispensable for everyday use. Part of the highly popular and respected Pocket Notebook series, this essential guide puts vital clinical information about a broad range of issues in cardiovascular medicine at your fingertips in seconds.

The Pocket Diary of a SENCO: An Honest Guide to the Aspirations, Frustrations and Joys of Championing Inclusion in Schools

by Pippa McLean

The Pocket Diary of a SENCO spans a typical school year and includes hopeful and often humorous diary entries that share the authentic aspirations, joys, and frustrations of championing inclusion and working in the role of a SENCO. Grounded in real-life experiences and day-to-day practice, Pippa McLean describes the experiences of a SENCO and the reality of SEND provision in school, drawing out the personal characteristics and values that schools can foster to support inclusive practice and nurture positive relationships between children, parents, and colleagues. Diary extracts across the months range from ‘Be ready to hit the road’, ‘Be gentle on yourself’, to ‘Be a culture builder' and ‘Be an advocate'. Each entry is followed by reflective questions and space for the reader to jot down their own thoughts, as well as ‘monthly musings’ to support their own professional development. Written in a truly conversational style, this essential pocket diary captures the reality of SEND provision in schools and will be relatable to many. It is valuable reading for SENCOs, teachers, support staff and trainees who wish to enrich their learning around inclusive practice and engage reflectively within their busy lives.

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