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Political Postmodernisms: Architecture in Chile and Poland, 1970–1990 (Architext)
by Lidia KleinPolitical Postmodernisms shows how sites outside of Western Europe and North America undermine an established narrative of architecture theory and history. It focuses specifically on postmodern architecture, which is traditionally understood as embodying the flippant and apolitical aesthetics of capitalist affluence. By investigating postmodern architecture’s manifestations in the unlikely settings of Chile during the neoliberal dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and Poland during the late socialist Polish People’s Republic, the book argues for a new account that incorporates the political roles it plays when seen in a global perspective. Political Postmodernisms has three goals. First, it challenges the familiar narrative regarding postmodern architecture as following the “cultural logic of late capitalism” (Fredric Jameson) or as a socially conservative project (Jürgen Habermas). Second, it fills in portions of Chilean and Polish architectural history that have been neglected by Chilean and Polish architectural historians themselves. Third, Political Postmodernisms shows how architecture can work as a political form – serving propagandistic purposes and functioning as part of oppositional projects. The book is projected to be of use to students and scholars in global modern and contemporary architecture history, history of urban planning, East European Studies, and Latin American Studies.
Political Pressures on Educational and Social Research: International perspectives
by Karen TrimmerPolitical Pressures on Educational and Social Research draws upon a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches to consider the problems that can arise when research findings diverge from political directions for policy. Chapters explore the impacts this can have on the researchers, as well as the influence it has on the research, including the methodology and the publication of results. The book offers innovative ways of seeing how these connect, overlap and interact, revealing particular issues of concern for researchers and evaluators in the context of research internationally. Key topics include the power and positioning of research, evidence based policy development, ethics and the importance of research that seeks to explore and discover knowledge. The book is divided into two sections. The first presents chapters from international academics, which provide a theoretical underpinning and discussion of power, policy, ethics and their influence on research resourcing, autonomy, purpose and methodology. The second section explores specific case studies and instances from the authors’ own experiences in the field. This book offers an interesting and enlightening insight into the sometimes political nature of research and will appeal to researchers, evaluators and postgraduate students in the fields of education and the social sciences. It will be of particular interest to those studying research methods.
Political Science: Passbooks Study Guide (Excelsior/Regents College Examination Series)
by National Learning CorporationThe Excelsior/Regents College Examinations (E/RCE) offer you an opportunity to obtain recognition for college-level learning and consists of exams designed to demonstrate achievement and mastery of various college-level subjects, such as the Arts and Sciences, Business, Criminal Justice, Education, Health and Nursing. The E/RCE Political Science Passbook® prepares you by sharpening knowledge of the skills and concepts necessary to succeed on the upcoming exam and the college courses that follow. It provides a series of informational texts as well as hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.
Political Science 11th Standard - Tamilnadu Board
by State Council of Educational Research TrainingPolitical Science Textbook for the 11th Standard Students, preparing for Tamil Nadu State Board Exam.
Political Science 12th Standard - Tamilnadu Board
by State Council of Educational Research TrainingPolitical Science Textbook for the 12th Standard Students, preparing for Tamil Nadu State Board Exam.
Political Science class 10 - Karnataka board: ರಾಜಕೀಯ ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ 10 ನೇ ತರಗತಿ - ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ಮಂಡಳಿ
by Karnataka Patyapusthaka SanghaPolitical Science text book for 10th Standard kannada medium, karnataka state
Political Science class 8 - Karnataka board: ರಾಜಕೀಯ ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ ವರ್ಗ 8 - ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ಮಂಡಳಿ
by Karnataka Patyapusthaka SanghaPolitical Science text book for 8th Standard Kannada Medium, Karnataka State
Political Science class 9 - Karnataka board: ರಾಜಕೀಯ ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ ವರ್ಗ 9 - ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ಮಂಡಳಿ
by Karantaka Patya pustaka sanghaIts an 9th standard kannada medium text book for diferently abled students
Political Science - Higher Secondary First Year - Tamil Nadu Board - SCERT
by Government Of Tamil NaduPolitical Science is like the skill set of a swimmer. The person with swimming skills can swim in any water body whether it is a pond or a lake or an ocean. A political science student with apt knowledge, attitude and skills can join any career of general nature.
Political Science in the Shadow of the State: Research, Relevance, Deference
by Matthew Flinders Rainer EisfeldWhat is the link between scholarship and democracy? What role do academics play in sustaining democratic values? Why should concerns about the ‘hollowing-out’ of democracy include a focus on the changing governance of higher education? Offering the first comparative analysis of how both democratic and autocratic politicians are seeking to control the research funding landscape, this book reveals a very worrying shift in the relationships between the state and universities: With higher education politically redefined as a mere tool of economic strategy, the space for academic autonomy, intellectual independence and critical thinking is being closed down. This book will be of interest to anyone concerned about democratic governance and the future of higher education.
Political Science Pedagogy: A Critical, Radical and Utopian Perspective (Critical Political Theory and Radical Practice)
by William W. SokoloffThe field of political science has not given sufficient attention to pedagogy. This book outlines why this is a problem and promotes a more reflective and self-critical form of political science pedagogy. To this end, the author examines innovative work on radical pedagogy such as critical race theory and feminist theory as well as more traditional perspectives on political science pedagogy. Bridging the divide between this research and scholarship on both teaching and learning opens the prospect of a critical, radical and utopian form of political science pedagogy. With chapters on Socrates, Frantz Fanon, Paulo Freire, Leo Strauss, Sheldon S. Wolin, e-learning, and a prison field trip, this book outlines a new path for political science pedagogy.
Political Science Volume 1 class 11 - Tamil Nadu Board - SCERT: அரசியல் அறிவியல் தொகுதி 1 தமிழ்நாடு அரசு மேல்நிலை முதலாம் ஆண்டு
by Government TamilnaduPolitical Science is like the skill set of a swimmer. The person with swimming skills can swim in any water body whether it is a pond or a lake or an ocean. A political science student with apt knowledge, attitude and skills can join any career of general nature. This book is intentionally designed to explain each concept in depth at the end of the every units with help of suitable pictures and diagrams. It leads to a way to get clarification about the importance of this subject in future and the doctrines of ancestors in politics try’s to implement the essence by nature.
Political Science Volume 1 class 12 - Tamil Nadu Board - SCERT: அரசியல் அறிவியல் தொகுதி 1 மேல்நிலை இரண்டாம் ஆண்டு
by KVF Accessable Production Unitஇந்த அரசியல் அறிவியல் புத்தகத்தில் அடிப்படையான அரசியல் அறிவை நாம் பெறலாம். இதை பற்றி மேலும் விளக்கமாக தெரிந்து கொள்ள இந்த புத்தகத்தை ஆசிரியர் துணையுடன் படியுங்கள்
Political Skill at Work: Impact on Work Effectiveness
by Sherry L. Davidson Gerald R. Ferris Pamela L. PerrewéIn today's organizations, career success depends more on political skill-the ability to influence, motivate, and win support from others-than on almost any other characteristic. Political Skill at Work delivers the "how" to influence at work, not just the "what." The authors of this innovative study explore how people high in political skill are more successful at getting hired, building a reputation, and establishing leadership. From the worlds of business, politics, education, and sports, they offer compelling examples of political skill in action. And, for the first time, they provide ways to measure and enhance this powerful ability. Anyone interested in personal or professional development will find this book worthwhile.
Political Skill at Work: Impact on Work Effectiveness
by Gerald R. FerrisIn today's organizations, career success depends more on political skill - the ability to influence, motivate, and win support from others-than on almost any other characteristic. Political Skill at Work delivers the "how" to influence at work, not just the "what." The authors of this innovative study explore how people high in political skill are more successful at getting hired, building a reputation, and establishing leadership. From the worlds of business, politics, education, and sports, they offer compelling examples of political skill in action. And, for the first time, they provide ways to measure and enhance this powerful ability. Anyone interested in personal or professional development will find this book worthwhile.
Political Skill at Work: How to influence, motivate, and win support
by Gerald R. Ferris Pamela L Perrewe Darren Treadway Charn McAllister Parker EllenPolitical skill is a characteristic that can facilitate good things for individuals and their organizations. Yes, it is possible that political skill can be used and to get away with self-serving acts at the expense of others, but contrary to the stereotypical perceptions of being political, political skill is about more than manipulation. In fact, political skill enables people to build trust and forge positive relationships, and leaders often need it to influence others and access resources critical to their teams' success. This edition has been revised and updated with more than 15 years of additional research on political skill, as well as new examples that demonstrate why, in today's organizations, career success depends more on political skill than on almost any other characteristic.
A Political Sociology of Education Policy
by Helen GunterCritical education policy research has a long tradition of political sociology. Drawing on data and analysis from the Education Policy Knowledgeable Polity (EPKP) project, supported by funders such as the British Academy and the Economic and Social Research Council, this book presents a new political sociology for framing, conducting and presenting critical education policy research. In doing so, it will be the first in the field to interconnect political thinking from Arendt with sociological thinking from Bourdieu, producing innovative analysis for and about educational reform.
A Political Sociology of Educational Knowledge: Studies of Exclusions and Difference
by Thomas A. Popkewitz Jennifer Diaz Christopher KirchgaslerBringing together the sociology of knowledge, cultural studies, and post-foundational and historical approaches, this book asks what schooling does, and what are its limits and dangers. The focus is on how the systems of reason that govern schooling embody historically generated rules and standards about what is talked about, thought, and acted on; about the "nature" of children; about the practices and paradoxes of educational reform. These systems of reason are examined to consider issues of power, the political, and social exclusion. The transnational perspectives interrelate historical and ethnographic studies of the modern school to explore how curriculum is translated through social and cognitive psychologies that make up the subjects of schooling, and how educational sciences "act" to order and divide what is deemed possible to think and do. The central argument is that taken-for-granted notions of educational change and research paradoxically produce differences that simultaneously include and exclude.
Political Spectacle and the Fate of American Schools (Critical Social Thought)
by Mary Lee Smith Linda Miller-Kahn Walter Heinecke Patricia F. JarvisThe authors argue that the most influential and well-known educational policy programs in the past 30 years are not based on democratic consensus, but are instead formulated by the political community as symbolic efforts meant to generate personal partisan gain.
Political Spirituality for a Century of Water Wars: The Angel of the Jordan Meets the Trickster of Detroit
by James W. PerkinsonThis book offers resources for re-imagining the biblical vision of water for a time quickly emerging as “the century of water wars.” It takes its urgency from the author’s 5-year activist engagement with a grass-roots-led social movement, pushing back on Detroit water shutoffs as global climate crises intensify. Concerned with both white supremacist “biopolitics” and continuing settler colonial reliance on the Doctrine of Christian Discovery, and beholden to an interreligious methodology of “crossing over and coming back,” the text creatively re-reads the biblical tradition under tutelage to the mythologies and practices of various indigenous cultures (Algonquian/Huron, Haitian/Vodouisant, and Celtic/Norman) whose embrace of water is animate and spiritual as well as political and communal. Not enough, today, merely to engage the political battle over water rights, however; indigenous wisdom and biblical prophecy alike insist that recovery of water spirituality is central to a sustainable future.
Political Spirituality for a Century of Water Wars: The Angel of the Jordan Meets the Trickster of Detroit
by James W. PerkinsonThis book offers resources for re-imagining the biblical vision of water for a time quickly emerging as “the century of water wars.” It takes its urgency from the author’s 5-year activist engagement with a grass-roots-led social movement, pushing back on Detroit water shutoffs as global climate crises intensify. Concerned with both white supremacist “biopolitics” and continuing settler colonial reliance on the Doctrine of Christian Discovery, and beholden to an interreligious methodology of “crossing over and coming back,” the text creatively re-reads the biblical tradition under tutelage to the mythologies and practices of various indigenous cultures (Algonquian/Huron, Haitian/Vodouisant, and Celtic/Norman) whose embrace of water is animate and spiritual as well as political and communal. Not enough, today, merely to engage the political battle over water rights, however; indigenous wisdom and biblical prophecy alike insist that recovery of water spirituality is central to a sustainable future.
Political Theory class 11 - NCERT
by National Council of Educational Research and TrainingThe NCERT this year has introduced a separate paper on Political Theory for students of Class XI. This change has come as a part of the larger project to revise and redesign the school curricula. Previously students were exposed to political ideas and theories primarily through the study of political ideologies, such as, Liberalism, or Marxism, or Fascism. Concepts like freedom and equality entered the picture only indirectly in terms of their place in a given system of ideas. In the new course the central focus is on concepts rather than ideologies. The objective of the course is to introduce students to some of the important ideas and concepts which form a part of the living tradition of political thought in the world.
Political Timber
by Chris LynchHigh school senior Gordon Foley runs for mayor at the behest of his grandfather, an old-style politician scheming to regain power while he's in prison for fraud.
Political Trauma and Healing: Biblical Ethics for a Postcolonial World
by Mark G. BrettHow can Scripture address the crucial justice issues of our time? In this book Mark Brett offers a careful reading of biblical texts that speak to such pressing public issues as the legacies of colonialism, the demands of asylum seekers, the challenges of climate change, and the shaping of redemptive economies. Brett argues that the Hebrew Bible can be read as a series of reflections on political trauma and healing — the long saga of successive ancient empires violently asserting their sovereignty over Israel and of the Israelites forced to live out new pathways toward restoration. Brett retrieves the prophetic voice of Scripture and applies it to our contemporary world, addressing current justice issues in a relevant, constructive, compelling manner.
Political Trauma and Healing: Biblical Ethics for a Postcolonial World
by Mark G. BrettHow can Scripture address the crucial justice issues of our time? In this book Mark Brett offers a careful reading of biblical texts that speak to such pressing public issues as the legacies of colonialism, the demands of asylum seekers, the challenges of climate change, and the shaping of redemptive economies. Brett argues that the Hebrew Bible can be read as a series of reflections on political trauma and healing — the long saga of successive ancient empires violently asserting their sovereignty over Israel and of the Israelites forced to live out new pathways toward restoration. Brett retrieves the prophetic voice of Scripture and applies it to our contemporary world, addressing current justice issues in a relevant, constructive, compelling manner.