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Showing 57,201 through 57,225 of 82,491 results

Pocket Emergency Medicine

by Richard D. Zane Joshua M. Kosowsky

Pocket-sized and easy to use, Pocket Emergency Medicine, Fifth Edition, provides accurate, actionable, and up-to-date information essential to caring for patients in life-threatening situations. Edited by Drs. Richard D. Zane and Joshua M. Kosowsky, this handy, loose-leaf resource is designed to be used at the bedside by clinicians on the front lines of emergency care. A volume in the popular Pocket Notebook series, it organizes chapters by presenting condition and supports the thought processes needed to hone everyday diagnostic decision making.

A Pocket Guide for Medical Students: From Enrollment to Job Interviews

by Sarah Cuschieri

This book is addressed to future and enrolled medical students, as well as new graduated doctors, with the main aim to help them getting the grips of what the medical degree is all about and what are the different phases encountered as well as how to survive them. There are various aspects that medical students should be aware of, some “hidden issues” that no one will tell you unless they have passed from the experience themselves. This book will also feature the author’s personal experiences both as a student and a lecturer. This is a unique feature that will enable readers to understand that they are not alone, others have experienced their fears and desires. Readers will be provided with tips on how to survive the course, how to deal with arising issues, and how to balance studying and living a life. This book intends to also highlight the importance of researching during medical school and how to go about it as well as how to prepare CVs and job interviews. An insight into life beyond medical school is also provided. Thanks to the practical and easy-to-use outline – in accordance with various stages from enrolling to preclinical and clinical stages expectations, from targeting work-life balance to conducting research, preparing for a medical job interview and life beyond-, this book will benefit and guide all future medical doctors through their medical school years.

Pocket Guide to APA Style

by Robert Perrin

This Guide is your essential tool for writing research papers in every course you take. Concise and thorough, the Guide offers straightforward explanations, annotated examples, and margin notes designed to help you write properly documented papers in the latest APA style. This practical resource is less expensive and easier to use than the APA Manual. It also includes extensive and up-to-date coverage of electronic sources, preparing you to evaluate and use Internet references correctly in your research.

A Pocket Guide to College Success

by Jamie Shushan

Short and to-the-point, A Pocket Guide to College Success, offers practical coverage on the topics typically covered in a full-size college success text, from academic skills like managing time, critical thinking, note taking, and college technology to life skills such as health, stress reduction, and money management. This new text by Jamie Shushan focuses on helping students ask the right questions of the right people so that they drive their own college success.This textbook is ideal for any orientation program or first-year experience where a full-size text provides too much content.

A Pocket Guide to College Success 2e

by Jamie H. Shushan

Short and to-the-point, A Pocket Guide to College Success, offers practical coverage on the topics typically covered in a full-size college success text, from academic skills like managing your time, critical thinking, and note taking to life skills such as money management, stress reduction, and pursuing your career path. The second edition of A Pocket Guide to College Success provides additional support on the transition to college as well as features new coverage on motivation, mindset, and goal-setting to help students be successful from the start. With even more emphasis on asking questions, this text focuses on helping students ask the right questions to the right people so that they can drive their own college success.

The Pocket Guide to Critical Thinking (Fourth Edition)

by Richard L. Epstein Alex Raffi Carolyn Kernberger

First comes clear thinking, then comes clear writing. The extraordinarily clear explanations in the Pocket Guide to Critical Thinking provide the essential skills to reason better-for classwork, for writing, and for use in everyday life. The book employs an abundance of engaging examples from everyday life that illustrate how to analyze arguments and make better decisions. The Pocket Guide is both the perfect supplement for any course that requires critical thinking, from the sciences to the humanities, and a practical aid for self-study or a reference source in writing. This extensively revised fourth edition has over 150 new examples and a new chapter on evaluating risks. Buyers of this book also get free access to hundreds of additional examples and exercises as well as further material for the sciences on the Critical Thinking Web Exchange at the Advanced Reasoning Forum website.

The Pocket Guide to Every Child Matters: An At-a-Glance Overview for the Busy Teacher

by Rita Cheminais

The aim of this pocket guide is to provide an at-a-glance overview and insight into Every Child Matters for busy trainee, newly qualified and experienced teachers, working with pupils in a range of educational settings, who want a quick point of reference in order to know how: the concept, aims and principles of Every Child Matters influences their practice to develop a shared vision and ethos for Every Child Matters Every Child Matters policy informs practice to develop effective teamwork and collaborative partnership working to embed Every Child Matters outcomes in personalised learning to monitor and evaluate the impact of Every Child Matters at classroom level. Pocket Guide to Every Child Matters is an invaluable, good value, user-friendly resource for all busy Children’s Workforce practitioners, working directly with pupils in classrooms, offers practical tips and guidance, effective strategies, models of good practice and signposting to further sources of information. It features step-by-step advice, useful checklists and templates which can be customised to suit the context of a range of primary and secondary phase educational settings.

A Pocket Guide to Online Teaching: Translating the Evidence-Based Model Teaching Criteria

by Aaron S. Richmond Regan A. Gurung Guy A. Boysen

This pithy yet thorough book provides an evidence-based guide on how to prepare for online teaching, especially for those who are making a swift transition from face-to-face to online instruction. Guided by the Model Teaching Characteristics created by The Society for the Teaching of Psychology, this book covers important topics like: how to adapt to expected and unexpected changes in teaching, how to evaluate yourself and your peers, and tips on working smarter/optimizing working practices with the resources available. The features of the book include: Practical examples exploring how to solve the typical problems of designing and instructing online courses. Interactive "Worked Examples" and "Working Smarter" callouts throughout the book which offer practical demonstrations to help teachers learn new skills. Further reading and resources to build on knowledge about online education. End of chapter checklists which summarizes suggestions about how to be a model online teacher. This essential resource will provide support for teachers of all levels and disciplines, from novice to the most experienced, during the transition to online teaching.

Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors

by Ian Bullock Kevin Mackway-Jones Andrew Lockey Mike Davis

The Pocket Guide to Teaching for Medical Instructors, 3rd edition, provides a concise introduction to teaching. Written by experienced medical educators from the Advanced Life Support Group and Resuscitation Council (UK), this best-selling guide gives comprehensive and practical advice on the most effective teaching methods. Pocket Guide to Teaching for Medical Instructors covers basic principles and practical aspects of teaching in a variety of modalities. This edition includes material which reflects current developments within instructor courses and includes new material on feedback, an awareness of non-technical skills, the teaching of teams and supporting learners. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in teaching doctors and healthcare professionals in any context. It is aimed at the relative newcomer to the teaching role in all its variety and provides essential, practical advice as to how to get the best out of learners.

The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Interview Questions And Answers

by Sharon McDonnell

&“When can you start?&” Giving compelling answers to interview questions can make the difference between winning a job and unemployment. The Pocket Idiot&’s Guide® to Interview Questions and Answers will arm you with answers to the 150 toughest interview questions. Whether you read the book cover-to-cover to prepare for an initial interview or uses it as a last-minute reference on the way to a final interview, you will be prepared to offer clear, concise, and thoughtful answers. You&’ll also learn what questions to ask your interviewer to help you figure out if the job is right for you. • Pocket size gives you easy-to-access information to prepare for an interview. • Helps you understand what information interviewers are really trying to uncover with their questions.

The Pocket Idiot's Guide to the ASVAB

by Laura Stradley Robin Kavanagh

You know you cannot &“fail&” the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), but if you&’re planning a career in the military, you&’ll want to prepare before taking these mandatory exams.The Pocket Idiot&’s Guide® to the ASVAB will show you the lay of the land and help you plot a strategy, with explanations for every component of the text (and practice questions for each). You&’ll also receive expert guidance on how each branch of the military uses the scores to determine your future service.

The Pocket Instructor: 50 Exercises for the College Classroom (Skills for Scholars #6)

by Amanda Irwin Wilkins and Keith Shaw

Fifty easy-to-deploy active learning exercises for teaching academic writing in any fieldThe Pocket Instructor: Writing offers fifty practical exercises for teaching students the core elements of successful academic writing. The exercises—created by faculty from a broad range of disciplines and institutions—are organized along the arc of a writing project, from brainstorming and asking analytical questions to drafting, revising, and sharing work with audiences outside traditional academia. They present students with engaging intellectual challenges to work through together, arriving at generalizable lessons that transfer well across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.Students will learn to articulate a thoughtful question, develop a persuasive thesis, analyze complex evidence, and engage responsibly with sources. The Pocket Instructor: Writing offers teachers concrete ideas about how to cultivate habits of radical revision and create a classroom community with an ethos of trust where students learn to give meaningful feedback. Written for both novice and veteran instructors, this essential guide will benefit faculty in any field who hope to improve student writing in their courses.Key features:• Exercises by experienced faculty from a wide range of disciplines and institutions• Step-by-step instructions with instructor insights for each exercise• A &“Writing Lexicon&” for terms such as motive, thesis, analysis, evidence, and method• Guidance for avoiding plagiarism• Index and cross-references to aid in course planning

The Pocket Instructor: Literature

by Diana Fuss William A. Gleason

This is the first comprehensive collection of hands-on, active learning exercises for the college literature classroom, offering ideas and inspiration for new and veteran teachers alike. These 101 surefire lesson plans present creative and interactive activities to get all your students talking and learning, from the first class to final review. Whether you are teaching majors or nonmajors, genres or periods, canonical or noncanonical literature, medieval verse or the graphic novel, this volume provides practical and flexible exercises for creating memorable learning experiences. Help students learn more and retain that knowledge longer by teaching them how to question, debate, annotate, imitate, write, draw, map, stage, or perform. These user-friendly exercises feature clear and concise step-by-step instructions, and each exercise is followed by helpful teaching tips and descriptions of the exercise in action. All encourage collaborative learning and many are adaptable to different class sizes or course levels. A collection of successful approaches for teaching fiction, poetry, and drama and their historical, cultural, and literary contexts, this indispensable book showcases the tried and true alongside the fresh and innovative.101 creative classroom exercises for teaching literatureExercises contributed by experienced teachers at a wide range of colleges and universitiesStep-by-step instructions and teaching tips for each exerciseExtensive introduction on the benefits of bringing active learning to the literature classroomCross-references for finding further exercises and to aid course planningIndex of literary authors, works, and related topics

Pocket Medicine (Pocket Notebook Series)

by Marc Sabatine

Pocket Medicine, 8th Edition, is a must-have resource for fast answers to the diagnostic and therapeutic questions you’ll face on rounds and exams. Edited by Dr. Marc S. Sabatine and compiled by residents, fellows, and attending physicians at the world-renown Massachusetts General Hospital, this best-selling reference provides dependable, up-to-date information needed to make an accurate diagnosis and develop a state-of-the-art treatment plan. Featuring easily accessible bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms, Pocket Medicine provides focused coverage of internal medicine in the traditional, easy-to-use binding you know and love.

Pocket Neurology (Pocket Notebook Serie)

by M Brandon Westover Marcelo Matielo Michael P Bowley Sahar F Zafar

Pocket Neurology, a bestseller in the Pocket Notebook series, delivers highly relevant neurologic clinical information in an easily portable source. Drs. Marcelo Matiello, Michael P. Bowley, Sahar F. Zafar, and M. Brandon Westover edit this book by overseeing the work of current neurology residents, fellows and neurology attendings at Harvard Medical School who provide must-know information on hospital- and clinic-based neurologic workup, diagnosis, and management. This thoroughly revised third edition puts key clinical information about a broad range of issues in neurology at your fingertips in seconds.

Pocket Oncology (Pocket Notebook Series)

by Alexander Drilon Neil Vasan

Pocket-sized and easy to use, Pocket Oncology, 3rd Edition, provides up-to-date information essential to caring for patients with cancer, from cancer biology, prevention, screening, treatment, and supportive care to new advances in all areas of the field for both adult and pediatric patients. Written and edited by leading cancer experts at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, this unique, loose-leaf resource is designed for portability and quick reference, with information presented in a bulleted, outline format throughout.

A Pocket Style Manual, APA Version

by Diana Hacker Nancy Sommers

At-a-glance help for writing in APA StyleHacker/Sommers’ A Pocket Style Manual, APA Style, 9th edition offers quick, authoritative writing advice in an affordable and portable handbook. Whether you need guidance on grammar or help documenting in APA, this handbook has the answers you need.

A Pocket Style Manual (Seventh Edition)

by Diana Hacker Nancy Sommers

The thoughtfully revised seventh edition makes it even easier for students to effectively and independently address their writing and research challenges. With 325 documentation models in four styles and coverage of drafting thesis statements, writing correctly and effectively, finding and evaluating sources, and writing research papers, A Pocket Style Manual supports writers across the disciplines.

Podemos ayudar: Niños Que Ayudan A Sus Comunidades

by George Ancona

Podemos ayudar

El Poder De La Filantropía

by Justin Sachs Daniel Pardo Schneider

El poder de la filantropía. Historias reales de personas reales creando resultados extraordinarios.

Poder de la Palabra y como estudiarla

by John Macarthur

Este libro es una guía práctica que nos explica por qué estudiar la Biblia y ofrece pautas para hacerlo de una forma efectiva. El Dr. John MacArthur examina varios pasajes de las Escrituras del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamentos. This book is a non-intimidating guide that answers both the "why" and the "how" of Bible study. Dr. John MacArthur examines various Scripture passages in the Old and New Testaments. Published in English by Moody Publishers.

El poder de poder: Mujeres construyendo Latinoamérica

by Marty Seldman Paula Santilli Mónica Bauer

12 reglas para adueñarte de tu destino. Prólogo de Indra K. Nooyi Las directivas de PepsiCo Latinoamérica, Paula Santilli y Mónica Bauer, y el coach de negocios Marty Seldman, nos enseñan las 12 reglas del poder para crecer al interior de una organización, lograr tu máximo potencial y alcanzar el éxito: 1. Conoce la dinámica de poder 2. Detecta el peligro y protégete 3. Usa tu poder, no lo regales 4. Crea y aprovecha tu red 5. Entérate de tu reputación 6. Enfócate en el sistema de evaluación 7. Promociónate con la audacia adecuada 8. Aumenta tu valor en tu organización 9. Mejora tu presencia ejecutiva 10. Protégete del sabotaje y la marginación 11. Practica el egoísmo saludable 12. Controla tu agenda y tus compromisos Este libro de coaching ejecutivo busca empoderar a las mujeres para que accedan a posiciones clave y, desde ahí, detonen círculosvirtuosos que potencien el desarrollo de las mujeres que las rodean, el de sus familias y el de sus comunidades. ¡Aumenta tu poder con estas reglas, destapa tus sueños y sé parte del efecto multiplicador para transformar Latinoamérica! "A veces las primeras barreras para crecer en el mundo laboral las levantamos nosotras mismas. Paula, Mónica y Marty nos inspiran a romperlas. Vencer los obstáculos es posible." -Mariate Arnal, directora general de Google México. "El empoderamiento de la mujer es fundamental para la prosperidad social y económica mundial. En América Latina en particular, la mujer juega un rol clave en el desarrollo de la región. Santilli, Bauer y Seldman lo abarcan desde un punto de vista integral y poderoso. Las historias plasmadas en su texto son inspiradoras y las reglas de coaching son prácticas y valiosas para ejecutivos en cualquier ámbito." -Ramón Laguarta, presidente del Consejo de Administración y CEO de PepsiCo.

El poder de su potencial: Cómo romper con sus limitaciones

by John C. Maxwell

Muchos de nosotros nos reprimimos porque creemos firmemente que nuestras habilidades son finitas. Pero ¿y si nuestras supuestas limitaciones son solo una ilusión? En EL PODER DE SU POTENCIAL, John Maxwell identifica y examina las diecisiete capacidades clave que todos poseemos. Algunas nacemos con ellas, como por ejemplo, cómo pensamos o cómo nos relacionamos naturalmente con otras personas. El resto son elecciones, a menudo inconscientes, incluyendo nuestra actitud o disciplinas personales. Todas son expandibles.Maxwell brinda consejos claros y factibles sobre lo que usted puede hacer para mejorar en cada una de estas áreas. Desde aprender a manejar sus emociones y aumentar su energía hasta conquistar la procrastinación y sentirse más cómodo al asumir riesgos, usted superará sus propias expectativas para ser mejor de lo que alguna vez pensó que fuera posible.Derivado del material publicado previamente en Sin límites.

El poder sanador de la Santa Cena: 90 Lecturas devocionales

by Joseph Prince

Abre tu camino hacia la salud y la integridad por medio de la oraciónBasado en la enseñanza del pastor Prince sobre la Santa Cena, esta nueva guía de oración ayudará a los lectores a poner su fe en acción cuando se trata de su salud. Día a día, el Pastor Prince recalca Escrituras simples y específicas que puedes orar para aumentar tu fe y participar de los beneficios que Jesús adquirió en la cruz.Aprende a caminar con Dios, a comulgar con el Espíritu Santo, y a meditar en la obra terminada de Jesús. Luego observa cómo su paz y poder reinan en tu vida.¡Anímate y empieza a caminar hoy con una mejor salud!The Healing Power of the Holy CommunionPray your way to health and wholeness.Based on Pastor Prince&’s teaching on the Holy Communion, this new prayer guide will help readers put their faith into action when it comes to their health. Day by day, Pastor Prince highlights simple, specific Scriptures you can pray to help increase your faith and partake of the benefits Jesus purchased on the cross.Learn to walk with God, commune with the Holy Spirit, and meditate on the finished work of Jesus. Then watch His peace and power reign in your life.Be encouraged and start walking in a greater measure of health today!

Podhu Tamizh (Tamil Reader) 12th Standard - Tamilnadu Board

by State Council of Educational Research Training

Podhu Tamizh (Tamil Reader) Textbook for the 12th Standard Students, preparing for Tamil Nadu State Board Exam.

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