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Policy Impacts on Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of Indian Education: Special Emphasis on Punjab (India Studies in Business and Economics)
by Jatinder S. BediThe book focuses on the state of education and on the levels of inequality among gender, rural–urban and social groups. Taking into account the various findings from existing literature on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of education, it uses empirical findings based on a revised methodology to draw new conclusions. This revised method was devised to define the size of population eligible for enrollment and was then employed to estimate the Gross Enrollment Rate (GER) and Gross Literacy Rate (GLR) at various completed education levels, using age-wise data from the Population Census, 2011. This methodology is based on the concept that among those eligible for enrollment/literacy, a few never get chance to enrol and others achieve various levels of literacy by remaining engaged in formal or informal education up to various ages. The book comes up with findings that have deep significance so far as policy making is concerned towards improving the state of education in India. There are fourteen hypotheses that the book proposes based on the study and each hypothesis is accompanied with policy suggestions. Interestingly, one of the hypotheses is that arbitrariness of government policies creates more problems and, as such, before proposing a policy change the government needs to put in more effort and time in planning and come up with carefully chalked out processes. In addition to being a valuable resource for researchers working in this area, the book has huge policy implications and think tanks working towards improving education in India.
Policy Implications Of International Graduate Students And Postdoctoral Scholars In The United States
by National Research Council of the National AcademiesPolicy Implications of International Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars in the United States explores the role and impact of students and scholars on US educational institutions and the US economy. The nation has drawn increasingly on human resources abroad for its science and engineering workforce. However, competition for talent has grown as other countries have expanded their research infrastructure and created more opportunities for international students. The report discusses trends in international student enrollments, stay rates, and examines the impact of visa policies on international mobility of the highly skilled.
Policy Issues in the Early Years (Critical Issues in the Early Years)
by Linda Miller Denise HeveyProviding a unique and critical insight into some of the most significant issues affecting Early Years Policy, this book has chapters from leading authorities and researchers in the field and draws on current research, addresses key debates and considers international perspectives. Topics covered include: - policy making - poverty, disadvantage and social exclusion - promoting infant mental health - safeguarding and well-being - enhancing children's potential - parenting policies and skills - national strategies versus professional autonomy - the marketisation of early years provision - democracy as a fundamental value in Early Years Taking a critical perspective and written in an accessible style, the book is relevant to all levels of Early Years courses, from Foundation Degree to Masters. The reader is encouraged to engage with debates and to develop their own views and opinions. With staggered levels of Further Reading, the editors and contributors provide a rich source of material that encourages reflection and promotes progression. Linda Miller is Professor Emeritus of Early Years, The Open University. Denise Hevey is Professor of Early Years, The University of Northampton.
Policy Patrons: Philanthropy, Education Reform, and the Politics of Influence (Educational Innovations Series)
by Megan E. Tompkins-StangePolicy Patrons offers a rare behind-the-scenes view of decision making inside four influential education philanthropies: the Ford Foundation, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation. The outcome is an intriguing, thought-provoking look at the impact of current philanthropic efforts on education. Over a period of several years, Megan E. Tompkins-Stange gained the trust of key players and outside observers of these four organizations. Through a series of confidential interviews, she began to explore the values, ideas, and beliefs that inform these foundations&’ strategies and practices. The picture that emerges reveals important differences in the strategies and values of the more established foundations vis-à-vis the newer, more activist foundations—differences that have a significant impact on education policy and practice, and have important implications for democratic decision making. In recent years, the philanthropic sector has played an increasing role in championing and financing education reform. Policy Patrons makes an original and invaluable contribution to contemporary discussions about the appropriate role of foundations in public policy and the future direction of education reform.
Policy, Practice, and Politics in Teacher Education: Editorials From the Journal of Teacher Education
by Marilyn Cochran-SmithThis powerful text organizes Marilyn Cochran-Smith's influential essays from the Journal of Teacher Education into one concise guide to teacher preparation at its best.
Policy, Professionalization, Privatization, and Performance Assessment
by Theresa J. Gurl Limarys Caraballo Leslee Grey John H. Gunn David Gerwin Héfer BembenuttyThis volume reviews the background of mandated teacher performanceassessment with an emphasis on policy, privatization, and professionalization. The authors discuss the potential impact of mandated teacher performanceassessments on teacher education in the content areas of mathematics, English,and social studies. The perspectives and empirical researchexamined in this conceptual analysis illustrate the various ways in which theStanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) TeacherPerformance Assessment (edTPA) promises to restructure teacher education in theUnited States. The authors consider both the affordances and the constraintsthat teacher performance assessments offer for teacher preparation programs,and conclude by discussing the implications of the intersections among policy, privatization, professionalization,and performance assessments of teachers, as well as the relationship betweenperformance assessments and teacher education. The impact of the edTPA on thedevelopment of signature pedagogies in teacher education is also discussed.
Policy, Provision and Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disability: Perspectives across Countries (Routledge Research in Special Educational Needs)
by Peter WoodThis book showcases the diverse nature of policy, provision and practice for special educational needs and disability (SEND) across different international settings. Situated across a backdrop of varied international policies relating to inclusion, the book offers insights into the rhetoric of SEND policy and practice across a range of settings to contribute to our understanding of SEND provision. It explores the complexities, concerns and challenges experienced by staff, pupils, parents and carers in contemporary education settings. Chapters draw on contemporary empirical research and are structured around four parts: special education needs and disability within policy; stakeholder perceptions and experiences of SEND provision; meeting the needs of SEND children; and moving towards inclusive practice. The volume will challenge thought, stimulate critique and provoke debate in the field of special educational needs both locally and globally and will be of great interest to researchers and postgraduate students in the field of inclusive education, special needs education and comparative education.
Policy Studies for Educational Leaders: An Introduction
by Frances FowlerFuture educational leaders and actual K-12 administrators get a solid, comprehensive grounding in education policy and the policy process and the important political theories upon which it is based. Included is essential background information about the cultural, economic, demographic, and institutional roots of educational policy and an incisive look at the history of educational policy.
Policy Transfer and Educational Change
by Professor David Scott Mayumi Terano Roger Slee Chris Husbands Raphael WilkinsImproving education through policy learning is an important notion for countries in need of educational reform. However, identifying a successful set of practices and transferring them from one national setting to another is a complex exercise. Drawing from their extensive experience, the authors explore a single case study of policy transfer in India, demonstrating how and under what conditions educational reforms can be put into practice successfully and sustainably. Coverage includes: · Policy Learning · Inclusive Practices · School Autonomy and School Leadership · India and its system of education This book offers a unique, international perspective on educational reform and is a useful resource for teachers, policy makers and postgraduate level students.
Policy Unplugged
by Jennifer Jenson Chloë Brushwood Rose Brian LewisThe authors conducted a two-year study on the implementation of computer technologies, including in-depth interviews and classroom observation at thirty-two elementary and secondary schools across Canada. Based on this research, Policy Unplugged explores the intersections and disconnections between provincial technology policy, school board policy, and school-based practices. The authors consider the ways in which technology policy has become "unplugged" from daily experience, showing that teachers, students, and administrators are part of complex pedagogical and social systems that have been badly served by the enforced and hasty introduction of technology. They also show how small, often unquestioned practices and power relations in schools can create seemingly insurmountable impediments to technological implementation.
Polish Your Academic Writing (Super Quick Skills)
by Helen ColemanStruggling to find your academic voice? Polish Your Academic Writing gives you the advice and skills you need to write appropriately and impactfully and get the best grades in your assignments. Effectively make your point and answer the assigned question Build a solid and logical writing structure Perfect your paragraphs and make your sentences flow. Super Quick Skills provide the essential building blocks you need to succeed at university - fast. Packed with practical, positive advice on core academic and life skills, you’ll discover focused tips and strategies to use straight away. Whether it’s writing great essays, understanding referencing or managing your wellbeing, find out how to build good habits and progress your skills throughout your studies. Learn core skills quickly Apply right away and see results Succeed in your studies and life. Super Quick Skills give you the foundations you need to confidently navigate the ups and downs of university life.
Polish Your Academic Writing (Super Quick Skills)
by Helen ColemanStruggling to find your academic voice? Polish Your Academic Writing gives you the advice and skills you need to write appropriately and impactfully and get the best grades in your assignments. Effectively make your point and answer the assigned question Build a solid and logical writing structure Perfect your paragraphs and make your sentences flow. Super Quick Skills provide the essential building blocks you need to succeed at university - fast. Packed with practical, positive advice on core academic and life skills, you’ll discover focused tips and strategies to use straight away. Whether it’s writing great essays, understanding referencing or managing your wellbeing, find out how to build good habits and progress your skills throughout your studies. Learn core skills quickly Apply right away and see results Succeed in your studies and life. Super Quick Skills give you the foundations you need to confidently navigate the ups and downs of university life.
Polished: College, Class, and the Burdens of Social Mobility
by Melissa OsborneAn illuminating look at the emotional costs of mobility faced by first-generation and low-income college students. While college initiates a major transition in all students’ lives, low-income and first-generation students attending elite schools are often entering entirely new worlds. Amid the financial and academic challenges of adapting to college, their emotional lives, too, undergo a transformation. Surrounded by peers from different classes and cultural backgrounds, they are faced with an impossible choice: turn away from their former lives to blend in or stay true to themselves and remain on the outside. An ethnography that draws on in-depth interviews with one hundred and fifty first-generation and low-income students across eighteen elite institutions, Polished uncovers the hidden consequences of the promise of social mobility in today’s educational landscape. Sociologist Melissa Osborne reveals how the very support designed to propel first-generation students forward can unexpectedly reshape their identities, often putting them at odds with their peers and families. Without direct institutional support, this emotional journey can lead to alienation, mental health challenges, poor academic outcomes, and difficult choices between upward mobility or maintaining authenticity and community. Whether you're an educator, advocate, or student, Polished provides a powerful perspective on the uncharted challenges of social mobility and personal identity during college.
Polishing Your Prose: How to Turn First Drafts Into Finished Work
by Steven Cahn Victor CahnThis singular book illustrates how to edit a piece of prose and enhance its clarity of thought and felicity of style. The authors first present ten principles of effective composition, and then scrutinize three extended paragraphs, suggesting with remarkable specificity how to improve them. The volume also offers challenging practice questions, as well as two finished essays, one serious and one humorous, that demonstrate how attention to sound mechanics need not result in mechanical writing. Steven M. Cahn and Victor L. Cahn help readers deploy a host of corrective strategies, such as avoiding jargon, bombast, and redundancy; varying sentence structure; paring the use of adjectives and adverbs; properly deploying phrases and clauses; and refining an argument. Here is a book for all who seek to increase their facility in written communication.
Political Agendas for Education
by Joel SpringThe Fifth Edition of Joel Spring's ongoing documentation and analysis of political agendas for education reflects the major political issues in education since 2008. This edition focuses on the education sections of the 2012 Republican, Democratic, Green, and Libertarian Party platforms. Taking a fresh look at the social and political forces, educational research, and ideologies shaping the educational agendas of these political parties and a comparative approach, the book stimulates reflection and discussion. New coverage in the Fifth Edition includes: * The political coup called Race to the Top* Common Core State Standards and national testing based on the Standards* Explosion of online instruction* Debates about teacher evaluations and merit pay* Growing for-profit education industry* New agenda for American Education: Constitutional amendment; long life and happiness; environmental education Political Agendas for Education is essential reading for courses dealing with the politics of education, foundations of education, educational leadership, and curriculum studies, and for educational scholars, professionals, policymakers, and all those concerned with the politics of education in the U.S. and its consequences for schools and society.
Political Agendas for Education: From Make America Great Again to Stronger Together
by Joel SpringFollowing the epic, contentious 2016 presidential election, Joel Spring’s ongoing documentation and analysis of political agendas for education reflect the major political issues since 2012. Here he examines the 2016 education planks of the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, and Green Parties, using their official platforms and other statements, speeches given by each candidate, and media reports and publications. Each party’s position is linked to previous political movements in education. Spring offers an alternative agenda for American schools, including a proposed education amendment to the U.S. Constitution and replacing human capital agendas with goals emphasizing education for a long life and happiness. Taking a fresh look at the social and political forces, educational research, and ideologies shaping their educational agendas and a comparative approach, the book stimulates reflection and discussion. Updates and changes in the Sixth Edition: Betsy DeVos’s education agenda supporting vouchers, free market competition and for-profit schools and its relationship to the education section of the 2016 Republican platform The important role religion and culture played in the evolution of Republican education policies after the school prayer and Bible decisions of the 1960s The influence of human capital economics on Democratic education proposals How No Child Left Behind and Democratic President Barack Obama opened doors to the growth of the for-profit education industry and investment bankers The 2016 Democratic positions on the cost of higher education and student loan debts The Democratic left as represented by the 2016 campaign of Democrat Bernie Sanders and his influence on the presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party platform The education proposals of the Green and Libertarian parties
Political and Social Influences on the Education of Children: Research from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Routledge Research in Education Policy and Politics)
by Gwyneth Owen-JacksonThis book investigates the effects of social and political change on the provision of primary education in post-communist and post-war contexts. Focusing on Bosnia and Herzegovina, the author considers educational developments in post-communist countries of central and Eastern Europe, the effects of the civil conflict that occurred 1992-95 and the consequences of the peace settlement. In order to present a picture of the development of primary education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the importance of political ideology on education provision, chapters discuss instances of the impact of external political influences, educational provision being drawn from neighbouring countries, and illustrate how the political war is continuing. Political and Social Influences on the Education of Children provides insights into lessons learned for education in countries with a changing political state and considers what the future might hold for primary education provision in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Political and Social Influences on the Education of Childrenis key reading for researchers, scholars and postgraduate students interested in educational developments in post-communist countries and education in areas of conflict. This book will also appeal to those interested in the political and social history of the region.
Political Approaches to Educational Administration and Leadership (Routledge Research in Education)
by Eugénie A. SamierThis collection explores the political philosophy and theory foundations for educational administration and leadership as they influence our understanding, analysis and practice in the field. The first section, "Political Philosophy: The Foundations," discusses the work of such writers as Machiavelli, Kant and Hegel, Hayek, Habermas, and Bourdieu as their theories apply to the educational context. The second section, "Political Analysis: The Critique," examines various types of political analyses, such as the politics of the policy process, minority politics, civil society, micro-politics, community politics, and cosmopolitan theory. The last section, "Current Political Controversies: The Practice," addresses current topical issues of a political nature, including the serving of the state economic agenda, the democratisation of educational organisations, the neo-conservative agenda, and globalisation. The broad international perspective from which these topics are covered makes this volume an excellent addition to the fields of educational leadership, organizational studies, and educational administration theory.
The Political Classroom: Evidence and Ethics in Democratic Education (Critical Social Thought)
by Diana E. Hess Paula McAvoyWINNER 2016 Grawemeyer Award in Education Helping students develop their ability to deliberate political questions is an essential component of democratic education, but introducing political issues into the classroom is pedagogically challenging and raises ethical dilemmas for teachers. Diana E. Hess and Paula McAvoy argue that teachers will make better professional judgments about these issues if they aim toward creating "political classrooms," which engage students in deliberations about questions that ask, "How should we live together?" Based on the findings from a large, mixed-method study about discussions of political issues within high school classrooms, The Political Classroom presents in-depth and engaging cases of teacher practice. Paying particular attention to how political polarization and social inequality affect classroom dynamics, Hess and McAvoy promote a coherent plan for providing students with a nonpartisan political education and for improving the quality of classroom deliberations.
Political Contexts of Educational Leadership: ISLLC Standard Six (PSEL/NELP Leadership Preparation)
by Jane LindleCo-published with UCEA, this exciting new textbook is the first to tackle the ISLLC Standard #6—the political context of education. This unique volume helps aspiring school leaders understand the dynamics of educational policy in multiple arenas at the local, state, and federal levels. Leaders are responsible for promoting the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural contexts in which education and learning reside. By presenting problem-posing cases, theoretical grounding, relevant research, and implications for practice, this book provides aspiring leaders with the background, learning experiences, and analytical tools to successfully promote student success in their contexts. Special features: Case studies - provide an authentic illustration of the political dynamics that emanate from individual, social, economic, and cultural issues surrounding all schools. Suggested activities - further aspiring school leaders’ understanding of political issues through experiences Companion website – includes shared resources relevant to all ISLLC standards, along with particular activities for ISLLC Standard #6
Political Correctness and Higher Education: British and American Perspectives
by John LeaHow many times have you heard the phrase: `it’s all political correctness gone mad!’ Do you ever wonder whether colleges and universities are really awash with trivial concerns about the use of language or whether they are actually trying to address serious concerns about discrimination and harassment? Have you ever wanted to get to the bottom of what all the fuss is about? This book is the first major study of political correctness in post compulsory education to be published in the UK. For readers in the UK unfamiliar with the nature of the controversies in US college campuses this book offers a comprehensive assessment of the key themes, including who and what was behind key campaigns. For readers in the US unfamiliar with how this cultural export has faired in the UK this book looks at the significant similarities and differences in the ways that the phrase has been used in both societies. Apart from addressing the roots of political correctness the book seeks to show how the phrase has helped to complicate the traditional boundaries between those on the political Left and those on the political Right. The book also demonstrates in clear terms how the phrase is integral to understanding key themes in cultural theory, such as postmodernism and identity politics. This book is intended to be of interest to a number of readers: Teachers working in colleges and universities; Teacher educators and student teachers working on programmes of initial teacher education; Students studying undergraduate programmes in comparative politics and/or sociology and cultural studies Finally, the book will seek to capture the reflections of prominent academics and educationalists bon both sides of the Atlantic, who have worked in environments where the phrase has impinged on aspects of their work over the last twenty five years. If you think that `political correctness’ simply amounts to what jokes you are allowed to tell in a classroom, hopefully this book will challenge you to think again.
The Political Dimension In Teacher Education: Comparative Perspectives On Policy Formation, Socialization And Society (Wisconsin Series Of Teacher Education Ser. #No.5)
by Beverly Lindsay Mark B. GinsburgFirst Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
The Political Economy of Education in South Asia: Fighting Poverty, Inequality, and Exclusion
by John Richards Manzoor Ahmed Md. Shahidul IslamWith the exception of Sri Lanka, South Asian countries have not achieved quality basic education – an essential measure for escaping poverty, inequality, and social exclusion. In The Political Economy of Education in South Asia, John Richards, Manzoor Ahmed, and Shahidul Islam emphasize the importance of a dynamic system for education policy. The Political Economy of Education in South Asia documents the weak core competency (reading and math) outcomes in government primary schools in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal, and the consequent rapid growth of non-government schools over the last two decades. It compares the training, hiring, and management of teachers in South Asian schools to successful national systems ranging from Singapore to Finland. Discussing reform options, it makes the case public good and public priorities are better served when both public and non-government providers come under a strong public policy and accountability framework. The Political Economy of Education in South Asia draws on the authors' broad engagement in education research and practice in South Asia, as well as analysis by prominent professors of education and NGO leaders, to place basic education in a broad context and make the case that universal literacy and numeracy are necessary foundations for economic growth.
The Political Economy of Education Reforms in Vietnam (Routledge Critical Studies in Asian Education)
by Nguyen Minh QuangThis book, drawing on a political economic perspective of education development, is a comprehensive account of the question "why some education systems flourish while others falter." It provides a state-of-the-art review of the Vietnamese way of education development, figuring out the pitfalls, challenges and opportunities of neoliberal reform. It also sheds new light on the rise of neoliberal capitalism in contemporary Vietnam as the country intensifies its market-oriented economic transition. Starting from educational development concerns, this book differentiates the growth and development concepts in education. While "growth with limited development" is well reflected in many developing education systems, the Vietnamese experience of education development stands to provide readers with unique insights about education in developing economies, especially in understanding how a socialist-oriented education system is struggling to thrive in the times of neoliberal capitalism. Authored by scholars specialising in Vietnamese education and politics, the chapters address key issues pertaining to the political economy of education reform in Vietnam and the government’s enduring efforts to drive education toward international standards through its costly market-infused education reforms. This book will appeal to postgraduate students, educators, educational policy-makers and scholars interested in Vietnamese studies, Vietnam education reforms, education governance, education for sustainability, internationalisation of education and the politics of education reforms.
The Political Economy of Higher Education Finance
by Julian L. GarritzmannThis book analyzes the political economy of higher education finance across a range of OECD countries, exploring why some students pay extortionate tuition fees whilst for others their education is free. What are the redistributional consequences of these different tuition-subsidy systems? Analysing the variety of existing systems, Garritzmann shows that across the advanced democracies "Four Worlds of Student Finance" exist. Historically, however, all countries' higher education systems looked very much alike in the 1940s. The book develops a theoretical model, the Time-Sensitive Partisan Theory, to explain why countries have evolved from a similar historical starting point to today's very distinct Four Worlds. The empirical analyses combine a wide variety of qualitative and quantitative evidence, studying higher education policies in all advanced democracies from 1945-2015.