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The Political Economy of Education in South Asia: Fighting Poverty, Inequality, and Exclusion

by John Richards Manzoor Ahmed Md. Shahidul Islam

With the exception of Sri Lanka, South Asian countries have not achieved quality basic education – an essential measure for escaping poverty, inequality, and social exclusion. In The Political Economy of Education in South Asia, John Richards, Manzoor Ahmed, and Shahidul Islam emphasize the importance of a dynamic system for education policy. The Political Economy of Education in South Asia documents the weak core competency (reading and math) outcomes in government primary schools in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal, and the consequent rapid growth of non-government schools over the last two decades. It compares the training, hiring, and management of teachers in South Asian schools to successful national systems ranging from Singapore to Finland. Discussing reform options, it makes the case public good and public priorities are better served when both public and non-government providers come under a strong public policy and accountability framework. The Political Economy of Education in South Asia draws on the authors' broad engagement in education research and practice in South Asia, as well as analysis by prominent professors of education and NGO leaders, to place basic education in a broad context and make the case that universal literacy and numeracy are necessary foundations for economic growth.

The Political Economy of Education Reforms in Vietnam (Routledge Critical Studies in Asian Education)

by Nguyen Minh Quang

This book, drawing on a political economic perspective of education development, is a comprehensive account of the question "why some education systems flourish while others falter." It provides a state-of-the-art review of the Vietnamese way of education development, figuring out the pitfalls, challenges and opportunities of neoliberal reform. It also sheds new light on the rise of neoliberal capitalism in contemporary Vietnam as the country intensifies its market-oriented economic transition. Starting from educational development concerns, this book differentiates the growth and development concepts in education. While "growth with limited development" is well reflected in many developing education systems, the Vietnamese experience of education development stands to provide readers with unique insights about education in developing economies, especially in understanding how a socialist-oriented education system is struggling to thrive in the times of neoliberal capitalism. Authored by scholars specialising in Vietnamese education and politics, the chapters address key issues pertaining to the political economy of education reform in Vietnam and the government’s enduring efforts to drive education toward international standards through its costly market-infused education reforms. This book will appeal to postgraduate students, educators, educational policy-makers and scholars interested in Vietnamese studies, Vietnam education reforms, education governance, education for sustainability, internationalisation of education and the politics of education reforms.

The Political Economy of Higher Education Finance

by Julian L. Garritzmann

This book analyzes the political economy of higher education finance across a range of OECD countries, exploring why some students pay extortionate tuition fees whilst for others their education is free. What are the redistributional consequences of these different tuition-subsidy systems? Analysing the variety of existing systems, Garritzmann shows that across the advanced democracies "Four Worlds of Student Finance" exist. Historically, however, all countries' higher education systems looked very much alike in the 1940s. The book develops a theoretical model, the Time-Sensitive Partisan Theory, to explain why countries have evolved from a similar historical starting point to today's very distinct Four Worlds. The empirical analyses combine a wide variety of qualitative and quantitative evidence, studying higher education policies in all advanced democracies from 1945-2015.

A Political Education: Black Politics and Education Reform in Chicago since the 1960s (Justice, Power, and Politics)

by Elizabeth Todd-Breland

In 2012, Chicago's school year began with the city's first teachers' strike in a quarter century and ended with the largest mass closure of public schools in U.S. history. On one side, a union leader and veteran black woman educator drew upon organizing strategies from black and Latinx communities to demand increased school resources. On the other side, the mayor, backed by the Obama administration, argued that only corporate-style education reform could set the struggling school system aright. The stark differences in positions resonated nationally, challenging the long-standing alliance between teachers' unions and the Democratic Party.Elizabeth Todd-Breland recovers the hidden history underlying this battle. She tells the story of black education reformers' community-based strategies to improve education beginning during the 1960s, as support for desegregation transformed into community control, experimental schooling models that pre-dated charter schools, and black teachers' challenges to a newly assertive teachers' union. This book reveals how these strategies collided with the burgeoning neoliberal educational apparatus during the late twentieth century, laying bare ruptures and enduring tensions between the politics of black achievement, urban inequality, and U.S. democracy.

Political Education in a Democracy (Routledge Library Editions: Education)

by Harold Entwistle

In this volume the author analyzes the relationships of concepts such as socialization and political education, explains those aspects of the theory and practice of democracy that are especially relevant for schools, and suggests ways in which teachers can better provide for the political education of their students.

Political Education in the Anthropocene (Anthropocene – Humanities and Social Sciences)

by Nathanaël Wallenhorst Renaud Hétier Jean-Philippe Pierron Christoph Wulf

This book articulates an educational theory as well as a political theory of the Anthropocene. Divided into three sections it addresses educational anthropology, cultures and institutions, and educational recommendations in the Anthropocene. Topics covered in the volume measure the impact of the idea of the Anthropocene on the type of anthropology that underlies education and on a phenomenology of relationship. It links the notion of the Anthropocene with cultures and institutions so as not to 'smooth out' or erase the latter. Finally, it presents proposals and recommendations for educational practices. The work advocates rethinking education as an essential component in ensuring the sustainability of human life in society - by proposing to go beyond the approach of education for sustainable development or environmental education. The work also brings together empirical contributions in which proposals are elaborated for programs, pedagogical devices and experiments relating to the preparation of the future in the field of education. This volume is of interest to researchers of the Anthropocene.

Political Education in Times of Populism: Towards a Radical Democratic Education

by Edda Sant

"In professional and academic contexts nothing is more important than helping people to understand and engage with democratic society. Sant has written an excellent book which helps greatly towards that end. She has developed incisive new arguments about the nature of contemporary politics and education. Using the most recent as well as classic literature, she explores key ideas and issues. Through wide ranging discussions and by referring to her own valuable empirical work she characterizes and creates thoughtful insights and innovative pedagogical approaches. This book achieves the very difficult task of illuminating complex ideas at the same time as helping to determine practical ways to achieve social justice through education. Political education has been neglected for too long. This book is a bold new step in its achievement."—Ian Davies, Emeritus Professor, University of York, UKThis book examines political education in times of democratic crisis, polarisation and uncertainty. Using populism as a diagnostic tool, the book scrutinises current democratic practices and considers alternatives for future social studies and citizenship education. The author examines contemporary events including Brexit, the Catalan referendum for independence and protests in Chile to ask how democratic educators can respond to times of crisis. Centered on themes of knowledge and ideology, the book draws together political philosophy and educational research to map out, critically analyse and offer alternatives to dominant debates on political education. It will be of interest and value to scholars examining the relationship between democracy and educational theory and practice.Edda Sant is Senior Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. A former social studies teacher, her research interests lie in citizenship, political and democratic education. She has published widely in this field, and in 2016 was recognized with a Children’s Identity & Citizenship European Association Award.

A Political History of the Bible in America

by Paul D. Hanson

"Biblical history, enriched by many religious and cultural traditions, flows into and is intertwined with our nation's epic, both for better and for worse. To ignore that history is to cut ourselves off from our roots and to deny the ancestral experiences that forged our individual and collective identity. " --from the prologue This substantial work explores the interplay of religion and politics throughout the history of the United States. Paul D. Hanson traces American history back to colonial times, paying close attention to the role that biblical tradition has played in shaping the national story of the United States. He then presents a detailed study of politics in the Bible that is framed by the challenges and crises in American history. Students will learn how deeply religion has influenced both domestic and international policy and contributed to the nation's sense of identity and purpose. After laying these biblical-historical foundations, Hanson considers a method of biblical interpretation that can speak to the diverse nation of today. He proposes an inclusive form of public moral discourse that invites full participation by members of all religious and philosophical groups.

Political ideas for A Level: Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Nationalism, Multiculturalism, Ecologism

by Neil Mcnaughton Richard Kelly

Exam Board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR & WJECLevel: A-levelSubject: PoliticsFirst Teaching: September 2017First Exam: June 2018Build your students' knowledge of the ideas, tensions and key thinkers within the core ideologies of conservatism, liberalism and socialism, plus the additional ideologies of Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Ecologism.Students will understand the core ideas and principles behind the political ideologies, and how they apply in practice to human nature, the state, society and the economy.- Comprehensive coverage of the ideologies of Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Ecologism- Definitions of key terms and concepts to help clarify knowledge and understanding of political language- Exam focus sections at the end of each chapter to test and develop understanding of key topics, offering practice for short and essay questions

Political ideas for A Level: Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism, Anarchism

by Neil Mcnaughton Richard Kelly

Exam Board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR & WJECLevel: A-levelSubject: PoliticsFirst Teaching: September 2017First Exam: June 2018Build your students' knowledge of the ideas, tensions and key thinkers within the core ideologies of conservatism, liberalism and socialism, plus the additional ideologies of feminism and anarchism.Students will understand the core ideas and principles behind the political ideologies, and how they apply in practice to human nature, the state, society and the economy.- Comprehensive coverage of the ideologies of Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism and Anarchism- Definitions of key terms and concepts to help clarify knowledge and understanding of political language- Exam focus sections at the end of each chapter to test and develop understanding of key topics, offering practice for short and essay questions.

Political ideas for A Level: Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism, Anarchism

by Neil McNaughton Richard Kelly

Exam Board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR & WJECLevel: A-levelSubject: PoliticsFirst Teaching: September 2017First Exam: June 2018Build your students' knowledge of the ideas, tensions and key thinkers within the core ideologies of conservatism, liberalism and socialism, plus the additional ideologies of feminism and anarchism.Students will understand the core ideas and principles behind the political ideologies, and how they apply in practice to human nature, the state, society and the economy.- Comprehensive coverage of the ideologies of Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism and Anarchism- Definitions of key terms and concepts to help clarify knowledge and understanding of political language- Exam focus sections at the end of each chapter to test and develop understanding of key topics, offering practice for short and essay questions.

Political ideas for A Level: Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Nationalism, Multiculturalism, Ecologism

by Richard Kelly Neil McNaughton

Exam Board: AQA, Edexcel, OCR & WJECLevel: A-levelSubject: PoliticsFirst Teaching: September 2017First Exam: June 2018Build your students' knowledge of the ideas, tensions and key thinkers within the core ideologies of conservatism, liberalism and socialism, plus the additional ideologies of Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Ecologism.Students will understand the core ideas and principles behind the political ideologies, and how they apply in practice to human nature, the state, society and the economy.- Comprehensive coverage of the ideologies of Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Ecologism- Definitions of key terms and concepts to help clarify knowledge and understanding of political language- Exam focus sections at the end of each chapter to test and develop understanding of key topics, offering practice for short and essay questions

Political ideas for A Level: Liberalism, Socialism, Conservatism, Feminism, Anarchism 2nd Edition

by Richard Kelly Neil McNaughton Maria Egan

These Student's Books will help students understand the core ideas and principles behind the political ideologies, and how they apply in practice to human nature, the state, society and the economy.- Comprehensive coverage of the ideologies of Liberalism, Socialism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism and Anarchism- Definitions of key terms and concepts to help clarify knowledge and understanding of political language- Exam focus sections at the end of each chapter to test and develop understanding of key topics, offering practice for short and long essay questions

Political ideas for A Level: Liberalism, Socialism, Conservatism, Feminism, Anarchism 2nd Edition

by Richard Kelly Neil McNaughton Maria Egan

These Student's Books will help students understand the core ideas and principles behind the political ideologies, and how they apply in practice to human nature, the state, society and the economy.- Comprehensive coverage of the ideologies of Liberalism, Socialism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism and Anarchism- Definitions of key terms and concepts to help clarify knowledge and understanding of political language- Exam focus sections at the end of each chapter to test and develop understanding of key topics, offering practice for short and long essay questions

Political ideas for A Level: Liberalism, Socialism, Conservatism, Multiculturalism, Nationalism, Ecologism 2nd Edition

by Richard Kelly Charles Pearson Neil McNaughton

These Student's Books will help students understand the core ideas and principles behind the political ideologies, and how they apply in practice to human nature, the state, society and the economy.- Comprehensive coverage of the ideologies of Liberalism, Socialism, Conservatism, Multiculturalism, Nationalism and Ecologism- Definitions of key terms and concepts to help clarify knowledge and understanding of political language.- Exam focus sections at the end of each chapter to test and develop understanding of key topics, offering practice for short and long essay questions

Political ideas for A Level: Liberalism, Socialism, Conservatism, Multiculturalism, Nationalism, Ecologism 2nd Edition

by Richard Kelly Charles Pearson Neil McNaughton

These Student's Books will help students understand the core ideas and principles behind the political ideologies, and how they apply in practice to human nature, the state, society and the economy.- Comprehensive coverage of the ideologies of Liberalism, Socialism, Conservatism, Multiculturalism, Nationalism and Ecologism- Definitions of key terms and concepts to help clarify knowledge and understanding of political language.- Exam focus sections at the end of each chapter to test and develop understanding of key topics, offering practice for short and long essay questions

Political Myth: On the Use and Abuse of Biblical Themes

by Roland Boer

In this provocative and necessary work, Roland Boer, a leading biblical scholar and cultural theorist, develops a political myth for the Left: a powerful narrative to be harnessed in support of progressive policy. Boer focuses on foundational stories in the Hexateuch, the first six books of the Bible, from Genesis through Joshua. He contends that the "primal story" that runs from Creation, through the Exodus, and to the Promised Land is a complex political myth, one that has been appropriated recently by the Right to advance reactionary political agendas. To reclaim it in support of progressive political ends, Boer maintains, it is necessary to understand the dynamics of political myth. Boer elaborates a theory of political myth in dialogue with Ernst Bloch, Theodor Adorno, Alain Badiou, Jacques Lacan, and Slavoj Žižek. Through close readings of well-known biblical stories he then scrutinizes the nature of political myth in light of feminism, psychoanalysis, and Marxism. Turning to contemporary politics, he examines the statements of prominent American and Australian politicians to show how the stories of Creation, conquest, Paradise, and the Promised Land have been distorted into a fantasy of Israel as a perpetual state in the making and a land in need of protection. Boer explains how this fantasy of Israel shapes U. S. and Australian foreign and domestic policies, and he highlights the links between it and the fantasy of unfettered global capitalism. Contending that political myths have repressed dimensions which if exposed undermine the myths' authority, Boer urges the Left to expose the weakness in the Right's mythos. He suggests that the Left make clear what the world would look like were the dream of unconstrained capitalism to be realized.

Political Negotiation: A Handbook

by Jane Mansbridge Cathie Jo Martin

Polarization. Partisanship. Rancor. Character assassinations. Government shutdowns. Why can't our elected officials just get along and do their jobs? The United States was once seen as a land of broad consensus and pragmatic politics. Sharp ideological differences were largely absent. But today politics in America is dominated by intense party polarization and limited agreement among legislativerepresentatives on policy problems and solutions. Americans pride themselves on their community spirit, civic engagement, and dynamic society. Yet, as the editors of this volume argue, we are handicapped by our national political institutions, which often-but not always-stifle the popular desire for policyinnovation and political reforms. Negotiating Agreement in Politics explores both the domestic and foreign political arenas to understand the problems of political negotiation. The editors and contributors share lessons from success stories and offer practical advice for overcoming polarization. Indeliberative negotiation, the parties share information, link issues, and engage in joint problem solving. Only in this way can they discover and create possibilities, and use their collective intelligence for the good of citizens of both parties and for the country.

Political Papacy: John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Their Influence

by Chester Gillis

Pope John Paul II was famous as the most visible and politically active Pope of all time. He took his positions with great personal integrity, yet his views variously pleased and angered citizens on the right and the left. His inaugural appearance as Pope in his native Poland helped spur Solidarity and the fall of the communist bloc, yet he recently chided George W. Bush and Western world leaders for excessive capitalist policies, citing their actions as a factor in deepening world poverty. He took exception to the Liberation Theology of Central American Church leaders who viewed the philosophy as vital to the region's future well being. His positions on family, sexuality, and reproductive issues have been welcomed by many, but viewed as out of step with the reality of the times by many Church members. The book also considers Benedict XVI and his continuance of the conservative agenda set by John Paul II. This compact anthology is the first book to focus on the political legacy of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. It brings together articles to present this legacy from a variety of viewpoints to give the reader a well-considered portrait of John Paul II and Benedict XVI--as men, as world citizens, and as religious leaders of a Church of one billion members who today comprise one sixth of all humanity. The final pages look to the future of the Papacy and Catholicism in the twenty-first century.

Political Philosophy and the God of Abraham

by Thomas L. Pangle

In this book noted scholar Thomas L. Pangle brings back a lost and crucial dimension of political theory: the mutually illuminating encounter between skeptically rationalist political philosophy and faith-based political theology guided ultimately by the authority of the Bible. Focusing on the chapters of Genesis in which the foundation of the Bible is laid, Pangle provides an interpretive reading illuminated by the questions and concerns of the Socratic tradition and its medieval heirs in the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic worlds. He brings into contrast the rival interpretive framework set by the biblical criticism of the modern rationalists Hobbes and Spinoza, along with their heirs from Locke to Hegel. The full meaning of these diverse philosophic responses to the Bible is clarified through a dialogue with hermeneutic discussions by leading political theologians in the Judaic, Muslim, and Christian traditions, from Josephus and Augustine to our day. Profound and subtle in its argument, this book will be of interest not only to students and scholars of politics, philosophy, and religion but also to thoughtful readers in every walk of life who seek to deepen their understanding of the perplexing relationship between religious faith and philosophic reason.

Political Philosophy, Educational Administration and Educative Leadership: Political Philosophy, Educational Administration And Educative Leadership (Routledge Research in Educational Leadership)

by Reynold Macpherson

In this book Reynold Macpherson initiates a politically-critical theory of educative leadership as a fresh line of inquiry in the practice, research and theory of educational administration and educational leadership. Divided into four parts, the book introduces the sub-discipline of political philosophy to the field of educational administration, management and leadership. It does this by clarifying the knowledge domain of each and identifying how four political ideologies, specifically pragmatism, communitarianism, communicative rationalism and egalitarian liberalism, have primarily informed and surreptitiously provided contestable justifications for power in the development of practice, research and theory in the field of study. The book goes on to offer three case studies illustrating how political philosophy can be used to interpret how people become leaders and administrators of educational institutions and systems. Additional case studies then demonstrate how crises in governance in educational institutions and systems can be analyzed and improvements made using the tools of political philosophy. The final part uses the sub-discipline to critique the author’s decades of research into educative leadership, and concludes the book by both establishing the relativity of politically-critical critique and the ideology it favours; neo-pragmatism. Political Philosophy, Educational Administration and Educative Leadership will provide practitioners, researchers and theorists in educational administration, management and leadership with a deeper appreciation of power by formally introducing them to the assumptions, limits and tools of political philosophy.

Political Postmodernisms: Architecture in Chile and Poland, 1970–1990 (Architext)

by Lidia Klein

Political Postmodernisms shows how sites outside of Western Europe and North America undermine an established narrative of architecture theory and history. It focuses specifically on postmodern architecture, which is traditionally understood as embodying the flippant and apolitical aesthetics of capitalist affluence. By investigating postmodern architecture’s manifestations in the unlikely settings of Chile during the neoliberal dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and Poland during the late socialist Polish People’s Republic, the book argues for a new account that incorporates the political roles it plays when seen in a global perspective. Political Postmodernisms has three goals. First, it challenges the familiar narrative regarding postmodern architecture as following the “cultural logic of late capitalism” (Fredric Jameson) or as a socially conservative project (Jürgen Habermas). Second, it fills in portions of Chilean and Polish architectural history that have been neglected by Chilean and Polish architectural historians themselves. Third, Political Postmodernisms shows how architecture can work as a political form – serving propagandistic purposes and functioning as part of oppositional projects. The book is projected to be of use to students and scholars in global modern and contemporary architecture history, history of urban planning, East European Studies, and Latin American Studies.

Political Pressures on Educational and Social Research: International perspectives

by Karen Trimmer

Political Pressures on Educational and Social Research draws upon a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches to consider the problems that can arise when research findings diverge from political directions for policy. Chapters explore the impacts this can have on the researchers, as well as the influence it has on the research, including the methodology and the publication of results. The book offers innovative ways of seeing how these connect, overlap and interact, revealing particular issues of concern for researchers and evaluators in the context of research internationally. Key topics include the power and positioning of research, evidence based policy development, ethics and the importance of research that seeks to explore and discover knowledge. The book is divided into two sections. The first presents chapters from international academics, which provide a theoretical underpinning and discussion of power, policy, ethics and their influence on research resourcing, autonomy, purpose and methodology. The second section explores specific case studies and instances from the authors’ own experiences in the field. This book offers an interesting and enlightening insight into the sometimes political nature of research and will appeal to researchers, evaluators and postgraduate students in the fields of education and the social sciences. It will be of particular interest to those studying research methods.

Political Science: Passbooks Study Guide (Excelsior/Regents College Examination Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Excelsior/Regents College Examinations (E/RCE) offer you an opportunity to obtain recognition for college-level learning and consists of exams designed to demonstrate achievement and mastery of various college-level subjects, such as the Arts and Sciences, Business, Criminal Justice, Education, Health and Nursing. The E/RCE Political Science Passbook® prepares you by sharpening knowledge of the skills and concepts necessary to succeed on the upcoming exam and the college courses that follow. It provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.

Political Science 11th Standard - Tamilnadu Board

by State Council of Educational Research Training

Political Science Textbook for the 11th Standard Students, preparing for Tamil Nadu State Board Exam.

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